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点荷载试验在岩基强度和承载力评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩石点荷载试验可以求得岩石点荷载强度指数,由点荷载强度可以 计算出岩石的单轴抗压强度,进而可计算出岩基承载力。 利用点荷载试验方法对南京地区的多个人工挖孔桩工地的孔底岩基强 度和承载力进行了评价,具体指导了挖孔桩的挖进工作,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

天津滨海新区吹填土在形成过程中受重力分选作用及水动力条件影响,加上后期真空固结方法处理,使其工程性质复杂。采用静力触探原位测试手段,通过对实测参数的统计、分析,综合考虑野外钻探编录及室内土工试验结果,将吹填土分为硬壳层、软弱粘性土层及底部砂性土层3个工程地质层。顶部硬壳层及底部砂性土层强度相对较好、层位分布不稳定,软弱粘性土层具有强度低、压缩性高的软土工程特性。吹填土在排水口部位以软弱粘性土层为主,工程性质相对其他部位差。  相似文献   

充分认识岩石的地质本质性是准确描述其物理力学特性的桥梁。岩石的地质本质性涵盖了岩石的物质性、结构性和赋存状态3个方面的内容。在综合考虑岩石上述3方面特征及其与单轴试验联系的基础上,以矿物组成、密度、纵波波速和含水状态为基本指标,采用回归和BP神经网络的方法对碳酸盐岩单轴抗压强度进行预测,并采用灰色关联分析法验证本研究所选用的预测基本指标的合理性。实例应用表明:本次采用的回归方法对该类岩石强度预测的最大误差为15.3%,BP神经网络方法预测的最大误差为8.5%。预测误差出现的原因为碳酸盐岩物质组成复杂,所选预测基本指标是实际情况的简化,同时泥灰质岩石所具有的膨胀性也导致实测和预测结果具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

利用静力触探护管,提出了一种新的承压水观测方法,通过现场试验证明该法在止水效果、孔口淤积、水位稳定时间、观测数据准确度上具有较大的优势。  相似文献   

点荷载测试岩石强度使用不规则试件的研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了在现场采用不规则试件测试岩石点荷载强度,在实验室和现场进行了相关的对比测试与分析研究。建立了点荷载强度公式;使用Grubbs准则取舍可疑数据,编制了计算机程序,对点荷载测试的可信度,强度比等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The effective porosity, saturated sonic velocity and saturated uniaxial compressive strength were determined on a large number of Borrowdale Volcanic Group volcaniclastic core samples from three boreholes at Sellafield, Cumbria. The work formed part of the UK Nirex Limited site investigation into whether the Sellafield area could be suitable as a repository for intermediate and low level radioactive waste. Most of the intact samples were of low to very low effective porosity, had a high sonic velocity and were very strong to extremely strong. However, a proportion of values deviated significantly from this. Bivariate analysis showed a negative relationship exists between sonic velocity and effective porosity. The cross plots of these two parameters with uniaxial compressive strength showed a wide range of strength values for samples of low effective porosity and high sonic velocity. Six failure types were identified during the uniaxial compressive strength tests. The strongest samples tended to fail through the matrix and the weakest rock samples tended to fail through haematized material or along haematized veins. Effective porosity and sonic velocity measurements could not distinguish between those samples that failed through the matrix and those that failed along discrete narrow veins. The presence of narrow haematized veins has a major effect on the intact rock strength.  相似文献   

Summary. Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), considered to be one of the most useful rock properties for mining and civil engineering applications, has been estimated from some index test results by fuzzy and multiple regression modelling. Laboratory investigations including Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), Point Load Index test (PL), Schmidt Hammer Hardness test (SHR) and Sonic velocity (Vp) test have been carried out on nine different rock types yielding to 305 tested specimens in total. Average values along with the standard deviations (Stdev) as well as Coefficients of variation (CoV) have been calculated for each rock type. Having constructed the Mamdani Fuzzy algorithm, UCS of intact rock samples was then predicted using a data driven fuzzy model. The predicted values derived from fuzzy model were compared with multi-linear statistical model. Comparison proved that the best model predictions have been achieved by fuzzy modelling in contrast to multi-linear statistical modelling. As a result, the developed fuzzy model based on point load, Schmidt hammer and sonic velocity can be used as a tool to predict UCS of intact rocks.  相似文献   

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