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Magnetogravitational instability of a thermally-conducting, rotating plasma flowing through a porous medium with finite conductivity and finite Larmor radius in the presence of suspended particles has been investigated. The wave propagation has been considered for both parallel and perpendicular axes of rotation. Magnetic field is being taken in the vertical direction. A general dispersion relation has been derived through relevant linearized perturbation equations. It has been observed that the condition of instability is determined by the Jeans's criterion in its modifed form. Thermal conductivity replaces the adiabatic velocity of sound by the isothermal one. Rotation decreases the Larmor radius. Porosity decreases the Alfvén velocity. In case of a viscous medium the effects of FLR, rotation, and suspended particles are not observed in the Jeans's condition, for transverse propagation for rotational axis parallel to the magnetic field. The effects of rotation and FLR are decreased by the porosity and the suspended particles. Finite conductivity removes the Alfvén velocity from Jeans's condition.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogenous rotating plasma through a porous medium in the presence of a uniform magnetic field with finite electrical and thermal conductivities has been studied. With the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem, a general dispersion relation is obtained, which is further reduced for the special cases of rotation, parallel and perpendicular to the megnetic field acting in the vertical direction. Longitudinal and transverse modes of propagation are discussed separately. It is found that the joint effect of various parameters is simply to modify the Jeans's condition of instability. The effect of finite electrical conductivity is to remove the effect of magnetic field where as the effect of thermal conductivity is to replace the adiabatic velocity of sound by the isothermal one. Rotation has its effect only along the magnetic field in the transverse mode of propagation for an inviscid plasma, thereby stabilizing the system. Porosity reduces the effect of both, the magnetic field and the rotation, in the transverse mode of propagation in both the cases of rotation. The effect of viscosity is to remove the rotational effects parallel to the magnetic field in the transverse mode of propagation.  相似文献   

Magnetohydrodynamics waves and instabilities in rotating, self-gravitating, anisotropic and collision-less plasma were investigated. The general dispersion relation was obtained using standard mode analysis by constructing the linearized set of equations. The wave mode solutions and stability properties of the dispersion relations are discussed in the propagations transverse and parallel to the magnetic field. These special cases are discussed considering the axis of rotation to be in transverse and along the magnetic field. In the case of propagation transverse to the magnetic field with axis of rotation parallel to the magnetic field, we derived the dispersion relation modified by rotation and self-gravitation. In the case of propagation parallel to the magnetic field with axis of rotation perpendicular to the magnetic field, we obtained two separate modes affected by rotation and self-gravitation. This indicates that the Slow mode and fire hose instability are not affected by rotation. Numerical analysis was performed for oblique propagation to show the effect of rotation and self-gravitation. It is found that rotation has an effect of reducing the value of the phase speeds on the fast and Alfven wave modes, but self-gravitation affect only on the Slow modes, thereby reducing the phase speed compare to the ideal magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) case.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous finitely conducting viscid fluid through porous medium is studied in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field and finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) effects. The medium is considered uniformly rotating along and perpendicular to the direction of the prevalent magnetic field. A general dispersion relation is obtained from the relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. Furthermore, the wave propagation along and perpendicular to the direction of existing magnetic field has been discussed for each direction of the rotation. It is found that the simultaneous presence of viscosity finite conductivity, rotation, medium porosity, and FLR corrections does not essentially change the Jeans's instability condition. The stabilizing influence of FLR in the case of transverse propagation is reasserted for a non-rotating and inviscid porous medium. It is shown that the finite conductivity has destabilizing influence on the transverse wave propagation whereas for longitudinal propagation finite conductivity does not affect the Jean's criterion.  相似文献   

The effects of arbitrary radiative heat-loss functions and Hall current on the self-gravitational instability of a homogeneous, viscous, rotating plasma has been investigated incorporating the effects of finite electrical resistivity, finite electron inertia and thermal conductivity. A general dispersion relation is obtained using the normal mode analysis with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem, and a modified Jeans criterion of instability is obtained. The conditions of modified Jeans instabilities and stabilities are discussed in the different cases of our interest. We find that the presence of arbitrary radiative heat-loss functions and thermal conductivity modifies the fundamental Jeans criterion of gravitational instability into a radiative instability criterion. The Hall parameter affects only the longitudinal mode of propagation and it has no effect on the transverse mode of propagation. For longitudinal propagation, it is found that the condition of radiative instability is independent of the magnetic field, Hall parameter, finite electron inertia, finite electrical resistivity, viscosity and rotation; but for the transverse mode of propagation it depends on the finite electrical resistivity, the strength of the magnetic field, and it is independent of rotation, electron inertia and viscosity. From the curves we find that the presence of thermal conductivity, finite electrical resistivity and density-dependent heat-loss function has a destabilizing influence, while viscosity and magnetic field have a stabilizing effect on the growth rate of an instability. The effect of arbitrary heat-loss functions is also studied on the growth rate of a radiative instability.  相似文献   

