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The presence of hot spots on the surface of T Tau attributable to mass accretion from the protoplanetary disk is shown to have virtually no effect on the accuracy of estimating the magnetic field strength for this star. By comparing the magnetic field strengths for T Tau at the photospheric level measured by various methods, we found that if the angle i at which we see T Tau does not exceed 10°, then the magnetic field of the star could be dipolar with the angle between the dipole axis and the rotation axis of the star ?85°. If, however, it later emerges that i > 10°, its magnetic field is essentially nondipolar and/or nonstationary.  相似文献   

We present the results of our infrared JHK photometry for the unusual UX Ori star V1184 Tau. Comparison with previous observations performed before the catastrophic decline in its optical brightness in 2004 (when the star faded approximately by a factor of 100) has shown the following: the star faded approximately by 2 m and 1 m in the J and H bands, respectively, while its K brightness remained almost constant. This pattern of infrared variability seems incompatible with the mechanism of variable circumstellar extinction responsible for the dramatic decline in the star’s optical brightness. However, if this mechanism is considered in the context of an accretion disk model with a puffed-up inner rim in the dust sublimation zone and with a disk wind producing an expanding gas-dust atmosphere above the disk surface, then the paradox can be resolved. In this model, the photometric activity of V1184 Tau in both visible and near-infrared spectral ranges, including the sharp brightness decline in 2004, can be explained by an increase in the geometric thickness of the disk in the dust sublimation zone caused by enhanced accretion of circumstellar matter onto the star. There is reason to believe that such events occur periodically and result from the presence of a companion to V1184 Tau moving in a highly eccentric orbit. The offered interpretation of the photometric activity of V1184 Tau allows this object to be classified as an UX Ori star based on the observed photometric effect and, at the same time, as a FU Ori star based on the pattern of the physical process that produced this effect.  相似文献   

We analyze the spectra of DR Tau in the wavelength range 1200 to 3100 Å obtained with the GHRS and STIS spectrographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. The profiles for the C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines and for the absorption features of some lines indicate that matter falls to the star at a velocity ~300 km s?1. At the same time, absorption features were detected in the blue wings of the N I, Mg I, Fe II, Mg II, C II, and Si II lines, suggesting mass outflow at a velocity up to 400 km s?1. The C II, Si II, and Al II intercombination lines exhibit symmetric profiles whose peaks have the same radial velocity as the star. This is also true for the emission features of the Fe II and H2 lines. We believe that stellar activity is attributable to disk accretion of circumstellar matter, with matter reaching the star mainly through the disk and the boundary layer. At the time of observations, the accretion luminosity was Lac ? 2L at an accretion rate ?10?7M yr?1. Concurrently, a small (<10%) fraction of matter falls to the star along magnetospheric magnetic field lines from a height ~R*. Within a region of size ?3.5R*, the disk atmosphere has a thickness ~0.1R* and a temperature ?1.5 × 104 K. We assume that disk rotation in this region significantly differs from Keplerian rotation. The molecular hydrogen lines are formed in the disk at a distance <1.4 AU from the star. Accretion is accompanied by mass outflow from the accretion-disk surface. In a region of size <10R*, the wind gas has a temperature ~7000 K, but at the same time, almost all iron is singly ionized by H I L α photons from inner disk regions. Where the warm-wind velocity reaches ?400 km s?1, the gas moves at an angle of no less than 30° to the disk plane. We found no evidence of regions with a temperature above 104 K in the wind and leave open the question of whether there is outflow in the H2 line formation region. According to our estimate, the star has the following set of parameters: M* ? 0.9M, R* ? 1.8R, L* ? 0.9L, and \(A_V \simeq 0\mathop .\limits^m 9\). The inclination i of the disk axis to the line of sight cannot be very small; however, i≤60°.  相似文献   

