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A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

Palynological complexes from the coaliferous Talyndzhan and Dublikan formations of the Bureya sedimentary basin are analyzed. The palynological assemblage from the upper part of the Talyndzhan Formation is characterized by dominant gymnosperms largely close to Pinaceae and Ginkgocycadophytus. The content of ferns is insignificant against the background of their relatively high taxonomic diversity. The assemblage is marked by the last occurrence of Staplinisporites pocockii, Camptotriletes cerebriformis, C. nitida, and Cingulatisporites sanguinolentus spores typical of the Late Jurassic palynofloras. The palynological assemblage from the Dublikan Formation is dominated by Pteridophyts representing mainly by Cyathidites and Duplexisporites. In addition to the conifer, the role of Classopollis increased among the gymnosperms in this assemblage. It also includes the first-appearing Stereisporites bujargiensis, Neoraistrickia rotundiformis, Contignisporites dorsostriatus, Duplexisporites pseudotuberculatus, D. rotundatus, Appendicisporites tricostatus, and Concavissimisporites asper. These sporomorphs are characteristic of the Berriasian palynofloras. Thus, the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is most likely located between the Talyndzhan and Dublikan formations.  相似文献   

The quantitative maceral study of the Queen seam from Mailaram coalfield of Godavari valley has displayed alternate coal bands rich in vitrinite/liptinite or inertinite. The random vitrinite reflectance (Ro max. %) of these coals, from top part ranges from 0.50 to 0.64%. However, the bottom part of the seam has indicated lower reflectance, between 0.49 and 0.52%. Thus, the Queen seam, in general, has attained high volatile bituminous C rank. The study indicates that the depositional site has been a slowly sinking basin that witnessed alternate dry (oxidizing) and wet (reducing) spells. This subsequently caused fluctuation in water table of the basin and the formation of oxic and anaoxic moor condition, where accumulated vegetal resource transformed into mixed and fusic coal types in due course of time. Being high in liptinite and vitrinite contents and low mineral matter, the Queen seam of Mailaram coalfield has high economic potential.  相似文献   

A sedimentary sequence overlying a granite pluton near Ishkarwaz (upper Yarkhun valley, Chitral, Pakistan; Karakorum Microplate) contains abundant, but poorly preserved, acritarchs probably referable to the late early Arenig-early late Arenig interval. The palynological assemblages of Karakorum show a marked similarity to the cold water Peri-Gondwana assemblages; i.e. to those of Li Jun's Arbusculidium-Coryphidium-Striatotheca 'Mediterranean' Bioprovince. Biogeographical and geological comparisons suggest that, before the accretion of Cimmerian microplates to the Eurasian continent, the Karakorum Microplate was located along the northern margin of Gondwana in a latitude intermediate between the Mediterranean region and South China (Yangtze Platform).  相似文献   

Vijaya 《Cretaceous Research》1997,18(6):833-847
Palynofloras have been examined from infra- and intertrappean sediments of the Panchet and Rajmahal Formations in the Domra Sub-basin of the Damodar Basin, West Bengal, India. Three distinct palynological assemblages are identified and referred to the following palynozones: (i)Lundbladispora–Verrucosisporites(506.60–505.00 m, late Early Triassic, (ii)Murospora florida(501.65–422.20 m. Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), and (iii)Cicatricosisporites australiensis(342.00–229.6 m. Early Cretaceous, Tithonian–Berriasian). The first occurrences ofCallialasporites turbatusandC. dampieriare at 501.65 m.Callialasporitesis a dominant element of the succeeding assemblages from the Panchet Formation and indicates a Jurassic age. The FAD ofCicatricosisporites australiensisandC. augustusat 342.00 m, and inconsistent occurrences ofAequitriradites spinulosus,Crybelosporites stylosusin the overlying sediments indicate Jurassic–Cretaceous transition.  相似文献   

