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Evaluation of BTEX Remediation by Natural Attenuation at a Coastal Facility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural attenuation has emerged as a potential alternative for remediating sites contaminated with fuel hydrocarbons. This paper examines the viability of using attenuation through natural processes to remediate ground water at an industrial facility. The research combined field assessments with data analysis and modeling to evaluate plume stability and predict remediation times. Field data on natural attenuation indicate that BTEX contamination at the site is being attenuated at rates that vary within the range of 0.0001 to 0.0073/day. Stability analyses confirm that the BTEX plume has reached steady state. An analysis on mass flux showed that between 1979 and 1996, 95,000 pounds of BTEX were lost via biodegradation, while 8000 pounds were lost through other mechanisms. A first-order biodegradation rate of 0.0002/day for BTEX was obtained from the change in the total mass of dissolved BTEX with time. Cleanup times in excess of 200 years for the site were estimated using analytical modeling of natural attenuation, which agreed well with the remediation times estimated using the attenuation rates calculated for the site.  相似文献   

地形对地震烈度衰减的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用阶跃截面固体的一维弹性波传播模型,研究了地形对地震烈度衰减的影响。采用固体入射纵波来模拟无地形影响的地震烈度衰减;采用固体透射波来模拟有地形影响的地震烈度衰减。利用阶跃截面处的放松连续条件,得出了烈度与高度差的近似定量关系。同时,以新疆地区逆冲走滑型地震为例,讨论了烈度与高度差的近似定量关系描述地形对地震烈度衰减影响的有效性。  相似文献   

The area surrounding the Colorado Department of Transportation Materials Testing Laboratory in Denver was the subject of intense investigation, involving the collection of thousands of ground water, soil-gas, and indoor air samples in order to investigate indoor air impacts associated with a subsurface release of chlorinated solvents. The preremediation portion of that data set is analyzed and reduced in this work to ground water–to-indoor air attenuation factors (αgw= the ratio of the measured indoor air concentration to the soil-gas concentration predicted to be in equilibrium with the local ground water concentration). The empirical αgw values for this site range from about 10−6 to 10−4 with an overall average of 3 × 10−5 (μg/L indoor air)/(μg/L soil gas). The analysis of this data set highlights the need for a thorough data review and data screening when using large data sets to derive empirical relationships between subsurface concentrations and indoor air. More specifically, it is necessary to identify those parts of the data that contain a strong vapor intrusion pathway signal, which generally will require concentrations well above reported detection levels combined with spatial or temporal correlation of subsurface and indoor concentrations.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been increasing interest in the application of passive technologies to reduce or remove contaminants from the subsurface environment including soil and ground water. In most cases, the impetus for this interest lies in a perceived savings compared with more traditional remedial alternatives. In a few cases, the infrastructure at contaminated sites, such as buildings, paved areas, and utilities, makes the use of conventional remedial measures difficult and expensive.
To demonstrate that natural processes are effective in reaching established goals, it is necessary to determine that transformation processes are taking place at a rate that is protective of human health and the environment and that these processes will continue for an acceptable period of time. The basic conditions that must be present to confirm natural attenuation processes arc taking place are discussed along with the behavior of contaminated plumes, monitoring requirements, data analysis, rates of degradation, and mathematical modeling.  相似文献   

Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface: Processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the alternatives considered for the remediation of soil and ground water at hazardous wastes sites are the use of natural processes to reduce or remove the contaminants of concern, Under favorable conditions, the use of natural attenuation can result in significant cost savings and compensate for uncertainties encountered in complex subsurface settings. In order to demonstrate that natural processes are effective in reaching established goals it is necessary to determine that transformation processes are taking place at a rate which is protective of human health and the environment, and that these processes will continue for an acceptable period of time.
While chemical transformation, dispersion, dilution, sorption, and volatilization are discussed, aerobic and anaerobic degradation comprise the major processes for the reduction of contaminant mass in the subsurface. In discussing the mechanisms of natural attenuation, chlorinated aliphatics and petroleum hydrocarbons are used as examples because of their significant impact on subsurface contamination and the effect of their physiochemical properties on attenuation processes.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation processes affect the fate and transport of organic compounds in many hydrologic systems. Over the last several years, regulatory agencies and environmental professionals have come to recognize the importance of these natural processes in effecting contaminant attenuation. When they are shown to be protective of human health and the environment, and when a well-designed monitoring program is in place to document the efficiency of these processes, they can be a valuable component of site remediation strategies.  相似文献   

场地划分标准对基岩地震动参数衰减关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于美国NGA强震观测数据库中描述场地的不同指标,定义了五种不同的"基岩"场地类型,得到了相应的数据集;同时采用最小二乘法回归得到了世界范围内对应不同"基岩"定义的地震动参数衰减关系,并研究了不同场地划分标准造成的基岩地震动参数衰减关系的差异。  相似文献   

