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1INTRODUCTIONAfter2decades'opendoorpractice,Chinahasnotonlybeenabigplayerasanimportanthostnationtoforeigndirectinvestment(FDI),butalsothelargestFDIhomenationamongthedevelopingcountries(SUN,1998;ZHANG,1995;WorldInvestmentReport,1998).Infact,sincethelate1980s,theChinesegovernmenthasnotsimplyputitseffortintoexportingmade-in-China"productstoearnforeigncurrencyorintoencouragingforeigninwardcapital.Ithasactivelyencourageditsmanufacturerstoinvestoverseas,andhasdeliberatelyandstrategical…  相似文献   

Since China’s reform and open-door, the countries and regions of direct investment in China’s mainland have been increasing. In 1995, the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China was US$ 37.81 billion that was from more than 170 countries and regions. The regional structure of capital market of FDI in China has three characteristics: (1) The most of FDI was from the near countries or regions, Hong Kong-Macao, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia provided 80.3% of the amount of FDI in 1995. (2) Only several countries and regions provided most of FDI in China. (3) According to the contributory rate, the main capital market of FDI in China could be divided into four classes, including the guiding market, subsidiary market, new and development market, opportunity market. Most of FDI in China was from the developing countries and regions, which had a negative effect on the size and technical level of foreign capital enterprises. The author puts forward the countermeasures to improve the regional structure of capital market: (1) to keep the guiding market stable, (2) to open up chiefly the subsidiary market, (3) to guide actively the new and developing market, (4) to try hard to start the opportunity market.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn1995,theamountofFDIinChina(mainland)wasUS$37.81bilionthatwasfrommorethan170countriesandregions.Thenearregions...  相似文献   

The majority of multinational enterprises(MNEs) traditionally originate from developed countries.In the last ten years,however,there has been dramatic growth in foreign direct investment(FDI) from China.It is a comparatively new phenomenon that challenges the classic FDI theories.In this paper,we review the pros and cons of two important theories,known as the Ownership-Location-Internalization(OLI) model and Linkage-Leverage-Learning(LLL) model,and use the statistical data and company case studies from China to test the plausibility of these two models.We believe that neither of them suits totally: the OLI model is quite useful for understanding FDI from China to developing economies,while the LLL model is more powerful for explaining the FDI to developed economies.We argue that the companies from China attain a very advantageous position as intermediates in the global economy.They may catch up with the first movers if they integrate OLI-led and LLL-led FDI within one firm.This combination can bring together the most advanced knowledge acquired in developed economies with the knowledge about adaptation needs and the needs for cost reduction in production as expressed in developing economies.It may also accelerate the knowledge transfer globally.We thus fill a gap in research into the geographical pattern of Chinese FDI and offer a deeper understanding of the internationalization of Chinese MNEs and revolving knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

For almost three decades, China has been undergoing significant transition from a planned economy to a market economy. Fast-paced economic growth and urbanization, interacting with market-oriented reforms in land re- sources allocation, have caused profound spatial restructuring of Chinese cities. This paper examines urban expansion and land use reconfiguration in Shanghai’s central city from 1979 to 2002, with a special focus on the effect of the adoption of the land-leasing system in 1988. The empirical research, which employs GIS-based spatial analysis tech- niques to explore land use data for multiple years, indicates fundamental changes in the spatial characteristics of urban development in Shanghai after this important land policy reform.  相似文献   

1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYChina has begun to take part in the great practice ofinternational competition and opening-up in the last 1 /5 time of 20th century. In the last two decades, Chinahas become one of the areas that have the greatest potential in industrial production, thus it has rankedsecond only to USA in the flow of international capital.By the end of 1998, the real value of FDI China hasutilized has added up to $268. I billion. China has wonworld attention as a huge market for …  相似文献   

ON DEVELOPING ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF PANZHIHUA HuangJing(黄静)(RegionalEconomicInstitute,People’sUniversityofC...  相似文献   

