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Stochastic optimization methods, such as genetic algorithms, search for the global minimum of the misfit function within a given parameter range and do not require any calculation of the gradients of the misfit surfaces. More importantly, these methods collect a series of models and associated likelihoods that can be used to estimate the posterior probability distribution. However, because genetic algorithms are not a Markov chain Monte Carlo method, the direct use of the genetic‐algorithm‐sampled models and their associated likelihoods produce a biased estimation of the posterior probability distribution. In contrast, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, such as the Metropolis–Hastings and Gibbs sampler, provide accurate posterior probability distributions but at considerable computational cost. In this paper, we use a hybrid method that combines the speed of a genetic algorithm to find an optimal solution and the accuracy of a Gibbs sampler to obtain a reliable estimation of the posterior probability distributions. First, we test this method on an analytical function and show that the genetic algorithm method cannot recover the true probability distributions and that it tends to underestimate the true uncertainties. Conversely, combining the genetic algorithm optimization with a Gibbs sampler step enables us to recover the true posterior probability distributions. Then, we demonstrate the applicability of this hybrid method by performing one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversions on synthetic and field data. We also discuss how an appropriate genetic algorithm implementation is essential to attenuate the “genetic drift” effect and to maximize the exploration of the model space. In fact, a wide and efficient exploration of the model space is important not only to avoid entrapment in local minima during the genetic algorithm optimization but also to ensure a reliable estimation of the posterior probability distributions in the subsequent Gibbs sampler step. 相似文献
A seismic variant of the distorted Born iterative inversion method, which is commonly used in electromagnetic and acoustic (medical) imaging, has been recently developed on the basis of the T‐matrix approach of multiple scattering theory. The distorted Born iterative method is consistent with the Gauss–Newton method, but its implementation is different, and there are potentially significant computational advantages of using the T‐matrix approach in this context. It has been shown that the computational cost associated with the updating of the background medium Green functions after each iteration can be reduced via the use of various linearisation or quasi‐linearisation techniques. However, these techniques for reducing the computational cost may not work well in the presence of strong contrasts. To deal with this, we have now developed a domain decomposition method, which allows one to decompose the seismic velocity model into an arbitrary number of heterogeneous domains that can be treated separately and in parallel. The new domain decomposition method is based on the concept of a scattering‐path matrix, which is well known in solid‐state physics. If the seismic model consists of different domains that are well separated (e.g., different reservoirs within a sedimentary basin), then the scattering‐path matrix formulation can be used to derive approximations that are sufficiently accurate but far more speedy and much less memory demanding because they ignore the interaction between different domains. However, we show here that one can also use the scattering‐path matrix formulation to calculate the overall T‐matrix for a large model exactly without any