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This study investigated the development of pesticide pollution two, three, and 17 years after spills of the herbicides dichlorprop, mecoprop (MCPP), MCPA, 2,4‐D (phenoxy acids), simazine, and terbutylazine (triazines) in a former orchard machinery service yard. The spills had occurred over several decades on a 23‐m thick, mainly anaerobic fractured clayey till aquitard. Angled monitoring wells were installed in the aquitard 3 years after the spills ceased in 1989. In 1993, monitoring revealed that high groundwater concentrations of dichlorprop (677 µg/L) and MCPP (139 µg/L) were accumulated as a zone of maximum pollution in anaerobic and largely immobile pore water at 5 to 6 m depth in the aquitard profile. In contrast, 2,4‐D was determined in only one water sample, and MCPA and simazine and terbutylazine were determined only in low concentrations (below10 µg/L), although these pesticides had been handled at the site in greater amounts than dichlorprop and MCPP according to detailed historic information obtained for the site. Repeated monitoring in the same wells after a further 14 years in 2007 revealed that no identifiable degradation of MCPP had occurred, while dichlorprop had degraded by 75% to 80% (estimated half‐life of approximately 5 years). Furthermore, degradation products related to the phenoxy acids had accumulated, especially 4‐CPP with a maximum concentration of 218 µg/L. In the same zone, MCPA and simazine had almost disappeared. As the pollution was mainly accumulated in largely immobile pore water of the aquitard clayey matrix, and the groundwater recharge was low (30 to 60 mm/year), only minor vertical displacement of the zone with maximum pollution zone had occurred during the 15 years of monitoring. However, concentrations of dichlorprop (0.01 to 0.02 µg/L), MCPP (0.1 to 0.2 µg/L), and 4‐CPP (0.6 to 0.7 µg/L) had spread along textural heterogeneities in the aquitard into the underlying sandy aquifer at 23‐m depth.  相似文献   

Investigations of geology, hydrogeology, and ground water chemistry in the aquifer downgradient from Sjoelund Landfill, Denmark, formed the basis for an evaluation of natural attenuation as a remediation technology for phenoxy acid herbicides at the site. Concentrations of phenoxy acids were up to 65 μg/L in the ground water, primarily 4-chlor-2-methylphenoxypropionic acid (MCPP) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxypropionic acid (dichlorprop). Mass removal of the phenoxy acids was shown within 50 to 100 m of the landfill by calculation of contaminant fluxes passing transects at three distances. There was accordance between increasing oxygen concentrations and decreasing phenoxy acid concentrations with distance from the landfill, indicating that aerobic degradation was a major mass removal process. Presence of high concentrations of putative anaerobic phenoxy acid metabolites suggested that anaerobic degradation was also occurring. Laboratory degradation experiments using sediment and ground water from the aquifer supported aerobic and anaerobic degradability of MCPP at the site. It was concluded that natural attenuation may be applicable as a remedy for the phenoxy acids at the Sjoelund Landfill site, although uncertainties related to calculations of chloride and phenoxy acid fluxes at a complex site and identification of specific in situ indicators were encountered. Thus, there is a pronounced need for development and broader experience with evaluation tools for natural attenuation of phenoxy acids, such as specific metabolites, changes in enantiomeric fractions, compound-specific stable carbon isotope ratios, or microbial fingerprints.  相似文献   

