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滇黔北坳陷及邻区下志留统龙马溪组页岩气储层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于8口钻井、2个剖面点的岩样观察和测试分析,滇黔北坳陷及邻区下志留统龙马溪组下段是富有机质泥页岩发育的层段,有机质演化达到过成熟阶段。X衍射全岩分析表明,龙马溪组泥页岩由黏土矿物、石英、碳酸盐、长石、黄铁矿等矿物组成,黏土矿物则以伊利石为主。泥页岩的平均脆性指数56.11%~73.21%,压裂时易于形成网络裂缝;常规物性测试,孔隙度、渗透率很低,扫描电镜观察,纳米级孔隙和裂缝发育。  相似文献   

熊绍云  王鹏万  黄羚  邹辰  贺训云  李昌  徐政语 《地质学报》2020,94(11):3471-3487
以详细的岩相研究为基础,利用岩相的垂向叠置关系,结合测井、有机地球化学、沉积特征、矿物学特征、元素地球化学等分析,将中、上扬子下志留统龙马溪组划分为2个具有完整海侵和海退的三级层序,即SQ1~SQ2,平均延时约为2.5Ma。龙马溪组页岩储层主要发育7种成因类型的微米—纳米级微观储集空间,裂缝储集空间为构造剪裂缝和页理缝2类。通过不同孔径孔隙体积与有机碳含量的关系以及页岩对甲烷吸附能力分析,页岩储层孔隙发育主要受有机碳含量控制。富有机质页岩发育受控于有机质生产力、有机质聚集及有机质保存,最大海泛面附近的δ13Corg介于-31‰~-30‰之间,高活性铁含量介于1.0%~1.56%之间,δ13Corg负漂移及高活性铁含量最大,指示了最高的古生产力;沉积速率在最大海泛面附近约为7.5m/Ma,较低的沉积速率有利于有机碳聚集,其有机碳含量高达2%~6%;最大海泛面附近Th/U比值一般为0.24~0.54,V/Cr比值为5.26~8.27,表现出强缺氧还原环境,有利于有机质保存。因此,最大海泛面附近为富有机质...  相似文献   

根据野外露头地质调查、最新钻井及样品测试等基础资料,以富有机质页岩形成的地质背景及展布特征——页岩气聚集条件—勘探有利区预测为主线,对黔西北地区上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组页岩气成藏条件进行分析,并采用综合信息叠合法对黔西北地区有利区进行预测。研究发现,页岩气发育的富有机质页岩段主要位于五峰组和龙马溪组底部,具有分布面积广、厚度大、有机质含量高、有机质类型好等特点,且具有充足的储集空间和运移通道。现场解吸实验表明,该套富有机质页岩具有良好的含气性能。总体分析,该区域与北美典型页岩气盆地具有良好的地质对比性,具有良好的页岩气聚集条件,是页岩气勘探研究以及后期页岩气开发的重要领域。  相似文献   

储层孔隙特征和孔隙结构是影响页岩气赋存与储集的重要因素。为评价海陆过渡相高演化煤系页岩储层性质与页岩气储集性能,应用扫描电子显微镜、高压压汞、低温N2和 CO2气体吸附、微米CT扫描、核磁共振实验方法,对沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩气储层孔隙微观特征和孔隙结构进行了研究。结果表明,沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩样品中发育多种类型微观孔隙,常见粒间孔、粒内孔和微裂缝,有机质孔几乎不发育;武乡区块煤系页岩气储层样品孔隙总孔容分布在0.021 9~0.073 5 mL/g之间,平均值为0.039 9 mL/g,总比表面积主要分布在11.94~46.83 m2/g之间,平均为29.16 m2/g,其中介孔(2~50 nm)和微孔(<2 nm)是煤系页岩气储集的主要载体。煤系页岩中的高配位数孔隙数量越多,相应的孔容和孔比表面积越大,孔隙连通性越好;在孔隙数量和总孔容相差不大的前提下,山西组煤系页岩储层孔隙结构与连通性比太原组煤系页岩稍好。  相似文献   

