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多孔结构矿物(岩石)及其环境修复材料的实用性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
具有多孔结构的矿物(岩石)作为一类特殊的工业原材料,在环境修复领域的应用前景正在成为研究热点。本文从微孔的尺度、结构、形态、成分等表面固体特征出发,概括性地论述了凹凸棒石、海泡石、蒙脱石、沸石、硅藻土等十几种多孔结构矿物(岩石)在环境修复工程中用作过滤材料、吸附剂、离子交换剂和催化剂等材料时的基本特征和使用时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

天然有机质与矿物间的吸附及其环境效应的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文综述了天然有机质与矿物间吸附行为的研究进展.具体介绍了天然有机质与矿物间的吸附机理,包括配位交换、范德华力、静电引力、疏水作用、离子交换及阳离子桥;阐述了不同分子大小及亲疏水性组分的天然有机质在矿物上的吸附行为;讨论了影响吸附行为的环境条件(pH,离子强度)及天然有机-矿物体系对全球碳循环、重金属和有机污染物产生的环境效应,并提出了研究展望.  相似文献   

利用批量平衡技术研究了石英、高岭石、伊利石、蒙脱石和铁氧化物对五氯苯酚(PCP)吸附的pH关系等温线和浓度关系等温线,发现所有矿物的pH关系等温线都表现出典型的峰形曲线特征,峰位在pH=5~6之间,依矿物不同而不同。基于矿物表面羟基位化合态和PCP的化合态考虑,提出一种包含表面络合反应和表面静电吸附反应的模式,对pH关系等温线计算拟合发现有很好的相关性。模式计算还表明,石英和层状硅酸盐矿物对PCP吸附以表面络合反应为主,而氧化铁矿物则包含表面络合反应和表面静电吸附反应,但以后者占主导,其反应平衡常数比前者大1~3个数量级。高岭石和氧化铁矿物的浓度吸附等温线可用Langmuir方程很好拟合,最大吸附量的大小顺序是赤铁矿>纤铁矿>针铁矿>高岭石>石英>蒙脱石≈伊利石,并可以用矿物表面羟基位浓度和反应机制加以解释。PCP在矿物表面可观的吸附量说明矿物表面吸附对憎水性可离解有机化合物(HIOCs)在天然水相体系和沉积中的迁移转化过程起着相当重要的作用。  相似文献   

对我国产出的铀酰砷酸盐矿物的矿物学特征、形成环境和环境矿物学意义进行了较系统的综合论述。铀酰砷酸盐矿物是主要产出于铀矿床氧化带中比较特征的黄绿色表生矿物,是寻找原生铀矿床(体)的重要矿物学标志,化学组成主要是[AsO4]^3-和[UO2]^2 ,其中As和U均是对环境造成极大危害的有毒或放射性有害元素。As、U的地球化学性质十分活跃,在不同的酸、碱和氧化还原介质环境中的分解、迁移能力均很强,在矿床氧化带中的分解、迁移扩散会对矿区周围及其下游地区造成较大范围的严重环境污染。而在弱酸性至中性介质条件下,[AsO4]^3-和[UO2]^2 结合并与各种金属阳离子化合可形成相对稳定的铀酰砷酸盐矿物,由此可在一定程度上减少U、AS的迁移扩散及其对环境的危害。  相似文献   

In terms of environmental mineralogy, the environmental properties of metallic minerals, including chemical activation, adsorption, pore effect and nanometer effect, have been analyzed. On the basis of the analysis of environmental properties of metallic minerals, the applications of iron-bearing sultides, iron and manganese oxides in the purification of wastewaters containing heavy metal ions (Cr^6+ ,Hg^2+ , Pb^2+ , etc. ) have been summarized. Moreover, research on the application of metallic minerals in environmental protection has been anticipated. It should be a piece of dominating work for environmental mineralogie researchers in the future to lucubrate systematically the physical and chemical characteristics of the metallic mineral surfaces, further reveal the reciprocity process between metallic minerals and water surface, perfect the theory and model of the metallic minerals to remove contaminants, intensify study on the facilities and techniques of metallic minerals to remove contaminants, and entail well the extension and propagation of achievements.  相似文献   

新疆粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对粘土矿物在当前环境污染治理中的基本应用做了介绍,并系统阐述了主要粘土矿物的结构特征、基本性能和主要应用。对粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用领域提出了一些思考,这对当前粘土矿物材料在环境污染治理中的应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

