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穿越坍方区及断层带的隧洞检修洞施工方案 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
详细介绍了昆明掌鸠河引水供水工程厂口隧洞检修支洞主洞穿越坍方区及断层带的施工方案,内容包括坍方冒顶情况描述、地表陷穴处理、洞内坍方体处理和穿越坍方区施工步骤与技术措施。施工实践表明,所介绍的施工方案合理可行,效果良好。 相似文献
甘南坪定-化马断裂是现今仍在活动的断裂,具左旋走滑性质。锁儿头滑坡沿坪定-化马断裂带发育,属典型的蠕滑型断裂带滑坡。野外调查及监测资料表明,锁儿头滑坡规模大,为巨型滑坡,其上发育多个次级小滑坡。滑坡体由断层破碎带、碎石土和堆积黄土组成。该滑坡变形强烈,拉张裂缝、剪张裂缝多见,目前处于蠕滑变形状态,是在内外动力耦合条件下形成的。活动断裂对滑坡的形成、发展起控制作用,而降雨则是滑坡复活的主要诱发因素。因此,对锁儿头滑坡成因机制的深入研究可为蠕滑型断裂带滑坡的预测防治提供理论依据。 相似文献
全新世以来青藏高原东部巴塘断裂带活动强烈,地形地貌和地质构造复杂,历史地震频发,并诱发大量滑坡灾害。基于巴塘断裂带地震滑坡长期防控的需要,在分析区域地质灾害成灾背景和发育分布特征的基础上,采用Newmark模型完成了巴塘断裂带50年超越概率10%的潜在地震滑坡危险性预测评价,并完成地震滑坡危险性区划。结果表明:巴塘断裂带及其临近的金沙江断裂带区域、金沙江及其支流沿岸具有较高的潜在地震滑坡危险性,地震滑坡危险区具有沿断裂带和大江大河等峡谷区分布的总体趋势,受活动断裂和地形地貌影响显著;距离断层越近、坡度越大的斜坡,地震滑坡危险性越高;规划建设中的川藏铁路经巴塘县德达乡、白玉县沙马乡,向西北延伸,跨越金沙江,可以穿越较少的地震滑坡危险区,金沙江水电工程规划建设需加强潜在地震滑坡危害研判及防控。巴塘断裂带潜在地震滑坡危险性评价结果可为区域城镇开发和重大工程规划建设的地震滑坡长期防控提供科学参考。 相似文献
舟曲是我国滑坡灾害最严重的地区之一,其中断裂带滑坡活动频繁,危害巨大。文章在综合遥感、变形监测和现场调查的基础上,研究了断裂带滑坡特征及其灾害效应,提出了风险防控对策。研究表明:(1)断裂带滑坡形态上主要为长条形和簸箕形;滑体、滑床一般为板岩、千枚岩碎块石组成,滑带土为含砾黏土;滑坡具有多级、分块活动特征且块体差异性滑动特征显著;滑坡一般为慢速滑动,具有蠕滑特征;滑坡具有降雨敏感性特征,深层滑坡对降雨响应有明显的滞后性。(2)断裂带滑坡的成灾模式主要为慢速滑动过程中的蠕滑拉裂效应和冲击推挤效应,滑动后的堵江淹没效应、挤压侵蚀效应,以及社会影响效应等。(3)断裂带滑坡规模较大,地层破碎,治理条件差,工程治理措施难以奏效。但其突发性不强,应以管防为主,宜采取用地管控、监测预警、避险搬迁等防治措施,慎用工程治理措施。 相似文献
基于GIS的小江断裂中北段滑坡灾害危险性评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
小江断裂中北段作为金沙江下游重大水电工程库区内最重要的活动断裂构造,其沿线滑坡地质灾害发育,严重制约了当地的经济和社会发展。在详细调查了小江断裂中北段沿线滑坡地质灾害的基础上,选取了坡度、坡向、工程地质岩组、岸坡结构、断裂构造等9个影响因子作为评价指标,对研究区滑坡灾害的发育分布规律进行了分析研究,并采用AHP-CF法建立了滑坡灾害危险性评价模型,利用GIS空间分析功能得出了研究区滑坡地质灾害危险性分区。通过检验曲线验证滑坡地质危险性评价结果可知,AUC值为80%。 相似文献
High-precision catalogues containing data on the spatial distribution of earthquake sources associated with several fault
zones have been processed. The analysis shows a high degree of spatial localization of seismicity. Most of the events are
observed in a narrow zone with a characteristic width of about 100 m. This value is a part of a percent of the fault zone
length and corresponds to the upper boundary of estimates concerning the effective fault width, which are made on the basis
of data on the characteristic parameters of roughness and waviness of rock discontinuities. 相似文献
Haijian Su Hongwen Jing Honghui Zhao Liyuan Yu Yingchao Wang 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(4):179
