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收集了47个Blazar天体的短时标光变资料,估算了中心天体质量和不同波段辐射区域,并对估算结果作了统计分析,发现Blazar天体中心黑洞质量在10~7M_☉到10~(10)M_☉之间,BL Lac天体与平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量有很大差异,平谱射电类星体中心黑洞质量大于BL Lac天体中心黑洞质量;红外波段和γ射线波段辐射区域大小相似.同时,利用收集到Blazar天体的热光度分析了Blazar天体热光度与短时标光变之间的关系,证实了射电选BL Lac(RBL)天体和平谱射电类星体(FSRQs)的辐射是强成束的,但相对论聚柬效应对X射线选BL Lac(XBL)天体的辐射影响较小.  相似文献   

介绍了一种用小波分析寻找BL Lac天体S5 0716+714光变周期的方法.收集了BL Lac天体S5 0716+714光学B、V、R,I四个波段较完备的观测数据,获得了10天平均的长期光变曲线.使用此光变曲线数据进行小波分析计算,结果表明小波分析方法能较好地分析和认证BL Lac天体的光变周期值.从小波变换系数实部的等值线图,可以准确证认BL Lac天体S5 0716+714有光变周期波动变化.由B,V,R,I四个波段的小波方差曲线分析发现BL Lac天体S5 0176+714有一个1160天的稳定周期,这个结果与Raiteri等人发现的3.3年周期是一致的.预测在2011年8月将有一次大的爆发.  相似文献   

用Jurkevich方法分析计算BL Lac天体的光变周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种分析寻找BLLac天体光变周期的方法,给出了BLLac天体OJ287,ON231,Mrk421的长光变周期.分析计算表明:当观测样品的数据点很多、观测时间很长(大约100年左右的光学波段数据)、数据样本不少于6个周期并能从光变曲线的两次大振幅中,看出有若干小振幅的周期时,则能用该方法准确地认证和确定其长周期值.这种方法在寻找周期时,对无规律不等间隔的样品数据有较高的灵敏度,而计算方法简捷实用,结果可靠  相似文献   

探索Blazar光变资料中的周期或准周期变化是1个有待深入研究的领域.由于光变资料的复杂性,目前寻找周期的算法还不够完善.文中以现代谱估计为基础,详细论述了自回归(Auto-regressive,AR)模型谱估计方法和最大熵谱估计的基本原理,分析了阶数选择对模型的重要影响,并把这些方法应用到类星体3C 279和BL Lac天体OJ287的光变周期分析中,得到它们的光变周期分别为7.14和11.76yr.通过验证,自回归 模型谱估计方法由于其分辨率高,可以作为1种较好的分析周期的方法.最后指出在应用谱估计分析Blazar天体的光变周期注意事项.  相似文献   

利用多波段同时性观测数据,研究了Blazar天体的近红外波段偏振与光学波段偏振的关系,发现两个波段的偏振度和偏振角之间都存在着很强的线性相关性.另外,两个波段的辐射流量也强烈相关.结果表明Blazr天体的近红外辐射主要来自于相对论电子的同步辐射,且与光学波段辐射来自于同一辐射区域.另外,利用2MASS数据还研究了近红外波段3个色指数J-H、H-K和J-K之间的相关性,发现J-H和H-K都与J-K强相关,但J-H与H-K之间没有相关性.最后研究了色指数-星等关系,表明在近红外波段Blazar天体变亮时谱形变平.  相似文献   

文中对6颗Blazar天体15年间的大量准同时性观测数据进行了处理分析,获得了长期的光变曲线和色指数变化曲线。对比分析光变曲线和色指数变化曲线,对色指数和亮度做相关分析,得出Blazar天体的光变包括长期的单色光变和有颜色变化的短期爆发两种成份,由光变的颜色差异我们提出引起Blazar天体光变的物理机制可能是几何效应调制的激波喷流模型。  相似文献   

利用云南天文台1m光学望远镜2000~2001年对3个GeV和/或TeV γ噪Blazar天体的观测,发现γ噪类星体PKS 1510-089在R波段有一个光变时标为41min的星等变化为2.0mag的剧烈光变,这是迄今为止我们所观测到的变幅最大的一个γ噪Blazar天体短时标光变.对此光变,可估计限制光变辐射模型的一些参数,如辐射区半径R、多普勒因子δ以及吸积转化效率η等.η=59.6的值强烈预示着相对论聚束效应可较好解释γ噪Blazar天体的辐射机制.我们仔细考察了大气视宁度对光变的影响.发现对1ES 2344+514,观测到的光变与当地大气视宁度有一个弱相关,结果表明,对光变参数较小(C<5)的光变,大气视宁度引起的假光变的贡献较大,需要选择较严格的光变判据.  相似文献   

唐洁 《天文学报》2012,53(1):1-8
将基于多重信号分类的MUSIC谱估计算法引入BL Lac天体光变周期分析中.给出了MUSIC算法的基本原理,利用模拟信号检测了算法的频谱分辨率.从大量文献中收集了BL Lac天体S5 0716+714光学V、R、I 3个波段从1994年到2008年的有效观测数据,用MUSIC算法和平均周期图算法分别计算了它们的光变周期,发现存在两个主要光变周期:一个是(3.33±0.08)yr的周期,另一个是(1.24±0.01)yr的周期.对这两种算法的周期估计性能进行了比较,结果表明,MUSIC谱估计算法对样本长度要求较低,具有良好的分辨特性和抗噪声能力,能提高在样本长度较短情况下光变周期分析的准确性.  相似文献   

