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Sheath folds are highly non-cylindrical folds occurring in a variety of geological settings, and have been studied using different approaches. With the present work, we provide a quantitative analysis of the generation and development of sheath folds in a viscously layered system in simple shear conditions. The sheath folds develop from an initial non-cylindrical deflection located on the highly viscous layer. The analogue experiments investigated the influence of (1) variations in the viscosity ratio between the high viscosity layer and the matrix (ηhvl/ηm), (2) variations in the ratio between the amplitude of the initial deflection and the thickness of the high viscosity layer (Af/Thvl), and (3) progressive simple shear (γ). The results show that increases in ηhvl/ηm will produce progressively less elongated sheath folds, while increases in Af/Thvl will result in more elongated sheath folds. We present regime diagrams with ηhvl/ηm and Af/Thvl for different shear strains illustrating under which conditions sheath folds form. In case the original deflection amplitude and layer thickness as well as γ can be retrieved for sheath folds in nature, then their geometry can be used to quantify the effective ηhvl/ηm.  相似文献   

A one dimensional reactive transport model was developed in order to illustrate the biogeochemical behavior of arsenic and iron reduction and release to groundwater that accounts for the reaction coupling the major redox elements under reducing environment. Mass transport equation and the method of characteristics were used considering fundamental geochemical processes to simulate transport processes of different pollutants in mobile phase. The kinetic sub-model describes the heterotrophic metabolisms of several microorganisms. To model a complete redox sequence (aerobic or denitrifiers, Fe(III)-reduction, respiration bacteria of iron and arsenic compounds, and As(V) reduction) four functional bacterial groups (X 1, X 2, X 3, and X 4) were defined. Microbial growth was assumed to follow Monod type kinetics. The exchange between the different phases (mobile, bio, and matrix) was also considered in this approach. Results from a soil column experiment were used to verify the simulation results of the model. The model depicts the utilization of oxygen, nitrate, iron oxide and arsenic as electron acceptors for oxidation of organic carbon (OC) in a column. The OC as electron donor is one of the most important factors that affect the iron and arsenic reduction bacterial activity.  相似文献   

Flanking structures are deflections of planar or linear fabric elements in a rock alongside a crosscutting element (CE), e.g. a vein or fault. This study provides new results from analogue experiments, which test and extend recent numerical models of flanking structures. A linear viscous matrix material (PDMS) was deformed in a ring shear rig that allows continuous observation to large values of shear strain. Rotational behaviour, offset and deflection of marker lines around a predefined, lubricated CE were monitored for different initial orientations of the fault with respect to the shear zone boundary, and the results were compared with numerical results and natural examples. At high initial angles to the shear zone boundary (>135°), a structure previously described as an ‘s-type flanking fold’ develops. During progressive deformation, an initially straight marker line passing through the centre of the CE is offset in a sense synthetic with the bulk sense of shear and shows a shortening displacement across the CE. Simultaneously, this central marker line is deflected and forms symmetrical folds, which are convex in the direction of shear along the CE (i.e. normal drag). Both offset and deflection of the marker lines decrease towards the tips of the fault. Natural examples of s-type flanking folds, directly comparable with the model results, are more common than is generally appreciated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of heavy metals on microorganisms in the aqueous environment; the mechanisms by which metals may exert toxic effects on microbes and the factors affecting microbial response to metals; the ways in which microbial activity may alter the metal balance of an environment and the modifications produced in microbes by heavy metal ions; the effects of the toxic copper ion on the growth, respiration, magnesium content, cytochrome synthesis and osmotic sensitivity of some organisms studied in the laboratory; and the feasibility of the participation of microbes in geochemical processes considering the demonstrable resistance to toxic metals by some bacteria and the fact that natural environments may contain high levels of metals rendered less toxic by binding to natural chelating compounds.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Wirkungen von Schwermetallen auf Mikroorganismen in wäßrigem Milieu untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß Schwermetalle toxische Wirkungen auf Mikroorganismen ausüben können und welche Faktoren die Reaktionen von Mikroben gegenüber Metallen bestimmen. Weiter wird beschrieben, wie die Mikrobenaktivität das Metallgleichgewicht in einem gegebenen Milieu verändern und beeinflussen kann und wie andererseits Änderungen in den Mikroben selbst durch Schwermetall-Ionen hervorgerufen werden. Dabei wird besonders die Wirkung des toxischen Kupfer-Ions auf das Wachstum, die Atmung, den Magnesiumgehalt, die Cytochromsynthese und die osmotische Empfindlichkeit einiger Mikroorganismen dargestellt. Die Anwesenheit von Mikroben bei geochemischen Prozessen wird unter Berücksichtigung der Resistenz einiger Bakterien gegenüber toxischen Metall-Ionen diskutiert. Dabei spielt die Tatsache eine große Rolle, daß durch Chelatbildung die Schwermetall-Ionen in der natürlichen Umwelt der Mikroorganismen ihre toxische Wirkung verlieren.

