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We combine detailed mapping and microstructural analyses of small fault zones in granodiorite with numerical mechanical models to estimate the effect of mesoscopic (outcrop-scale) damage zone fractures on the effective stiffness of the fault zone rocks. The Bear Creek fault zones were active at depths between 4 and 15 km and localize mesoscopic off-fault damage into tabular zones between two subparallel boundary faults, producing a fracture-induced material contrast across the boundary faults with softer rocks between the boundary faults and intact granodiorite outside the boundary faults. Using digitized fault zone fracture maps as the modeled fault geometries, we conduct nonlinear uniaxial compression tests using a novel finite-element method code as the experimental “laboratory” apparatus. Map measurements show that the fault zones have high nondimensional facture densities (>1), and damage zone fractures anastamose and intersect, making existing analytical effective medium models inadequate for estimation of the effective elastic properties. Numerical experiments show that the damage zone is strongly anisotropic and the bulk response of the fault zone is strain-weakening. Normal strains as small as 2% can induce a reduction of the overall stiffness of up to 75%. Fracture-induced effective stiffness changes are large enough to locally be greater than intact modulus changes across the fault due to juxtaposition of rocks of different lithologies; therefore mesoscopic fracturing is as important as rock type when considering material or bimaterial effects on earthquake mechanics. These results have important implications for earthquake rupture mechanics models, because mesoscopic damage zone fractures can cause a material contrast across the faults as large as any lithology-based material contrast at seismogenic depths, and the effective moduli can be highly variable during a single rupture event.  相似文献   

在地震台观测仪器所在的地下硐室形成初期,由于硐室围岩为满足周壁法向应力为零的边界条件,底板会出现底鼓现象,其为一个缓慢过程,会严重影响地倾斜观测的长趋势变化,给地震监测工作带来误判。通过对硐室在地应力作用下的数值模拟,给出其围岩应力场分布特征,获取底板模型各网格点Z方向上的形变值,并将其换算为地倾斜数据。结果揭示,对地震观测仪水平摆产生影响的是硐底最大主应力场的变化;根据仪器在硐底的不同位置,会伴随不同程度的拉应力场变化,这种拉应力在竖直方向上不规则的梯度变化,导致硐底产生地表隆起现象,造成硐室内部地倾斜发生变化,其对地倾斜观测的影响范围在17.46~8 177.02/10~(-3″)。该结果有利于给新建硐室提供底板支护要求与依据,从而更好地服务于我国的防震减灾事业。  相似文献   

— Earthquakes have been recognized as resulting from stick-slip frictional instabilities along the faults between deformable rocks. A three-dimensional finite-element code for modeling the nonlinear frictional contact behaviors between deformable bodies with the node-to-point contact element strategy has been developed and applied here to investigate the fault geometry influence on the nucleation and development process of the stick-slip instability along an intra-plate fault through a typical fault bend model, which has a pre-cut fault that is artificially bent by an angle of 5.6° at the fault center. The numerical results demonstrate that the geometry of the fault significantly affects nucleation, termination and restart of the stick-slip instability along the intra-plate fault, and all these instability phenomena can be well simulated using the current finite-element algorithm.  相似文献   

岩石应力状态改变引起岩石热状态改变的研究   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38  
邓明德  耿乃光 《中国地震》1997,13(2):179-185
岩石的应力状态发生改变是否能引起岩石的热状态发生改变,是一个值得研究的重要问题,我们在实验室对岩石试件进行实验,实验得出岩石的温度随岩石受到的压力增加而显著增加,在试件破裂前出现明显的破裂温度前兆;实验还发现岩石内部温度随压力变化的不均匀性,不同测温点的温度变化不同,其变化量可相差几度。  相似文献   

国际科学钻探计划成立以来,已经在许多国家和领域取得了重要成果.通过回顾深井钻探项目的发展历史,概述近几年对俯冲带内的板块边界断层进行钻探的日本南海海槽孕震带实验、日本海沟快速钻探项目及美国圣安德列斯断层深部长期观测的板块结构、钻井资料分析的成果,并梳理工程地热系统钻井项目及南非矿山活动断裂带钻探项目对诱发地震的相关研究.旨在为断层深部钻探研究提供思路和参考.  相似文献   

