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Recent advances in high throughput/automated compositing with robotics/field-screening methods offer seldom-tapped opportunities for achieving cost-reduction in ground water quality monitoring programs. An economic framework is presented in this paper for the evaluation of sample compositing as a screening tool in ground water quality monitoring. When the likelihood of occurrence of a contaminant in a well is very small, the use of sample compositing instead of routine exhaustive sampling will lead to reduction in analytical efforts. Such reduction will be maximum when there are no contaminated wells in the network. An N-fold reduction will result when none of the wells in a network of N wells are contaminated. When 25 percent or more wells in a network are contaminated, the use of sample compositing will require, at the most, an additional 50 percent analytical effort compared to exhaustive sampling. A quantitative measure of the cost-effectiveness of sample compositing as a screening tool is shown to be dependent on two factors: a ratio (f1) of laboratory analytical cost to that of well installation and field sampling costs and a ratio (f2) of the expected number of contaminated wells to that of the total number of wells in the network. Several useful mathematical results of primary interest are derived and illustrated with case examples in the paper. Selected areas for further research are also outlined.  相似文献   

Stiff diagrams arc a multivariate method of analysis used to describe the chemical state of ground water. The use of Stiff diagrams to describe multiconstituent contamination sites, such as landfills, has distinct advantages over single constituent analyses. Problems associated with traditional Stiff diagram analyses, such as diagram attentuation, can be addressed by allowing the scale of the diagram to vary with the ionic strength of the analyzed sample. The use of these sliding scale Stiff diagrams reveals the chemical slate of the ground water over wide ranges of constituent concentrations and thus allows for sensitive and sophisticated depictions of complicated contamination sites in a fashion that is extremely difficult to replicate with single constituent analyses. This approach has possible applications for understanding and tracing the mixing and chemical changes in uncontaminated settings.  相似文献   

The coastal aquifers and inland waters of the Long Xuyen Quadrangle and Ca Mau Peninsula of southern Vietnam have been significantly impacted by sea water intrusion (SI) as a result of recent anthropogenic activities. This study identified the evolution and spatial distribution of hydrochemical conditions in coastal aquifers at this region using Hydrochemical Facies Evolution Diagram (HFE-D) and Geographical Information System mapping. Hydraulic heads and water chemistry were measured at 31 observation wells in four layered aquifers during dry and rainy seasons in early (2005), and more recent (2016), stages of agricultural development. Hydrochemical facies associated with intrusion or freshening stages were mapped in each aquifer after assigning mixing index values to each facies. The position of groundwater freshening and SI phases differed in Holocene, Upper Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, and Lower Pleistocene aquifers. The geographic position of freshening and intrusion fronts differ in dry and rainy seasons, and shifted after 11 years of groundwater abstraction in all four aquifers. The spatial and temporal differences in hydrochemical facies distributions according to HFE-D reflect the relative impact of SI in the four aquifers. The study results provide a better understanding of the evolution of groundwater quality associated with SI in a peninsular coastal aquifer system, and highlight the need for improving groundwater quality and management in similar coastal regions.  相似文献   

Sea water intrusion and remediation in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Carolina is simulated using the finite-element model SUTRA developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. A sensitivity analysis of the effect of the hydrogeologic parameters on the sea water recharge and seepage velocities is performed. An increase in confining unit and/or in aquifer conductivity results in an increase of the sea water recharge. An increase in aquifer porosity results in a decrease of the sea water recharge. Among the three remedial techniques simulated—reduced aquifer withdrawals, an injection well, and a combined injection and capture well—the reduced aquifer withdrawals and injection well are the best methods for preventing sea water intrusion.  相似文献   

Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Sea Water Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Despite its purported importance, previous studies of the influence of sea-level rise on coastal aquifers have focused on specific sites, and a generalized systematic analysis of the general case of the sea water intrusion response to sea-level rise has not been reported. In this study, a simple conceptual framework is used to provide a first-order assessment of sea water intrusion changes in coastal unconfined aquifers in response to sea-level rise. Two conceptual models are tested: (1) flux-controlled systems, in which ground water discharge to the sea is persistent despite changes in sea level, and (2) head-controlled systems, whereby ground water abstractions or surface features maintain the head condition in the aquifer despite sea-level changes. The conceptualization assumes steady-state conditions, a sharp interface sea water-fresh water transition zone, homogeneous and isotropic aquifer properties, and constant recharge. In the case of constant flux conditions, the upper limit for sea water intrusion due to sea-level rise (up to 1.5 m is tested) is no greater than 50 m for typical values of recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and aquifer depth. This is in striking contrast to the constant head cases, in which the magnitude of salt water toe migration is on the order of hundreds of meters to several kilometers for the same sea-level rise. This study has highlighted the importance of inland boundary conditions on the sea-level rise impact. It identifies combinations of hydrogeologic parameters that control whether large or small salt water toe migration will occur for any given change in a hydrogeologic variable.  相似文献   