Several mountainous regions are currently affected by syn- or post-orogenic active extension. We investigate how a newly-formed normal fault interacts with structures inherited from a previous contractional phase. To this end, we use analog models that adopt an innovative technique for performing a precut that mimics such inherited structures into a clay layer; this clay layer is laid on top of a master fault simulated by two rigid blocks sliding along an inclined plane. We carry out six experiments with variously oriented precuts and compare the results with those obtained in a reference isotropic experiment. All other conditions are identical for all seven realizations. Fault evolution is monitored by taking closely-spaced snapshots analyzed through the Digital Image Correlation method. We find that the upward propagation of the normal fault can be either accelerated or decelerated depending on the presence of a precut and its orientation. Such precuts can also promote or inhibit the formation of bending-moment faults. These interactions between master fault and precut also affect the shape of the fault-related syncline–anticline pair.  相似文献   

施建勇  付磊  朱宁 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2331-2336
在盾构隧道施工过程中背后注浆是必不可少的,注浆材料在逐步卸载的压力作用下由流动状态变化到固体状态,注浆材料的变形特性将与恒载作用有区别。针对南京地铁1号线实际工程盾构隧道施工注浆材料,进行了卸载条件和恒载条件下注浆材料的流变试验,得到了非线性流变的试验曲线和拟合的流变方程;在半无限空间圆孔扩张位移理论解和注浆材料的流变试验结果的基础上,推求得到隧道所在土层的位移解,确定了位移的影响范围,讨论了地表沉降计算结果的合理性,初步建议确定隧道施工应保护区域的确定原则。  相似文献   

Development of magnetic fabric within a diapirically ascending columnar body was investigated using non-scaled analogue model made of plaster of Paris containing small amount of fine-grained homogeneously mixed magnetite. The apparatus for the modelling consists of a manual squeezer with calibrated spring and a Perspex container. Set of weak coloured layers at the bottom of the container was forced to intrude overlying fine-grained sand through a hole in a board attached to the squeezer. The development of AMS fabric is correlated with complex flow pattern indicated by coloured and originally horizontal plaster layers. Strongly constrictional and vertical fabric in the base and in the lower domain of the diapir resulting from convergent and upwards flows is overprinted by subhorizontal oblate fabrics due to vertical flattening and initial divergent flow in the apical parts. The measured AMS fabrics are compared with natural examples of magmatic stocks and dykes.  相似文献   

The influence of vorticity and rheology of matrix material on the development of shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of populations of rigid objects was experimentally studied. Experiments in plane strain monoclinic flow were performed to model the fabric development of two populations of rectangular rigid objects with object aspect ratios (Rob) 2 and 3. The density of the rigid object populations was 14% of the total area. Objects were dispersed in a Newtonian and a non-Newtonian, power law matrix material with a power law exponent n of 1.2. The kinematic vorticity number (Wn) of the plane strain monoclinic flow was 1, 0.8 and 0.6 with finite simple shear strain of 4.6, 3.0 and 0.9, respectively. In experiments with Rob=3, the SPO is strongly influenced by Wn and the material properties of the matrix. Deformation of a power law matrix material and low Wn resulted in a stronger SPO than deformation of a linear viscous matrix and high Wn. Strain localization coupled with particle interaction plays a significant role in the development of a shape-preferred orientation. High strain simple shear zones separate trains of rigid objects that are surrounded by low strain zones with Wn lower than the bulk Wn. In fabrics involving populations of objects with Rob=2, rheology of the matrix materials does not systematically influence the intensity of the SPO.  相似文献   

