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Matrix compositions of 32 carbonaceous chondrites have been analyzed by an electron microprobe defocussed-beam technique. Except in those chondrites that show evidence of metamorphism, matrices are compositionally similar and have correlation coefficients of +0.96 or greater. Weight per cent Mg/Si in matrices is constant (0.82 ± 0.05) but less than ratios derived from bulk analyses. Matrices in metamorphosed meteorites are Mg-depleted relative to those of other chondrites. Al Rais and Renazzo (anomalous by any classification scheme) have Mg-enriched matrices. Average matrix compositions cluster into chemical subgroups similar to those based on bulk chemical and petrographie criteria [C1, C2, C3(0), C3(V)]. C1 matrices are particularly variable in composition from point to point within the same meteorite, but points within individual breccia clasts appear to be more compositionally uniform. Cl matrices are depleted in Na, S, and Ca relative to solar and C2 matrix values, probably as a result of leaching. Matrix Ca/A1 ratios are highly variable and generally fall below the accepted meteoritic value. The only strong interelement correlation is for Fe, Ni, and S in C2 matrices, suggesting mixing of variable proportions of two components: Mg-rich phyllosilicate and a Ni-bearing chalcophile phase. The amount of magnetite associated with C2 matrix appears to vary systematically with matrix composition. Isotopic, chemical, and mineralogical constraints suggest that matrix, although appreciably altered in some meteorites, is chiefly a solar system condensation product which contains an admixture of unprocessed interstellar dust.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, chemical, textural, and isotopic studies of the abundant carbonaceous inclusions in the Jodzie howardite are consistent with CM characteristics. These CM xenoliths show regolith alteration on a level comparable to the Murray and Murchison meteorites but less than Nogoya, flow-oriented development of phyllosilicates and ‘poorly characterized phases’, and partial oxidation of sulfides. Temperature-programmed pyrolysis mass spectrometry (25°–1400°C) indicates that gas release patterns of volatiles and hydrocarbon components and percent contents of N(0.15), C(2.3) and S(2.4) are typical of CM meteorites. Release of significant amounts of SO2 is attributed to the thermal breakdown of ‘poorly characterized phases’ (Fe-Ni-C-S-O) that formed during low temperature aqueous alteration in the CM parent body.Noble gas abundances are well within the reported range of CM meteorites. The fact that the Ne composition is typical for ‘solar’ values and the isotopic structure of Xe is ‘planetary’ argues that these gases were entrapped by different mechanisms. Cosmic ray exposure ages for the xenoliths (3He, 5 × 106; 21Ne, 6.7 × 106; 38Ar, 6.9 × 106 yr) agree with the reported exposure age for the eucritic host. Volatile abundances, presence of intact organic molecules, and phyllosilicates in the CM xenoliths preclude regolith temperatures in excess of 200°C after CM incorporation. Mixing of the host and xenoliths probably occurred during a low-velocity collision of main belt asteroids.  相似文献   

High resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Mighei carbonaceous chondrite matrix has revealed the presence of a new mixed layer structure material. This mixed-layer material consists of an ordered arrangement of serpentine-type (S) and brucite-type (B) layers in the sequence … SBBSBB. … Electron diffraction and imaging techniques show that the basal periodicity is ~ 17 Å. Discrete crystals of SBB-type material are typically curved, of small size (<1 μm) and show structural variations similar to the serpentine group minerals. Mixed-layer material also occurs in association with planar serpentine. Characteristics of SBB-type material are not consistent with known terrestrial mixed-layer clay minerals. Evidence for formation by a condensation event or by subsequent alteration of preexisting material is not yet apparent.  相似文献   

The mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the fine-grained matrix (< or = 3 micrometers) of the unique primitive carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 have been investigated in detail by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM). Generally, the fine-grained matrix represents a highly unequilibrated assemblage of an amorphous material, small forsteritic olivines (200-300 nm), low Ca-pyroxenes (300-400 nm), and Fe,Ni-sulfides (100-300 nm). The matrix is basically unaffected by secondary processes. Only minor amounts of serpentine and ferrihydrite, as products of hydrous alteration, are present. Texturally, the amorphous material acts as a groundmass to olivines, pyroxenes, and sulfides, mostly exhibiting rounded or elongated morphologies. Only very few clastic mineral grains have been found. The texture and chemical composition of the amorphous material are consistent with an origin by disequilibrium condensation in either the cooling solar nebula or a circumstellar environment. As such, the amorphous material may be considered as a possible precursor of matrix materials in other types of chondrites. The non-clastic matrix olivines (Fo98-99) and pyroxenes (En97-100) are suggested to have formed either by condensation in the solar nebula under highly oxidizing conditions or by recrystallization from the amorphous material. The formation of these grains by fragmentation of chondrule components is unlikely due to chemical and microstructural reasons. Rapid cooling caused the observed intergrowths of clino/orthoenstatite in the Mg-rich matrix pyroxenes. Although some similarities exist comparing the fine-grained matrix of Acfer 094 with the matrices of the unequilibrated CO3 chondrite ALHA77307 and the unique type 3 chondrite Kakangari, Acfer 094 remains unique. Since it contains the highest measured concentrations of circumstellar SiC and the second highest of diamond (highest is Orgueil), it seems reasonable to suggested that at least parts of the amorphous material in the fine-grained matrix may be of circumstellar origin.  相似文献   

Tl and Pb isotopic abundances have been measured in various phases from Allende and the distribution and siting of these elements in the matrix phase investigated. Matrix fractions, prepared by sieving, sedimentation, magnetic separation and acid etching, were further characterised by X-ray diffraction and SEM. Tl concentrations range from 1 ppb in coarse grained inclusions to 1560 ppb in the acid-etched carbon residues and from 32 ppb to 194 ppb in the 16 matrix fractions. Pb concentrations which range from 0.1 ppm to 3.1 ppm, are enhanced in magnetic phases and depleted in Allende pentlandite relative to the whole meteorite. The Tl-204Pb abundance diagram is described near the origin by the inclusions and chondrules and extends through sulphide to the non-magnetic and magnetic matrix fractions. Abundances in the finest grained matrix fractions form a linear trend which passes through the origin and the Orgueil and Murchison whole meteorite data. The deviation of magnetic matrix fractions from the above linear trend is probably related to the presence of an intimate association of an awaruite-sulphide-carbon species. 92% of the Tl in the carbon residues, which is released on hydrolysis with HCl, probably resides in an organic host molecule(s) on the macromolecular carbonaceous material, whereas the surface film of organics on the matrix grains shows no apparent enrichment of Tl.Tl and 204Pb abundances revealed an inverse correlation with grain size and a distribution within the grains rather than as a surface layer, is indicated. Constraints placed by the data on the formational environment of the matrix grains are considered. Interstellar shock heating and rapid radiative cooling is a possible mechanism for the establishment of the observed inverse correlation of volatile abundance with grain size. Matrix data do not lend support for a recent redistribution of lead as an explanation for the apparent excess Pb in Allende. The apparent initial Pb isotopic compositions of the matrix fractions are heterogeneous and not attributable to terrestrial contamination. The very magnetic fractions have high abundances of Pb and the least radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions, whereas the non-magnetic fractions have lower Pb abundances but more radiogenic apparent initial Pb compositions. The data also indicate that use of the predicted Tl-204Pb cosmothermometer, to infer accretion temperatures, is apparently not valid for individual phases of Allende.  相似文献   

The carbonaceous chondrites are intriguing and unique in the sense that they are the only rocks that provide pristine records of the early solar nebular processes. We report here results of a detailed mineralogical, chemical, amino acid and isotopic studies of a recently observed fall at Mukundpura, near Jaipur in Rajasthan, India. Abundance of olivines in this meteorite is low and of serpentine minerals is high. FeO/SiO_2 = 1.05 in its Poorly Characterized Phases(PCP) is similar to that observed in other CM2.0 chondrites. The water content of ~9.8 wt.% is similar to that found in many other CM chondrites.Microscopic examination of matrix shows that its terrestrial weathering grade is WO but aqueous parent body alteration is high, as reflected in low abundance of identifiable chondrules and abundant remnants of chondrules(~7%). Thus, most of the chondrules formed initially have been significantly altered or dissolved by aqueous alterations on their parent bodies. The measured bulk carbon(2.3%) and nitrogen content and their isotopic(δ13C =-5.5‰, δ15N = 23.6%0) composition is consistent with CM2.0 classification probably bordering CM1. Several amino acids such as Alanine, Serine, Proline, Valine, Threonine,Leucine, Isoleucine, Asparagine and Histamine are present. Tyrosine and Tryptophan may occur in trace amounts which could not be precisely determined. All these data show that Mukundpura chondrite lies at the boundary of CM2.0 and CM1 type carbonaceous chondrites making it one of the most primitive chondrites.  相似文献   