世界上最著名的活断层之一的圣安德烈斯断层的秘密向世人揭晓指日可待.9月7日,科学家们在穿过部分安德烈斯断层3.2 km深的钻井中找到了岩芯.  相似文献   

目前大直径超长桩的可打入性分析的准确性是打桩施工顺利进行的重要保障,打桩过程中土阻力预测是其中的关键一环。近几年高应变动测技术迅速发展,凭借其突出优势成为动力沉桩分析的新方法。结合高应变动测试验采用CAPWAP软件对打桩过程中土阻力进行分析,被广泛应用于海洋桩基监测和承载力评估中。CAPWAP程序中涉及的土阻尼系数Js和Jt对承载力计算影响非常大,是非常重要的参数,阻尼系数的取值直接影响承载力计算的准确性。为得到更准确的阻尼系数,对东海某工程2根桩进行全程高应变动测试验,并利用CAPWAP软件对其中一根桩的实验结果进行分析,对桩周土体阻尼系数做了研究,认为同打桩过程中的桩侧阻尼系数并非一成不变的,而是随着打桩的进行存在减小的趋势。  相似文献   

地壳内断层的突然破裂错动产生的强烈地震引发基岩上部土层运动、开裂,地表变形与破裂.当地面破裂穿过建筑物地基、地面构筑物或地下管线时会直接造成严重破坏.研究发震断层上覆土层的地震反应能帮助我们了解实际工程场地的地震危险性以及建筑物、构筑物和其他工程地震失效的机理与原因,为进一步分析穿跨越断层工程结构在断层错动时的反应打下基础.另外,断层运动引起的土层反应与土体震陷产生的不均匀沉陷、大地构造性上升或下陷、土体的侧向扩散等有许多相似之处,这方面的研究可以为其他土体运动形式的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

区域地震活动图像,尤其是平静图像及其动态变化,一直是中长期地震预测研究的一个重要方面.我们曾注意到自1977年开始环绕川滇活动地块东边界的安宁河断裂出现了区域性的地震平静.  相似文献   

采用静力分析法分析强烈震动对山区岩石属性参数变化的影响时,忽略了岩石碎裂底部和顶部之间的相互作用,存在对岩石密度以及其他参数属性分析结果不准确的问题。因此提出强烈震动对山区岩石属性参数变化的影响分析方法。该方法通过高程控制效应能有效显示强烈震动后岩石的碎裂程度,再将碎石间存在的卸荷和碾压力融入室内、外对原岩和碎裂岩石密度的测量结果,最后采用蜡封法得到强烈震动后碎裂岩石的各种参数变化结果,实现对岩石的密度、孔隙率、天然吸水率、渗透系数以及软化系数等属性参数的有效分析。实验结果说明,所提方法对强烈震动下山区岩石属性参数变化分析结果具有较高的准确性。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带(即郯城-庐江断裂带)是纵贯中国东部大陆边缘的一条巨型断裂带,整体为北北东走向。它的形成和演化对中国东部中生代以来的地质演化有明显控制作用,同时又是一条现今地震活动较为活跃的地震带,因此对郯庐断裂带周边构造应力场的研究具有重要的意义。采用野外观测取得的10个测点共206条活断层擦痕数据,利用断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的方法,计算获得了研究区现代构造应力场主要特征:郯庐断裂及其周边地区现代构造应力场以北东-东西向挤压、北西-近南北向拉张为特征,其最大主压应力(σ1)方向为64°一106°,平均倾角23%最小主压应力(σ3)方向为332°~14°,平均倾角14°;中间主应力(σ2)倾角较陡,近垂直,应力结构为走滑型。  相似文献   

