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One of the key uncertainties surrounding the impacts of climate change in Africa is the effect on the sustainability of rural water supplies. Many of these water supplies abstract from shallow groundwater (<50 m) and are the sole source of safe drinking water for rural populations. Analysis of existing rainfall and recharge studies suggests that climate change is unlikely to lead to widespread catastrophic failure of improved rural groundwater supplies. These require only 10 mm of recharge annually per year to support a hand pump, which should still be achievable for much of the continent, although up to 90 million people may be affected in marginal groundwater recharge areas (200–500 mm annual rainfall). Lessons learnt from groundwater source behaviour during recent droughts, substantiated by groundwater modelling, indicate that increased demand on dispersed water points, as shallow unimproved sources progressively fail, poses a much greater risk of individual source failure than regional resource depletion. Low yielding sources in poor aquifers are most at risk. Predicted increased rainfall intensity may also increase the risk of contamination of very shallow groundwater. Looking to the future, an increase in major groundwater-based irrigation systems, as food prices rise and surface water becomes more unreliable, may threaten long-term sustainability as competition for groundwater increases. To help prepare for increased climate variability, it is essential to understand the balance between water availability, access to water, and use/demand. In practice, this means increasing access to secure domestic water, understanding and mapping renewable and non-renewable groundwater resources, promoting small-scale irrigation and widening the scope of early warning systems and mapping to include access to water.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The climatic change has led to the sea-level rise (SLR), which is expected to continue based on the current industrial and human activities. Previous studies indicated that most of...  相似文献   

Seawater is the major heat transporter in our global environment, covering more than two-thirds of the surface of the earth. With an average salinity of ~3.5%, it is a moderate electric conductor, which is permanently in motion by thermal and hydrodynamic forces. A magnetic field exerts a Lorentz force on seawater that principally influences both the dissipation of turbulence and the flow properties by magnetic friction. Here we show by experiments on laboratory scale that convection in seawater is slowed down by an external static magnetic field and leads to a reduced heat flux resulting in an increased or decreased heat content in the volume in response to influx or drain of heat, respectively. Experimentally, the application of a vertical magnetic field of 60 mT reduces the convective heat transport on the liquid-air surface within in 5 min by about 8% perpendicular to the field and up to 14% parallel to it. The effect is strongly correlated with the magnetic interaction parameter of the system, which relates the magnetic to the viscous volume force. In the natural environment, the geomagnetic field is omnipresent. It is weaker by about three orders of magnitude compared with the magnetic field applied in the experiments. It has, however, an undisturbed and long-lasting impact on the convection, at low Reynolds numbers, in the large body of water in the deeper ocean below the mixed layer. There are no investigations regarding a possible contribution of this effect to natural saltwater flows, neither by proxy experiments nor by model calculations. The data presented raise the possibility that convective heat transport in the sea could be always slowed down by the geomagnetic field to a certain extent, besides it could be modulated by the geomagnetic secular variation on relatively short timescales like decades.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether the rhyolites and basalts of the intraplate silica-saturated potassic suites could be genetically related through crystallization. Extreme crystallization (96–97%) of a high-MgO (10.62 wt%) olivine tholeiite from the Snake River Plain with an initial bulk water content of 0.4 wt% at a mid-crustal pressure of 4.3 kbar generated potassic rhyolitic liquids similar in major element chemistry to those found in the Quaternary rhyolite domes of the Snake River Plain and their plutonic equivalents in the Proterozoic Laramie Anorthosite Complex. Residual liquids comparable in composition to the bulk rock compositions of intermediate rocks found at the Craters of the Moon and Cedar Butte eruptive centers in the Snake River Plain are also generated along this crystallization path. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Although mammography screening programs aim to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage, not all tumours are detected during the regular screening examination. This study examines the influence of various characteristics, including geographical residence, on the survival between screen- and interval-detected breast cancers among participants of a public population-based breast screening program in Queensland, Australia. The investigation was performed using the linked population-based datasets from BreastScreen Queensland and the Queensland Cancer Registry for the period of 1997–2008 for women aged 40–89 years at diagnosis. A Bayesian spatial relative survival modelling approach that accommodates rare outcomes in small geographic regions was adopted, with the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo computation, to evaluate the relative excess risk of breast cancer. In the multivariate Bayesian spatial model, higher relative excess risk of mortality was observed in interval-detected cancer (RER = 1.59, 95 % credible interval = [1.33, 1.89]) compared to screen-detected cancer. Higher cancer survival among the study cohort was also observed among younger women (40–59 years), those of non-Indigenous ethnicity, with localised (stage I) tumour stage as well as those not in the work force. There was no independent association with marital status. Moreover, there was no substantive evidence of either measured geographical or latent random spatial inequalities in survival among screening participants across Queensland, meaning the higher survival for screen-detected breast cancer patients compared to interval-detected women was consistent across the state. These results provide suggestive evidence supporting the effectiveness of the BreastScreen Queensland screening program in reaching socio-economically disadvantaged women as well as those living in rural and remote areas of the state, but also highlights the need for any interval cancer awareness programs to be geographically widespread.  相似文献   

