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Using high-resolution Google EarthTM images in conjunction with Landsat images, the glaciers and lakes in the Baspa basin are classified to explore the recent changes. A total number of 109 glaciers (187 ± 3.7 km2) are mapped and subsequently classified as compound valley glaciers, simple valley glaciers, cirques, niches, glacieretes and ice aprons. The compound and simple valley glaciers contribute 67.1 ± 1.3% and 19.8 ± 0.3% to the total glacier cover of the basin. Similarly, a total number of 129 glacial lakes (0.360 ± 0.007 km2) are identified. From 1976 to 2011, the compound valley glaciers have lost a small area of 10.3 ± 0.03% at a rate of 0.41 ± 0.002 km2 a-1, whereas the niche glaciers have lost higher area of 40.1 ± 0.001% at a rate of 0.04 ± 0.0001 km2 a-1. Change detection of two benchmark glacial lakes revealed a progressive expansion during recent decades. The Baspa Bamak proglacial lake has expanded from 0.020 ± 0.0004 km2 (2000) to 0.069 ± 0.001 km2 (2011). Due to the complete loss of source ice, another glacial lake has expanded from 0.09 ± 0.001 km2 (1994) to 0.10 ± 0.002 km2 (2011). During the study period, the mean annual temperature that is Tavg, Tmin and Tmax have increased significantly at the 95% confidence level by 1.5 oC (0.070 °C a-1), 1.8 oC (0.076 °C a-1) and 1.6 oC (0.0071 °C a-1) from 1985 to 2008. However, the precipitation has decreased significantly from 1976 and 1985 to 2008.  相似文献   

Himalayan glaciers and their mass balance are poorly sampled through direct mass balance measurements. Thus, based on Landsat datasets of ETM+ (2000), ETM+ (2006) and TM (2011), mass balance studies of 32 glaciers was carried out using accumulation area ratio (AAR) method in the Tirungkhad river basin, a tributary of Satluj River, located in western Himalayan region. The overall specific mass balance was negative varying from ?27 cm (2000) to ?41 cm (2011). Out of 32 glaciers, 27 glaciers (81.2 %) showed negative mean mass balance and 5 glaciers (18.7 %) showed positive mean mass balance. Mean of specific mass balance for the year 2000, 2006 and 2011 was found to be ?48 cm, ?55 cm and ?0.61 cm respectively, in case of glaciers with negative mass balance while in case of glaciers with positive mass balance, it was 0.67 cm (2000), 0.56 cm (2006) and 0.47 cm (2011). The investigations suggested a loss of ?0.034 km3 of glacial ice for 2000, 0.036 km3 for 2006 and 0.038 km3 for 2011 respectively. The negative mass balance of the glaciers since 2000 correlates well with the increasing trend of annual mean temperature and decreasing trend of precipitation (snow water equivalent (SWE) and rainfall). Based on Mann Kendall test the temperature and SWE trends were significant at 95 % confidence level, however, the rainfall trend was insignificant.  相似文献   

The Himalayas has one of the largest concentrations of glaciers outside the Polar Regions. Various reports suggest that significant number of mountain glaciers is shrinking due to climatic variations. Monitoring of these glaciers is important to assess future availability of water resources in the Himalayan region. However, Himalayan glaciers are normally difficult to monitor due to the rugged, mountainous terrain. Therefore, images of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite were used to monitor glaciers in the Baspa basin. Investigations have shown the presence of 30 glaciers in the basin, with areal extent of 167 km2. Out of these, 19 glaciers, with areal extent of 140 km2 were selected to estimate retreat. Investigation suggests that almost all glaciers are retreating in the study basin and overall 19% deglaciation has been observed from 1962 to 2001. In general, altitude distribution appears to have significant influence on glacial retreat. Glaciers located around 5000 m altitude range are showing 24% loss as compared to 14% by glaciers located in altitude range higher than 5400 m. In addition, mean altitude of glacier terminus is shifted upward by 88 m, i.e. from 4482 to 4570 m in last 39 years. The glacial volumes were estimated using regression relationship between area and depth. The investigations have suggested that 19.10 km3 of glacial water stored in the 19 glaciers in 1962, has been reduced to 14.71 km3 in 2001, respectively, an overall loss of 23 percent in a period between 1962 and 2001. These investigations suggest that all glaciers in the Baspa Basin are reducing and in long term, such reducing trend can create scarcity of water in the region.  相似文献   