Vertical deep boreholes of depth up to 1522.50m have been drilled in Koyna-Warna area of Maharashtra State within the Deccan Volcanic Province to study the most outstanding example of Reservoir Triggered Seismicity (RTS). The drilling of 9 bore-holes in the area has provided a window to earth scientists to peep into geological details available below Deccan Trap.The 932.50m thick pile of Deccan basalt, consisting of 30 flows at Rasati, near Koyna, which has been physically seen through cores, present a marvellous geological repository for observations. The megascopic characteristics of various flows and variation in composition have been presented in this paper. The microscopic and geochemical characteristics have been kept out of this communication, as the relevant studies are not completed to draw any conclusion. This study records the presence of granite wash (≈1m thick) over basement and below basalt representing Late Archaean to Cretaceous period hiatus. The basement rocks, presumably of Late Archaean age have been described mega-scopically. A fair picture of sub-surface pre-Deccan topography is shown with the help of borehole data, which confirm the nearly flat topography of pre-Deccan surface especially in this part of the area occupied by 30 flows of Deccan basalt. Correlation of 30 flows with the established stratigraphy has also been attempted for subsurface existence of Ambenali (Upper) and Poladpur Formations of Wai Subgroup in Koyna-Warna area.  相似文献   

Mean ages of 94 ka and 121 ka were obtained at Oulainen for two sand layers situated above and below an organic deposit previously correlated with the Brörup interstadial. At Vimpeli, TL dates obtained for sand layers embedded in an organic deposit suggest an age for this deposit of 107 ka. The uncertainty in this result is considerable, however. Problems encountered in dating these sediments and the reliability of the results are discussed.  相似文献   


金沙江大具盆地中堆积着巨厚的碎屑沉积物, 覆盖于6级阶地之上, 拔河高度可达300 m以上, 其成因和年代都是我国地貌学的研究热点。由于大具盆地的碎屑堆积体岩性简单、分选性差, 缺乏合适的测年材料(如炭屑、火山灰、动物化石等), 此前仅有宇生核素10Be和26Al暴露测年和光释光测年获得绝对测年数据。野外调查发现大具盆地碎屑堆积体中广泛发育着土壤碳酸盐, 而且其质地纯净致密, 适合于铀系测年, 可约束堆积体形成的最小年龄。为此, 采集了海拔高度分别在1859 m、1809 m、1738 m和1721 m的4处堆积体(DJ1、DJ2、DJ3和DJ4)中的34个土壤碳酸盐样品进行铀系测年。多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP- MS)的铀系测年结果显示这4处堆积体中土壤碳酸盐的最大年代分别为14.72±1.08 ka、11.30±0.17 ka、15.08±0.70 ka和16.34±1.22 ka都对应于末次冰消期。因此, 推测大具盆地中巨厚的碎屑沉积事件可能发生于末次冰消期或稍早时段, 最小年龄为16.34±1.22 ka。


Palynological and petrological studies have been undertaken on the Gondwana coal and associated lithologies encountered in borehole EBM-2 of East Bokaro coalfield of Damodar Basin, India. The palynological investigation resulted in the recognition of Assemblage–III (Densipollenites, 27.9 m–214.30 m), Assemblage–II (Striatopodocarpites + Faunipollenites, 225.00 m–297.60 m) and Assemblage–I (Faunipollenites + Scheuringipollenites, 307.00m–433.00 m). Lithofacies study was also done for better understanding of the preservation and abundance/paucity of the spores and pollen in different lithologies as the current borehole has significant thickness of mudstones, shales and siltstone. Palynofacies study and Petrographical studies of coal samples encountered in the borehole were used to determine the depositional environment of the coal precursor peat swamp. Palynological data has revealed the presence of younger Raniganj palynoflora between 27.00-214.30 m depth that is lithologically defined as Barren Measures Formation. This spore pollen study has proved that these sediments were deposited during late early Permian to late Permian period. Further the maceral analysis of organic sediments as well as the Thermal Alteration Index (TAI) has revealed that the coaly shale at 336.5 m depth has hydrocarbon generation potential.  相似文献   

