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The spatial distribution of the total water vapor in different climatic zones of the south of Western Siberia in summer of 2008–2011 is studied on the basis of Envisat data. The correlation analysis of the water-vapor time series from the Envisat data W and radiosonde observations w for the territory of Omsk aerological station show that the absolute values of W and w are linearly correlated with a coefficient of 0.77 (significance level p < 0.05). The distribution functions of the total water vapor are calculated based on the number of its measurements by Envisat for a cloudless sky of three zones with different physical properties of the underlying surface, in particular, steppes to the south of the Vasyugan Swamp and forests to the northeast of the Swamp. The distribution functions are bimodal; each mode follows the lognormal law. The parameters of these functions are given.  相似文献   

Contributions of climatically significant natural and anthropogenic emission sources in northern Eurasia to seasonal carbon monoxide (CO) variations observed at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia in 2007–2011 have quantitatively been estimated using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model. It is shown that the formation of a stable continental pollution plume from sources in Western Europe, European Russia and southern Siberia during winter plays an important role in the regional balance of surface CO and allows one to explain 55–80% of the amplitude of the CO annual cycle observed at the ZOTTO station (~70–90 ppbv). During the warm period, the effect of the anthropogenic factor is weakly pronounced, and the background concentration of CO is regulated, first and foremost, by the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds and fire activity in the region.  相似文献   

在用箱式和重力活塞取样器获得的岩心中 ,浮冰碎屑成分和分布可以为重建北冰洋晚更新世和全新世洋流分布格局提供有用的信息。 2 0世纪 60年代到 90年代有关北冰洋冰筏、沉积物组成和浮冰碎屑物源的研究主要集中在砾级范围内。 90年代以后许多学者开始研究细粒的浮冰碎屑成分及其物源 ( >2 50μm或2 50~ 3 0 0μm)。由于冰川冰山所携带和沉积的主要是粗粒浮冰碎屑 ,所以本次研究的重点为大于 2 mm的砾级碎屑。在现今的北冰洋 ,控制海冰和冰川冰山运动的表层洋流主要是美亚海盆中顺时针波弗特涡流和欧亚海盆中东向的绕极漂流。Bischof和Dar…  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine nursery grounds are essential habitats for sustaining flatfish stocks since only these shallow and productive areas provide the high food supply that allows maximizing juvenile growth and survival in most flatfish species. However, the main organic matter sources at the basis of benthic food webs might differ drastically between estuarine nursery grounds under strong freshwater influences, where food webs are mainly supported by continental organic matter, and coastal ecosystems under limited freshwater influence, where the local marine primary production is the main source of carbon for the benthos. To better understand the links between continental inputs to the coastal zone and stock maintenance in the highly prized common sole, Solea solea (L.), we investigated the variability in the organic matter sources supporting the growth of its young-of-the-year (YoY) in five contrasted estuarine and coastal nursery grounds under varying freshwater influence. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen allowed tracing the origin of the organic matter exploited by YoY soles in the very first months following their benthic settlement, i.e. when most of the juvenile mortality occurs in the species. A mixing model was run to unravel and quantify the contribution of all major potential sources of organic matter to sole food webs, with a sensitivity analysis allowing assessment of the impact of various trophic enrichment factors on model outputs. This meta-analysis demonstrated a relative robustness of the estimation of the respective contributions of the various organic matter sources. At the nursery scale, the upstream increase in freshwater organic matter exploitation by YoY soles and its positive correlation with inter-annual variations in the river flow confirmed previous conclusions about the importance of organic matter from continental origin for juvenile production. However, inter-site differences in the organic matter sources exploited for growth showed that, although freshwater organic matter use is significant in all nursery sites, it is never dominant, with especially high contributions of local primary production by microphytobenthos or saltmarsh macrophytes to juvenile sole growth in tidal nursery ecosystems. These patterns stress the need for maintaining both the intensity of freshwater inputs to the coastal zone and of local autochthonous primary production (especially that of the intertidal microphytobenthos) to preserve the nursery function of coastal and estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the effectiveness of four regional pollution agreements concluded during the 1970s: The Bonn Agreement, the Oslo Convention, the Paris Convention and the Helsinki Convention. The treaties are described and their implementation to 1980 outlined. The issue of EEC participation in environmental protection in Europe is analysed and problems of overlap with the treaties under discussion are pointed out. A major conclusion of the article is the need for more implementation research to properly assess the effectiveness of such regional agreements.  相似文献   

