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The spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved phosphate, dissolved silica and chlorophyll a were measured seasonally at eight stations in the Ria de Aveiro. Between December 2000 and September 2001, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages, inferred after the spatial and seasonal variation of silica and of chlorophyll a concentrations, showed that diatoms (μmol Si L−1) dominated from late autumn until early spring, while chlorophytes (μg Chl a L−1) bloomed during late spring and summer. The Si:N:P ratios and Si concentrations indicated no seasonal depletion in dissolved silica, as in other temperate systems, possibly because of abnormal precipitation and flood events prolonging the supply of dissolved Si to the system. The Si:N:P ratios suggested P limitation at the system level. Despite the relative proportions of available nutrients, the mean phosphorus concentration (5.3 μmol L−1) was above the reported half-saturation constants for P uptake by phytoplankton. Thus, in Ria de Aveiro, the seasonal succession of phytoplankton assemblages may also be dependent on the grazing capacity of the pelagic community through top-down regulation.  相似文献   

Organotin compounds are used in a variety of industrial processes therefore their subsequent discharge into the environment is widespread. Bacteria play an important role in biogeochemical transformations acting as natural decontamination agents. Therefore, screening for tributyltin (TBT)-resistant and -degrading bacteria is relevant for the selection of isolates with decontamination ability of these polluted areas. With this purpose, 50 strains were isolated from sediment and water from Ria de Aveiro and their tolerance to TBT, up to 3mM, was evaluated. Generally, occurrence of highly TBT-resistant bacteria was observed, and Gram negative bacteria exhibited more tolerance to TBT than Gram positive bacteria. A memory response was observed when bacteria were progressively exposed to increasingly higher TBT concentrations. One isolate, Aeromonas veronii Av27, highly resistant to TBT (3mM) uses this compound as carbon source and degrades it to less toxic compounds.  相似文献   

The effect of low salinity on the survival of recently hatched veliger of the gastropod Nassarius reticulatus (L.) was studied under laboratory conditions at 17 °C ± 1 °C. Significant mortality occurred for salinities ≤ 17 psu and the LS50 (salinity that causes 50% mortality) varied from 14.5 psu to 17.2 psu for exposures between 1 h and 48 h, respectively. The results were included in a mathematical model in order to estimate the mortality of N. reticulatus veliger in Ria de Aveiro under different salinity scenarios determined by numerical simulation. The model predicts a massive mortality of veliger immediately after their eclosion (1 h) in Ria de Aveiro during spring tide when the river input reaches its expected maximum — a situation that has been observed occasionally and may overlap a massive eclosion of veliger in the water. Except in this extreme situation, the mortality in Ria de Aveiro is generally restricted to the upstream limits of the channels. The results indicate that N. reticulatus recruitment in estuaries may strongly depend on the prevailing salinity regime.  相似文献   

Fish communities of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (south Portugal) were sampled on a monthly basis with a beach seine at 4 sites, during two different time periods: 1980–1986 and 2001–2002. Community indices, species ranking and multivariate analysis were used in order to identify changes in the fish community between the two time periods. A total of 153,511 fish representing 57 taxa were recorded. Although species composition was very similar for both sampling periods, multivariate analysis performed on annual species abundance in number and weight revealed differences in fish community structure between the two periods. Structural changes in fish community were related mostly to a sharp decrease in the abundance of Mugilidae from 1980–1986 to 2001–2002. These changes were probably associated to a decrease in organic matter contents and nutrients concentrations due to improvements in sewage treatment and better water circulation inside the lagoon. The changes in fish community structure are more evident in the inner areas of the lagoon than near the inlet. The association between changes in sewage patterns and changes in the ichthyofaunal community structure reinforces the importance of fish communities as a biological indicator of human induced changes in marine systems.  相似文献   

