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RATAN-600 multiwavelength observations of the Sun reveal sharp spectral inhomogeneities in the polarized radiation from active regions that produce intense flares. These events occur in a wide range of radio fluxes (0.05–10 s.f.u.) in a relatively narrow wavelength range (2–5 cm). They are detected on time scales from several hours to several days before and during an intense flare. We analyze the detected events and their relationship to the preliminary phase of intense flares. Significant statistical material was obtained in 2001. The new flare-plasma properties can be used to test existing solar-flare models and to develop new criteria of flaring activity.  相似文献   

The observations of the solar radio emission on September 11, 2001, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope (southern sector) at four centimeter wavelengths (1.92, 2.24, 2.74, and 3.21 cm) revealed synchronous brightenings in solar radio sources. These were identified on the solar photosphere with active regions that were spaced up to ~106 km apart (AR 9608 and AR 9616). We discuss manifestations of the possible mechanisms of synchronous brightenings in solar sources in a narrow microwave spectral band. The significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.84–0.92) between the relative fluxes of AR 9610 and AR 9608 at 1.92 and 2.24 cm and the significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.65–0.84) between the relative fluxes of AR 9606 and AR 9608 at 3.21 cm in a two-hour interval of observations are indicative of the interconnection between these active regions not only during flares and bursts, but also in the periods of their absence. This confirms the existence of a large-scale temporal component in the dynamics of the radio flux variations for these active regions. We found a difference between the temporal variations of the radio emission from the halo and the solar radio sources under consideration. The times of increase in the total solar soft X-ray (0.5–4.0 Å, 1.0–8.0 Å; GOES 8, GOES 10) flux are shown to coincide with the times of increase in the fluxes from the solar radio sources at short centimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

Based on observational data obtained with the RT-22 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope at frequencies of 8.6 and 15.4 GHz, we investigate the quasi-periodic variations of microwave emission from solar active regions with periods Tp<10 min. As follows from our wavelet analysis, the oscillations with periods of 3–5 min and 10–40 s have the largest amplitudes in the dynamic power spectra, while there are virtually no oscillations with Tp<10 s. Our analysis shows that acoustic modes with Tp?1 min strongly dissipate in the lower solar corona due to thermal conduction losses. The oscillations with Tp=10–40 s are associated with Alfvén disturbances. We analyze the influence of acoustic and Alfvén oscillations on the thermal mechanisms of microwave emission in terms of the homogeneous model. We discuss the probable coronal heating sources.  相似文献   

Model calculations of the S-component accounting for the emission from uniform sunspot and inhomogeneous plage regions are applied to a prediction of the spectral distribution of the degree of circular polarization at millimetre waves. The results are compared with observations adopted from the literature and a sufficient agreement between model computation and measurement can be slated. However, observations with higher spatial resolution than presently available are needed in order to check the predicted fine structures and to verify details of the applied model.  相似文献   

We discuss the possible contribution of the thermal cyclotron radiation from hot coronal magnetic loops to the observed characteristics of the microwave emission from solar active regions. Based on the simplest three-dimensional model of a loop in the shape of a hot torus, we have calculated the expected peculiarities of the frequency and polarization structures of microwave emission sources associated with sunspots and containing coronal loops. Our model calculations of the two-dimensional brightness temperature distributions at various wavelengths for the ordinary and extraordinary modes and the wavelength dependences of the brightness temperatures are presented in the first part of the work. The loop size, the electron density, and the source position on the disk have been found to affect these characteristics. Our numerical calculations of the brightness temperature distributions and spectra have confirmed the well-known assumption that under certain conditions the spectrum of a hot filament can contain cyclotron lines and the sense of the polarization can change over the range. The results obtained here refer to the brightness temperature along the line of sight that crosses the photosphere at a point with given coordinates, i.e., these are the emission characteristics at a fixed point of the source. Integrated characteristics (the flux from the entire source and its polarization) and a discussion of the hot loop model will be given in the second part of the work.  相似文献   