The modal abundance of matrix in CM chondrites appears to vary from 57–85 vol%. The concentrations of volatile elements that should occur in matrix remain approximately constant despite differences in the proportions of matrix, suggesting that the differing matrix contents may not be real primary variations but are optical effects due to aqueous alteration processes that make other petrologic components unrecognizable. Apparent matrix content can be used as a qualitative measure of the degree of alteration experienced by each CM chondrite. Fe/Si ratios in matrices decrease progressively with increasing alteration due to the formation of new phyllosilicate phases with higher Mg/Fe ratios and optically recognizable opaque minerals that are not counted as matrix. The aqueous alteration process in CM chondrites appears to have been largely isochemical if the bulk meteorites are considered as the reacting systems, although depletion patterns and isotopic anomalies indicate open-system behavior for a few highly mobile components.  相似文献   

The abundance and isotopic composition of Hg was determined in bulk samples of both the Murchison (CM) and Allende (CV) carbonaceous chondrites using single- and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The bulk abundances of Hg are 294 ± 15 ng/g in Murchison and 30.0 ± 1.5 ng/g in Allende. These values are within the range of previous measurements of bulk Hg abundances by neutron activation analysis (NAA). Prior studies suggested that both meteorites contain isotopically anomalous Hg, with δ196/202Hg values for the anomalous, thermal-release components from bulk samples ranging from −260 ‰ to +440 ‰ in Murchison and from −620 ‰ to +540 ‰ in Allende Jovanovic and Reed 1976a, Jovanovic and Reed 1976b, Kumar and Goel 1992. Our multi-collector ICP-MS measurements suggest that the relative abundances of all seven stable Hg isotopes in both meteorites are identical to terrestrial values within 0.2 to 0.5 ‰.On-line thermal-release experiments were performed by coupling a programmable oven with the single-collector ICP-MS. Powdered aliquots of each meteorite were linearly heated from room temperature to 900°C over twenty-five minutes under an Ar atmosphere to measure the isotopic composition of Hg released from the meteorites as a function of temperature. In separate experiments, the release profiles of S and Se were determined simultaneously with Hg to constrain the Hg distribution within the meteorites and to evaluate the possibility of Se interferences in previous NAA studies. The Hg-release patterns differ between Allende and Murchison. The Hg-release profile for Allende contains two distinct peaks, at 225° and 343°C, whereas the profile for Murchison has only one peak, at 344°C. No isotopically anomalous Hg was detected in the thermal-release experiments at a precision level of 5 to 30 ‰, depending on the isotope ratio. In both meteorites the Hg peak at ∼340°C correlates with a peak in the S-release profile. This correlation suggests that Hg is associated with S-bearing phases and, thus, that HgS is a major Hg-bearing phase in both meteorites. The Hg peak at 225°C for Allende is similar to release patterns of physically adsorbed Hg on silicate and metal grains. Prior studies suggested that the isotopic anomalies reported from NAA resulted from interference between 203Hg and 75Se. However, the amount of Se released from both meteorites, relative to Hg, is insufficient to produce all of the observed anomalies.  相似文献   

A corundum-hibonite inclusion, BB-5, has been found in the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. This is the first reported occurrence of corundum as a major phase in any refractory inclusion, even though this mineral is predicted by thermodynamic calculations to be the first condensate from a cooling gas of solar composition. Ion microprobe measurements of Mg isotopic compositions yield the unexpected result for such an early condensate that 26Mg excesses are small: δN26Mg = 7.0 ± 1.6%. for hibonite and 5.0 ± 4.8%. for corundum, despite very large 27Al24Mg ratios, 130 and 2.74 × 104, respectively. Within the errors, δN26Mg does not vary over this exceedingly large range of 27Al24Mg ratios. The extreme temperature required to melt this inclusion makes a liquid origin unlikely, except possibly by hypervelocity impact involving refractory bodies. If, instead, BB-5 is a direct gas-solid condensate, textural evidence implies that corundum formed first and later reacted to produce hibonite. In this model, BB-5's uniform enrichment in 26Mg must be a characteristic of the reservoir from which it condensed. Because severe difficulties are encountered in making such a reservoir by prior decay of 26Al, nebular heterogeneity in magnesium isotopic composition is a preferred explanation.  相似文献   