Steady interface flow in heterogeneous aquifer systems is simulated with single‐density groundwater codes by using transformed values for the hydraulic conductivity and thickness of the aquifers and aquitards. For example, unconfined interface flow may be simulated with a transformed model by setting the base of the aquifer to sea level and by multiplying the hydraulic conductivity with 41 (for sea water density of 1025 kg/m3). Similar transformations are derived for unconfined interface flow with a finite aquifer base and for confined multi‐aquifer interface flow. The head and flow distribution are identical in the transformed and original model domains. The location of the interface is obtained through application of the Ghyben‐Herzberg formula. The transformed problem may be solved with a single‐density code that is able to simulate unconfined flow where the saturated thickness is a linear function of the head and, depending on the boundary conditions, the code needs to be able to simulate dry cells where the saturated thickness is zero. For multi‐aquifer interface flow, an additional requirement is that the code must be able to handle vertical leakage in situations where flow in an aquifer is unconfined while there is also flow in the aquifer directly above it. Specific examples and limitations are discussed for the application of the approach with MODFLOW. Comparisons between exact interface flow solutions and MODFLOW solutions of the transformed model domain show good agreement. The presented approach is an efficient alternative to running transient sea water intrusion models until steady state is reached.  相似文献   

In this article, alternate pumping is studied as a means used to reduce the salinity concentration in coastal aquifers, pumped using a system of wells. This approach has been applied to a hypothetical confined coastal aquifer. Flow has been modeled, using SEAWAT. Two strategies are proposed based on cooperative game theory, to promote alternate pumping. In both strategies an external player will compensate the users that will pump during an unpopular pumping period. In the first strategy it is supposed that this external player aims at protecting a critical well, e.g. a municipal well, reducing its maximum salinity concentration by pumping alternately. In the second strategy proposed, the target is to reduce the overall salinity of the water pumped by the wells. In applying the cooperative game theory, the Shapley value is used to distribute the benefits of cooperation between the players (well users), according to their marginal contribution. Overall, well users can reduce sea water intrusion by cooperatively changing their pumping time schedules. The game theoretical model developed is a useful tool to promote cooperation toward this direction. The methods applied in the hypothetical aquifer, can be tested in actual aquifers to reduce sea water intrusion.  相似文献   

A transient analytical model is worked out for predicting seepage from a ponded field of infinite extent to a network of equally spaced ditch drains in a homogeneous and anisotropic soil underlain by an impervious barrier at a finite distance from the surface of the soil. The solution can account for finite width and finite level of water in the ditches, finite penetration of the drains in the soil, and also a variable ponding field at the surface of the soil. The study highlights the fact that the transient state duration of a partially penetrating ponded drainage scenario may be considerable should the drains be dug in a lowly conductive soil with a high storage coefficient, particularly if the underlying impervious layer lies at a large distance from the bottom of the ditches and the separation between the adjacent ditches is also large at the same time.  相似文献   

The permeable conduit wall in a karst aquifer allows for water and solute to be exchanged between conduits and the limestone matrix. Contaminant sequestered in the limestone matrix is flushed into conduits following flood events. The contaminant released from the permeable wall will then mix with conduit water and will be transported downgradient in the conduit. A one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation is presented to describe this mixing-transport incorporating water flow and solute flux through the conduit wall. An analytical solution ignoring conduit dispersion is derived using the method of characteristics. Scale analysis is performed to provide a general guideline to estimate when conduit dispersion can be neglected. The solution also can be used to compute the distribution of solute in the matrix before flushing.  相似文献   

– Five aquatic ecosystems, Yamuna river, Krishna river Eastern Kalinadi, Kadrabad drain and Peacock lake have been studied with reference to diversity and physico-chemical characteristics and biological indices. – A list of species have been selected with reference to polluted, mildly polluted or unpolluted water conditions. Though it is difficult to call any species strictly indicator species, certain species of Bacillariophyceae, bottom biota and Entomostraca can be regarded as indicative species. – The quantitative distributions of the species of different groups have been analysed statistically. Margalef's Community Diversity Index (d), Shannon Weaver Function, coefficient of rank correlation and partial and multiple correlation coefficient were calculated as to find out the order of precedence in different taxonomical groups. – The linear regression against BOD and the whole biocenosis were calculated, which indicate the relation as diversity d=6.7854 –0.0080 BOD±0.9695 where r2= B=0.7365. Similarly, multiple linear regressions were also calculated using diversity against BOD, pH and temperature for each aquatic ecosystem. – All these observations indicate that diversity of organisms can be used to measure the water pollution intensity.  相似文献   