The suggestion that the polar cap can completely disappear under certain northward IMF conditions is still controversial. We know that the size of the polar cap is strongly controlled by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Under a southward IMF, the polar cap is usually large and filled with weak diffuse polar rain electrons. The polar cap shrinks under a northward IMF. Here we use the global auroral images and coincident particle measurements on May 15, 2005 to show that the discrete arcs (due to precipitation of both electrons and ions) expanded from the dayside oval to the nightside oval and filled the whole polar ionosphere after a long (8 h) and strong (~5–30 nT) northward IMF Bz, The observations suggested that the polar cap disappeared under a closed magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Stephen B. Shaw 《水文研究》2017,31(21):3729-3739
There remains continued use of non‐linear, logistic regression models for predicting water temperature from air temperature. A dominant feature of these non‐linear models is an upper bound on river water temperature. This upper bound is often attributed to a large increase in evaporative cooling at high air temperatures, but the exact conditions under which such an increase may occur have not been thoroughly explored. To better understand the appropriateness of the non‐linear model for predicting river water temperatures, it is essential to understand the physical basis for the upper bound and when it should and should not be included in the statistical model. This paper applies and validates an energy balance model against 8 river systems spread across different climate regions of the United States. The energy balance model is then used to develop a diagram relating vapour pressure deficit and air temperature to water temperature. With knowledge of present or future vapour pressure deficit (difference between saturation and actual vapour content in the atmosphere) conditions in a given climate, the diagram can be used to predict the likelihood of an upper bound in the air–water temperature relationship. This investigation offers a fundamental physical explanation of the most appropriate form of statistical models that should be used for predicting future water temperature from air temperature in different geographic regions with different climate conditions. In general, climatic regions that have only a slight increase in vapour pressure deficit with increasing air temperature (typically humid regions) would not be expected to have an upper bound. Conversely, climatic regions in which vapour pressure deficit sharply increases with increasing air temperature (typically arid regions) would be expected to have an upper bound.  相似文献   

A uniform terminology on bioinvasions: a chimera or an operative tool?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A consensual set of definitions regarding bioinvasions is essential in order to facilitate discourse among the science, policy and management communities dealing with the issue. Considering both the mode of entry and the extent of the impact of an alien species into a new environment, a set of key terms is proposed as an operative tool for marine scientists.  相似文献   

Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (TCNs) have been widely used to date the exposure of alluvial surfaces and to estimate catchment-scale erosion rates. However, TCN concentration differences in samples of different grain sizes remain to be fully understood. In order to explore the possibility that river processes generate such differences, we develop a numerical model to calculate along-stream clast-scale TCN concentrations. Using the hillslope model, there is a progressive detachment of successive clasts of specific sizes followed by their instantaneous fall into the river. In the river, transport velocity and TCN concentration evolution in a clast depend 1) on the probability of being trapped in the sediment mixing layer of the river or within an adjacent terrace; 2) on its size which decreases downstream by attrition. The size-dependent transport law corresponds to the partial transport state in a river. We model the distribution of TCN concentrations in different clast size fractions in the 0–5 cm radius range for catchments in steady-state erosion, and for catchments experiencing sedimentation.We propose that clast attrition tends to increase the variance of TCN concentrations of the small clast size fractions because these fractions incorporate initially big clasts that travelled a long distance in addition to small clasts contributed near the outlet. We obtained numerous clast size–TCN concentration correlations, positive or negative, the significance of which depends on the initial clast size distribution, hillslope erosion rate, river length and lithology. For an equilibrium catchment, even large, we found that the addition of TCN concentration acquired during river transport is negligible compared to TCN concentration acquired on a hillslope, although a clast size–TCN concentration relationship can result from or be modified by clast attrition. On the contrary, aggrading catchments may show a significant clast size-dependent TCN concentration increase during river transport. This may introduce a small bias in the TCN-derived catchment erosion rate, but it could be used positively to quantify the mean transport velocity of clasts of different sizes over thousands of years. In addition, the lack of correlation between TCN concentration and clast size does not imply that the mean transport velocity is the same for all clast size fractions. Overall, our study provides an alternative explanation for observed clast size-dependent TCN concentrations and brings to the fore the need for measuring TCN concentration in larger clast size fractions than is usually done. To see if the byproducts of abrasion dilute or increase the TCN concentration of sand, all products should be included in a future study.  相似文献   