Countries like Iran, which are geographically situated in a rather arid and warm regions, will suffer more from global warming than countries located in humid and semi-humid regions. In such environments, analyzing the variations of mountain glaciers can reveal several aspects of climate change patterns more efficiently in comparison to the other geo-indicators. The present study reports some evidence of changes for Alamkouh glacier between 1955 and 2010 based on several mediums to high-resolution satellite images. Considering that most part of the Alamkouh glacier is covered by debris and delineating its actual area is not possible, planimetric change analysis was restricted to the clean-ice regions. The object-oriented classification approach was used to estimate the clean ice areas. This technique takes into account the shapes of the features along with their spectral patterns. Results revealed that clean ice regions of Alamkouh glacier shrank since 1955 with an overall area reduction of about 59 %. Although the general observed trend is a clean ice area reduction, some advancement was detected over the period from 2000 to 2010. During 1992–2000, the maximum reduction in the clean ice area was observed (0.08 km2.a?1). However, clean ice area of the case study has partially increased about 0.028 km2.a?1 from 2000 to 2010. Supra-glacial lake change analysis illustrated that at the surface of the glacier, lakes have been enlarged remarkably in the past 55 years (about 4.75 times greater). In addition, clean ice area and the surface area of supra-glacial lakes oscillated in compliance with each other. The findings revealed that the maximum expansion of supra-glacial lake occurred during 1992–2000, which demonstrate the glacier maximum reduction during this period. This shrinkage in the Alamkouh glacier caused an extensive glacial lake outburst flood in Jun 2011. The results of this study agree with documented changes in other mountain glaciers located in arid and semi-arid environments and they also confirm the application of mountain glaciers in climate variations monitoring over such regions.  相似文献   

Himalayas possess one of the largest resources of snow, ice and glaciers that act as a huge freshwater reservoir. Monitoring the glaciers is important to assess the overall reservoir health of the Himalayas. Samudra Tapu is one of the largest glaciers in Chandra basin of district Lahaul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Based on the field investigations and the remote sensing techniques. features such as accumulation area, ablation area snowline/equilibrium line, moraine-dammed lakes and permanent snowfields were mapped. The glacial terminus was identified using moraine-dammed lake, as lake is located at down streamside of the terminus. The total recession of glacier during the period of 38 years (1962–2000) is about 742 m with an average rate of 19.5 m/yr. In addition, glacial extent is reduced from 73 to 65 km2 between 1962 and 2000. suggesting overall deglaciation of 11%. During field investigation. three stages of glaciation using terminal moraine were identified. These moraines were mapped by merging LISS-II1 and PAN data. At the peak of glaciation. the glacial terminus was extended 3.18 km downstream of terminus position in year 2000. Total area during peak of glaciation period has been observed to be 77.67 km2, which is 12.67 km2 higher than the present glacier extent.  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify and forecast future land cover (LC) by using the Land Transformation Model (LTM), which considers pixel changes in the past and makes predictions using influential spatial features. LTM applies the Artificial Neural Networks algorithm) in conducting the analysis. In line with these objectives, two satellite images (Spot 5 acquired in 2004 and 2010) were classified using the Maximum Likelihood method for the change detection analysis. Consequently, LC maps from 2004 to 2010 with six classes (forest, agriculture, oil palm cultivations, open area, urban, and water bodies) were generated from the test area. A prediction was made on the actual soil erosion and the soil erosion rate using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) combined with remote sensing and GIS in the Semenyih watershed for 2004 and 2010 and projected to 2016. Actual and potential soil erosion maps from 2004 to 2010 and projected to 2016 were eventually generated. The results of the LC change detections indicated that three major changes were predicted from 2004 to 2016 (a period of 12 years): (1) forest cover and open area significantly decreased at rates of almost 30 and 8 km2, respectively; (2) cultivated land and oil palm have shown an increment in sizes at rates of 25.02 and 5.77 km2, respectively; and, (3) settlement and Urbanization has intensified also by almost 5 km2. Soil erosion risk analysis results also showed that the Semenyih basin exhibited an average annual soil erosion between 143.35 ton ha?1 year?1 in 2004 and 151 in 2010, followed by the expected 162.24 ton ha?1 year?1. These results indicated that Semenyih is prone to water erosion by 2016. The wide range of erosion classes were estimated at a very low level (0–1 t/ha/year) and mainly located on steep lands and forest areas. This study has shown that using both LTM and USLE in combination with remote sensing and GIS is a suitable method for forecasting LC and accurately measuring the amount of soil losses in the future.  相似文献   

