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This paper presents an analytical case study to explore one‐dimensional subsurface air pressure variation in a coastal three‐layered unsaturated zone. The upper layer is thin and much less permeable than the middle layer, and water table is located in the very permeable lower layer. An analytical solution was derived to describe the air pressure variation caused by tide‐induced water table fluctuations. We revisited the case study at Hong Kong International Airport conducted by Jiao and Li (2004) who used a two‐dimensional numerical model. The analytical prediction using the parameter values equivalent to the two‐dimensional numerical model agreed very well with the observed air pressure, indicating the validity and applicability of our one‐dimensional model in approximating the actual situation in this coastal zone with adequate accuracy. The analysis revealed that the asphalt pavement played an important role in causing air pressure fluctuations below it. Abnormally high air pressure can be caused beneath the surface pavement when the air permeability decreases due to rainfall infiltration, which may lead to heaving problems during rising tides.  相似文献   

A study on subsurface airflow plays a vital role in quantifying the effectiveness of natural attenuation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or in determining the need of engineering systems (e.g., soil vapor extraction of VOCs). Here, we present a new analytical solution for describing the subsurface airflow induced by barometric pressure and groundwater head fluctuations. The solution improves a previously published semi‐analytical solution into a fully explicit expression and can save much computation efforts when it was used to estimate the soil permeability and porosity, which was demonstrated by a hypothetical example. If the groundwater head and barometric pressure fluctuations have the same frequency and the same order of magnitude for the amplitudes, each or the combination of both fluctuations will generate the air exchange volumes of the same order of magnitude through the ground surface. Particularly, the air exchange volume caused by the combined fluctuations increases with the upper layer's permeability and lower layer's porosity and decreases with the phase difference between these two fluctuations, fluctuation frequency, and the upper layer's thickness. The air exchange volume may decrease quickly to zero essentially when the upper layer's permeability decreases 10‐fold and decrease fourfold to fivefold when the phase difference decreases from π to zero.  相似文献   

Natural dynamics such as groundwater head fluctuations may exhibit multi-fractionality, likely caused by multi-scale aquifer heterogeneity and other controlling factors, whose statistics requires efficient quantification methods. As a scaling exponent, the Hurst exponent can describe the temporal correlation or multifractal behavior in groundwater level fluctuation processes. However, the scaling behavior may change with time under natural conditions, likely due to the non-stationary evolution of internal and external conditions, which cannot be characterized by traditional methods using a single or several scaling exponents for the complex features of the overall process. This methods note quantifies the multi-fractionality using the timescale local Hurst exponent (TS-LHE) and then proposes a systematic statistical method to analyze groundwater head fluctuations. Time series of daily groundwater level fluctuations from three wells located in the lower Mississippi valley are analyzed, after removing the seasonal cycle, which leads to transient TS-LHE, implying multi-fractionality and multifractal-scaling behavior that changes with time and location. Therefore, the temporal scaling analysis proposed here may provide useful and quantitative information to understand the nature of dynamic hydrologic systems.  相似文献   

An investigation of groundwater table fluctuations induced by rainfall should consider interactions between the liquid and gas phases in soils. In this study, a water‐air two‐phase flow model was initially verified by simulating an infiltration experiment. It was then employed to model the interactions between liquid and gas phases regarding actions of airflow on the groundwater table and the fluctuations of the phreatic level and water level in the well induced by rainfall. The effects of airflo7w caused by rainfall on phreatic level fluctuations were also studied quantitatively by comparing the results obtained using the proposed model with those obtained from a water single‐phase flow model. The simulation results show that in addition to actual recharge, compressed airflow in unsaturated zones causes the phreatic level to increase, but the rise in the phreatic level is lower than that in the pore‐air pressure head in unsaturated zones due to the mitigation of capillary fringe. The existence of airflow enhances the phreatic level rise during and after rainfall. In addition, the water level in the well, pushed by the phreatic level fluctuations, varies similarly to the phreatic level, but it experiences somewhat delayed and slightly attenuated. The Lisse effect precisely reflects the phreatic level fluctuations before actual recharge. Furthermore, the fluctuations in the phreatic level and water level in the well and the contributions of airflow to phreatic level fluctuations are affected by many factors: rain intensity, initial moisture, overlying aquitard, groundwater table depths, and screen depths of the well.  相似文献   

