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Stable reversed remanence carried by pseudo-single-domain magnetite shows systematic direction changes in three thick ( 70m) Eocene basalt flows from the Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming. Three cores were collected at each of 24 sites in the lower flow, 26 sites in the middle flow, and nine sites in the upper flow. Cores in the two lower flows were oriented by sun compass and in the upper flow with a magnetic compass. Although remanent directions do not change smoothly through the entire thickness of the flows, portions of the record indicate that the field direction was changing as rapidly as 0.5° per year during remanence acquisition. Rough paleointensity estimates suggest that this behavior occurred while the field was in a stable reversed state rather than during a transitional period. Paleomagnetic studies of flows should avoid sampling the upper parts, because the declination record may be distorted by rotations of portions of the crust.  相似文献   

Systematic analyses of the major-element chemistry of products of several eruptions during syn-and post-caldera stages of Izu-Oshima volcano were compiled. Comparisons of the products of large-scale eruptions in 1338?, 1421? and 1777–1778, of intermediate-scale eruptions in 1950–1951 and 1986, and of small-scale eruptions in 1954, 1964 and 1974 clearly show the existence of two types of magmas. One is “plagioclase-controlled” and the other is “differentiated” magma (multimineral-controlled); i.e. the bulk chemistry of the first magma type is controlled by plagioclase addition or removal, while that of the second type is controlled by fractionation of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and titanomagnetite. Eruptions of Izu-Oshima volcano have occurred at the summit and along the flanks. Summit eruptions tap only plagioclase-controlled magmas, while flank eruptions supply both magma types. It is considered unlikely that both magma types would coexist in the same magma chamber based on the petrology. In the case of the 1986 eruption, the flank magma was isolated sometime in the past from the summit magma chamber or central conduit, and formed small magma pockets, where further differentiation occurred due to relatively rapid cooling. In a period of quiescence prior to the 1986 eruption, new magma was supplied to the summit magma chamber, and the summit eruption began. The dike intrusion or fracturing around the small magma pockets triggered the flank eruption of the differentiated magma. This model can be applied to the large-scale flank eruption in 1338(?) which erupted differentiated magmas. In 1421(?), the flank eruption tapped plagioclase-controlled magma. In this case, the isolated magmas from the summit magma chamber directly penetrated the flank without differentiation.  相似文献   

Four closely spaced volcanoes (Summer Coon; Twin Mountains; Del Norte; Carnero Creek) form the east-central cluster of Conejos volcanic centers. These Conejos rocks range from high-K basaltic andesite to rhyolite, with andesite volumetrically the most abundant. Summer Coon and Twin Mountains are composite volcanoes. The Del Norte and Carnero Creek volcanoes are deeply eroded dacite shields. Rhyolite (10% of our Conejos analyses but a much smaller percentage by volume) is only known from Summer Coon and Twin Mountains volcanoes, although high-SiO2 dacite occurs in the Del Norte volcano. The younger Hinsdale Formation contains a related series ranging from transitional basalt to high-K andesite; we use Hinsdale Formation analyses to represent Conejos parental magmas.Conejos and Hinsdale magmas evolved through AFC processes: Basalt, after interacting with lower crust, assimilated low K/Rb crust, similar in some ways to Taylor and McLennan (Taylor, S.R., and McLennan, S.M., 1985, The continental crust: its composition and evolution. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific.) model upper crust; main series basaltic andesite fractionated to high-K andesite; rhyolite was produced by melting of high K/Ba upper crustal rocks similar to granite gneiss known from inclusions and basement outcrops. Some rhyolite may have been back-mixed into fractionating andesite and dacite. Field evidence for assimilation includes sanidinite-facies, partially melted, gneiss blocks up to 1 m in diameter. Temperature estimates (1100–900 ° C) from two-pyroxene equilibria are consistent with this interpretation, as are the sparsely porphyritic nature of the most-evolved rhyolites and the absence of phenocrystic alkali feldspar.Our study supports the conclusions of previous workers on AFC processes in similar, but generally more mafic, Conejos magmas of the southeastern San Juan Mountains. Our results, however, emphasize the importance of crustal melting in the generation of Conejos rhyolite. We further speculate that Conejos magmatism, and the San Juan Volcanic Field (SJVF) in general, may represent an early phase of Rio Grande rift magmatism, the orogenic geochemical signature of the series having been generated through multi-level and extensive assimilation of varied Precambrian orogenic and anorogenic rocks.  相似文献   

