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We present Lu–Hf dates from multiple growth zones within two large garnet porphyroblasts by a micro‐sampling method. A single eclogite sample, taken from the Huwan shear zone in the Hong'an orogen, was investigated with Lu–Hf geochronology by micro‐sampling and traditional bulk separation methods. The sample contains a few large garnet porphyroblasts up to several centimetres in diameter and a second major population of smaller (0.1–2.0 mm) garnet porphyroblasts, comprised of dark cores and pale rims. Elemental compositions and mineral inclusions in the garnet appear consistent with two garnet generations. Lu–Hf dates (c. 400–264 Ma) were determined from twelve micro‐sawed garnet sections from two large garnet porphyroblasts. These Lu–Hf dates overlap with age peaks defined by 115 SIMS zircon U–Pb analyses from the same eclogite sample. Bulk analyses of smaller garnet separates define a minimum date of c. 306 Ma and a maximum date of c. 252 Ma for the dark cores and pale rims respectively. These Lu–Hf dates were interpreted to bracket the period of garnet growth and the broad interval from c. 400 to 264 Ma is best explained by protracted and episodic garnet growth, which may require that these rocks experienced two subduction cycles that were initiated during the Devonian and terminated in the Triassic.  相似文献   

Understanding convergent margin processes requires determination of the onset and the termination of subduction, the duration of subduction‐zone metamorphism, and the subduction zone polarity. Garnet growth and intracrystalline zonation can be used to constrain the timing, duration and kinetics of tectonometamorphic processes. An eclogite from the Huwan shear zone in the Hong'an orogen was investigated with combined pseudosection analysis and multiple geochronologies. The pseudosection analysis illustrates that garnet growth is continuous and along an early near‐isothermal trajectory followed by a near‐isobaric heating path from 1.9 GPa/500 °C to 2.4 GPa/575 °C and subsequent near‐isothermal decompression. 40Ar/39Ar dating of an amphibole inclusion in garnet from the eclogite yielded an age of 310 ± 5 Ma, which is consistent with a U–Pb age of 305 ± 3 Ma for the metamorphic zircon within uncertainty. Garnet core and rim material produced Lu–Hf ages of 296.9 ± 3.8 and 256.9 ± 3.9 Ma respectively; the latter is consistent with its Sm–Nd age of 254.3 ± 4.6 Ma for the same aliquots. Similarly, limited zircon U–Pb ages of c. 257 Ma were obtained in zircon rims with garnet inclusions. These ages were interpreted to bracket the period of garnet growth and the difference of up to c. 40 Ma is best explained by protracted garnet growth. We propose that the rocks represent detachment of part of the downgoing slab and remained free of significant compression/decompression or heating/cooling close to the subduction channel, most likely underplating the mantle wedge, for a long time. These rocks were incorporated into the following subduction channel due to the successive entry of the buoyant materials, and exhumed at some time later than c. 254 Ma. The increasing observations of protracted garnet growth and long‐lived subduction in various orogens worldwide demand more sophisticated geodynamic models.  相似文献   

