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The phase relations of three basalts, the Picture Gorge tholeiite,the 1921 Kilauea olivine tholeiite, and the 1801 Hualalai alkalibasalt, were studied at 5 kb water pressure, 680–1000°C,at the oxygen fugacities of the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM)and hematite-magnetite (HM) buffers. In the range 680–850 °C, the crystalline assemblageon the QFM buffer is dominantly hornblende+ plagioclase, ±ilmenite, magnetite, sphene, fayalitic olivine, and phlogopiticmica. From 875 to 1000 °C the crystalline assemblage ishornblende+ olivine± augite+ ilmenite± magnetite.A melt phase is present from 700 to 1000 °C; a vapor phasewas present in all charges. The hornblendes formed on the QFM buffer range in compositionfrom common green hornblendes at low temperatures to kaersutitichornblendes at 1000 °C. A1(IV) and Ti increase temperature.AI(VI) passes through a maximum near 825 °C, decreasingboth above and below this temperature. AI(IV) is proportionalto the sum A1(VI)+2Ti. There is a positive linear correlationof approximately 3 : 1 between AI(IV) and the number of cationsin the A-site. The most likely explanation for this correlationat present is that the substitution of AI(VI) or Ti+4for a divalentcation creates local charge imbalances in the amphibole structurewhich can be compensated only by further A-site substitution.There also appears to be a correlation between the a-cell dimensionof hornblende and the A-site occupancy. Above a thresh holdvalue of approxmately 0.5 cations in A, a increases as A-siteoccupancy increases. Phase relations on the hematite-magnetite buffer are considerablysimpler. The hornblendes show relatively little change in compositionas temperature increases, and in the tholelitic compositionsbreak down at or below 970 °C 35–60 °C above thefirst appearance of augite±olivine. The melting of hornblendeis incongruent in all cases. The Fe-Ti oxides are pseudo-brookiteand titanohematite; at 1000 °C these oxides make up 10 percent by weight of the assemblage and contain most of the Tio2and FeO in the charge. The patterns of hornblende variation observed in this studycompare closely with those reported in a wide range of experimentaland field data. The appearance of high-TiO2 kaersutitic hornblendesin the tholeities at 1000° C, PH2O= 5 kb on the QFM bufferimplies that the restricted occurence of kaersutite in nature(where it is associated only with mafic to intermediate alkalicrocks) is controlled by volatile content (H2O,F2)rather thanby differences in condensed bulk composition.  相似文献   

In the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Na2O-H2O under 5 kb pressurethe invariant equilibrium forsterite-orthopyroxene-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-amphibole-plagioclase-liquid-vapourhas been identified at 960?12 ?C. A similar invariant assemblagewith spinel replacing Ca-rich clinopyroxene exists at 950?8?C. The liquid in the former equilibrium contains 16.5 per cent(wt.) normative quartz and 3 per cent Na2O; the plagioclaseis more calcic than An87; the pyroxenes contain about 3 percent Al2O3 and the amphibole is hypersthene-normative. Two anhydrousthermal maxima, the olivine-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-plagioclaseand the orthopyroxene-Ca-rich clinopyroxene-plagioclase dividezones are not encountered in this system, and nepheline-normativeliquids may crystallize amphibole?olivine?Ca-rich clinopyroxeneto produce quartz-normative residual liquids of andesite-typecomposition. A thermal maximum involving amphibole-olivine-Ca-richclinopyroxene-liquid-vapour exists for liquids containing approximately11 per cent normative nepheline and liquids more undersaturatedthan this will crystallize these phases to produce extremelynephelinitic liquids. Phase diagrams are presented which facilitate the predictionof crystallization sequences and liquid evolution paths forany basic or intermediate composition under the conditions employedhere.  相似文献   