A chrysotile-like phase, cronstedtite, polygonal serpentine, pentlandite, and finely intergrown tochilinite comprise the fine-grained rim (FGR) mineralogy of the Cold Bokkeveld CM chondrite. Transmission electron microscope images combined with compositional data indicate reaction among cronstedtite, the chrysotile-like phase, and polygonal serpentine. The Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of the cronstedtite are higher than those reported for the less altered Murchison CM chondrite. Cronstedtite grains exhibit layer separations, particularly at their boundaries.The FGRs surround different chondrule types but have similar bulk compositions and mineralogy. Ca is depleted in the FGRs relative to the bulk CM chondrite. The FGRs display non-uniform thicknesses, especially where they coat embayed chondrule areas, and they exhibit grain-size coarsening outward from the chondrules they enclose. FGR formation in Cold Bokkeveld is most plausibly explained by multiple accretionary episodes during which progressively coarser dust was deposited onto chondrules, presumably in the solar nebula. The compositional and mineralogic data are consistent with aqueous alteration on the parent body.  相似文献   

Within a CM-like clast in the Plainview (H5) chondrite are two inclusions which have the distinctive morphologies of an Allende-like, coarse-grained CAI and an amoeboid olivine inclusion respectively. The compositions of the mineral components within the inclusions were ascertained in this microprobe study. The major constituents of the altered inclusions are calcite, Mg-Fe-rich phyllosilicates, Fe-Ti oxides, and an unusually Al-rich (21–32 wt% A12O3) phyllosilicate. Assuming the starting compositions for these inclusions suggested by their morphologies, namely, Ca-Al refractory-rich oxides and silicates, the alteration process would have required transport of Na, Cl, H2O, “CO2” and “FeO”. Because significant quantities of iron are required to produce the mineral assemblages now present from the inferred starting materials, and because of the presence of hydrous phases, it seems that liquid water was probably the medium in which the alteration reactions took place. The two possible sources of liquid water in meteorite parent bodies are primordially formed clay minerals and water ice. As yet neither source can be ruled out.  相似文献   

Isotopic data for C, H and N in acid-resistant residues from carbonaceous chondrites show substantial variability during stepwise pyrolysis and/or combustion. After subtraction of contributions due apparently to inorganic C grains, of probably circumstellar origin, considerable isotopic variability remains, attributable to the kerogen-like organic fraction. That variability may be interpreted in terms of three or four distinct components, based on C, H and N isotopes. The relative proportions of those components vary significantly from sample to sample. The different isotopic components are tentatively identified in terms of specific chemical/structural moieties within the kerogen-like material. This combination of chemical, structural and isotopic information suggests a complex history for meteoritic organic matter. At least three components within the organic population as a whole still carry a signature of apparently interstellar Denrichment. Part, at least, of the interstellar carrier consisted of reactive entities, not solely polymers.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to study the microtextural and mineralogical characteristics of fine-grained rims in the unbrecciated CM2 chondrites, Y-791198 and ALHA81002, in an effort to provide constraints on the origins of the rims themselves. Our TEM observations show that the rims in Y-791198 are composed of two distinct types of region, sulfide-poor and sulfide-rich, that are intermixed in a complex manner at the micron to submicron level. The sulfide-poor regions are largely composed of amorphous silicate material or nanocrystalline serpentine, but rare fibrous and coarse-grained serpentine grains have also been identified. No fine-grained cronstedtite or tochilinite were observed, although coarse-grained lumps of tochilinite are present in the rims. In contrast, the sulfide-rich regions are characterized by the presence of a myriad, nanometer-sized Fe, Ni sulfide grains (pentlandite with some Ni-rich pyrrhotite) embedded within an amorphous silicate similar in composition to that of the sulfide-poor regions. The sulfide-rich regions also contain rare phases such as olivine, and Fe, Ni metal grains with grain sizes that are always >100 nm in size. Z-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) reveals that the fine-grained rims consist of a mosaic of irregularly-shaped sulfide-poor and sulfide-rich-regions with sizes of about 0.2-0.5 μm, that have been compacted together during parent body lithification. Despite aqueous alteration, the distinct mineralogical characteristics of these different regions are preserved on a fine-scale and probably represent primitive heterogeneity in the dust from which these rims formed.Serpentine is much better developed and more widespread in the fine-grained rims of ALHA81002 than Y-791198. Complex mats of serpentine fibers are commonly found and cronstedtite and tochilinite are plentiful. Anhydrous minerals such as olivine are rare and have usually been replaced by serpentine. Like Y-791198, all the fine-grained rims studied in ALHA81002 show the same mineral assemblages and textural characteristics throughout and between rims. The homogeneity of the mineralogy, textural relationships and degree of hydration in the rims of these two chondrites is more consistent with parent-body alteration than with pre-accretionary alteration.  相似文献   