纳米矿物材料的开发现状及存在的主要问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周明芳 《矿产与地质》2002,16(2):103-104
概述纳米矿物材料的特性、制备方法及应用情况 ,指出发展纳米矿物材料亟待解决的问题  相似文献   

Giacomo Corti   《Tectonophysics》2004,384(1-4):191-208
Centrifuge analogue experiments are used to model the reactivation of pre-existing crustal fabrics during extension. The models reproduced a weakness zone in the lower crust whose geometry was varied in order to investigate its role in controlling the architecture of rift segments and related transfer zones. The typical rift system geometry was characterised by two offset rift segments connected by a major transfer zone in which boundary faults were oblique to the extension vector and displayed a significant transcurrent component of movement. The transfer zone was also characterised by cross-basin faults with both trend and strike-slip component of movement opposite to that displayed by the master faults. Typically, different structural patterns were obtained by changing the offset angle φ between the rift segments, supporting that the structural pattern at transfer zones is strongly influenced by the orientation of pre-existing discontinuities with respect to the stretching vector. In the models, the aspect ratio (ratio of length vs. width) of the transfer zone shows a positive correlation with the offset angle (i.e., the more the inherited fabric is parallel to the extension direction, the longer and narrower the transfer zones). In case of staircase offset of the rift segments (φ=90°), the structural pattern was characterised by two isolated rift depressions linked by a narrow transfer zone in which border faults with alternating polarity overlapped. Prominent rise of the ductile lower crust was also observed at the transfer zone. Many of these geometrical features display striking similarities with natural rift systems. The results of the current experiments provide useful insights into the mechanics of continental rift architecture, supporting that rift propagation, width and along-axis segmentation may be strongly controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing pervasive crustal fabrics.  相似文献   

冯伟民 《中国地质》2020,47(3):655-663
病毒与细菌统称为微生物。病毒与细菌之害是生物生存遭遇到的最大的灾害,不仅在人类社会历史上留下了深重灾难,而且在地球生物演化史上也是大灭绝的重要推手。虽然病毒和细菌难以形成实体化石,但却以一种特殊的分子化石成为了侦探地质时期生物大灭绝的神针。本文以地球微生物学为指导,以蓝细菌和绿硫细菌分子化石为例,综合有关研究成果,解读了微生物学、病毒和细菌以及微生物岩的有关知识,帮助人们认识地球生物演化史上二次重要的大灭绝事件。本文还从人类演化过程中的农业革命,阐明了人菌共生关系及带来的启示。  相似文献   

IV级软弱围岩相似材料的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武伯弢  朱合华  徐前卫  明娟 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):109-116
以IV级围岩为参照对象,研制可用于隧道围岩稳定性物理模型试验的软弱围岩相似材料。采用的5种原材料(重晶石粉、石膏、细砂、洗衣液和水),通过直剪试验、无侧限抗压强度试验及三轴压缩试验测得所配相似材料的强度特征和物理力学参数,包括黏聚力c、内摩擦角?、单轴抗压强度Rc、弹性模量E和泊松比?。首先,通过试验分析每种原材料的不同比例对所配相似材料强度特征及物理力学参数的影响,选择适合于模拟IV级围岩相似材料的原材料配比;其次,针对优选的材料配比所配制的相似材料,开展大量的三轴压缩试验,研究在不同围压下该相似材料的强度及其破坏特征。结果表明,含水率减少或石膏含量增加导致Rc、E和c明显增大,而?降低不明显;增加砂含量可增大E 和?,但Rc值减少;石膏含量对相似材料的脆性和延性影响最明显,而含水率对相似材料的强度影响最为突出。试验结果还表明,相似材料在低围压时呈现脆性,在高围压时呈延性;就破坏准则而言,试验所得结果小于Mohr-Coulomb准则,略大于Hoek-Brown准则,但更符合Hoek-Brown准则。研制软岩相似材料的试验数据可为下一步拟开展的隧道围岩稳定性模型试验和数值模拟提供重要的参考和依据。  相似文献   