The use of in‐field analysis of vapor‐phase samples to provide real‐time volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in groundwater has the potential to streamline monitoring by simplifying the sample collection and analysis process. A field validation program was completed to (1) evaluate methods for collection of vapor samples from monitoring wells and (2) evaluate the accuracy and precision of field‐portable instruments for the analysis of vapor‐phase samples. The field program evaluated three vapor‐phase sample collection methods: (1) headspace samples from two locations within the well, (2) passive vapor diffusion (PVD) samplers placed at the screened interval of the well, and (3) field vapor headspace analysis of groundwater samples. Two types of instruments were tested: a field‐portable gas chromatograph (GC) and a photoionization detector (PID). Field GC analysis of PVD samples showed no bias and good correlation to laboratory analysis of groundwater collected by low‐flow sampling (slope = 0.96, R2 = 0.85) and laboratory analysis of passive water diffusion bag samples from the well screen (slope = 1.03; R2 = 0.96). Field GC analysis of well headspace samples, either from the upper portion of the well or at the water‐vapor interface, resulted in higher variability and much poorer correlation (consistently biased low) relative to laboratory analysis of groundwater samples collected by low‐flow sample or passive diffusion bags (PDBs) (slope = 0.69 to 0.76; R2 = 0.60 to 0.64). These results indicate that field analysis of vapor‐phase samples can be used to obtain accurate measurements of VOC concentrations in groundwater. However, vapor samples collected from the well headspace were not in equilibrium with water collected from the well screen. Instead, PVD samplers placed in the screened interval represent the most promising approach for field‐based measurement of groundwater concentrations using vapor monitoring techniques and will be the focus of further field testing.  相似文献   

Historically, surface subsidence as a result of subsurface groundwater fluctuations have produced important and, at times, catastrophic effects, whether natural or anthropogenic. Over the past 30?years, numerical and analytical techniques for the modeling of this surface deformation, based upon elastic and poroelastic theory, have been remarkably successful in predicting the magnitude of that deformation (Le Mouélic and Adragna in Geophys Res Lett 29:1853, 2002). In this work we have extended the formula for a circular-shaped aquifer (Geertsma in J Petroleum Tech 25:734–744, 1973) to a more realistic elliptical shape. We have improved the accuracy of the approximation by making use of the cross terms of the expansion for the elliptic coordinates in terms of the eccentricity, e, and the mean anomaly angle, M, widely used in astronomy. Results of a number of simulations, in terms of e and M developed from the transcendental Kepler equation, are encouraging, giving realistic values for the elliptical approximation of the vertical deformation due to groundwater change. Finally, we have applied the algorithm to modeling of groundwater in southern California.  相似文献   

Water level monitoring provides essential information about the condition of aquifers and their responses to water extraction, land‐use change, and climatic variability. It is important to have a spatially distributed, long‐term monitoring well network for sustainable groundwater resource management. Community‐based monitoring involving citizen scientists provides an approach to complement existing government‐run monitoring programs. This article demonstrates the feasibility of establishing a large‐scale water level monitoring network of private water supply wells using an example from Rocky View County (3900 km2) in Alberta, Canada. In this network, community volunteers measure the water level in their wells, and enter these data through a web‐based data portal, which allows the public to view and download these data. The close collaboration among the university researchers, county staff members, and community volunteers enabled the successful implementation and operation of the network for a 5‐year pilot period, which generated valuable data sets. The monitoring program was accompanied by education and outreach programs, in which the educational materials on groundwater were developed in collaboration with science teachers from local schools. The methodology used in this study can be easily adopted by other municipalities and watershed stewardship groups interested in groundwater monitoring. As governments are starting to rely increasingly on local municipalities and conservation authorities for watershed management and planning, community‐based groundwater monitoring provides an effective and affordable tool for sustainable water resources management.  相似文献   

Chlororespiration is common in shallow aquifer systems under conditions nominally identified as anoxic. Consequently, chlororespiration is a key component of remediation at many chloroethene‐contaminated sites. In some instances, limited accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is interpreted as evidence that natural attenuation is not adequate for site remediation. This conclusion is justified when evidence for parent compound (tetrachloroethene, PCE, or trichloroethene, TCE) degradation is lacking. For many chloroethene‐contaminated shallow aquifer systems, however, nonconservative losses of the parent compounds are clear but the mass balance between parent compound attenuation and accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is incomplete. Incomplete mass balance indicates a failure to account for important contaminant attenuation mechanisms and is consistent with contaminant degradation to nondiagnostic mineralization products like CO2. While anoxic mineralization of chloroethene compounds has been proposed previously, recent results suggest that oxygen‐based mineralization of chloroethenes also can be significant at dissolved oxygen concentrations below the currently accepted field standard for nominally anoxic conditions. Thus, reassessment of the role and potential importance of low concentrations of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation are needed, because mischaracterization of operant biodegradation processes can lead to expensive and ineffective remedial actions. A modified interpretive framework is provided for assessing the potential for chloroethene biodegradation under different redox conditions and the probable role of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation.  相似文献   

