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The current state of the problem of artificial recharge of groundwater in Russia and other countries is analyzed. The factors that govern the zoning by the conditions of artificial groundwater recharge are considered. The territory of the southern European Russia was zoned by the conditions of artificial groundwater recharge and the results of this zoning were used to compile maps of perspectives of artificial groundwater recharge in southern European Russia.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - The paper focuses on the increasing contribution of blasting operations to the energy balance of seismic processes. Although the progress in blasting...  相似文献   

The groundwater flow system in the Culebra Dolomite Member (Culebra) of the Permian Rustler Formation is a potential radionuclide release pathway from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), the only deep geological repository for transuranic waste in the United States. In early conceptual models of the Culebra, groundwater levels were not expected to fluctuate markedly, except in response to long‐term climatic changes, with response times on the order of hundreds to thousands of years. Recent groundwater pressures measured in monitoring wells record more than 25 m of drawdown. The fluctuations are attributed to pumping activities at a privately owned well that may be associated with the demand of the Permian Basin hydrocarbon industry for water. The unprecedented magnitude of drawdown provides an opportunity to quantitatively assess the influence of unplanned anthropogenic forcings near the WIPP. Spatially variable realizations of Culebra saturated hydraulic conductivity and specific storage were used to develop groundwater flow models to estimate a pumping rate for the private well and investigate its effect on advective transport. Simulated drawdown shows reasonable agreement with observations (average Model Efficiency coefficient = 0.7). Steepened hydraulic gradients associated with the pumping reduce estimates of conservative particle travel times across the domain by one half and shift the intersection of the average particle track with the compliance boundary by more than 2 km. The value of the transient simulations conducted for this study lies in their ability to (a) improve understanding of the Culebra groundwater flow system and (b) challenge the notion of time‐invariant land use in the vicinity of the WIPP.  相似文献   

European experience in the groundwater use regulations is considered using the case of FRG, where such regulations are based on quality standards and quantitative characteristics of impact on groundwater and surface water and landscape features. Basic documents verified in the water use management system in EU are used.  相似文献   

A scheme of water balance differentiation of a territory is proposed. The vertical and space-time structure of water balance are considered. A procedure for regional space-time analysis of water balance was developed and tested, allowing one to evaluate its different characteristics and relationships, to simulate the series of their mean annual values in points where no observations are available, and to carry out computeraided mapping of the obtained results. Electronic maps were constructed to characterize the distribution of river runoff and its surface and subsurface components over the European Russia, the correlation and conjunction between them, the distribution of annual precipitation, and the precipitation of the warm and cold periods over the territory. Statistical relationships, reflecting different aspects of space-time variations in the major water balance elements, are given.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in bottom sediments of subarctic lakes on Vaygach Isl. and in the Polar Cis-Urals in the Northern European Russia. Dioxin pollution is estimated at the background level, and the recorded levels of hexachlorobenzene fall within the concentration range identified in the bottom sediments of small lakes in the southwestern Arkhangelsk region. The specific character of the congener profile of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in bottom sediments is demonstrated, suggesting a relationship between the pollution that forms under the effect of atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants from low latitudes in the past and present and the application of dioxin-containing organochlorine chemicals in timber industry.  相似文献   

Appreciable observational data were used to reveal zonal features of the formation of the chemical composition of waters in small lakes on the territory of European Russia along a transect from tundra to the arid zone. Inter-zonal variability in the parameters of the chemical composition of waters is determined. Zonal differentiation according to hydrochemical parameters is substantiated. The main differentiating elements of the chemical composition of waters in different natural-climatic zones are distinguished. The contribution of the main natural and anthropogenic factors, determining the present-day processes of water formation is analyzed. Different degrees of the effect of non-zonal factors (including anthropogenic ones) on the formation of the chemical composition of lake waters in the humid and arid zones are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Microseismic noise was studied in the frequency range 0.5–30 Hz in the conditions prevailing in the town of Vorkuta. A seismic noise model was developed consisting of power spectral densities of ground motion velocity separately for daytime and nighttime in different frequency ranges. The absolute noise level for frequencies of 1–5 Hz in Vorkuta varies between −140 and −150 dB in daytime and from −152 to −158 dB in nighttime, with the ranges for the 8-15 Hz noise being −140 to −155 dB in daytime and −155 to −165 dB in nighttime. Well-pronounced daily variations in noise amplitude were observed in the frequency ranges 1.5–3 Hz and 14–17 Hz. The noise amplitude varies by 7 dB over 24 hours, with the amplitude of horizontal component variation being 5 dB above that of the vertical component. The power spectral densities of ground motion velocity in the microseismic noise involve several spectral peaks, whose central frequencies did not vary by more than 0.15 Hz during the entire period of instrumental observation. The seismic background in the town of Vorkuta contains seismic events due to distant earthquakes and local industrial explosions.  相似文献   

