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湖南喀斯特和洞穴旅游气候的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喀斯特和洞穴景观和湖南省的重要旅游资源。该省喀斯特旅游气候的特征是:山地气候垂直变化较明显,各具特色。云、雾、雨较多,气象景观丰富;气候温和、类型多样、珍奇生物较多;旅游旺季较长,名优产品较多。洞穴的气候特征是:洞穴内气温稳定,但全年平均气温仍偏高;洞穴内湿度变化小,且全年湿度偏大;洞穴风对旅游及环境有一定的影响。  相似文献   

洞穴气候学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛政旦 《气象》1984,10(9):21-25
在山地通常有各种各样的或大或小的洞穴。尤其是在容易被水溶解的喀斯特岩石地区,岩洞更加普遍。洞穴气候学研究洞穴中的温度、湿度和风等气候要素的空间分布和时间变化。洞穴气候条件对于洞内景观的形成,特别是对洞穴化学沉积,起着重要作用。弄清不同的洞穴以及同一洞穴不同部位化学沉积物与洞穴气候之间的关系,并进而根据化学沉积物在分布上的差异,以及沉积物类似于树木车轮似的年生长线的变化,推断洞穴的发育和古气候情况,是洞穴气候学引起洞穴学者极大兴趣的原因。  相似文献   

我国古典名著《西游记》中描述的无底洞,不过是神话传说而已.然而,最近南非洞穴学会和瑞士的洞穴团体在纳米比亚确实发现了一个堪称世界第一的无底洞.该洞位于纳米比亚北部沙漠中心灌木茂盛的山麓下,黑洞洞的深不见底.为了查清洞穴的情况,洞穴考察专家把调查人员吊入漆黑的洞穴中,里面除了听到钢索的磨擦声外,完全是一片漆黑、静寂的世界.调查人员用灯光向里照射.只见洞中巧夺天工的钟乳石像一幅巨大的帘幕直向深渊.钢索徐徐下降  相似文献   

日本利用洞穴贮藏农产品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本利用洞穴贮藏农产品天然钟乳洞除开发用于观光外,多数闲置没有利用。日本进行了利用洞穴贮藏粮食的试验,认为洞穴贮藏效果很好,而且节省能源。试验洞穴在日本山口县,全长1552m,用于贮藏的部位洞深100m,洞口7×8m且高于整个洞体,入口后急剧倾斜,穴...  相似文献   

一、前言兰溪涌雪洞地处金衢盆地东北侧金华北山余脉六洞山西坡,以‘地下长河’蜚声省内外。为合理开发旅游资源,笔者于1985年7月和1986年1月对该洞进行了以洞穴气温、气流和湿度为主要项目的小气候考察,初步揭示了各气象要素的时空分布特点及其变化规律。从而为洞穴景点的总体规划提供了客观依据,也为亚热带地区的洞穴气候研究增加了一个典例。考察中,洞内外各测点(见图1)观测时次以逐时为主视需要不定时流动辅之;使用仪器主要有通风干湿表,温湿自记计和轻便风向风速仪。  相似文献   

新疆的空中水   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新疆的水分状况涉及地表水、地下水等很多种不同形态的水.空中的水分状况也是其中很重要的一种.我们用的一切淡水源最终都是来自自然界的降水(雨、雪),而降水都是空中气体状态的水凝结而降下来的.为了全面认识新疆水源问题,这里专门就新疆的空中水状况作些分析. 一、空中水分的观测现在新疆空中水分状况的观测手段是多种多样的.大致有以下几种: 1.地面观测:全疆约有110个测点每天进行距地面1.5米高度上的空气湿度观测.此观测已有约30年的数据.这些数据可以说  相似文献   

查明地下水与河水之间的水力联系,是研究浑河污染水体对地下水环境影响的前提。采用环境同位素技术研究浑河沿岸地下水演化规律,沿浑河冲洪积扇地下水流动方向取地下水样13个、河水样3个。结果表明:通过对水样进行D(氘)、18O分析,查明了浑河与地下水之间的水力联系,确定了河水对地下水的补给宽度,定量计算了河水对沿岸地下水的贡献比例。从浑河的上游至下游,河水对地下水的贡献比例由大变小,平均约为50%;河水对地下水强补给带位于浑河以南约1 km的范围内,二者的水力联系密切。  相似文献   