粘土矿物在形成过程中受构造运动、气候、盆地规模、地表母岩、土壤、植被、地貌、介质环境、风以及成岩作用等多种因素的影响,这些因素对地层中粘土矿物的类型和含量的影响程度不一。构造运动和气候是影响粘土矿物形成的两个主要因素,对沉积物中的粘土矿物形成和含量以及影响粘土矿物形成的其他次要影响因素有着控制作用。在构造活动稳定的状态下,气候则成为影响粘土矿物形成和含量的决定性因素,其他因素尽管也有不同程度的影响,但可以看成是相对稳定不变的,粘土矿物携带的主要是气候环境变化的信息。地表水系的复杂程度引起的沉积物的混合程度影响粘土矿物信号的清晰度,沉积埋藏成岩作用对粘土矿物的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

判别工业用水环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)形状,揭示其形成机制,能够指示工业用水量随经济发展的长期变化趋势,可为工业用水管理提供重要依据。以山东省1980-2016年工业用水为例,采用三次模型、二次模型和非参数局部加权回归(LOWESS),分析工业用水与人均GDP人均关系,判断工业用水EKC形状;通过由对数平均迪式指数法(LMDI)测算出的用水效率、产业结构和经济规模对工业用水变化贡献值,以及利用四参数Logistic曲线得出的工业用水效率长期变化特征,定量分析揭示N型EKC的形成机制。结果表明,山东省工业用水随人均GDP增加先增长、后下降、再增长,工业用水EKC形状为N型;在工业用水效率快速提高、工业用水量持续下降后,由于用水效率逐渐接近极限、提高速度减缓、节水量大幅降低,经济规模扩张增加的用水量无法被抵消,工业用水不再下降、反而出现再增长,曲线形状由倒U型变成N型。N型是对倒U型工业用水EKC的一个补充,工业用水量不会"自动"持续下降,而是存在再增长可能;要实现工业用水量持续下降,必须深度挖掘节水潜力,持续提高用水效率,并推动工业结构向节水方向调整。  相似文献   

黏土矿物具有特殊的层状结构与吸附性强、表面活性高、层间可交换阳离子丰富等理化特征,已被广泛应用于工业材料制造及环境修复等领域。而在医学领域,传统抗生素的滥用导致细菌的耐药性不断增强与全球流行,引发医学界对于现存抗生素有效性的担忧,开发新型杀菌药物迫在眉睫。尽管历史上已有黏土矿物缓解伤口脓肿、治疗消化不良及关节炎等病症的记载,现代分析技术的进步才使得研究者能够对黏土矿物及其杀菌机理进一步研究,从而深入挖掘其作为抗菌药物的潜在医学价值。近年来,国内外研究学者先后报道了黏土矿物自身广谱的杀菌能力,并指出其杀菌活性与矿物溶出的金属离子、其片层结构中赋存的活性铁、黏土表面带电性以及产生的活性氧基团(reactive oxygen species, ROS)等相关。另一方面,黏土矿物作为药物分子载体,可以增强杀菌药物的物理性能与杀菌活性,被广泛用于制备复合杀菌材料。本文综合近年来国内外研究团队对医药黏土的杀菌能力、过程与机理研究,探讨常见黏土矿物具备杀菌活性的必要条件与共性特征,简述黏土矿物作为有效载体所制备的杀菌材料,指明当前医药黏土矿物研发过程中存在的问题,为今后医药黏土研发提供些许建议。  相似文献   

关键矿产——国际动向与思考   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
当前,世界各国贸易争端不断加剧,引发对战略性新兴产业所需关键矿产供应安全的担忧,世界各主要国家纷纷制定关键矿产战略保障供应安全。文章通过综合整理美国、欧盟、英国等西方发达国家关键矿产清单,总结了这些国家关键矿产战略的总体特点。基于当前世界供需形势、中国矿产探明储量和资源禀赋特点等情况,文章将关键矿产划分为主导型、技术和条件制约型、市场制约型和资源短缺型4类,并从加强宏观管理、加大力度冶炼技术研发、高精尖新材料研发和充分利用2种资源和市场等方面提出几点思考。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(1):8-15
The Ningshao Plain experienced sea-level fluctuation and climate change in the Holocene and gave birth to a Neolithic Civilization, the Hemudu Culture (about 5000 BC). Using XRD method, this paper studied the clay mineralogy of sediments in core HMD-1301 from Hemudu Site area in Ningshao Plain. Results show that the clay mineral assemblages in all samples are quite consistent. They are dominated by illite (about 57%) and smectite (about 26%), and a small amount of kaolinite (about 6%) and chlorite (about 9%). In addition, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite are originated mainly from eolian loesses. Smectite is resulted mainly from chemical weathering of local volcanic rocks outcropped. Illite crystallinity indicates the climatic characteristics of the source region, and illite chemistry index reflects the climate nature of the sedimentary area. It is our understanding that water medium properties in a sedimentary environment affect clay mineral assemblage and the distribution, based on which were cognized the Holocene transgression-regression events in the Hemudu Site area. These mineral indices are well comparable with geochemical indicators in identifying the transgression-regression events. We believe that these events affected the ancient civilization of the ancient residential communities at the time.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

