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During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, Bison was widely dispersed across North America and occupied most regions not covered by ice sheets. A dietary study on Bison paleopopulations from Alaska, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas was performed using two methods that relate dental wear patterns to diet, mesowear analysis and microwear analysis. These data were compared to a mixed sample of extant Bison from the North American central plains, extant wood Bison from Alberta (Canada) and a variety of other modern ungulates. Mesowear relates macroscopic molar facet shape to levels of dietary abrasion. The mesowear signature observed on fossil Bison differs significantly from the hyper-abrasive grazing diet of extant Bison. Tooth microwear examines wear on the surface of enamel at a microscopic scale. The microwear signal of fossil samples resembles to modern Bison, but the fossil samples show a greater diversity of features, suggesting that fossil Bison populations regularly consumed food items that are texturally inconsistent with the short-grass diet typical of modern plains Bison. Mesowear and microwear signals of fossil Bison samples most closely resemble a variety of typical mixed feeding ungulates, all with diets that are substantially less abrasive than what is typical for modern plains Bison. Furthermore, statistical tests suggest significant differences between the microwear signatures of the fossil samples, thus revealing geographic variability in Pleistocene Bison diets. This study reveals that fossils are of value in developing an understanding of the dietary breadth and ecological versatility of species that, in recent times, are rare, endangered, and occupy only a small remnant of their former ranges.  相似文献   

Anthracotheriid remains from several Paleogene localities of central and eastern Asia have been re-examined. Several fossil remains attributed to the genera Bothriodon, Brachyodus and Hyoboops can be referred to Elomeryx which extends the geographical distribution of the genus to the whole area of Asia. These results demonstrate the role that Asia played in the biogeographical history of mammals and further support the proposed origin of North American Elomeryx from an Asian ancestor.  相似文献   

A fossil fungus related to Colletotrichum Corda, which causes leaf spot and red rot in plants, was recovered from an intertrappean bed intersected by a well at Mohgaon-Kalan village, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. The intertrappean bed is sandwiched between the two basaltic flows and is dated as Maastrichtian on the basis of plant and animal fossils. Radiometric dating of the volcanic rocks yielded ages of 67.8–61.6 Ma. The specimens are preserved on a leaf cuticle and are named Protocolletotrichum deccanensis gen. et sp. nov. They are strongly constructed, 1–2 septate, dark brown setae, each with a slightly swollen base and pointed tip.  相似文献   

We used analyses of the strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratios of tooth enamel to reconstruct the migration patterns of fossil mammals collected along the Aucilla River in northern Florida. Specimens date to the late-glacial period and before the last glacial maximum (pre-LGM). Deer and tapir displayed low 87Sr/86Sr ratios that were similar to the ratios of Florida environments, which suggest that these taxa did not migrate long distance outside of the Florida region. Mastodons, mammoths, and equids all displayed a wide range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Some individuals in each taxon displayed low 87Sr/86Sr ratios that suggest they ranged locally, while other animals had high 87Sr/86Sr ratios that suggest they migrated long distances (> 150 km) outside of the Florida region. Mastodons were the only taxa from this region that provided enough well-dated specimens to compare changes in migration patterns over time. Pre-LGM mastodons displayed significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios than late-glacial mastodons, which suggests that late-glacial mastodons from Florida migrated longer distances than their earlier counterparts. This change in movement patterns reflects temporal changes in regional vegetation patterns.  相似文献   

Palaeolithic people commonly hunted Equus hydruntinus, an extinct species of equid whose cursorial body proportions suggest an adaptation to semi-arid conditions. Despite the frequency with which it is encountered in fossil deposits, only partial cranial remains have been reported until now. As a result, the systematic affiliation of the species remains a subject of controversy. Two nearly complete E. hydruntinus crania are presented here for the first time. These skulls show that E. hydruntinus is a distinct species, more closely related to the hemiones (Asiatic asses) than to any other equid. This suggests that the social organisation of E. hydruntinus followed one of two known equid sociotypes: resource defense territoriality.  相似文献   