The pores in shales are mainly of nanometer-scale, and their pore size distribution is very important for the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focused on the organic-rich Lower Silurian black shale from four wells in the Upper Yangtze Platform, and their TOC, mineralogical composition and pore characterization were investigated. Low pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the pore structures were characterized by modified Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR), t-plot, Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and density functional theory (DFT) methods and then the relationship between pore structure and shale gas sorption capacity was discussed. The results indicate that (1) The Lower Silurian shale has high TOC content of 0.92%–4.96%, high quartz content of 30.6%–69.5%, and high clays content of 24.1%–51.2%. The total specific surface area varies from 7.56 m2/g to 25.86 m2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with higher TOC content have more micropores, which results in more complex nanopore structure. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with the increasing TOC content. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3–60 nm) and has high reliability and accuracy for nanopore structure characterization. (4) The TOC content is the key factor to control the gas sorption capacity of the Lower Silurian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

上扬子区古生界页岩的微观孔隙结构特征及其勘探启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
页岩的微观孔隙是评价页岩气资源潜力以及是否具有开采价值的重要指标。对上扬子区遵义、通江、广元等地下寒武统牛蹄塘组、下志留统龙马溪组和上二叠统大隆组的页岩进行采样,运用扫描电镜、氮气吸附和压汞实验对这些页岩的孔隙结构特征及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,大隆组页岩具有很低的比表面积和孔隙度,其中孔径小于100 nm的孔对孔隙度的贡献率在10%左右,主要孔隙类型为草莓体黄铁矿晶间孔;龙马溪组和牛蹄塘组页岩则具有较高的比表面积和孔隙度,50%~80%以上的孔隙度来自小于100 nm孔的贡献,主要孔隙类型是干酪根孔隙和溶蚀孔隙。认为页岩微观孔隙的发育与页岩的类型、溶蚀作用以及成熟度等因素有关。  相似文献   

黄磊  申维 《地学前缘》2015,22(1):374-385
运用扫描电镜、氩离子抛光场发射电子扫描显微成像与核磁共振测试技术,对渝东南地区Y1井龙马溪组页岩的微米级孔隙、纳米级孔隙和微裂缝发育特征3个层面分别进行定量表征。结合总有机碳含量、有机质显微组分及成熟度、黏土矿物及全岩X射线衍射分析等测试数据,对孔隙发育特征主控因素进行分析。对页岩微米级孔隙发育有促进作用的因素有石英含量和伊利石含量,具有抑制作用的因素有碳酸盐含量和埋藏深度;对有机质纳米级孔隙发育有促进作用的因素有有机质成熟度和伊蒙混层含量,具有抑制作用的因素为方解石含量;对微裂缝发育有促进作用的因素有石英含量、有机质成熟度和总有机碳含量,具有抑制作用的因素是碳酸盐含量。  相似文献   

四川盆地南部(简称“川南”) 广泛发育多套下古生界海相泥页岩层系,其中龙马溪组为该区一套优良的烃源岩 层,具备优越的页岩气形成条件。根据长宁和威远页岩气探区的钻井岩心、露头样品分析资料,对川南地区下志留统龙马 溪组页岩有机质特征及其对页岩气富集规律的影响进行研究后表明,川南龙马溪组页岩的有机质类型为Ⅰ~Ⅱ1型,有机 碳含量较高(平均为2.52%),热演化程度为2.0%~3.8%,达到了高-过成熟阶段;研究区的有机质特征对页岩气的富集具 有重要的影响,干酪根的类型决定着甲烷吸附能力强弱,有机质丰度和有机演化程度决定了页岩的生气量和含气量,同时 高TOC和Ro也能促进有机质微孔隙的发育,为页岩气的富集提供更多有利空间。因此,研究认为川南地区龙马溪组有机质 特征较好,有利于页岩气的富集成藏。  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale is widely distributed in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, which is the key stratum for marine shale gas exploration and development(ED) in China. Based on sedimentary environment, material basis, storage space, fracability and reservoir evolution data, the reservoir characteristics of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale and their significance for shale gas ED are systematically compared and analyzed in this paper. The results show that(1) the depocenter of the Wufeng(WF)-Longmaxi(LM) shale gradually migrates from east to west. The high-quality shale reservoirs in the eastern Sichuan Basin are mainly siliceous shales, which are primarily distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM5. The high-quality reservoirs in the southern Sichuan Basin are mainly calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales, which are distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM7.(2) Deep shale gas(the burial depth 3500 m) in the Sichuan Basin has high-ultrahigh pressure and superior physical properties. The organic-rich siliceous, calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales have suitable reservoir properties. The marginal area of the Sichuan Basin has a higher degree of pressure relief, which leads to the argillaceous and silty shales evolving into direct cap rocks with poor reservoir/good sealing capacity.(3) Combining shale gas exploration practices and impacts of lithofacies, depth, pressure coefficient and brittle-ductile transition on the reservoir properties, it is concluded that the favorable depth interval of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas is 2200~4000 m under current technical conditions.(4) Aiming at the differential reservoir properties of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, several suggestions for future research directions and ED of shale gas are formulated.  相似文献   