Based on the methods of O.I. Krestovskii and recent information on the forestry of European Russia, the article offers the assessment of the impact of transformations in the structure of forests in the recent decades on the river runoff and evaporation. The accompanying changes in the runoff are shown to be relatively insignificant; however, in the XXI century they may become more significant and manifest themselves not only at the local but also at the regional level.  相似文献   

The paper presents the history of measurements of the geomagnetic field parameters over the territory of Russia in the 18th century derived from archival and literature sources. Topographical mapping of the European territory and neighboring seas of the Russian Empire from the late 17th to the mid 18th century during which magnetic measurements were made was of great importance for determining magnetic declination. The magnetic declination in Siberia and its neighboring seas was measured for the first time during the first expedition of V. Bering in 1728 and then during his second expedition (the Great Northern Expedition) in 1733–1742. Magnetic measurements were carried out along the northern coast of Siberia and in the Bering Sea. The academic group of the expedition performed magnetic declination measurements over southern regions of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Nerchinsk, Yakutsk, etc.) in 1735 and 1736. During the second half of the 18th century, Russian expeditions determined geographical coordinates of the cities of European Russia and carried out magnetic declination measurements for them. During these expeditions Inokhodtsev paid attention to the anomalous magnetic declination in the Kursk region. In his opinion, the anomaly could have been caused by the presence of iron ore.  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine concentration and localization in the Volga reservoir cascade and in the lakes of Yaroslavl province and Vladimir province were studied. It was found that, in microaerophilic zones of the most productive lakes, the rate of hydroxylamine formation is higher and its localization does not depend on the type of the limnological object (a reservoir or a lake), but is determined by the oxygen regime of the water body in question.  相似文献   

A lot of observational data both at home and abroad suggested that before some strong earthquakes anomalous variations of radon concentration appear in the chemical composition of groundwater. In order to further study these anomalies and get reliable precursory anomalies, a special packet of precursory data processing has been developed recently. By using a computer program of first-order difference method, it is discovered that the scatter of radon content increased systematically before earthquakes at some observation posts where observational conditions are fairly good. This change may be a new criterion for evaluating short-term and imminent earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

Groundwater formation conditions in the upper hydrodynamic zone of the northern coast of European Russia are considered. This groundwater discharges directly into the Barents and White seas. The values of submarine discharge from European Russia into arctic seas, bypassing river network, are estimated. Estimates of subsurface dissolved-solids discharge are given. Specific and integral characteristics of submarine discharge are analyzed. The major regularities in the formation and distribution of submarine discharge into seas of the Arctic Ocean are described.  相似文献   

Water chemistry in deep freshwater lakes and springs, situated in boggy areas and giving rise to the majority of the Russian rivers, is considered. Those lakes and springs can serve as an important reserve of fresh drinking water.  相似文献   

Baryshev  I. A. 《Water Resources》2021,48(5):774-781
Water Resources - Macrozoobenthos analyses were used to evaluate the ecological water quality in the Shuya River, a large tributary of Onega Lake, which determines water chemistry in the water...  相似文献   

Variations in the characteristics of the annual, dry-season, and minimal monthly runoff in rivers of European Russia for the recent 35 years (1975?C2005) have been estimated and analyzed in comparison with a period of approximately the same duration (1935?C1969). The genesis of runoff for different river basins and the major causes of current changes in runoff characteristics have been studied. Regional regularities in the hydrological and geohydrological processes have been identified, and zoning of the territory has been performed with identification of specific features in the formation of river runoff in the European North and the basins of the Volga, Don, Ural, etc. The natural resources of surface and subsurface waters over 1970?C2005 have been re-estimated with the construction of appropriate maps. Water availability and load on water resources have been analyzed.  相似文献   