Loess/palaeosol sequences from the Loess plateau in China were investigated by combined infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques in order to study the luminescence properties of the loessic sediments and to provide a direct chronological link for correlation and position of the last interglacial soil in Central Asia and the Loess plateau in China. Sensitivity changes were found for all samples through artificial bleaching of the samples. The greatest sensitivity changes, of up to 50%, were found for very old loess samples designated to be older than the Matu-yama/Brunhes magnetic boundary and hence older than 788,000±1,800 years. The upper dating limit, as investigated by the very old loess samples, ranges from 250,000 to 300,000 years, if the TL additive dose method is applied. The chronological position of the last interglacial soil S1 at the section near Lanzhou indicates luminescence age estimates ranging from 82,000 to 75,000 years for the marine-isotope stage 5 to 4 transition. However, the loess from below S1 yielded luminescence age estimates between 153,200±14,200 and 110,100±20,100 years for TL and IRSL additive dose methods, respectively. Thus, a direct correlation between the S1 and the first intercalated pedocomplex PC1 in Central Asia is most likely. Received: 31 March 1998 / Accepted: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

Coal samples and the associated sediments from New Majri open cast mine have been analysed palynologically with the following objectives: to date the sediments on the basis of the palyno-assemblage recognised; to carry out an inter-basinal, intra-basinal and Gondwana wide correlation; to interpret the palaeoenvironment and depositional facet of the coal field on the basis of dispersed organic matter analysis and sedimentary facies analysis. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the spore and pollen content one palyno-assemblage-Scheuringipollenites and Faunipollenites has been recognised which is typical of lower Barakar Formation. This has been correlated with known palyno-assemblages from Wardha basin and other basins in India, while with the Gondwana continents the assemblage has been broadly correlated with early Permian Australian, African, South America palynofloras as well as early Permian palynoflora of Antarctica. Consequently, a tentative late Early Permian, Artinskian age is proposed for the sediments from New Majri open cast mine. Palynological studies also revealed that the peat forming vegetation was mainly composed of gymnosperms represented by glossopterids (Scheuringipollenites, Ibisporites, Platysaccus, Cuneatisporites, Primuspollenites and Sahnites), conifers (Faunipollenites, Striatites, Striatopodocarpites, Verticipollenites, Distriatites) and cordaites (Parasaccites, Plicatipollenites, Crucisaccites, Divarisaccus, Densipollenites). Spores were represented mainly by filicopsids (Horriditriletes, Brevitriletes, Callumispora) and sphenopsids (Latosporites). The relative abundance of structured organic matter implies the existence of a fairly dense cover of vegetation in the hinterland. Anaerobic, reducing, water logged peat-forming conditions have been inferred by the presence of biodegraded organic matter and amorphous organic matter. The charcoal fragments recovered from the present study area reflects a possible wildfire in the accumulated swamps or a wildfire in the hinterland after which the sediments were flushed by fluvial systems into the swamps. The coalfield exhibits horizontal bedding pattern which may be due to deposition by suspension settling or horizontal accretion. Further the alternating high and low energy regime is noticed in the sandstone-shale intercalated beds overlying the coarse grained yellow sandstone which forms the roof of the coal seam. Comprehensively the sediments are deposited as overbank / levee deposits.  相似文献   