The melting relations of two proposed crustal source compositionsfor rhyolitic magmas of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand,have been studied in a piston-cylinder apparatus at 10 kb totalpressure and a range of water activities generated by H2O-CO2vapour. Starting materials were glasses of intermediate composition(65 wt.% Si02 representing a metaluminous ‘I-type’dacite and a peraluminous ‘S-type’ greywacke. Crystallizationexperiments were carried out over the temperature range 675to 975?C, with aH2O values of approximately 1?0, 0?75, 0?5,and 0?25. Talc-pyrex furnace assemblies imposed oxygen fugacitiesclose to quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer conditions. Assemblages in both compositions remain saturated with quartzand plagioclase through 675–700?C at high aH2O, 725–750?Cat aH2O0?5, and 800–875?C at aH2O0?25, corresponding to<60–70% melting. Concentrations of refractory mineralcomponents (Fe, Mg, Mn, P, Ti) in liquids increase throughoutthis melting interval with increasing temperature and decreasingaH2O. Biotite and hornblende are the only mafic phases presentnear the solidus in the dacite, compared with biotite, garnet,gedritic orthoamphibole, and tschermakitic clinoamphibole inthe greywacke. Near-solidus melting reactions are of the type:biotite + quartz + plagioclase = amphibole ? garnet, potentiallyreleasing H2O for dehydration melting in the greywacke, butproducing larger amounts of hornblende and releasing littleH2O in the dacite. At aH2O0?25 and temperatures 825–850?C,amphibole dehydration produces anhydrous mineral phases typicalof granulite fades assemblages (clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene,plagioclase?quartz in the dacite; garnet, orthopyroxene, plagioclase?quartzin the greywacke) coexisting with melt proportions as low as40%. Hornblendce-saturated liquids in the dacite are weaklyperaluminous (0?3–1?6 wt.% normative C—within therange of peraluminous TVZ rhyolites), whereas, at aH2O0?25 andtemperatures 925?C, metaluminous partial melt compositions (upto 1?8 wt.% normative Di) coexist with plagioclase, orthopyroxene,and clinopyroxene. At all water activities, partial melts ofthe greywacke are uniformly more peraluminous (1?5–2?6wt.% normative C), reflecting their saturation in the componentsof more aluminous mafic minerals, particularly garnet and Al-richorthopyroxene. A metaluminous source for the predominantly Di-normativeTVZ rhyolites is therefore indicated. With decreasing aH2O the stability fields of plagioclase andquartz expand, whereas that of biotite contracts. These changesare reflected in the proportions of normative salic componentsin partial melts of both the dacite and greywacke. At high aH2O,partial melts are rich in An and Ab and poor in Or (trondhjemitic-tonalitic);with decreasing aH2O they become notably poorer in An and richerin Or (granodioritic-granitic). These systematic variationsin salic components observed in experimental metaluminous tostrongly peraluminous melts demonstrate that a wide varietyof granitoid magmas may be produced from similar source rocksdepending upon P-T-aH2O conditions attending partial melting.Some peraluminous granitoids, notably trondhjemitic leucosomesin migmatites, and sodic granodiorites and granites emplacedat deep crustal levels, have bulk compositions similar to nearsolidus melt compositions in both the dacite and greywacke,indicating possible derivation by anatexis without the involvementof a significant restite component.  相似文献   

A garnet websterite nodule from the Honolulu volcanic series,Oahu, Hawaii, has been melted in the presence of nearly pureH2O. The solidus is intermediate between that of peridotiteand gabbro. The curve displays a temperature minimum around20 kb reflecting the breakdown of plagioclase. The Iiquidusis between 1130 ?C and 1150 ?C between 10 and 20 kb vapor pressure.Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) has an extensive stabilityfield, reaching a maximum temperature about 20 ?C below thegarnet websterite liquidus at 15 kb and a maximum pressure of27.5 kb at 950 ?C. The amphibole-out curve intersects the soliduswith a positive slope. Liquids formed by partial melting of garnet websterite are quartz-normativewithin the stability field of amphibole, but become olivine-normative(tholeiitic) with increasing temperature. Amphibole and clinopyroxeneare enriched in Tschermak's molecule at higher temperatures,pargasite content of amphibole increases with increasing pressure. A garnet websterite-rich upper mantle containing modal olivineyields quartz-normative (13–16 per cent), aluminous (21–4wt. per cent A12O3) melts at 17 P 10 kb and in the presenceof nearly pure H2O. However, the presence of amphibole controlsthe liquid composition, a situation not found for liquids formedfrom wet peridotite. In contrast to many basalt liquids, liquidof garnet websterite composition cannot fractionate to andesiteby precipitation of amphibole, as amphibole is not a liquidusphase.  相似文献   

The petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of a suite oflavas from the northwestern part of Epi Island in the VanuatuArc, southwest Pacific Ocean, are described. The more primitivemembers of this suite are rich in clinopyroxene phenocrystsand are strikingly similar to primitive lavas from MerelavaIs. in the same arc. These primitive, clinopyroxene-rich lavasare designated arc ankaramites to differentiate them from primitive,olivine-rich arc picrites which also occur in this arc system.The primitive Epi lavas are shown to have evolved from low-Kprimary melts which were saturated in both olivine and clinopyroxene.The most Mg-rich olivine (mg-number 92?2) and clinopyroxene(mg-number 94?4) in the ankaramites represent cotectic crystallizationwith Cr-rich spinels. Initial plagioclase (An94) crystallizedin equilibrium with olivine (mg-number 78–80) and theplagioclase-olivine cotectic path extends to mg-number 50 andAn58. The ankaramitic parent magma composition is calculated fromthe most primitive olivine phenocryst composition and the liquidline of descent, and has 14?5% MgO, 11% A12O3, 14?8%CaO, 0?29%K2O, and flat REE patterns. The origin of this parent magmahas been modelled with Ghiorso & Carmichael's (1985) programSILMIN. An assimilation model involving a clinopyroxenite orwehrlite assimilate and a low-K picrite host requires ca. 90%assimilate to match the phase chemistry and bulk-rock chemistryof the parental ankaramite. The required degree of superheatingnecessary to achieve this, and the apparent restriction of low-Kpicrites to Anatom Island in the far south of the arc, rendersthis model unsatisfactory. Partial melting models involvingtypical upper mantle lherzolite also fail to give satisfactoryresults, but partial melting of a wehrlite source (mg-number87-88) with < 10% normative (mol.) orthopyroxene, at 5?10kband 1325?C, closely matches the parental ankaramite composition.These results can be reconciled with melting of lower crustalcumulates by an ascending peridotite diapir, a hypothesis whichaccounts for the very low Ni contents of the parental meltsand primitive phenocrysts. The more evolved lavas define two distinct assemblages: a relativelytight grouping of high-K andesites straddling the high-K-‘shoshonite’boundary, characterized by low Zr/Rb (2?2) and high K2O/Na2Oratios (1?3–0?9), and a relatively coherent fractionationpathway to dacites straddling the ‘calc-alkaline’-high-Kboundary, with Zr/Rb = 2?9 and K2O/Na2O=0?6. Numerical modellingdemonstrates that the dacite trend is compatible with fractionationfrom an ankaramite parent, whereas the high-K andesites areincompatible with open- or closed-system fractionation fromankaramitic or picritic sources and may represent fractionated,hybrid magmas, largely derived from melting of lower crustalgabbros.  相似文献   