This study focuses on China's coastal area and its marine economic development. Applying the information diffusion method, the study establishes a kernel density function and its decomposition using a marine economic per capita as the index of the model to depict the dynamic evolution law and the internal influential factors of the Chinese marine economy during 1996–2013. The relative development rate was introduced to analyze the spatial differences in the marine economy's development. In this way, space and time dimensions fully characterized the evolution of the Chinese marine economy. Additionally, the influence of growth and inequality in the process of its development can be analyzed. The study shows that the Chinese marine economy as a whole has been growing, and regional marine economic development is relatively coordinated. In addition, the marine economy began to develop even more rapidly after 2004. There are three factors affecting the dynamic evolution of China's marine economy: first, the most influential mean effect, followed by, second, the variance effect, and third, the least influential residual effect. The biggest influence on the dynamic evolution of the marine economy is the improvement of the development level of the marine economy in the coastal area. Meanwhile, due to the existence of inequality, provinces at higher development levels are more dispersed. Furthermore, the existence of the residual effect weakens the influence of the mean effect, and the influence on the dynamic evolution of the marine economy continuously increases. In the analysis of the influencing factors of the evolution and spatial difference of marine economic development, the level of opening to the outside world, the level of investment in fixed assets and the industrial structure have a positive role in promoting economic development. However, capital investment in scientific human research has a negative correlation with economic development, and does not pass the significant test. The difference in regional development levels and development speed is also very apparent; namely, the provinces with higher development levels generally displayed faster development speeds while those with lower development levels showed slower development speeds across the four periods analyzed.  相似文献   

论文分别以分省和分区(东、中、西部)1992~2004年的面板数据,利用我们修正过的De Mello模型和更为稳健的模型检验方法,研究了我国利用外商直接投资对经济增长的影响作用。研究结果发现,利用分省数据的模型证明了FDI对我国经济增长的正向积极作用,这一点与其他研究结果相同,但是利用分区数据的研究表明,虽然我国西部仍然是FDI作用最弱的区域,但是东部与中部比较,GDP增长率变动对FDI增长率变动的敏感性不明显,有别于中部,这在一定程度上可以说明东部地区存在FDI过密和外商投资产业的过度竞争问题。  相似文献   

Duringtheprocessofnationaleconomy'stransi-tion,thedeterminantpowerofeconomicdevelopmenthaschangedgraduallyfromcentralgovemmenttolocalgovemments.Cities,asthecenterofregionaleconomicdevelopment,notonlydeterminethecompetitivenessoftheregionbuthavebecomethemainimpetusforthechangesofmacroeconomicpatternasweIl.Sotaking2o9perfecture-levelcitiesasresearchsubjects,weanalyzethemacropatternofurbancompetitivenessandcomprehendtheinternalimpetusandmechanismofre-gionaldevelopment,whichhavegreatsignificanceon…  相似文献   

The rapid development of mariculture in China in recent decades has satisfied people's demand of seafood, and has made a great contribution to economic development. However, mariculture has also caused some negative impacts on the eco-environment. By statistically analyzing national data(as well as data for four main provinces) regarding the mariculture area and cultivation species in China since reform and opening up, the historical evolution of mariculture during the past 40 years was analyzed, the driving factors related to policy, market and technology innovation were discussed, and the potential impacts of mariculture on the coastal eco-environment were also illustrated. The statistical results indicated that the maricultural area increased radically during the past 40 years, from 1979(116.47 × 10~3 ha) to 2012(2205.65 × 10~3 ha), with an increase of nearly 20-fold. Shandong Province represented the fastest-growing region, with an increase of 31-fold. Moreover, the cultivated species had gradually become diversified. Initially, shellfish and algae were major species, and then it developed to various species including fish, and currently shellfish and crustaceans were the major species. The development of mariculture was driven by government policies, market economy and technology innovation. Rapid development of mariculture also caused significantly adverse impacts on the eco-environment of the coastal regions. For example, the sea reclamation for mariculture decreased the area and function of coastal wetlands and the contaminants originating from mariculture destroyed the coastal aquatic environment. Fortunately, the implementation of ‘13 th Five-Year Fisheries Planning' is expected to help both improve the seafood quality and reduce the contamination in coastal aquatic environment. This current study will provide reference for management and structure adjustment of mariculture in the future.  相似文献   