Monitoring of the vapor phase has emerged as a very convenient method for detecting volatile organic contaminants in the subsurface. It can provide a reliable way of placing ground water monitoring and recovery wells. The most common method uses a driveable ground probe (DGP) to extract a vapor-phase sample followed by direct injection of the vapor into a portable gas chromatograph (GC). However, many regional offices of regulatory agencies and consultants do not have ready access to such equipment. This research explores an alternative–the carbon adsorption method—in which the vapor is withdrawn by the DGP but concentrated on a small activated carbon trap (150mg). The carbon traps can be returned to a central laboratory for solvent extraction and GC analysis. This provides the advantages of increased sensitivity, reduction in field equipment and convenience of in-lab analyses (multiple GC injections are possible). A simple DGP and carbon trap system was constructed and tested at a field site. Vapor-phase concentrations of target compounds present in gasoline were mapped quite conveniently, ranging from 10,000μg/liter (vapor phase) to less than 10μg/L. These concentrations were also shown to decrease in the direction of the ground surface, as expected. Measurements of target compounds in soil showed that the vapor phase contributed a large fraction of the total contaminant burden where a non-aqueous-phase layer (NAPL) had been identified; as important, however, is the rather uniform contamination of the soil outside the NAPL region. Finally, the concentrations of target compounds in the vapor phase and ground water could be related in a manner roughly described by a simple equilibrium model, although exceptions were noted.  相似文献   

The capacity for subsurface sediments to sequester radionuclide contaminants, such as uranium (U), and retain them after bioremediation efforts are completed is critical to the long‐term stewardship of re‐mediated sites. In U bioremediation strategies, carbon amendment stimulates bioreduction of U(VI) to U(IV), immobilizing it within the sediments. Sediments enriched in natural organic matter are naturally capable of sequestering significant U, but may serve as sources to the aquifer, contributing to plume persistence. Two types of organic‐rich sediments were compared to better understand U release mechanisms. Sediments that were artificially primed for U removal were retrieved from an area previously biostimulated while detrital‐rich sediments were collected from a location never subject to amendment. Batch incubations demonstrated that primed sediments rapidly removed uranium from the groundwater, whereas naturally reduced sediments released a sizeable portion of U before U(VI)‐reduction commenced. Column experiments confirmed that U release persisted for 65 pore volumes in naturally reduced sediments, demonstrating their sink‐source behavior. Acetate addition to primed sediments shifted the microbial community from sulfate‐reducing bacteria within Desulfobacteraceae to the iron‐reducing Geobacteraceae and Firmicutes, associated with efficient U(VI) removal and retention, respectively. In contrast, Geobacteraceae communities in naturally reduced sediments were replaced by sequences with similarity to Pseudomonas spp. during U release, while U(VI) removal only occurred with enrichment of Firmicutes. These investigations stress the importance of characterizing zones with heterogeneous carbon pools at U‐contaminated sites prior to the determination of a remedial strategy to identify areas, which may contribute to long‐term sourcing of the contaminants.  相似文献   

通过阐述地震安全性评价工作中地震动衰减关系的演变介绍了衰减关系的三种类型,其差别在于是否含有高频地震动震级饱和因子C3M2项和加速度近场饱和因子C5eC6M项;分析了这两个因子的由来和作用,并举实例说明,当场地所处的地震环境受高频地震动影响较小时,可忽略C3M2项的影响;而加速度近场饱和因子因包含了震源体尺度的影响,并与实际观测记录相符,是衰减关系必须包含的内容。  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion pathway evaluations commonly begin with a comparison of volatile organic chemical (VOC) concentrations in groundwater to generic, or Tier 1, screening levels. These screening levels are typically quite low reflecting both a desired level of conservatism in a generic risk screening process as well as limitations in understanding of physical and chemical processes that impact vapor migration in the subsurface. To study the latter issue, we have collected detailed soil gas and groundwater vertical concentration profiles and evaluated soil characteristics at seven different sites overlying chlorinated solvent contaminant plumes. The goal of the study was to evaluate soil characteristics and their impacts on VOC attenuation from groundwater to deep soil gas (i.e., soil gas in the unsaturated zone within 2 feet of the water table). The study results suggest that generic screening levels can be adjusted by a factor of 100× at sites with fine‐grained soils above the water table, as identified by visual observations or soil air permeability measurements. For these fine‐grained soil sites, the upward‐adjusted screening levels maintain a level of conservatism while potentially eliminating the need for vapor intrusion investigations at sites that may not meet generic screening criteria.  相似文献   

