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The existing concepts of moraine/till formation are discussed and the available factual data on this issue are analyzed. It is concluded that active glaciers from the transported mineral matter make up exclusively basal moraines on the river bed. The latter moraines, which are composed of material directly deposited from the glacier base on the substrate, represent glacial diamicts. It is believed that material in these deposits always acquire a semisolid-solid (“stiff”) state. We identified a new type of glacial deposits–“mitis” basal moraines, which include the recently defined low consolidated glacial diamicts. Consequently, basal moraines are divided into two facies associations: moraines with glaciodynamic structures (common “stiff” moraines) and “mitis” moraines (M-moraines). Deposits of these associations are formed in different thermal zones (areas) of the ice sheet bed. Moraines of the first facies association are formed in melt zones. Therefore, they are characterized by different lithologies and overconsolidation. The M-moraines formed on the thawed glacial bed are marked by massive structure and low (normal) consolidation. They are subdivided into the Barents Sea and Antarctic types.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence Lowlands platform, Quebec, Canada, is a densely-populated area, heavily dependent on groundwater resources. In 1999, the Geological Survey of Canada initiated a large-scale hydrogeological assessment study over a 1,500 km2 region northwest of Montreal. The objectives were to define the regional groundwater flow, and to give quantitative estimates of the groundwater dynamic parameters and of the available groundwater resources. The applied approach consisted of defining the hydrogeologic framework, hydraulic properties of the aquifer units, and groundwater dynamic components. Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks represent regional aquifer units. Coarse Quaternary fluvio-glacial sediments locally overlay the rock sequence and constitute an interface aquifer unit. Fine marine sediments confine most of the regional aquifers. Collected GIS based information was synthesized in a finite element numerical model. The regional saturated steady-state flow was calibrated under current stress conditions assuming an equivalent porous medium approach. Water budget calculations show that the total groundwater flow in regional aquifers amounts to 97.7 Mm3/y. Infiltration from precipitation provides 86.6% of the groundwater supply, while 9.6% comes from subsurface inflow and the remaining 3.8% is induced recharge from surface waters. Discharge from regional aquifers occurs through flow to streams (76.9%), groundwater withdrawal (18.4%), and underground outflow (4.7%).
Resumen La plataforma de Tierras Bajas San Lorenzo, Quebec, Canadá, es un área densamente poblada que depende fuertemente de recursos de agua subterránea. En 1999 el Servicio Geológico de Canadá inició un estudio de evaluación hidrogeológica a gran escala sobre un área de 1,500 km2 en la región noroeste de Montreal. Los objetivos fueron definir el flujo regional de agua subterránea y aportar estimados cuantitativos de los parámetros dinámicos de agua subterráne y de los recursos disponibles de agua subterránea. El enfoque aplicado consistió en definir el marco hidrogeológico, propiedades hidráulicas de las unidades acuíferas, y los componentes dinámicos de agua subterránea. Rocas sedimentarias del Paleozoico Inferior representan unidades regionales de acuíferos. Sedimentos fluvio-glaciares Cuaternarios gruesos sobreyacen localmente la secuencia rocosa y constituyen una unidad acuífera interfacial. Sedimentos marinos finos confinan la mayoría de acuíferos regionales. Información colectada basada en SIG se sintetizó en un modelo numérico de elemento finito. El flujo regional saturado en régimen permanente se calibró bajo condiciones de stress asumiendo un enfoque de medio poroso equivalente. Los cálculos de balance hídrico muestran que el flujo total de agua subterránea en acuíferos regional alcanza 97.7 Mm3/año. Infiltración a partir de lluvia aporta el 86.6% del abastecimiento al agua subterránea, mientras que el 9.6% proviene de entradas subsuperficiales y el restante 3.8% consiste de recarga inducida a partir de aguas superficiales. La descarga proveniente de acuíferos regionales ocurre a través de flujo a ríos (76.9%), utilización de agua subterránea (18.4%), y salida subterránea (4.7%).

