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在对目前农户和农业龙头企业联结中最常见的订单型关系进行分析的基础上,提出一系列改善农户和农业龙头企业利益关系的对策,(1)培育代表农民利益的中介组织,(2)农业龙头企业要担当社会责任,(3)政府要给予农业龙头企业支持,(4)建立健全农户和龙头企业的利益分配机制,(5)龙头企业加大对农户服务力度.  相似文献   

研究农户对可降解农膜支付意愿及影响因素,有利于农业绿色生产技术的推广与施用,推动农业发展绿色转型。基于陕西省339份农户调研数据,通过条件价值评估法测算不同农户类型对可降解农膜的支付意愿及支付额度,构建二元Logistic回归模型和Tobit模型探究农户差异化支付意愿和支付额度的影响因素。结果表明:(1)受访农户中,大多数农户对可降解农膜具有支付意愿,且兼业户的支付意愿更强,支付额度更高;(2)农户的受教育程度正向显著影响农户可降解农膜支付意愿;(3)社会影响、技术有用性和技术易用性均正向显著影响农户对可降解农膜支付意愿和支付额度;(4)不同农户类型对可降解农膜的支付意愿和支付额度影响因素存在差异。综上所述,在推动农业绿色发展过程中,亟需制定差异化的技术响应鼓励政策,加强对农户的技术培训与指导,加大技术应用的补贴力度,建立农户响应绿色生产技术的长效动态激励机制。  相似文献   

<正>农地流转是土地流转的一种类型,其含义指拥有农地承包经营权的农户将土地经营权(使用权)转让给其他农户或经济组织,即保留承包权和转让使用权。农地流转是促进农业增效、农民增收、农村社会和谐发展的一种重要途径。截至2009年5月,辽宁省农地流转面  相似文献   

我国是一个农业大国。农业、农村和农民(即“三农”)问题的解决是关系改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大的基础性问题。  相似文献   

一个地区水量的充足与否直接影响该区农作物产量的高低。利用空间信息技术(RS和GIS)建立的东北地区农业需水动态调控模型,可服务于不同地区农业(农作物)的合理发展。文中以东北地区黑龙江、吉林、辽宁3省主要农作物及其分布现状为研究对象,依据区内水资源的供需平衡原理和水资源与农业的相互耦合关系,运用RS和GIS手段,进行了东北地区农业需水动态调控模型系统的概念设计。东北农业需水动态调控GIS不仅可以实现对现有数据查询、检索、修改和分析,还可对农业未来的发展做出预测,对未来20年内东北地区作物单产、作物耗水量、作物需水量以及作物产量变化等趋势做出评价。据此可为一些重大水利工程规划布局决策提供参考依据,从而实现东北地区农业稳定、快速的可持续发展。  相似文献   

上世纪80年代,改革开放的政策把中国引入了经济体制改革的破冰期。1998年,凭着对市场敏锐的洞察力,利用当地资源优势,张文泉投资创建了乡宁茂源煤化有限公司,自此踏上了搏击市场的征程。乡宁县是一个经济快速发展的产煤县,从传统工业经济结构看,轻重失衡,管理粗放,要实现集团扩张和发展就必须另辟蹊径,重找出路。乡宁本地阳光充足、昼夜温差超过12摄氏度,其独特的黄土高原小气候特征及立地条件非常适宜优质酿酒葡萄的生长,被专家誉为"酿酒葡萄酒生长的黄金地带"。为此,集团决定以煤焦工业为基础,实行工业反哺农业,实现"黑色"向"绿色"的转型发展。作为全县农业产业化的一个龙头企业,戎子酒庄是县委、县政府扶持的重点企业,2007年,戎子酒庄建设  相似文献   

正"三权分置"将对农民和农业经营者带来哪些影响?就此话题,记者专访了国务院发展研究中心农村部部长叶兴庆。叶兴庆认为,"三权分置"明确了所有权、承包权、经营权各自的权能和相互的关系,并提出平等保护经营权,对促进我国农业适度规模化经营、发展现代农业意义重大。记者:为什么要搞"三权分置"改革?叶兴庆:改革开放以后,农村实行家庭联产承包责任制,逐渐形成所有权和承包经营权两权分离的农地权属分割关系。在这一过程中,中央出于保护农民利益的考  相似文献   