Major element, trace element and Lu–Hf geochronological data from amphibolite facies pelitic schist in the Raft River and Albion Mountains of northwest Utah and southern Idaho indicate that garnet grew during increasing pressure, interpreted to be the result of tectonic burial and crustal thickening during Sevier orogenesis. Garnet growth was interrupted by hiatuses interpreted from discontinuities in major element zonation. Pressure–temperature paths were determined from the pre‐hiatus portions of the garnet chemical zoning profiles and indicate an increase of ~2 kbar and ~50 °C in the western Raft River Mountains. Garnet Lu–Hf dates of 150 ± 1 Ma in the western Raft River Mountains and 138.7 ± 0.7 Ma and 132 ± 5 Ma in the southern Albion Mountains indicate the timing of garnet growth. Lutetium garnet zoning profiles indicate that the Lu–Hf ages are biased towards the post‐hiatus or outer pre‐hiatus segments, indicating that the determined ages likely post‐date the recorded P–T path history or date the tail end of the paths. Crustal thickening associated with Sevier orogenesis in the western Raft River Mountains thus began slightly before 150 ± 1 Ma, in the Late Jurassic. This study shows that integrating P–T paths determined from garnet growth zoning with Lu–Hf garnet geochronology and in situ garnet trace element analyses is an effective approach for interpreting and dating deformation events in orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The Ross orogen of Antarctica is an extensive (>3000 km‐long) belt of deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and granitoid batholiths, which formed during convergence and subduction of palaeo‐Pacific lithosphere beneath East Gondwana in the Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic. Despite its prominent role in Gondwanan convergent tectonics, and a well‐established magmatic record, relatively little is known about the metamorphic rocks in the Ross orogen. A combination of garnet Lu–Hf and monazite U–Pb (measured by laser‐ablation split‐stream ICP‐MS) geochronology reveals a protracted metamorphic history of metapelites and garnet amphibolites from a major segment of the orogen. Additionally, direct dating of a common rock‐forming mineral (garnet) and accessory mineral (monazite) allows us to test assumptions that are commonly used when linking accessory mineral geochronology to rock‐forming mineral reactions. Petrography, mineral zoning, thermobarometry and pseudosection modelling reveal a Barrovian‐style prograde path, reaching temperatures of ~610–680 °C. Despite near‐complete diffusional resetting of garnet major element zoning, the garnet retains strong rare earth element zoning and preserves Lu–Hf dates that range from c. 616–572 Ma. Conversely, monazite in the rocks was extensively recrystallized, with concordant dates that span from c. 610–500 Ma, and retain only vestigial cores. Monazite cores yield dates that overlap with the garnet Lu–Hf dates and typically have low‐Y and heavy rare earth element (HREE) concentrations, corroborating interpretations of low‐Y and low‐HREE monazite domains as records of synchronous garnet growth. However, ratios of REE concentrations in garnet and monazite do not consistently match previously reported partition coefficients for the REE between these two minerals. High‐Y monazite inclusions within pristine, crack‐free garnet yield U–Pb dates significantly younger than the Lu–Hf dates for the same samples, indicating recrystallization of monazite within garnet. The recrystallization of high‐Y and high‐HREE monazite domains over >50 Ma likely records either punctuated thermal pulses or prolonged residence at relatively high temperatures (up to ~610–680 °C) driving monazite recrystallization. One c. 616 Ma garnet Lu–Hf date and several c. 610–600 Ma monazite U–Pb dates are tentatively interpreted as records of the onset of tectonism metamorphism in the Ross orogeny, with a more robust constraint from the other Lu–Hf dates (c. 588–572 Ma) and numerous c. 590–570 Ma monazite U–Pb dates. The data are consistent with a tectonic model that involves shortening and thickening prior to widespread magmatism in the vicinity of the study area. The early tectonic history of the Ross orogen, recorded in metamorphic rocks, was broadly synchronous with Gondwana‐wide collisional Pan‐African orogenies.  相似文献   

This study presents Lu–Hf geochronology of zoned garnet in high‐P eclogites from the North Qilian orogenic belt. Selected samples have ~mm‐sized garnet grains that have been sampled with a micro‐drill and analysed for dating. The Lu–Hf dates of bulk garnet separates, micro‐drilled garnet cores and the remnant, rim‐enriched garnet were determined by two‐point isochrons, with cores being consistently older than the bulk‐ and rim‐enriched garnet. The bulk garnet separates of each sample define identical garnet–whole rock isochron date of c. 457 Ma. Consistent U–Pb zircon dates of 455 ± 8 Ma were obtained from the eclogite. The Lu–Hf dates of the drilled cores and rim‐rich separates suggest a minimum garnet growth interval of 468.9 ± 2.4 and 452.1 ± 1.6 Ma. Major and Lu element profiles in the majority of garnet grains show well‐preserved Rayleigh‐style fractionated bell‐shaped Mn and Lu zoning profiles, and increasing Mg from core to rim. Pseudosection modelling indicates that garnet grew along a P–T path from ~470–525°C and ~2.4–2.6 GPa. The exceptional high‐Mn garnet core in one sample indicates an early growth during epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism at <460°C and <0.8 GPa. Therefore, the Lu–Hf dates of drilled cores record the early prograde garnet growth, whereas the Lu–Hf dates of rim‐rich fractions provide a maximum age for the end of garnet growth. The microsampling approach applied in this study can be broadly used in garnet‐bearing rocks, even those without extremely large garnet crystals, in an attempt to retrieve the early metamorphic timing recorded in older garnet cores. Given a proper selection of the drill bit size and a detailed crystal size distribution analysis, the cores of the mm‐sized garnet in most metamorphic rocks can be dated to yield critical constraints on the early timing of metamorphism. This study provides new crucial constraints on the timing of the initial subduction (before c. 469 Ma) and the ultimate closure (earlier than c. 452 Ma) of the fossil Qilian oceanic basin.  相似文献   