This study documents long-term changes of a Zostera noltii landscape induced by a natural cyclic event in a coastal lagoon. The barrier-islands forming this system are very dynamic with drifting movements controlling ecological patterns and processes occurring in this area. Changes in the areal extent of the Z. noltii meadows were assessed using historical aerial photographs from 1940, 1980, 1989, 1996 and 1998. Landscape indices such as total patch area (TA), mean patch size (MPS), number of patches (NP), mean shape coefficient of variation (CV) and landscape fractal dimension (D) were calculated for each year and related to an index of disturbance intensity. The spatial distribution of the Z. noltii meadows varied greatly during the studied period and changes observed were related to the disturbance created by the barrier-islands' spatial dynamics. After an artificial inlet relocation the Z. noltii area, number of patches, patch mean size and coefficient of variation decreased. The fractal dimension of the Z. noltii landscape increased by 50% showing that besides a decrease in total area, number of patches, and patch mean area, patch fragmentation was an important consequence of this anthropogenic disturbance.Seagrass natural distribution patterns changed in response to natural and human-induced activities. This study emphasizes the importance of the landscape approach and the historical perspective when studying seagrass changes and the importance of taking into consideration long-term changes in seagrass landscapes to avoid confusion between man-induced effects with natural cyclic events.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of knowledge regarding annual bioaccumulation rates in estuarine and marine fauna, the main aim of this work was to study the annual mercury bioaccumulation in the well-documented bivalve species Scrobicularia plana along a human induced mercury gradient in the Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon (Portugal) and in a nearby, non-polluted system (Mondego estuary), parallel to the risks associated with its consumption by humans.Minimum total mercury concentration was as low as 0.019 mg kg−1 (wwt) in 4+ year old organisms in the reference site, where a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) was found between total mercury concentrations and size, resulting in negative bioaccumulation rates (detoxification). On the other hand, values reached 1.8 mg kg−1 (wwt) in 3+ year old bivalves from the most contaminated area, where a strong positive correlation with size was found (p < 0.01) and annual bioaccumulation rates were as high as 0.25 mg kg−1 yr−1. Annual bioaccumulation rates were highly correlated with suspended particulate matter mercury concentrations. Even though the levels of organic mercury contents increased parallel to the contamination gradient, at each sampling station, no increment was found with age, which corresponded to a decrease in organic mercury percentage with age.In terms of ecological management and public health, the ratio of 0.01 consistently found between Scrobicularia plana annual mercury accumulation rates and SPM mercury levels for most sites may permit to roughly estimate S. plana contamination of commercial sized individuals (>2.5 cm) and, if verified and confirmed in other systems, be used as a simple management tool.  相似文献   

The alien Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia inhabits several coastal environments worldwide. This species can form dense mats where individuals attach through byssus threads, thus altering the structure, functioning and biodiversity of the native communities. We investigated the feeding preference of different predators on this alien species in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. To do this, a mesocosm experiment was conducted using two crab species (the Mediterranean green crab Carcinus aestuarii) and the Say mud crab Dyspanopeus sayi, and one gastropod, the banded dye-murex Hexaplex trunculus as predators of A. senhousia with or without byssus mats. Our data suggest that C. aestuarii is a more effective predator against A. senhousia than D. sayi, and that H. trunculus is almost ineffective. A possible implication of this result is the potential use of the native crab C. aestuarii for limit the formation of the byssus mats, thus mitigating their potential negative effects on the native communities.  相似文献   