Résumé La plateforme Lowllands du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada, est une aire densément peuplée, dépendant grandement des ressources en eau souterraine. En 1999, le Service Géologique du Canada a initié une étude hydrogéologique à grande-échelle sur 1500 km2 au Nord-Ouest de Montréal. Le sobjectifs ont été de définir la dynamique de lécoulement régional, et de donner des estimations quantitatives des paramètres dynamiques des ressources disponibles en eau souterraine. Lapproche utilisée consista à définir le cadre hydrogéologique de travail, les propriétés hydrauliques des unités aquifères, et les composantes dynamiques des eaux souterraines. Les roches sédimentaires du Paléozoïque Inférieur représentent les unités aquifères régionales. Les sédiments marins fins confinent la plus grande partie des aquifères régionaux. Les informations de base, collectées dans un SIG, ont été synthétisées dans un modèle numérique aux éléments finis. Lécoulement permanent régional, en zone saturée, a été calibré en conditions de stress en assumant une approche de milieu poreu équivalent. Les calculs du bilan hydrologique montrent que lécoulement total des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères régionaux atteind 97,7 Mm3/an. Linfiltration à partir des précipitations apporte 86.6% de leau souterraine exploitée; sachant que 9,6% proviennent découlement de subsurfaces, et que les 3,8% restants proviennent de la recharge via les eaux de surface. Le débit pompé des aquifères régionaux apparaît à travers lécoulement des cours deau, le rabattement des eaux souterraines (18.4%), et lécoulement ascendant (4.7%).

The intramontane Lauca Basin at the western margin of the northern Chilean Altiplano lies to the west of and is topographically isolated from the well-known Plio-Pleistocene lake system of fluvio-lacustrine origin that covers the Bolivian Altiplano from Lake Titicaca to the north for more than 800 km to the Salar de Uyuni in the south. The Lauca Basin is filled by a sequence of some 120 m of mainly upper Miocene to Pliocene elastic and volcaniclastic sediments of lacustrine and alluvial origin. Volcanic rocks, partly pyroelastic, provide useful marker horizons. In the first period (6–4 Ma) of its evolution, the Lago Lauca was a shallow ephemeral lake. Evaporites indicate temporarily closed conditions. After 4 Ma the lake changed to a perennial water body surrounded by alluvial plains. In the late Pleistocene and Holocene (2-0 Ma) there was only marginal deposition of alluvial and glacial sediments. The basin formed as a half-graben or by pull-apart between 10 and 15 Ma (tectonic displacement of the basal ignimbrite sequence during the Quechua Phase) and 6.2 Ma (maximum K/Ar ages of biotites of tuff horizons in the deepest part of the basin). Apart from this early basin formation, there has been surprisingly little displacement during the past 6 Ma close to the Western Cordillera of the Altiplano. Also, climate indicators (pollen, evaporites, sedimentary facies) suggest that an arid climate has existed for the past 6 Ma on the Altiplano. Together, these pieces of evidence indicate the absence of large scale block-faulting, tilt and major uplift during the past 5–6 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

Coalfields in the north of Spain (Asturias) are mainly steeply dipping and at considerable depth. There is widespread use of caving mining methods at the present time. This paper describes a theory developed to predict the subsidence related to very steep and nearly vertical coal seams (70°–90°). This theory of the multiple subsidence trough is applied through a new profile function. Three real cases are analysed and the profile function is adjusted. An empirical relationship between the parameters of the new profile function and geological and mining factors has been developed.  相似文献   