GANDY  M. K. 《Journal of Petrology》1975,16(1):189-211
The calc-alkaline lava sequence of the eastern Sidlaw Hillsforms a small part of an extensive volcanic province of LowerOld Red Sandstone (Devonian) age in Scotland and N. England.The Sidlaw lavas ranging from olivine basalt to dacite are allporphyritic with combinations of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene, and opaque oxide pheno-crysts. Chemically, thelavas are slightly more alkalic than modern calc-alkaline lavas.There is considerable variation in the ‘incompatible elements’.The differentiation of the lavas can be accounted for by fractionationof olivine+plagioclase+minor ore from a chemically variable,immediately parental magma at low pressure (c. 1 kb PH2O). Itis suggested that fractionation of variable amounts of olivineand clinopyroxene from an olivine tholeiite at moderate PH2Ocould give rise to this chemically variable, high alumina, immediatelyparental magma.  相似文献   

Pressures, temperatures, water activities (aH2O) and fugacitiesof the other C-O-H fluid species have been estimated on a traverseacross the amphibolite-granulite facies boundary in the MajorParagneiss, northwest Adirondacks, N.Y. Two-feldspar pairs givetemperatures ranging from 650?C in the central portion of theunit to 760?C towards the northeast. Biotite-garnet pairs giveerratic temperatures compared to two-feldspar temperatures.This discrepancy appears to be due to retrograde resetting asdetermined from compositional zoning patterns in biotites andgarnets. Some of the discrepancy may also be due to non-idealityof pyrope-almandine mixing or to non-ideality from other components.Pressures ranging from 5?4 kb for the southwestern portion ofthe unit to 8?0 kb in the northeast were determined from anorthite-grossular-sillimanite-quartzbarometry. Minimum pressures of 5?8 kb were also determinedfrom coexisting garnet + rutile. Values of aH2O of 0?08-0?5estimated from biotite and muscovite dehydration reactions showno correlation with grade. The variability in aH2O suggeststhat it is locally controlled and that a homogeneous, pervasivefluid was not present during high grade metamorphism. Graphiteequilibria indicate that fO2 was less than 0?5 log units belowQFM and that if a fluid was present, it was rich in CO2 andH2O. P-T-aH2O values suggest that partial melting did not occurduring metamorphism. Pervasive flooding with CO2 does not appearto have occurred. The amphibolite-granulite transition at thislocality is characterized by increasing temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

Biotite + plagioclase + quartz (BPQ) is a common assemblagein gneisses, metasediments and metamorphosed granitic to granodioriticintrusions. Melting experiments on an assemblage consistingof 24 vol. % quartz, 25 vol. % biotite (XMg = 0·38–0·40),42 vol. % plagioclase (An26–29), 9 vol. % alkali feldsparand minor apatite, titanite and epidote were conducted at 10,15 and 20 kbar between 800 and 900°C under fluid-absentconditions and with small amounts (2 and 4 wt %) of water addedto the system. At 10 kbar when 4 wt % of water was added tothe system the biotite melting reaction occurred below 800°Cand produced garnet + amphibole + melt. At 15 kbar the meltingreaction produced garnet + amphibole + melt with 2 wt % addedwater. At 20 kbar the amphibole occurred only at high temperature(900°C) and with 4 wt % added water. In this last case themelting reaction produced amphibole + clinopyroxene ±garnet + melt. Under fluid-absent conditions the melting reactionproduced garnet + plagioclase II + melt and left behind a plagioclaseI ± quartz residuum, with an increase in the modal amountof garnet with increasing pressure. The results show that itis not possible to generate hornblende in such compositionswithout the addition of at least 2–4 wt % H2O. This reflectsthe fact that conditions of low aH2O may prevent hornblendefrom being produced with peraluminous granitic liquids fromthe melting of biotite gneiss. Thus growth of hornblende inanatectic BPQ gneisses is an indication of addition of externalH2O-rich fluids during the partial melting event. KEY WORDS: biotite; dehydration; gneisses; hornblende; melt  相似文献   