approximations at a computational cost that is significantly smaller than the cost associated with an exact formal matrix inversion solution. This is because we have derived exact analytical results for the special case of two interacting domains and combined them with Strassen's formulas for fast recursive matrix inversion. To illustrate the fact that we have accelerated the T‐matrix approach to full‐waveform inversion by domain decomposition, we perform a series of numerical experiments based on synthetic data associated with a complex salt model and a simpler two‐dimensional model that can be naturally decomposed into separate upper and lower domains. If the domain decomposition method is combined with an additional layer of multi‐scale regularisation (based on spatial smoothing of the sensitivity matrix and the data residual vector along the receiver line) beyond standard sequential frequency inversion, then one apparently can also obtain stable inversion results in the absence of ultra‐low frequencies and reduced computation times. 相似文献
In a multi‐parameter waveform inversion, the choice of the parameterisation influences the results and their interpretations because leakages and the tradeoff between parameters can cause artefacts. We review the parameterisation selection when the inversion focuses on the recovery of the intermediate‐to‐long wavenumbers of the compressional velocities from the compressional body (P) waves. Assuming a transverse isotropic medium with a vertical axis of symmetry and weak anisotropy, analytical formulas for the radiation patterns are developed to quantify the tradeoff between the shear velocity and the anisotropic parameters and the effects of setting to zero the shear velocity in the acoustic approach. Because, in an anisotropic medium, the radiation patterns depend on the angle of the incident wave with respect to the vertical axis, two particular patterns are discussed: a transmission pattern when the ingoing and outgoing slowness vectors are parallel and a reflection pattern when the ingoing and outgoing slowness vectors satisfy Snell's law. When the inversion aims at recovering the long‐to‐intermediate wavenumbers of the compressional velocities from the P‐waves, we propose to base the parameterisation choice on the transmission patterns. Since the P‐wave events in surface seismic data do not constrain the background (smooth) vertical velocity due to the velocity/depth ambiguity, the preferred parameterisation contains a parameter that has a transmission pattern concentrated along the vertical axis. This parameter can be fixed during the inversion which reduces the size of the model space. The review of several parameterisations shows that the vertical velocity, the Thomsen parameter δ, or the Thomsen parameter ε have a transmission pattern along the vertical axis depending on the parameterisation choice. The review of the reflection patterns of those selected parameterisations should be done in the elastic context. Indeed, when reflection data are also inverted, there are potential leakages of the shear parameter at intermediate angles when we carry out acoustic inversion. 相似文献
Full‐waveform inversion is re‐emerging as a powerful data‐fitting procedure for quantitative seismic imaging of the subsurface from wide‐azimuth seismic data. This method is suitable to build high‐resolution velocity models provided that the targeted area is sampled by both diving waves and reflected waves. However, the conventional formulation of full‐waveform inversion prevents the reconstruction of the small wavenumber components of the velocity model when the subsurface is sampled by reflected waves only. This typically occurs as the depth becomes significant with respect to the length of