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五大连池火山区气体地球化学特征   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
杜建国  任锦章 《地球化学》1999,28(2):171-176
根据泉(池)水中气体的组分和同位素组成,讨论了五大连池火山区气体的来源和运移。1997年8月从五大连池火山区泉中采用了9个气、水样品,同年9月测定了游离气和水溶气的气体组分、He同位素幽会和CO2的δ^13C值。气体以CO2为主,多数样品的CO2体积分类大于80%。He和CH4的体积分数变化范围大,分别为0.7×10^-6-380×10^-6和4.0×10^-6-180×10^-6。^3He/He  相似文献   

腾冲现代火山活动区地热流体的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

腾冲火山和地热   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖志杰 《地质论评》1999,45(7):934-939
腾冲县境面积约5700 km2,晚新生代喷出的火山岩约50 km3,占 据面积约1100 km2。以早更新世喷出的中—酸性熔岩规模最大,全新世火山活动已呈强弩之末。但是,晚新生代的地热活动无疑构成腾冲县境强烈地热活动的地质背景。县境共有58个水热活动区,温度高于45℃的热泉区占24个,其中还有3个沸泉群。热海地热田排放氯\|重碳酸\|钠型水,热储温度可望达到270℃,其岩浆热源埋藏深度约7 km,是最有开发前景的一个高温地热田  相似文献   

由相对地热梯度推断的腾冲火山区现存岩浆囊   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
为利用温泉来研究和监测腾冲火山区的现今岩浆分布并探讨其活动性,提出相对地热梯度的概念:假设各热田或水热活动区的热储深度相等,则热储温度与地表温泉温度之差为该地相对地热梯度。通过对前人在该地区获得的温泉的基本要素和温泉水化学分析数据分析,选取了159个温泉计算相对地热梯度。用这159个数据,通过克里金插值方法获得了腾冲火山区的相对地热梯度平面分布。结果发现腾冲火山区有3个相对地热梯度在100℃以上的高值区域。结合其他资料,认为腾冲火山区现今存在3个岩浆囊,它们的几何尺度为19~28kin,深度为4~12km或更深,并且目前的活动性各不相同。  相似文献   

王允鹏 《黑龙江地质》1997,8(4):149-160
五大连池火山群是我国年青的火山这一,保存有我国最新,最典型的火 山地貌景观,还蕴藏有丰富的矿水资源,被誉为“中国火 山博物馆”,“中国矿泉水之乡”。  相似文献   

腾冲火山岩位于云南省西部,主要分布于腾冲、梁河两县境内。处于印度板块和欧亚板块之间的缝合地带,是次一级的板块——腾冲断块。在广泛分布的中新生代花岗岩之上,堆积着大量新生代喷发的火山岩。  相似文献   

河北汤泉地热流体水文地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提要:汤泉位于河北省遵化市西北部,为山前丘陵地貌,地热资源丰富。本文通过对该地区地热流体研究发现:Na+、Ca2+、K+、Mg2+与SO2-4、HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3是该地区地下热水的主要成分,水化学类型主要为SO2-4-Na+型,属于未污染的天然弱碱性水;流体中F-含量平均为9.36 mg/l,远高于国家地下水质量标准ⅴ级;可溶性SiO2的含量可作为地热温标;地热流体总矿化度平均为782.33 mg/l,属于淡水;为中等腐蚀型水,不结碳酸钙垢,无CaSO4?2H2O垢和SiO2垢生成的可能;地热流体属于含岩盐地层溶滤的陆相沉积水;根据氢氧稳定同位素可知,河北汤泉地热流体主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   

本次研究通过对韶关地区78处温泉地热流体水化学组分和同位素数据统计分析,总结研究了三种岩性区水化学特征、水—岩相互作用过程、深部热储温度和地热水补给来源等,为区内温泉资源可持续开发利用提供科学依据。研究区地热流体TDS浓度平均值在侵入岩区、碳酸盐岩区和碎屑岩区分别为233.82 mg/L,705.35 mg/L和909.14 mg/L,从侵入岩区—碳酸岩盐区—碎屑岩区,TDS,K+,Cl-,SO42-,HCO3-浓度呈升高趋势。侵入岩区地热流体水化学类型以HCO3-Na, HCO3-Na-Ca型为主,碳酸盐岩区以HCO3-Ca, SO4-Ca型为主,而碎屑岩区常见HCO3-SO4-Na, SO4-HCO3-Na-Ca等类型。三种岩性区地热流体γNa/γCl值在1.48~158.86之...  相似文献   

