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A logarithmic velocity profile is often fitted to velocity data in order to calculate the friction velocity (u *) and typify the surface texture by a roughness length (z o ). A method is given for estimating the errors in these parameters as calculated by this method. An example is given in which the size of the error is compared with the fluctuations that typically occur in the time seriesu *(t) andz o (t).  相似文献   

海岸盐沼冠层水流平均流速分布的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
时钟 《海洋工程》2001,19(3):51-59
利用室内水槽测量海岸盐沼植物冠层水流平均流速分布,对a)不同属种,b)同属种不同观测位置和流速;c)同属种不同高度;d)同属种不同密度的海岸盐沼植物冠层湍流结构作了分析,产探讨了冠层植物本身及其水流结构对粘性泥沙运动的可能影响;实验结果揭示了冠层上,下水流的复杂性;1)明显的三层结构,即冠层底部,过渡层,冠层上部水体层;2)由于植物的柔弹性,冠层顶部与上层水体相互作用可能产生界面波,导致一个次级流速最大值,在冠层内出现流速反转梯度;3)冠层顶部以上的水体水流切变流速u,(切应力τb)大于冠层内的ux(切应力τb),冠层内(底部)水流切变流速(切应力τb)的减小有利于粘性泥沙的沉积;4)植物冠层影响湍流强度和扩散。  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetric system (MBS) has been widely applied in the marine surveying for providing high-resolution seabed topography. However, some factors degrade the precision of bathymetry, including the sound velocity, the vessel attitude, the misalignment angle of the transducer and so on. Although these factors have been corrected strictly in bathymetric data processing, the final bathymetric result is still affected by their residual errors. In deep water, the result usually cannot meet the requirements of high-precision seabed topography. The combined effect of these residual errors is systematic, and it’s difficult to separate and weaken the effect using traditional single-error correction methods. Therefore, the paper puts forward a new method for weakening the effect of residual errors based on the frequency-spectrum characteristics of seabed topography and multibeam bathymetric data. Four steps, namely the separation of the low-frequency and the high-frequency part of bathymetric data, the reconstruction of the trend of actual seabed topography, the merging of the actual trend and the extracted microtopography, and the accuracy evaluation, are involved in the method. Experiment results prove that the proposed method could weaken the combined effect of residual errors on multibeam bathymetric data and efficiently improve the accuracy of the final post-processing results. We suggest that the method should be widely applied to MBS data processing in deep water.  相似文献   

Wang  Jiliang  Wu  Shiguo  Zhao  Luanxiao  Wang  Weiwei  Wei  Jiangong  Sun  Jin 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2019,40(4):655-664
Marine Geophysical Research - Shear-wave velocity is essential in various seismic exploration applications, including seismic modeling, amplitude variation with offset analysis, multicomponent...  相似文献   

In stably stratified media with a Prandtl number Pr ≫ 1, vertical scales of the density () and horizontal velocity variation (L) are quite different, ℓ/L = O(Pr−1/2) ≪ 1, and this influences the flow stability. In particular, shear flows without inflection points on the velocity profile are unstable even in an ideal incompressible fluid. The maximum instability growth rate for sufficiently small ℓ/L is of the same order as in homogeneous mixing layers, with mainly three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional oscillations increasing in a wide range of parameters. This paper focuses on the three-dimensional instability of such flows. It is shown that the spectrum of unstable oscillations is essentially anisotropic in the case of a relatively weak stratification when the bulk Richardson number JO[(ℓ/L)3/2]. The results of the asymptotic analysis are illustrated by calculations for a model flow in a two-layer medium ( = 0) as well as for flows with values of ℓ/L corresponding to a temperature or salinity stratification of the water.  相似文献   

针对数值模式和统计模型预报近岸海浪存在的局限性,构建了数值模式和统计模型相耦合的近岸海浪预报框架,在模式计算格点和近岸预报目标点之间定义一个海浪能量密度谱传递系数,通过经验正交函数分解和卡尔曼滤波方法建立传递系数的统计预报模型并与数值模式进行耦合。经过对近岸波浪观测站1a的预报试验表明:该方法能够提高近岸海浪有效波高预报精度,有效波高的均方根误差降低了约0.16m,平均相对误差降低约9%。进一步试验和分析发现,该方法的预报有效时间小于24h,将海浪能量密度谱经过分解后得到的基本模态反映了近岸波侯的主要特征,海浪能量密度谱传递系数的变化体现了波侯的季节变化特点。  相似文献   

本文对大气运动中垂直速度w计算中的几种校正方法作了分析比较,并在前人工作的基础上,对校正方法作了改进,提出了进行低通滤波、散度校正和法线风分量校正的方法。通过这些校正,使计算出的平均散度和垂直速度的垂直廓线能维持原计算曲线的形式,并能满足整个气层连续方程积分为零的条件,也符合误差随高度增大的情况。  相似文献   