Rock mass in the fault fracture zone has some characteristics such as low strength and poor self-stability, so the control mechanism of stability has been a difficulty in the research of underground engineering. A set of laboratory simulation method of fault fractured rock mass is developed to reflect the natural forming process of fault fracture zone. Compared with intact rock mass, the fault fractured rock mass has an obvious degradation in strength and deformation parameters, and the degradation index is between 22.79 and 84.06%. The bolt has a certain supporting effect on the fault fractured rock mass, and in the situation of end anchoring, the greater the pretightening force is, the better the enforcement effect will be. The stress field produced by high pretightening force can relieve the stress concentration around the bolt hole and make the initial cracks of rock mass away from the bolt plate. The evolution curve of bolt axial force in the process of uniaxial compression of large-scale specimen shows four stages, which are the initial compression stage, pre-peak joint load-bearing stage, post-peak joint load-bearing stage and the residual stage. Research results could provide some theory reference for the stability control of rock mass in the fault fracture zone. 相似文献
滑带土是滑坡形成过程中形成的一层结构性较差的土体,是滑坡的重要组成部分。其物理力学性质、微观结构与滑坡的形成以及后期运动特征密切相关。黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡是按照滑坡地质成因划分的一种上层黄土、下层泥岩的具有“双层异质”结构的滑坡。此类滑坡由于在滑动中具有缓动低速的特点,往往早期不易被发现,发现时已造成了严重的危害。采用GDS三轴仪对天水地区花南村滑坡、半山村滑坡和咀头村滑坡三个黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡的滑带土力学性质进行研究,结合滑带土微观结构特征,分析黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡滑带土的力学变化特征及其变形内在机理。研究发现:滑带土中大量存在被黏土颗粒包裹的大颗粒,这些大颗粒在滑带土变形过程中经历错位、滑移等过程后,大颗粒进一步滑移受到黏土质限制,导致黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡滑带土在宏观上表现出应变硬化的典型特征。此外,剪切中孔隙水压力无法及时消散也是此类滑坡变形的重要特征之一。应变硬化造成滑带土在滑动中强度未出现残余值而导致滑坡处于持续运动中,能量的释放方式属于缓慢释放型。因此该类滑坡滑动具有缓动低速的特性。 相似文献
为研究断层破碎带隧道开挖扰动作用下突水、突泥灾变演化过程,建立了三维地质模型试验系统,以江西永莲隧道F2断层突水、突泥灾害为例,通过大量的材料配比及物理力学性能参数测试,研制出适用于流-固耦合模型试验的新型断层及正常围岩相似材料,对隧道突水、突泥灾害进行研究。试验结果有效地揭示了无支护条件下断层破碎带隧道的洞周位移、渗流压力、应力-应变以及突出物质量等特征参数对时效性的响应规律。随着时间的增长,渗流压力整体呈上升趋势,越靠近开挖面其波动范围及幅度越大;突出物质量在发生突水、突泥灾害前出现短时减小后迅速增加;洞周围岩拱顶以竖向位移为主,而拱腰以水平位移为主;在相同相应力状态下,拱腰位置应变比拱顶位置大。将试验灾变特征与现场实际演化过程进行对比分析,两者结果较为吻合。该系统可广泛应用于其他地下工程的模型试验研究,其研究方法及结果对类似工程研究具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。 相似文献
遂昌柘岱口-湖山北东向断裂带在晚侏罗世至晚白垩世晚期经历了多期次、不同性质的活动,断裂活动与该地区两个大规模萤石矿田的形成关系密切.晚侏罗世晚期到早白垩世早期断裂活动表现为拉张松驰作用,为黄沙腰萤石矿田的形成提供了导矿和容矿构造空间,萤石矿主体赋存于北东向断裂带内.晚白垩世晚期,断裂活动表现为挤压环境,断裂带具有导矿作用,矿体受控于派生之北西向次级断裂内,湖山萤石矿田的形成具有此特征. 相似文献
甘肃南部坪定-化马断裂带滑坡变形特征及其防治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以坪定-化马断裂带泄流坡滑坡为例,通过野外调查和变形监测资料分析,深入剖析了断裂带滑坡变形特征和形成机理,提出了断裂带滑坡的防治方法和治理措施。断裂带滑坡一般为大型—巨型滑坡,由多个次级滑坡体组成,历史上曾多次活动。变形监测资料表明,泄流坡滑坡变形目前处于匀速蠕变阶段,呈现蠕滑-塑流拉裂-土(石)流的变形破坏特点。断裂破碎带及其现今活动为滑坡长期蠕滑变形提供了物质基础,而降雨是滑坡体失稳下滑的主要诱发因素。断裂带滑坡按岩性可归类为松散堆积层滑坡。因此,对断裂带滑坡的防治应以防为主,以治为辅,即开展滑坡变形实时监测和群测群防,辅以滑坡表面排水、坡脚压载等措施,以减缓或防止泄流坡滑坡再次形成灾害。 相似文献
