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We present a new streamline-based numerical method for simulating reactive solute transport in porous media. The key innovation of the method is that both longitudinal and transverse dispersion are incorporated accurately without numerical dispersion. Dispersion is approximated in a flow-oriented grid using a combination of a one-dimensional finite difference scheme and a meshless approximation. In contrast to previous hybrid alternatives to incorporate dispersion in streamline-based simulations, the proposed scheme does not require a grid and, hence, it does not introduce numerical dispersion. In addition, the proposed scheme eliminates numerical oscillations and negative concentration values even when the dispersion tensor includes the off-diagonal coefficients and the flow field is non-uniform. We demonstrate that for a set of two- and three-dimensional benchmark problems, the new proposed streamline-based formulation compares favorably to two state of the art finite volume and hybrid Eulerian–Lagrangian solvers.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a general model for reaction in and performance of spatially heterogeneous bioreactors such as treatment wetlands. The modeled domain possesses local-scale velocities, reaction rates and transverse dispersion coefficients that are functions of an underlying heterogeneity variate representing one or more controlling biophysical attributes, for example, reactive surface area (submerged plant) density. Reaction rate coefficients are treated as related to local velocities in an inverse square fashion via their mutual dependence upon the variate. The study focuses on the solution for the steady-state case with constant inlet concentration. Results compare well with exact solutions developed for laterally-bounded systems in which the heterogeneity is represented explicitly. Employing the bicontinuum analogue of a second-order model, an expression for an effective longitudinal dispersion coefficient as a function of travel distance is developed using the method of moments. The result provides insights into the behavior of concentration as transverse mixing drives the system asymptotically toward Fickian longitudinal dispersion. The model may represent an improvement over other approaches for characterizing treatment wetland performance because it accounts for evolving shear flow dispersion, and because parameters are few in number, physically based, and invariant with mean velocity.  相似文献   

基于牛顿迭代法和遗传算法的CSAMT近场校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
栾晓东  底青云  雷达 《地球物理学报》2018,61(10):4148-4159



基于截断牛顿法的VTI介质声波多参数全波形反演   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王义  董良国 《地球物理学报》2015,58(8):2873-2885
不同类别参数间的相互耦合使多参数地震全波形反演的非线性程度显著增加, 地震波速度与各向异性参数取值数量级的巨大差异也会使反演问题的性态变差.合理使用Hessian逆算子可以减弱这两类问题对反演的影响, 提高多参数反演的精度, 而截断牛顿法是一种可以比较准确地估计 Hessian 逆算子的优化方法.本文采用截断牛顿法在时间域进行了VTI介质的声波双参数同时反演的研究.不同模型的反演试验表明, 在VTI介质声波双参数同时反演中, 截断牛顿法比有限内存 BFGS (Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, L-BFGS)法能更准确地估计 Hessian 逆算子, 进而较好地平衡两类不同参数的同时更新, 得到了比较精确的反演结果.  相似文献   

地下介质中普遍存在着各向异性,当前基于各向异性的地震波射线追踪多是在弱各向异性介质中进行且采用群速度近似表示方法,这些近似方法在强各项异性介质中会导致很大误差而无法真正模拟地震波的传播规律.根据地下普遍存在各向异性的事实和地震波基本传播规律,提出利用牛顿迭代法高效求解群速度,基于Paraview平台 自动化构建三维地质...  相似文献   

Both Eulerian and Lagrangian reactive transport simulations in natural media require selection of a parameter that controls the “promiscuity” of the reacting particles. In Eulerian models, measurement of this parameter may be difficult because its value will generally differ between natural (diffusion-limited) systems and batch experiments, even though both are modeled by reaction terms of the same form. And in Lagrangian models, there previously has been no a priori way to compute this parameter. In both cases, then, selection is typically done by calibration, or ad hoc. This paper addresses the parameter selection problem for Fickian transport by deriving, from first principles and D (the diffusion constant) the reaction-rate-controlling parameters for particle tracking (PT) codes and for the diffusion–reaction equation (DRE). Using continuous time random walk analysis, exact reaction probabilities are derived for pairs of potentially reactive particles based on D and their probability of reaction provided that they collocate. Simultaneously, a second PT scheme directly employing collocation probabilities is derived. One-to-one correspondence between each of D, the reaction radius specified for a PT scheme, and the DRE decay constant are then developed. These results serve to ground reactive transport simulations in their underlying thermodynamics, and are confirmed by simulations.  相似文献   