The instability of a stratified layer of a self-gravitating plasma has been studied to include jointly the effects of viscosity, Coriolis forces and the finite Larmor radius (FLR). For a plasma permeated by a uniform horizontal magnetic field, the stability analysis has been carried out for a transverse mode of wave propagation. The solution has been obtained through variational methods for the case when the direction of axis of rotation is along the magnetic field. The analysis for the case when the direction of rotation is transverse to the magnetic field has also been considered and the solutions for this case have been obtained through integral approach. The dispersion relations have been derived in both the cases and solved numerically. It is found that both the viscous and FLR effects have a stabilizing influence on the growth rate of the unstable mode of disturbance. Coriolis forces are found to have stabilizing influence for small wave numbers and destabilizing for large wave numbers.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating and finitely conducting, rotating gas-particle medium, in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field, is studied to include finite Larmor radius and suspended particles effects. The particular cases of the effects of rotation, finite conductivity, finite Larmor radius and suspended particles on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to magnetic field have been discussed. Jeans's criterion determines the gravitational instability.  相似文献   

The effect of rotation on the self-gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous magnetized Hall plasma is considered with the inclusion of finite Larmor radius corrections and the effect of suspended particles. A general dispersion relation is obtained from the linearized set of equations. The particular cases of the effect of rotation along and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field are considered. The effects of Hall current, finite Larmor radius, and suspended particles on the waves propagated parallel and perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field are investigated along with the uniform rotation of the medium. It is found that in the presence of suspended particles, magnetic field, Hall current, rotation and finite Larmor radius, the Jeans criterion determines the condition of gravitational instability of a gas-particle medium.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating and finitely conducting, rotating gas-particle medium, in the presence of finite Larmor radius, Hall currents and suspended particles effects is considered. The particular cases of the effects of rotation, finite conductivity, finite Larmor radius, Hall currents, and suspended particles on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to magnetic field have been discussed. It is found that Jeans's criterion remains unchanged in the presence of rotation, finite conductivity, finite Larmor radius, Hall currents, and suspended particles.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating rotating plasma in the presence of a uniform vertical magnetic field has been studied to include the FLR effects. It has been found that the Jeans' criterion of instability remains unaffected even if rotation and FLR effects are included. The effect of rotation is to decrease the Larmor radius by an amount-depending upon the wavenumber of perturbation. The particular cases of the effect of FLR and rotation on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to the magnetic field have been discussed.  相似文献   