岔路河断陷是伊通盆地的一个二级构造单元,其西北缘断裂带是断陷的主控断裂,早始新世以来开始拉张,控制了最大厚度达五六千米厚的第三系地层沉积。但西北缘断裂带结构复杂,经历了挤压和拉张的多次转换,挤压较弱的地方能在露头和地震剖面上看到边界正断层,而挤压强的地方西北缘发育多条具有叠式特征的逆断层,地震剖面显示挤压应力主要来源于大黑山的隆起。结合地震资料和地层埋藏史等资料,可将西北缘断裂带的演化划分为6个阶段:①双阳-奢岭期拉张阶段;②奢岭期末挤压阶段;③永吉期拉张阶段;④永吉期末挤压阶段;⑤万昌-齐家期拉张阶段;⑥晚第三纪以来的挤压阶段。 相似文献
Guodong Zheng Yuhua Lang M. Miyahara T. Nozaki T. Haruaki 《Environmental Geology》2007,51(8):1455-1464
Orange precipitate was collected at the mouth of groundwater drainage tubes from the Kumanashi Landslide slip zone in Toyama prefecture, Northwest Japan. Data from XRF, X-ray diffraction, and Mössbauer spectroscopy determined the precipitate as hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) bearing multi-elements such as phosphorous, silica, calcium, etc. The occurrence of HFO may indicate an oxidation of ferrous iron in the percolated groundwater from the slip zone. Moreover, the precipitate iron should be mobilized with groundwater circulation from the slip zone, whose reducing condition was determined by the iron speciation on the same type of landslide profiles within the study area in previous studies. The HFO precipitate may be considered as a secondary reliable indicator to locate the seepage of a slip zone on surface, especially for a landslide newly investigated under wet-warm climate. 相似文献
千将坪滑坡滑带地质演化过程研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
千将坪滑坡是三峡水库蓄水后发生的第一个大型基岩滑坡,引起了社会各方面极大的关注。千将坪滑坡的类型、成因演化等问题也成为学术界研究的重点和热点。本文在千将坪滑坡滑带宏观结构分析的基础上,使用层间剪切带应力历史分析方法,结合地质体铀系测年结果,得出千将坪滑坡属于新生滑坡的结论。文章研究了千将坪滑坡滑带的形成过程,分析了形成机制,指出千将坪滑带形成的地质历史成因是内外动力耦合作用的结果,建议三峡库区滑坡防治工作中要重视水库新生滑坡,特别是重视层间剪切带的研究。 相似文献
The structure of a fault zone developed in granitic rocks can be established on the basis of the spatial variability of geological, geophysical and geochemical parameters. In the North Fault of the Mina Ratones area (SW Iberian Massif, Spain), fault rocks along two studied traverses (SR-2 and SR-3 boreholes) exhibit systematic changes in mineralogy, geochemistry, fabrics and microstructures that are related to brittle deformation and alteration of granite to form cataclasite and subsequent gouge. The spatial distribution and intensity of these changes suggest a North Fault morphology that is consistent with the fault-core/damage-zone model proposed by Chester et al. (1993) to describe a fault zone architecture. North Fault damage zone thickness can be defined by the development of mechanically related mesoscopic faults and joints, that produce a Fracture Index (FI)>10. High FI values are spatially correlated with relative low seismic velocity zones (VP<5 km/s and VS<2.5 km/s in the well-logs), more probably related to a high concentration of fractures and geochemical alteration produced by meteoric water-granite interaction along fault surfaces. This correlation is the base of a geostatistical model proposed in the final part of this study to image the fault zone architecture of a granitic massif. 相似文献
