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Insufficient knowledge of the hydrogeochemistry of aquifers in the Central Region of Ghana has necessitated a preliminary water quality assessment in some parts of the region. Major and minor ions, and trace metal compositions of groundwater have been studied with the aim of evaluating hydrogeochemical processes that are likely to impair the quality of water in the study area. The results show that groundwater in the area is weakly acidic with mean acidity being 5.83 pH units. The dominant cation in the area is Na, followed by K, Ca, and Mg, and the dominant anion is Cl?, followed by HCO3 ? and SO4 2?. Two major hydrochemical facies have been identified as Na–Cl and Na–HCO3, water types. Multivariate statistical techniques such as cluster analysis (CA) and factor analysis/principal component analysis (PCA), in R mode, were employed to examine the chemical compositions of groundwater and to identify factors that influenced each. Q-mode CA analysis resulted in two distinct water types as established by the hydrochemical facies. Cluster 1 waters contain predominantly Na–Cl. Cluster 2 waters contain Na–HCO3 and Na–Cl. Cluster 2 waters are fresher and of good quality than cluster 1. Factor analysis yielded five significant factors, explaining 86.56% of the total variance. PC1 explains 41.95% of the variance and is contributed by temperature, electrical conductivity, TDS, turbidity, SO4 2?, Cl?, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn and influenced by geochemical processes such as weathering, mineral dissolution, cation exchange, and oxidation–reduction reactions. PC2 explains 16.43% of the total variance and is characterized by high positive loadings of pH and HCO3 ?. This results from biogenic activities taking place to generate gaseous carbon dioxide that reacts with infiltrating water to generate HCO3 ?, which intend affect the pH. PC3 explains 11.17% of the total variance and is negatively loaded on PO4 3? and NO3 ? indicating anthropogenic influence. The R-mode PCA, supported by R-mode CA, have revealed hydrogeochemical processes as the major sources of ions in the groundwater. Factor score plot revealed a possible flow direction from the northern sections of the study area, marked by higher topography, to the south. Compositional relations confirmed the predominant geochemical process responsible for the various ions in the groundwater as mineral dissolution and thus agree with the multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

A geochemical assessment of groundwater quality and possible contamination in the vicinity of the Bhalswa landfill site was carried out by using a hydrochemical approach with graphical and multivariate statistical methods with the objective of identifying the occurrence of various geochemical processes and understanding the impact of landfill leachates on groundwater quality. Results indicate that nitrate, fluoride and heavy-metal pollution are in an alarming state with respect to the use of groundwater for drinking purposes. Various graphical plots and statistical analyses have been applied to the chemical data based on the ionic constituents, water types, and hydrochemical facies to infer the impact of the landfill on groundwater quality. The statistical analysis and spatial and temporal variations indicate the leaching of contaminants from the landfill to the groundwater aquifer system. The concentrations of heavy metals in the landfill leachates are as follows: Fe (22 mg/l), Mn (~20 mg/l), Cu (~10 mg/l), Pb (~2 mg/l), Ni (0.25 mg/l), Zn (~10 mg/l), Cd (~0.2 mg/l), Cl (~4,000 mg/l), SO42− (~3,320 mg/l), PO43− (~4 mg/l), NO3 (30 mg/l) and fluoride (~50 mg/l); all were much higher than the standards. The study reveals that the landfill is in a depleted phase and is affecting groundwater quality in its vicinity and the surrounding area due to leaching of contaminants.  相似文献   