A typical area, Gaomi City in China, was chosen to discuss the enrichment process of groundwater fluorine in sea water intrusion area. The groundwater had fluorine levels of 0.09–10.99 mg/L, with an average concentration of 1.38 mg/L. The high-fluorine groundwater was mainly distributed in the unconsolidated Quaternary sediments, where concentrations in 83.6% of the samples exceeded the national limit of 1.0 mg/L. The groundwater in the Quaternary sediments also had higher levels of Cl, TDS, Mg2+, and pH and lower levels of Ca2+, Co, Ni, and Cu than that in the bedrock. The groundwater fluorine levels in the Quaternary sediments are positively correlated with Cl, TDS, Mg2+, pH, and negatively correlated with Ca2+, γCa2+/γMg2+, Co, Ni, Cu. Geochemical indices of Cl and TDS indicate sea water intrusion in the Quaternary high-fluorine groundwater area (F > 1.0 mg/L), while they do not indicate any intrusion in the bedrock area. The chemical weathering of minerals was intensified with the intrusion of sea water. Cation exchange was confirmed to occur in the Quaternary sediments and was promoted by sea water intrusion. Cation exchange consumes part of groundwater Ca2+ and permits more F dissolving. Consequently, in the Quaternary sediments, the groundwater was supersaturated with CaF2 minerals and undersaturated with MgF2 minerals when F > 1.0 mg/L, while CaF2 and MgF2 minerals both are undersaturated when F < 1.0 mg/L. Thus, the chemical weathering of minerals and cation exchange caused by sea water intrusion are the crucial processes controlling the groundwater fluorine levels, which should be considered when the groundwater fluorine enrichment mechanism is discussed along coastal zones.  相似文献   

GIS as a Tool for Seismological Data Processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
—?A computerized application of an integrated seismological GIS model is presented. An object oriented approach of the GIS topology is introduced and the special functions and features of this system are described. A network topology was selected to simulate the network characteristics of seismological data management and analysis. Each seismological entity is considered as a graphical data object, which is associated to other objects by predefined relationships. The graphical user interface introduced by GIS enables to handle seismological software routines and data in a more intuitive way. Examples of interactive processing of seismic waveforms for detecting, locating and characterizing seismic events using GIS visualization capabilities are presented. The benefits of this system during a passive seismic survey in the framework of the CTBT are highlighted.  相似文献   

Qualitative changes in the Caspian Sea water regime for the last 20–25 kyr are analyzed based on studying the particle-size distribution, the composition of clay minerals, the mineral composition of the coarse clastic fraction, and the magnetic susceptibility of deep-sea bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Analysis of changes in the vertical distribution of tritium in the Caspian Sea water mass in 1994–1996 led to a conclusion that the sea level fall that started in 1996 was accompanied by a rearrangement of the water mass steady hydrological structure characteristic of the high sea-level stand.__________Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2005, pp. 406–409.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Brezgunov, Ferronskii.  相似文献   

Analytical Solution for Testing Debris Avalanche Numerical Models   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
—We present here the analytical solution of a one-dimensional dam-break problem over inclined planes. This solution is used to test a numerical model developed for debris avalanches. We consider a dam with infinite length in one direction where material is released from rest at the initial instant. We solve analytically and numerically the depth-averaged long-wave equations derived in a topography-linked coordinate system. The numerical and analytical solutions provide for a Coulomb-type friction law at the base of the flow. The analytical solution is obtained by using the method of characteristics and describes the flow over a constant slope, provided that the angle is higher than the friction angle. The numerical model utilizes a finite-difference method based on a Godunov-type scheme. Comparison between analytical and numerical results illustrates the remarkable stability and precision of the numerical method as well as its ability to deal with strong discontinuities.  相似文献   

A hydrochemical facies evolution diagram (HFE‐D) is a multirectangular diagram, which is a useful tool in the interpretation of sea water intrusion processes. This method note describes a simple method for generating an HFE‐D plot using the spreadsheet software package, Microsoft Excel. The code was applied to groundwater from the alluvial coastal plain of Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), which is characterized by a complex salinization process in which sea water mixes with sulfate or bicarbonate recharge water.  相似文献   

Predicting transient inflow rates into a tunnel is an important issue faced by hydrogeologists. Most existing analytical solutions overestimate the initial discharge due to the assumption that drilling was instantaneous over the entire tunnel length. In addition, they assume a homogeneous system. An alternative model was recently developed for tunnels intersecting heterogeneous formations, but its application was reduced to the case of confined flow to deep tunnels in weakly diffusive aquifers. In this paper, we adapt existing analytical solutions for drainage systems to the specific case of a tunnel progressively drilled in a highly diffusive heterogeneous unconfined aquifer. The case of a tunnel overlying an impervious layer is analytically solved by applying the superposition principle, while the case of a tunnel constructed some distance above an impervious layer is solved by discretizing the tunnel length into subsectors. Both models can simulate transient discharge into a tunnel drilled at various speeds through a heterogeneous unconfined aquifer, and allow the prediction of discharge rates in shallow tunnels located in highly diffusive aquifers. We successfully applied this approach to a tunnel in heterogeneous volcanic rock.  相似文献   

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