Many moraines formed between Daduka and Chibai in the Tsangpo River valley since Middle Pleistocene. A prominent set of lacustrine and alluvial terraces on the valley margin along both the Tsangpo and Nyang Rivers formed during Quaternary glacial epoch demonstrate lakes were created by damming of the river. Research was conducted on the geological environment, contained sediments, spatial distribution, timing, and formation and destruction of these paleolakes. The lacustrine sediments 14C (10537±268 aBP at Linzhi Brick and Tile Factory, 22510±580 aBP and 13925±204 aBP at Bengga, 21096±1466 aBP at Yusong) and a series of ESR (electron spin resonance) ages at Linzhi town and previous data by other experts, paleolakes persisted for 691~505 kaBP middle Pleistocene ice age, 75–40 kaBP the early stage of last glacier, 27–8 kaBP Last Glacier Maximum (LGM), existence time of lakes gradually shorten represents glacial scale and dam moraine supply potential gradually cut down, paleolakes and dam scale also gradually diminished. This article calculated the average lacustrine sedimentary rate of Gega paleolake in LGM was 12.5 mm/a, demonstrates Mount Namjagbarwa uplifted strongly at the same time, the sedimentary rate of Gega paleolake is more larger than that of enclosed lakes of plateau inland shows the climatic variation of Mount Namjagbarwa is more larger and plateau margin uplifted more quicker than plateau inland. This article analyzed formation and decay cause about the Zelunglung glacier on the west flank of Mount Namjagbarwa got into the Tsangpo River valley and blocked it for tectonic and climatic factors. There is a site of blocking the valley from Gega to Chibai. This article according to moraines and lacustrine sediments yielded paleolakes scale: the lowest lake base altitude 2850 m, the highest lake surface altitude 3585 m, 3240 m and 3180 m, area 2885 km2, 820 km2 and 810 km2, lake maximum depth of 735 m, 390 m and 330 m. We disclose the reason that previous experts discovered there were different age moraines dividing line of altitude 3180 m at the entrance of the Tsangpo Grand Canyon is dammed lake erosive decay under altitude 3180 m moraines in the last glacier era covering moraines in the early ice age of late Pleistocene, top 3180 m in the last glacier moraine remained because ancient dammed lakes didn’t erode it under 3180 m moraines in the early ice age of late Pleistocene exposed. The reason of the top elevation 3585 m moraines in the middle Pleistocene ice age likes that of altitude 3180 m. There were three times dammed lakes by glacier blocking the Tsangpo River during Quaternary glacial period. During other glacial and interglacial period the Zelunglung glacier often extended the valley but moraine supplemental speed of the dam was smaller than that of fluvial erosion and moraine movement, dam quickly disappeared and didn’t form stable lake.  相似文献   

天山乌鲁木齐河源末次冰期冰川沉积光释光测年   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
乌鲁木齐河源地区是中国冰川遗迹保存最丰富、地貌最典型的区域之一,是根据冰川遗迹重建第四纪冰川历史的理想地区。大量的研究工作以及技术测年结果也使其成为试验冰川沉积光释光(optically stimulated luminescence,OSL)测年可行性的理想地点。共采集了6个冰碛及上覆黄土样品用于光释光测年。提取38~63 μm的石英颗粒,运用SAR-SGC法测试等效剂量。各种检验表明测试程序是适用的。通过地貌地层关系、重复样品、已有年代的对比等方法,检验该地冰川沉积OSL测年的可行性。结果表明,OSL年代结果与地貌地层新老关系非常吻合,与已有的其他测年技术的年代结果也具可比性,表明这些样品的OSL信号在沉积之前晒退较好,OSL年代是可信的。冰川观测站侧碛垄的OSL年代为14.8±1.2 ka;9号冰川支谷口附近冰碛的OSL年代为13.5±1.1 ka和17.2±1.3 ka;上望峰冰碛的OSL年代为20.1±1.6 ka。综合OSL年代结果与此前其他测年结果,这几套冰碛垄形成于深海氧同位素MIS 2阶段应该是比较统一的认识。上望峰冰碛上覆黄土的OSL年代(10.5±0.8 ka)也印证了该结论。OSL年代指示上望峰冰碛对应于末次冰期最盛期,冰川观测站和9号冰川支谷谷口冰碛对应于晚冰期。下望峰冰碛的OSL年代为36.3±2.8 ka,对应于MIS 3阶段。下望峰冰碛的形成时代,仍有待更多沉积学以及测年工作进一步确定。  相似文献   

贡巴冰川边缘冰碛垄特征与形成过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
康建成 《冰川冻土》1989,11(2):172-176