Stable isotope data and concentrations of the major cations and anions of groundwater from the northern part of the Volta Region, Ghana, were used to determine the source of recharge and the suitability of groundwater in the area for irrigation. This study finds that the delta deuterium (δD) and delta Oxygen-18 (δ18O) data from the area fall along the global meteoric water line (GMWL). An equation of regression derived for the relationship between δD and δ18O bears very close semblance to the equation which describes the GMWL. On the basis of this, groundwater in the study area is probably meteoric and fresh. The apparently low salinities and sodicities of the groundwater seem to support this interpretation. The suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes is related to its source, which determines its constitution. A plot of the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and electrical conductivity (EC) data on a semilog axis, suggests that groundwater serves good irrigation quality in the area. Sixty percent (60%), 20% and 20% of the 67 data points used in this study fall within the medium salinity–low sodicity (C2–S1), low salinity–low sodicity (C1–S1) and high salinity–low sodicity (C3–S1) fields, which ascribe good irrigation quality to groundwater from this area. Salinities range from 28.1 to 1,956 μS/cm, whilst SAR values fall within the range 0–3. Extremely low sodicity waters of this kind, with salinities lower than 600 μS/cm, have the tendency to affect the dispersive properties of irrigation soils when used for irrigation. About 50% of the groundwater in the study area fall within this category and need prior treatment before usage.  相似文献   

We present evidence from the analysis of gridded annual rainfall data that, increased variability and declining rainfall totals are the main cause of declining lake levels in the Volta basin above the Akosombo Dam. West Africa has undergone a period of diminished rainfall, punctuated by a series of severe droughts and marked by a shift in rainfall regime. As a result, lake levels behind the hydro-electric impoundment have fluctuated so widely at times that, power has had to be rationed. The trends in the spatial and temporal variability of annual rainfall in the riparian nations explain the low impoundment levels frequent in recent decades. The drying of Burkina Faso and Mali is particularly marked and synchronous to an apparent shift in the rainfall regime in Ghana towards a longer dry season and vanishing short dry spell, the effects which tend to negate each other. The various regional and temporal associations between El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) are investigated as a possible cause of variation across the basin. The strengths of these associations and low frequency shifts suggest an unfortunate correspondence between national and climatological boundaries which may serve to heighten regional political tensions resulting from ENSO effects. Lack of re-investment in the Akosombo Dam as a result of management policies, political and pre-construction contractual agreements have all conspired in recent decades to make these hydro-climatological changes more devastating.  相似文献   

Groundwater composition in the Kulpawn basin is largely controlled by aluminosilicates dissolution and cation exchange resulting in mainly Ca-Mg-HCO3 and NaHCO3 water types. Principal component analysis, Piper graphical classification, and stable isotope (18O and 2H) of groundwater and surface-water samples were used to delineate geochemical processes and groundwater facies. The groundwater is mildly acid to neutral and low in conductivity. Chemical constituents except HCO3 and SiO2 have low concentration. No cation shows clear majority, however, the order of relative abundance is Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+. HCO3 is the predominant anion and the order of abundance is HCO3  > NO3  > SO4 2− > Cl. SiO2 concentration is high compared with the major cations. Dissolution of plagioclase, pyroxene and biotite and cation exchange are responsible for groundwater composition. Isotopic data suggest integrative, smooth and rapid recharge from meteoric origin. The groundwater quality is generally good for domestic usage; however, 18 and 47% of boreholes respectively have NO3 and F levels outside WHO recommended limits suggesting potential physiological problems in some localities. The groundwater has low sodium absorption ratio and low to moderate salinity hazard but significant magnesium hazard partially limiting its use for irrigation.  相似文献   

We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

Assessing water quality using water quality index and multivariate analysis   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Groundwater is increasingly gaining significance as the main solution to the water supply problems in Ghana, especially in the rural areas. This study was conducted to determine which factors play significant roles in the hydrochemistry of groundwater from the southern Voltaian formation. Conventional graphical and multivariate statistical methods were used. The study reveals three main factors controlling the hydrochemistry. Silicate mineral weathering and reverse cation exchange are the most important processes affecting the hydrochemistry of groundwater at this part of the formation. Interpolation maps created from factor scores suggest that these processes are the most pervasive, recording high scores almost everywhere in the study area. Carbonate mineral weathering is the second most important process in the hydrochemistry. This study finds that carbonate mineral weathering in the area is probably facilitated by carbonic acid rather than sulfuric acid. Chemicals from agricultural activities constitute the third most important process influencing groundwater quality in the area. Eighty samples were used to calculate water quality indices, WQI, which were in turn used to classify groundwater from the study area. Over 98% of the samples fall within the “Excellent” and “Good” categories, suggesting that groundwater from the southern Voltaian formation is generally acceptable for drinking purposes.  相似文献   