龙江县元盛食品有限公司是黑龙江省农业产业化重点龙头企业,旗下雪牛分公司坐落于龙江县哈拉海乡东兴村,占地面积60.6万平方米。随着企业发展壮大,公司计划于2016年上市,但在准备阶段,遇到了急需破解的地类问题。  相似文献   

水利是现代农业建设不可或缺的首要条件。大兴农田水利建设,可以增加土地灌溉面积、保障耕地质量、提高农业综合生产能力对于促进农业稳定发展、保障国家粮食安全和增加农民收入意义重大。建设农田水利工程,需要土地作保障。如何处理好保障水利建设与保护土地资源的关系,对统筹实现经济社会协调发展至关重要。在农田水利工程建设中,要坚持统筹兼顾,在全力保证水利工程建设土地供应的同时,  相似文献   

本文根据广西农业地质背景的初步调查资料,评述了国内外农业地质学研究现状:论述了广西大农业中主要的珍稀动植物、药用动植物、粮食、水果、经济作物、林业、畜牧业等30余种名优特产的分布地区及其与地层、岩浆岩背景关系:划分了六个大衣业地质背景区,分别论述其地质、气候、农业特征。认为自然界的动植物为了适应各自生存繁衍栖息的需求,除气候、地貌因素外,与地质背景关系较密切,同时,对地质背景具有一定的选择性和专属性。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Ecological shelter construction (ESC) in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River has been an important component of Development Program of West- ern China. In recent years, most of the literatures dis- cussing the meanings and goals of ESC have been fo- cused on the macro-level, and the scholars have concep- tualized it as a comprehensive strategy to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, society and environment, in which forestry's construc…  相似文献   

精准水稻种植信息系统结构、管理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精准农业是当今世界农业发展的新潮流 ,中国 2 1世纪农业的发展方向之一。稻谷产量占我国粮食总产量的 4 0 %左右 ,实现精准水稻种植具有重大意义。在上海市农工商现代化农业园区“精准农业试验与示范基地”开展的水稻精准种植试验 ,结果与其他地块相比较 ,化肥使用量减少 1 5 % ,单产提高 8% ,总收益提高 1 8%。精准水稻种植信息系统是实现水稻精准种植的核心 ,目前完成 PRC/ INFO1 .0版本的开发 ,本文介绍了系统的结构、功能和技术特点。  相似文献   

The influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer has been hotly debated in academic circles, which focuses on whether part-time employment leads to land transfer. Using survey data on rural households in the Sichuan Province, and applying the theoretical framework of new economics of labor migration, this study explores the influences of labor migration on the direction and scale of land transfer from the perspective of rural household structure. The results indicate that: 1) the quantity of laborers has significant influence on the direction and scale of land transfer. The larger the on-farm labor variable (Labor), the lesser the possibility that land will be rented-out and the amount of land rented out will also be smaller. In addition, there is a greater probability that land will be rented-in and the amount of land rented-in will be greater. 2) The greater the ratio of off-farm laborers to rural household laborers (Off-farm) the greater the possibility that land will be rented-out. In addition the higher the ratio of on-farm laborers to the total household laborers (On-farm), the larger the possibility that land will be rented-in. Meanwhile, if the household has individuals at the age of 64 or older (Old) who are engaged in agriculture, there is a smaller possibility that land will be rented-out. 3) the ratio of part-time laborers to rural household laborers (Pluriactivity) have significant inverse U-shaped influences on the rent-in of land as well as the amount of land rented-in. The inflection points are 33.27% and 14.10%, respectively. Such findings confirm the significance of this study in better understanding the influence of labor migration on rural household land transfer.  相似文献   

"西部大开发"对提高西部企业的技术创新能力有十分重要的作用,这就涉及到两个关系:企业与政府,西部企业与东部企业.考虑到西部的现状,要保证西部企业在技术创新活动中的主体地位,西部企业应将技术创新的重点放在区域特色产品、资源型产业、旅游业、农林畜牧业等优势产业上.而政府也应推行与之相配套的政策,以保证西部企业在技术创新活动中的主体地位.  相似文献   