Oregioni  B.  Gastaud  J.  Pham  M. K.  Povinec  P. P. 《Water Resources》2003,30(1):86-91
Analysis and interpretation of the distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs, and 239,240Pu in the Caspian Sea water are presented. These radionuclides are shown to be of environmental importance and to be useful for studying water mass dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary During the NOAMP Experiment (September '83 to May '86), 20 benthic storms with velocities of up to 27 cm/s and a duration of between 3 and 25 days, have been observed in a region centered at 47° 20 N and 20° W. The calculation of streamfunction maps shows clearly, that all storms between September '83 and September '84 occur in connection with deep reaching synoptic vortices. These events are important mechanisms for the dispersion of tracers, which are released at the seabed. They enable the particles to pass the interface between the well-mixed bottom boundary layer and the stratified interior of the deep sea. The eddies, with lifetimes of up to several months, trap the particles and facilitate horizontal and vertical transports within the eddy. Each vortex, by means of its shear, deforms a parcel of contaminated water to thin sheets, respectively to thin filaments with regard to two dimensions. This makes small-scale mixing processes work effectively.
Tiefseestürme, Wirbel und Teilchenausbreitung in der Tiefsee des Westeuropäischen Beckens
Zusammenfassung Während des NOAMP-Experiments wurden in einem Gebietbei 47° 20 N und 20° W 20 Tiefseestürme mit Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 27 cm/s und einer Dauer zwischen 3 und 25 Tagen gemessen. Stromfunktionskarten zeigen, daß, zumindest im Zeitraum von September '83 bis September '84, die Stürme stets im Zusammenhang mit tiefreichenden synoptischen Wirbeln auftreten. Diese Ereignisse sind von herausragender Bedeutung für die Ausbreitung am Tiefseeboden eingebrachter Stoffe. Sie ermöglichen den Austausch von Wasserkörpern durch die Sprungschicht zwischen der stark durchmischten Bodengrenzschicht und dem geschichteten Inneren der Tiefsee. Die Wirbel, mit Lebenszeiten bis zu mehreren Monaten, können Wasserkörper mit Eigenschaften, die ihn von der umgebenden Wassermasse unterscheiden, einfangen und transportieren sie vertikal und horizontal innerhalb des Wirbels. Jeder Wirbel deformiert solche Wasserkörper zu dünnen Scheiben, bzw. zu dünnen Filamenten im Zweidimensionalen, und schafft somit die notwendige Voraussetzung für das Wirken kleinskaliger Vermischungsprozesse.

Tempêtes de grands fonds, tourbillons, dispersion de particules dans les eaux profondes du Bassin de l'Europe de l'Ouest
Résumé Durant l'expérience NOAMP (septembre 1983 – Mai 1986), vingt tempêtes de grands fonds avec des vitesses supérieures à 27 cm/s et des durées comprises entre 3 et 25 jours, ont été observées dans un secteur centré sur le point 47° 20 nord et 20° ouest. Le calcul des cartes de courant montre clairement que les tempêtes sous-marines observées entre septembre 1983 et semtembre 1984 sont reliées à des tourbillons synoptiques atteignant de grandes profondeurs. Ces évènements sont des mécanismes importants pour la dispersion d'éléments — traces libérés sur le fond de l'océan. Ils permettent aux particules de franchir l'interface entre la couche limite de fond, homogène, et la partie stratifiée de la mer profonde. Les tourbillons qui ont des durées de vie de plusieurs mois, piègent les particules et facilitent leurs transports horizontaux et verticaux au sein même du tourbillon. Chaque tourbillon du fait du cisaillement, transforme un volume d'eau contaminée en minces couches, ou plutôt en minces filets d'eau, si l'on se place dans les deux dimensions. Cela génère en réalité un processus de mélange à petite échelle.

The Kamchatka peninsula, located in the far east of Russia, is a geologicallyactive margin where the Pacific plate subducts beneath the North Americanand Eurasia plates. This area is characterised by frequent and strong seismicactivity (with magnitudes of up to 8.6), with epicentres generallydistributed offshore along the eastern coast of the peninsula. Starting in1977, hydrogeochemical data have been collected with a mean samplingfrequency of three days in wells and springs located in the southern area ofthe Kamchatka peninsula. In order to reveal possible earthquake precursors,the groundwater gas content data collected in the last ten years at fivewells, were statistically analysed. Each signal exceeding a 3threshold was considered to be an irregularity and two different methodsof defining an anomaly were assumed. In the first, an anomaly was declaredwhen an irregularity occurred simultaneously on more than one gas contentat each well. In the second method, an anomaly was declared when anirregularity occurred simultaneously on a given type of gas at more thanone well. As a mechanism for associating an anomaly with an earthquake,the earthquakes that occurred with magnitudes greater than 6.5 and withina distance of 250 km from each well, were selected. Using this frameworkboth successes and failures were identified. It is shown that on the basis ofthis statistical analysis, there is a great probability that the successes revealedare not precursors but random coincidences.  相似文献   

Malinin  V. N.  Gordeeva  S. M. 《Water Resources》2019,46(3):466-479
Water Resources - The interaction between hydrological cycle components in the ocean–atmosphere–land system was considered. Calculations were made with the use of various reanalysis...  相似文献   

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