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海洋柔性立管弯曲加强器参数敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荆彪  朱克强  杨然哲 《海洋工程》2016,34(3):99-104
针对海洋立管弯曲加强器所受环境载荷与功能载荷的特点,基于有限元法对某海洋柔性立管弯曲加强器结构进行数值分析。通过有限元分析软件建立了弯曲加强器与柔性立管组合等效模型,重点讨论了弯曲加强器的设计参数对其自身防弯性能的影响,根据弯曲加强器的曲率及柔性立管的应力分布,对弯曲加强器结构进行优化设计,得到结论可供设计参考。  相似文献   

柔性立管连接海上平台和水下生产系统,缓波型构型可以减轻其受到的顶部张力和疲劳损伤,触地点处系链对于固定水下立管起着重要作用,然而加装系链的缓波型立管系统设计更为复杂。通过缓波型基本理论计算出合理的立管初始状态,之后使用立管分析软件OrcaFlex,在充分考虑环境因素、船体结构、立管材料和线型以及重力块、浮力块、系链等配置参数的情况下,建立缓波型立管系统有限元模型,通过静动态分析验证其满足设定的关于立管构型、张力、弯曲半径,系链张力和FPSO偏移量5个约束条件。结合神经网络优化算法和遗传算法制定出针对文中立管系统的优化算法并通过MATLAB编程将浮力块数量优化至最少,之后基于L-M算法构建神经网络模型,通过迭代训练提升精度,得到最终参数优化结果。通过对比优化前后静动态分析结果可知:优化后浮力块数量大幅减少,立管最大有效张力大幅减小,而悬挂段最低点深度有一定程度的增大,整体构型更趋向于合理的缓波型构型。  相似文献   

任铁  宋磊建  沈志平  周佳 《海洋工程》2017,35(6):101-108
对柔性立管的疲劳损伤特性进行分析,探究抗拉层与抗压层的疲劳特性,并分析弯曲加强器的存在与否对柔性立管疲劳损伤的影响。研究表明:柔性立管最内层抗拉层上的疲劳损伤最大,从内到外,抗拉层的疲劳损伤依次减小;抗压层受到的疲劳损伤远小于抗拉层的疲劳损伤;弯曲加强器的存在可以减小立管的疲劳损伤,并改变抗拉层疲劳危险点的位置。  相似文献   

随着海上油气田探索及开发水域不断加深,通常会遇到有坡度的海床,这对缓波型立管的安装转移提出了更高的要求。基于虚功原理和最小势能原理,建立了缓波型立管的力学分析模型。基于该模型在非平坦海床条件下对缓波型立管转移过程做参数分析,研究海床坡度角、安装船张力、浮筒段长度、船与平台的水平间距等参数对缓波型立管转移过程的影响。研究发现:随着海床坡度角的增大,立管转移过程中的拱弯弯曲程度加剧,上拱点、下垂点均上移,悬挂点张力及最大剪力均减小;在非平坦海床下,随着影响参数的改变,立管上拱点、下垂点和悬挂点张力变化的拐点和趋势不同。该结论为在非平坦海床海洋环境下缓波型立管的设计与应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

基于柔性杆理论和尾流振子模型计算陡波形立管的涡激振动响应;综合使用S-N曲线法、雨流计数法、Palmgren-Miner线性累积疲劳理论对立管涡激振动导致的疲劳损伤进行计算分析.并以MATLAB为平台编写相应计算程序,将本文计算得到的静力分析结果、固有频率和疲劳损伤分别与专业海工计算软件O rcaFlex和已发表文献进...  相似文献   

缓波型立管由于设计参数较多且优化目标之间相互影响,设计结果具有很大的不确定性。随着代理模型和智能优化算法的发展,针对缓波型立管的优化可以提出更好的解决方案。以提高力学性能和经济效益为优化目标,采用基于Kriging插值模型和NSGA-II算法的多目标优化策略,对考虑顶部浮体影响的深水缓波型立管进行动力响应分析,并开展线型—截面双目标优化集成设计和线型—浮筒三目标优化集成设计。将处于不同几何尺度的设计变量进行集成,旨在各目标存在相互竞争的情况下,与截面、浮筒设计形成有效互动以提高线型设计的总体性能。结果表明,Pareto最优解集可提供多个选择方案,以满足工程实际需要。将所选最优方案与初始设计进行对比,并以疲劳性能和成本估算作为优化的校核指标,取得了理想的优化效果。  相似文献   