At several times during the Quaternary, a major eastward-flowing outlet glacier of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet occupied the Lago San Martin Valley in Argentina (49°S, 72°W). We present a glacial chronology for the valley based on geomorphological mapping and cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure ages (n = 10) of boulders on moraines and lake shorelines. There are five prominent moraine belts in the Lago San Martin Valley, associated with extensive sandar (glaciofluvial outwash plains) and former lake shorelines. Cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages for boulders on these moraines indicate that they formed at 14.3 ± 1.7 ka, 22.4 ± 2.3 ka, 34.4 ± 3.4 ka to 37.6 ± 3.4 ka (and possibly 60 ± 3.5 ka), and 99 ± 11 ka (1σ). These dated glacier advances differ from published chronologies from the Lago San Martin Valley based on 14C age determinations from organic sediments and molluscs in meltwater channels directly in front of moraines or in kettleholes within end moraine ridges. The moraine boulder ages also point to possible pre-LGM glacial advances during the last glacial cycle and a key observation from our data is that the LGM glaciers were probably less extensive in the Lago San Martin Valley than previously thought.  相似文献   

Dendritic cordierite occurs in argillaceous hornfels from the Toki area, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The cordierite crystal consists of c-arms elongated parallel to the c-axes and a-arms perpendicular to the c-axis. The latter arms could be divided into six kinds of untwinned a-arms with different growth directions elongated parallel to the respective a-axis and twinned a-arms elongated parallel to the (110) twin plane. A-arms branch out from c-arms or other a-arms with different growth directions and c-arms sometimes branch out from a-arms, leading to a tree-like structure. Each of the c-arms contains three kinds of domains related by a three-fold axis about the c-axis. These domains are irregularly distributed without any relation to the shape of the c-arm and the domain boundaries are of zigzag shape. This domain arrangement suggests that c-arms grew as hexagonal cordierite and were later transformed into orthorhombic cordierite. The fact that each untwinned a-arm has a fixed growth direction to its orientation suggests that the a-arms grew as an orthorhombic cordierite. From the growth directions of c- and a-arms, orthorhombic and hexagonal phases are considered to grow preferentially along the c- and a-axes, respectively. The branching of a new arm is explained by nucleation on an old arm with a different preferred growth direction. The preferential growth is discussed in terms of a significant chemical potential gradient of the cordierite component. This has been preserved in the mineral zoning observed in the matrix around the cordierite porphyroblast.  相似文献   