The linear self-gravitational instability of finitely conducting, magnetized viscoelastic fluid is investigated using the modified generalized hydrodynamic (GH) model. A general dispersion relation is obtained with the help of linearized perturbation equations using the normal mode analysis and it is discussed for longitudinal and transverse modes of propagation. In longitudinal propagation, we find that Alfven mode is uncoupled with the gravitating mode. The Jeans criterion of instability is determined which depends upon shear viscosity and bulk viscosity while it is independent of magnetic field. The viscoelastic effects modify the fundamental Jeans criterion of gravitational instability. In transverse mode of propagation, the Alfven mode couples with the acoustic mode, compressional viscoelastic mode and gravitating mode. The growth rate of Jeans instability is compared in weakly coupled plasma (WCP) and strongly coupled plasma (SCP) which is larger for SCP in both the modes of propagations. The presence of finite electrical resistivity removes the effect of magnetic field in the condition of Jeans instability and expression of critical Jeans wavenumber. It is found that Mach number and shear viscosity has stabilizing while finite electrical resistivity has destabilizing influence on the growth rate of Jeans instability.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating plasma through porous medium is considered to include, separately, the effects due to rotation and collisions between ionized and neutral components. The dispersion relations are obtained in both cases. It is found that the gravitational instability of a composite and rotating plasma in the presence of a variable horizontal magnetic field through porous medium is determined by the Jeans's criterion.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous and infinitely conducting selfgravitating gas particle medium in the presence of suspended particles of a Hall plasma is considered. The particular cases of the effects of Hall currents and suspended particles on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to magnetic field have been discussed. Jeans's criterion determines the gravitational instability.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of the Hall‐MHD system and determine its importance for neutron stars at their birth, when they still consist of differentially rotating plasma permeated by extremely strong magnetic fields. We solve the linearised HallMHD equations in a spherical shell threaded by a homogeneous magnetic field. With the fluid/flow coupling and the Hall effect included, the magnetorotational instability and the Hall effect are both acting together. Results differ for magnetic fields aligned with the rotation axis and anti‐parallel magnetic fields. For a positive alignment of the magnetic field the instability grows on a rotational time‐scale for any sufficiently large magnetic Reynolds number. Even the magnetic fields which are stable against the MRI due to the magnetic diffusion are now susceptible to the shear‐Hall instability. In contrast, the negative alignment places strong restrictions on the growth and the magnitude of the fields, hindering the effectiveness of the Hall‐MRI. While non‐axisymmetric modes of the MRI can be suppressed by strong enough rotation, there is no such restriction when the Hall effect is present. The implications for the magnitude and the topology of the magnetic field of a young neutron star may be significant (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The effects of finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) corrections, Hall current and radiative heat-loss function on the thermal instability of an infinite homogeneous, viscous plasma incorporating the effects of finite electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and permeability for star formation in interstellar medium have been investigated. A general dispersion relation is derived using the normal mode analysis method with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. The wave propagation is discussed for longitudinal and transverse directions to the external magnetic field and the conditions of modified thermal instabilities and stabilities are discussed in different cases. We find that the thermal instability criterion gets modified into radiative instability criterion. The finite electrical resistivity removes the effect of magnetic field and the viscosity of the medium removes the effect of FLR from the condition of radiative instability. The Hall parameter affects only the longitudinal mode of propagation and it has no effect on the transverse mode of propagation. Numerical calculation shows stabilizing effect of viscosity, heat-loss function and FLR corrections, and destabilizing effect of finite resistivity and permeability on the thermal instability. The outcome of the problem discussed the formation of star in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous self-gravitating mixture through porous medium in the presence of a variable horizontal magnetic field varying in vertical directions has been considered to include, separately, the effects due to suspended particles and collisions between ionized and neutral components. The dispersion relations in both cases have been obtained. It has been found that Jeans's criterion of instability holds good even if the effects due to suspended particles, collisions, porosity, and variable magnetic field are considered.  相似文献   

The effect of Hall currents have been studied on the instability of a stratified layer of a self-gravitating finitely conducting plasma of varying density. It is assumed that the plasma is permeated by a variable horizontal magnetic field stratified vertically. The stability analysis has been carried out for longitudinal mode of wave propagation. The solution has been obtained through integral equation approach. The dispersion relation has been derived and solved numerically. It is found that both the Hall currents and finite conductivity have a destabilizing influence on the growth rate of the unstable mode of disturbance.  相似文献   

The instability of a linearly-polarised electromagnetic ordinary mode in counterrotating plasmas and propagating perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field caused by a counterstreaming of electrons along the latter is studied using a cold-plasma model. It is found that: (i) In the presence of either a streaming or a rotation or both, the ordinary-wave propagation is possible even for frequencies less than the plasma frequency; (ii) the Coriolis forces like the applied magnetic field stabilise the ordinary modes.  相似文献   

The effect of rotation on the self-gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous magnetised gas-particle medium in the presence of suspended particles is investigated. The conductivity of the medium is assumed to be finite. The equations of the problem are linearized and the general dispersion relation is obtained. The rotation is assumed along two different directions separately and separate dispersion relation for each case is obtained. The dispersion relation for propagation parallel and perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field along with rotation is derived. It is found that in presence of suspended particles, magnetic field, finite conductivity, rotation and viscosity, Jeans's criterion determines the condition of gravitational instability of gas-particle medium.  相似文献   

Gravitational instability of an infinitely conducting hydromagnetic composite rotating plasma is considered to include simultaneously the finite Larmor radius effects and the frictional effects with neutrals. It is found that Jeans' criterion of instability holds good in the presence of rotation, finite Larmor radius and collisions with neutrals. The particular cases of the above effects on the waves propagated along and perpendicular to the magnetic field have been discussed. The effect of rotation is to decrease the Larmor radius by an amount depending upon the wave number of perturbation.  相似文献   

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