Chinaˊs urban reforms have brought social progress and development,but a comprehensive national system of social welfare(for example,unemployment insurance,pensions,medical care and public housing)for new migrants from rural areas is lacking.One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in so-cial“equality“,with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society.Howev-er,there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants.Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums.This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy,which include mainly:1)accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects;2)ur-ban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy;3)to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty;4)to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology;5)to coordi-nate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijingˊs metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   

Assessing the real value of farmland in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The preservation of farmland is a growing concern in China because the fact that China possesses limited land resources and the world's largest population presents a clear contradiction. Only when the value of farmland is fully appreciated in commercial markets can farmland preservation be effectively achieved. The current study constructed a model to evaluate the economic, social, and ecological value of farmland in China according to the connotation of values. As a case study, the value of Chinese farmland was estimated in 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011 using the established model. Although the amount of farmland was greatly reduced from 1999 to 2011 due to constructive occupation, agricultural restructuring, ecological restoration, and disaster destruction, the value of this farmland increased from 220.71×1012 to 736.26×1012 RMB Yuan as a result of the multifunctional nature and scarcity of farmland during the same period. The potential value of farmland in China was huge, but the value in the market was greatly underestimated, especially in regard to its social and ecological value. This study proposes a new method that integrates the discounted value of all future services provided by a natural resource(for the society and individuals) to evaluate the resource assets, provides a scientific foundation for the preservation and operation of farmland assets, and explores ways to increase farmers' property income.  相似文献   

This study investigated the regional differences of China′s urban land expansion from the late 1980s to the year of 2008, based on the spatio-temporal analysis of CLCD (China′s land cover/land use database) datasets which were mainly produced from remote sensing imagery data. A newly defined urbanization level index (UI), based on urban land area, is proposed to describe Chinese urban expansion process at 1 kilometer, provincial, regional, and na-tional scales, together with the absolute urban expansion index (UEa) and the relative urbanization expansion index (UEr). The results indicate that the percentages of total land area occupied by urban in the late 1980s, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 were approximately 0.25%, 0.32%, 0.33%, 0.43% and 0.52% of China′s total land area, respectively. Between the late 1980s and 2008, the total urban expansion in the mainland of China was 2.645 × 104 km2, resulting in an annual urban expansion area of about 1322.7 km2/yr, with the UEr of 111.9%. This study also finds that there has been an obvious spatial gradient of urbanization ratio running from the east coast to the west inland, and the urbanization gaps among different regions have persisted over the past two decades. The study also reveals obvious temporal varia-tions of the urbanization rates. There was very little urban growth during the period of 1995-2000 due to the governmental policy factors.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was applied to assess the genetic variations and phylogenetic relationships in 4 species ofPorphyra. The samples were collected from the coast of Canada, Vietnam, Zhoushan, Fujian and Qingdao in China. Amplifications with 20 primers were carried out under predetermined optimal reaction conditions (samples were first heated at 94°C for 5 min. and followed by 45 cycles of 1 min at 94°C, 1 min at 36°C, and 2 min at 72°C, then held at 72°C for 10 min). The amplified products were scored as present (1) or absent (0) for each DNA sample and an index of genetic similarity (F) was calculated by using Nei & Li’s matching coefficient method (1979). The value of (1−F) was used to quantify the genetic distances between species and construct a phylogenetic tree. The relationship indicated by the UPGMA and NJ cluster analysis on the values of the genetic distance is in good overall agreement with classical taxonomy. The obvious differences between natural and cultivated population ofP. haitanensi suggest that variation or hybridization with other species occurred during the culture. Contribution No. 100 from the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory, IOCAS. Contribution No. 3289 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research supported by the Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The Chinese “Yangtze” alligator is a rare reptile that has been listed as an “endangered species” by the United Nations, so its preservation has become an urgent task. A study of its habitats through analysis of their Landsat images will provide a scientific basis for the government departments concerned to select the best locations for its breeding. The Chinese alligator is a subtropical reptile of freshwater rivers, lakes and ponds. Found only in China, it is now distributed only in the border region between the three provinces of Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. On the basis of previous investigations by Chinese scientists, and from an analysis and interpretation of their Landsat images, we made a special study, review, and classification of the natural environment of the alligator’s present habitats (and the modern changes in the natural background of these hatitats) so that the government departments concerned with the preservation of the reptiles may have a scientific basis for determining the best locations for the breeding and propagation of the alligator. This paper was published in Chinese inOcean. Linn. Sin. 16(1): 35–41, 1985.  相似文献   

