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Structural specific features of the sedimentary succession on the continental margin of the South Crimea in the Black Sea have been examined in the Yalta Area using geomorphologic, acoustic, and lithologic methods. Alternation of regressive and transgressive sequences has been ascertained in sediment sections formed on the shelf and in the Yalta deep-sea fan due to Quaternary oscillations of the basin level. The analysis of sediment sections resulted in revealing a leading role of sedimentary material transference from upper hypsometric levels to lower ones in the sediment accumulation.  相似文献   

Extended along the Crimea–Caucasus coast of the Black Sea, the Crimean Seismic Zone (CSZ) is an evidence of active tectonic processes at the junction of the Scythian Plate and Black Sea Microplate. A relocation procedure applied to weak earthquakes (mb ≤ 3) recorded by ten local stations during 1970–2013 helped to determine more accurately the parameters of hypocenters in the CSZ. The Kerch–Taman, Sudak, Yuzhnoberezhnaya (South Coast), and Sevastopol subzones have also been recognized. Generalization of the focal mechanisms of 31 strong earthquakes during 1927–2013 has demonstrated the predominance of reverse and reverse–normal-faulting deformation regimes. This ongoing tectonic process occurs under the settings of compression and transpression. The earthquake foci with strike-slip component mechanisms concentrate in the west of the CSZ. Comparison of deformation modes in the western and eastern Crimean Mountains according to tectonophysical data has demonstrated that the western part is dominated by strike-slip and normal- faulting, while in the eastern part, reverse-fault and strike-slip deformation regimes prevail. Comparison of the seismicity and gravity field and modes of deformation suggests underthusting of the East Black Sea Microplate with thin suboceanic crust under the Scythian Plate. In the Yuzhnoberezhnaya Subzone, this process is complicated by the East Black Sea Microplate frontal part wedging into the marginal part of the Scythian Plate crust. The indentation mechanism explains the strong gravity anomaly in the Crimean Mountains and their uplift.  相似文献   

研究目的】在末次冰期,全球气候变化以千年尺度的快速、大幅度温度波动旋回为特征,这种波动变化在两极冰芯、深海沉积、中国黄土和洞穴石笋等诸多地质样品中均有记录。黑海位于北大西洋与东亚季风区过渡带,具有极有代表性的沉积记录。本文旨在通过对黑海沉积序列的研究,建立起其区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系。【研究方法】研究对取自黑海西北部罗马尼亚陆坡区多瑙河峡谷北侧GAS-CS12钻孔的长22.0 m的岩芯样品,进行了粒度、矿物成分、主量元素、有机碳、总氮及碳氮同位素等分析。【研究结果】揭示出该段岩芯沉积于末次冰期中后期“Neoeuxine”湖相阶段,可划分为5个沉积单元,对应于北大西洋H4、H3、H1气候变化事件、末次冰盛期(LGM)及Bolling-Allerod气候变暖事件。【结论】建立起了其沉积序列及区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系,印证了末次冰期千年尺度的气候变化事件在北大西洋、东亚季风区及两者过渡带上具有高度的一致性。创新点:建立了黑海西北沉积序列与区域环境变化的关系;补充了北大西洋与东亚季风区两者过渡带上气候波动事件的可靠时标。  相似文献   

Genetic sediment types have been identified based on the study of sediment core PS 1599 of bottom sediments recovered from the eastern continental slope of the Weddell Sea. The XRF analysis of 48 samples from this core carried out at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (Moscow) yielded the first comprehensive geochemical characteristics of all genetic types. Methods of correlation and factor analyses were used to outline geochemical associations of sediments and examine causes of their formation, including the role of grain size composition. The results obtained have revealed fundamental differences between sources, mechanisms, and methods of the transportation of sedimentary material for Holocene sediments, on the one hand, and Weichselian sediments, on the other hand.  相似文献   

我国深水区海洋灾害地质研究成果较少,而南海北部东沙陆坡深水区天然气水合物资源的进一步勘探急需弄清海底地质环境。研究区缺乏浅地层剖面资料,因此,本文基于高分辨率2D地震资料等实测资料,率先在东沙陆坡深水区开展灾害地质研究。文中识别出地震、活动断层、海底滑坡、浅层气、泥火山、陡坎及侵蚀沟(谷)共7种具有活动能力的破坏性灾害地质因素,还识别出浅埋基岩面、海底火山、岩浆底辟共3种不具有活动能力的限制性灾害地质因素,同时总结了各灾害地质因素的平面展布特征并研究了其地震反射特征及灾害性。基于以上研究,本文认为陆坡深水区应重点避让海底滑坡、活动断裂、浅层气、侵蚀沟等与海洋工程关系密切的灾害地质类型,研究成果虽然精度有限,但可初步为该区天然气水合物的进一步勘探及防灾减灾提供参考。  相似文献   