The main group pallasites and the mesosiderites fall within the oxygen isotope group previously determined for the calcium-rich achondrites (eucrites, howardites and diogenites), consistent with derivation from a common source material, and perhaps a common parent body. The group IIE iron meteorites were derived from the same source material as H-group ordinary chondrites. The chondrite-like silicate inclusions in group IAB iron meteorites are not related to the ordinary chondrites, but may be related to the enstatite chondrites. Several meteorites previously considered “anomalous” fall into these groups: Pontlyfni and Winona with the IAB irons, and Netschaëvo possibly with the H chondrites and IIE irons. The unusual pallasites Eagle Station and Itzawisis have remarkable oxygen isotopic compositions, and have more of the 16O-rich component than any other meteorite. Bencubbin and Weatherford are also unusual in their isotopic compositions, and may bear some relationship to the C2 carbonaceous chondrites. Lodran and Enon are isotopically similar to one another and are close to the achondrite-mesosiderite-pallasite group.  相似文献   

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupted in 1974 in a basaltic sub-Plinian event, which has been well documented and studied. In 1999, after a period of quiescence lasting 20 years, Fuego erupted again, this time less violently, but with persistent low-level activity. This study investigates the link between these episodes. Previous melt inclusion studies have shown magma erupted in 1974 to have been a volatile-rich hybrid tapped from a vertically extensive system. By contrast, magma erupted in 1999 and 2003 is similar in composition to that erupted in 1974, but melt inclusions are more evolved. Although melt inclusions from the later period are CO2 rich (up to ∼1,500 ppm), they have low H2O concentration (max 1.5 wt.%, compared to ∼6 wt.% in 1974). These melt inclusions have a modified H2O concentration due to diffusive re-equilibration at shallow pressures. Despite this diffusive exchange, both eruptions show evidence of recent mingling of the same low and higher K melts, one of which was slightly cooler than the other and as a result traversed the amphibole stability field. (210Pb/226Ra) data on selected bulk rock samples from 1974 suggest that whereas the cooler, more evolved end-member may have been degassing since the last major eruption in the 1930s, the warmer end-member intruded at most a decade prior to the 1974 eruption. The two end-members are thus batches of the same magma emplaced shallowly ∼30 years apart during which time the older batch was cooled and differentiated before mixing with the younger influx. The presence of the same two melts in the later eruptions suggests that magma in 1999 and 2003 is partly residual from 1974. The current eruptive activity is clearing the system of this residual magma prior to an expected new magma batch.  相似文献   

Soils along catenas of Pinedale (15–20 ka) and Bull Lake (100–130 ka) age moraines at Whiskey Basin in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, were sampled to assess the effects of aeolian processes on soil development here. Aeolian processes appear to have in?uenced soils by both depositing sediments and eroding topsoils. Pedogenic silt (often used as an indicator of wind deposition) accumulated in the Bull Lake soils moderately correlate with pedogenic clay accumulated, suggesting that ?ne sediments may have been deposited and incorporated into soil formation here. Following removal of previous topsoil by wind during Pinedale glaciation, Bull Lake B horizons have developed into contemporary A horizons. These data further link aeolian processes to soil development on piedmont moraines throughout the Wind River Range. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Red Creek, in the Red Desert area of the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, is an arid-region anastomosing stream. The narrow, deep, and sinuous main channel is flanked by anastomosing flood channels, or anabranches. Most anabranches are initiated at meander bends. The primary mechanism of anabranch initiation is avulsion during overbank floods. Anabranch enlargement occurs by headward erosion. Anabranches act as distributary channels during floods, when water and sediment from overbank flows are transported to and deposited on the floodplain via the anabranches. During periods of low discharges, the anabranches act as tributaries to the main channel, transporting runoff from the floodplain and surrounding hillslopes to the main channel of Red Creek. Aggradation is occurring in the main channel and on the floodplain throughout the study reach. Infilling of the main channel occurs primarily by lateral accretion, while the floodplain accretes vertically through deposition of overbank sediment from the main channel and anabranches. Infilling of the main channel may cause avulsion of the main channel into an anabranch. The abandoned main channel segment may then fill completely or act as an anabranch. Because lateral migration of channels is inhibited by the high cohesion of the silt and clay channel sediment, periodic avulsion is the primary form of lateral mobility in the system.  相似文献   