the receiver array. This study first aims to highlight the limits of the conventional form of full‐waveform inversion when applied to seismic reflection data, through a simple canonical example of seismic imaging and to propose a new inversion workflow that overcomes these limitations. The governing idea is to decompose the subsurface model as a background part, which we seek to update and a singular part that corresponds to some prior knowledge of the reflectivity. Forcing this scale uncoupling in the full‐waveform inversion formalism brings out the transmitted wavepaths that connect the sources and receivers to the reflectors in the sensitivity kernel of the full‐waveform inversion, which is otherwise dominated by the migration impulse responses formed by the correlation of the downgoing direct wavefields coming from the shot and receiver positions. This transmission regime makes full‐waveform inversion amenable to the update of the long‐to‐intermediate wavelengths of the background model from the wide scattering‐angle information. However, we show that this prior knowledge of the reflectivity does not prevent the use of a suitable misfit measurement based on cross‐correlation, to avoid cycle‐skipping issues as well as a suitable inversion domain as the pseudo‐depth domain that allows us to preserve the invariant property of the zero‐offset time. This latter feature is useful to avoid updating the reflectivity information at each non‐linear iteration of the full‐waveform inversion, hence considerably reducing the computational cost of the entire workflow. Prior information of the reflectivity in the full‐waveform inversion formalism, a robust misfit function that prevents cycle‐skipping issues and a suitable inversion domain that preserves the seismic invariant are the three key ingredients that should ensure well‐posedness and computational efficiency of full‐waveform inversion algorithms for seismic reflection data. 相似文献
Optimized experimental design aims at reducing the cost of a seismic survey by identifying the optimal locations and amounts of sources and receivers. While the acquisition design in the context of seismic imaging applies criteria like fold, offset and spatial sampling, different attributes such as the sensitivity kernels are more relevant for seismic full waveform inversion. An ideal measure to quantify the goodness of an acquisition design relies on the eigenvalue spectrum of the approximate Hessian matrix, but this technique is computationally too expensive for practical use. A more affordable goodness measure has been proposed in the past, but we demonstrate that this measure is inappropriate for target‐oriented optimized experimental design. To address those issues, we derived a sequential receiver‐based procedure using a goodness measure based on the determinant of the approximate Hessian matrix. We show with numerical tests that it efficiently provides an optimized design for target‐oriented as well as for extensive full waveform inversion. This design allows a better reconstruction of the subsurface than an evenly spaced acquisition geometry. Furthermore, the optimization algorithm itself can easily be parallelized, therefore making it attractive for applications to large‐scale three‐dimensional surveys. In addition, our algorithm is able to incorporate variable costs, representing any kind of acquisition‐related costs, for every individual source location. The combined optimization with respect to the information content of sources and to the true cost will allow a more comprehensive and realistic survey planning and has a high potential for further applications. 相似文献