In many flood prone river basins, water inundates vast areas of land causing loss of life and heavy damage to the dwellings in flood plains. It also impacts agricultural productivity and cause severe economic losses. One of the reasons for flooding in plains of Brahmaputra valley in north east India is embankment breaching. In this study, an attempt was made for probabilistic flood hazard modelling of July 2008 embankment breaching scenario of Brahmaputra river at Matmara village, Lakhimpur district in Assam, based on various numerical simulations with the help of Center for Computational Hydro science and Engineering hydro-dynamic model. The methodology was applied over 2146 km2 flood prone area. Data inputs in the study include: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Digital Elevation Model, Pre-flood and Post flood satellite images of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and other ancillary data. The simulation was carried out for various discharge levels based on flood frequency analysis. The result of the model includes spatial variations of inundated water depth and water velocity. The results were validated by comparing it with the post-flood ETM+ data and flood situation status report of National Informatics Centre. Flood hazard maps were prepared by carrying out a spatial analysis of simulated inundation depth and velocity. It was seen that the majority of flooded area fell into the very high and high categories. This information can be used to plan appropriate cost effective flood mitigation schemes.  相似文献   

The changes in the land use and land cover (LULC), above ground biomass (AGB) and the associated above ground carbon (AGC) stocks were assessed in Lidder Valley, Kashmir Himalaya using satellite data (1980–2013), allometric equations and phytosociological data. Change detection analysis of LULC, comprising of eight vegetation and five non-vegetation types, indicated that 6% (74.5 km2) of the dense evergreen forest has degraded. Degraded forest and settlement increased by 20 and 52.8 km2, respectively. Normalized difference vegetation index was assessed and correlated with the field-based biomass estimates to arrive at best-fit models for remotely sensed AGB estimates for 2005 and 2013. Total loss of 1.018 Megatons of AGB and 0.5 Megatons of AGC was estimated from the area during 33-year period which would have an adverse effect on the carbon sequestration potential of the area which is already facing the brunt of climate change.  相似文献   

Ardeotis nigriceps, commonly known as Great Indian Bustard (GIB), is a Critically Endangered, Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Threatened (EDGE) and endemic species to the Indian subcontinent. GIB is under tremendous threat in its last strongholds and sliding inextricably towards extinction. The GIB sanctuary in Maharashtra (India) is one of the last refuges of the bird constituting an area of 8496 km2 spread over in seven talukas of Solapur and Ahemednagar districts. Major portion of the sanctuary (94.3 %) consists of privately owned lands under a variety of economic vocations and large number of villages and townships. In view of the legal restrictions relating to Protected Area under the Wildlife (Protection) Act of India 1972, the inhabitants of villages and townships faced a very difficult situation regarding use of their lands, development of properties and deriving benefits from planned local and regional development. This created conflict between local people and the forest department over the use of land, which necessitated the rationalization of the sanctuary. The objective of the present study was to map the suitable habitat of GIB in GIB Wildlife Sanctuary as an input for the realignment of the GIB Sanctuary by identifying areas that are important for the GIB. Main parameters considered for the habitat suitability assessments are, habit and habitat of GIB, slope, minimum patch size and disturbance sources. Based on the criteria derived for the ecological and biological requirements of GIB, binary deductive habitat suitability modeling has been done using remote sensing and GIS and prioritized the potential habitats of GIB. The net area of important suitable habitat of GIB in GIB sanctuary is 2304.99 km2 out of 8496.44 km2. The output of the present study has been used as an input by the committee (set by Honorable Supreme court of India) on rationalization of the GIB Sanctuary and the sanctuary has been rationalized with an area of 1222 km2.  相似文献   