The desorption of 137Cs+ was investigated on sediments from the United States Hanford site. Pristine sediments and ones that were contaminated by the accidental release of alkaline 137Cs+-containing high level nuclear wastes (HLW, 2 × 106 to 6 × 107 pCi 137Cs+/g) were studied. The desorption of 137Cs+ was measured in Na+, K+, Rb+, and NH4+electrolytes of variable concentration and pH, and in presence of a strong Cs+-specific sorbent (self-assembled monolayer on a mesoporous support, SAMMS). 137Cs+ desorption from the HLW-contaminated Hanford sediments exhibited two distinct phases: an initial instantaneous release followed by a slow kinetic process. The extent of 137Cs+ desorption increased with increasing electrolyte concentration and followed a trend of Rb+ ≥ K+ > Na+ at circumneutral pH. This trend followed the respective selectivities of these cations for the sediment. The extent and rate of 137Cs+ desorption was influenced by surface armoring, intraparticle diffusion, and the collapse of edge-interlayer sites in solutions containing K+, Rb+, or NH4+. Scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed HLW-induced precipitation of secondary aluminosilicates on the edges and basal planes of micaceous minerals that were primary Cs+ sorbents. The removal of these precipitates by acidified ammonium oxalate extraction significantly increased the long-term desorption rate and extent. X-ray microprobe analyses of Cs+-sorbed micas showed that the 137Cs+ distributed not only on mica edges, but also within internal channels parallel to the basal plane, implying intraparticle diffusive migration of 137Cs+. Controlled desorption experiments using Cs+-spiked pristine sediment indicated that the 137Cs+ diffusion rate was fast in Na+-electrolyte, but much slower in the presence of K+ or Rb+, suggesting an effect of edge-interlayer collapse. An intraparticle diffusion model coupled with a two-site cation exchange model was used to interpret the experimental results. Model simulations suggested that about 40% of total sorbed 137Cs+ was exchangeable, including equilibrium and kinetic desorbable pools. At pH 3, this ratio increased to 60-80%. The remainder of the sorbed 137Cs+ was fixed or desorbed at much slower rate than our experiments could detect.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1035-1042
Single-grain OSL dating is applied to sediments from different depositional settings on the Southern High Plains of western Texas and eastern New Mexico. Criteria of acceptance are used to screen equivalent doses from individual grains and resulting distributions are evaluated in terms of normality. Wide variation is found in proportion of acceptable grains and in the distributions. While some of the latter are normal, many show broadening that may be the result of mixing of different-aged grains and skewness that may result from variant depositional and post-depositional modes. Geological modeling will be required to understand better these distributions, although for most samples means produced ages that agree with independent evidence. The resolution possible with single grains is necessary for best estimates of equivalent dose for other samples. A few samples do not agree with independent evidence, even with a normal distribution of equivalent dose. Sand dunes seem the most difficult to date accurately, probably because of mixing.  相似文献   

Sorption of Cs to micaceous subsurface sediments from the Hanford site, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sorption of Cs+ was investigated over a large concentration range (10−9−10−2 mol/L) on subsurface sediments from a United States nuclear materials site (Hanford) where high-level nuclear wastes (HLW) have been accidentally released to the vadose zone. The sediment sorbs large amounts of radiocesium, but expedited migration has been observed when HLW (a NaNO3 brine) is the carrier. Cs+ sorption was measured on homoionic sediments (Na+, K+, Ca2+) with electrolyte concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1.0 mol/L. In Na+ electrolyte, concentrations were extended to near saturation with NaNO3(s) (7.0 mol/L). The sediment contained nonexpansible (biotite, muscovite) and expansible (vermiculite, smectite) phyllosilicates. The sorption data were interpreted according to the frayed edge-planar site conceptual model. A four-parameter, two-site (high- and low-affinity) numeric ion exchange model was effective in describing the sorption data. The high-affinity sites were ascribed to wedge zones on the micas where particle edges have partially expanded due to the removal of interlayer cations during weathering, and the low-affinity ones to planar sites on the expansible clays. The electrolyte cations competed with Cs+ for both high- and low-affinity sites according to the trend K+ >> Na+ ≥ Ca2+. At high salt concentration, Cs+ adsorption occurred only on high-affinity sites. Na+ was an effective competitor for the high-affinity sites at high salt concentrations. In select experiments, silver-thiourea (AgTU) was used as a blocking agent to further isolate and characterize the high-affinity sites, but the method was found to be problematic. Mica particles were handpicked from the sediment, contacted with Cs+(aq), and analyzed by electron microprobe to identify phases and features important to Cs+ sorption. The microprobe study implied that biotite was the primary contributor of high-affinity sites because of its weathered periphery. The poly-phase sediment exhibited close similarity in ion selectivity to illite, which has been well studied, although its proportion of high-affinity sites relative to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was lower than that of illite. Important insights are provided on how Na+ in HLW and indigenous K+ displaced from the sediments may act to expedite the migration of strongly sorbing Cs+ in subsurface environments.  相似文献   