Cores from two of 13 U.S. Geological Survey research holes at Yellowstone National Park (Y-5 and Y-8) were evaluated to characterize lithology, texture, alteration, and the degree and nature of fracturing and veining. Porosity and matrix permeability measurements and petrographic examination of the cores were used to evaluate the effects of lithology and hydrothermal alteration on porosity and permeability. The intervals studied in these two core holes span the conductive zone and the upper portion of the convective geothermal reservoir. Variations in porosity and matrix permeability observed in the Y-5 and Y-8 cores are primarily controlled by lithology. Y-8 intersects three distinct lithologies: volcaniclastic sandstone, perlitic rhyolitic lava, and non-welded pumiceous ash-flow tuff. The sandstone typically has high permeability and porosity, and the tuff has very high porosity and moderate permeability, while the perlitic lava has very low porosity and is essentially impermeable. Hydrothermal self-sealing appears to have generated localized permeability barriers within the reservoir. Changes in pressure and temperature in Y-8 correspond to a zone of silicification in the volcaniclastic sandstone just above the contact with the perlitic rhyolite; this silicification has significantly reduced porosity and permeability. In rocks with inherently low matrix permeability (such as densely welded ash-flow tuff), fluid flow is controlled by the fracture network. The Y-5 core hole penetrates a thick intracaldera section of the 0.6-Ma Lava Creek ash-flow tuff. In this core, the degree of welding appears to be responsible for most of the variations in porosity, matrix permeability, and the frequency of fractures and veins. Fractures are most abundant within the more densely welded sections of the tuff. However, the most prominent zones of fracturing and mineralization are associated with hydrothermal breccias within densely welded portions of the tuff. These breccia zones represent transient conduits of high fluid flow that formed by the explosive release of overpressure in the underlying geothermal reservoir and that were subsequently sealed by supersaturated geothermal fluids. In addition to this fracture sealing, hydrothermal alteration at Yellowstone appears generally to reduce matrix permeability and focus flow along fractures, where multiple pulses of fluid flow and self-sealing have occurred.  相似文献   

In this introduction, recent progress in the study of the evolution, transfer and release of magmas and volcanic gases is briefly reviewed, based on discussions at the MAG2007 international conference held in Taipei, Taiwan, in April 2007. The meeting pooled the diverse expertise of igneous and volcanic gas geochemists. This special issue, which presents six case studies covering a range of topics from variations in mantle source compositions to the nature of volcanic degassing, reflects that diversity.  相似文献   

Leveling surveys in 1923, 1976, and each year from 1983 to 1993 have shown that the east-central part of the Yellowstone caldera, near the base of the Sour Creek resurgent dome, rose at an average rate of 14±1 mm/year from 1923 to 1976 and 22±1 mm/year from 1976 to 1984. In contrast, no detectable movement occurred in the same area from 1984 to 1985 (-2±5 mm/year), and from 1985 to 1993 the area subsided at an average rate of 19±1 mm/year. We conclude that uplift from 1923 to 1984 was caused by: (1) pressurization of the deep hydrothermal system by fluids released from a crystallizing body of rhyolite magma beneath the caldera, then trapped beneath a self-sealed zone near the base of the hydrothermal system; and (2) aseismic intrusions of magma into the lower part of the sub-caldera magma body. Subsidence since 1985 is attributed to: (1) depressurization and fluid loss from the deep hydrothermal system, and (2) sagging of the caldera floor in response to regional crustal extension. Future intrusions might trigger renewed eruptive activity at Yellowstone, but most intrusions at large silicic calderas seem to be accommodated without eruptions. Overpressurization of the deep hydrothermal system could conceivably result in a phreatic or phreatomagmatic eruption, but this hazard is mitigated by episodic rupturing of the self-sealed zone during shallow earthquake swarms. Historical ground movements, although rapid by most geologic standards, seem to be typical of inter-eruption periods at large, mature, silicic magma systems like Yellowstone. The greatest short-term hazards posed by continuing unrest in the Yellowstone region are: (1) moderate to large earthquakes (magnitude 5.5–7.5), with a recurrence interval of a few decdes; and (2) small hydrothermal explosions, most of which affect only a small area (<0.01 km2), with a recurrence interval of a few years.  相似文献   

Data from ten magnetotelluric (MT) stations over the Wind River Uplift and adjacent basins are interpreted with constraints from the Consortium for Continental Reflection Profiling (COCORP) seismic reflection data and from gravity data. The MT data reveal the general configuration of the conductive basins and resistive uplifts; low resistivity zones are interpreted as faults which correspond to those visible in the COCORP sections.