Aquifer vulnerability to pesticide migration through till aquitards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the influence of key factors-mainly recharge rate and degradation half-life--on downward migration of the widely used pesticide mecoprop (MCPP) through a typical clayey till aquitard. The study uses the numerical model FRAC3Dvs, which is a three-dimensional discrete fracture/matrix diffusion (DFMD) numerical transport model. The model was calibrated with laboratory and field data from a site near Havdrup, Denmark, but the overall findings are expected to be relevant to many other sites in similar settings. Fracture flow and MCPP transport parameters for the model were obtained through calibration using well-characterized laboratory experiments with large (0.5 m diameter by 0.5 m high) undisturbed columns of the fractured till and a field experiment. A second level of upscaling and sensitivity analysis was then carried out using data on hydraulic head, fracture spacing, and water budget from the field site. The simulations of downward migration of MCPP show that MCPP concentration and mass flux into the underlying aquifer, and hence the aquifer vulnerability to this pesticide compound, is mainly dependent on the degradation rate of the pesticide, the overall aquitard water budget, and the ground water recharge rate into the aquifer. The influence of flow rate, matrix diffusion, and degradation rate are intertwined. This results in one to four orders of magnitude higher MCPP flux into the aquifer from aquifer recharge rates of 20 and 120 mm/yr, respectively, for no degradation and MCPP half-life of 0.5 yr. From a sensitivity analysis it was found that the range of MCPP flux into the aquifer varied less than one order of magnitude due to (1) changing fracture spacing from 1 to 10 m, or (2) preferential flow along inclined thin sand layers, which represent common conditions for the current and other settings of clayey till in Denmark and other glaciated areas in Europe and North America. The results indicate that for aquifers overlain by fractured clayey tills, the vulnerability to contamination with pesticides (pesticide flux into the aquifer) and other widespread agricultural contaminants is going to vary strongly in the watershed as a function of the distribution of aquitard water budget (flow rate) and aquitard redox environment (controlling contaminant degradation rates), even if the thickness of the till is relatively constant. DFMD modeling of cause-effect relationships within such systems has great potential to support decisions in planning, regulation, and contaminant remediation.  相似文献   

The effects of adding oxygen to anaerobic aquifer materials on biodegradation of phenoxy acid herbicides were studied by laboratory experiments with aquifer material from two contaminated sites (a former agricultural machinery service and an old landfill). At both sites, the primary pollutants were phenoxy acids and related chlorophenols. It was found that addition of oxygen enhanced degradation of the six original phenoxy acids and six original chlorophenols. Inverse modeling on 14C 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxypropanoic acid (MCPP) degradation curves revealed that increasing the oxygen concentrations from <0.3 mg/L up to 7 to 8 mg/L shortened the lag phases (from approximately 150 d to 5 to 25 d) and increased first-order degradation rate constants by 1 order of magnitude (from approximately 5 x 10(-2) d(-1) to up to 30 x 10(-2) d(-1)). Additionally, the degree of MCPP mineralization was increased (30% to 50% mineralized at low oxygen concentrations and 50% to 70% mineralized at high oxygen concentrations, based on 14CO2 recovery). These positive effects on degradation were observed even at relatively low oxygen concentrations (2 mg/L). Furthermore, effects related to the addition of oxygen on the general geochemistry were studied. An oxygen consumption of 2.2 to 2.6 mg O2/g dw was observed due to oxidation of solid organic matter and, to some extent (0.5% to 11% of the total oxygen consumption), water-soluble compounds such as Fe2+, dissolved Mn, nonvolatile organic carbon, and NH4+. Overall, the results suggest that stimulated biodegradation by addition of oxygen might be a feasible remediation technology at herbicide-contaminated sites, although oxygen consumption by the sediment could limit the applicability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the hydrogeologic role of siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions within the carbonate Apennine chain (southern Italy). The study was carried out along the northern part of the Matese carbonate massif through (1) the hydraulic characterization of siliciclastic rocks in a test site, by means of Lugeon tests, and (2) the identification of the groundwater flow system discharging at an important spring located within a marly‐clayey‐calcareous succession in a second test site, by means of isotopic investigations. The results showed that the investigated siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions may allow significant groundwater discharge from carbonate aquifers. Thus, they do not everywhere behave as aquitard, contrary to the previous model. Instead, groundwater flows through the upper part of these successions, where stress release fracturing enhanced rock permeability in the near‐surface bedrock. Thus, these successions may locally be a new groundwater source within the southern Apennine chain. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A mathematical model that describes the drawdown due to constant pumpage from a finite radius well in a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system is presented. The aquifer system is overlain by an aquitard and underlain by an impermeable formation. A skin zone of constant thickness exists around the wellbore. A general solution to a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system in Laplace domain is developed and inverted numerically to the time‐domain solution using the modified Crump (1976) algorithm. The results show that the drawdown distribution is significantly influenced by the properties and thickness of the skin zone and aquitard. The sensitivity analyses of parameters of the aquifer and aquitard are performed to illustrate their effects on drawdowns in a two‐zone leaky confined aquifer system. For the negative‐skin case, the drawdown is very sensitive to the relative change in the formation transmissivity. For the positive‐skin case, the drawdown is also sensitive to the relative changes in the skin thickness, and both the skin and formation transmissivities over the entire pumping period and the well radius and formation storage coefficient at early pumping time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field investigations were carried out to determine the occurrence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), the source zone architecture and the aquitard integrity at a 30‐ to 50‐year old DNAPL release site. The DNAPL source zone is located in the clay till unit overlying a limestone aquifer. The DNAPL source zone architecture was investigated through a multiple‐lines‐of‐evidence approach using various characterization tools; the most favorable combination of tools for the DNAPL characterization was geophysical investigations, membrane interface probe, core subsampling with quantification of chlorinated solvents, hydrophobic dye test with Sudan IV, and Flexible Liner Underground Technologies (FLUTe) NAPL liners with activated carbon felt (FACT). While the occurrence of DNAPL was best determined by quantification of chlorinated solvents in soil samples supported by the hydrophobic dye tests (Sudan IV and NAPL FLUTe), the conceptual understanding of source zone architecture was greatly assisted by the indirect continuous characterization tools. Although mobile or high residual DNAPL (S t > 1%) only occurred in 11% of the source zone samples (intact cores), they comprised 86% of the total PCE mass. The dataset, and associated data analysis, supported vertical migration of DNAPL through fractures in the upper part of the clay till, horizontal migration along high permeability features around the redox boundary in the clay till, and to some extent vertical migration through the fractures in the reduced part of the clay till aquitard to the underlying limestone aquifer. The aquitard integrity to DNAPL migration was found to be compromised at a thickness of reduced clay till of less than 2 m.  相似文献   