利用云南天文台1m光学望远镜2000-2001年对3个GeV和/或TeVγ噪Blazar天体的观测,发现γ噪类星体PKS 1510-089在R波段有一个光变时标为41min的星等变化为2.0mag的剧烈光变,这是迄今为止我们所观测到的变幅最大的一个γ噪Blazar天体短时标光变。对此光变,可估计限制光变辐射模型的一些参数,如辐射区半径R、多普勒因子δ以及吸积转化效率η等。η=59.6的值强烈预示着相对论聚束效应可较好解释γ噪Blazar天体的辐射机制。我们仔细考察了大气视宁度对光变的影响。发现对1ES 2344+514,观测到的光变与当地大气视宁度有一个弱相关,结果表明,对光变参数较小(C<5)的光变,大气视宁度引起的假光变的贡献较大,需要选择较严格的光变判据。  相似文献   

张雄 《天体物理学报》1998,18(3):260-268
本介绍一种分析寻找BLLac天体光变周期的方法,给出了BLLac天体OJ287,ON231,Mrk421托光变周期。  相似文献   

The periodogram spectral analysis method applicable to equallyspaced time series is discussed, and the method is tested first with a simulated data series. It is confirmed that this method is effective for noisy series. Then, applying this method to the analysis of the light periods of the quasars 3C 279 and 3C 345 as well as the BL Lac objects OJ 287 and ON 231, we obtain their light periods to be 7.14 yr, 10.00 yr, 11.76 yr and 6.80 yr, respectively. These results obtained by periodogram spectral analysis are consistent with those obtained by the Jurkevich method in the literature. We have analyzed the effects of different window functions, and commented on their correct selection in practical applications.  相似文献   

The light variability is one of the main characteristics of blazar objects. Because of the complexity of their light curves, the present periodicity analysis methods are not yet perfect. Based on the modern spectral estimate theory, this paper has described in details the principles of the maximum entropy spectral estimate and autoregressive (AR) spectral estimate, analyzed the effect of the order number selection on the resultant model. Applying these methods to the periodicity analysis of the quasar 3C 279 and BL Lac object OJ 287, their light periods are obtained to be 7.14 and 11.76 yr, respectively. As is verified by experiments, the AR spectral estimate has a high resolution and is a rather good periodicity analysis method. Finally, the items noteworthy for the application of these spectrum estimation methods to the periodicity analysis of the light variations of blazars are mentioned.  相似文献   

利用欧文斯谷射电天文台(Owens Valley Radio Observatory, OVRO) 15 GHz的观测数据,通过Jurkevich理论分析了78个耀变体样本的光变曲线,结果表明,射电源显示了显著的光变周期,范围为0.83–2.55 yr.另外,通过估算射电源光变的调制指数,发现蝎虎天体的调制指数较平谱射电类星体有更大的高斯分布峰值.  相似文献   

Considering the shortages of classical methods in periodicity analysis, the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for processing nonlinear and non-stationary signals is applied to the V-band fluxes of OJ 287 from 1891 to 2010, 10 intrinsic mode functions with different timescales and a residual function are obtained from the light curve. The result shows that there exists a period of 12.34 yr in the V-band light variation of OJ 287, where the contribution rate of variance is maximal, and confirms that OJ 287 has a long-period variability in the V-band, and that the mean flux of OJ 287 tends to gradually decrease with time.  相似文献   

The multiple signal classi?cation (MUSIC) algorithm is introduced to the estimation of light periods of BL Lac objects. The principle of the MUSIC algorithm is given, together with a testing on its spectral resolution by using a simulative signal. From a lot of literature, we have collected a large number of effective observational data of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 in the three optical wavebands V, R, and I from 1994 to 2008. The light periods of S5 0716+714 are obtained by means of the MUSIC algorithm and average periodogram algorithm, respectively. It is found that there exist two major periodic components, one is the period of (3.33±0.08) yr, another is the period of (1.24±0.01) yr. The comparison of the performances of periodicity analysis of two algorithms indicates that the MUSIC algorithm has a smaller requirement on the sample length, as well as a good spectral resolution and anti-noise ability, to improve the accuracy of periodicity analysis in the case of short sample length.  相似文献   

We have collected the 37 GHz radio data of PKS 1510-089 from 1990 to 2005, and obtained its long-term light curve after making data processing. From the light curve we can find that the activity in PKS 1510-089 is very strong. In this paper, the Period04 method is used for the first time to analyze the light periodicity of PKS 1510-089. The result indicates that its radio emission at 37 GHz has the periods of (1.87±0.13) yr and (0.87±0.07) yr. This result is consistent with the results obtained by Xie et al. in 2004, 2005, 2008, and Wu et al. in 2005 with other methods of data analysis.  相似文献   

射电选和X射线选BL Lacertae天体的射电性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了射电选和X射线选BL Lac天体的射电数据(包括核和延展光度), 并计算了它们的核主导系数R.研究显示: 射电选BL Lac(RBLs)天体的总射电光度是X射线选BL Lac(XBLs)天体的2个量级.详细分析得到这种差别主要是来自于核光度的差别因为延展光度差别只有1个量级.研究RBLs和XBLs的核(延展元)光度与核主导系数之间的关系, 发现延展元光度与核主导系数负相关, 而核(总)光度几乎与核主导系数没有相关.  相似文献   

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