The following conclusions about the kinematics and parameters of the gas in the vicinity of TW Hya have been drawn from an analysis of optical and ultraviolet line profiles and intensities. The accreting matter rises in the magnetosphere to a distance z>R* above the disk plane and falls to the star near its equator almost perpendicular to its plane. The matter outflows from a disk region with an outer radius of ≤0.5 AU. The [OI], [SII], and H2 lines originate in the disk atmosphere outside the outflow region, where the turbulent gas velocity is close to the local speed of sound. In the formation region of the forbidden lines, T?8500 K and Ne?5×106 cm?3, and the hydrogen is almost neutral: xe<0.03. The absorption features observed in the blue wings of some of the ultraviolet lines originate in the part of the wind that moves almost perpendicular to the disk plane, i.e., in the jet of TW Hya. The V z gas velocity component in the jet decreases with increasing distance from the jet axis from 200 to 30 km s?1. The matter outflowing from the inner disk boundary, moves perpendicular to the disk plane in the formation region of blue absorption line components, at a distance of ~0.5 AU from the axis of symmetry of the disk. This region of the wind is collimated into the jet at a distance of <3 AU from the disk plane. The gas temperature in the formation region of absorption components is ?2×104 K, and the gas density is <3×106 cm?3. This region of the jet is on the order of several AU away from the disk plane, while free recombination in the jet begins even farther from the disk. The mass-loss rate for TW Hya is \(\dot M_w < 7 \times 10^{ - 10} M_ \odot yr^{ - 1}\), which is a factor of 3lower than the mean accretion rate. The relative abundance of silicon and aluminum in the jet gas is at least an order of magnitude lower than its standard value.  相似文献   

During the period 1979–1999, we investigated the hyperfine structure of the H2O supermaser region located in the core of the molecular cloud OMC-1 in Orion KL. The angular resolution is 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU. The detected structure, which consists of a central object, an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and an envelope, corresponds to the initial formation stage of a low-mass star. The accretion disk is at the stage of separation into groups of concentric rings. The bipolar outflow is a neutral, highly collimated jet of accreted material that includes H2O molecules and dust grains in the icy envelope. The injector is a bright compact source with a size <0.05 AU and a brightness temperature Tb≈1017 K. The velocity of the bipolar outflow is v≈10 km s?1. The rotation velocity of the jet is vrot≈1.5 km s?1. The jet has the shape of a conical helix due to the precession of the rotation axis. Occasionally, dense blobs (comet-shaped bullets) are ejected. The envelope amplifies the radio emission from the structures in a ~0.5 km s?1 maser window band with velocities v≈7.65 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the Hubble Space Telescope spectrum of the young star FU Ori in the range 2300–3100 Å. The long-wavelength part of the spectrum is similar to the spectrum of a supergiant with T eff ? 5000–6000 K, but the range of wavelengths shorter than ?2600 Å is dominated by radiation from a region with T eff ? 9000 K. We discuss the possibility of explaining these peculiarities of the spectrum, the Al II] 2669.2 emission line profile, and the results of X-ray observations for FU Ori in terms of an accretion disk model whose thickness increases as the star is approached starting from distances ?1012 cm. Near the star, the disk has the shape of a cone in which only the part of its surface on the far (from the observer) side is visible. The suggested model is a kind of a compromise between the models of a thin α-disk and a supergiant: basically, this is an accretion model, but it resembles a supergiant in observational manifestations. Numerous absorption lines originating in the disk wind are superimposed on the disk spectrum. The wind is a cold (T ? 5000 K), dense (N e ? 1011 cm?3) gas. The number of wind absorption lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of FU Ori increases with decreasing wavelength. This causes a rapid decline in intensity in the short-wavelength part of the spectrum. As a result, the maximum temperature in the disk estimated from low-resolution IUE spectra has been underestimated.  相似文献   

The wind interaction with the dusty environment of the classical T Tauri star RY Tau has been investigated. During two seasons from 2013 to 2015, we carried out a spectroscopicmonitoring of this star with simultaneous BV R photometry. A correlation between the stellar brightness and the radial velocity of the wind determined from the Hα and Na D line profiles has been found. The irregular stellar brightness variations are shown to be caused by extinction in a dusty disk wind at a distance of about 0.2 AU from the star. We hypothesize that the circumstellar extinction variations result from a cyclic rearrangement of the magnetosphere and coronal mass ejections, which affect the dusty disk wind near the inner boundary of the circumstellar disk.  相似文献   

Long-term homogeneous photometry for 35 classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region has been analyzed. Reliable effective temperatures, interstellar extinctions, luminosities, radii, masses, and ages have been determined for the CTTS. The physical parameters and evolutionary status of 35 CTTS from this work and 34 weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) from previous studies have been compared. The luminosities, radii, and rotation periods of low-mass (0.3–1.1 M ) CTTS are shown to be, on average, greater than those of low-mass WTTS, in good agreement with the evolutionary status of these two subgroups. The mean age of the younger subgroup of WTTS from our sample (2.3 Myr) essentially coincides with the mean duration of the protoplanetary disk accretion phase (2.3 Myr) for a representative sample of low-mass stars in seven young stellar clusters. The accretion disk dissipation time scale for the younger subgroup of CTTS (<4 Myr) in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region is shown to be no greater than 0.4 Myr, in good agreement with the short protoplanetary disk dissipation time scale that is predicted by present-day protoplanetary disk evolution models.  相似文献   