We present our calculations of the expected characteristics of the integrated spectrum of thermal cyclotron radiation from a solar active region with a coronal magnetic loop. A hot torus is considered as a three-dimensional loop model. We show that the hot-loop emission can change appreciably the emission characteristics of the active region at centimeter and decimeter wavelengths. At certain loop parameters, the emission frequency spectrum can have a nonmonotonic and complex pattern with several peaks or contain narrow-band cyclotron lines. The polarization structure of the source with a hot loop is also complex and the polarization is repeatedly reversed over the observed frequency range under certain conditions. The revealed spectral-polarization peculiarities are considered from the standpoint of whether some atypical observed properties of the emission sources associated with solar active regions can be explained.  相似文献   

Wir untersuchten die Struktur des Magnetfeldes in der relativ kleinen und einfachen solaren aktiven Region SD 135/1984 in der frühen, relativ ruhigen Phase am 24. Juni. Für diese Arbeit nutzten wir die Daten des Vektormagnetografen des SibIZMIR und Resultate von Modellrechnungen in der stromfreien Näherung. Wir haben das gemessene Magnetfeld mit dem Transversal-Feld der Modellrechnung verglichen. Wir konnten keinen signifikanten Nonpotential-Effekt größer als im Niveau der Sensitivität des Transversal-Magnetfeldes BT 200 G finden. Wir schluß-folgern daher, daß die globale Magnetfeldstruktur in der untersuchten solaren aktiven Region nahezu eine Potentialstruktur besaß. Die Effekte der Entwicklung der aktiven Region auf die Magnetfeldstruktur scheinen vernachlässigbar zu sein.  相似文献   

An analysis of the hydrogen and helium isotopic composition from EPHIN data, during the quiet-time period from January 1 to June 1, 1996, is presented. An isotopic discrimination and background rejection have been applied and relationships between the abundances of 2H/1H, 3He/4He, and 4He/1H have been calculated. The energy spectra in the 4–50 MeV nucl–1 range have been obtained and the contribution of the different spectral components have been analysed in this energy range. We conclude that the main contribution to the 4He spectrum is of anomalous origin, while the proton and 3He spectra have contributions mainly from particles of solar origin at low energies and from the galactic cosmic radiation modulated by the heliosphere at high energies. The deuterium spectrum is mainly of galactic origin.  相似文献   

For the rising branch of Cycle 22, 1987 January—1989 November, we plot the daily total flux S at each of the five wavelengths 2.0, 3.4, 6.0, 10.7 and 21.2 cm against the apparent sunspot area of the dominant sunspot Ay and find that, for several large active areas, the locus is located below the average regression line, and the increase in the radio flux is insignificant compared to the increase in the sunspot area.  相似文献   

Based on CORONAS-F/SPIRIT images of the Sun in the MgXII 0.84-nm line, we have performed photometric measurements and investigated the time dependence of the surface brightness for fragments of ten active regions. Continuous observations were carried out on March 3–4, 2002, for about 19 h when the satellite moved in shadowless orbits. The interval between the images was, on average, about 1 min. A time correlation has been found between the brightness variations in some pairs of high-temperature regions spaced from 10° to 106° apart. We have analyzed the statistical characteristics of the temporal distribution of bursts: the observed nonuniformity of the distribution was found to be impossible for a random Poisson process. To identify sympathetic (induced) bursts, we have studied the connections in the form of magnetic loops between active regions using CORONAS-F/SPIRIT and SOHO/EIT solar images. The most probable delays between events (X-ray bursts) in various active regions have been estimated. By assuming that the disturbance propagates along the coronal loops connecting active regions, we have estimated the propagation velocity of the disturbance, ~1700 km s?1. In the period under study, the active regions in which a large number of bursts were observed lay along the periphery of a developing equatorial coronal hole. We have concluded that the simultaneous emergence of new magnetic fluxes in the photosphere was responsible for most of the quasi-synchronous events on March 3–4, 2002. We have calculated the physical conditions in coronal loops by assuming that the propagation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in the corona could be responsible for the appearance of connected events.  相似文献   

Basing on radio measurements from different stations the paper presents a compilation of observations and resultinng questions concerning the interpretation of some remarkable features of the solar behind-limb event on 16th February 1984. The event was related to a very strong relativistic particle emission. Attention is paid to the related microwave radiation stimulating a discussion of the discrimination between plasma and gyromagnetic radiation being important for plasma diagnostics. Another outstanding feature is the occurrence of a spectacular multi-band U-shaped type II burst pattern challenging a discussion of possible higher harmonic plasma radiation.  相似文献   