Geoelectrical survey was carried out in the western delta region of River Vasista Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India, for delineation of groundwater prospective zones due to acute shortage of water supply for various purposes. Forty-six vertical electrical soundings (VES) were done, employing the Schlumberger configuration with a maximum AB/2 of 160 m. The interpreted results of VES show four to five layers with variable thicknesses, such as topsoil zone (1.5–3 m), clay zone (0.84–32 m), finer sand zone (2–72 m), medium to coarse sand zone (4 to 28.8 m) and clay zone (1.2–∞ m), indicating a multi-aquifer system. These results are corroborated with the known lithologs of the study area. Further, the resistivity is also compared with electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater observed nearby shallow wells representing buried channel (BC), flood plain (FP) and coastal (C) zones, which indicate slightly brackish to brackish water (EC: 1470–6010 µS/cm), whereas the groundwater observed from deep wells shows the fresh (EC: 726–1380 µS/cm), fresh to brackish (EC: 1010 to 3250 µS/cm), and brackish water (EC: 3020 to 4170 µS/cm) located in BC, FP and C zones, respectively. This survey reveals the prospective aquifer zones with potable water at VES locations of 4–6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16–28, 33–36, 39 and 42–44, where the resistivity values vary from 10 to 40 Ω m. The slightly brackish and brackish water zones are also observed from the resistivity of less than 10 Ω m at shallow depth in BC (VES-22, 37, 38 and 46), FP (VES-1, 2, 7, 29, 30 and 40) and C (VES-3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32, 41 and 45) zones. As a result, the present investigation has delineated the freshwater zones at shallow (<?12 m) and also at deeper depths (30–45 m) as prospective areas, where BC zone occurs. Freshwater pockets also identified in FP (VES-8 and 39) and C (VES-11, 14 and 15) zones. Thus, this study helps to solve the drinking and irrigation water problems.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes was carried out in the plain of upper Cheliff. The study area covers an area of 375 km2 and lies in a semiarid climate. Groundwater is the major source for domestic and agricultural activity in this area. Groundwater samples were collected from 19 wells during dry and wet periods in 2012, and they were analyzed for major cations and anions and compared with drinking and irrigation specification standards. The concentration of the majority of chemical constituents exceeds the standards of WHO as a result of various sources of pollution. It indicates the dominance of groundwater types: Ca-Mg-Cl, and Ca-Mg-HCO3. Suitability of groundwater for drinking was evaluated based on the water quality index; it shows more than 60% of samples have very poor quality for dry and wet periods, which means water is severely contaminated and unsuitable for drinking purpose. In terms of the irrigation usage, generally groundwater is suitable for both periods in the major part of the plain. The Mineralization processes in this area is determined by the lithology of the aquifer (exchange water-rock), by anthropogenic factors (discharges of urban sewage, use of fertilizers) and also by evaporation (semi-arid climate).  相似文献   

The Grombalia coastal aquifer, situated in Northeastern Tunisia, is a water source for public, agricultural, and industrial supplies in the region. The overexploitation of this aquifer, since 1959, and the agriculture activities led to the degradation, by places, of the water quality. The present study implemented graphical, modeling, and multivariate statistical tools to investigate natural and anthropogenic processes controlling Grombalia groundwater mineralization and water quality for promoting sustainable development. To attempt this goal, groundwater was collected from 33 observation wells in January 2004, and samples were analyzed for 10 physicochemical parameters (temperature, pH, salinity, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Cl?, HCO3?, and SO 4 2? ). Hydrochemical facies using Piper diagram indicates a predominance of a mixed facies, of the Na-Cl-HCO3 type, or Na-Ca-Cl-SO4 type, and, with less expansion, Na Cl type. The main factors controlling Grombalia groundwater mineralization seem to be mineral dissolution of highly soluble salts especially, the halite dissolution existing in the surface salty deposits and, with less importance, the ion exchange and reverse ion exchange process with clay minerals existing in the aquifer. The comparison of the major ions of the Grombalia groundwater, with the World Health Organization norms of potability (WHO 2004), reveals that these waters cannot be used for human consumption without any treatment. Most waters of the Grombalia aquifer, with a relatively high salinity, are not suitable for irrigation, in ordinary conditions. Nevertheless, they can be used for permeable soils, with an adequate drainage and applying an excess of leaching water.  相似文献   