This introductory paper aims at presenting the series of articles in this special issue of Comptes Rendus Geoscience devoted to the study and use of natural minerals. The research methodology that can be applied to the investigation of surface phenomena related to adsorption, exchange and retention onto the surface of natural minerals and divided solids is presented. A special focus is given to the retention of surfactant molecules, in view of their considerable importance in numerous industrial fields, such as, for instance, mineral flotation and enhanced oil recovery. Throughout this introductory paper, the relevance of this research approach to the field of geosciences is stressed by listing various applications where it can provide conclusive answers, especially for environmentally related issues. To cite this article: J.-M. Cases, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 585–596.  相似文献   

滇东黔西上二叠统含煤岩系形成于陆相到海陆过渡相环境中,其泥岩的粘土矿物组成可以反映这种环境背景。该区泥岩粘土矿物类型以高岭石和伊利石/蒙皂石间层矿物为主,伊利石次之,局部层段见较少绿泥石及蒙皂石。垂向上,高岭石在富源后所矿区、盘县盘关矿区剖面中下部(即宣威组中、下段和龙潭组)含量偏高;伊利石在织金矿区剖面上部(长兴组)和下部(龙潭组下段)含量明显偏高,而在剖面中部(龙潭组上段)偏低;伊利石/蒙皂石间层矿物在后所矿区、盘关矿区、纳雍矿区占绝对优势,而在织金矿区仅在剖面中部含量较高,并与伊利石呈明显的负相关关系;蒙皂石含量很少,仅出现于盘关矿区和织金矿区剖面的上部和下部。粘土矿物的上述分布特征可大致反映出龙潭早期为海侵期,龙潭晚期为海退期,长兴期为新的更大的海侵期。平面上,从陆到海,即从滇东的冲积平原河流体系,向东经盘关向斜的上三角洲平原、纳雍的过渡带三角洲平原,到织金的下三角洲平原及潮汐平原,高岭石含量急剧减少,伊利石含量逐渐增加。最为明显的是从滇东河流体系到黔西三角洲—潮坪体系之间高岭石含量骤然减少。  相似文献   

The ability of O-isopropyl-N-ethyl thionocarbamate (IPETC), O-isobutyl-N-ethoxycarbonyl thionocarbamate (IBECTC) and butyl ethoxycarbonyl thiourea (BECTU) collectors to increase the flotation of the sulphide minerals, chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite, has been studied. For each collector, the flotation characteristics of these minerals, flotation rate constant and flotation recovery maximum, have been calculated from the flotation data and compared as a function of pH and collector concentration. Overall, the flotation performance of these collectors is stronger for chalcopyrite than for galena and pyrite. Flotation increases with collector concentration and decreasing pH values. For chalcopyrite, the collector performances of BECTU are slightly better than those of IPETC but far superior to those of IBECTC, especially at high pH values or at low collector concentrations. The flotation performance of these collectors has been shown to be in good agreement with the amount of collector adsorbed at the mineral surface. The affinity of BECTU for the various minerals has been calculated using a multilayer adsorption model.  相似文献   

The basin-fill aquifers of the Western U.S. contain elevated concentrations of arsenic in the groundwater due to ancient volcanic deposits that host arsenic minerals. Microcosms were constructed using two oxidized sediments and, by contrast, a reduced sediment collected from a shallow basin-fill aquifer in the Cache Valley Basin, Northern Utah to evaluate the fate of geologic arsenic under anoxic conditions. Sequential extractions indicated the primary arsenic host mineral was amorphous iron oxides, but 13%–17% of the total arsenic was associated with carbonate minerals. Arsenic was solubilized from the sediments when incubated with groundwater in the presence of native organic carbon. Arsenic solubilization occurred prior to iron reduction rather than the commonly observed co-reactivity. Arsenic(V) associated with carbonate minerals was the main source of arsenic released to solution and redistributed onto less soluble minerals, including FeS and siderite as defined by chemical extraction. Arsenic reduction occurred only in the site-oxidized sediments. The addition of a carbon and energy source, glucose, resulted in enhanced arsenic solubilization, which was coupled with iron reduction from the site-oxidized sediments. Adding glucose promoted iron reduction that masked the role of carbonate minerals in arsenic solubilization and retention as observed with incubation with groundwater only.  相似文献   