The system peridotite-H2O–CO2 serves as a simplified modelfor the phase relations of mantle peridotite involving morethan one volatile component. Run products obtained in a studyof phase relations of four mantle peridotites in the presenceof H2O- and (H2O+CO2)- bearing vapors and with controlled hydrogenfugacity (fH2) at high pressures and temperatures have beensubjected to a detailed chemical investigation, principallyby the electron microprobe. Mg/(Mg+Fe) of all phases generally increases with increasingtemperature and with increasing Mg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material.This ratio appears to decrease with increasing pressure forolivine, and for amphibole coexisting with garnet. DecreasingfH2 from that of IW buffer to that of MH buffer decreases Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the partial melt from approximately 0-85 to approximately0.50, whereas the Fo content of coexisting olivine increasesslightly less than 3 per cent and the Mg/(Mg+Fe) of clinopyroxeneincreases about 4 per cent. However, the variations in Fo contentof olivines are within those observed in olivines from naturalmantle peridotite. The chemistry of other silicate mineralsdoes not significantly reflect variations of fH2. Consequently,the peridotite mineralogy and/or chemistry is not a good indicatorfor the fH2 conditions during crystallization. All crystalline phases, except amphibole, and to some extentgarnet, show increasing Cr content with increasing temperatureand increasing Cr content of the starting material, resultingin a positive correlation with Mg/(Mg+Fe). Partial melts aredepleted in Cr2O3 relative to the crystalline phases. High Mg/Mg+Fe)and Cr2O3 are thus expected in crystal residues after partialmelting. The absolute values depend on degree of melting andthe composition of the parent peridotite. Liquids formed by anatexis of mantle peridotite are andesiticunder conditions of XH2Ov > 0.6 to at least 25 kb total pressureand to more than 200?C above the peridotite solidus. This observationsupports numerous suggestions that andesite genesis in islandarcs may result from partial melting of underlying peridotitemantle. In contrast to basaltic rocks, the absence of amphibole(paragasitic hornblende) does not affect the silica-saturatednature of the liquids. Increasing K2O content of the startingmaterial (up to 1 wt. per cent K2O) results in increasing potassiumcontent of the amphibole (1 wt. per cent K2O) as well as theappearance of phlogopite. The liquid under these conditionsis relatively K20-poor (less than 1 wt. per cent K2O). Partial melts are olivine normative with XH2O 0.5, and initialliquids contain normative ol and ne at XH2O 0.4. The alkalinityof these liquids increases with decreasing XH2O below valuesof 0.5. The (ol+opx)-normative liquids resemble oceanic basaltswhereas (ol+ne)-normative liquids resemble olivine nepheliniteand melilite basalt. Low aHlo and high aCo2 conditions may bethose under which kimberlites and related rocks are formed inthe mantle.  相似文献   