Economic losses caused by wild boars(Sus scrofa)continue to increase in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.We selected 206 farmers in Wuqiaohe Basin as survey respondents using random stratified sampling.The distribution and impacts of wild boars were examined using a questionnaire survey and spatial analysis.The results showed that:(1)The density of farmer settlements is low and most peasants'households are located on the forest edge.Due to large-scale labor migration,a high proportion of farmland(25.85%)has been abandoned and an even higher proportion of farmland(40.48%)has been returned to forest.(2)The probability of wild boar damage to peasant households was 67.96%.Yields of corn and sweet potato decreased by 24.87%and 28.24%,respectively,with a total economic loss of approximately 2,590,100 RMB/yr in the Wuqiaohe basin.Sixty-five percent of the affected cultivatedlands were located within approximately 150 m of the forest edges.(3)The wild boar damage coefficient was significantly and negatively correlated with the distance between the peasants'household and the forest edge,the density of the settlements,and the area of cultivated land.The wild boar damage coefficient shows a significant positive correlation with the area of farmland returned to forest.(4)The damage activity caused by wild boars began to occur7-8 years ago,and the destruction has been more frequently and seriously observed in the last 4-5 years.(5)We make suggestions for wild boar control and management measures including developing a compensation policy.The compensation standard is related to the land area returning from farmland to forests and the actual cultivated land area.  相似文献   

本文探讨了数字农业空间管治信息质量指标。提出数字农业空间管治起源于农业发展中土地结构的更新改造,任何一项农业更新改造规划与实施,都需要对更新项目进行空间准入审批和空间管制决策评价。基于对农业更新改造的评价,建立了空间准入评价与空间管制决策指标体系。通过分析影响数据质量的因素,构建数字农业空间管治质量指标体系。  相似文献   

Rural poverty and poverty reduction are not only the focal issues that have attracted worldwide attention, but also the vital issues on people’s livelihood that has attached great importance and aimed to be solved by the central and local governments of China. Based on the survey data of 354 farming households, this paper, taking the national poverty county of Lingao County, Hainan Province for an example, examined the characteristics of rural poverty of the county. Moreover, this paper established the spatial lag model (SLM) from five dimensions, namely, status of the household head, household structure, health status, income composition and traffic accessibility, to analyze the main influencing factors of rural poverty according to the values of Moran’s I and the diagnosis of spatial dependence of the OLS model. It is found that the poor farming households gathered mainly in five towns in the north and southwest of the county, and the rural poverty have the characteristics of low educational level of the heads, more minor children, high population of farming peasants, high incidence of disease and low proportion of household wage-equivalent income. The results also showed that the variables such as the number of minor children, the number of migrant worker, the number of farming peasants and the proportion of wage-equivalent income have significant effectiveness on rural poverty, while the status of the household head, health status and traffic accessibility have little influence. It is an important way to realize the goal of poverty alleviation by controlling the number of farmers’ fertility, strengthening the vocational skills training of farmers, vigorously developing specialization and large-scale agriculture and increasing the employment opportunities of farmers.  相似文献   

The Bohai-Yellow Sea Rimland (BYSR) is situated along the coast of theBohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in the northeast of China, covering Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong provinces, and Tianjin and Beijing municipalities. It has a land area of 491,000 square kilometers, 5.1 percent of the country's total, and a population of 196 million, 17.9 percent of the total. Theregion is not only the political and cultural center, but also the most important economic center in North China. This paper analyses current status and major problems of industrial structure and distribution of BYSR. According to the national plan, the main goal in the coming decade is: by constantly improving economic structure, economic quality and efficiency, to double the gross national product(GNP), and to raise living standards to a satisfactory level. To realize this goal, agriculture, energy, transportation, some important raw material of industries, and infrastructure should be strengthened, and the engineering industry be improved to c  相似文献   

烟草种植业是唯一在我国第一产业中实现了类似于工业生产中的完全受控管理的行业,在生产管理中大量运用了工业企业的科学管理模式,因此该行业在第一产业中最有可能利用现代信息技术支持和实现数字化管理,本文以云南省红河州烟草种植生态农业示范区为例,设计并实现一个基于WebGIS的农业生态监测与决策支持系统,促进了红河州烟草种植行业的信息化,并为烟草行业发展循环经济,实现可持续发展提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

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