Since China opening to outside world, the economy in the Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has been dou-ble digit growth. It has been known as one of mature fast growth areas in the world and become the model and hope of Chi-nese reform and opening to outside world. The regional development in PRD is the outcome of polarization effects. The polar-ization effects actually are extension of international regional division and a combination of Hongkong‘‘s influence and re-form and open-door policies on the mainland. Since the 1990s, driven by knowledge-based economy, the PRD has furtheradjusted the industrial structure and achieved good progress in upgrading industrial structure. Its high technology industryhas developed quickly and the economic internationalization has deepened, meanwhile, the region is going through transforma-tion and some new trends have begun to appear, which include: university towns springing up, industrial globalization andthe construction of Hi-tech development zones. The paper suggests that with the economic growth changing from relying onthe low level production elements to relying on high level production elements, the regional policies in GuangdongProvince should develop correspondingly: 1) make a plan to prohihite the blind construction in innovative spatial construc-tions; 2) make measures to attract the overseas talents to establish a pool of talent; 3) work out the favorable policies forabsorbing larger capital; 4) formulate the policy of attracting a cluster of industries to speed up the upgrade of industrialdevelopment.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to introduce the concept of the Global TransPark (GTP). It is a critical time to develop air logistics infrastructure in the New Economy. The paper also presents a brief review of the air cargo industry in the Asian-Pacific region and China, in particular China‘s development in the industry as its economy has grown rapidly and globalized in the past two decades. The paper argues that China needs to develop a GTP to support its future growth, and explains why the Pearl River Delta-Hong Kong-Macao city-region or Extended Metropolitan Region (EMR) is the best location. Finally, it proposes that Zhuhai Airport, one of the five airports in the EMR, is thebest site for the GTP. New policies from Chinese government as well as close cooperation between local governmentsof Guangdong and the two Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao will be needed to make the establishment of the GTP possible.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn the 1980s and 1990s, there was widespread belief a-mong environmentalists that uncontrolled population growth would be responsible for environment degrada-tion of all types. This neo-Malthusian belief originally surfaced in the publication of ThePopulationBombin the late 1960s. In ensuing years this belief, combined with work on environment carrying capacity and a growing environmental movement, led to the seeming-ly commonsense conclusion that high population growth and …  相似文献   

This paper examines the organisational hierarchies and decision making processes of two Chinese multinational enterprises operating in Vietnam—China Luoyang Floating Glass Corp.(CLFG) and China TCL Holdings Co.Ltd.(TCL).For this study, research data were obtained from in-depth interviews of more than 20 government officials in P.R.China and Vietnam, and managers and staff of those two enterprises.Results indicate that the organisational structures of the two enterprises are still vertical but complex, although moderate changes made to them post the nationwide economic reform of China.Consequently, decision making process follows a "top-down" model, sometimes, with insufficient grassroots information.Findings are discussed in the light of political, social and cultural milieu, and implications are drawn for the management of Chinese multinational enterprises operating in overseas markets.Both CLFG and China TCL are structured on task specialisations.However, departmentalisation in TCL′s overseas division in head office is not only based on products, but also on geographical regions of markets.The organisational structure of TCL in Vietnam is less complex than the international division, but it is more centralised.Decision making at TCL combines more traditional Chinese business philosophy with modern western organisational characteristics.TCL has a strong western influence in its management style.However, some traditional characteristics such as "hero" leadership influence and political influence are involved with decision making at TCL.Amongst others, the transitional economy, social culture, poor management system and political sensitivity have been major elements influencing decision making.In the case of CLFG, some decisions have been made before proper information has been gathered and analysed.  相似文献   

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