The study of advancement and recession of the glaciers in the Himalayas is essential due to their contrasting response towards climatic change. In the present study, Survey of India (SOI) topographical maps of 1962, IRS: LISS-III image of 2001 and LANDSAT-5: TM (Thematic Mapper) image of 2009 were used to analyze the glacier fluctuations in a part of Zanskar valley. The analysis carried out on 212 glaciers indicated decrease of 57 km2 (8 %) of glacier area over many glacier which was partly compensated with area increase by 42 km2 (6 %) in other glaciers, resulting an overall glacier area decrease by only 15 km2 (2 %) from 1962–2001. Due to glacier fragmentation the number of glaciers increased from 212 in 1962 to 238 by 2001. Although majority of glaciers (88 %) exhibited retreat (up to 13 my?1), minor advancement (<15 my?1) also took place in few glaciers during this period. Advancement took place mainly in larger glaciers (2–5 km2 and >5 km2) located over wider altitudinal range (700 m–1,000 m) whereas smaller glaciers (<2 km2) with narrow altitudinal range (100 m–500 m) exhibited retreat. The supraglacial debris analysis indicated that percentage of debris cover over glaciers ranges from 1.43 % to 18.15 %. Smaller glaciers (<2 km2) were debris free in comparison to the larger glaciers (>5 km2). During 2001–2009 majority of the glaciers were apparently stable in terms of their area and snout position indicating less impact of climate forcing in parts of Zanskar valley as compared to other parts of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

This study discusses the formation and variations of supraglacial lakes on the Baltoro glacier system in the central Karakoram Himalaya during the last four decades. We mapped supraglacial lakes on the Baltoro Glacier from 1978 to 2014 using Landsat MSS, TM, ETM + and LCDM images. Most of the glacial lakes were formed or expanded during the late 1970s–2008. After 2008, the total number and the area of glacial lakes were found to be lesser compared to previous years. We tried to find any teleconnections exists between the glacial lake changes in this region and the pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), which entered its prolonged warm regime in the late 1970s and again to its cold regime in 2008, based on observational investigation. The decrease in the number and area of the supraglacial lakes after 2008 is hypothesised to be linked with the recent cold phase of PDO.  相似文献   

Groundwater exploration and modelling requires hydrological parameters and a large volume of hydrologic database. This study integrates remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) to map and classify hydrological parameters indicates areas of groundwater recharge and discharge. Bivariate quadratic surfaces with moving window size of 5 × 5 were fitted to the digital elevation model and drainage basins, drainage network, topographic wetness index (TWI) and hydroforms were derived. The eight-direction algorithm (D8) that determines in which neighbouring pixel any water in a central pixel will flow naturally was used to delineate drainage basin and drainage network in the study area. The TWI was used to quantify the effect of local topography on hydrological processes and for modelling soil moisture. The results indicate the presence of intensive of stream network (1336 km2), wettest zones and accumulation zones (63.99 km2) within Wadi Bih, the UAE and Wadi Khasb, Oman, suggesting regional recharge.  相似文献   