The pores in shales are mainly on a nanometer scale, and the pore-size distribution is vital with regard to the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focuses on the organic-rich lower Cambrian black shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China and investigates their TOC, mineralogical composition and nanopore structure. Low-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption experiments were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the nanopore structures were characterised by the modified Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, Dubinin–Radushkevich, t-plot, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda and density functional theory (DFT) methods. The results indicate the following. (1) The lower Cambrian shale has a high TOC content (1.77–7.23 wt%) and a high quartz content (27.7–51.6 vol%). The total specific surface area varies from 12.02 to 28.87 m2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with a higher TOC content have a greater number of micropores, resulting in more complicated nanopore structures. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with increasing TOC content, indicating that TOC is the key factor determining the nanopore structure of the lower Cambrian shale. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3–60 nm) and is both highly reliable and accurate with regard to nanopore structure characterisation.  相似文献   

贵州龙马溪组页岩气储层特征及其分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评价贵州省志留系下统龙马溪组页岩气资源开发潜力,开展了野外地质调查及页岩气井勘探工作,研究了龙马溪组页岩气储层特征及其分布规律。研究表明:贵州龙马溪组地层主要分布于遵义-余庆一线以北,页岩干酪根类型以I型和II1型为主,有机碳质量分数普遍小于2%,Ro值为1.5%~3.39%,且下部有机质成熟度明显高于上部;页岩矿物组成以碎屑矿物及黏土矿物为主,表现出较强脆性;页岩孔隙相对发育,以孔隙型、孔隙-裂缝型储集空间为主,主缝、微缝、粘土矿物层间孔缝形成理想的解吸-渗流通道;页岩抗压、抗张强度差异较大,但水介质对页岩强度的影响不大;页岩含气量范围0.63~2.81 m3/t,表现出随深度增加而增大的趋势;扬子地台所历经的多期次构造活动对区域页岩气保存产生了重要影响,正安-务川-沿河以北是贵州龙马溪组页岩气保存的有利区。  相似文献   