This study presents analytical solutions of the three‐dimensional groundwater flow to a well in leaky confined and leaky water table wedge‐shaped aquifers. Leaky wedge‐shaped aquifers with and without storage in the aquitard are considered, and both transient and steady‐state drawdown solutions are derived. Unlike the previous solutions of the wedge‐shaped aquifers, the leakages from aquitard are considered in these solutions and unlike similar previous work for leaky aquifers, leakage from aquitards and from the water table are treated as the lower and upper boundary conditions. A special form of finite Fourier transforms is used to transform the z‐coordinate in deriving the solutions. The leakage induced by a partially penetrating pumping well in a wedge‐shaped aquifer depends on aquitard hydraulic parameters, the wedge‐shaped aquifer parameters, as well as the pumping well parameters. We calculate lateral boundary dimensionless flux at a representative line and investigate its sensitivity to the aquitard hydraulic parameters. We also investigate the effects of wedge angle, partial penetration, screen location and piezometer location on the steady‐state dimensionless drawdown for different leakage parameters. Results of our study are presented in the form of dimensionless flux‐dimensionless time and dimensionless drawdown‐leakage parameter type curves. The results are useful for evaluating the relative role of lateral wedge boundaries and leakage source on flow in wedge‐shaped aquifers. This is very useful for water management problems and for assessing groundwater pollution. The presented analytical solutions can also be used in parameter identification and in calculating stream depletion rate and volume. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Release of an estimated 150,000 gallons (568,000 L).of 1.2–dichloroethane (EDC) from a buried pipeline into a ditch and surrounding soil resulted in shallow subsurface contamination of a Gulf Coast site. Short-term remediation included removal of EDC DNAPI. (dense nonaqueous phase liquid) by dredging and vacuuming the ditch, and by dredging the river where the ditch discharged. EDC saturation in shallow impacted sediments located beneath the ditch was at or below residual saturation and these sediments were therefore left in place. The ditch was lined, backfilled, and capped. Long-term remediation includes EDC DNAPL recovery and hydraulic containment from the shallow zone with long-term monitoring of the shallow, intermediate, and deep (200 foot) aquifers. Ground water, DNAPL., and dissolved phase models were used to guide field investigations and the selection of an effective remedial action strategy. The DNAPL. modeling was conducted for a two-dimensional vertical cross section of the site, and included the three aquifers separated by two aquitards with microfractures. These aquitards were modeled using a dual porosity approach. Matrix and fracture properties of the aquitards used for DNAPL modeling were determined from small-scale laboratory properties. These properties were consistent with effective hydraulic conductivity determined from ground water flow modeling. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the vertical migration of EDC was attenuated by dissolution of EDC into the matrix of the upper aquitard. When the organic/water entry pressure of the aquitard matrix, or the solubility of EDC were decreased to unrealislically low values. EDC DNAPL. accumulated in the aquifer below the upper aquitard.
EDC DNALM, did not reach the regional (deepest) aquifer in any of the cases modeled. The limited extent of vertical EDC migration predicted is supported by ground water monitoring conducted over the four years since the spill.  相似文献   