The studies on forest cover change can reveal the status of forests and facilitate for its conservation planning. Idukki is the largest district in the state of Kerala having a total geographical area of 5019 km2. The objectives of the present study are to map forest cover in Idukki district using multi-temporal remote sensing data (1975, 1990, 2001 and 2012) and topographical maps (1925), to analyze the trends in deforestation and land use changes. Overall statistics for the period of 1925 indicate that about 4675.7 km2 (93.2 %) of the landscape was under forest. The forest cover in 2012 was estimated as 2613.4 km2 (52.1 %). Recently, due to the implementation of policies and protection efforts, the rate of deforestation was greatly reduced. The commencement of hydroelectric projects during 1925–1990 responsible for an increase of area under water bodies by inundating other land uses. The long term analysis shows agricultural area been decreasing and commercial plantations been increasing in the district. There has been a significant increase in the area of plantations from 1236.2 km2 (1975) to 1317.3 km2 (2012).  相似文献   

The alpine lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are highly sensitive to variations in climate changes, and the lake ice phenology and water level are considered to be direct indicators of regional climate variability. In this study, we first used 14 years of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer snow cover products to analyse the freeze dates, ablation dates, and ice coverage durations. The lake level changes during 2002–2015 were estimated, derived from satellite altimetry and Hydroweb data. Unexpectedly, the freeze dates of lake ice greatly advanced, and the ablation dates were markedly delayed. The complete freezing duration lengthened by approximately 77 days. As a result of the warm-wet climate in the northern TP, the lake area expanded from 770 to 995 km2 during 2002–2015, and the water levels rose by 4.2 m in total, at a rate of 0.3 m/year. The progressive expansion of Ayakekumu Lake profoundly affected the ice phenology. Larger water volume with larger thermal capacity likely led to the delaying of ablation dates, with the freezing point depression caused by decreasing salinity. Some new narrow and shallow bays located in southern and eastern Ayakekumu Lake were conducive to early freezing of ice. Additionally, the changes in air temperature, precipitation, potential evaporation, and sunshine duration may be related to the prolonged ice cover duration since 2002. In sum, accurate measurements of lake ice and water levels are critical for understanding the water resource balance and hydrologic cycle in arid or semi-arid regions of China.  相似文献   


The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of plant richness in Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary in Sikkim, a Himalayan State of India located in the “Indo‐Burma” biodiversity hotspot. Remotely sensed data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS‐1C Linear Imaging Self‐Scanner (LISS‐III) and field‐based methods were synergistically used to model plant richness on 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by East Himalayan Moist Temperate Forest (55.50%), followed by Rhododendron Forest (23.77%), Degraded Forest (6.66%) and Hemlock Forest (0.78%). The vegetation map prepared through digital interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance in terms of disturbance index. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, total importance value and terrain complexity was modeled to assess the plant richness in this unique sanctuary. Out of the 120 km2 of the total geographical area of the sanctuary, 28.45 per cent was found to possess very high plant richness followed by high (50.84%), medium (6.96%) and low richness (13.75%). It was noted that plant richness assessment at ecosystem level presents a more realistic picture than at landscape level. The study demonstrated that remote sensing coupled with landscape analysis, ground inventory data and geospatial modeling holds good potential for rapid and operational assessment of plant richness.  相似文献   

Sundarban, the largest single patch of mangrove forest of the world is shared by Bangladesh (~ 60 %) and India (~ 40 %). Loss of mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide is reported from different parts of the world. We estimated the loss of above ground mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide in the Indian part of the Sundarban during the last four decades. The loss of mangrove area has been estimated with the help of remotely sensed data and potential emission of carbon dioxide has been evaluated with the help of published above ground biomass data of Indian Sundarban. Total loss of mangrove area was found to be 107 km2 between the year 1975 and 2013. Amongst the total loss ~60 % was washed away in the water by erosion, ~ 23 % was converted into barren lands and the rest were anthropogenically transformed into other landforms. The potential carbon dioxide emission due to the degradation of above ground biomass was estimated to be 1567.98 ± 551.69 Gg during this period, which may account to 64.29 million $ in terms of the social cost of carbon. About three-forth of the total mangrove loss was found in the peripheral islands which are much more prone to erosion. Climate induced changes and anthropogenic land use change could be the major driving force behind this loss of ‘blue carbon’.  相似文献   