We present a catalog of 100 lines in the wavelength range 280–330 Å detected by the RES-C spectroheliograph in solar active regions and flares during the SPIRIT experiment aboard the CORONAS-F orbital station. We identified 54 lines. The line intensities recorded during the X3.4 (GOES) solar flare of December 28, 2001, are given. The data reduction procedure is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of the H 272 α recombination line at 325 MHz has been made towards 53 directions in the galactic plane using the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). 34 of these directions correspond to well-known Hn regions, 12 to SNRs and 6 to ‘blank’ areas selected so that the 5 GHz continuum is a minimum over the telescope beam of 2ℴ x 6 arcmin. Observing procedure and spectra of 47 sources towards which lines are detected are presented. Hydrogen recombination lines have been detected towards all the observed directions havingl <40ℴ. Carbon recombination lines are identified in 12 of the directions. The hydrogen line intensities are found to correlate well with the total continuum intensity (which includes the nonthermal galactic background) indicating that most of the lines arise due to stimulated emission by the background radiation. A preliminary discussion on the nature of the line-emitting regions is also presented.  相似文献   

The analysis of observations of the eclipse on August 1, 2008, at wavelengths of 10.5 and 12 cm demonstrated that, in the epoch of deep minimum between the 23rd and 24th cycles of solar activity, the radio radius of the solar disk in the equatorial direction was 120 × 103 km larger than the radio radius in the polar direction. In this case, the brightness temperature of the polar region turned out to be of the order of (35–37) × 103 K and corresponded to the radiation emission from upper layers of the chromosphere from an altitude of about 11 × 103 km. At the heliolatitude <25° beyond the visible disk at a distance of about 70 × 103 km from the photosphere an increased radio brightness of up to 100 × 103 K was observed, which testifies to the increased electron density in the equatorial zone of the corona at the complete absence of groups of spots on the solar disk.  相似文献   

This paper gives the main characteristics of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope as well as some results derived by investigating the s-component sources and radio bursts on the Sun using the SSRT.  相似文献   

The problem of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling is investigated for intense geomagnetic storms (Dst < -100nT) that occurred during solar cycle 23. For this purpose interplanetary plasma and field data during some intensely geo-effective transient solar/interplanetary disturbances have been analysed. A geomagnetic index that represents the intensity of planetary magnetic activity at subauroral latitude and the other that measures the ring current magnetic field, together with solar plasma and field parameters (V, B, Bz, σB, N, and T) and their various derivatives (BV,-BVz, BV2, -BzV2, B2V, Bz2V, NV2) have been analysed in an attempt to study mechanism and the cause of geo-effectiveness of interplanetary manifestations of transient solar events. Several functions of solar wind plasma and field parameters are tested for their ability to predict the magnitude of geomagnetic storm.  相似文献   

Analysis of SOHO longitudinal magnetograms and Dopplergrams has revealed the appearance of a region of enhanced upflow of matter in the photosphere when the top of a loop-shaped magnetic flux tube forming a large active region passed through it. The maximum upflow velocity reached 2 km s?1, the maximum size exceeded 20 000 km, and the lifetime was about 2 h.  相似文献   

We analyze the pattern of behavior of p-mode wave packets with solar cycle using TON one-day helioseismic data with a high spatial resolution. The time—distance method is used to perform this task. We make an attempt to determine the variations in the travel time of acoustic waves at maximum and minimum solar activity; at maximum activity, this time decreases by 2 s compared to that at minimum activity to a depth of 0.8R. In addition, the correlation amplitudes of acoustic wave packets from minimum to maximum solar activity were found to decrease by 10–20% for all angular distances.  相似文献   

We undertake a quantitative investigation, using Monte Carlo simulations, of the amount by which quasars are expected to exceed radio galaxies in optical luminosity in the context of the 'receding torus' model. We compare these simulations with the known behaviour of the [O  III ] λ5007 and [O  II ] λ3727 emission lines and conclude that [O  III ] is the better indicator of the strength of the underlying non-stellar continuum.  相似文献   

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