近年来工程场地地震安全性评价工作日趋规范化,安评相关方法与技术也在不断的发展与完善.而超高、超限等复杂结构类型越来越成为城市建筑建设重点,根据《建筑抗震设计规范》要求,此类建筑在抗震设计工作中需要进行时程分析,时程分析输入地震动的选用需考虑与规范反应谱在"统计意义上相符".在总结常用选择方法的基础上,提出一种新的选波思路,即按照安评结果反应谱作为目标反应谱,基于强震记录数据库,利用PEER强震记录数据库及搜索平台,寻找最优匹配天然地震波,作为结构时程分析输入地震波,通过实例对比分析,该方法选取的地震波在结构时程分析中具有良好的适用性.  相似文献   

An anisotropic attenuation law, based on an anisotropic characterization of intensity distribution for seismogenic zones, is proposed. This approach, that distinguishes itself for its consistency to the observed data, initially reconfigured by filtering procedures, is particularly suitable for seismic hazard evaluation.  相似文献   

以我国中南地区烈度资料为例,用卡方正交回归烈度和震级的联合椭圆衰减模型,研究了烈度和震级相互转换的一致性问题,给出适合该地区的“一致”地震动衰减关系,并与常规方法得到的最小二乘结果进行比较,结果较为合理。该方法也可用于预测不同地区其它地震动参数衰减关系。  相似文献   

杨月巧  迟宝明  宴金旭 《地震》2014,34(3):149-159
近年来随着我国重特大地震灾害的频发,震后重建的灾区再次遭受地震灾害,部分重建项目在震后暴露出的问题引起了社会的广泛关注,因此对地震灾后重建进行综合后评价具有重要的科学和实际意义。本文在对国内外地震灾后恢复重建内容研究的基础上,确定综合后评价的一级评价指标:工程项目后评价、经济效益后评价、生态环境可持续性后评价、社会效果后评价、人文价值后评价和应急能力后评价。并利用解释结构模型(ISM)得出各指标之间的层次关系。本文以芦山县在汶川地震的重建内容对该一级评价指标进行实证分析,同时构建出该县重建综合后评价的二级指标。分析结果说明该评价框架体系指标合理,方法可行,具有一定的科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

震级转换关系及其对地震活动性参数的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本文根据1990-2007年《中国地震年报》中同时给出Ms和ML、且震源深度〈70km的6577个浅源地震资料,经统计回归得到了全国和各地震区Ms与ML之间的经验关系。新的震级转换关系接近于Ms=ML,本文建议在需要进行震级标度转换时,对于没有测定Ms的低震级地震可直接使用Ms=ML进行转换。与目前广泛使用的震级转换关系相比,采用本文建议的震级转换方法后,全国各地震区5级以上地震的数量基本没有变化,但5级以下地震的数量有明显增加,导致由此统计得到的各地震区震级.频度关系中的b值有不同程度的增大。此外,用地震数量直接得到的4级以上地震的年平均发生率V4有明显增高,且部分地震区甚至增加了50%以上。在高震级地震发生率不变的情况下,地震活动性参数的上述变化反映了对地震区地震活动水平的估计有提高,可能导致概率地震危险性分析结果的提高,对地震区划和工程场地地震安全性评价有重要意义。  相似文献   

影区地震速报定位的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏国君  张海 《四川地震》1996,(4):122-125
影区地震的定位是成都遥测台网速报经常遇到的难点问题之一。本文分析了成都遥测台网记录中出现的影区地震的震相S、Lg特征,总结出识别它们的方法,并发现增用S波参加速报定位,常常可提高定位精度,达到规范要求。对于某些影区地震,可用ScS震相测定其深度。  相似文献   

Natural attenuation landfill sites continue to be the preferred method of domestic waste disposal in the Precambrian Shield regions of Ontario due to economic factors. The main challenge in siting these landfills is ensuring that there will be no adverse impact on off-site water resources. Impact risk assessments are generally based on estimated volumes and strengths of chloride in the leachate. While volumes can be estimated using simple water balances, peak chloride concentration predictions are based on judgment and are quite variable. Since design chloride strengths dictate the size of the required attenuation zone, overestimating concentrations will typically make it impossible to find a suitable site, while underestimating concentrations increases the potential for adverse off-site impacts occurring.
Hydrogeological data from active and closed landfills in the Precambrian Shield region were collected to help develop a reliable method of predicting peak chloride concentrations in leachate. This study focused on 21 sites located on relatively permeable sandy soils since landfills underlain by low permeability clayey soils retain leachate similar to lined facilities.
Linear regression analyses were conducted to determine if source chloride concentrations at the "sand" sites are significantly influenced by waste thickness, fill area, waste volume, waste deposition rate, hydraulic conductivity, upgradient flow length, depth to the water table, and moisture surplus.
A strong relationship (R = 0.957) was found to exist between source chloride concentrations and waste volume. This empirical volume versus chloride regression equation can be used as the basis for establishing design chloride concentrations at new natural attenuation landfills developed over sandy soils in the Precambrian Shield regions of Ontario. An alternative risk assessment approach is required for sites developed over clay soils.  相似文献   

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