BARSDELL  M. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(5):927-964
The mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of a suite of clinopyroxene-richolivine tholenite lavas from Merelava island, Vanuatu are described.Located at the southern end of the Northern Trough back-arcbasin, this suite displays all the characteristics of primitiveisland arc lavas: flat REE patterns, depleted HFSE, enrichmentin K-group elements relative to LREE, highly calcic plagioclase(to An9 3 and Cr-rich spinels (cr-number80) Analysis of groundmasscompositions demonstrates that the variation in MgO within thelava suite (from 13?7 to 4?3% MgO) represents only a small departurefrom a liquid line of descent. Some of the more primitive lavas contain low-Al2O3 clinopyroxenemegacrysts (mg-number = 100Mg/(Mg+Fe2 + and ultramafic xenoliths,the latter ranging from fine-grained, tectonite wehrlites andchnopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, to coarse-grained cumulatewehrlites. The cumulate nodules, megacrysts and phenocrysts are shown tobe co-magmatic, and an empirical compositional relationshipis demonstrated for equilibrium olivine-clinopyroxene pairs,covering the observed fractionation range (mg-numberCpx=0?6375mg-numberO1 + 35?3). On the basis that the most primitive olivine(mg-number 91 7) is close to the liquidus composition, thiscompositional relationship demonstrates that clinopyroxene (mg-number=94,and containing no Fe3+) was also a liquidus phase. Clinopyroxeneswith mg-number>94 are the product of local oxidation duringmixing of primitive, relatively reduced magmas, and more evolved,oxidized magmas. This mixing also gave rise to relatively narrow,reversely zoned, internal rims on many clinopyroxene and olivinephenocrysts, cumulus crystals, and clinopyroxene megacrysts. Fractionation modelling demonstrates that the most differentiatedsample with 19 wt.% Al2O3 can be derived from the most primitivesample with 10?3% Al2O3 by removal of 48% crystals of clinopyroxeneand olivine in the proportions 73:27 Plagioclase is a late crystallizingphase and has an insignificant role in the fractionation process. The parent melt composition (mg-number=77) is deduced from themost primitive olivine composition and the liquid line of descent,and is shown to contain equal amounts of MgO and CaO (137 wt.%),a high CaO/Al2O3 ratio of 1?3 and an unusually low Ni contentof 137 ppm. Data from published high pressure (8–20 kb)experiments on melting of peridotite and pyrolite do not providean explanati in for the large normative diopside component inthis parent melt (38 mol.%), and a hypothesis is proposed wherebyhigh degrees of melting of refractory Iherzolite or harzburgite+acomponent of lower crustal pyroxenite and/or wehrlite takesplace at the base of the crust (5–55 kb). At this depth,and initially under hydrous conditions, high degrees of meltingwould progressively eliminate orthopyroxene and then clinopyroxeneto produce a dunite residue. The liquid produced near the pointof clinopyroxene elimination would be compatible with the highCaO and Sc contents, and high Sc/Ni, Cr/Ni and D1/Hy ratiosof the lavas, and the refractory nature of the phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Experimental Petrology of a Highly Potassic Magma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The melting behaviour of a highly potassic biotite mafuriteof the Central African olivine leucitite kindred has been studiedexperimentally as a function of pressure (to 30kb) temperature,and water content (0%, 5%, 15%, 25%, and 40% H2O). Olivine isthe liquidus phase up to 30 kb for all water contents studiedexcept for anhydrous (clinopyroxene on the liquidus) and 15%H2O (phlogopite on the liquidus) conditions. Analyses of phasescrystallizing from the biotite mafurite show that pressure hasvery little effect on the composition of clinopyroxene whichis extremely calcium-rich, and low in Al2O3 and TiO2 for allconditions investigated. Phlogopite has low TiO2 content andtitanphlogopite cannot be a refractory phase in the upper mantlecausing Ti-depletion in partial melts in equilibrium with titanphlogopite.There are apparently no conditions where the extremely potassicbiotite mafurite could be a partial melt from pyrolite but derivationfrom an olivine+clinopyroxene+phlogopite+ilmenite assemblageoccurring as ‘enriched’ patches in the upper mantle,is possible. Liquids in equilibrium with phlogopite as a residualphase at 30 kb would be olivine nephelinites with approximately5% K2O, Na2O/K2O 1 and TiO2 > 5+. Crystal elutriation withtransported residual phlogopite reacting (phlogopite+liquid1 olivine+liquid 2) at lower pressures provides a mechanismfor K-enrichment and generating Na2O/K2O < 1.  相似文献   

Suprasolidus phase relations at pressures from 8 to 30 kb andtemperatures from 950 to 1380C have been determined experimentallyfor a glassy armalcolite–phlogopite lamproite from thechilled margin of a medium–grained lamproite from SmokyButte, Montana: The armalcolite-phlogopite lamproite has microphenocrystsof olivine in a groundmass of phlogopite, sanidine, armalcolite,clinopyroxene, chromite, priderite, apatite, and abundant glass.The lamproite is SiO2-rich and has high F/H2O relative to lamproitesthat have been investigated in previous experimental studies.Our data show that with decreasing temperature from the liquidusat pressures above 12 kb, melt coexists successively with:olivine; orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene; orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene+ phlogopite; clinopyroxene +phlogopite; and clinopyroxene +orthopyroxene + K-richterite. Below 12 kb, the assemblage successionis: olivine; olivine + clinopyroxene; olivine + clinopyroxene+ phlogopite; and olivine +clinopyroxene + phlogopite + armalcolite.The main difference from the natural paragenesis is that therock does not contain any orthopyroxene—a feature thatis rather remarkable inasmuch as it has 16% normative hypersthene—andthe rock differs also in that it contains sanidine and priderite.In the experiments, sanidine is observed only as ghostlike domainsin some of the glass and appears to have formed during quenching. The solid phases crystallized experimentally are generally compositionallysimilar to the minerals in the rock. These similarities andthe experimental phase relations support the concept of a rapidinitial magma ascent with only a small temperature drop andcrystallization of olivine, but not of orthopyroxene. At lowerpressures, less than 12 kb, it appears that the magma ascendedmore slowly with a larger temperature drop suggested by thesimilarity of the experimentally determined sequence of assemblagesto the paragenesis of the rock. No quasi-invariant multiphase-saturation point was found suchas might be indicative of pressure and temperature conditionsfor formation of the lamproite magma by eutectic-type partialmelting of a mantle source. The occurrence of olivine, orthopyroxene,and clinopyroxene near the liquidus, and the high proportionof normative hypersthene in the melt suggest that lherzoliteor harzburgite was probable in the magma source rock. The highSiO2 and MgO contents of the Smoky Butte lamproites may indicatethat orthopyroxene was a source mineral even though it did notcrystallize under near-surface conditions. The curve definingthe appearance of phlogopite appears at progressively lowertemperatures from the liquidus as pressure increases, so itwould appear that either phlogopite was not the mantle K-reservoir,or it was entirely consumed during the partial melting process.The composition of the near-liquidus glass in the experimentsis likely to be the composition of the bulk rock less the verysmall amounts of olivine + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene crystallizedwithin a few degrees below the liquidus. From the inferred compositionof this glass, anhydrous phlogopite is a potential mineral.The principal variable that determines whether phlogopite crystallizesas a near-liquidus mineral is F/H2O; low values of this ratiopromote the presence of phlogopite as a near-liquidus mineralwhereas high values deter its crystallization. The common practiceof adding H2O but not F in experiments to compensate for degassingmay obscure the role of phlogopite in the evolution of lamproitemagmas.  相似文献   