The model of a young star with a protoplanetary disk and a low-mass companion (q ≤ 0.1) moving in a circular orbit inclined to the disk plane is considered. Hydrodynamic models of such a system have been calculated by the SPH method. The perturbations in the disk caused by the orbital motion of the companion are shown to lead to a strong dependence of the disk illumination conditions on azimuth (because of extinction variations between the star and the disk surface) and, as a result, to the appearance of a large-scale asymmetry in the disk images. Calculations show that the dependence of the disk illumination on azimuth is stronger in the central part of the disk than on the periphery. The bright and dark (shadow) regions are located asymmetrically relative to the line of nodes. The sizes of these regions and their positions on the disk depend on model parameters and orbital phase. During the orbital motion, the bright and dark regions do not follow the companion but execute small-amplitude oscillations relative to some direction. The model properties described above open up new possibilities for detecting low-mass companions in the vicinity of young stars. Stars with protoplanetary disks seen face-on or at low inclinations i are best suited for this purpose.  相似文献   

A scenario is considered for the formation of a planetary system through the merging of a binary star comprised of low-mass (0.5–1 M ) stars in the stage of contracting towards the main sequence. According to our previous computations (Sirotkin and Karetnikov, 2006), under certain conditions, the destruction of the more massive component can result in the formation of a central star, an accretion disk, and an extended arm. The extended arm is fragmented to form clouds of planetary masses (<5M J). The formed disk and clouds rotate in the same direction as the central star. The clouds are in elongated orbits (e > 0.3) lying in the orbital plane of the initial binary system. To test these earlier results, we repeated computations for the same system parameters but with higher accuracy. The new computations confirmed the earlier results and gave new information about the cloud and disk structure.  相似文献   

The accretion of hot slowly rotating gas onto a supermassive black hole is considered. The important case where the velocities of turbulent pulsations at the Bondi radius r B are low, compared to the speed of sound c s, is studied. Turbulence is probably responsible for the appearance of random average rotation. Although the angular momentum at r B is low, it gives rise to the centrifugal barrier at a depth r c = l 2 /GM BH ? r B, that hinders supersonic accretion. The numerical solution of the problem of hot gas accretion with finite angular momentum is found taking into account electron thermal conductivity and bremsstrahlung energy losses of two temperature plasma for density and temperature near Bondi radius similar to observed in M87 galaxy. The saturation of the Spitzer thermal conductivity was also taken into account. The parameters of the saturated electron thermal conductivity were chosen similar to the parameters used in the numerical simulations of interaction of the strong laser beam radiation with plasma targets. These parameters are confirmed in the experiments. It is shown that joint action of electron thermal conductivity and free-free radiation leads to the effective cooling of accreting plasma and formation of the subsonic settling of accreting gas above the zone of a centrifugal barrier. A toroidal condensation and a hollow funnel that separates the torus from the black hole emerge near the barrier. The barrier divides the flow into two regions: (1) the settling zone with slow subKeplerian rotation and (2) the zone with rapid supersonic nearly Keplerian rotation. Existence of the centrifugal barrier leads to significant decrease of the accretion rate ? in comparison with the critical Bondi solution for γ = 5/3 for the same values of density and temperature of the hot gas near Bondi radius. Shear instabilities in the torus and related friction cause the gas to spread slowly along spirals in the equatorial plane in two directions.As a result, outer (r > r c) and inner (r < r c) disks are formed. The gas enters the immediate neighborhood of the black hole or the zone of the internal ADAF flow along the accretion disk (r < r c). Since the angular momentum is conserved, the outer disk removes outward an excess of angular momentum along with part of the matter falling into the torus. It is possible, that such outer Keplerian disk was observed by Hubble Space Telescope around the nucleus of the M87 galaxy in the optical emission lines. We discuss shortly the characteristic times during which the accretion of the gas with developed turbulence should lead to the changes in the orientation of the torus, accretion disk and, possibly, of the jet.  相似文献   