The Mission Paléoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne (MPFT) found a new species of Orycteropodidae (Mammalia, Tubulidentata) in the Kollé fossiliferous sector, northern Chad. After Orycteropus abundulafus [Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20 (1) (2000) 205–209; Lehmann, T., Vignaud, P., Likius A., Brunet M., in press. A new Orycteropodidae (Mammalia, Tubulidentata) in the Mio-Pliocene of Northern Chad. Zool. J. Linnean Soc.], this specimen is the second complete skeleton of fossil aardvark found in the Djurab desert. It is the first complete representative of an Orycteropus species found in the Pliocene of Africa. In regard to the Miocene fossil aardvarks, this new taxon, Orycteropus djourabensis nov. sp., shows more affinities with the extant O. afer. The main differences are the larger teeth and the shorter hand in the fossil form. Kossom Bougoudi and Kollé represent a chronological series that gives a unique opportunity for studying the evolution of the African Tubulidentata around the Mio-Pliocene boundary (5.5-4 My). The new species is distinct from the older Chadian Orycteropodid from KB and it embodies the taxonomic turnover that took place within the order Tubulidentata around this boundary in Africa. Moreover, this new species is the oldest known Orycteropus species that clearly belongs to the modern forms including the extant aardvark.  相似文献   

This contribution is a short history of the Zambian copper flower, Becium homblei (recently renamed B. centraliafricanum that has attracted attention as a plant associated with Cu-rich soils. It has a peculiar discontinuous distribution in Central Africa which has been explained in terms of biotype depletion. A field investigation into the ecology of the species shows that it is able to tolerate soil Cu concentrations of up to 15,000 μg/g (ppm), and soil nickel concentrations of nearly 5000 μg/g. B. homblei is also found on areas where soil metals are in trace quantities, and where soil bases, particularly Ca, are low. In spite of its tolerance to a wide range of edaphic conditions, the distribution of the species is very restricted in Zimbabwe, and this is almost certainly due to severe interspecific competition with a closely related species, B. obovatum, which is common on soils not unusually enriched in heavy metals. Pioneering work on geobotanical prospecting by use of Becium homblei was carried out by the late G. Woodward and others in the 1950s and 1960s. This species was used successfully for geobotanical prospecting for Cu. This present report is a brief history of these pioneering studies  相似文献   

New records of Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) and elk-moose (Cervalces scotti) from Lang Farm provide the first precise temporal correlation of these taxa with the specific environments inhabited by them near the time of their extinction. Six AMS 14C measurements establish an age of 11,405 ± 50 14C yr B.P. for Lang Farm Cervalces and an age of 11,430 ± 60 or 11,485 ± 40 14C yr B.P. for the Megalonyx. These measurements represent the youngest 14C dates for these two genera based on direct dating. Comparison of the dates with pollen data from northern Illinois indicates that these species inhabited a nonanalog environment that was transitional from mid-latitude tundra to mixed conifer and deciduous woodland. Although spruce (Picea sp.) was dominant, it was less abundant than prior to 12,500 14C yr B.P. The presence of black ash (Fraxinus nigra) and fir (Abies sp.) indicates a wet climate and heavy winter precipitation. This may have been the preferred habitat for Cervalces because of its narrow geographic range. However, this habitat type was only one of many occupied by Megalonyx as indicated by its broad geographic distribution.  相似文献   

陈军  尹勇前  李涛  金利勇 《地质通报》2016,35(6):872-878
猛犸象-披毛犀动物群是晚更新世时期北半球最具代表性的典型哺乳动物群,该动物群的化石在中国东北地区广泛分布,其演化、发展乃至灭绝与古人类文明的发展有密切的关系。综述猛犸象-披毛犀动物群的概况,从动物组合、古地理分布、古生态环境等方面介绍了该生物群之全貌。以吉林省大布苏国家重点化石产地为例,对该产地出土的猛犸象-披毛犀动物群化石标本进行了最新的统计(分属6目13科21属23种),对其化石组合特征进行了分析,并对在东北地区深入开展该动物群研究的意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The diagnoses of the conchostracan genera Cratostracus and Porostracus are revised following a re-examination of their type species under a scanning electron microscope. In Cratostracus each growth line has a serrated lower margin. Radial lirae branch into smaller ridges that merge with each other to give the upper part of each growth band in the ventral region of the carapace a slightly undulating surface. Cross-bars are present between these lirae. In Porostracus the radial lirae on the growth bands near the umbo are long and relatively widely spaced. There is a fine reticulum between them in the umbonal part of the carapace and cross-bars on the ventral surface. The ornament of Porostracus indicates that it can be assigned to the family Halysestheriidae rather than to the Afrograptidae, in which it has been placed previously. Morphological analysis of most of the species of the two genera and closely related Orthestheria (Migransia) under the scanning electron microscope is required before their stratigraphic potential can be fully realized.  相似文献   