Assessments of carbonate platform reef–lagoon sediments and benthic habitats around Rodrigues Island (south-west Indian Ocean) have been undertaken in order to examine carbonate sediment textural properties and the controls on texturally-defined sediment fabrics. Reef–lagoon sediments, sampled from across the expansive (~ 8 km wide) carbonate-dominated windward platform, principally comprise poorly sorted medium- to coarse-grained bioclastic sands, composed of a low diversity of grain constituents — predominantly non-geniculate coralline algal bioclasts. Despite a marked homogeneity in sediment compositional and grain size properties, eight distinct sediment textural groups can be identified that form a heterogeneous mosaic across the contemporary reef–lagoon system. Only along the narrow outer platform margins (reef crest, sand apron and outermost lagoon environments) do we observe consistent (predictable) transitions in sediment textural groups, where physical processes are the primary drivers of selective sediment transport and sorting. In contrast, across the main expanse of the lagoon, the sediment substrates are characterised by an irregular mosaic of texturally-defined sediment groups — formed primarily as a function of sediment bio-retexturing. The burrowing activities of alpheid and callianassid shrimps are particularly important in this respect and impart a distinctly unique textural fabric to the upper sediment horizons in the environments in which the respective organisms occur. The consequence of this is that, at the platform system scale, individual, texturally-defined sediment groups are relatively poor indicators of prevailing hydrodynamic regimes or of local sediment production, reflecting more the biological action of organisms inhabiting the substrate. This has important implications for understanding the development of carbonate sediment fabrics in the context of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and for interpreting a key diagnostic criteria of carbonate microfacies.  相似文献   

考虑渗流及软化的海底隧道围岩弹塑性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王星华  章敏  王随新 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3267-3272
在海水渗流的情况下,考虑隧道围岩屈服后强度衰减(塑性软化)的特点,用弹性-塑性软化-塑性残余三线性应力-应变模型推导出了海底隧道围岩塑性软化区半径、塑性残余区半径、洞周边位移、围岩内任一点应力及围岩压力的解析表达式,并与仅考虑渗流及渗流和软化皆不考虑的其他两种情况进行了对比,研究表明:在渗流和材料软化中,后者对隧道围岩稳定最为不利。分析了不同软化程度对结果的影响,该结果为海底隧道围岩稳定性分析等方面提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The Montsec unit is one of the most important detached South-verging nappes within the South Pyrenean Central Unit (SPCU, Southern Pyrenees). A N–S cross-section of its Western sector, based on seismic reflection profiles, shows a hangingwall ramp geometry in Mesozoic strata, overlain by a syntectonic series of Lower Eocene sediments with growth geometry. The geometry of growth strata constrains the age of its movement between the Paleocene and the Middle Eocene. The geometry of the Western, oblique ramp of the South Pyrenean Central Unit is defined by a series of N–S folds, in some cases associated with underlying West-verging thrusts, as indicated by seismic reflection profiles and field data. In this paper, we propose that the geometry of the thrust wedge of Mesozoic units, progressively thinning from East to West, strongly contributed to constrain the location and geometry of the Western termination of the Montsec thrust. The hypothesis proposed is checked by a series of experimental wedges developed in a sandpack with lateral and three-dimensional thickness variations. Oblique structures form as thrusting progresses at the tip of the sand wedge.  相似文献   