We document upper slope sedimentary process and strata on the passive margin of the north-western South China Sea (SCS) using multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic data. The upper slope can be divided into two segments based on geomorphology, strata, and sediment supply. (1) The east segment is characterised by deep incised canyons and gullies, and slope failure. Submarine canyons with both U- and V-shaped morphology (13–28 km long × 2–4 km wide) are oriented NNE–SSW or NNW–SSE and are approximately perpendicular to the slope. Erosion is dominant, with escarpments, slumps, and several mass transport deposits (MTDs). Shelf-margin clinoforms show strongly upward vertical aggradation with time and are strongly aggradational in style. Since 5.5 Ma, the shelf break line migrated southwards and then retreated to its present position. The segment is classified as erosion-dominated due to insufficient sediment supply. (2) The west segment has a smooth surface, gentle gradient, and a strongly progradational style, with MTDs triggered by high sedimentation rates. Shelf-margin clinoforms display a combination of progradational and aggradational stacking patterns. The shelf break line migrated southwards with time. The segment is classified as deposition-dominated, resulting from plentiful sediment supply. Depositional models have been constructed for each segment: a constant shelf break model with insufficient sediment supply in the east, and a migration shelf break model with plenty sediment supply in the west. This case study contributes to the understanding of the upper slope sedimentary process and stratigraphic style under different sediment supply conditions.  相似文献   


Heinrich 1(H1)事件,是末次冰消期内一个重要的千年尺度的古气候事件。南海不同海域沉积物磁学性质对H1事件的响应存在差异,因而磁学参数的多解性应予以关注。本文选取南海西北部陆坡具有良好年龄框架的PC338岩芯顶部370 cm段(底部年龄20.5 ka B.P.),进行详细的磁学性质分析,并利用IRM获得曲线组分分离方法和高场磁化率值等参数,试图为区域气候变化的沉积物磁学响应给出合理解释。结果表明,在H1事件发生时,碎屑成因的磁铁矿(IRM_(C2+C3))和顺磁性组分(χp)明显降低,这反映了源区化学风化的减弱,指示南海北部冷干的气候条件;另外,H1事件发生时,南海西北部陆坡的赤铁矿含量较高,这与海平面降低造成的红河源区的赤铁矿输入增多和暴露的大陆架处于氧化条件有关。H1事件时期,东亚季风区呈现末次冰消期以来最干旱的气候特征,主要受控于大西洋经向翻转环流的减弱迫使热带辐合带南移和热带太平洋类La Niña的气候条件这两个因素。


Based on the conception of the cyclic (wave) nature of the changes in the circulation of the atmosphere of the Atlantic-European sector (index of the North Atlantic oscillations) and surface temperature of the Black Sea on scales smaller or equal to the century scale, anomalies of the winter surface temperature are analyzed. It is shown that in the phase of the maximum of the presumably 60-year cycle of changes in the NAO index a negative anomaly of surface temperature forms and in the phase of minimum of this scale of changes of NAO, there is a positive anomaly. Estimates of the possible thermal state of the surface of the Black Sea during the phase of the expected minimum in 2011–2020 of the 60-year cycle (60-year wave) of the NAO index are made. The possibility of a phase shift between changes in solar activity, the NAO index, and anomalies of temperature of the Black Sea on the scales of cyclic (wave) processes larger than 100 years is considered.  相似文献   

We present the seafloor morphology and shallow seismic structure of the continental slope south-east of the Balearic promontory and of the adjacent Algero-Balearic abyssal plain from multibeam and chirp sonar data. The main purpose of this research was to identify the sediment pathways from the Balearic promontory to the Algero-Balearic deep basin from the Early Pliocene to the Present. The morphology of the southern Balearic margin is controlled by a SW–NE structural trend, whose main expressions are the Emile Baudot Escarpment transform fault, and a newly discovered WSW–ENE trend that affects the SW end of the escarpment and the abyssal plain. We relate the two structural trends to right-lateral simple shear as a consequence of the Miocene westward migration of the Gibraltar Arc. Newly discovered steep and narrow volcanic ridges were probably enabled to grow by local transtension along the transform margin. Abyssal plain knolls and seahills relate to the subsurface deformation of early stage halokinetic structures such as salt rollers, salt anticlines, and salt pillows. The limited thickness of the overburden and the limited amount of deformation in the deep basin prevent the formation of more mature halokinetic structures such as diapirs, salt walls, bulbs, and salt extrusions. The uppermost sediment cover is affected by a dense pattern of sub-vertical small throw normal faults resulting from extensional stress induced in the overburden by subsurface salt deformation structures. Shallow gas seismic character and the possible presence of an active polygonal fault system suggest upward fluid migration and fluid and sediment expulsion at the seafloor through a probable mud volcano and other piercement structures. One large debris flow deposit, named Formentera Debris Flow, has been identified on the lower slope and rise of the south Formentera margin. Based on current observations, we hypothesize that the landslide originating the Formentera Debris Flow occurred in the Holocene, perhaps in historical times.
Angelo CamerlenghiEmail:

南海东北陆坡断裂特征及其对盆地演化的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海东北陆坡断裂发育,主要有北东、北西、近南北和近东西向的4组断裂,按性质分则有张性、压性和走滑等。主干基底断裂有F1、F2、F3、F4、F5、F6、F7、F8、F9、F10等,这些断裂规模较大并决定了珠江口盆地白云凹陷、尖峰北盆地、笔架盆地和台西南盆地发育和演化。受主干断裂的控制,尖峰北盆地经历了断陷、坳陷、区域沉降3期演化,发育两套构造层;而笔架盆地则经历了渐新世断陷、渐新世末—中中新世坳陷和晚中新世—全新世构造反转3期演化,发育两套构造层。  相似文献   


In order to investigate the thinning process of the northern continental margin of the South China Sea, petrographic and microstructural analysis were carried out on 20 greenschistfacies mylonite samples, which were obtained from Site U1504 of IODP Expedition 367/368 in the Outer Margin High of the region. The mineral assemblage of the greenschist-facies mylonite is chlorite + epidotite + albite (Ab = 94.7–99.9) + quartz, which contains 10-30% gravel components. Microstructural analysis indicates that the greenschist-facies mylonite experienced two episodes of deformation:early ductile deformation followed by a later stage of brittle deformatio. Both episodes of deformation suggest an extensional environment. The extensive development of bulging recrystallization (BLG) of quartz, microscopic fractures and fine granulation of albite suggest that the temperature of ductile deformation is about 300-400°C, compatiable with a ductile shearing at shallow crust levels (~5-10 km). Petrographic features suggest that the greenschist-facies mylonite might originate from volcanic sedimentary rocks or sedimentary rocks affected by the intrusion of mafic magma. Combined with seismic interpretation, we propose that the greenschist-facies mylonite might be formed by crustal exhumation after thick Mesozoic sediments were denuded by a major extension.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡区神狐海域构造特征及对水合物的控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对南海北部陆坡区神狐海域高精度2D和3D地震资料的精细解释,在研究区共识别出4种构造类型,分别为气烟囱(流体底辟)、区域大尺度断层、深水扇中的正断层和滑移体中的滑脱断层。气烟囱具有直立的通道形态,其内部结构可划分为杂乱反射带、模糊反射带和顶部强振幅区域。大尺度断层位于水合物钻探区的西北部和东北部,断层规模大,对深部地层表现出明显的控制作用。深水扇中的正断层广泛发育于上新世的深水扇中,特别是在水合物钻探区西部进积特征明显的深水扇中,正断层的数量更多。滑移体中的滑脱断层在神狐海域的第四纪地层中非常常见,在剖面上呈雁列式分布。研究结果表明,大尺度断层由于和水合物钻探区的距离较远,对于水合物的成藏可能不起控制作用。气烟囱和规模小数量多的断裂体系为含气流体的运移提供了垂向和侧向的输送通道,构成了水合物的流体运移体系。当富含甲烷气体的流体通过这些垂向-侧向的运移通道时,在合适的温压条件下,被适于水合物聚集的沉积体所捕获,就有可能形成水合物。水合物钻探区内东西部构造特征的差异,使得研究区内形成了不同的流体运移体系,这可能是控制钻探区水合物不均匀性分布的一个关键因素。  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples from the shelf and continental slope off southwest Africa and sediment cores from the deepest part of the Black Sea were analyzed for sterols. Because the organic matter in these anoxic sediments is relatively well-preserved, the input from source organisms in the water column is important in controlling sterol distribution patterns. The sterol distribution on the Namibian shelf is complex, probably because of the great spatial and temporal variability of biological productivity caused by seasonal upwelling and changes in oxygen concentration. The Black Sea, perhaps because of greater physical stability of the water column, has sterol distributions which can be explained by microbial activity or chemical processes acting on a constant input of organic carbon from surface production.  相似文献   