The urban forest plays an important role in mitigating the urban heat island. However, the cooling effects of different types of urban forest are unclear. In addition, the fairness of the cooling effect of the urban forest has not been discussed. In this study, the land surface temperature (LST) of Changchun City, China was obtained from Landsat ETM+ data and then correlated with detailed urban forest information derived from the high-spatial-resolution Google Maps in order to determine the cooling intensity and cooling distance of different types of urban forest. In addition, the Gini coefficient was used to evaluate the equity of cooling services provided by the urban forest. The results indicated that (1) the total area of urban forest in Changchun City is 106.69 km2 and is composed of attached forest (AF, 45.83 km2), road forest (RF, 23.87 km2), ecological public welfare forest (EF, 23.24 km2) and landscape forest (LF, 13.75 km2); (2) the cooling effect of different types of urban forest varies. The cooling intensity and cooling distance are 3.2 °C and 125 m (LF), 0.2 °C and 150 m (EF) and 0.6 °C and 5 m (AF), and RF had no cooling effect; and (3) the cooling effect of urban forest benefits approximately 760,000 people in Changchun City, and the Gini coefficient of the cooling services of urban forest was 0.29, indicating that the cooling service was reasonable. Therefore, we demonstrated that ETM+ and Google data are a convenient and affordable approach to study the LST on an urban scale, and the Gini coefficient could be a meaningful indicator to evaluate urban ecological services.  相似文献   

Swades Pal 《国际地球制图》2019,34(10):1055-1074
Punarbhaba river of Indo-Bangladesh has experienced hydro-ecological alteration after installation of Komardanga dam in 1992 and consequently wetland and inundation areas have undergone into transformation. The present work intends to explore the impact of flow attenuation on contemporary and upcoming flood extent and flood plain wetlands. In post-dam condition, average and maximum flows are attenuated by 36 and 41%, respectively, and as a result the active flood prone area is squeezed considerably by 39.72%. Average flood water depth is also reduced by 37.87% (4.45metre) after flow modification. Due to shrinkages of flood prone areas, wetland area is also reduced from 215.70 to 90.40 km2 and larger part of the present wetland area is under stress and critical state. Predicted flood prone areas in next 25 years will be 328.91 km2 and consequently 65.63 km2 wetland areas may further be under hydro-ecological threats. Release of ecological flow is essential to restore and preserve the wetland.  相似文献   

The study area, Hesaraghatta watershed is located between 77° 20′ to 77° 42′ E longitude and 13° 10′ to 13° 24′ N latitude with an area of 600.01 km2. Thematic layers such as Land Use/Land Cover, drainage, soil and hydrological soil group were generated from IRS–1D LISS III satellite data (FCC). An attempt was made to estimate runoff using Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number model and it was estimated to be 1960, 2066, 1870 and 1810 mm for sub-watersheds 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Quantitative morphometric analysis was carried out for the entire watershed and the four sub-watersheds independently by estimating their (a) linear aspects like stream order, stream length, stream length ratio, bifurcation ratio, length of overland flow, drainage pattern (b) aerial aspects like shape factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio and drainage density and (c) relief aspects like basin relief, relief ratio, relative relief and ruggedness number. Drainage density was estimated to be 1.23 km/km2 designating the study area as a very coarse textured watershed.  相似文献   

Interpretation of multi-date satellite imagery has revealed changes in land use/land cover pattern in the Godavari deltaic region during the past 26 years. The area under intensive agriculture has increased from 1459 to 3500 km2 and the extent of wetland from 368 to 648 km2 during the period 1973-1999, while the seasonal fallow has decreased by 2321 km2. Analysis of the climatic data of 1970-1998 from different stations covering the entire 5100 km2 area of the delta indicated that the day time temperatures have decreased by 0.2° C to 0.7° C, while the night time temperatures have increased by 0.5° C to 0.6° C during the past three decades. At the same time the rainfall has increased by about 75 to 479 mm. These trends in the climatic parameters arc attributed to the increased vegetation cover and wetland extent in the Godavari deltaic region.  相似文献   

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