There are very few studies of fractured porous media that use distance- and time-dependent dispersion models, and, to the best of our knowledge, none which compare these with constant dispersion models. Therefore, in this study, the behaviour of temporal and spatial concentration profiles with distance- and time-dependent dispersion models is investigated. A hybrid finite volume method is used to solve the governing equations for these dispersion models. The developed numerical model is used to study the effects of matrix diffusion coefficient, groundwater velocity and matrix and fracture retardation factor on concentration profiles in the application of constant, distance-dependent and time-dependent dispersion models. In addition, an attempt is made to evaluate the applicability of these dispersion models by using the models to simulate experimental data. It was found that a better fit to the observed data is obtained in the case of distance- and time-dependent dispersion models as compared to the constant dispersion model. Thus, these numerical experiments indicate that distance- and time-dependent dispersion models have better simulation potential than the constant dispersion model.  相似文献   

The advection–dispersion equation with spatially variable coefficients does not have an exact analytical solution and is therefore solved numerically. However, solutions obtained with several of the traditional finite difference or finite element techniques typically exhibit spurious oscillation or numerical dispersion when advection is dominant. The mixing cell and semi-analytical solution methods proposed in this study avoid such oscillation or numerical dispersion when advection dominates. Both the mixing cell and semi-analytical solution methods calculate the spatial step size by equating numerical dispersion to physical dispersion. Because of the spatial variability of the coefficients the spatial step size varies in space. When the time step size Δt→0, the mixing cell method reduces to the semi-analytical solution method. The results of application to two cases show that the mixing cell and semi-analytical solution methods are better than a finite difference method used in the study. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mean value of a density of a cloud of points described by a generalized Liouville equation associated with a convection dispersion equation governing adsorbing solute transport yields a joint concentration probability density. The general technique can be applied for either linear or nonlinear adsorption; here the application is restricted to linear adsorption in one-dimensional transport. The equation generated for the joint concentration probability density is in the general form of a Fokker-Planck equation, but with a suitable coordinate transformation, it is possible to represent it as a diffusion equation with variable coefficients.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity is prevalent in aquifers and has an enormous impact on contaminant transport in groundwater. Numerical simulations are an effective way to deal with heterogeneity directly by assigning different hydraulic property values to each numerical grid block. Because hydraulic properties vary on different scales, but they cannot be sampled exhaustively and the number of numerical grid blocks is limited by computational considerations, the dispersive effects of unmodeled heterogeneity need to be accounted for. Dispersion tensors can be used to model the dispersion caused by unmodeled heterogeneity. The concept of block-effective macrodispersion tensors for modeling the effects of small-scale variability on solute transport introduced by Rubin et al. [Rubin Y, Sun A, Maxwell R, Bellin A. The concept of block-effective macrodispersivity and a unified approach for grid-scale- and plume-scale-dependent transport. J Fluid Mech 1999;395:161–80] is extended in this paper for use with reactive solutes. The tensors are derived for reactive solutes with spatially variable retardation factors and for solutes experiencing spatially uniform rate-limited sorption. The longitudinal block-effective macrodispersion coefficient is largest for perfect negative correlation between the log-hydraulic conductivity and the retardation factor. Because dispersion tensors, as they are usually implemented in numerical simulations, produce symmetric spreading, the applicability of the concept depends on the portion of the plume asymmetry caused by small-scale variability. The presented results show that the concept is applicable for rate-limited sorption for block sizes of one and two integral scales.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional equation governing the steady state spatial concentration distribution of a reactive constituent within a heterogeneous advective–dispersive flow field is solved analytically. The solution which is developed for the case of a single point source can be generalized to represent analogous situations with any number of separate point sources. A limiting case of special interest has a line source of constant concentration spanning the domain’s upstream boundary. The work has relevance for improving understanding of reactive transport within various kinds of advection-dominated natural or engineered environments including rivers and streams, and bioreactors such as treatment wetlands. Simulations are used to examine quantitatively the impact that transverse dispersion (deviations from purely stochastic-convective flow) can have on mean concentration decline in the direction of flow. Results support the contention that transverse mixing serves to enhance the overall rate of reaction in such systems.  相似文献   