Summary Fresh back-arc basin lavas were recovered during five dives of the submersible Mir during the 1990 cruise of the research vessel Akademik Mstislav Keldysh to the Lau Basin. Three dives were conducted on the central spreading center of the King's Triple Junction (KTJ) in the northeastern part of the Lau Basin east of Niuafo'ou Island at approximately 15°S. The lavas from the KTJ can be divided into types I and II based on their similarities to N-MORB and the BABB magma type ofSinton andFryer (1987) respectively. One dive each was made on the Central Lau Spreading Center (CLSC) at 18°S and the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC) at 19°S. Lavas sampled on the CLSC were associated with active hydrothermal sulphide chimneys occurring at the base of a collapsed caldera structure on the central volcanic axial high. Sampled lavas from both the CLSC and ELSC are all of type I geochemistry.The results of the Keldysh 90 cruise are integrated with previous work to evaluate the geochemical characteristics of the Lau Basin crust as a whole and geochemical zonation models for back-arc basin development. An important part of this review of Lau Basin basalt geochemistry is the recognition of boninites and rocks of boninitic affinity which occur at off-ridge locations throughout the Lau Basin. These are suggested to erupt during the initial stages of development of new spreading ridges associated with episodes of ridge jump or the propagation of back-arc spreading ridges into arc crust.Hf-Th-Ta systematics of the Lau Basin lavas are used to identify unmodified mantle source compositions and possible subduction-related enriched components. Unmodified mantle source compositions range from D-, N-, and E-MORB to OIB. All Lau Basin lavas show some evidence of enrichment by a H2O ± LILE ± LREE-enriched component, a slab derived hydrous fluid. The slab-derived fluid is not homogeneous in composition perhaps reflecting the presence or absence of a subducted sediment component.The sampled lavas from the KTJ confirm the uniqueness of the BABB magma type ofSinton andFryer (1987).
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel berichtet über erste Ergebnisse einer Forschungsexpedition in das Lau Basin, ausgeführt mit dem Forschungsschiff Akademiker Mstislav Keldysh und dem Mini-U-Boot Mir. Drei Tauchfahrten führten zur zentralen Achse der King's triple junction (KTJ) im nordöstlichen Teil des Lau Basins östlich der Insel Niuafo'ou (15°S). Die dort beprobten Laven werden auf der Basis ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung eingeteilt in die Typen I und II, entsprechend der Klassifikation vonSinton andFryer (1987) in N-MORB und BABB. Eine vierte Tauchfahrt zum zentralen Lau Spreading Center (CLSC, 18°N) erbrachte Fragmente von Sulphidschloten eines aktiven Black Smoker innerhalb einer kollabierten Calderastructur. Eine fünfte Tauchfahrt zum östlichen Lau Spreading Center (ELSC, 19°N) erbrachte Laven vom Typus I (entsprechend N-MORB).Unter Berücksichtigung früherer Arbeiten gestatten die Ergebnisse der Keldysh 90 Expedition eine geochemische Charakterisierung des Lau Basins, sowie eine Bewertung bestehender Zonierungsmodelle fur die Entstehung und Evolution von Backarc Basins. Entlang der gesamten Achse im Lau Basin, aber abseits des eigentlichen aktiven Spreading Centers, werden Boninite und Laven boninitischer Affinität beobachtet. Diese Boninite können als integraler Teil des Frühstadiums eines Backarc Spreading Centers gedeutet werden, und entstehen möglicherweise dort, wo Spreading Centers in die Kruste eines Inselbogens vordringen oder dann, wenn es zu einer abrupten Positionsänderung der Achse kommt.Die Hf-Th-Ta Konzentrationen und Verhältnisse in Lau Basin Laven gestatten die Identifikation mehrerer Mantel-Endglieder (entsprechend D-MORB, N-MORB, E-MORB, und OIB), sowie einer an H2O und LILE-LREE angereicherten Komponente, die mit Subduktionstätigkeit und anschließender Mantelmetasomatose in Zusammenhang gebracht wird. Die angereicherte Komponente war vermutlich inhomogen aufgrund variabler Anteile subduzierter Sedimente. Die Laven des Lau Basins bestätigen die vonSinton andFryer (1987) vorgeschlagene geochemische Sonderstellung von BABB Magmentypen.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

高寒地区形态独特的冰川侵蚀与沉积地形是过去冰川变化最直接的证据,包含有重要的古气候环境变化信息。根据山地冰川沉积序列,通常将分布在现代冰碛地形外围形态较完好的多列冰碛垄的形成时间推定为小冰期。小冰期冰进的时间与规模是理解与重建近千年以来古气候环境变化的基础及较准确预测未来气候环境变化的关键。本研究应用10Be暴露测年技术对唐古拉山东段布加岗日南坡拥曲河源区西(主)谷与东(悬)谷中基于地貌关系与沉积序列推定为小冰期的第一套冰碛垄MW1与ME1进行定年。测得MW1冰碛垄4个样品的10Be年龄分别为(155±23) a、(197±27) a、(218±26) a和(273±31) a;ME1冰碛垄3个样品的10Be年龄分别为(262±30) a、(186±28) a和(131±25) a。使用P-CAAT法分析得出它们的年龄为(203±52) a(n=4)和(162±58) a(n=3)。地貌关系、沉积序列、冰碛垄的形态特征、土壤发育与植被覆盖以及测年结果等共同表明拥曲河源区西谷与东谷中的第一套冰碛垄形成于小冰期。结合周边地区的研究成果及古气候环境代用指标可以推断降温是这次冰进的主因。  相似文献   