A baseline study involving analyses of subsurface water samples from the Cape Coast granitoid complex, Lower Birimian, Togo Formation and the Voltaian Group, was carried out to assess their suitability for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. Study results show that pH within the range (3.0 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5) constitutes 74% of the boreholes analysed, and 51% have hardness values ranging from 7.89 to 73.24 mg/l as CaCO3 and are described as soft. Total dissolved solids are less than 1,000 mg/l and generally characterized by low conductivity values, of which 95% are within the range (55 ≤ EC ≤ 1,500 μS/cm). The mean values of the major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and anions (SO42−, Cl, HCO3) are all within the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. Five (5) of the boreholes sampled have nitrate (NO3) contamination. Even though NO3 contamination and acidic waters exist in some of the boreholes, the majority of the boreholes are excellent for drinking and domestic purposes. Assessment of the groundwaters for agricultural irrigation revealed three main categories. These are low salinity–low sodicity (C1–S1), medium salinity–low sodicity (C2–S1) and high salinity–low sodicity (C3–S1), using the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme. As much as 95% of the samples plotted in the ‘excellent to good’ and ‘good to permissible’ categories on the Wilcox diagram. The groundwater in the study area may therefore be regarded as good for irrigation activities. The major identifiable geochemical processes responsible for the evolution of the various ions are mineral weathering and chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Life and the sustainable growth of socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture and industry depend on groundwater, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water resources are limited. The objectives of the current study are to characterize groundwater chemistry and assess its suitability for industrial usage in the Guanzhong Basin located in the semi-arid region of northwest China. To better understand the hydrogeochemistry in the study area, statistical analysis, ionic plots and Pearson's correlation analysis were conjunctively used. Finally, a novel industrial water quality index (IndWQI) model was developed in this paper to determine the overall industrial water quality based on scaling, corrosion, and foaming coefficients as well as some physicochemical parameters. The contribution of each parameter to the overall industrial water quality was determined using multivariate statistical analysis approaches. The findings reveal that dissolution of minerals such as calcite, dolomite, anhydrite and gypsum regulate the groundwater geochemistry in the study area. In addition, human activities influence the groundwater quality in the study area. According to the novel IndWQI approach, 78.95 % of the confined water samples and 74.51 % of the phreatic water samples have excellent or good quality, and can be safely used for industrial boilers. The geospatial analysis shows that the most contaminated groundwater samples are mainly located in northeast Xi'an and the northeast region of the Guanzhong Basin. The IndWQI model is trustworthy, as it can combine several water quality indices and give an instantaneous impression of the whole groundwater quality for industrial uses. It can serve as a benchmark for other areas across the world with a comparable climate.  相似文献   