The bile liquid is preserved with ethanol and the protein is precipitated. Prefractionating is done by liquid-liquid extraction by chloroform and ethyl acetate. The extracts are column-chromatographically separated on Florisil and subsequently detected by thin-layer chromatography. For determining the identity of substances, the penta fluorobenzyl derivatives are prepared and chromatographed under the same conditions. Detection is carried out with the aid of ammoniacal silver nitrate reagency and ultraviolet irradiation. The highly polar conjugates of chlorophenoxyalkane acids and chlorophenols which are present in the bile are cracked by acid hydrolysis and then cleaned by re-extraction. In this way, 2, 4-D, MCPA, MCPP, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenol were detected from Salmo gairdneri. 6… 21 d after the application of the herbicides in the catchment area their concentration in the fish bile amounted to about 200 mg/l, 90% of them having been conjugates. Thus, the biliary excretion of xenobiotic substances offers an important new aspect of biomonitoring by means of fish tests, especially in the range of subacute and chronic toxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of wellbore‐wall compression from rough excavation on monitored groundwater levels and qualities under natural hydraulic gradient conditions were investigated in a shallow clayey Andisol aquifer. Nine wellbores reaching the underlying aquitard at about 2.6‐m depth were constructed by dynamic cone penetrometry to mimic rough wellbore construction. Five of these were constructed under wet aquifer soil conditions and the remaining four under dry conditions. A 15‐month period monitoring showed that the groundwater levels in the wellbores constructed under wet conditions responded significantly in retard of, and in narrower ranges than, those constructed under dry conditions. The wellbore‐wall hydraulic conductivities at the former wellbores were calculated to be more than one to two orders of magnitude lower than those at the latter ones. Furthermore, remarkable nitrate removal attributable to the occurrence of a heterotrophic denitrification was observed in one of the former wellbores. In contrast, the groundwater levels and qualities in the latter wellbores appeared to be generally similar to those monitored in the conventional soil coring and augering‐derived wellbores. Our results suggest that the wellbore‐wall compression induced by rough excavation under wet and soft aquifer soil conditions leads to a substantial decrease in the wellbore‐wall hydraulic conductivity, which in turn can lead to unreliable groundwater levels and qualities. This problem can occur in clayey Andisols whenever the aquifer soil is wet; however, the problem can be largely avoided by constructing the wellbore under dry and hard aquifer soil conditions.  相似文献   

A release of 1,2-dichloroethane. also known as ethylene dichloride (EDC), resulted in shallow subsurface freephase contamination of a Gulf Coast site in the southern United States. The site stratigraphy consists primarily of a low permeability, surficial peat. silt, and clay zone underlain by fractured clay; a confined 12 in deep sand ground water flow zone; a confined 21 m deep fine sand zone of limited ground water flow, followed by a deep aquitard. The Gumbo clay and sandy clay aquitard below the release area overlies and protects the 61 m deep Upper Chicot Aquifer, which is a confined regional aquifer. An ongoing recovery and hydraulic containment program from the primary impacted and laterally and vertically restricted shallow 40-foot sand zone has effectively recovered dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and contained dissolved phase EDC.
Natural attenuation of EDC was demonstrated through (1) a laboratory microcosm study substantiating the ability of the native microbial population in the deeper aquifer lo degrade EDC under anaerobic environmental conditions found at the site. (2) field investigations showing reductions in EDC concentrations over time in many of the wells on site, and (3) an evaluation of the ground water for EDC and its degradation products and oilier geo-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and pH. Degradation products of EDC found in the field investigations included 2-chloroeihanol, ethanol. ethene, and ethane. Dissolved EDC concentrations in selected wells between the first recorded samples and the fourth quarter of 1997 ranged from greater than 4% to 99% reductions. First-order exponential decay half-lives ranged from 0.21 to 4.2 years for wells showing decreases in FDC concentrations over time. Elevated methane concentrations indicated carbon dioxide to be the major terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   