Fluid‐filled granular soils experience changes in total stress because of earth and oceanic tides, earthquakes, erosion, sedimentation, and changes in atmospheric pressure. The pore volume may deform in response to the changes in stress and this may lead to changes in pore fluid pressure. The transient fluid flow can therefore be induced by the gradient in excess pressure in a fluid‐saturated porous medium. This work demonstrates the use of stochastic methodology in prediction of induced one‐dimensional field‐scale groundwater flow through a heterogeneous aquifer. A closed‐form of mean groundwater flux is developed to quantify the induced field‐scale mean behavior of groundwater flow and analyze the impacts of the spatial correlation length scale of log hydraulic conductivity and the pore compressibility. The findings provided here could be useful for the rational planning and management of groundwater resources in aquifers that contain lenses with large vertical aquifer matrix compressibility values.  相似文献   

Few hyperpycnal flows have ever been observed in marine environments although they are believed to play a critical role in sediment dispersal within estuarine and deltaic depositional systems. The paper describes hyperpycnal flows observed in situ off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth, their relationship to tidal cycles, and the mechanisms that drive them. Simultaneous observations at six mooring stations during a cruise off the Huanghe mouth in the flood season of 1995 suggest that hyperpycnal flows observed at the river mouth are initiated by high concentrations of sediment input from river and modulated by tides. Hyperpycnal flows started near the end of ebb tides, when near‐bottom suspended sediment concentration (SSC) increased rapidly and salinity decreased drastically (an inverse salt wedge). The median grain size of suspended particles within the hyperpycnal layer increased, causing strong stratification of the suspended sediments in the water column. Towards the end of flood tides, the hyperpycnal flow attenuated due to frictions at the upper and lower boundaries of the flow and tidal mixing, which collapsed the stratification of the water column. Both sediment concentration and median grain size of suspended particles within the bottom layer significantly decreased. The coarser sediment particles were deposited and the hyperpycnal flows stopped. The intra‐tidal behaviors of hyperpycnal flows are closely associated with the variations of SSC, salinity, and stratification of the water column. As nearly 90% of riverine sediment is delivered to the sea during the flood seasons when hyperpycnal flows are active, hyperpycnal flows at the Huanghe mouth and the river's high sediment loads have caused rapid accretion of the Huanghe delta. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oscillatory pumping tests—in which flow is varied in a periodic fashion—provide a method for understanding aquifer heterogeneity that is complementary to strategies such as slug testing and constant‐rate pumping tests. During oscillatory testing, pressure data collected at non‐pumping wells can be processed to extract metrics, such as signal amplitude and phase lag, from a time series. These metrics are robust against common sensor problems (including drift and noise) and have been shown to provide information about aquifer heterogeneity. Field implementations of oscillatory pumping tests for characterization, however, are not common and thus there are few guidelines for their design and implementation. Here, we use available analytical solutions from the literature to develop design guidelines for oscillatory pumping tests, while considering practical field constraints. We present two key analytical results for design and analysis of oscillatory pumping tests. First, we provide methods for choosing testing frequencies and flow rates which maximize the signal amplitude that can be expected at a distance from an oscillating pumping well, given design constraints such as maximum/minimum oscillator frequency and maximum volume cycled. Preliminary data from field testing helps to validate the methodology. Second, we develop a semi‐analytical method for computing the sensitivity of oscillatory signals to spatially distributed aquifer flow parameters. This method can be quickly applied to understand the “sensed” extent of an aquifer at a given testing frequency. Both results can be applied given only bulk aquifer parameter estimates, and can help to optimize design of oscillatory pumping test campaigns.  相似文献   

To accelerate the groundwater flow simulation process, this paper reports our work on developing an efficient parallel simulator through rebuilding the well‐known software MODFLOW on JASMIN (J Adaptive Structured Meshes applications Infrastructure). The rebuilding process is achieved by designing patch‐based data structure and parallel algorithms as well as adding slight modifications to the compute flow and subroutines in MODFLOW. Both the memory requirements and computing efforts are distributed among all processors; and to reduce communication cost, data transfers are batched and conveniently handled by adding ghost nodes to each patch. To further improve performance, constant‐head/inactive cells are tagged and neglected during the linear solving process and an efficient load balancing strategy is presented. The accuracy and efficiency are demonstrated through modeling three scenarios: The first application is a field flow problem located at Yanming Lake in China to help design reasonable quantity of groundwater exploitation. Desirable numerical accuracy and significant performance enhancement are obtained. Typically, the tagged program with load balancing strategy running on 40 cores is six times faster than the fastest MICCG‐based MODFLOW program. The second test is simulating flow in a highly heterogeneous aquifer. The AMG‐based JASMIN program running on 40 cores is nine times faster than the GMG‐based MODFLOW program. The third test is a simplified transient flow problem with the order of tens of millions of cells to examine the scalability. Compared to 32 cores, parallel efficiency of 77 and 68% are obtained on 512 and 1024 cores, respectively, which indicates impressive scalability.  相似文献   