在的年来对长白山天池火山、五大连池火山和腾冲火山三个火山区火山岩岩石学的主、微量元素研究的基础上,新做出18个火山岩Sr-Nd同位素数据,进一步讨论地幔源区特征与岩浆成因演化。五大连池富钾火山岩浆源区由原始地幔与EMI两个地幔端员混合而成,岩浆直接来自地幔,未受地壳物质明显混染和分离结晶作用影响;天池火山各阶段火山岩一致的似原始地幔特征,可能指示存在巨大的壳内岩浆房和持续的幔源岩浆的补给;腾冲火山岩的高钾钙碱性岩浆源区为由陆内壳-幔相互作用导致的原始地幔与EMⅡ两个地幔端员不同程度混合而成。  相似文献   

五大连池第四纪火山群的喷发类型和喷发型式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐衍强 《黑龙江地质》1997,8(4):3-11,28
长期以来,人们均认为五连池第四纪火山群只有14座火山,属于中心式喷发型式和斯特龙博利喷发类型。新近又发现11座鲜为人知的盾火山,对总数25座火山重新研究后,作者提出火 山类型以斯特龙博利型为主夏威夷型次这;喷发型式以裂隙-中心式为主,裂隙式次之。  相似文献   

The origins of gases in springs, pools and wells from the Wudalianchi (WDLC) volcanic area are discussed based upon molecular and isotope compositions of the gases. Nine gas and water samples were collected from bubbles and water of the springs and pools in the WDLC volcanic area, Northeastern China, in August 1997. The molecular components were measured with a MAT-271 mass spectrometer (MS), helium isotope ratios with a VG-5400 MS, and (13C with a MAT-251 MS in the Lanzhou Institute of Geology. The gases are enriched in CO2 , and most of the CO2 concentrations are over 80% (V). The helium and methane concentrations have relatively wide ranges of 0.7 to 380×10-6 and 4 to 180×10-6, respectively. The 3He/4He ratios are between 1.05 Ra and 3.1 Ra (Ra = 1.4×10-6); the 4He/20Ne values are between 0.45 and 1011, larger than the atmospheric value (0.32). The (13C (PDB) values of carbon dioxide range from (9.6 to (4.2‰. These geochemical data demonstrate that the spring water is from aquifers at different depths, and that helium and carbon dioxide are derived from the mantle, and are contaminated by crust gases during deep fluid migration. Also, there are larger fluxes of deep-earth matter and energy in the WDLC volcanic area.  相似文献   

五大连池老黑山、火烧山的火山喷发特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从野外调查及火山喷发观测记录入手, 结合国内外火山研究的新进展, 在火山成因类型、喷发方式及喷发前兆等方面讨论了五大连池老黑山、火烧山的火山喷发特征。指出老黑山、火烧山的火山成因类型属于单成因火山, 喷发方式不是简单的中心式喷发, 而是经历了裂隙式喷发后转为中心式喷发。通过火山喷发观测记录的分析及与国外火山对比, 揭示出此次火山喷发是有前兆的, 其前兆特征对监测预报未来火山喷发有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Tengchong Cenozoic volcanics that have record key information on the tectonic evolution and mantle features of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau are of great importance because of its unique eruption history spanning the entire Quaternary period. Magma origin and evolution of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were studied on the basis of Nd-Sr-Pb isotope and major and trace element data from different eruptions in the Ma’anshan area. Different samples within one eruption show relative identical lithologies, chemical and isotopic compositions. However, the geochemical features for the five eruptions are distinct from each other. These volcanic rocks show low Mg# values (<45), moderate to high fractionation of LREEs and HREEs, and enrichment of Pb and Ba and depletion of Nb. Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks were derived from an enriched mantle based on Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic studies. And lines of evidence show that crustal contamination should be involved before the eruption of different periods of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Older subducted components may be responsible for adakite recycling at various stages of evolution, which results in the origin of the enriched mantle source magma accounting for the isotopic features of Tengchong Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Segregated primitive magma pulsating injected into magma chamber, fractional crystallized and contaminated with crust component. Finally, magmas with distinct chemical and isotopic compositions for each eruption formed. The extension of the northeast segment of the Yingjiang tectonic belt triggered the pulsating eruption of the Cenozoic volcanics in the Tengchong area.  相似文献   

Abstract: The alteration mineralogy, the present-day fluid chemistry, and some fluid inclusion data are used to make inferences on the chemical changes that have occurred in the fluids during the history of the Tongonan Geothermal Field. Thermal activity in the Tongonan area began in the Miocene when emplacement of many plutons forming a batholith contact metamorphosed the overlying volcanics to hornblende hornfels assemblages. In the early Pliocene, when tectonic uplift occurred along the Philippine Fault, about 2 mole % of mainly carbon dioxide and sulfur gas was released to a geothermal fluid and condensed in groundwater with geothermal steam. The condensate intensely altered the reservoir rock and formed an acid mineral assemblage, which was overprinted by a later, lower temperature, neutral-pH assemblage. Some chlorite, epidote and illite in the reservoir rock formed at temperatures up to 100°C lower than present-day temperatures possibly during the Plio-Pleistocene uplift period, i.e., the system was heating up. The assemblage garnet-anhydrite formed in fractures from a condensate after the gas had nearly completely separated from the deep, CO2-rich fluid during vigorous boiling possibly during hydrothermal eruptions. The output of gas to the geothermal fluid decreased, while the salinity (10,000 mg/kg or - 2 wt% NaCl) and the temperature of the geothermal fluid remained nearly constant throughout the Quaternary. When this neutral-pH, alkali chloride fluid boiled, it initially precipitated albite or epidote on the rims then anhydrite at the center of fractures at high temperatures (-250–300°C). At lower temperatures (-150–250°C), adularia or wairakite and later calcite were deposited as the proportion of gas in the steam condensate increased. The origin of solutes is also discussed.  相似文献   