Spinel-facies mantle xenoliths occur in a diatreme cutting throughthe Neogene Southern Patagonia Plateau at Gobernador Gregores(Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). This plateau is in a back-arcposition with respect to the Chile trench. Xenoliths differin their whole-rock composition from other South America occurrences,having higher CaO/Al2O3 ratios and, in some samples, TiO2 enrichment,whereas the Na2O/Al2O3 variation range is similar. Three assemblagescan be distinguished. Assemblage 1, in anhydrous protogranularlherzolites and harzburgites, contains clinopyroxene with adepleted major and trace element composition, indicating pre-metasomaticdepletion processes. This assemblage fully recrystallized toAssemblage 2 (amphibole ± phlogopite ± Cl-apatite-bearing)during a metasomatic episode. This causes clinopyroxene to acquiregeochemical characteristics often attributed to carbonate-meltmetasomatism. Noticeably, amphibole is markedly enriched inNb (up to 298 ppm), especially when depleted in Ti. A furtherevent, related to decompression during xenolith uplift to thesurface, induces closed-system (perhaps with the exception ofCO2 addition) disequilibrium melting of Assemblage 2, dominantlyof amphibole. It is found in pockets (where amphibole is a residualphase) consisting of Na–Si-rich glass and carbonate (Mg-richcalcite) drops, and in veins originating from the pockets (Assemblage3). Euhedral olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel crystallize onlyin the silicate glass. So do new, euhedral apatite crystalswhen glass is in contact with previous Assemblage 2 apatite.Textural evidence and comparison with experimental work suggestthat silicate glass and carbonates are the result of unmixingof a former homogeneous melt. Because of the different flowrates of carbonate and silicate melt, the xenoliths become enrichedin carbonate, which is found in the veins during their migration.Thus, the high CaO/Al2O3 ratio of whole rocks provides inconclusiveevidence of carbonatite metasomatism. This factor, and otherminor deviations from the expected results of carbonatite metasomatism,lead us to hypothesize an aqueous, Cl-rich fluid, possibly slabderived, as an alternative agent. Amphibole, resulting fromreactive porous flow of this agent in the mantle, could fullyexplain the observed geochemical features, as indicated by estimatesof its partition coefficients. KEY WORDS: carbonated xenoliths; Gobernador Gregores; LAM–ICP-MS; mantle metasomatism; silicate glass  相似文献   

Experimental results up to 10 kb pressure are presented on thestability of amphibole in the quartz-excess CaO+MgO+Al2O3 (CMASH)system under H2O)-excess and H2O deficient conditions. Amphiboleis stable above the solidus under H2O-excess conditions whereasunder H2O-deficient conditions dehydration melting of amphibole-bearingassemblages defines the solidus. The successive appearance ofamphibole, talc, and zoisite with increasing pressure considerablymodifies the plagioclase-pyroxene-garnet-kyanite reactions documentedexperimentally in the CaO+MgO+Al2O3+SiO2 system for gabbro-granulite-eclogitetransitions. Although both clino pyroxene and cordierite (withanorthite+orthopyroxene+quartz) may melt eutectically at oneatmosphere to form diopside-normative and corundum-normativemelts respectively, at higher pressures under H2O-excess conditionsthe peritectic melting of mafic rock compositions produces corundum-normativeliquids together with either clinopyroxene or amphibole. Dehydrationmelting produces melts which are not corundum-normative. Thesedata are used to discuss the origins and evolution of contrastingbasalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite volcanic suites and graniticplutons, many of whose silicic variants are corundum-normativein character, such as the Toba luff ignimbrites, Indonesia (Beddoc-Stephenset al., 1983) and I-type granite minimum melts (White &Chappell, 1977). In contrast, it is proposed that for the Cascadesbasalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite the ortho pyroxene-plagioclase-quartzthermal divide was maintained up to rhyolite compositions, therebyprohibiting the derivation of corundum-normative rocks fromdiopside-normative parent magmas. The deduced reaction relations between pyroxenes, amphibole,plagioclase, quartz, and liquid are used to explain the absenceor extreme scarcity of hydrous phases in some hydrous magmas.These phase relations can also explain the development of laterplagioclase overgrowths on resorbed plagioclase cores in graniticintrusives, and the general absence of resorption and overgrowthsin chemically equivalent extrusive rocks. A theoretical analysis of the partial melting of forsterite-bearingassemblages in the CaO+MgO+Al2O3+SiO2+H2O system shows thatunder H2O-excess conditions partial melting may generate corundum-normative(but low SiO2) melts from a peridotite source at shallow depths.  相似文献   