Bulk compositions were determined by broad-beam electron microprobe analysis for thirteen of the least aqueously altered chondrules in Murray (CM2). These and literature data reveal compositional differences between CM-CO and ordinary chondrite (OC) chondrules:
  • 1.(a) CO chondrules are richer in refractory lithophiles and poorer in Cr, Mn and volatile lithophiles than OC chondrules; much lower refractory lithophile abundances in CM chondrules resulted from aqueous alteration,
  • 2.(b) in CM-CO chondrites, abundances of refractory lithophiles are higher in nonporphyritic than porphyritic chondrules, whereas in H-L-LL3 chondrites the converse is true,
  • 3.(c) Cr ranges are greater and Cr and Mn correlate more strongly in chondrules in CM-CO than in H-L-LL3 chondrites.
We find evidence for two important lithophile precursor components of CM-CO chondrite chondrules:
  • 1.(1) pyroxene- and refractory-rich, FeO-poor;
  • 2.(2) olivine-rich, refractory and FeO-poor.
The occurrence of a few FeO-rich chondrules attests to a third component similar to matrix: olivine- and FeO-rich, refractories not characterized. The first two components differ from those inferred for OC chondrules, consistent with formation at different locations. The pyroxene- and refractory-rich, FeO-poor lithophile precursor component probably formed by an incomplete evaporation of presolar silicates that brought these materials into the enstatite stability field.  相似文献   

With one exception, the low-FeO relict olivine grains within high-FeO porphyritic chondrules in the type 3.0 Acfer 094 carbonaceous chondrite have Δ17O (= δ17O − 0.52 × δ18O) values that are substantially more negative than those of the high-FeO olivine host materials. These results are similar to observations made earlier on chondrules in CO3.0 chondrites and are consistent with two independent models: (1) Nebular solids evolved from low-FeO, low-Δ17O compositions towards high-FeO, more positive Δ17O compositions; and (2) the range of compositions resulted from the mixing of two independently formed components. The two models predict different trajectories on a Δ17O vs. log Fe/Mg (olivine) diagram, but our sample set has too few values at intermediate Fe/Mg ratios to yield a definitive answer.Published data showing that Acfer 094 has higher volatile contents than CO chondrites suggest a closer link to CM chondrites. This is consistent with the high modal matrix abundance in Acfer 094 (49 vol.%). Acfer 094 may be an unaltered CM chondrite or an exceptionally matrix-rich CO chondrite. Chondrules in Acfer 094 and in CO and CM carbonaceous chondrites appear to sample the same population. Textural differences between Acfer 094 and CM chondrites are largely attributable to the high degree of hydrothermal alteration that the CM chondrites experienced in an asteroidal setting.  相似文献   