Split-operator methods are commonly used to approximate environmental models. These methods facilitate the tailoring of different approximation approaches to different portions of the differential operator and provide a means to split large coupled problems into pieces that are more amenable to parallel computation than the original fully-coupled problem. However, split-operator methods introduce an additional source of approximation error into the solution, which is typically either ignored or controlled heuristically. In this work, we develop two methods to estimate and control the error in split-operator methods, which lead to a dynamic adjustment of the temporal splitting step based upon the error estimators. The proposed methods are shown to yield robust solutions that provide the desired control of error. In addition, for a typical nonlinear reaction problem, the new methods are shown to reduce the solution error by more than two orders of magnitude compared to standard methods for an identical level of computational effort. The algorithms introduced and evaluated have widespread applicability in environmental modeling.  相似文献   

This study presents a multiphase flow and multispecies reactive transport model for the simultaneous simulation of NAPL and groundwater flow, dissolution, and reactive transport with isotope fractionation, which can be used for better interpretation of NAPL-involved Compound Specific Isotope Analysis in 3D heterogeneous hydrogeologic systems. The model was verified for NAPL-aqueous phase equilibrium partitioning, aqueous phase multi-chain and multi-component reactive transport, and aqueous phase multi-component transport with isotope fractionation. Several illustrative examples are presented to investigate the effect of DNAPL spill rates, degradation rate constants, and enrichment factors on the temporal and spatial distribution of the isotope signatures of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon groundwater plumes. The results clearly indicate that isotope signatures can be significantly different when considering multiphase flow within the source zone. A series of simulations indicate that degradation and isotope enrichment compete with dissolution to determine the isotope signatures in the source zone: isotope ratios remain the same as those of the source if dissolution dominates the reaction, while heavy isotopes are enriched in reactants along groundwater plume flow paths when degradation becomes dominant. It is also shown that NAPL composition can change from that of the injected source due to the partitioning of components between the aqueous and NAPL phases even when degradation is not allowed in NAPL phase. The three-dimensional simulation is presented to mechanistically illustrate the complexities in determining and interpreting the isotopic signatures with evolving DNAPL source architecture.  相似文献   

Numerical inversion is required when Laplace transform cannot be inverted analytically by manipulating tabled formulas of special cases. However, the numerical inverse Laplace transform is generally an ill-posed problem, and there is no universal method which works well for all problems. In this study, we selected seven commonly used numerical inverse Laplace transform methods to evaluate their performance for dealing with solute transport in the subsurface under uniform or radial flow condition. Such seven methods included the Stehfest, the de Hoog, the Honig–Hirdes, the Talbot, the Weeks, the Simon and the Zakian methods. We specifically investigated the optimal free parameters of each method, including the number of terms used in the summation and the numerical tolerance. This study revealed that some commonly recommended values of the free parameters in previous studies did not work very well, especially for the advection-dominated problems. Instead, we recommended new values of the free parameters for some methods after testing their robustness. For the radial dispersion, the de Hoog, the Talbot, and the Simon methods worked very well, regardless of the dispersion-dominated or advection-dominated situations. The Weeks method can be used to solve the dispersion-dominated problems, but not the advection-dominated problems. The Stehfest, the Honig–Hirdes, and the Zakian methods were recommended for the dispersion-dominated problems. The Zakian method was efficient, while the de Hoog method was time-consuming under radial flow condition. Under the uniform flow condition, all the methods could present somewhat similar results when the free parameters were given proper values for dispersion-dominated problems; while only the Simon method, the Weeks method, and the de Hoog method worked well for advection-dominated problems.  相似文献   

CO2 injection and storage in deep saline aquifers involves many coupled processes, including multiphase flow, heat and mass transport, rock deformation and mineral precipitation and dissolution. Coupling is especially critical in carbonate aquifers, where minerals will tend to dissolve in response to the dissolution of CO2 into the brine. The resulting neutralization will drive further dissolution of both CO2 and calcite. This suggests that large cavities may be formed and that proper simulation may require full coupling of reactive transport and multiphase flow. We show that solving the latter may suffice whenever two requirements are met: (1) all reactions can be assumed to occur in equilibrium and (2) the chemical system can be calculated as a function of the state variables of the multiphase flow model (i.e., liquid and gas pressure, and temperature). We redefine the components of multiphase flow codes (traditionally, water and CO2), so that they are conservative for all reactions of the chemical system. This requires modifying the traditional constitutive relationships of the multiphase flow codes, but yields the concentrations of all species and all reaction rates by simply performing speciation and mass balance calculations at the end of each time step. We applied this method to the H2O–CO2–Na–Cl–CaCO3 system, so as to model CO2 injection into a carbonate aquifer containing brine. Results were very similar to those obtained with traditional formulations, which implies that full coupling of reactive transport and multi-phase flow is not really needed for this kind of systems, but the resulting simplifications may make it advisable even for cases where the above requirements are not met. Regarding the behavior of carbonate rocks, we find that porosity development near the injection well is small because of the low solubility of calcite. Moreover, dissolution concentrates at the front of the advancing CO2 plume because the brine below the plume tends to reach high CO2 concentrations quite rapidly. We conclude that carbonate dissolution needs not to be feared.  相似文献   