We have previously applied three‐dimensional acoustic, anisotropic, full‐waveform inversion to a shallow‐water, wide‐angle, ocean‐bottom‐cable dataset to obtain a high‐resolution velocity model. This velocity model produced an improved match between synthetic and field data, better flattening of common‐image gathers, a closer fit to well logs, and an improvement in the pre‐stack depth‐migrated image. Nevertheless, close examination reveals that there is a systematic mismatch between the observed and predicted data from this full‐waveform inversion model, with the predicted data being consistently delayed in time. We demonstrate that this mismatch cannot be produced by systematic errors in the starting model, by errors in the assumed source wavelet, by incomplete convergence, or by the use of an insufficiently fine finite‐difference mesh. Throughout these tests, the mismatch is remarkably robust with the significant exception that we do not see an analogous mismatch when inverting synthetic acoustic data. We suspect therefore that the mismatch arises because of inadequacies in the physics that are used during inversion. For ocean‐bottom‐cable data in shallow water at low frequency, apparent observed arrival times, in wide‐angle turning‐ray data, result from the characteristics of the detailed interference pattern between primary refractions, surface ghosts, and a large suite of wide‐angle multiple reflected and/or multiple refracted arrivals. In these circumstances, the dynamics of individual arrivals can strongly influence the apparent arrival times of the resultant compound waveforms. In acoustic full‐waveform inversion, we do not normally know the density of the seabed, and we do not properly account for finite shear velocity, finite attenuation, and fine‐scale anisotropy variation, all of which can influence the relative amplitudes of different interfering arrivals, which in their turn influence the apparent kinematics. Here, we demonstrate that the introduction of a non‐physical offset‐variable water density during acoustic full‐waveform inversion of this ocean‐bottom‐cable field dataset can compensate efficiently and heuristically for these inaccuracies. This approach improves the travel‐time match and consequently increases both the accuracy and resolution of the final velocity model that is obtained using purely acoustic full‐waveform inversion at minimal additional cost. 相似文献
地层密度直接与孔隙度、孔隙流体类型、饱和度和骨架矿物成分有关.本文通过理论分析和计算,讨论了油气藏储层物性参数变化引起的密度变化及密度变化对地震波速度、阻抗和振幅的影响,提出了基于完全纵波方程的全波形地震密度反演和孔隙度估计方法,克服了常规地震密度反演对地震数据更多处理引起的信号畸变,提高了地震密度反演和地层孔隙度估计的精度.该方法采用波场导数的时间积分和多炮求和,对地震数据中的噪声具有比较强的压制作用.理论模型研究表明该方法是可行的.通过对我国西部某气田实际数据处理、分析和反演,获得了地层密度和孔隙度,结果与测井基本吻合,证明了预测结果的准确性和方法的有效性,从而为后续的有效储层预测和储量计算提供了可靠的数据. 相似文献
Numerical implementation of the gradient of the cost function in a gradient‐based full‐ waveform inversion (FWI) is essentially a migration operator used in wave equation migration. In FWI, minimizing different data residual norms results in different weighting strategies of data residuals at receiver locations prior to back‐propagation into the medium. In this paper, we propose different scaling methods to the receiver wavefield and compare their performances. Using time‐domain reverse‐time migration (RTM), we show that compared to conventional algorithms, this type of scaling is able to significantly suppress non‐Gaussian noise, i.e., outliers. Our tests also show that scaling by its absolute norm produces better results than other approaches. 相似文献