笔者总结了近年来的研究成果认为.中国东部的郯庐断裂带白海西期以来经历了两个主要发展阶段:第一阶段是广义的郯庐断裂带发展阶段,晚三叠世-早侏罗世由于扬子地块与华北地块的碰撞,成为两地块的对接边界,具有逆冲推覆的性质,属广义的特提斯构造域。第二发展阶段从早白垩世以来,发展成为一条平移断裂带,属于狭义的环太平洋构造域的平移系统。岩相古地理资料显示了扬子地块与华北地块的对接始于晚二叠世早期:印支期的郯庐断裂带是一条由NE、NNE向展布的缓‘S’型的地块拼贴边界.在现今的郯庐断裂带上表现为残留的由北北西向南南东的斜向逆冲推覆的性质,中下构造层次表现为韧性逆冲推覆变形,上部构造层即前陆褶皱冲断带内的变形:应力场分析资料显示:早三叠世晚期开始地表浅部就有近南北向的挤压作用,左行走滑平移作用开始发育:早白垩世晚期开始转入引张伸展阶段.与中国东部的伸展作用一致:新近纪又转为近东西向挤压.发育逆冲兼右行走滑作用. 相似文献
The Finne fault zone, located in central Germany to the southwest of the Harz mountains, was studied by means of detailed map analysis, investigations of fault displacement and balanced cross-sections for the most strongly deformed area in the center of the fault zone (ca. 50?% of total fault zone length). The system of the Finne fault zone shows a nearly 100-km-long straight flexure that symbolizes the morphological and geological northeastern border of the Thuringian basin. In the central part, which should be surveyed here, the fault zone corresponds to a distinctive narrow band of highly deformed Triassic sedimentary rocks. The northwestern and especially the southeastern parts of the research area are developed as several parallel branch faults. In the southeastern elongation of the fault zone, which is not part of our survey, the sedimentary cover is missing. Here, it is possible to gain insight to the fact that the basement is also involved to the kinematics of the fault zone. Based on our results, we propose a subdivision of the fault zone into four sectors. From the northwest to the southeast, we interpret the structure of these sectors to reflect (1) a compressional flexure, (2) an overthrust graben, and (3) a partially inverted and folded half graben. In the extreme southeast (4), the fault zone is characterized by an anticline with some strike-slip movement parallel to the fold axis. This segmentation is caused by a thrust fault system whose strike direction deviates slightly from that of the earlier formed graben system. The structural configuration can be explained by a two-phase deformation, in which the contractional strain exceeded the preceding extensional deformation. In the investigated area, the horizontal shortening attains a maximum of ca. 1?km. The present study confirms many earlier hypotheses, presents new results on the deformation history of the fault zone, and attempts to evaluate the deformation in a regional geological context. The results of earlier studies were refined and revised using modern methods, and a unified structural and kinematic model of the Finne fault zone was created. 相似文献