F.J. Ciesla 《Icarus》2009,200(2):655-671
Large-scale radial transport of solids appears to be a fundamental consequence of protoplanetary disk evolution based on the presence of high temperature minerals in comets and the outer regions of protoplanetary disks around other stars. Further, inward transport of solids from the outer regions of the solar nebula has been postulated to be the manner in which short-lived radionuclides were introduced to the terrestrial planet region and the cause of the variations in oxygen isotope ratios in the primitive materials. Here, both outward and inward transport of solids are investigated in the context of a two-dimensional, viscously evolving protoplanetary disk. The dynamics of solids are investigated to determine how they depend on particle size and the particular stage of protoplanetary disk evolution, corresponding to different rates of mass transport. It is found that the outward flows that arise around the disk midplane of a protoplanetary disk aid in the outward transport of solids up to the size of CAIs s and can increase the crystallinity fraction of silicate dust at 10 AU around a solar mass star to as much as ∼40% in the case of rapidly evolving disks, decreasing as the accretion rate onto the star slows. High velocity, inward flows along the disk surface aid in the rapid transport of solids from the outer disk to the inner disk, particularly for small dust. Despite the diffusion that occurs throughout the disk, the large-scale, meridonal flows associated with mass transport prevent complete homogenization of the disk, allowing compositional gradients to develop that vary in intensity for a timescale of one million of years. The variations in the rates and the preferred direction of radial transport with height above the disk midplane thus have important implications for the dynamics and chemical evolution of primitive materials.  相似文献   

The gas giant planets’ formation processes in a viscously evolved protoplanetary disk are studied in the context of the core accretion model. In this paper, we follow the entire formation process of the core accretion model (the three stages). We find that the gas giant planets’ final masses and formation regions have strong dependence on the molecular cloud core’s properties (angular velocity \(\omega \) and mass \(M _{c d}\)) and the \(\alpha _{ \mathit{min} }\) parameter. We find and build the relationship between gas giant planets’ properties and molecular cloud core’s properties. In contrast to the previous works, we find that the formation process can be finished within the protoplanetary disk’s lifetime (4×106 yr) in our disk model. This is because the mass influx produced by the molecular cloud core can provide enough material to the protoplanetary disk. We also find that the gas giant planets’ final masses increase generally with the viscosity coefficient \(\alpha \). This is because most of the gas giant planet’s mass is captured during the rapid gas accretion phase (the third stage of the core accretion model), and furthermore the accretion of gas in this phase is dominated by the “gap limiting case”. And our numerical results can also be compared with the observed data of exoplanet systems.  相似文献   

We consider the evolutionary scenarios for close binaries that lead to the formation of semidetached systems in which a white dwarf can accumulate the Chandrasekhar mass through mass accretion from its companion, a main sequence star or a subgiant of mass M ~ 2M. Such dwarfs probably explode as type-Ia supernovae or collapse to form a neutron star. The population synthesis method is used to analyze the dependence of the model rate of these events in the Galaxy on the common envelope parameter, the mass transfer rate, and the response of a main-sequence star to helium accretion at an intermediate evolutionary stage. The rate of explosions in semidetached systems of this type in the Galaxy was found to be no higher than ?0.2×10?3 yr?1, which is less than 10% of the lower level for the empirically estimated SNe Ia rate.  相似文献   

The dependence of the spin frequency derivative \(\dot \nu \) of accreting neutron stars with a strongmagnetic field (X-ray pulsars) on the mass accretion rate (bolometric luminosity, Lbol) has been investigated for eight transient pulsars in binary systems with Be stars. Using data from the Fermi/GBM and Swift/BAT telescopes, we have shown that for seven of the eight systems the dependence \(\dot \nu \) (Lbol) can be fitted by the model of angular momentum transfer through an accretion disk, which predicts the relation \(\dot \nu \)L6/7bol. Hysteresis in the dependence \(\dot \nu \) (Lbol) has been confirmed in the system V 0332+53 and has been detected for the first time in the systems KS 1947+300, GRO J1008-57, and 1A 0535+26. Estimates for the radius of the neutron star magnetosphere in all of the investigated systems have been obtained. We show that this quantity varies from pulsar to pulsar and depends strongly on the analytical model and the estimates for the neutron star and binary system parameters.  相似文献   