Problem of the distribution of clay minerals in water areas of the World Ocean and their relation to different (humid, arid, and volcanosedimentary) types of lithogenesis is considered. It is shown that layer silicates can be used as index minerals for distinguishing types of lithogenesis under conditions of marine sedimentation. Humid marine lithogenesis is represented by sediments of the White, Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean seas. Genetic link of marine clay formation with soil-climatic zones is clearly manifested in recent sediments of the World Ocean. Accumulation of statistic data on the mineral composition of clays allowed us to distinguish two modes of spatial-latitudinal distribution of clay minerals: maximal concentrations of illites and chlorites are confined to high latitudes, whereas kaolinite and smectite accumulate in the equatorial zone. In the arid lithogenesis, the dependence of clay formation on drainage areas is practically absent. The whole process is realized in surficial sediments and bottom waters: under conditions of intense evaporation, especially in closed water basins, the concentration of elements in the medium is enough for the synthesis of layer silicates, such as palygorskite and sepiolite. The processes were studied based on the Paleogene Fergana Bay and bottom sediments of the Sea of Aral, as well as DSDP core materials from the Atlantic (near the western coast of Africa) and Indian (the Arabian Peninsula area) oceans. The investigation of processes of volcanosedimentary lithogenesis was carried out within the East Pacific Rise (on the basis of core materials obtained during cruises of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev and Akademik Kurchatov). The results obtained made it possible to establish authigenic (primarily celadonite) K-Fe mineralization in the most active geothermal zones. The formation of clay minerals has specific features in each of the studied (humid, arid, and volcanosedimentary) types of lithogenesis. This should be taken into consideration during the lithological investigations and the study of clay mineralogy of past geological epochs. Clay minerals (particularly, unstable mixed-layered phases) are actively used as index minerals for paleogeographic and climatologic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Fans formed under subaerial terminoglacial (previously called ice-contact) conditions have several characteristics that differ from those formed under other conditions. Twenty-five such fans in NE Poland were investigated to model the dominant genetic processes involved. These fans show, as do other types, a proximal, a middle and a distal environment. The present study deals with the proximal environment. The fans date from the last, i.e. Weichselian or Vistulian, glacial. The proximal terminoglacial fan comprises abundant gravelly sediments, resembling the glacial deposits from which they were derived. Three facies, each subdivided into two subfacies, can be distinguished; these are dominated by mass flows, unchannelised flows, and stream (= channelised) flows, respectively. The characteristics of the facies are described and illustrated. It is concluded that the irregular supply of water by the nearby ice masses dominates the sedimentary processes.  相似文献   