A freeze core sampler was used to characterize hyporheic zone storage during a stream tracer test. The pore water from the frozen core showed tracer lingered in the hyporheic zone after the tracer had returned to background concentration in collocated well samples. These results confirmed evidence of lingering subsurface tracer seen in time‐lapse electrical resistivity tomographs. The pore water exhibited brine exclusion (ion concentrations in ice lower than source water) in a sediment matrix, despite the fast freezing time. Although freeze core sampling provided qualitative evidence of lingering tracer, it proved difficult to quantify tracer concentration because the amount of brine exclusion during freezing could not be accurately determined. Nonetheless, the additional evidence for lingering tracer supports using time‐lapse resistivity to detect regions of low fluid mobility within the hyporheic zone that can act as chemically reactive zones of importance in stream health.  相似文献   

T.‐L. Tsai 《水文研究》2015,29(22):4779-4793
Accurate and practical calculation of aquitard consolidation is required for a reliable analysis of land subsidence caused by groundwater overexploitation in a multilayered aquifer system because aquitards are generally more compressible than aquifers are. This study proposes a coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model that considers the combined effect of changes in soil parameters and body force to simulate aquitard consolidation caused by hydraulic head variations in neighbouring aquifers. The proposed model uses variable total stress and simultaneously solves hydraulic head and vertical soil displacement. The constitutive relation based on the Voigt model with different elastic moduli of the spring in normally consolidated and overconsolidated soils is used to describe the viscoelastic–plastic deformation mechanism of aquitards. In addition, the proposed model considers the combined effect of variations in hydraulic conductivity, elastic moduli, and body force on the calculation of aquitard consolidation. Three hypothetical scenarios with various hydraulic head variations in aquifers are used to examine the coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model. The results show that neglecting plasticity and viscosity of soil causes aquitard consolidation to be respectively underestimated and overestimated. In addition, ignoring body force variation underestimates aquitard consolidation, whereas neglecting soil parameters variation overestimates aquitard consolidation. Two real case scenarios are also studied to further demonstrate the applicability of the coupled one‐dimensional viscoelastic–plastic consolidation model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

MCPA (4‐chloro‐2‐methylphenoxyacetic acid) is an acidic herbicide widely used on olive crops in Spain. Due to its anionic form at natural soil pH, there is high risk of leaching and groundwater contamination by the use of this herbicide. The aim of this work was to study the effects of organoclay‐based formulations of MCPA and olive oil waste amendment on MCPA leaching in a sandy loam soil. For this purpose, batch adsorption and column leaching studies were performed. The organoclays used to prepare the clay‐based formulations of MCPA were obtained by treating Wyoming montmorillonite (SWy‐2) and Arizona montmorillonite (SAz‐1) with an amount of hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) cation equal to 100% of the CEC of the montmorillonites. The organic residue used in this study was a solid waste from olive oil production (olive oil waste, OOW). The soil was amended with the organic residue at the rate of 10% (w/w). Batch release and column leaching studies indicated that organoclay‐based formulations of MCPA reduced the release rate and the leaching of the herbicide as compared to the use of a conventional formulation containing the herbicide in an immediately available form. The increase in soil organic matter of the soil upon amendment with the organic residue also resulted in greater adsorption and reduced leaching of MCPA in the soil. Accordingly, both the use of organoclay‐based formulations and the amendment of soil with OOW are proposed as efficient strategies to reduce extensive leaching losses associated with the application of MCPA in high‐risk scenarios, such as Mediterranean olive groves.  相似文献   