The non-marine bivalve species Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) quadratus Gu and Ma is described from the Fourth Member of the Hekou Formation in western Fujian, southeastern China. This species previously was regarded to belong to the subgenus Trigonioides (s.s.), which is restricted to the Early Cretaceous. Herein, it is included into the subgenus Kumamotoa. It is compared to Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous) species from Japan and Korea such as Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) mifunensis Tamura, Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki and Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) paucisulcatus Suzuki. The age of the Fourth Member of the Hekou Formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Palaeolithic people commonly hunted Equus hydruntinus, an extinct species of equid whose cursorial body proportions suggest an adaptation to semi-arid conditions. Despite the frequency with which it is encountered in fossil deposits, only partial cranial remains have been reported until now. As a result, the systematic affiliation of the species remains a subject of controversy. Two nearly complete E. hydruntinus crania are presented here for the first time. These skulls show that E. hydruntinus is a distinct species, more closely related to the hemiones (Asiatic asses) than to any other equid. This suggests that the social organisation of E. hydruntinus followed one of two known equid sociotypes: resource defense territoriality.  相似文献   

The muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) is presumed to have undergone a rapid phyletic size decrease near the end of the Pleistocene. Evolutionary changes in the size of middle to late Wisconsinan (ca. 32,000–12,300 14C yr B.P.) muskrats from the Aucilla River, Jefferson County, Florida, were reconstructed by examining length and width of the lower first molar (m1). Body mass, estimated from m1 length, was relatively stable from 32,000 to 16,000 14C yr B.P. and decreased only slightly by 12,300 14C yr B.P. If the size trend found in the Aucilla River material is characteristic of the southeastern United States, a body size decrease after 12,300 14C yr B.P. is needed to explain the smaller size of modern populations. It was previously thought that the length/width (l/w) ratio of the muskrat m1 was a paleoenvironmental indicator based on its presumed correlation with latitude in modern populations. We examined the length and width of modern muskrats from several geographic regions and found only a very weak trend in the size of the m1 between northern and southern populations; however, highly significant differences were found between regions of similar latitude. Our data indicate that chronoclines in the m1 of the Aucilla muskrat material and other such documented trends among fossil muskrats have paleoenvironmental significance, but it is not yet clear which environmental variables can best be predicted from them.  相似文献   

本文观察并测量了中三叠世拉丁期兴义动物群中的12件包含胚胎的胡氏贵州龙化石及已产出的49个幼体胡氏贵州龙标本;对成年个体与新生个体的体长、肱骨长、股骨长与眼眶长径的特定性状比率关系进行了统计分析;展示了成年个体、胚胎及幼年个体的特征差异,首次描述了胡氏贵州龙新生个体形态学特征;定量刻画了胡氏贵州龙新生个体的头骨、颈椎、背椎、荐椎、尾椎和四肢,获得了更完整、精确的解剖学信息。新材料揭示胡氏贵州龙新生个体的头骨平均长度为8.56mm,肱骨明显短于股骨,肱股比例为1∶1.09。头部呈饱满的三角形,吻部短而钝,眼眶大而圆,具有独特的狭长型上颞孔。此外,研究发现胡氏贵州龙的生产方式为胎儿头部首先从母体产道产出,同时新生个体的吻-臀距稳定在31.04~32.26mm这个数值范围内,且该数值的变动与母体大小无直接联系。本次研究为胡氏贵州龙的生殖方式、个体发育、特别是异速生长研究提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

Nautilus subplicatusSteinmann, 1895 is a latest Cretaceous species of nautiloid which is common in southern South America (Chile, Argentina) and the Antarctic Peninsula and which is best assigned to the genus EutrephocerasHyatt, 1894. Nautilus dorbignyanusForbes in Darwin, 1846 and Nautilus valenciennii Hupé in Gay, 1854 are here considered to be senior synonyms which later authors have apparently overlooked. The type material of these two taxa is reillustrated. On the basis of this and additional material it is demonstrated that only a single nautiloid species occurs in the Quiriquina Formation of late Maastrichtian age. For this we propose to use N. dorbignyanus as the oldest available name.  相似文献   