The paper proposes subdivision of Albian and Cenomanian monotonous sandy sequences of the Voronezh anteclise on the basis of textural-structural features and distribution of accessory minerals. Distribution of rare earth, trace, and major elements was studied in sandy rocks and early diagenetic formations (glauconites and phosphorites). Dependence of the distribution on tectonic factor is noted.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 2, 2005, pp. 159–171.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Sirotin, Shatrov, Koval, Bugelskii, Voitsekhovskii, Nikulshin.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):581-593
During Pleistocene mountain glaciation of the Bavarian Forest, south Germany, the Wurmian Kleiner Arbersee glacier left behind glacial landforms and sediments which are described, classified and interpreted using a combination of geomorphological, sedimentological, pedological, surveying and absolute dating methods. The latest Kleiner Arbersee glacier with a maximum length of 2600 m, a minimum width of 800 m and a thickness of 115 m formed an elongated cirque, four lateral moraines, one divided end moraine, one recessional moraine, a proglacial lake and a basin in which lake Kleiner Arbersee was established after deglaciation. Beyond the glacial limit the landscape is denuded by periglacial slope deposits which are differentiated from the glacigenic sediments based upon clast fabrics, clast shapes and sediment consolidation. Within the glacial limit sandy–gravelly to silty–gravelly tills are widely distributed, whereas glaciolacustrine sediments are restricted to a small area north of the lake. Small variations in the sand and silt fraction of the tills are explained by melt-out processes. Quartz, mica and chlorite derived from gneiss bedrock are dominant in the clay mineral spectrum of tills, but also gibbsite as a product of pre-Pleistocene weathering is present giving evidence of glacially entrained saprolites. An IRSL-date of glaciolacustrine sediments (32.4±9.4 ka BP) confirms the Wurmian age for the glaciation and radiocarbon ages of the basal sediments (12.3±0.4 and 12.5±0.2 ka BP uncalibrated) in the lake Kleiner Arbersee prove that the basin was ice-free before the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):743-758
Detailed examination of the Tekapo Formation in the Tasman Valley, New Zealand has identified 20 facies, and five facies associations. These associations are delta foresets and bottomsets, sediment density flows, ice-contact lake sediments with ice-rafted debris and resedimentation deposits, and outwash gravels. Interpretation of the sediment-landform associations informed by observations at modern glacier termini suggests that the Late Pleistocene Tekapo Formation moraines have been formed by downwasting of a more expanded Tasman Glacier. During the early stages of glacier retreat, ponds on the glacier surface develop into thermokarst lakes which enlarge and coalesce to form a large supraglacial lake. Continued downwasting causes the lake outlet river to entrench into the impounding latero-frontal ice-cored moraine, lowering the lake level. This exposes lake-bottom sediments and forms shorelines on the proximal slopes of the ice-cored moraine. As the ice-cored moraine melts, these lake sediments are deformed and deposited against the Mt. John moraine. The observations and interpretations reported here suggest the Late Pleistocene end moraine is a constructional feature not a structural (glaciotectonic) feature as suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

Randomisation tests on boulder weathering data distinguish moraines of four different ages in the Rongbuk Valley, all deposited by valley glaciers flowing northward into Tibet from the Himalaya. Lichenometry utilising subgenus Rhizocarpon distinguishes two groups of moraines, those <100 yr old and those older than several thousand years. The degree of soil development has a similar, limited utility in relative-age dating these moraines. The radiocarbon ages of calcium carbonate coatings in the lower horizons of moraine soils provide minimum-limiting ages of 1900 yr BP for the penultimate advance of the Rongbuk glacier (Samdopo moraine) and 9500 yr BP for the Rongbuk moraine, the moraine suggested by previous workers to represent the last glacial maximum. Equilibrium-line depression associated with the Rongbuk moraine probably was slight, <200 m. The small magnitude of this depression relative to glaciers in other mountain ranges could relate to a weakening of the monsoon in full glacial times, recent tectonic uplift, and/or to the insensitivity of these high-altitude glaciers to lowering temperatures in the rain shadow of Mount Everest.  相似文献   

To explain both origin and outcome of disasters (natural, technical, and war-borne), as well as social action during disasters proper, a macrosociological model of internal causation is introduced (PERDUE). It consists of six stages of possible, and of most likely paths of social change between these six (Peace is founded, Everyday routine, Rising class struggle, Disasters strike, Unconditional surrender of collective defence, and Evaporation of common values). The stages are developed by making use of three dimensions of social change (rapidity, radicality, and rituality), and described.  相似文献   

山东蒙山第四纪冰川组合遗迹的发现及初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了山东蒙山地区南坡保存的丰富而清晰的第四纪冰川遗迹,重点展示了兰溪山谷的冰石河、侧碛堤组合,并对相伴产出的擦痕、磨光面、颤痕等冰川遗迹进行了调查与测量。同时对冰石河、侧碛堤的分布、规模、物质组成、岩石特征进行了介绍。根据侧碛堤的排列位置及砾石的风化程度,初步确定为末次冰期的冰碛遗迹;对山谷两侧磨光面上的擦痕进行了测量统计,显示谷壁磨光面上擦痕的长宽比具有10:1左右的比例规律;根据侧碛最大高度法(MELM),结合对于蒙山侧碛的调查,对蒙山雪线的高度进行了估算,初步估算蒙山南坡末次冰期时的雪线高度约为700 m左右。蒙山地区这些组合冰川遗迹的发现,为中国东部第四纪冰川的研究提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   

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