湖南地处扬子陆块和华夏古陆过渡区,湘西北地区至雪峰山东南缘基本位于扬子地台,此区域属南方海相页岩气远景区。本文主要选取地质构造条件优越、页岩气特征较为明显的龙马溪组黑色页岩层作为主要研究对象。研究表明,龙马溪组黑色页岩分布面积广、有机碳含量高(TOC平均值为2.0%)、热演化程度高(Ro平均值为2.59%)、低孔低渗(孔隙度平均值为2.3%、渗透率小于0.04×10-3μm2);黑色页岩产出厚度在石门-桑植复向斜至龙山、来凤一带较厚,基本大于30 m。而其整体埋深范围在1000~2000m之间为主,产出较为平缓。总体认为,此套含气页岩有待进一步详细勘探和研究,也是十分有开发潜力的页岩气目标层。优选区集中在石门-桑植复向斜至雪峰山东南缘。  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical analyses, in addition to isothermal adsorption experiments on field samples, are used to characterise the sedimentary environments, reservoirs and adsorbed gas of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng–lower Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas. The sedimentary environment of the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is a deep-water shelf with five different lithologies identified: siliceous shale, black shale, siltstone, biolithite limestone and bentonite. The black shale in the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is 50 m thick, with an average organic carbon content (TOC) of 3.81 wt% and a maturity (Ro) of 1.62%. Quartz comprises 54.94 vol% of the shale and positively correlates with the TOC. Micropores in the black shale include intergranular pores, intragranular pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Among these pores, spaces between clay sheets and organic molecules represent a favourable storage space for the accumulation and preservation of oil and gas. The Langmuir volume parameter ranges between 1.52 and 3.01 cm3/g, with an average value of 2.33 cm3/g. The presence of organic matter pores and pores between clay sheets in the black shale is the main and controlling factor for accumulated gas.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study is based on the sedimentation conditions, organic geochemistry, storage spaces, physical properties, lithology and gas content of the shale gas reservoirs in Longmaxi Formation of the Jiaoshiba area and the gas accumulation mode is summarized and then compared with that in northern America. The shale gas reservoirs in the Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoshiba have good geological conditions, great thickness of quality shales, high organic content, high gas content, good physical properties, suitable depth, good preservation conditions and good reservoir types. The quality shales at the bottom of the deep shelf are the main target interval for shale gas exploration and development. Shale gas in the Longmaxi Formation has undergone three main reservoiring stages: the early stage of hydrocarbon generation and compaction when shale gas reservoirs were first formed; the middle stage of deep burial and large-scale hydrocarbon generation, which caused the enrichment of reservoirs with shale gas; the late stage of uplift, erosion and fracture development when shale gas reservoirs were finally formed.  相似文献   

四川盆地南部地区广泛发育下古生界寒武系、志留系等多套海相页岩层,其中龙马溪组是该区页岩气勘探开发的重点目标层。根据钻井岩心资料,通过有机碳、热解、碳同位素、等温吸附等地球化学实验分析,对川南地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩的有机质特征及其对页岩含气量的影响进行了研究。结果表明,川南地区龙马溪组页岩有机碳含量较高(平均1.53%),有机质类型较好(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型),热演化程度高(Ro为1.94%~2.42%),且页岩含气量较高(平均1.85m3/t)。页岩有机质特征是影响页岩含气量的主要因素,有机质丰度、有机质类型和热演化程度三者共同决定了川南地区龙马溪组页岩的含气量。  相似文献   

【研究目的】下扬子地区上二叠统广泛发育龙潭组-大隆组暗色页岩,是中国页岩气调查的重点层位。目前该区勘探程度低,导致对该区页岩气成藏条件认识不清。【研究方法】通过龙潭组和大隆组页岩地球化学特征、储集性能,以及保存条件等方面的研究,对该区页岩气资源潜力进行了评价,对有利区进行了优选。【研究结果】龙潭组和大隆组有机质丰度高,TOC含量普遍大于2.0%,热演化程度适中(介于1.3%~2.5%),储集空间以墨水瓶和狭缝状中孔为主,脆性矿物含量普遍高于50%,具有较好的生烃物质基础和可压裂性。龙潭组页岩累计厚度较大,具有良好的自封闭能力,保存条件总体优于大隆组。二者均发育多种类型的裂缝,是页岩气逸散的主要通道,此外,后期岩浆活动较为频繁,对于页岩气有很强的破坏作用,保存条件是页岩气富集的关键。【结论】下扬子地区上二叠统页岩气选区评价应以沉积环境、生烃能力、储集性能等为基础,以页岩气保存条件为关键,采取“强中找弱”的原则进行,最终在下扬子地区大隆组和龙潭组分别划分了5个有利区。  相似文献   

研究区位于滇黔北坳陷威信凹陷的中西部区域——川南低陡褶皱带南缘带,本文利用钻井、野外露头、区域地质等资料,对研究区龙马溪组页岩气基本地质特征进行了分析,并采用体积法对页岩气资源量进行了评价。研究成果表明,区内龙马溪组下段暗色页岩有机质含量及成熟度较高,有机质类型偏腐泥型;岩石脆性矿物含量高,物性一般,总含气量中等,总体与长宁、威远等邻区同层位产气页岩较为相似,并与北美主要产气页岩具有一定可比性。初步估算研究区龙马溪组页岩气资源量24871.8×10~8m~3,展现出良好的勘探前景,但受储层发育、保存条件等影响,页岩气资源分布严重不均,纵向上质量较好的页岩气资源主要集中在龙马溪组底部第1小层,平面上主要分布于研究区北部的川南低陡褶皱带内,该区内保存条件好的宽缓复向斜带和箱状背斜构造带是下步勘探的有利区。  相似文献   