The Wind River Thrust Fault is modelled as a conductive zone that can be traced to a depth of at least 20 km, and the crust beneath the Green River Basin is about 40 km thick.

The modelled constant dip of the Wind River Thrust is consistent with a tectonic model of lateral compressive stress.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, US Forest Service researchers have made thousands of bedload measurements in steep, coarse‐grained channels in Colorado and Wyoming, USA. In this paper we use data from 19 of those sites to characterize patterns and rates of coarse sediment transport for a range of channel types and sizes, including step–pool, plane‐bed, pool–riffle, and near‐braided channels. This effort builds upon previous work where we applied a piecewise regression model to (1) relate flow to rates of bedload transport and (2) define phases of transport in coarse‐grained channels. Earlier, the model was tested using bedload data from eight sites on the Fraser Experimental Forest near Fraser, Colorado. The analysis showed good application to those data and to data from four supplementary channels to which the procedure was applied. The earlier results were, however, derived from data collected at sites that, for the most part, have quite similar geology and runoff regimes. In this paper we evaluate further the application of piecewise regression to data from channels with a wider range of geomorphic conditions. The results corroborate with those from the earlier work in that there is a relatively narrow range of discharges at which a substantial change in the nature of bedload transport occurs. The transition from primarily low rates of sand transport (phase I) to higher rates of sand and coarse gravel transport (phase II) occurs, on average, at about 80 per cent of the bankfull (1·5‐year return interval) discharge. A comparison of grain sizes moved during the two phases showed that coarse gravel is rarely trapped in the samplers during phase I transport. Moreover, the movement and capture of the D16 to D25 grain size of the bed surface seems to correspond with the onset of phase II transport, particularly in systems with largely static channel surfaces. However, while there were many similarities in observed patterns of bedload transport at the 19 studied sites, each had its own ‘bedload signal’ in that the rate and size of materials transported largely reflected the nature of flow and sediment particular to that system. Published in 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The temperature changes caused by water exsolution from magma have been determined through calorimetric measurements performed on phonolitic and albitic compositions. The enthalpies of mixing of water with these melts have been derived from HF solution calorimetry, made at 323 K on glass samples containing up to 5 wt.% water, together with heat capacity data for the same series of samples. Mixing between aluminosilicate melts and water appears nearly ideal at magmatic temperatures, with small enthalpies of mixing that are negative for both melts at low pressures but can become positive for albite at high pressure. Regardless of the endothermic or exothermic nature of the process, water exsolution is associated with negligible temperature changes of only a few degrees even when 5 wt.% H2O is degassed. However, thermal effects might be greater for more depolymerized melts such as basalts and related compositions.  相似文献   

The tectonic stresses can significantly affect the propagation of a magma-filled crack. It has been pointed out that the rheological boundaries control the emplacement of magmas through the effect of stress. However, it has not been clarified how the role of rheological boundaries depends on the regional tectonic and thermal states. We have evaluated the role of rheological boundaries under various tectonic and thermal conditions and found that the level of magma emplacement may jump according to the changes in the tectonic force or the surface heat flow. The stress profiles were estimated by a simple model of lithospheric deformation. We employed a three-layer model of the lithosphere; the upper crust, the lower crust and the upper mantle have different rheological properties. A constant horizontal force is applied to the lithosphere, and the horizontal strain is assumed to be independent of depth. When realistic tectonic forces (>1011 N/m) are applied, the rheological boundaries mainly control the emplacement of magma. The emplacement is expected at the MOHO, the upper–lower crust boundary, and the brittle–ductile boundary. For lower tectonic forces (<1011 N/m), the tectonic stress no longer plays an important role in the emplacement of magmas. When the tectonic stress controls the emplacement, the roles of rheological boundaries strongly depend on the surface heat flow. When the surface heat flow is relatively high (>80 mW/m2), the stress in the mantle is quite low and the MOHO cannot trap ascending magmas. For relatively low heat flow (<80 mW/m2), on the other hand, the MOHO acts as a magma trap, and the upper–lower crust boundary acts as a magma trap only when the magma supply rate is sufficiently high. Our results suggest that the emplacement depth can change responding to the change in the tectonic force and/or that in the surface heat flow. This may provide us a key to understand the relation between the evolution of a volcanic region and its tectonic and/or thermal history.  相似文献   

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