Olivine + clinopyroxene ± amphibole cumulates have beenwidely documented in island arc settings and may constitutea significant portion of the lowermost arc crust. Because ofthe low melting temperature of amphibole (1100°C), suchcumulates could melt during intrusion of primary mantle magmas.We have experimentally (piston-cylinder, 0·5–1·0GPa, 1200–1350°C, Pt–graphite capsules) investigatedthe melting behaviour of a model amphibole–olivine–clinopyroxenerock, to assess the possible role of such cumulates in islandarc magma genesis. Initial melts are controlled by pargasiticamphibole breakdown, are strongly nepheline-normative and areAl2O3-rich. With increasing melt fraction (T > 1190°Cat 1·0 GPa), the melts become ultra-calcic while remainingstrongly nepheline-normative, and are saturated with olivineand clinopyroxene. The experimental melts have strong compositionalsimilarities to natural nepheline-normative ultra-calcic meltinclusions and lavas exclusively found in arc settings. Theexperimentally derived phase relations show that such naturalmelt compositions originate by melting according to the reactionamphibole + clinopyroxene = melt + olivine in the arc crust.Pargasitic amphibole is the key phase in this process, as itlowers melting temperatures and imposes the nepheline-normativesignature. Ultra-calcic nepheline-normative melt inclusionsare tracers of magma–rock interaction (assimilative recycling)in the arc crust. KEY WORDS: experimental melting; subduction zone; ultra-calcic melts; wehrlite  相似文献   

The occurrence of corroded megacrysts and cumulates of olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite and apatite in near-saturated hawaiites from the mid-north coast of New South Wales point to the derivation of these hawaiites at elevated pressures. In an experimental study on one of these hawaiites under conditions ranging from 5–15 kb and 0–5% H2O, orthopyroxene was identified in only one run with 2% H2O at 1040° C and 6.5 kb. In this run it was associated with olivine, clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide. The early appearance of plagioclase in the “dry” experimental runs and amphibole in runs with 5% H2O, indicates that the water content in the natural hawaiite was intermediate to these values. The near-duplication of the natural megacryst-cumulate assemblage suggests that the hawaiite host precipitated these phases at a depth of approximately 20–24 km, prior to rapid eruption to higher crustal levels.  相似文献   

The melting relations of five metamorphosed basalts and andesites(greenstones and amphibolites), collected from the late JurassicSmartville arc complex of California, were investigated experimentallyat 800–1000? C and 1, 3, and 6. 9 kb. Dehydration-melting(no water added) experiments contained only the water structurallybound in metamorphic minerals (largely amphiboles). They yieldedmildly peraluminous to metaluminous granodioritic to trondhjemiticmelts (Na/K is a function of starting composition) similar inmajor element composition to silicic rocks in modern oceanicarcs. The dehydration melts are water-undersaturated, with,and coexist with the anhydrous residual solid (restite) assemblageplagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + magnetite ? ilmen-ite,with plagioclase constituting 50% of the restite mode. In thedehydration-melting experiments at 3 kb the onset of meltingoccurred between 850 and 900 ? C, as amphibole and quartz brokedown to yield pyroxenes plus melt. Total pressure is greaterthan in the dehydration-melting experiments and has little effecton melt composition or phase relations. In the water-saturated (water added, so that experiments, meltsformed at 3 kb and above are strongly peraluminous, rich inCa and poor in Fe, Mg, Ti, and K. Their compositions are unlikethose of most silicic igneous rocks. These melts coexist withthe amphibole-rich, plagioclase-poor restite assemblage amphibole+ magnetite ? clinopyroxene ? plagioclase ? ilmenite. The highlyaluminous nature of the melts and the plagioclase-poor natureof the restite both reflect the substantial contribution ofplagioclase (along with quartz) to melts in high-pressure water-saturatedsystems. Water pressure equals Ptoul in the water-saturatedexperiments and has a profound effect on both melt compositionand phase relations. At 1 kb, the water-saturated experimentsyielded melt and mineral products with some characteristicsof the dehydration-melting experiments (no amphibole at highT), and some characteristics of the 3-kb, water-saturated experiments(amphibole plus melt coexisting at lower T, elevated Al, loweredFe). As pressure is increased from 3 to 6. 9 kb, the stabilityfields of both plagioclase and clinopyroxene decrease relativeto amphibole and the Al contents of the melts increase. These experiments have important implications for the petrogenesisof low-K silicic rocks in arcs. First, dehydration melting isa viable mechanism for the formation of these rocks; water-saturatedmelting is not. Second, because of the influence of rock compositionon melt composition, low-grade metamorphic and hydrothermalprocesses that alter the alkali contents and Na/ K in arc basementterranes may have a direct impact on the petrogenesis of silicicmagmas in arcs, particularly the formation of extremely low-Ktrondhjemites. Third, the experiments predict that anhydrous,pyroxene- and plagioclase-rich ‘granulitic’ restiteassemblages should develop as a result of partial melting inarc terranes. Such assemblages occur in at least two deeplyeroded arc complexes.  相似文献   