In Taiwan an international project to drill into the Chelungpu fault (TCDP) was initiated after the M w 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. At Takeng, two vertical holes (A and B) to depths of about 2 km have been drilled through the northern portion of the Chelungpu fault system. In this study, we conducted systematic hydromechanical tests on TCDP drillcores collected from Hole-A at various depths above and below the major slip zone of the Chelungpu fault. We focus on the measurements of permeability as function of pressure and the brittle failure behavior. Evolution of permeability as a function of pressure and porosity was measured using either steady-state flow or a pulse transient technique. When subjected to an effective pressure reaching 100 MPa, permeability values of shaly siltstone samples range from 10?16 to 10?19 m2. In comparison, permeability values of porous sandstones are at least an order of magnitude higher, ranging from 10?14 to 10?18 m2. To characterize permeability anisotropy associated with the bedding structure of the rocks of the Chelungpu fault, cylindrical samples were taken from the TCDP drillcores along three orthogonal directions, denoted X, Y and Z respectively. Direction Z is parallel to the TCDP core axis, and the other two directions are perpendicular to the core axis, with X (N105°E) perpendicular and Y (N15°E) parallel to the strike of the bedding. In shaly siltstones, permeability values of samples cored along the strike of bedding (direction Y) can be up to 1 order of magnitude higher than those cored perpendicular to the strike of bedding (direction X). These observations indicate that permeability anisotropy is controlled by the spatial distribution of bedding in Chelungpu fault host rocks. Permeability evolution of fault rocks plays an important role in dynamic weakening processes, which are particularly pertinent to large earthquakes such as the Chi-Chi earthquake. Our experimental data on permeability and its anisotropy of TCDP core samples provide necessary constraints on fault models and proposed weakening mechanisms.  相似文献   

小江断裂带及周边地区强震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据历史地震资料及现今区域台网中小地震观测资料,对小江断裂带及周边地区的历史地震活动特征,特别是小江断裂带不同段落的现今断层活动习性进行了研究,依据b值,结合其它地震活动性参数,勾画出了该区未来强震的潜在危险区:①石屏一建水断裂段6.8级地震重现期为88~193年,目前已平静121年;小江断裂带的宜良-嵩明段6.8级地震蕈现期是108~225年,目前已平静175年.②小江断裂东川段具有中等偏大应力水平,属于中小地震活动频繁的地段;小江断裂华宁段具有较低应力水平,属于以小震活动为主的地段;通海-峨山断裂具有中等应力水平,属于中小地震活动频繁地段.③石屏-建水断裂和小江断裂宜良-嵩明段存在较低的6值和较小强震复发周期,具有较高应力水平,属于潜在地震震级偏大的区域,是未来发生7级以上大震的潜在危险区.  相似文献   

Based on the statistical results of the relationship between the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang and moderate earthquakes within Xinjiang since 1950, this article calculates the Coulomb failure stress change produced by the three groups of large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang during the large earthquake active period outside Xinjiang and the quiet period inside Xinjiang from 1976 to 2007, and analyzes Xinjiang's moderate earthquake activity features in the three years after the large earthquakes surrounding Xinjiang.It then discusses the influence of large earthquake activity surrounding Xinjiang on seismic activity within Xinjiang. The research results show that the large earthquake activity surrounding Xinjiang may to a certain extent slow down the preparation process of moderate earthquakes in Xinjiang.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂的几何形态对地震发生的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文整理分析了鲜水河断裂的几何特征以及从1327年有记录以来6级以上历史地震的断层破裂位置和长度。选用速率和状态依赖性摩擦本构关系代表断裂区域物理性质,构建了鲜水河断裂3D物理模型模拟强震周期性。模拟结果与历史地震的发震有较好的一致性,主要表现在:1模拟结果在第二次地震周期之后,明显出现分段现象与鲜水河断裂分段的几何特征较为一致;2断裂北西端结构较为简单,地震发震情况也偏单一,在7级以上地震发震之前有6级以上地震的发生,此类现象与模拟结果一致;3断裂中段结构复杂,不仅存在分段还有轻度弯曲,模拟结果显示中段地震逐渐减小,破裂长度逐步缩短,并且出现级联破裂现象与历史地震较为吻合;43D模拟结果中,地震破裂区域起始与终止位置大都发生在断层转折的区域,特别是在乾宁和康定两处断层出现弯曲的位置,这与鲜水河断裂历史地震发震情况十分相似。  相似文献   