The first oceanographic research (hydrography, nutrient salts, chlorophyll, primary production and phytoplankton assemblages) in a Middle Galician Ria was carried out in Corme-Laxe during 2001, just a year before the Prestige oil spill, being the only reference to evaluate eventual changes in the phytoplankton community. Due to the small size of this ria (6.5 km2), oceanographic processes were driven by the continental water supplied by Anllons River during the wet season (20–30 m3 s−1 in winter), and the strong oceanic influence from the nearby shelf during the dry season. The annual cycle showed a spring bloom with high levels of chlorophyll (up to 14 μg Chl-a L−1) and primary production (3 g C m−2 d−1) and a summer upwelling bloom (up to 8 μg Chl-a L−1 and 10 g C m−2 d−1) where the proximity of the Galician upwelling core (<13.5 °C at sea surface) favors the input of upwelled seawater (up to 9 μM of nitrate and silicate) to the bottom ria layer, even during summer stratification events (primary production around 2 g C m−2 d−1). Thus, phytoplankton assemblages form a “continuum” from spring to autumn with a predominance of diatoms and overlapping species between consecutive periods; only in autumn dinoflagellates and flagellates characterized the phytoplankton community. In the Middle Rias as Corme-Laxe, the nutrient values, Chl-a, primary production and phytoplankton abundance for productive periods were higher than those reported for the Northern (Ria of A Coruña) and Southern Rias (Ria of Arousa) for year 2001; this suggests the importance of the hydrographic events occurring in the zone of maximum upwelling intensity of the Western Iberian Shelf, where a lack of annual cycles studies exists.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the interaction of a non‐native macroalga (Acanthophora spicifera) with native macroalgae (Sargassum spp.) and sponge assemblages in a subtropical embayment of the Mexican Pacific. The intensity of A. spicifera epiphytism on the native seaweed Sargassum varied significantly over time and was inversely related to the Sargassum density and size. The higher intensity (up to 28 individuals per host plant) occurred when Sargassum was smaller and was lower in density (senescence period). The lower intensity was recorded during the growth period of Sargassum and the subsequent increase in intensity was attributed to a high fragmentation period of A. spicifera, which was evidenced by a decrease in its average size and biomass and by the presence of larger free‐floating accumulations on the subtidal zone. The facultative interaction between A. spicifera and Sargassum appears to be neutral, as no negative or positive effects were found for epiphytic or basibiont seaweeds. However, this invasive seaweed characteristically monopolizes almost all types of hard substrate, and its effects on other algae and benthic organisms should be investigated. Moreover, A. spicifera was often epizoic on epilithic sponges. This invasive seaweed was found anchored on the sponge tissue by rhizome‐like structures. In addition, free‐floating fronds of A. spicifera were frequently found carrying small pieces of the basibiont sponge in its basis (60% of them with eggs and embryos), which suggests a novel facilitation mechanism for some sponge species, as the A. spicifera epizoism could favor fragmentation, dispersal and recruitment of these invertebrates. This study shows that A. spicifera is not only a species that adapts rapidly to the new conditions of the receiving environment but, due to its epibiotic traits, it can directly interact with and influence the life histories of some native species.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn), particulate organic (POC) and nitrogen (PON), particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) and opal content were measured in 35 surface sediment samples taken in the Ferrol Ria (Galicia, NW Spain). This ria is a semi-enclosed embayment receiving inputs from industrial and urban effluents. The restricted water exchange between the ria and the shelf has led to a significant accumulation of contaminants within the embayment. Two main factors controlled the metal distribution and concentrations in the bay: (1) contamination point sources and (2) distribution of the organic-rich sediments. Zn, Cu and, to a lesser extent Pb, were the metals most contaminated in the bay, with average enrichment factors (AEF)—defined as the mean metal concentration in the bay divided by the background value reported for this ria—of 4.7, 5.5 and 2.7, respectively. The highest concentrations for these metals were observed in the vicinity of the point sources. Values found for Zn, Cu and Pb are comparable to other industrialized coastal areas in the world. For Ni, Fe, Cr and Co a negligible to low contamination was found (AEF = 1–2), with the highest concentrations found in the organic-rich sediments.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the presence of local populations of the starfish Odontaster penicillatus in the regions of Atacama and Antofagasta, Chile. This finding indicates an extension of the distribution limit of 500 km with respect to the last observation made in 2007 in Isla Grande de Atacama. A total of 121 specimens of O. penicillatus were recorded at depths of between 8 m and 24 m. They were associated with rocky substrate and with different species of barnacles, sponges and bryozoans. The presence of O. penicillatus expands the knowledge of the benthic biodiversity of the region, and the development of studies on its ecological importance will be promoted.  相似文献   

This study compared seasonal growth, development and reproduction of the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum in habitats with different wave exposure on the Irish west coast. Three field sites with different degrees of wave exposure were chosen for monthly observations to reflect different habitats that were characteristic of the Irish west coast. Growth and receptacle development differed considerably between sites. Growth and receptacle development was lower at the most sheltered site. Here, S. muticum showed signs of early fragmentation in April/May during the two years of investigation (2007 and 2008), whilst the population at an exposed site developed normally and plants grew to a maximum average length of 163 cm by July, with the onset of fragmentation in August. Sargassum muticum in a tide pool exhibited a similar seasonal growth cycle as plants at the exposed open shore site. Overall growth however was stunted, with plants reaching a maximum length of only 30–40 cm in July. Receptacle development was also inhibited at the sheltered site, with a maximum of only 10% of plants found to be fertile during spring and summer 2008, while plants at the exposed site and the tide pool exhibited 100% plant fertility by August. An extensive occurrence of the native epiphyte Pylaiella littoralis on S. muticum was noticed during field sampling at the sheltered study site which may have contributed to inhibited development of S. muticum observed in this area.  相似文献   

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