High‐P (HP) eclogite and associated garnet–omphacite granulite have recently been discovered in the Mulantou area, northeastern Hainan Island, South China. These rocks consist mainly of garnet, omphacite, hornblende, quartz and rutile/ilmenite, with or without zoisite and plagioclase. Textural relationships, mineral compositions and thermobarometric calculations demonstrate that the eclogite and garnet–omphacite granulite share the same three‐stage metamorphic evolution, with prograde, peak and retrograde P?T conditions of 620–680°C and 8.7–11.1 kbar, 820–860°C and 17.0–18.2 kbar, and 700–730°C and 7.1–8.5 kbar respectively. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating, coupled with the identification of mineral inclusions in zircon, reveals the formation of mafic protoliths before 355 Ma, prograde metamorphism at c. 340–330 Ma, peak to retrograde metamorphism at c. 310–300 Ma, and subsequent pegmatite intrusion at 295 Ma. Trace element geochemistry shows that most of the rocks have a MORB affinity, with initial εNd values of +2.4 to +6.7. As with similar transitional eclogite–HP granulite facies rocks in the thickened root in the European Variscan orogen, the occurrence of relatively high P?T metamorphic rocks of oceanic origin in northeastern Hainan Island suggests Carboniferous oceanic subduction leading to collision of the Hainan continental block, or at least part of it, with the South China Block in the eastern Palaeo‐Tethyan tectonic domain.  相似文献   

A section of the orogenic middle crust (Orlica‐?nie?nik Dome, Polish/Czech Central Sudetes) was examined to constrain the duration and significance of deformation (D) and intertectonic (I) phases. In the studied metasedimentary synform, three deformation events produced an initial subhorizontal foliation S1 (D1), a subsequent subvertical foliation S2 (D2) and a late subhorizontal axial planar cleavage S3 (D3). The synform was intruded by pre‐, syn‐ and post‐D2 granitoid sheets. Crystallization–deformation relationships in mica schist samples document I1–2 garnet–staurolite growth, syn‐D2 staurolite breakdown to garnet–biotite–sillimanite/andalusite, I2–3 cordierite blastesis and late‐D3 chlorite growth. Garnet porphyroblasts show a linear Mn–Ca decrease from the core to the inner rim, a zone of alternating Ca–Y‐ and P‐rich annuli in the inner rim, and a Ca‐poor outer rim. The Ca–Y‐rich annuli probably reflect the occurrence of the allanite‐to‐monazite transition at conditions of the staurolite isograd, whereas the Ca‐poor outer rim is ascribed to staurolite demise. The reconstructed PT path, obtained by modelling the stability of parageneses and garnet zoning, documents near‐isobaric heating from ~4 kbar/485 °C to ~4.75 kbar/575 °C during I1–2. This was followed by a progression to 4–5 kbar/580–625 °C and a subsequent pressure decrease to 3–4 kbar during D2. Pressure decrease below 3 kbar is ascribed to I2–3, whereas cooling below ~500 °C occurred during D3. In the dated mica schist sample, garnet rims show strong Lu enrichment, oscillatory Lu zoning and a slight Ca increase. These features are also related to allanite breakdown coeval with staurolite appearance. As Lu‐rich garnet rims dominate the Lu–Hf budget, the 344 ± 3 Ma isochron age is ascribed to garnet crystallization at staurolite grade, near the end of I1–2. For the dated sample of amphibole–biotite granitoid sheet, a Pb–Pb single zircon evaporation age of 353 ± 1 Ma is related to the onset of plutonic activity. The results suggest a possible Devonian age for D1, and a Carboniferous burial‐exhumation cycle in mid‐crustal rocks that is broadly coeval with the exhumation of neighbouring HP rocks during D2. In the light of published ages, a succession of telescoping stages with time spans decreasing from c. 10 to 2–3 Ma is proposed. The initially long period of tectonic quiescence (I1–2 phase, c. 10 Ma) inferred in the middle crust contrasts with contemporaneous deformation at deeper levels and points to decoupled PTD histories within the orogenic wedge. An elevated gradient of ~30 °C km?1 and assumed high heating rates of c. 20 °C Ma?1 are explained by the protracted intrusion of granitoid sheets, with or without deformation, whereas fast vertical movements (2–3 Ma, D2 phase) in the crust require the activity of deformation phases.  相似文献   