Elastic waves, such as Rayleigh and mode‐converted waves, together with amplitude versus offset variations, serve as noise in full waveform inversion using the acoustic approximation. Heavy preprocessing must be applied to remove elastic effects to invert land or marine data using the acoustic inversion method in the time or frequency domains. Full waveform inversion using the elastic wave equation should be one alternative; however, multi‐parameter inversion is expensive and sensitive to the starting velocity model. We implement full acoustic waveform inversion of synthetic land and marine data in the Laplace domain with minimum preprocessing (i.e., muting) to remove elastic effects. The damping in the Laplace transform can be thought of as an automatic time windowing. Numerical examples show that Laplace‐domain acoustic inversion can yield correct smooth velocity models even with the noise originating from elastic waves. This offers the opportunity to develop an accurate smooth starting model for subsequent inversion in the frequency domain. 相似文献
巨大的计算量是制约全波形反演(FWI)生产实用化的难题之一.为此,本文提出了一种高效的波场迭代解法,将其应用于频率域常密度声波方程FWI,并给出了详细的反演流程.通过建立用于波场迭代的目标函数,推导相应梯度、步长公式,新方法将反演中波场正传和残差波场反传过程转化为无约束优化问题,从理论上分析了新方法的计算效率显著高于常规FWI.在数值试验中,本文方法通过几次迭代便能获得高精度的正传、残差反传波场,收敛速度明显高于未经预处理的GMRES方法.进一步引入高效编码策略,新方法的计算时间约为常规编码FWI的1/8,与理论分析结果吻合(波场迭代次数为8,模型未知量个数约为7万),且波场迭代次数为6时,反演效果已与常规编码FWI相近. 相似文献
为了提高表层速度反演精度,本文提出了一种新的波形反演方法.该方法只利用初至波波形信息以减少波形反演对初始模型的依赖性,降低反演多解性与稳定性.由于只利用初至波波形信息,所以该方法利用高斯束计算格林函数和正演波场,以减少正演计算量.为了避免庞大核函数的存储,该方法基于Born波路径,利用矩阵分解算法实现方向与步长的累加计算.将此基于Born波路径的初至波波形反演方法应用于理论模型实验,并与声波方程全波形反演和初至波射线走时层析方法相对比,发现该方法的反演效果略低于全波形反演方法,但明显优于传统初至波射线走时层析方法,而计算效率却与射线走时层析相当.同时,相对于全波形反演,本文方法对初始模型的依赖性也有所降低. 相似文献
全波形反演(FWI)是获得高分辨率速度模型的一种重要方法.但是当地震数据缺失低频分量时,常规FWI结果会出现严重的周期跳跃问题,影响最终速度建模的精度.为此,本文提出了局部尺度频率波数域相位反演方法,充分考虑了地震数据在时间和偏移距方向上的局部特征,并利用地震数据局部尺度分解策略和二维傅里叶变换,来构建局部尺度频率波数域相位目标函数,恢复速度模型的低波数分量,为常规FWI方法提供一个较好的初始速度模型.本文首先利用二维滑动窗函数来提取局部尺度地震数据,结合二维傅里叶变换建立局部尺度频率波数域指数相位差目标函数.然后,推导局部尺度频率波数域相位反演对应的伴随震源和梯度算子.最后,Marmousi模型和火成岩-碳酸盐模型测试结果表明,局部尺度频率波数域相位反演方法可以为FWI提供一个较好的初始速度模型,实现缓解FWI周期跳跃的目标. 相似文献
弹性波全波形反演(EFWI)充分利用了地震波的运动学和动力学信息, 通过最小化目标泛函来反演地下高精度的纵横波速度参数.但是, 当地震数据缺失低频分量时, EFWI易产生周期跳跃问题, 严重影响纵横波速度参数的反演精度.为此, 本文提出基于弹性波动方程的局部尺度走时反演方法(ELTI), 来同步恢复纵横波速度模型的低波数分量, 进而实现缓解EFWI周期跳跃的目标.该方法充分利用了弹性波全波场的局部尺度走时信息, 能够对纵横波速度参数进行同步反演, 很好地解决了常规波动方程走时反演方法只能获得纵波速度参数的缺陷.此外, 由于ELTI方法同时利用了弹性波全波场的走时信息, 可以有效获得深部区域纵横波速度模型的低波数分量, 并为EFWI提供较好的初始速度模型.本文首先, 利用局部尺度分解来提取弹性波全波场数据的局部尺度走时信息, 并利用观测数据与模拟数据的局部尺度走时差构建ELTI目标函数; 其次, 结合链式法则和伴随状态法详细推导了ELTI目标函数对应的纵横波速度参数梯度算子; 最后, 结合L-BFGS优化算法同步更新纵横波速度模型.Marmousi模型测试结果表明, 基于弹性波动方程的局部尺度走时反演方法可以很好地获得地下纵横波速度参数的低波数分量, 从而缓解EFWI的周期跳跃问题. 相似文献
多参数全波形反演中各参数之间的相互耦合增加了反演的非线性程度.通过分析各参数之间的相互影响,提出合理的多参数反演策略是解决该问题的有效途径.本文从变密度声波方程出发,首先研究了密度在速度反演中的重要作用,然后分析了速度对密度反演的影响程度,进而提出了一种有利于速度、密度分步联合反演的策略.第一步,利用给定的初始模型对速度、密度进行同时反演,得到比较可靠的速度反演结果;第二步,利用第一步反演得到的速度和给定的初始密度作为初始模型,继续进行双参数同时反演,这样可以同时得到比较可靠的速度、密度反演结果.为了进一步提高反演精度,将第二步反演得到的速度、密度作为初始模型,再进行下一轮双参数联合反演.二维理论模型实验结果充分说明了本文提出的这种反演策略的有效性. 相似文献
Determining the focal mechanism of earthquakes helps us to better define faults and understand the stress regime. This technique can be helpful in the oil and gas industry where it can be applied to microseismic events. The objective of this paper is to find double couple focal mechanisms, excluding scalar seismic moments, and the depths of small earthquakes using data from relatively few local stations. This objective is met by generating three‐component synthetic seismograms to match the observed normalized velocity seismograms. We first calculate Green's functions given an initial estimate of the earthquake's hypocentre, the locations of the seismic recording stations and a 1D velocity model of the region for a series of depths. Then, we calculate the moment tensor for different combinations of strikes, dips and rakes for each depth. These moment tensors are combined with the Green's functions and then convolved with a source time function to produce synthetic seismograms. We use a grid search to find the synthetic seismogram with the largest objective function that best fits all three components of the observed velocity seismogram. These parameters define the focal