This article investigates the quantity of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) from a coastal multi‐layered aquifer system in response to constant rainfall infiltration. The system comprises an unconfined aquifer, a leaky confined aquifer and an aquitard between them and terminates at the coastline. An approximate analytical solution is derived based on the following assumptions: (i) flow is horizontal in the aquifers and vertical in the aquitard, and (ii) flow in the unconfined aquifer is described by nonlinear Boussinesq equation. The analytical solution is compared with numerical solutions of the strictly two‐dimensional nonlinear model to validate the model assumptions used for the analytical solution. The SGD from the leaky confined aquifer increases with the inland rainfall infiltration recharge and the specific leakage of aquitard. The maximum SGD ranges from 1·87 to 10·37 m3 per day per meter of shoreline when rainfall infiltration ranges from 18·2 to 182 mm/year and the specific leakage of aquitard varies from 10?9 to 10?1 l/day. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are few studies on the hydrogeology of sedimentary rock aquitards although they are important controls in regional ground water flow systems. We formulate and test a three-dimensional (3D) conceptual model of ground water flow and hydrochemistry in a fractured sedimentary rock aquitard to show that flow dynamics within the aquitard are more complex than previously believed. Similar conceptual models, based on regional observations and recently emerging principles of mechanical stratigraphy in heterogeneous sedimentary rocks, have previously been applied only to aquifers, but we show that they are potentially applicable to aquitards. The major elements of this conceptual model, which is based on detailed information from two sites in the Maquoketa Formation in southeastern Wisconsin, include orders of magnitude contrast between hydraulic diffusivity (K/S(s)) of fractured zones and relatively intact aquitard rock matrix, laterally extensive bedding-plane fracture zones extending over distances of over 10 km, very low vertical hydraulic conductivity of thick shale-rich intervals of the aquitard, and a vertical hydraulic head profile controlled by a lateral boundary at the aquitard subcrop, where numerous surface water bodies dominate the shallow aquifer system. Results from a 3D numerical flow model based on this conceptual model are consistent with field observations, which did not fit the typical conceptual model of strictly vertical flow through an aquitard. The 3D flow through an aquitard has implications for predicting ground water flow and for planning and protecting water supplies.  相似文献   

The vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv), elastic (Sske), and inelastic (Sskv) skeletal specific storage of aquitards are three of the most critical parameters in land subsidence investigations. Two new analytic methods are proposed to estimate the three parameters. The first analytic method is based on a new concept of delay time ratio for estimating Kv and Sske of an aquitard subject to long‐term stable, cyclic hydraulic head changes at boundaries. The second analytic method estimates the Sskv of the aquitard subject to linearly declining hydraulic heads at boundaries. Both methods are based on analytical solutions for flow within the aquitard, and they are jointly employed to obtain the three parameter estimates. This joint analytic method is applied to estimate the Kv, Sske, and Sskv of a 34.54‐m thick aquitard for which the deformation progress has been recorded by an extensometer located in Shanghai, China. The estimated results are then calibrated by PEST (Doherty 2005), a parameter estimation code coupled with a one‐dimensional aquitard‐drainage model. The Kv and Sske estimated by the joint analytic method are quite close to those estimated via inverse modeling and performed much better in simulating elastic deformation than the estimates obtained from the stress‐strain diagram method of Ye and Xue (2005). The newly proposed joint analytic method is an effective tool that provides reasonable initial values for calibrating land subsidence models.  相似文献   

In order to study the pollution gradient in the vicinity of a large aluminium production facility in Patagonia (Argentina), a passive biomonitoring was performed employing foliage from three tree species. Primary scope was to identify pollution gradients and to select suitable tree species which can be used as biomonitor plants in the study area. Therefore, leaves of Eucalyptus rostrata, Populus hybridus and different needle ages of Pinus radiata were collected at different distances from the industry and the fluoride concentration was analysed in washed and unwashed samples in order to determine the amount of external fluoride. Washing reduced the F‐concentrations by 24, 39 and 51% on average in E. rostrata, P. hybridus and P. radiata, respectively, indicating that species‐specific characteristics determine the accumulation and wash‐off of dust‐associated fluorine. F‐concentrations varied from 6 to 3652 ppm F in unwashed samples indicating a steep pollution gradient in the study area. The influence of F‐emissions was discernible in all samples up to a distance of 3500 m from the smelter. E. rostrata accumulated more fluorine than the other species at equal distance from the emission source. The present study confirms that aluminium smelting results in high F deposition in the study area. Establishing a biomonitor network around large emitters is suitable and feasible to evaluate the efficiency of air control measures.  相似文献   

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