The Fish Canyon Tuff, Colorado, forms one of the largest (3000km3 known silicic eruptions in Earth history. The tuff is ahomogeneous quartz latite consisting of 40% phenocrysts (plagioclase,sanidine, biotite, hornblende, quartz, magnetite, apatite, sphene,and ilmenite) in equilibrium with a highly evolved rhyoliticmelt now represented by the matrix glass. Melt inclusions trappedin hornblende and quartz phenocrysts are identical to the newlyanalyzed matrix glass composition indicating that hornblendeand quartz crystallized from a highly evolved magma that subsequentlyexperienced little change. This study presents experimentalphase equilibrium data which are used to deduce the conditions(P, T, fO2, fH2O, etc.) in the Fish Canyon magma chamber priorto eruption. These new data indicate that sanidine and quartzare not liquidus phases until 780?C temperatures are achieved,consistent with Fe-Ti oxide geothermometry which implies thatthe magmatic temperature prior to eruption was 760?30?C. NaturalFe-Ti oxide pairs also suggest that log fO2 was -12.4 (intermediatebetween the Ni-NiO and MnO-Mn3O4 oxygen buffers) in the magmachamber. This fO2.102 is supported by the experimentally determinedvariations in hornblende and melt Mg-numbers as functions offO2 A new geobarometer based on the aluminum content of hornblendesin equilibrium with the magmatic assemblage hornblende, biotite,plagioclase, quartz, sanidine, sphene, ilmenite or magnetite,and melt is calibrated experimentally, and yields pressuresaccurate to ?0.5 kb. Total pressure in the Fish Canyon magmachamber is inferred to have been 2.4 kb (equivalent to a depthof 7.9 km) based on the Al-content of natural Fish Canyon hornblendesand this new calibration. This depth is much shallower thanhas been proposed previously for the Fish Canyon Tuff. Variationsin experimental glass (melt) composition indicate that the magmawas water-undersaturated prior to eruption. XH2O in the fluidphase that may have coexisted with the Fish Canyon magma isestimated to have been 0.5 by comparing the An-content of naturalplagioclases to experimental plagioclases synthesized at differentXH2O and Ptotals. This ratio corresponds to about 5 wt.% waterin the melt at depth. The matrix glass chemistry is reproducedexperimentally under these conditions: 760?C, 2.4 kb, XH2O=0.5,and log fo2=NNO+2 log units. The fugacity of SO2 (91 b) is calculatedfrom the coexistence of pyrrhotite and magnetite. Maximum CO2fugacity (2520 b) is inferred assuming the magma was volatilesaturated at 2.4 kb.  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths (harzburgite, olivine-orthopyroxenite,orthopyroxenite, websterite and clinopyroxenite) in a Plio-Quaternarystrombolian cone near Tissemt (Egg?r?, Hoggar, Algerian Sahara)contain large (up to 1 mm in diameter) euhedral flakes of graphite.These xenoliths are associated with mafic granulites free ofgraphite. Petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical dataindicate that these rocks have been scavenged from a Precambrianlayered intrusion emplaced in the deep crust. Textural evidencesuggests that the graphite could have crystallized relativelyearly from a silica-saturated melt: following cumulus crystallizationof olivine and orthopyroxene, the graphite crystallized, togetherwith olivine, orthopyroxene, and spinel, as a component of theintercumulus assemblage. The crystallization of graphite directlyfrom the melt is related to relatively high pressure (c. 5 kb)of carbon-rich fluid (CO+CO2+H2O) at relatively low oxygen fugacity(–logfo2, 10 at 1200 ?C).  相似文献   

Dehydration melting experiments of alkali basalt associatedwith the Kenya Rift were performed at 0·7 and 1·0GPa, 850–1100°C, 3–5 wt % H2O, and fO2 nearnickel–nickel oxide. Carbon dioxide [XCO2 = molar CO2/(H2O+ CO2) = 0·2–0·9] was added to experimentsat 1025 and 1050°C. Dehydration melting in the system alkalibasalt–H2O produces quartz- and corundum-normative trachyandesite(6–7·5 wt % total alkalis) at 1000 and 1025°Cby the incongruent melting of amphibole (pargasite–magnesiohastingsite).Dehydration melting in the system alkali basalt–H2O–CO2produces nepheline-normative tephriphonolite, trachyandesite,and trachyte (10·5–12 wt % total alkalis). In thelatter case, the solidus is raised relative to the hydrous system,less melt is produced, and the incongruent melting reactioninvolves kaersutite. The role of carbon dioxide in alkalinemagma genesis is well documented for mantle systems. This studyshows that carbon dioxide is also important to the petrogenesisof alkaline magmas at the lower pressures of crustal systems.Select suites of continental alkaline rocks, including thosecontaining phonolite, may be derived by low-pressure dehydrationmelting of an alkali basalt–carbon dioxide crustal system. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; alkaline rocks; carbon dioxide; dehydration melting; phonolite  相似文献   

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