A Bison antiquus cranium and partial skeleton from Ayer Pond wetland on Orcas Island, San Juan Islands, Washington, date to 11,760 ± 70 14C yr BP. They lay in lacustrine sediments below peat, unconformably above emergent Everson Glaciomarine Drift (> 12,000 14C yr BP). Several bison finds in similar contexts on Orcas and Vancouver Islands dating between 11,750 and 10,800 14C yr BP indicate an early postglacial land mammal dispersal corridor with reduced water barriers between mainland and islands. New bison dates and published shell dates allow estimation of early postglacial relative sea-level trends for the San Juans, with a drop below modern datum ∼ 12,000 14C yr BP, and assist in evaluation of marine reservoir corrections. Emergence by ∼ 60 m is suggested by data from nearby areas. A tundra-like or meadow community and succeeding open pine parkland before 11,000 14C yr BP supported bison but horn-core reduction suggests suboptimal forage or restricted habitat. Expanding mixed-conifer forests after 11,000 14C yr BP contributed to bison extirpation. Dispersing ungulates such as bison must have influenced island vegetation establishment and early succession. Possible evidence for butchering by early coastal people adds significance to the Ayer Pond discovery, given its pre-Clovis age.  相似文献   

Pleistocene faunas from south China are difficult to subdivide based on the long temporal ranges of many taxa and a reduced number of genera in comparison to faunas from temperate north China. In south China, the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna is a very general one and includes a relatively stable suite of genera that apparently persisted for long periods of time. These attributes have made constraining its time range difficult. Application of electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tooth enamel constrains the ages well where uranium uptake was minor. Where uranium uptake into teeth was significant, an approach combining ESR and 230Th/234U isotopic analysis also yields excellent ages. Previous estimates of early, middle and late Pleistocene time ranges previously determined by biostratigraphic seriation for the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna are confirmed in all cases but are made more precise with our approach, including specific time ranges for certain archaic taxa. Absolute dating also yields an extended time range for Gigantopithecus blacki of 1200 to 310 ka.  相似文献   

2009-2013年,从青海湖裸鲤内脏器官中共分离获得6株发光细菌,编号依次为Q1、Q2、Q3、Q4、Q5、Q6.这6株发光细菌细胞壁革兰氏染色均为阴性,细胞为杆状,大小为(0.5~0.8)μm×(1.0~1.5)μm,具有单极生鞭毛,有运动性.氧化酶和接触酶均呈阳性反应,能发酵葡萄糖产酸;吲哚试验和V-P试验均为阳性反应,能分泌淀粉酶、明胶酶、DNA酶,能将硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐.最适生长温度为20~25℃,最适生长pH为8.5~9.0.16S rDNA基因序列分析结果表明,6株发光菌与其亲缘关系最近的属为Vibrio(弧菌属),该属内和此次实验的6株发光菌亲缘关系最近的种Vibrio anguillarum(鳗弧菌)的16S rDNA序列相似值为99.57%.Biolog GenⅢ鉴定结果显示,该实验的6株发光菌在有氧条件下,在提供的71种碳源中,只能利用其中的30种,其中,糖类12种,氨基酸类5种,羧酸类4种,聚合物类2种,其他类7种.结合6株发光菌的形态学特征、生理生化特性、Biolog Gen III鉴定结果和分子生物学特性,将菌株鉴定为Vibrio anguillarum.该菌所具有的发光特性为首次报道.  相似文献   

牛绍武 《地质通报》2019,38(8):1259-1265
龙凤山藻属(Longfengshania)由叶状体、柄和固着器三部分组成,类似高等植物根、茎、叶的器官分化,分别营光合作用、支撑藻体和固着功能,营海底固着生活。关于其形态学特征,特别是关于它的系统分类一直存在不同看法。根据形态学特征、个体发育中的生物重演律,以及古生态、古气候特征等认为,该属更接近于褐藻门海带目海带科的一些分子,似为海带目的早期原始类型。由于该属藻体较小,叶状体(叶片)全缘无褶皱或刻裂,固着器不分枝足状,与海带科也有较大区别,加之时代久远,在海带目中另立一科也是适宜的,经过适当修订后,进一步确认了龙凤山藻科的存在。对龙凤山藻属与龙凤山藻科的定义进行了重新修订,初步解决了它们的系统分类问题,为古藻类的早期演化提供了化石证据,具有生物学上的重要意义。概述了海藻类各门、纲、目及科级藻类的一般形态学特征,以供对比研究时参考,从而为确定龙凤山藻属的系统分类提供依据。  相似文献   

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