Climate change with rising sea levels and possible changes in surge levels and wave climate will have a large impact on how we protect our coastal areas and cities. Here the focus is on estuarine locations not only affected by tide and surge propagation, but also potentially influenced by freshwater discharge. Mitigation measures might be diverse ranging from pure hard ‘engineering’ solutions all the way to significant realignment. The variation in the type/origin and extent of the flood sources greatly influences subsequent risk management measures. At the same time, society is increasingly demanding that we take a holistic view on risk management, embracing and balancing safety, ecological and socio-economic aspects. This requires that all these diverse factors need to be considered together and integrated. In this context, the Source–Pathway–Receptor (SPR) approach offers a powerful holistic tool to investigate changing risk connected to extreme events.The traditional SPR approach with a consecutive treatment of the flood, pathway and receptor is well understood and is widely used in coastal flood risk analysis. Here an enhanced 2D conceptual version of the SPR method is used to better describe the system and to allow flexibility in considering multiple scales, flood sources and pathways. The new approach is demonstrated by three estuarine case studies in western Europe: the Gironde estuary, France; the Dendermonde region in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium; and HafenCity (Hamburg) in the Elbe estuary, Germany. They differ considerably in the surface area considered, in the type of flood sources, and hence also in the SPR configuration. After a brief introduction of the typical characteristics of the three study sites including some lessons learned from past flood protection measures, the differences in application and results of the SPR approach are discussed. Emphasis is on the specific aspects for each study site, but embedded in a generic SPR framework. The resulting generic lessons learned about the flood sources and how this shapes subsequent analysis are transferable to numerous important estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

研究表明陆源海洋环境污染是导致海洋污染的主要因素,从世界范围看,70%~80%的海洋污染来源于陆地活动而非船舶。有关陆源海洋环境污染的规则主要体现在区域性的法律框架之中,海洋污染采取区域治理方法具有一定的优势,因为区域中各国的利益、传统和价值观比较接近。在治理全球陆源海洋环境的过程中,联合国环境保护署扮演了极其重要的角色。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of satellite wildfire monitoring and estimates for the amounts of emissions of harmful gases and fine aerosols in Siberia from 2001 to 2019...  相似文献   

厦门西港表层海水中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量分布特征及来源分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文利用GCFID测定方法对厦门西港表层海水中的多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量进行了分析,9个站位点的PAHs变化较大,从106.1ng/L变化到4365.ng/L;但与世界其他相似地区比^「1」,尚属轻微污染。PAHs主要来源于海上油污染、燃烧产物和城市及工业废水的排放。  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide(DMS) is generally thought to be lost from the surface oceans by evasion into the atmosphere as well as consumption by microbe.However,photochemical process might be important in the removal of DMS in the oceanic photic zone.A kinetic investigation into the photochemical oxidation of DMS in seawater was performed.The photo-oxidation rates of DMS were influenced by various factors including the medium,dissolved oxygen,photosensitizers,and heavy metal ions.The photo-oxidation rates of DMS were higher in seawater than in distilled water,presumably due to the effect of salinity existing in seawater.Three usual photosensitizers(humic acid,fulvic acid and anthroquinone),especially in the presence of oxygen,were able to enhance the photo-oxidation rate of DMS,with the fastest rate observed with anthroquinone.Photo-oxidation of DMS followed first order reaction kinetics with the rate constant ranging from 2.5×10-5 to 34.3×10-5 s-1.Quantitative analysis showed that approximately 32% of the photochemically removed DMS was converted to dimethylsulfoxide.One of the important findings was that the presence of Hg2 could markedly accelerate the photo-oxidation rate of DMS in seawater.The mechanism of mercuric catalysis for DMS photolysis was suggested according to the way of CTTM(charge transfer to metal) of DMS-Hg2 complex.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of the transformation of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna of West Siberia in the Holocene, the classification and periodization of the main faunal trends are presented. Against the background of changing environmental conditions, the key regularities of the faunal dynamics, and the ways some species penetrate into the territory of the region and others disappear from the beginning of the Holocene to the present time have been indicated. Three global and four fluctuating trends are identified. The anthropogenic trend is ascertained separately. A conclusion is made about the prevailing causes of these changes, associated primarily with periodic climatic processes of different levels, determined by planetary geological and cosmic cycles. It is emphasized that, in the historical period, anthropogenic factors play a significant role in the regional faunal dynamics.  相似文献   