mechanism solution of an earthquake. We tested the method using three earthquakes in Southern California with moment magnitudes of 5.0, 5.1 and 4.4 using the frequency range 0.1–2.0 Hz. The source mechanisms of the events were determined independently using data from a multitude of stations. Our results obtained, from as few as three stations, generally match those obtained by the Southern California Earthquake Data Center. The main advantage of this method is that we use relatively high‐frequency full‐waveforms, including those from short‐period instruments, which makes it possible to find the focal mechanism and depth of earthquakes using as few as three stations when the velocity structure is known. 相似文献
跨孔雷达全波形反演是一种使用全波形信息反演两钻孔之间地下信息的层析成像技术.常规的层析成像反演大部分采用射线追踪方法,其中基于初至时的射线追踪方法可以反演出速度剖面(介电常数剖面),基于最大振幅的层析成像可以反演出衰减剖面(电导率剖面).常规射线追踪方法有许多不足,究其原因是该方法仅使用了小部分的信号信息.为了进一步提高成像分辨率,本文全面推导了全波形跨孔雷达层析成像反演方法,该方法利用雷达波全幅度相位信息能够反演出地下高分辨率的介电常数和电导率图像.本文通过基于局域网的分布式并行算法,有效地解决了巨量数据正演计算问题.文中首先建立了基于单轴各向异性介质完全匹配层的时间域有限差分二维正演算法,进而通过应用包括时间维度在内的全波场信息与残场逆向传播的全波场信息乘积来计算梯度方向,通过求取以步长为自变量的目标函数的极值确定步长公式,并提出以第一次介电常数反演作为同步反演的初始模型,能够有效提高收敛速度.本文对多组模型进行成像实验,取得了较好的反演效果. 相似文献
Land seismic data quality can be severely affected by near‐surface anomalies. The imprint of a complex near‐surface can be removed by redatuming the data to a level below the surface, from where the subsurface structures are assumed to be relatively smooth. However, to derive a velocity‐depth model that explains the propagation effects of the near‐surface is a non‐trivial task. Therefore, an alternative approach has been proposed, where the redatuming operators are obtained in a data‐driven manner from the reflection event related to the datum. In the current implementation, the estimation of these redatuming operators is done in terms of traveltimes only, based on a high‐frequency approximation. The accompanying amplitudes are usually derived from a local homogeneous medium, which is obviously a simplification of reality. Such parametrization has produced encouraging results in the past but cannot completely remove the near‐surface complexities, leaving artefacts in the redatumed results. In this paper we propose a method that estimates the redatuming operators directly from the data, i.e., without using a velocity model, in a full waveform manner, such that detailed amplitude and phase variations are included. The method directly outputs the inverse propagation operators that are needed for true‐amplitude redatuming. Based on 2D synthetic data it is demonstrated that the resulting redatuming quality is improved and artefacts are reduced. 相似文献
频率域正演计算是频率域全波形反演的基础.传统的最优9点格式只具有二阶精度,不能满足高精度地震成像的需要.本文考虑两个四阶精度的格式,即经典的四阶9点格式和优化的17点格式.17点格式可将最小波长内所需网格点数减小到2.56.通过在简单模型和Overthrust模型上的数值实验,比较分析了三种格式的正演效果;简单模型数值实验显示了17点格式克服频散误差的能力优于四阶9点格式和最优9点格式;复杂模型数值实验则进一步承认了算法的可行性. 相似文献
逆时偏移成像(RTM)常用来处理复杂速度模型,包括陡倾角及横向速度变化剧烈的模型.与常规偏移成像方法(如Kirchhoff偏移)相比,逆时偏移成像能提供更好的偏移成像结果,近些年逆时偏移成像越来越广泛地应用到勘探地震中,它逐渐成为石油地震勘探中的一种行业标准.电磁波和弹性波在动力学和运动学上存在相似性,故本文开发了基于麦克斯韦方程组的电磁波逆时偏移成像算法,并将其应用到探地雷达数据处理中.时间域有限差分(FDTD)用于模拟电磁波正向和逆向传播过程,互相关成像条件用于获得最终偏移结果.逆时偏移成像算法中,偏移成像结果受初始模型影响较大,而其中决定电磁波传播速度的介电常数的影响尤为重要.本文基于时间域全波形反演(FWI)算法反演获得了更为精确的地下介电常数模型,并将其反演结果作为逆时偏移成像的初始介电常数模型.为了验证此算法的有效性,首先构建了一个复杂地质结构模型,合成了共偏移距及共炮点探地雷达数据,分别应用常规Kirchhoff偏移算法及逆时偏移成像算法进行偏移处理,成像结果显示由逆时偏移成像算法得到的偏移结果与实际模型具有较高的一致性;此外本文在室内沙槽中进行了相关的物理模拟实验,采集了共偏移距及共炮点探地雷达数据,分别应用Kirchhoff和叠前逆时偏移成像算法进行处理,结果表明叠前逆时偏移成像在实际应用中能获得更好的成像效果. 相似文献
全波形反演是一种高精度的地震成像方法,可以对地下介质物性参数模型进行准确的重构。然而在实际应用中,尤其是在三维复杂介质反演中,计算成本太大是该方法的一个重要缺陷。将混叠震源技术引入到频率域全波形反演中可以大幅度地降低计算成本,提高反演效率。但是使用震源编码技术也带来了两个问题:一方面,参与编码的各个震源之间会产生"串扰噪声",导致反演结果中出现假象;另一方面,基于震源编码的频率域全波形反演方法周围噪声较为敏感,使该方法对含噪数据反演质量较差。本文引入一种频率组编码方法来压制"串扰噪声",并基于震源编码技术提出一种频率域自适应全波形反演方法,通过一个与频率相关的自适应选择机制,将常规频率域全波形反演方法和基于震源编码的全波形反演方法联合起来,在保证反演质量的同时也最大程度地提高了反演效率。 相似文献