Theories which regard the deep erosion (20–30 km) of orogenic belts as an important factor in the thermal development of the continents rely on pressure estimates from metamorphic geobarometers to give an estimate of the depth scale for this process. The imprecision of geobarometers, and the apparent lack of sediments that would result from this amount of erosion, are frequently-made arguments for much smaller erosion depths. The Alps are a well-studied young mountain belt and afford the opportunity to compare overburden masses inferred from geobarometry with sediment masses in the surrounding sedimentary basins. This comparison suggests that metamorphic geobarometry has not significantly overestimated burial depths, and that the average erosion to date has been over 15 km, with a maximum of 25 km or more; it is probable that the total erosion in the belt will eventually average 20–25 km, with a maximum of around 40 km.A significant feature of the sediment distribution is that over 50% of the volume is outside the neighbouring along-strike sedimentary basins. This fact, which accounts for previous low estimates of Alpine sediment volumes, follows from the response of the lithosphere to loading by continental thickening and may be a common feature of post-orogenic sedimentation.  相似文献   

Whilst the potential impact on beach users from microorganisms in water has received considerable attention, there has been relatively little investigation into microbial contaminants in sand. Thirty three beaches across Portugal were analyzed during a five year period (2006-2010) to determine the presence of yeasts, pathogenic fungi, dermatophytes, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in sand.Our results showed that 60.4% of the samples were positive for fungi and that 25.2% were positive for the bacterial parameters. The most frequent fungal species found were Candida sp. and Aspergillus sp., whereas intestinal enterococci were the most frequently isolated bacteria. Positive associations were detected among analyzed parameters and country-regions but none among those parameters and sampling period.Regarding threshold values, we propose 15 cfu/g for yeasts, 17 cfu/g for potential pathogenic fungi, 8 cfu/g for dermatophytes. Eighty four cfu/g for coliforms, 250 cfu/g for E. coli, and 100 cfu/g for intestinal enterococci.  相似文献   

In contrast to our previous work (Yermolaev et al., 2015), in which we used the magnetic storm recovery phase duration, the exponential time of the recovery phase of magnetic storms generated by three interplanetary driver types (CIR, Sheath, and ICME) is introduced in the present work. The dependence of these times on the storm development rate |Dstmin|/ΔT (where ΔT is the storm main phase duration) is studied. A similar physical result has been achieved despite the different data analysis method used: the times of the storm recovery and development rates correlate for storms induced by CIR and Sheath compression regions, and any relation between these parameters is absent for storms induced by ICME.  相似文献   

The dynamics of fluvial system evolution depend on fluvial processes and their driving forces associated with climatic variations, which affect changes in the morphology of river channels and floodplains. Neither channel slope and morphology, nor the properties of fluvial sediment have previously been considered as determinants of active braidplain widening on outwash plains (formed from valley/alpine glaciers and confined by pre-existing topography) in the High Arctic region and in the forefields of retreating glaciers. Factors determining widening of braidplain activity of the Waldemar River outwash (north-western Spitsbergen, Svalbard) were analysed on the basis of geomorphological, sedimentological, glaciological and meteorological research, and indicate significant multiple correlations between meltwater discharge, precipitation, braidplain width, morphology of the braided channel and the textural features of braidplain deposits. The capability of multivariate adaptive regression splines to detect these relationships was described, and threshold values were identified. The results indicate that the rate of active braidplain widening is proportional to the meltwater outflow in proglacial rivers, which can decrease despite a growing rate of glacial ablation. A proposed model enables us to predict zones of braidplain prone to widening activity in the High Arctic (humid) outwash fans and plains as well as fans developed in arid intermountain basins. The necessary conditions to activate braidplain widening processes were (1) spatial changes in the outwash feeding system due to glacier terminus retreat and (2) crossing the thresholds in passive factors (S and d50) controlling lateral erosion intensity. As a result, the braidplain reached a new dynamic equilibrium, in which high-magnitude–low-frequency extreme meltwater discharges were of particular importance in terms of braidplain dynamics and are the dominant controls on the pattern of distributary channels.  相似文献   

We evaluated the alterations of organochlorinated compounds such as polychlorobiphenyls (PCB), dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) on the thyroid in wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) at environmental concentrations. These compounds influence the endocrine system of many fish species and are qualified as endocrine disruptors. The thyroid seems to be a target organ. Two alteration endpoints: the thyroid histology and the muscular thyroid hormone concentrations, were used simultaneously.High concentrations in PCBs and DDT were detected in muscles, supporting the idea that the Mediterranean fauna could be more polluted than the Atlantic fauna. The high abundance of DDE indicates a progressive degradation of remnant DDT load and the absence of new inputs in this area. Aquaculture sea bass shows a significant higher amount of pollutants on fresh weight basis (especially PCBs) in their muscles compared to the wild sea bass. Those differences may be related mainly to the contaminations of diet.Thyroid parameters vary between wild and aquaculture sea bass, wild sea bass were characterized by higher follicle diameters, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 concentrations. A significant relationship between persistent organic pollutants (muscular PCBs and DDT concentration) and the different thyroid parameters (diameters of follicles, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 levels) could be observed, which support the hypothesis that these compounds have an adverse impact on thyroid morphometry and function.  相似文献   

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