钟型嘴限制柔性立管顶端部分的过度弯曲,进而保护柔性立管。针对规范API RP 17B中曲率与弧长成线性关系的钟型嘴几何形状进行优化设计研究,提出两种优化方案。首先推导规范方案及优化方案的钟型嘴几何公式,再分析对比不同方案中钟型嘴的弧长与质量,最后利用OrcaFlex软件对比分析不同方案中柔性立管顶端部分的曲率、柔性立管与钟型嘴的接触力以及柔性立管顶端部分的有效张力,对优化方案进行综合评估。结果表明:形状优化后的钟型嘴不但均能够满足保护柔性立管的性能要求,而且在体积和质量方面均得到改善,其中曲率与弧长的平方根成线性关系的钟型嘴的体积和质量最小。  相似文献   

缓波立管的结构形式能够有效改善立管触地区的动力响应,达到保护立管触地区的目的。基于集中质量法和考虑土体弱化的非线性海床土模型,用等效浮力的方法将缓波立管浮力段简化,并在Orca Flex中建立传统钢悬链线立管和缓波立管的集中质量模型进行分析,考虑立管结构形式、浮力段长度和浮力段起始位置的影响,得到立管静态位形、触地点张力和弯矩、立管贯入深度以及触地点海床阻力等结果进行比较。结果表明:浮力段的配置会提高立管静态弯矩分布水平,但合理的缓波立管设计能有效改善立管触地区的动力响应,抑制海底沟槽的发展,达到保护立管触地区的目的。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an enhanced approach for evaluating the fatigue life of each metallic layer of unbonded flexible risers. Owing to the complex structure of unbonded flexible risers and the nonlinearity of the system, particularly in the critical touchdown zone, the traditional method is insufficient for accurately evaluating the fatigue life of these risers. The main challenge lies in the transposition from global to local analyses, which is a key stage for the fatigue analysis of flexible pipes owing to their complex structure. The new enhanced approach derives a multi-layer stress-decomposition method to meet this challenge. In this study, a numerical model validated experimentally is used to demonstrate the accuracy of the stress-decomposition method. And a numerical case is studied to validate the proposed approach. The results demonstrate that the multi-layer stress-decomposition method is accurate, and the fatigue lives of the metallic layers predicted by the enhanced multi-layer analysis approach are rational. The proposed fatigue-analysis approach provides a practical and reasonable method for predicting fatigue life in the design of unbonded flexible risers.  相似文献   

Slender marine structures such as mooring lines and risers are susceptible to failures due to stress variations coming from environmental actions. Wave, wind and current are random phenomena, and consequently the most adequate methodology to estimate the fatigue damage accumulation on these structures is the probabilistic fatigue analysis. In practice, the estimation of fatigue life requires the numerical simulation of a huge number of loading cases to compute the multi-dimensional integral of the total fatigue damage.This paper presents an efficient approach to compute the long-term fatigue damage of marine structures. The proposed method needs only a few number of numerical simulations to estimate the structure fatigue life. It uses a parametric interpolation procedure to evaluate the fatigue damage for any individual short-term condition (sea state) required in the calculation of the multi-dimensional integral. In this way, the total number of short-term structural analyzes is considerably reduced.The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method is compared to the full direct integration by means of two comprehensive examples. The first studied case is an idealized theoretical model of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system under wave loading, and the second one is a Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) connected to a FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading floating unit).  相似文献   

在导管架下水运动过程中,其组成杆元相对于海平面的位置复杂多样。在导管架下水参数计算和仿真时,为了计算导管架的浮力和浮心,经常采用估算的方法,由于误差比较大而影响了计算和仿真的精度。分析了导管架下水运动过程中杆元的各种状态,用解析的方法推导出导管架下水运动过程中的浮力和浮心的精确计算公式,提高了导管架下水参数计算及其模拟的精度。  相似文献   