The superfine structure of the object 3C 454.3 has been investigated at λ = 7 mm in polarized emission. The kinematics of the structure is shown to correspond to a vortex. A spiral structure like an Archimedes spiral has been established in the accretion disk. The orbital velocity of the inflow exceeds considerably the radial velocity. The disk is oriented in the plane of the sky. The bipolar outflow ejection axis is directed toward the observer with a slight inclination to the east. The jet sizes exceed considerably the counterjet sizes. The jet is ejected in a direction opposite to the observer; its apparent separation from the nozzle is determined by the disk shadowing. The counterjet is directed toward the observer; the flow brightness temperature at the exit from the nozzle reaches T b ≈ 1015 K. The jet has a spiral shape with an increasing pitch; the counterjet is a mirror reflection of the initial part of the jet. The incoming thermal plasma is accelerated and heated to relativistic temperatures as it is transferred along a spiral to the center. The orientation of the emission polarization plane changes along the flows due to a change in the ratio of the orbital and radial velocities, a change in the magnetic field orientation.  相似文献   

We present our long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of a high-latitude B supergiant with an infrared excess—the protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18062+2410. OurU BV observations in 2000–2006 have confirmed the rapid irregular photometric variability of the star with a maximum amplitude as high as 0 . m 4 in V that we found previously. The BV and UB color indices vary with amplitudes as high as 0 . m 10 and 0 . m 25, respectively, and show no clear correlation with the brightness. Our V-band CCD observations on 11 nights in 2006 have revealed brightness trends during the night. The variability of IRAS18062+2410 is similar in pattern to the light variations in other hot post-AGB objects and some of the nuclei of young planetary nebulae. We assume that pulsations and a variable stellar wind can be responsible for the variability of these stars. In addition to the rapid variability, our 12-year-long observations have revealed a systematic decline in the mean brightness of IRAS 18062+2410. This may be related to a rise in the temperature of the star at constant luminosity as a result of its evolution. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations have shown a systematic increase in the equivalent widths of the Hα, Hβ, [NII]λ6584 Å, OI λ8446 Å, and [OII] λ7320–7330 Å emission lines. The changes in the star’s emission line spectrum are probably caused by an increase in the degree of ionization of the gas shell due to a rise in the temperature of the ionizing star. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of IRAS 18062+2410 confirm the previously made assumptions that the star evolves very rapidly to the region of planetary nebulae.  相似文献   

Speckle-interferometric observations of FU Ori are performed with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory with 600/40 nm and 800/100 nm (central bandwidth/halfwidth) filters. The companion star FU Ori S that was recently discovered at λ >-1.25µm was recorded in observations with the λλ==800/100 nm filter. The positional parameters and magnitude difference of the companion in the filter considered are found to be θ = (163.9 ± 1.0)°, ρ = (0.493 ± 0.007)″, Δm = 3.96 ± 0.28. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution of the companion implies that for the extinction A V toward FU Ori to be greater than about 1.6 m , i.e., the minimum value required by the available models of the fuor, the spectral type of the companion star must be no later than K3. The reliability of this conclusion and the possible ways for obtaining more accurate estimates of A V are discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed the spectra of a well known SB1 binary HD199892 for which the projected rotational velocity v sin i, introduced in the literature, significantly differs when determined from the lines of Ca II at 3933 Å and ofMg II at 4481 Å. Contrary to the former findings, we discovered the signs of spectral lines of a companion star in the profile of Hβ as well as weak metallic lines in the high resolution high S/N spectra covering the most of the visual region. We estimated the secondary star to be a main sequence A4V star with a mass of 2.2M and derived its radial velocity which resulted in the mass of the primary M = 4.6M . Short sections of the spectra in the Mg II 4481 Å and Ca II 3933 Å regions are analyzed as well.  相似文献   

At present, it is widely believed that anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), rotational radio transients (RRATs), compact central objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants, and X-ray dim isolated neutron stars (XDINSs) belong to different classes of anomalous objects in which the central bodies are isolated neutron stars. Previously, we have shown that AXPs and SGRs can be described in terms of the drift model for parameters of the central neutron star typical of radio pulsars (rotation periods P ~ 0.1–1 s and surface magnetic fields B ~ 1011–1013 G). Here, we show that some of the peculiarities of the sources under consideration can be explained by their geometry (in particular, by the angle β between the rotation axis and the magnetic moment). If β ? 10° (an aligned rotator), the drift waves in the outer layers of the neutron star magnetosphere can account for the observed periodicity in the radiation. For large β (a nearly orthogonal rotator), the observed modulation of the radiation and its short bursts can be explained by mass accretion from the ambient medium (e.g., a relic disk).  相似文献   

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