基于我国青藏高原2个冰芯、中东部3个洞穴石笋、1个南海珊瑚的稳定氧同位素1950年来的年际分辨率时间序列,通过与其周边气象站点器测数据对比分析表明:冰芯、珊瑚载体中氧同位素与温度相关性较好,可以指示过去温度变化的信息;洞穴石笋载体中氧同位素与温度、降水量的相关性因洞穴地点不同而存在差异.近50年来冰芯氧同位素记录了青藏高原20世纪50-70年代中期夏季温度降低以及随后温度增加的2个时段;珊瑚氧同位素记录了我国南海热带海区温度及海水表面温度一直处于变暖的环境中;而石笋氧同位素皆偏正变化的趋势与亚洲季风区其他石笋氧同位素、现代大气降水氧同位素的记录一致,并和现代气象资料计算的亚洲夏季风指数变化相符,即石笋氧同位素也反映出亚洲季风在逐渐减弱,显示独特的区域一致性.  相似文献   

地下水已成为满足全球农业生产和生活用水需求的重要来源,也是实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程的关键资源。地下水的数量和质量会直接或间接地受到气候变化的影响。IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组报告对全球和区域历史时期及未来地下水变化趋势进行了评估。报告指出:(1)自21世纪初以来,由于地下水灌溉用水量增加,全球许多国家和地区地下水储量呈现下降趋势。(2)在气候变化背景下,地下水开采量将持续增加,包括全球主要含水层中不可再生的地下水。(3)在热带和半干旱地区,气候变化引起强降水发生频率加快,导致地下水补给量呈增加趋势;在高寒地区,受气候变化影响地下水主要补给期从春季向冬季演变,由于融雪周期和融雪量的减少造成高寒地区春季地下水补给量减少。在地下水退化区域开展渐进式生态修复,是应对气候变化和保障水安全的重要措施。  相似文献   

黄河流域是我国重要的生态屏障,也是我国粮食作物的主要产区。近年来,随着城镇化的发展,当地水资源分配出现了显著变化。因此,厘清黄河流域城镇化作用下水循环的改变对制定黄河流域城镇化政策具有重要意义。本文利用资源环境科学与数据中心的黄河流域下垫面数据、世界人口数据集的人口密度和Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Grace)的Center for Space Research (CSR)陆地总水储量格点数据,开展了黄河流域城镇化过程中地下水的变化特征分析工作。结果表明:黄河流域城镇化程度具有显著的空间差异,下游存在明显的城镇化加剧现象;全域人口密度整体呈上升趋势,其中下游的人口增长趋势最大;黄河流域的地下水呈下降趋势,以下游的地下水下降最为显著。通过对比黄河流域新增城镇、不变城镇和消失城镇的地下水变化差异,发现地下水下降幅度最小出现在消失城镇,新增城镇的地下水下降幅度小于不变城镇的区域。因此,黄河流域城镇化对地下水的减少具有显著的作用,新增城镇地下水并没有出现显著下降的结果也说明近年来城镇化后的地下水保护政策取得的效果良好。  相似文献   

?rna Jama is the coldest section of cave within the Postojna Cave System. Mean annual air temperatures at the ?rna Jama 2 site are 5.6 °C (2015) and 5.7 °C (2016), and at the ?rna Jama 3 site 7.1 °C (2015) and 7.2 (2016), whereas the mean external air temperature was 10.3 °C (2015) and 10.0 °C (2016). In Lepe Jame, the passage most heavily visited by tourists, the mean cave-air temperature is 10.7 °C (2014–2017). ?rna Jama exhibits winter and summer temperature regimes. During warm periods (Tcave < Tout), it acts as a cold air trap, exchanging no air with the outside atmosphere. Under such conditions the cave-air temperature shows no short-term diurnal temperature oscillations. Cave-air temperature is significantly stable and affected only by elevation of the groundwater table, which is associated with precipitation. During cold periods (Tcave > Tout), ventilation takes place and dense, cold, outside air sinks into ?rna Jama because of the favourable cave entrance morphology. Recent ?rna Jama air temperature data (2014–2017) indicate a < 0.5 °C higher temperature than that recorded in historical data since 1933. ?rna Jama is the most appropriate place within the Postojna Cave System to study long-term climatic changes. There are hardly any tourist visits to the cave, and human impacts on the cave climate are essentially reduced.  相似文献   