The Karakoram–Hindu Kush–Pamir and adjacent Tibetan plateau belt comprise a series of Gondwana‐derived crustal fragments that successively accreted to the Eurasian margin in the Mesozoic as the result of the progressive Tethys ocean closure. These domains provide unique insights into the thermal and structural history of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Eurasian plate margin, which are critical to inform the initial boundary conditions (e.g. crustal thickness, structure and thermo‐mechanical properties) for the subsequent development of the large and hot Tibetan–Himalaya orogen, and the associated crustal deformation processes. Using a combination of microstructural analyses, thermobarometry modelling and U–Th–Pb monazite and Lu–Hf garnet geochronology, the study reappraises the metamorphic history of exposed mid‐crustal metapelites in the Chitral region of the South Pamir–Hindu Kush (NW Pakistan). This study also demonstrates that trace elements in monazite (especially Y and Dy), combined with thermodynamical modelling and Lu–Hf garnet dating, provides a powerful integrated toolbox for constraining long‐lived and polyphased tectono‐metamorphic histories in all their spatial and temporal complexity. Rocks from the Chitral region were progressively deformed and metamorphosed at sub‐ and supra‐solidus conditions through at least four distinct episodes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. Rocks were first metamorphosed at ~400–500°C and ~0.3 GPa in the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic (210–185 Ma), likely in response to the accretion of the Karakoram during the Cimmerian orogeny. Pressure and temperature subsequently increased by ~0.3 GPa and 100°C in the Early‐ to Mid Cretaceous (140–80 Ma), coinciding with the intrusion of calcalkaline granitic plutons across the Karakoram and Pamir regions. This event is interpreted as the record of crustal thickening and the development of a proto‐plateau within the Eurasian margin due to a long‐lived episode of slab flattening in an Andean‐type margin. Peak metamorphism was reached in the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene (40–30 Ma) at conditions of 580–600°C and ~0.6 GPa and 700–750°C and 0.7–0.8 GPa for the investigated staurolite schists and sillimanite migmatites respectively. This crustal heating up to moderate anatexis likely resulted in the underthrusting of the Indian plate after a NeoTethyan slab‐break off or to the Tethyan Himalaya–Lhasa microcontinent collision and subsequent oceanic slab flattening. Near‐isothermal decompression/exhumation followed in the Late Oligocene (28–23 Ma) as marked by a pressure decrease in excess of ~0.1 GPa. This event was coeval with the intrusion of the 24 Ma Garam Chasma leucogranite. This rapid exhumation is interpreted to be related to the reactivation of the South Pamir–Karakoram suture zone during the ongoing collision with India. The findings of this study confirm that significant crustal shortening and thickening of the south Eurasian margin occurred during the Mesozoic in an accretionary‐type tectonic setting through successive episodes of terrane accretions and probably slab flattening, transiently increasing the coupling at the plate interface. Moreover, they indicate that the south Eurasian margin was already hot and thickened prior to Cenozoic collision with India, which has important implications for orogen‐scale strain‐accommodation mechanisms.  相似文献   

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