Luminescence dating based on K-feldspars and using both TL and OSL methods have been performed on 94 sediment samples from East Greenland. The ages go back more than 380 ka, but are mainly from the last interglaciation and the subsequent period and include both shallow-marine/coastal-fluvial and ice proximal meltwater sediments. Independent age control indicates that the dates in the first group generally fall within ± 15% of the expected age, although a few samples show larger deviations. The ice proximal sediments, on the other hand, show a much larger spread and exaggerated ages, probably owing to incomplete bleaching. OSL may give better results than TL in these sediments.  相似文献   

A brief review is presented of my efforts to improve the accuracy of dating unheated sediments by TL and of the development of a new tephrochronometer. Specific applications to known-age deposits are outlined, as are studies of the depositional environment of subaqueous sediments. Removal of anomalous fading in loess by storage at 75°C for 8 days is demostrated.Throughout, for unheated sediments the preferential use of the partial bleach (R-gamma or R-beta) technique is emphasized, especially in situations where the growth curves are sublinear. Contrary to a widespread misconception, sublinearity does not invalidate the partial bleach method. Furthermore, examples are given of TL ‘sensitivity’ (or ‘efficiency’) changes occurring with the regeneration technique — changes that are variable and seemingly sample dependent.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1111-1121
This paper presents a case study in the analysis of anthropogenically reset sedimentary materials, through work undertaken to identify and date sediments in an ancient canal in the Mekong Delta, Cambodia. The emergence of rice cultivating communities, utilising canals for both hydraulic management and transport, represents an important stage in the social evolution of southeast Asia. The emergence of complex polities in the region, which may have depended on both international trade and intensified agriculture, led ultimately to the formation of the famous Khmer empires which dominated the region on several occasions through the 1st and 2nd millennia AD. French colonial scholars identified possibly ancient canals in the region that may have played roles in trade, agriculture, or both. This series of ancient canal features near Angkor Borei has been the subject of recent investigations in a collaboration between the Universities of Glasgow and Hawaii. Luminescence profiling measurements were used to identify the canal bed, by exploiting the contrast between a regional substrate of some 50 ka depositional age and more recent archaeological sediments. In this manner it has been possible to identify the sedimentary substrate, undisturbed canal sediments, and redeposited material. Ages have been estimated for substrate and canal infill sediments. The work represents the first convincing demonstration of luminescence dating of one of these important regional features, and indeed the first confirmation of the presumed antiquity of the canal system around Angkor Borei.  相似文献   

The study of coal succession from bore hole No. Q-448 of Yellendu area of the Godavari valley coalfield, Andhra Pradesh reveals that the coals of Queen seam are high volatile bituminous C in rank and have vitrinite reflectance (Ro max %) varying between of 0.52 and 0.62%. The petrographic constitution however, suggests that the depositional site appears to be a slowly sinking and tectonically controlled basin, having received continuous supply of vegetal matter rich resource at regular intervals. The formation of inertinite rich coal suggests, oxidising enviornment of deposition. The dominence of vitrinite and liptinite constituents in these coals postulates the existence of alternating cold and humid spells. The present study indicates that these coals originated under an alternate oxic and anoxic moor condition.  相似文献   

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