腾冲火山区上新世以来的火山活动   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13  
李大明  李齐 《岩石学报》2000,16(3):362-370
对腾冲火山区上新世以来的火山,尤其是具有最新活动的黑空山、打鹰山和鞍山进行了比较系统的K-年龄分析。去除样品中含有过剩氩的斜长石斑晶和橄榄石斑晶以后获得了一系列准确的基质K-Ar年龄;根据火山活动的时空变化把腾冲火山活动分为三个期。第一期为上新世晚期,火山活动集中于火山区的西北和东南两端;第二期为早更新世期间,火山活动向腾冲盆地中心迁移和扩展,活动规模和分布面积最大;第三期为早更新世末期至全新世,  相似文献   

五大连池火山群北部的尾山火山形成于第四纪中更新世,具中心式火山喷发,距今(0.57~0.31)±0.05 Ma。同美国芬顿山干热岩项目所在地火山活动于1.40~1.10 Ma相比,其下方具备发育正在冷却中的岩浆囊的可能。重、磁法勘查结果表明,尾山地区基底以北宽河组(Pt3-∈1b)变质岩为主,放射状断裂和环形构造发育,外环影响直径12~13km,是地壳浅部火山穹窿构造的反映。天然地震背景噪声层析成像勘查结果表明,尾山下部火山岩浆囊顶界埋深6.5km,至8km深度面积扩展至约13km~2,至13km面积扩展至约35km~2,平面上呈北西—南东向展布西大东小的"蝌蚪状",可能构成了尾山地区干热岩体的热源。大地电磁测深(MT)勘查结果表明,该地区高导体/高温岩体主体顶界埋深5km,最浅达3km。MT单点勘查曲线及图解表明,尾山西侧(B点)在约2km深度,电阻率值降至2Ω·m以下,4~6km小于2Ω·m的低电阻率区域逐渐连成片,6km以下几乎整体小于2Ω·m。综合分析认为,五大连池尾山地区具较好的干热岩地热地质条件。  相似文献   

长白山天池火山水热活动及气体释放特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
高清武 《地球学报》2004,25(3):345-350
长白山天池火山属于新生代大型多成因复式火山,位于吉林省东部中-朝边境上.天池火山周围水热活动比较强烈,主要的水热活动区有天池北部的长白温泉群、天池湖滨温泉和天池西南的锦江泉群.长白聚龙泉群水温较高,一般为70~83 ℃,湖滨温泉水温20~40 ℃,锦江泉群水温为58 ℃左右.长白聚龙泉群水热活动相对更为强烈.在水热活动区,地下气体活动也相当强烈,地下释放气体的主要成分是CO2,同时含有稀少气体He、Ar和微量气体H2、CH4及少量O2和N2.长白和锦江两处泉群的地下释放气体中,其气体同位素地球化学特征表明,两处地下逸出气体均来源于地球深部,具有慢源气体特征.但是,长白聚龙泉地下逸出气体和地壳岩浆房有关,而锦江地下释放的气体则和地幔岩浆库及深大断裂有关.  相似文献   

Carbon and noble gas isotope analyses are reported for bubbling gas samples from the Tengchong volcanic geothermal area near the Indo-Eurasian suture zone. All samples contain a resolvable component of mantle-derived 3He. Occurrence of mantle-derived 3He coincides with surface volcanism. However, 3He occurs over a larger geographic areathan do surface volcanics. δ13C values for CO2 and CH4 vary from -33.4‰ to 1.6 ‰ and from -52.8‰ to -2.8‰, respectively. He and C isotope systematics indicate that CO2 and CH4 in the CO2-rich gases originated predominantly from magmatic component mixed with crustal CO2 produced from carbonate. However, breakdown of organic matter and near-surface processes accounts for the CH4 and CO2 in N2-rich gases. 3He/4He ratio distribution pattern suggests that mantle-derived He and heat sources of high-temperature system in central Tengchong originate from a hidden magma reservoir at subsurface. CO2-rich gases with the highest 3He/4He ratio (5.2 Ra) may be representative of the  相似文献   

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