Measurements on thermal conductivity and diffusivity as functions of temperature (up to 1150 K) and pressure (up to 1000 MPa) are presented for Archaean and Proterozoic mafic high-grade rocks metamorphosed in middle and lower crustal pressures, and situated in eastern Finland, central Fennoscandian Shield. Decrease of 12–20% in conductivity and 40–55% in diffusivity was recorded between room temperature and 1150 K, which can be considered as typical of phonon conductivity. Radiative heat transfer effects were not detected in these samples. Pressure dependencies of the samples are weak if compared to crystalline rocks in general, but relatively typical for mafic rocks.The temperature and pressure dependencies of thermal transport properties (data from literature and the present study) were applied in an uncertainty analysis of lithospheric conductive thermal modellings with random (Monte Carlo) simulations using a 4-layer model representative of shield lithosphere. Model parameters were varied according to predetermined probability functions and standard deviations were calculated for lithospheric temperature and heat flow density after 1500 independent simulations. The results suggest that the variations (uncertainties) in calculated temperature and heat flow density values due to variations in the temperature and pressure dependencies of conductivity are minor in comparison to the effects produced by typical variations in the room temperature value of conductivity, heat production rate or lower boundary condition values.  相似文献   

目前,地球物理学界普遍采用岩石的细观力学模型来解释岩石的声弹现象(即岩石应力状态的改变会造成岩石的弹性波波速的改变),认为岩石内部的微裂隙分布和取向在加载应力的作用下会发生改变,使岩体的宏观物理性质发生变化,从而影响到岩石的弹性波波速.  相似文献   

本文利用GNSS连续站的资料分析2016、2017年川滇块体和巴彦喀拉块体速度场、应变场特征,认为道孚、西昌和马尔康附近应力积累相对集中。分析GNSS连续站点的相对速度发现,川滇块体内GNSS连续站的运动状态呈明显的顺时针旋转,巴彦喀拉块体也有顺时针旋转态势。此外,利用块体相对运动求解鲜水河断裂运动速率,鲜水河断裂西部的运动速率比东部稍大,约有2—3mm/a的差异。相比2016年,2017年鲜水河断裂运动速率变小,有利于缓解鲜水河断裂应变能的积累。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震和芦山7.0级地震对周边断层的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐晶  邵志刚  马宏生  张浪平 《地震》2014,34(4):40-49
采用分层粘弹性介质模型,研究龙门山断裂带发生的两次大地震(2008年5月12日汶川8.0级和2013年4月20日芦山7.0级地震)的同震位错和震后粘滞松弛效应引起的周边断裂带上的库仑应力变化。结果表明,汶川8.0级地震同震和震后效应均引起了芦山7.0级地震震中位置的库仑应力增加,有利于芦山地震的发生;汶川和芦山地震的同震和震后效应引起的周边各断层上的累积库仑应力变化分布显示,这两次大地震引起了其间的破裂空段的库仑应力显著增加;此外,累积库仑应力显著升高的断裂还有:鲜水河断裂带中段、灌县一安县断裂北段、文县断裂的一.部分、平武一青川断裂北段、略阳一勉县断裂。累积库仑应力显著降低的断裂有:马尔康断裂、岷江断裂南端、虎牙断裂、龙泉山断裂北端、北川一映秀断裂北段。  相似文献   

以在喜马拉雅东构造结发生的2000年6月7日缅甸MS6.9地震、2011年3月24日缅甸MS7.2地震和2012年11月11日缅甸MS7.0地震作为主要破裂源,计算3次地震震后周围应力的空间变化,给出其对滇西南地区断层造成的静态库仑应力变化的时间影响范围。结果表明:3次地震对滇西南地区活动断层库仑破裂应力变化主要为负值,即受到应力卸载的影响,其中包括大盈江断裂、龙陵—瑞丽断裂、南汀河西支断裂、南汀河东支断裂、孟连—澜沧断裂、打洛—景洪断裂和怒江断裂,量值范围在-0.06~-0.002 bar(1 bar=0.1 MPa),卸载影响最大的断裂为打洛—景洪断裂,为-0.06 bar,木嘎断裂和龙陵—澜沧断裂受到加载的影响,断层的库仑破裂应力分别为+0.002 bar和+0.004 bar。  相似文献   

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