We performed a correlation and spectral analysis of time series of data on epizootics, epidemics, and famine in Siberia and Mongolia. We have found that periods T of approximately 100 years prevail in their structures, which are also typical for time series of solar activity.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,21(2):135-149
Glyoxylic and pyruvic acids were formed when filter-sterilized seawater was exposed to solar radiation. Production rates varied from samples collected from distinctly different regions of the sea. Humic-rich seawater from the Florida Bay exhibited net photochemical production rates (glyoxylate, 27.5 nM/W-h m−2; pyruvate, 12.9 nM/W-h m−2) that were significantly greater than net production rates for humic-poor water (glyoxylate, 3.1 nM/W-h m−2; pyruvate, 1.8 nM/W-h m−2) collected in the Gulf Stream. When seawater was not filtered, the concentrations of glyoxylate and pyruvate were found to undergo diurnal variations resulting from an imbalance between biological and photochemical processes.A depth profile of the glyoxylate concentration from several oceanic stations showed a pronounced daytime maximum in the upper 10 m; this finding is consistent with laboratory results that demonstrated that glyoxylate is formed photochemically in seawater. Pyruvate, in contrast, showed no clear trend with depth; its distribution in the water column may be primarily controlled by biological processes rather than by photochemical processes.Biological processes are generally thought to control the spatial and temporal distribution of simple organic metabolites in seawater. Our results show that photochemical processes may also be important in the marine cycling of some biochemical compounds.  相似文献   

海水中无机物的光化学反应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了近几十年来国内外关于海水中无机物的光化学反应的研究状况。首先,阐述了海洋光化学在海洋科学中的重要性,历年来的发展状况以及海水的光化学与其它相关领域之间的相互影响作用。其次,本文分别从阴离子的光化学反应,阳离子的光化学反应和过氧化氢的光化学反应三个方面对海水中无机物的光化学反应进行了论述,详细介绍了铁、锰、铜、汞、过氧化氢、硝酸盐和碘化物随反应介质、温度、酸碱度、有机物浓度和光照等外界因素的不同而发生的光化学反应的变化。另外,讨论了上述物质发生光化学反应的主控因素及其在反应过程中对周围环境的影响作用,并对部分物质的反应机理作了介绍。最后,本文指出了这一研究领域存在的问题和不足,并提出今后的研究建议。  相似文献   

An analysis of the air-temperature and atmospheric-pressure fields in Western Siberia is performed based on observations in 1976–2014; a comparison of temperature and pressure variability in two temporal intervals, 1976–2005 and 1985–2014, is carried out. The estimation of contributions from such climate-forming factors as radiation and circulation is performed for the same intervals. It is revealed that an increase in the annual mean ground–air temperature in the investigated region of Western Siberia was still taking place in the period of 1985–2014; however, the warming process was less active than in the 1976–2005 period. Winter months play the largest role in decreasing the temperature growth rate; during these months, the warming process was replaced by a cooling one in the second time interval. It is shown that the circulation factors, that is, the mechanisms described by indices of global circulation, played the dominant role in the period from 1985 to 2014.  相似文献   

Regularities of changes in the number of thermokarst lakes in the cryolithozone of Western Siberia have been studied using multitemporal satellite images. The studies were conducted on 33 test sites selected in different landscape zones of the study area with the use of 134 cloud-free Landsat images obtained during warm months in the period from 1973 to 2013. It is shown that the total number of new lakes is significantly (almost 20 times) higher than the number of disappeared lakes. The area of newly formed thermokarst lakes is, on average, 22 times smaller than the size of disappearing lakes. Therefore, one can assume that the rapid growth in the number of small thermokarst lakes that is observed under the conditions of global warming will lead to an increase in methane emissions into the atmosphere in permafrost zones in the Arctic territories. Results of remote sensing of statistical distribution of small thermokarst lakes with respect to their sizes are given. The studies were performed on eight test sites selected in different permafrost zones of Western Siberia. The size of small lakes was determined according to QuickBird super-high resolution satellite images. It is shown that histograms of distribution of lakes with respect to their sizes allow their approximation by power and exponential functions, which can be used for modeling and predicting the dynamics of thermokarst methane emission in permafrost zones.  相似文献   

海洋石油光化学降解的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油进入海水会发生各种物理、化学变化,以往的研究已证明光化学氧化在石油及其精炼产品风化过程中具有重要意义.光化学氧化机理主要在于接受日光照射的能量,以不同的方式与溶解氧结合,从而最终降解石油烃.生成的光氧化产物一般为羧酸、醇、醚、羰基化合物等几类,还有一些产物尚不能确定其结构.光氧化产物仍然存在毒性,对海洋生物等十分有害.在动力学方面,针对其某一组分已证实为一级反应动力学行为,并定量地得出了速率常数.光降解速率会受到光照条件、溶解氧、金属离子等因素的影响.目前的研究表明,对石油光化学进行深入探讨具有较高的研究价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