张静平  唐书恒  郭东鑫 《地质通报》2011,30(0203):357-363
四川盆地下寒武统筇竹寺组和下志留统龙马溪组为盆地内重要的气源岩,在常规气田勘探中发现广泛的油气显示,表明其具有页岩气勘探的良好前景。在页岩气勘探初期,应该先进行优先层段优先区块的深入研究。目前,多名学者对筇竹寺组、龙马溪组的特征和页岩气发育的有利区位做出了预测,但使用方法不完善、不统一,评价指标比较混乱。在系统分析Fort Worth盆地Barnett页岩优选区块特征的基础上,参照美国地质调查局对Barnett页岩的选区原则,结合四川盆地自身的特征,选取页岩层总厚度、TOC、Ro、埋藏深度4个指标确定了2套岩层的页岩气优选区与延展区。研究认为,筇竹寺组有利区与外围延展区均在成都—乐山—资阳—内江为界的区域内部,龙马溪组有利区与外围延展区均在自贡—宜宾一带。  相似文献   

张静平  唐书恒  郭东鑫 《地质通报》2011,30(203):357-363
四川盆地下寒武统筇竹寺组和下志留统龙马溪组为盆地内重要的气源岩,在常规气田勘探中发现广泛的油气显示,表明其具有页岩气勘探的良好前景。在页岩气勘探初期,应该先进行优先层段优先区块的深入研究。目前,多名学者对筇竹寺组、龙马溪组的特征和页岩气发育的有利区位做出了预测,但使用方法不完善、不统一,评价指标比较混乱。在系统分析Fort Worth盆地Barnett页岩优选区块特征的基础上,参照美国地质调查局对Barnett页岩的选区原则,结合四川盆地自身的特征,选取页岩层总厚度、TOC、Ro、埋藏深度4个指标确定了2套岩层的页岩气优选区与延展区。研究认为,筇竹寺组有利区与外围延展区均在成都—乐山—资阳—内江为界的区域内部,龙马溪组有利区与外围延展区均在自贡—宜宾一带。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(3):261-275
The Sinian Doushantuo Formation is the oldest shale gas reservoir discovered in the world, which contains good shale gas shows as the Eyangye-1 and Zidi-1 wells in the Yichang Region of western Hubei province, China. The shales in the Doushantuo Formation feature considerable thickness (135 m), high gas content (4.83 m3/t) and high fragile mineral content (up to 75%). Due to the influences of the sedimentary environment, the shale reservoirs here have high dolomitic content (54%) and abruptly changes in vertical lithofacies. Moreover, the characteristics of the shale sweet-spot differ significantly from that in the Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan Basin. A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation was performed on the shales of the Doushantuo Formation at the Eyangye-1 well, Zidi-1 well, Zidi-2 well and some outcrop profiles in Yichang area for the identification of their sedimentary microfacies characteristics. A comprehensive comparative analysis was made by incorporating the elemental geochemistry, wireline and mud logging data of the well to further identify the sweet-spot interval therein. With the analysis of Eyangye-1 well, the sweet-spot interval of the Doushantuo Formation is 3360−3408 m, of which sedimentary microfacies is deepwater reduced environment with many pyrite laminaes, and the TOC is high to 3.42%, the Ro is 3.3%, the organic and matrix pore are well developed and the aperture more than 50 nm, the porosity is 2.7%, the desorption gas content average is 2.16%, and the main mineral is dolomitic (54%) and siliceous quartz (21%). Additionally, these parameters combined with previous studies will shed light on evaluating and characterizing the layers therein, also provide referential geological data for the following exploration and development activities of this shale system.  相似文献   

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