梁健  王栋  张鑫 《江苏地质》2021,45(1):29-36
塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层主要储集空间为溶洞和裂缝,直接钻遇溶洞比例达50%。针对目前远井储集体特征认识模糊、动用难度大等问题,基于物质平衡原理及注水指示曲线、液面恢复曲线等资料,对远井储集体的规模、裂缝导流系数、地层能量进行定量化研究,形成了一套远井储集体参数定量化表征技术。基于远井储集体特征,运用酸化、高压注水、复合措施等方法提高对远井储集体的动用,并在塔河油田推广应用,高效井占75%以上,有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

何海军 《地质与勘探》2016,52(3):584-593
本文以南海北部湾SO-31沉积柱为研究对象,研究了14C年代学和粘土矿物学特征,并对部分全球气候事件进行了对比,为古环境、古气候的恢复提供基础资料,也为全球重大气候事件在该区域的响应提供信息。结果显示全新世以来地层沉积正常,平均沉积速率为0.57mm/a。粘土成分主要由蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石和绿泥石组成,组合类型为蒙脱石-伊利石-高岭石-绿泥石型。全新世以来环境气候演变可划分为五个阶段:低温期阶段、干湿交替的寒冷气候阶段、逐渐升温阶段、干旱温暖气候阶段、湿热阶段。气候在每个阶段背景下还存在一些次级波动,总体趋势为干湿交替,温度逐渐上升。由于海域环境及矿物指标的影响,北部湾SO-31沉积柱粘土矿物记录的降温事件时间比其他指标记录的新仙女木降温事件发生时间滞后500~800a。  相似文献   

林燕  白秀佳  叶泽宇  张衡 《地质通报》2021,40(6):968-977
针对环境变化引起的区域农业生产适应性变化、农作物种植结构改变、产业布局调整,以南通市为研究对象,以积温、年降水量、土壤肥力、土壤重金属共同构建农业生产因素评价体系,探究南通市的农业生产适应性情况。结果显示,南通市积温值较高且年际变化大体呈递增趋势。降水量年际变化浮动大,随年份增加呈现先增后减的趋势,日照时数与降水量的变化特征呈负相关。土壤全氮与有效磷含量均满足土壤养分标准二级要求,速效钾含量仅达到四级标准要求。土壤重金属内梅罗综合污染指数在0.26~0.4之间,说明土壤环境质量安全。基于ArcGIS技术采用空间分析等技术手段,将南通地区的农业适宜区分为4级,海安为一级适宜区(最适宜),南通市辖区与如东为二级适宜区,通州、海门为三级适宜区,启东、如皋为四级适宜区。通过南通市农业生产适宜性评价,为今后南通地区科学的农作物生产布局、国土空间规划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

James McCarthy 《Geoforum》2004,35(3):327-341
Recent multilateral trade agreements are among the major manifestations of neoliberalism. They are also emerging as some of the most important sites of environmental governance in the 21st century. I argue here that these trade agreements, particularly the sweeping new protections they provide for investors, are redefining property rights and environmental governance in fundamental ways. I suggest that in addition to furthering the centuries-long process of the enclosure of nature under capitalism, the neoliberal agenda of NAFTA and similar trade agreements also involves something new: the privatization, or primitive accumulation, of conditions of production as an accumulation strategy. I explore these dynamics through examination of two cases, one in the United States and one in Mexico. I also explore the roles of social movements in these dynamics.  相似文献   

The physical properties of the hydrous phyllosilicate lizardite have been investigated by atomistic simulation using the GULP code based on transferable semi-empirical interatomic potentials. Lizardite behavior was first investigated during structure relaxation at room temperature. The Helmholtz free energy is minimum for an equilibrium structure that is in agreement with experiment. The bulk, shear, and Young modulii for lizardite were calculated along with the Poisson ratio. From the shear and bulk modulii, we also calculated translational and longitudinal acoustic wave velocities that are important quantities for tectonophysics models. As expected, lizardite is stiffer in the a direction parallel to the layers than in the c perpendicular direction; the variation of the unit cell parameters with pressure is in good agreement with experiment. The cohesive energy between two successive layers along c direction was calculated at 0.33 eV (i.e., 0.11 eV per OH bond) in good agreement with recent ab initio calculations. Upon pressure and temperature variations, we evidenced that structural changes are mainly pressure induced; pressure being accommodated by a decrease of the c parameter up to 10 GPa. We also found that the change of slope in the derivative of the c cell parameter with respect to pressure occurring around 2 GPa originates from the bending of the interlayer hydroxyl groups with respect to the layer normal direction.  相似文献   

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