Gaining streams can provide an integrated signal of relatively large groundwater capture areas. In contrast to the point‐specific nature of monitoring wells, gaining streams coalesce multiple flow paths. Impacts on groundwater quality from unconventional gas development may be evaluated at the watershed scale by the sampling of dissolved methane (CH4) along such streams. This paper describes a method for using stream CH4 concentrations, along with measurements of groundwater inflow and gas transfer velocity interpreted by 1‐D stream transport modeling, to determine groundwater methane fluxes. While dissolved ionic tracers remain in the stream for long distances, the persistence of methane is not well documented. To test this method and evaluate CH4 persistence in a stream, a combined bromide (Br) and CH4 tracer injection was conducted on Nine‐Mile Creek, a gaining stream in a gas development area in central Utah. A 35% gain in streamflow was determined from dilution of the Br tracer. The injected CH4 resulted in a fivefold increase in stream CH4 immediately below the injection site. CH4 and δ13CCH4 sampling showed it was not immediately lost to the atmosphere, but remained in the stream for more than 2000 m. A 1‐D stream transport model simulating the decline in CH4 yielded an apparent gas transfer velocity of 4.5 m/d, describing the rate of loss to the atmosphere (possibly including some microbial consumption). The transport model was then calibrated to background stream CH4 in Nine‐Mile Creek (prior to CH4 injection) in order to evaluate groundwater CH4 contributions. The total estimated CH4 load discharging to the stream along the study reach was 190 g/d, although using geochemical fingerprinting to determine its source was beyond the scope of the current study. This demonstrates the utility of stream‐gas sampling as a reconnaissance tool for evaluating both natural and anthropogenic CH4 leakage from gas reservoirs into groundwater and surface water.  相似文献   

Analytical Solution for Testing Debris Avalanche Numerical Models   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
—We present here the analytical solution of a one-dimensional dam-break problem over inclined planes. This solution is used to test a numerical model developed for debris avalanches. We consider a dam with infinite length in one direction where material is released from rest at the initial instant. We solve analytically and numerically the depth-averaged long-wave equations derived in a topography-linked coordinate system. The numerical and analytical solutions provide for a Coulomb-type friction law at the base of the flow. The analytical solution is obtained by using the method of characteristics and describes the flow over a constant slope, provided that the angle is higher than the friction angle. The numerical model utilizes a finite-difference method based on a Godunov-type scheme. Comparison between analytical and numerical results illustrates the remarkable stability and precision of the numerical method as well as its ability to deal with strong discontinuities.  相似文献   

Unconventional natural gas extraction from tight sandstones, shales, and some coal‐beds is typically accomplished by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that is necessary for economic development of these new hydrocarbon resources. Concerns have been raised regarding the potential for contamination of shallow groundwater by stray gases, formation waters, and fracturing chemicals associated with unconventional gas exploration. A lack of sound scientific hydrogeological field observations and a scarcity of published peer‐reviewed articles on the effects of both conventional and unconventional oil and gas activities on shallow groundwater make it difficult to address these issues. Here, we discuss several case studies related to both conventional and unconventional oil and gas activities illustrating how under some circumstances stray or fugitive gas from deep gas‐rich formations has migrated from the subsurface into shallow aquifers and how it has affected groundwater quality. Examples include impacts of uncemented well annuli in areas of historic drilling operations, effects related to poor cement bonding in both new and old hydrocarbon wells, and ineffective cementing practices. We also summarize studies describing how structural features influence the role of natural and induced fractures as contaminant fluid migration pathways. On the basis of these studies, we identify two areas where field‐focused research is urgently needed to fill current science gaps related to unconventional gas extraction: (1) baseline geochemical mapping (with time series sampling from a sufficient network of groundwater monitoring wells) and (2) field testing of potential mechanisms and pathways by which hydrocarbon gases, reservoir fluids, and fracturing chemicals might potentially invade and contaminate useable groundwater.  相似文献   

Reverse water‐level fluctuations (RWFs), a phenomenon in which water levels rise briefly in response to pumping, were detected in monitoring wells in a fractured siliciclastic aquifer system near a deep public supply well. The magnitude and timing of RWFs provide important information that can help interpret aquifer hydraulics near pumping wells. A RWF in a well is normally attributed to poroelastic coupling between the solid and fluid components in an aquifer system. In addition to revealing classical pumping‐induced poroelastic RWFs, data from pressure transducers located at varying depths and distances from the public supply well suggest that the RWFs propagate rapidly through fractures to influence wells hundreds of meters from the pumping well. The rate and cycling frequency of pumping is an important factor in the magnitude of RWFs. The pattern of RWF propagation can be used to better define fracture connectivity in an aquifer system. Rapid, cyclic head changes due to RWFs may also serve as a mechanism for contaminant transport.  相似文献   

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