We developed a frequency‐domain acoustic‐elastic coupled waveform inversion based on the Gauss‐Newton conjugate gradient method. Despite the use of a high‐performance computer system and a state‐of‐the‐art parallel computation algorithm, it remained computationally prohibitive to calculate the approximate Hessian explicitly for a large‐scale inverse problem. Therefore, we adopted the conjugate gradient least‐squares algorithm, which is frequently used for geophysical inverse problems, to implement the Gauss‐Newton method so that the approximate Hessian is calculated implicitly. Thus, there was no need to store the Hessian matrix. By simultaneously back‐propagating multi‐components consisting of the pressure and displacements, we could efficiently extract information on the subsurface structures. To verify our algorithm, we applied it to synthetic data sets generated from the Marmousi‐2 model and the modified SEG/EAGE salt model. We also extended our algorithm to the ocean‐bottom cable environment and verified it using ocean‐bottom cable data generated from the Marmousi‐2 model. With the assumption of a hard seafloor, we recovered both the P‐wave velocity of complicated subsurface structures as well as the S‐wave velocity. Although the inversion of the S‐wave velocity is not feasible for the high Poisson's ratios used to simulate a soft seafloor, several strategies exist to treat this problem. Our example using multi‐component data showed some promise in mitigating the soft seafloor effect. However, this issue still remains open.  相似文献   

Many popular groundwater modeling codes are based on the finite differences or finite volume method for orthogonal grids. In cases of complex subsurface geometries this type of grid either leads to coarse geometric representations or to extremely fine meshes. We use a coordinate transformation method (CTM) to circumvent this shortcoming. In computational fluid dynamics (CFD), this method has been applied successfully to the general Navier–Stokes equation. The method is based on tensor analysis and performs a transformation of a curvilinear into a rectangular unit grid, on which a modified formulation of the differential equations is applied. Therefore, it is not necessary to reformulate the code in total. We applied the CTM to an existing three-dimensional code (SHEMAT), a simulator for heat conduction and advection in porous media. The finite volume discretization scheme for the non-orthogonal, structured, hexahedral grid leads to a 19-point stencil and a correspondingly banded system matrix. The implementation is straightforward and it is possible to use some existing routines without modification. The accuracy of the modified code is demonstrated for single phase flow on a two-dimensional analytical solution for flow and heat transport. Additionally, a simple case of potential flow is shown for a two-dimensional grid which is increasingly deformed. The result reveals that the corresponding error increases only slightly. Finally, a thermal free-convection benchmark is discussed. The result shows, that the solution obtained with the new code is in good agreement with the ones obtained by other codes.  相似文献   

An unconditionally stable explicit time integrator has recently been developed for parabolic systems of equations. This rational Runge Kutta (RRK) method, proposed by Wambecq1 and Hairer2, has been applied by Liu et al.3 to linear heat conduction problems in a time-partitioned solution context. An important practical question is whether the method has application for the solution of (nearly) hyperbolic equations as well.In this paper the RRK method is applied to a nonlinear heat conduction problem, the advection-diffusion equation, and the hyperbolic Buckley-Leverett problem. The method is, indeed, found to be unconditionally stable for the linear heat conduction problem and performs satisfactorily for the nonlinear heat flow case. A heuristic limitation on the utility of RRK for the advection-diffusion equation arises in the Courant number; for the second-order accurate one-step two-stage RRK method, a limiting Courant number of 2 applies. First order upwinding is not as effective when used with RRK as with Euler one-step methods. The method is found to perform poorly for the Buckley-Leverett problem.  相似文献   

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