The influence of shape and aspect ratio of a mountain valley on the wind field is studied with the use of a two-dimensional quasi-laminar model. A vortex with the axis directed along the valley appears in the simulations. In addition, an air flow along the valley is found. The speed of this flow at the vortex centre depends on the valley aspect ratio (the ratio of the valley width to its depth). This speed is less than the corresponding wind component at the same height in the undisturbed flow if the aspect ratio is smaller than a critical value, and it is greater than the undisturbed wind component if the aspect ratio is greater than the critical value. The latter is different for valleys having cross sections of different shape.  相似文献   


Cussac cave was investigated to assess the cave air temperature variations and to understand its ventilation regime. This cave is located in an active karst system in the south west part of France. It has a single entrance and is considered as a cold air trap. In this study, air mass exchanges were probed. Measurements of temperature and Pco2 with a 30-min frequency were made in several locations close to the cave entrance. Speed of the air flow was also measured at the door of cave entrance. Results show that cave air Pco2 varies from 0.18 to 3.33 %. This cave appears to be a CO2 source with a net mass of 2319 tons blown in 2009. Carbon-stable isotope of CO2 (13Cco2) ranges from −20.6 ‰ in cold season to −23.8 ‰ in warm season. Cave air is interpreted as a result of a mix between external air and an isotopically depleted air, coming from the rock environment. The isotopic value of the light member varies through time, from −23.9 to −22.5 ‰. Furthermore, this study ascertains that the cave never stops in communicating with the external air. The ventilation regime is identified. (1) In cold season, the cave inhales at night and blows a little at the warmest hours. However, in warm season, (2) cave blows at night, but (3) during the day, a convection loop takes place in the entrance area and prevents the external air from entering the cave, confirming the cold air trap.


周玉奇  张宁 《气象科学》2018,38(1):85-94
为了解城市建筑群对周围风场结构的影响,本文利用大涡模拟方法对不同建筑群分布类型下的风场状况进行了模拟,并利用通风指数对风场进行定量评估。模拟结果表明:PALM(Parallelized LES model)能够反映出建筑物影响下风场的结构特征。建筑群风场受到建筑高度、高度方差、分布、初始入流的影响。风场衰减主要体现在水平分量上,尤其是平均高度较高、高度方差大、交错不规整分布使得水平方向风场衰减、通风效果变差,而同时又会使得垂直风速分量w增大,增大垂直方向的空气交换速率。初始入流不会影响风场风廓线形态,在低层风场中平均风速大小以及总体空气交换速率基本与入流成正比关系。  相似文献   

Cave air temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations in the cave air and external air temperature were analysed at several locations in Postojna Cave over the course of six holiday periods in 2009–2011. The results show that a 1-day increase in visitor numbers from 200 to 3,500 raised the cave air temperature by a maximum of 0.5 °C. The air temperature increases are within the annual range of cave air temperature variations. A fivefold increase in visitor numbers resulted in a carbon dioxide concentration that was at least twice as high as normal. The carbon dioxide concentration increased from 450 to 1,750 ppm (December 2009–January 2010). After 10 days of peak period visits, both the CO2 concentration and the temperature returned almost to the pre-holiday values. The gradual increase in mean annual air temperature in the cave (2004–2010) is not related to the number of visitors but to outside climate conditions.  相似文献   