Photochemical production rates of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were determined in Antarctic waters during two research cruises. The first cruise was from mid-October to mid-November, 1993, in the confluence of the Weddell and Scotia Seas, and the second cruise was in December, 1994, along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. During these cruises, midday sea-surface production rates ranged from 2.1 to 9.6 nM h−1, with an average rate of 4.5 nM h−1. Production rates were consistently smaller than rates determined at lower latitudes (>9 nM h−1), primarily due to the colder temperatures and lower ultraviolet irradiances in polar waters. In situ production rates were determined with a free-floating drifter that was deployed for 12–14 h. Production rates, averaged over the deployment time, were highest at or near the surface (ca. 2.4–3.5 nM h−1) and decreased rapidly with depth to 0.1–0.7 nM h−1 at 10–20 m. The decrease in production rates with depth generally paralleled the decrease in ultraviolet irradiance in the water column. Production rates of hydrogen peroxide in Antarctic seawater were largely controlled by the ultraviolet irradiance in the water column, although there was some evidence for production in the blue region of the solar spectrum. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the wavelength dependence of the apparent quantum yield for the photochemical formation of hydrogen peroxide in Antarctic waters. Apparent quantum yields determined at 0°C decreased from 0.74×10−3 mol einstein−1 at 290 nm to 1.0×10−5 mol einstein−1 410 nm. At 20°C, apparent quantum yields for the photochemical production of hydrogen peroxide were within a factor of two of apparent quantum yields determined in temperate waters at 20–25°C. Sunlight-normalized H2O2 production rates were determined as a function of wavelength using noontime irradiance data from Palmer Station, Antarctica. A decrease in stratospheric ozone from 336 to 151 Dobson units resulted in a predicted 19–42% increase in the photoproduction of H2O2 at the sea surface in Antarctic waters. The magnitude of this increase depends on the concentration and absorbance characteristics of dissolved organic matter in the photic zone, as well as on other factors such as cloudiness and decreasing solar zenith angle that tend to lower photochemical rates offsetting increases due to stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Samples of lake water and coastal seawater from Nova Scotia, Canada, were irradiated with natural or artificial sunlight to investigate the potential for photochemical hydrogen production. Hydrogen photo-production was observed in all natural water samples. Rates of hydrogen formation were highest in coloured lake water (range: 98–163 pmol L− 1h− 1) and lower in seawater (range: 19–45 pmol L− 1 h − 1). Dilutions of the most highly coloured lake sample (Kejimkujik Lake) showed a positive linear relationship between H2 production rates and CDOM concentration. Photo-production rates normalised to UV absorption coefficients at 350 nm indicated that the photochemical efficiency of hydrogen formation varied between samples, perhaps due to differences in the CDOM composition. Photochemical hydrogen formation was also seen in solutions of syringic acid and acetaldehyde: two low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds found in natural waters. Photochemistry may therefore offer least a partial explanation for the persistently high levels of hydrogen observed in the low-latitude surface ocean.  相似文献   

Photochemical production rates and steady-state concentrations of the highly reactive OH radical were determined in Antarctic seawater in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence during the austral spring of 1993 and along the Antarctic Peninsula during the austral summer of 1994. OH radical photoproduction rates were 30±2 nM/day and 46±2 nM/day in surface open oceanic and coastal waters, respectively. Corresponding steady-state concentrations were 2.6×10−19 and 4.3×10−19 M which are similar to those found in tropical latitudes. In-situ irradiation experiments (drifter deployments) at different depths in the upper water column indicated that multiple sources for the OH radical existed at three Antarctic stations. Ultrafiltration studies and model calculations based on wavelength-dependent OH radical quantum yields indicated that the main sources were photochemical reactions of low molecular weight dissolved organic matter (DOM), nitrate, and nitrite. Production of the OH radical from nitrate photolysis was almost exclusively UV-B dependent, while OH radical production from nitrite photolysis was mainly UV-A dependent. OH production from DOM photolysis was both UV-A and UV-B dependent. In the upper few meters at open oceanic sites, nitrate and DOM were the dominant OH radical sources, while deeper in the water column DOM and nitrite were important because of the greater importance of UV-A with depth. During non-ozone hole conditions, nitrate contributed about 33%, while DOM plus nitrite contributed about 67% of the predicted OH radical production in open oceanic surface waters. During an ozone hole (151 Dobson units), the corresponding percentages changed to about 40 and 60% for nitrate and DOM due to the higher UV-B irradiance. Model calculations predict that during an ozone hole (151 Dobson units), OH radical production in surface waters will be enhanced by at least 20%, mostly from nitrate photolysis and to a lesser extent from DOM photochemical reactions. This study indicates that ozone hole events significantly increase OH radical production, as well as the photolysis of DOM, in Antarctic waters, and that rates can be as high or higher than those at lower latitudes, especially if differences in temperature and solar irradiance are taken into account.  相似文献   

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