The regional survey of groundwater used as a small water supply system was performed to know the effect of geology, soil properties and land use on groundwater quality at Nonsan City, Korea. A total of 126 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed at the study area. The multivariate statistical methods, principal components analysis and discriminant analysis, and GIS technique were used for the quantitative interpretation of groundwater quality. The study area is mainly composed of Precambrian gneiss, Jurassic granite, and Cretaceous volcanics, and metasedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon zone. The land use was grouped as paddy, upland, grassland, resident, point source, industrial area, and water system. The soil properties were classified as 4 major groups, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols, and Ultisols, by the degree of development, and reclassified as 11 subgroups. The modified and simplified geologic map, soil map, and land use map were made by using ARCGIS soft-ware. The area of geology, soil property, and land use affecting the groundwater quality for each well were also calculated by ARCGIS soft-ware to acquire the quantitative parameters for multivariate statistical analysis. The monitoring results of groundwater in the study area showed that 13%-21% of the groundwater samples exceeded the portable water guideline and the main causes were turbidity, bacteria, arsenic and nitrate-N. The spatial distribution of each component showed the close relationship between groundwater quality and geology reflecting the topography, land use.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data are presented for groundwater samples, collected from fractured aquifers in parts of northern Ghana. The data was collected to assess the groundwater suitability for domestic and agricultural use. Results of the study reveal that the pH of the groundwater in the area is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The electrical conductivity values, total dissolved solids (TDS) values and calcium, magnesium and sodium concentrations in the groundwater are generally below the limit set by the WHO for potable water supply. On the basis of activity diagrams, groundwater from the fractured aquifers appears to be stable within the montmorillonite field, suggesting weathering of silicate minerals. An inverse distance weighting interpolator with a power of 2 was applied to the data points to produce prediction maps for nitrate and fluoride. The distribution maps show the presence of high nitrate concentrations (50–194 mg/l) in some of the boreholes in the western part of the study area indicating anthropogenic impact on the groundwater. Elevated fluoride level (1.5–4 mg/l), higher than the WHO allowable fluoride concentration of 1.5, is recorded in the groundwater underlying the northeastern part of the study area, more specifically Bongo and its surrounding communities of the Upper East region. Results of this study suggest that groundwater from the fractured aquifers in the area exhibit low sodicity–low salinity (S1–C1), low sodicity–medium salinity (S1–C2) characteristics [United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme]. All data points from this study plot within the ‘Excellent to good’ category on a Wilcox diagram. Groundwater in this area thus appears to provide irrigation water of excellent quality. The hydrochemical results indicate that, although nitrate and fluoride concentrations in some boreholes are high, the groundwater in the study area, based on the parameters analyzed, is chemically potable and suitable for domestic and agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

张天文  李学军  强杨 《江苏地质》2015,39(1):121-126
以卫宁北山石空段地下水为研究对象,结合中宁平原盆地已有的地质、水文地质资料,介绍了山前地下水水文地质、赋存、补给径流排泄特征、水化学特征和地下水变化动态。地下水受构造地貌控制由山前流向黄河,补给来源主要为大气降水,水岩相互作用从A1—A5点以溶滤、A6—A7混合作用为主,逐渐演变成A8—A10的以浓缩-蒸发为主。水质测试表明:地下水由山前至滨河由苦咸水转化为淡水(微咸水),水化学类型由Cl·SO4-Na(Cl·SO4-Na)型转为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型,平原区水质属于较差类别。受人类活动影响,主要污染物为氨氮等。  相似文献   


A groundwater resource characterisation and assessment model was developed for Nasia river sub-basin in the White Volta Basin, Ghana. The model is useful to policymakers for planning and sustainable management of groundwater resources in the basin for domestic and irrigation purposes. A conceptual model was constructed that characterized boundary conditions and hydrostratigraphy, and estimated recharge rates and hydraulic and storage parameters. From current understanding of the hydrogeological dynamics, three hydrostratigraphic layers were delineated. The conceptual model was converted to a three-dimensional steady-state groundwater flow model using MODFLOW. Recharge rates estimated from the base model indicate a minimum of 1.1% and maximum of 6.2% of the total rainfall. The hydraulic conductivity ranged between 0.20 and 15 m/day. Four possible scenarios were simulated: (1) increased population, (2) climate variations (reduced recharge), (3) increased abstraction for irrigation, and (4) worst-case scenario which is a combination of the first three scenarios. Results from scenarios 1 and 2 indicated that, under such conditions, the groundwater resources could be sustained and no significant effect on any of the water budget indicators was observed. For scenario 3, there was significant drop in hydraulic head in the central portions of the study area. The scenario 4 simulation indicated that there was significant reduction in groundwater levels and groundwater discharge into streams under these stressors. Such reduction can affect stream levels in the basin and, subsequently, the ecosystem. These findings are valid within the limits of uncertainty in the hydrogeological data that were used in this study.


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