浊流和碎屑流等粗粒沉积是深海油气和天然气水合物良好的储层,它的发现和识别对于深海油气和天然气水合物的勘探具有重要意义。在南海北部陆坡神狐海域水深1805 m海底采集的长5.5 m柱状沉积物由2层富有孔虫层和2层深灰色泥质粉砂层相间组成,其中深灰色泥质粉砂层(A_1和A3_)主要为黏土矿物、石英和长石组成,粒径中值在6~15μm之间,Ti/Al、K/Al和Fe/Al比值类似于南海神狐海域表层半深海沉积特征,而富有孔虫砂层(A_2和A_4)的粒度具有向上递减的特征,形成由粗到细的正粒序构造,粒径中值高,Ti/Al、K/Al和Fe/Al比值较高,与A_1和A_3灰色泥质粉砂层相比,含有更多的粗粒陆源物,推测可能是浊流经底流改造的碎屑流沉积。浮游有孔虫~(14)C定年表明下部的A_4层可能晚于42.46~43.53 ka B P,A_2层晚于15.1~15.3ka B P。浊流从浅海搬运来的大量有孔虫在陆坡经碎屑流改造形成富集Ca CO_3的有孔虫富集层。  相似文献   

于兴河  张志杰 《中国地质》2005,32(3):470-476
南海北部陆坡区新生界含有丰富的油气资源和各种矿产资源,对其沉积体系的分析可以指导资源勘探和开发。笔者在对南海北部陆坡区的西沙海槽和东沙海域的地震剖面解释与研究的基础上,依据“外部形态+内部属性”的分类原则,在中新世以来的沉积层中共识别出8种典型的地震相:席状平行相、席状波形相、席状空白相、席状杂乱相、席状前积相、帚状前积相、透镜状前积相和丘状杂乱相。结合地震相分析,在南海北部陆坡区识别出6种典型的沉积体系:三角洲体系、等深流、低位扇、滑塌块体、浊积扇和扇三角洲体系;其中等深流、滑塌块体和各种扇体的前缘与BSR分布的吻合率最高,是最有利于天然气水合物聚集成矿的相带。  相似文献   

The lipid biomarkers of hopanoids in cold seep carbonates from the South China Sea continental slope were investigated by gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC–MS) and gas chromatography-isotope ratio-mass spectrometer (GC-ir-MS). The distribution of hopanes/hopenes shows a preference for the ‘biological’ 17β(H), 21β(H)-over the ‘geological’ 17α(H), 21β(H)-configuration. This interpretation is in agreement with the strong odd–even preference of long-chain n-alkanes in those samples, suggesting that the ββ hopanes may be the early diagenetic products of biohopanoids and the αβ, βα configurations of hopanes were mainly derived from allochthonous sources contributing to the organic matter of the carbonates. In terms of hopanoid acids, the C30 to C33 17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanoid acids were detected with C32 17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanoid acid being the most abundant. However, there is a significant difference in stable carbon isotopic compostions of the C32 17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanoic acid among samples (−30.7‰ to −69.8‰). The δ13C values match well with the carbon isotopic compositions of SRB-derived iso-/anteiso-C15:0 fatty acids in the samples, which strongly depend on the carbon utilization types by microbe. The most abundant compound of hopanols detected in the samples, C30-17β(H), 21β(H)-hopanol, may be a good indicator of diagenetic product of type I methanotrophs. The molecular and carbon isotopic compositions of hopanoids demonstrate clearly that there is a combination contribution of both SRB and type I or type X methanotrophs to the source organism in the seep carbonates from the South China Sea continental slope.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘西沙海槽—台湾恒春半岛地学断面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用南海北部陆缘及邻区的地质、地球物理资料,综合编制了印支半岛东缘-西沙海槽-南海北部陆坡-台湾恒春半岛-菲律宾海地学断面,从地形地貌、地球物理场、地质构造特征和时空演化等多个方面综合揭示了南海北部陆缘洋陆转换带岩石圈结构及其相互作用,对深入认识南海北部陆缘构造格局和深水区油气地质具有重要意义.  相似文献   

杨茜  冯秀丽  李梦帅 《地质学报》2022,96(4):1412-1420
南海具有优越的地理位置和特殊的构造环境,其丰富充足的沉积物源、复杂多样的地形地貌以及广泛分布的陆坡都为浊流的发育提供了良好条件和理想场所.南海北部更是有华南大陆以及台湾岛的大量陆源沉积物搬运至陆坡,加上陆坡区合适的坡度,浊流沉积十分发育.南海北部陆坡发育有大量不同规模的海底滑坡,浊流沉积分布广泛.在南海北部莺琼陆坡的钻...  相似文献   

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