气象因素对标枪成绩的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
气象条件对体育比赛有着重要的作用,温度、湿度、降水、风等各种气象因素对体育比赛项目都会产生一定的影响。使用自20世纪80年代以来国内外有关气象条件对标枪项目的影响、标枪训练与投掷的技术标准、标枪项目的生物力学等方面的文献资料和有关标枪风洞实验的有关数据,重点分析了风力和风向对标枪投掷的影响。结果表明:在风速较小(顺风和侧风时风速小于6 m/s,在逆风时风速小于3 m/s)的情况下,一定的风速使标枪的飞行距离稍有增加,当风速超过6 m/s以后,飞行距离随风速的加大而减少。另外,气温和湿度对标枪运动的影响主要是在对运动员的身体状态方面,表现为对运动员的心理和生理的影响,影响运动员水平的发挥,降水、大雾等则表现为能见度差,造成比赛中止甚至取消。  相似文献   

Skyscrapers negatively impact the environment by creating gusty winds, known as building winds, which are the result of descending turbulences caused by the blockage of upper air by tall buildings. Usually, a building wind impact assessment (BWIA) is carried out using a wind tunnel test or computation fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation methods. The application of wind tunnel test is limited by the high costs of the models. Thus, CFD simulations are now the preferred approach to save time and expense as a result of advancements in computer technology, however, differing grid cell sizes greatly impact simulation results. Therefore, it is important to select appropriate cell sizes. CFD simulations based on different grid sizes were tested and compared in this study. The study site is located in the Dogok-dong at Gangnam-ku in Seoul, Korea. The study results revealed significant errors when using coarse grid sizes due to incorrect representations of building shape.  相似文献   

人工防雹(增雨)作业所依据的原理是成雹(增雨)机制和雹云(积云)结构特征,而作业的难题是判断作业的部位和时机。利用冰雹存在成长“穴道”的新概念,对所获取的雷达基本反射率、反射率剖面(RCS)、速度剖面(VCS)及风廓线(VWP)等资料进行分析,找到相对水平风速为0的区域,即可准确判定“0”域的位置,找到冰雹成长的“穴道”,解决人工防雹(增雨)作业中作业部位和时机的判断问题,以此指导人工防雹(增雨)作业。  相似文献   

Daily and sub-daily weather data are often required for hydrological and environmental modeling. Various weather generator programs have been used to generate synthetic climate data where observed climate data are limited. In this study, a weather data generator, ClimGen, was evaluated for generating information on daily precipitation, temperature, and wind speed at four tropical watersheds located in Hawai??i, USA. We also evaluated different daily to sub-daily weather data disaggregation methods for precipitation, air temperature, dew point temperature, and wind speed at M??kaha watershed. The hydrologic significance values of the different disaggregation methods were evaluated using Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model. MuDRain and diurnal method performed well over uniform distribution in disaggregating daily precipitation. However, the diurnal method is more consistent if accurate estimates of hourly precipitation intensities are desired. All of the air temperature disaggregation methods performed reasonably well, but goodness-of-fit statistics were slightly better for sine curve model with 2?h lag. Cosine model performed better than random model in disaggregating daily wind speed. The largest differences in annual water balance were related to wind speed followed by precipitation and dew point temperature. Simulated hourly streamflow, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge were less sensitive to the method of disaggregating daily air temperature. ClimGen performed well in generating the minimum and maximum temperature and wind speed. However, for precipitation, it clearly underestimated the number of extreme rainfall events with an intensity of >100 mm/day in all four locations. ClimGen was unable to replicate the distribution of observed precipitation at three locations (Honolulu, Kahului, and Hilo). ClimGen was able to reproduce the distributions of observed minimum temperature at Kahului and wind speed at Kahului and Hilo. Although the weather data generation and disaggregation methods were concentrated in a few Hawaiian watersheds, the results presented can be used to similar mountainous location settings, as well as any specific locations aimed at furthering the site-specific performance evaluation of these tested models.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations into the thermal regime of a cave in the Peak District of Derbyshire show a strong seasonal variation. In summer the main chamber of the cave has an almost uniform temperature with a slight increase with height above the cave floor. Its value of 7°C is close to the mean annual temperature recorded at a standard climatological station nearby. Whenever the outside temperature falls below about 7°C, density currents slowly flow into the cave bringing cooler temperatures into the lowest part of the cave. Winds blowing directly into the cave also affect the temperature regime through forcing external air into the system. The nature of the association between outside and interior temperatures is investigated by correlation analysis.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

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