The isotopic compositions of titanium in eight grains of hibonite (CaAI12O19) from the carbonaceous chondrite Murchison have been determined by high precision secondary ion mass spectrometry using an ion microprobe. The titanium in the hibonites varies greatly in 50Ti, from about ?42 to +8 permil (relative to terrestrial) with smaller (up to 4 permil), but clearly resolvable, effects in 46Ti and 48Ti. These results complement ion probe measurements by Faheyet al. (1985) of a 100 permil excess of 50Ti in a hibonite grain from the carbonaceous chondrite Murray, and confirm the presence of widespread negative anomalies suggested by the results of Hutcheonet al. (1983) on hibonites from Murchison. The magnitude of these variations seems explicable only in terms of nucleogenic processes which produced extremely variable titanium isotopic abundances in the hibonite source materials. The hibonites evidently did not participate to the same extent as most material in the mixing and homogenisation processes that accompanied the formation and later evolution of the solar system. Thus, significant source materials of the hibonites may be the supernova condensates of Clayton (1978) and may support the concept of “chemical memory” (Clayton, 1978; Niemeyer and Lugmair, 1984).  相似文献   

We report the mineral compositions and micro-texture of the isotopically anomalous (δ17,18OSMOW ∼ +180‰) Fe-S-Ni-O material recently discovered in matrix of the primitive carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 [Sakamoto N., Seto Y., Itoh S., Kuramoto K., Fujino K., Nagashima K., Krot A. N. and Yurimoto H. (2007) Oxygen isotope evidence for remnants of the early solar system primordial water. Science317, 231-233]. Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies indicate that this material consists of the symplectitically intergrown magnetite (Fe3O4) and pentlandite (Fe5.7Ni3.3S8) with magnetite/pentlandite volume ratio of ∼2.3. Magnetite forms column-shaped grains (10-30 nm in diameter and 100-200 nm in length); pentlandite occurs as worm-shaped grains or aggregates of grains 100-300 nm in size between magnetite crystals. Although both the X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectra support identification of iron oxide as magnetite, the electron diffraction patterns show that magnetite has a weak 3-fold superstructure, possibly due to ordering of vacancies. We infer that the isotopically anomalous symplectite formed by sulfurization and oxidization of metal grains either in the solar nebula or on an icy planetesimal. The intersite cation distribution of pentlandite suggests that timescale of oxidation was no longer than 1000 years.  相似文献   

Samples from ten refractory inclusions in Murchison, some of which are splits of inclusions whose mineralogical and petrographic characteristics are known, have been analysed for thirty-six elements by neutron activation. Six inclusions have group II or group III patterns or variants of such patterns. Two inclusions, BB-5 and MUCH-1, have large negative Yb anomalies unaccompanied by correspondingly large negative Eu anomalies. It is possible that the latter condensed originally with group III patterns and preferentially took up Eu in later exchange processes under reducing conditions. One inclusion, SH-2, has heavy REE enrichment factors that increase with the refractoriness of the REE, indicating the presence of an extremely high-temperature, or ultrarefractory, REE condensate, but it also has a heavy REE/light REE ratio that indicates mixing of that component with a lower-temperature REE condensate. The frequency of highly fractionated REE patterns and absence of group I patterns suggest that refractory inclusions in Murchison stopped equilibrating with the nebular gas at higher temperatures than most Allende coarse-grained inclusions. The lower Ir/Os and Ru/Re ratios of some Murchison inclusions compared to those of Allende coarse-grained inclusions indicate that condensate alloys that contributed noble metals to the former also stopped equilibrating with the nebular gas at higher temperatures than those that contributed noble metals to the latter. Murchison inclusions tend to be lower in non-refractory elements than Allende coarse-grained inclusions, suggesting that, on average, the former underwent less severe secondary alteration than the latter.  相似文献   

Water-soluble sulfate salts extracted from six CM chondrites have oxygen isotope compositions that are consistent with an extraterrestrial origin. The Δ17O of sulfate are correlated with previously reported whole rock δ18O and with an index of meteorite alteration, and may display a correlation with the date of the fall. The enrichments and depletions for Δ17O of water-soluble sulfate from the CM chondrites relative to the terrestrial mass dependent fractionation line are consistent with sulfate formation in a rock dominated asteroidal environment, and from aqueous fluids that had undergone relatively low amounts of oxygen isotope exchange and little reaction with anhydrous components of the meteorites. It is unresolved how the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate can be reconciled with the inferred low oxidation state during the extraterrestrial alteration process. Oxygen isotope data for two CI chondrites, Orgueil and Ivuna, as well as the ungrouped C2 chondrite Essebi are indistinguishable from sulfate of terrestrial origin and may be terrestrial weathering products, consistent with previous assertions. Our oxygen isotope data, however, can not rule out a preterrestrial origin either.  相似文献   

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