Post-rift fault activities were often observed in deepwater basins, which have great contributions to oil and gas migration and accumulation. The main causes for post-rift fault activities include tectonic events, mud or salt diapirs, and gravitational collapse. In the South China Sea continental margin, post-rift fault activities are widely distributed, especially in Baiyun sag, one of the largest deepwater sag with its main body located beneath present continental slope. During the post-rift stage, large population of faults kept active for a long time from 32 Ma (T70) till 5.5 Ma (T10). Seismic interpretation, fault analysis and analogue modeling experiments indicate that the post-rift fault activities in Baiyun sag between 32 Ma (T70) and 13.8 Ma (T30) was mainly controlled by gravity pointing to the Main Baiyun sag, which caused the faults extensive on the side facing Main Baiyun sag and the back side compressive. Around 32 Ma (T70), the breakup of the continental margin and the spreading of the South China Sea shed a combined effect of weak compression toward Baiyun sag. The gravity during post-rift stage might be caused by discrepant subsidence and sedimentation between strongly thinned sag center and wing areas. This is supported by positive relationship between sedimentation rate and fault growth index. After 13.8 Ma (T30), fault activity shows negative relationship with sedimentation rate. Compressive uplift and erosion in seismic profiles as well as negative tectonic subsiding rates suggest that the fault activity from 13.8 Ma (T30) to 5.5 Ma (T10) might be controlled by the subductive compression from the Philippine plate in the east.  相似文献   

风动力场对沉积体系的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
风作为大气流场活动的表现形式,是一种重要的地质营力,风场对沉积体系的展布有着重要的控制作用。风不但本身具有侵蚀、搬运和沉积的能力,形成风成沉积,它还可以向水体传输能量和动量,产生波浪和风生水流,侵蚀基岩、改造已有的沉积物,形成独特的沉积体系。以风场对沉积物的直接作用和间接作用为依据,将风场作用下的碎屑岩及碳酸盐岩沉积体系进行了分类:背风体系、迎风体系及侧风体系。风场概念的引入,为解释沉积体系(包括油气储集体)形成及预测其分布提供了新的视角,也完善了古气候学中古风场的恢复。  相似文献   

刘成禹  何满潮 《岩土力学》2014,35(4):1101-1109
以龙厦铁路象山特长隧道地质构造发育、埋深大于500 m段围岩压力及围岩变形的现场测试资料为依据,对大埋深隧道地质构造发育段围岩压力的特点、变形压力的形成机制等进行了研究。研究表明:大埋深隧道,结构面或褶曲、逆断层发育,但地下水不发育的地段,即使围岩强度较高,隧道开挖后仍可能出现较大的变形;围岩较大变形主要是由于在自重应力和残余构造应力作用下被挤密的结构面在隧道开挖后因侧向限制消除而张开、扩容引起的,受其影响,初期支护将受到较大的围岩变形压力。上述地段围岩压力具有下列特点:(1)地下水不发育区段的围岩压力比地下水发育区段的大;(2)隧道纵向发育向斜的区段,拱顶至拱腰段围岩压力最大,越趋向于向斜核部,拱顶围岩压力越大;(3)发育褶曲的断面,与褶曲轴线垂直方向的围岩压力较大;(4)发育逆断层的断面,与断层倾向相反侧的围岩压力较大,该侧断层面附近的围岩压力最大,对侧断层面附近的围岩压力最小;(5)下台阶的围岩压力比上台阶的小,两者的相对差随上、下台阶施工间隔时间的延长而增大。  相似文献   

ADINA有限元软件中材料本构的二次开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熊玉春  房营光 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2221-2225
美国ADINA R&D公司开发的软件产品ADINA经过20多年的商业开发,目前已成为全球最重要的非线性求解软件,尤其对结构非线性、流-固耦合等复杂问题的求解具有强大优势,被认为是非线性有限元发展方向的先导。然而,任何商业化的有限元软件都不可能满足客户的所有要求,例如,ADINA软件中没有岩土工程领域常用的Duncan-Chang模型。以土工数值分析中广泛应用的Duncan-Chang E-B模型为例,介绍在ADINA软件中进行材料本构二次开发的方法,给出了开发过程,通过对3个常规三轴压缩模型的数值模拟验证程序的可靠性。结果表明,基于ADINA开发的材料本构模型具有计算速度快、精度高和前后处理快捷方便的优点。另外,验证结果也表明该软件具有超强的非线性求解能力和可靠的求解结果。  相似文献   

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