The riser-seabed interaction resulting in a trench formed in the touchdown zone (TDZ) of steel catenary risers (SCR) has a significant influence on accumulated fatigue damage. Several studies have used different trench modeling approaches to investigate the trench effect on fatigue. However, contradictory observations have been reported with no coherent agreement on the beneficial or detrimental effect of the trench on fatigue. In this study, the significance of trench geometry in fatigue damage evaluation was investigated. Using analytical and numerical approaches, a meaningful relationship was observed between the trench slope in different zones and the peak fatigue damage. A new set of rules was proposed for the qualitative assessment of the overall trend of trench effect on the variation of fatigue damage. The proposed assessment rules were validated by performing comprehensive numerical fatigue analysis. A comparison with samples of published experimental and numerical studies was also completed. It was observed that depending on the direction of the low-frequency vessel excursions, the peak fatigue damage may increase towards the near offsets and decrease towards the far vessel offset. This implied that the case dependency of the trench effect on fatigue response in different geographical locations with various environmental loads was a potential source for the contradictory results reported in previously published studies.  相似文献   

为建立海洋电缆弯曲加强器参数化设计方法,使用有限元模型进行了弯曲加强器设计参数研究.基于海缆及其弯曲加强器的几何结构及受力特点,建立了基于多相耦合梁单元的平面有限元模型,可以计算并分析海缆及其弯曲加强器在一定角度的张力作用下的形变与等效应力分布.通过多个案例系统性地分析了弯曲加强器的主要设计参数,即根部直径、锥体段长度及材料弹性模量,对海缆弯曲挠度、曲率及等效应力分布的影响.文中原创性地提出了弯曲加强器组合设计参数φ(t,L,E).通过定量分析确定了其与海缆最大曲率之间的近似线性关系,并由此设计了参数化的弯曲加强器设计流程.通过设计实例验证了组合参数与海缆最大曲率之间关系的准确性和参数化设计流程的有效性.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the flexible jumper issue of Subsurface Tension Leg Production (STLP) system concept, which is considered as a competing alternative system to support well completion devices and rigid risers in ultra-deep water for offshore petroleum production. The paper presents analytical and numerical approaches for the optimum design and global analysis of the flexible jumper. Criteria using catenary concept are developed to define the critical length for optimum design. Based on the criteria, detailed hydrodynamic analyses including quasi-static analysis, modal analysis, and dynamic analysis are performed. Modal analysis with respect to the quasi-static analysis shows that the existence of resonant modes requires special consideration. The results of dynamic analysis confirm the effectiveness of the de-coupled effect from the jumper on STLP system. The approaches developed in the study also have wide application prospect in reference to the optimum design and analysis of any Hybrid Riser (HR) concept.  相似文献   

本文根据2004年长江口及其邻近海域生态调查数据,运用生态通道模型(Ecopath模型)构建生态系统能流网络,分析本区域生态系统营养结构及功能,并与1985—1986年研究数据进行对比,解析两个时期生态系统营养结构与功能的差异。研究结果显示,2004年长江口及其邻近海域生态系统营养级范围为1~4.34,相较于1985—1986年研究结果,底层无脊椎动物食性鱼类和头足类的营养级变动较大。牧食食物链占据主导地位,浮游植物在浮游动物和水母的能量来源中所占比例均在60%以上;碎屑食物链所占能流比为44%。系统总能流为6342.081 t·km–2·a–1。渔获物平均营养级下降,生态营养效率平均值较高,但是碎屑和浮游植物的生态营养效率却明显下降,碎屑趋于累积。生态系统统计量整体显示,长江口及邻近海域生态系统成熟度降低。  相似文献   

生态空心块体是一种兼有调控水流与生态修复功能的工程结构物,在海堤、丁坝等近海工程中被广泛应用.通过室内水槽试验,设计多种来水来沙工况,研究生态空心块体与柔性植被共同影响下的水沙动力特性,重点探究生态空心块体内的水沙动力效应.结果 表明:生态空心块体组成的坝体结构缓流效果显著,坝体内外侧水流流速分布差异明显,坝体内部的水...  相似文献   

Combined multi-body dynamics with structural dynamics,a new discrete element with flexibleconnector,which is applicable for 3-D beam structures,is developed in this paper.Both the generalizedelastic coefficient matrix of the flexible connector and the mass matrix of discrete element may be off-diag-onal in a general case.The zero-length rigid element is introduced to simulate the node at which multiple el-ements are jointed together.It may also be effective when the axes of adjacent elements are not in the sameline.The examples for eigenvalue calculation show that the model is successful.It can be extended to thegeometric nonlinear response analysis.  相似文献   

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