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Criteria to Compare Estimation Methods of Regionalized Compositions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The additive logratio (alr) transformation has been used in several case studies to predict regionalized compositions using standard geostatistical estimation methods such as ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging. It is a simple method that allows application to transformed data all the body of knowledge available for geostatistical analysis of coregionalizations without a constant sum constraint. To compare the performance of methods, it is customary to use a univariate crossvalidation approach based on the leaving-one-out technique to evaluate the performance for each attribute separately. For multivariate observations this approach is difficult to interpret in terms of overall performance. Therefore, we propose using appropriate distances in real space and in the simplex, to improve the crossvalidation approach and, going a step forward, to adapt the concept of stress from multidimensional scaling to obtain a global measure of performance for each method. The Lyons West oil field of Kansas is used to illustrate the impactof using different distances in the performance of ordinary kriging versus ordinary cokriging.  相似文献   

陆地表面温度(LST)是区域和全球尺度上陆地表面物理过程的一个关键参数,它综合了地表和大气相互作用以及能量交换的结果。研究地表温度对全球能量平衡的研究有着重要的意义。地表温度反演以地表热辐射传输方程为基础,直接求解辐射传输方程是不可能的,也就是说它是不适定的。因此要采用一系列的数值计算方法来求解。主要介绍了几种方程解算的非线性数值方法,并阐述了其大致过程及优缺点。  相似文献   

SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年方法简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对SHRIMP锆石U-Pb同位素测年方法从野外取样、碎样、矿物分选、制靶、显微照相和图片标记处理及测试进行了介绍,同时对LP-ICPMS法和TIMS法进行了简要说明。SHRIMP法对前寒武纪地质体年龄的测定具重要定年意义。  相似文献   

土壤水分测量方法研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓英春  许永辉 《水文》2007,27(4):20-24
本文简述了土壤水分的形态、分类和表示方法,以及土壤含水量的测定方法。重点对介电法测量土壤水分的方法进行了介绍.提出了我国当前介电法土壤水分传感器参数率定中存在并和值得注意的问题。对几类土壤水分测量方法进行了比较与讨论。  相似文献   

<正> 勘探战略问题就是勘探实施过程中带全局性的重大问题。根据几十年的工作体会,陈沪生阐述了实施勘探战略中应坚持的十项原则:(1)坚持以效益为中心;(2)坚持尊重实际;(3)坚持勘探程序不可超越;(4)坚持依靠科技进步;(5)坚持手段服从于目的;(6)坚持基础资料必须取全取准;  相似文献   

矿物热分解动力学的研究方法探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
:矿物分解动力学的研究可以大大提高我们对地质作用过程中矿物生长、元素和流体迁移等过程的了解。本文在介绍固相反应动力学原理的基础上 ,讨论了常压下研究矿物分解动力学的热重分析法和电导率法 ,指出精确确定高压下的反应分数 ,是研究高压下矿物热分解动力学的关键。提出了高压下确定反应分数的方法。  相似文献   

在市政管道建设中,检查井主要作用是方便地下管线清淤、疏通以及修复等维护工作。检查井不仅承担路面车辆活荷载,还承担外部周围土体的土压力以及地下静水压力,井壁内部环境也十分复杂,长期受到废液和废气的腐蚀,十分容易出现破坏。针对这一情况,有必要对检查井及时地进行修复,防止其进一步恶化。保证检查井的密封性以及结构完整性。检查井的修复方法包括预制检查井更换,原位浇筑混凝土内衬,原位固化衬里,砂浆喷涂,黄麻纤维加聚氨酯树脂预聚物以及速凝水泥修复技术,各方法的设计施工特点以及适用范围有所不同。  相似文献   

中央直属储备粮库是国家重要的基础设施,为确保新建粮库储粮安全,必须进行粮库新仓初始装粮压仓试验,利用仓内地坪沉降观测数据对云梯升降法、悬尺法、倒尺法的精度进行分析,得出倒尺法是仓内地坪沉降观测的最佳方法。  相似文献   

中低温对流型地热系统及其研究方法简介   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙春晖 《世界地质》1999,18(1):89-91
介绍了中低温对流型地热系统的本质特点及其经典模式,在此基础上介绍了研究该地热系统的地质,地球物理及地球化学方法。  相似文献   

中央直属储备粮库是国家重要的基础设施,为确保新建粮库储粮安全,必须进行粮库新仓初始装粮压仓试验,利用仓内地坪沉降观测数据对云梯升降法、悬尺法、倒尺法的精度进行分析,得出倒尺法是仓内地坪沉降观测的最佳方法.  相似文献   

李迪  张漫  王志旺 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1156-1160
传统的岩体承压板法变形试验以假定岩体为半无限均质弹性介质为前提,只能得出一个综合(等效)的弹性(或变形)模量,对于水电工程中经常遇到的薄的软弱层带的模量不能测定。为此,需要在传统的岩体变形承压板法试验的基础上发展淅的层状岩体承压板法变形试验,它可以利用分层弹模计算的方法测定出软弱层带及其他各个岩层的模量,是岩石力学试验方法上的一次突破。笔者将首次系统地介绍这种新的试验原理、实施、分层弹模计算方法和工程应用。  相似文献   

在野外现场调查和理论分析的基础上,考虑降雨量的损失和降雨作用的滞后性,提出了有效降雨量的计算方法;通过有效降雨量的统计分析,确定了砂黄土地区以及典型黄土地区公路边坡可能发生失稳破坏的有效降雨量分级值即雨量线值,并用雨量线方法进行公路边坡失稳预测。通过工程实例验证,表明雨量线法具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

Mass-Transport Complexes (MTCs) are important components of deep-water systems, and widely distributed in continental margins and lake basins. Understanding MTCs is helpful for expanding the targets of deep-water hydrocarbon exploration and for evaluating geological risks of subsea engineering. Typical MTCs consist of three parts: the head tension area, body slip area, and toe compression area. During the transportation of MTCs, these three domains come into being successively. MTCs can be classified into three types: slide rock, slump rock, and debris rock, based on the sediment transport process and fluid properties, and they respectively correspond to elastic deformation, elastic and plastic deformation and plastic deformation stages. In 3D seismic plan, according to the direction of sediment flow (the slope direction), some depositional elements of MTCs, such as head cliffs, body folds, and toe squeeze ridges, can be clearly identified in proper order, and in seismic profiles MTCs are characterized by weak-medium amplitude reflections, mound-like shapes, and irregular top/bottom interfaces. In conventional log data, MTCs are commonly responded as abrupt shifts at their top/bottom interfaces. In outcrop data, MTCs have several kinds of sedimentary structures, such as massive textures, sliding folds, and mud lumps. Compared with turbidites, MTCs have many distinct characteristics. For example, MTCs are deposited from sediments transported through a "frozen" manner and have an "elongate-fan-like" slope morphology, a relative large thickness. Furthermore, MTCs can be characterized by no obvious features of grading differentiation and relatively large stratigraphic dips.  相似文献   

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