A new method of evaluating the rate of mineralization of photoassimilated organic matter is described. This method enables us to compare the rate of direct mineralization of particulate organic carbon (POC) to CO2 with the rate of solubilization of photoassimilated organic carbon followed by the mineralization of the resultant dissolved organic carbon (DOC) under the same conditions. The direct mineralization of photoassimilated carbon from POC to CO2 is a more significant process compared with the mineralization of extracellular released organic carbon. The first-order rate coefficients range from 0.132 to 0.434 day–1 for direct mineralization and 0.034 to 0.189 day–1 for solubilization.  相似文献   

Ten-day mean surface level air-temperature from SSMI precipitable water (SSMI-T a ) has been derived and compared with the temperature from two ocean data buoys (Buoy-T a ) of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for a period of six months (July–December, 1988). Statistical relations between air-temperature and mixing ratio, using data from ocean data buoys are used to derive air-temperature from mixing ratio, obtained from SSMI precipitable water. For getting the mixing ratio from precipitable water, regional mixing ratio-precipitable water relations have been used, instead of global relation proposed by Liu (1986). The rms errors (standard deviation of the difference between SSMI-T a and Buoy-T a ) for two buoy locations are found to be 1.15 and 1.12°C, respectively. Surface level temperature for the two buoy locations are also derived using direct regression relation between Buoy-T a and precipitable water. The rms errors of the SSMI-T a , in this case are found to be reduced to 1.0°C.  相似文献   

The study investigates perspectives of the parameter estimation problem with the adjoint method in eddy-resolving models. Sensitivity to initial conditions resulting from the chaotic nature of this type of model limits the direct application of the adjoint method by predictability. Prolonging the period of assimilation is accompanied by the appearance of an increasing number of secondary minima of the cost function that prevents the convergence of this method. In the framework of the Lorenz model it is shown that averaged quantities are suitable for describing invariant properties, and that secondary minima are for this type of data transformed into stochastic deviations. An adjoint method suitable for the assimilation of statistical characteristics of data and applicable on time scales beyond the predictability limit is presented. The approach assumes a greater predictability for averaged quantities. The adjoint to a prognostic model for statistical moments is employed for calculating cost function gradients that ignore the fine structure resulting from secondary minima. Coarse resolution versions of eddy-resolving models are used for this purpose. Identical twin experiments are performed with a quasigeostrophic model to evaluate the performance and limitations of this approach in improving models by estimating parameters. The wind stress curl is estimated from a simulated mean stream function. A very simple parameterization scheme for the assimilation of second-order moments is shown to permit the estimation of gradients that perform efficiently in minimizing cost functions.  相似文献   

在海底沉积物声速预测中,把不同海域的物理性质完全不同的沉积物试验数据拟合出一个统一的方程存在不足,不但数据过于离散,而且方程中参量的物理意义不明确。借鉴Wyllie等建立的时间平均方程的思路,基于声传播过程中路程、时间和声速之间的基本关系,引入了表征固液双相之间的堆垒方式和耦合状态对声传播路径影响的耦合系数,建立了沉积物声速预测模型。将鹿回头外海、南海南部和北部的沉积物测量数据进行线性回归分析,分别得出适用于不同海域的沉积物声速预测模型,拟合的复相关系数较大,偏差较小,证明该模型能够反映声速随孔隙度的变化规律,且各参数物理意义明确,具有一定的研究和理论探索意义。  相似文献   

在海底沉积物声速预测中,把不同海域的物理性质完全不同的沉积物试验数据拟合出一个统一的方程存在不足,不但数据过于离散,而且方程中参量的物理意义不明确。借鉴Wyllie等建立的时间平均方程的思路,基于声传播过程中路程、时间和声速之间的基本关系,引入了表征固液双相之间的堆垒方式和耦合状态对声传播路径影响的耦合系数,建立了沉积物声速预测模型。将鹿回头外海、南海南部和北部的沉积物测量数据进行线性回归分析,分别得出适用于不同海域的沉积物声速预测模型,拟合的复相关系数较大,偏差较小,证明该模型能够反映声速随孔隙度的变化规律,且各参数物理意义明确,具有一定的研究和理论探索意义。  相似文献   

Despite many efforts in the past 10 years, Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) evaluation remains much of a challenge. Building on theoretical resources provided by three bodies of work (strategic analysis of environmental management, integrated coastal management and evaluation of public policies), this paper first underlines some of the most critical weaknesses and “black boxes” in current ICM evaluation. It explains why a single purpose program evaluation model is unsatisfactory, and how it hinders evaluation in practice. It then suggests ways to re-think ICM evaluation, proposing a dual-level framework that combines evaluation of ICM initiatives with evaluation of coastal management systems.  相似文献   

Under conditions common in muddy coastal and estuarine environments, acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) can serve to estimate sediment settling velocity (w s) by assuming a balance between upward turbulent Reynolds flux and downward gravitational settling. Advantages of this method include simple instrument deployment, lack of flow disturbance, and relative insensitivity to biofouling and water column stratification. Although this method is being used with increasing frequency in coastal and estuarine environments, to date it has received little direct ground truthing. This study compared in situ estimates of w s inferred by a 5-MHz ADV to independent in situ observations from a high-definition video settling column over the course of a flood tide in the bottom boundary layer of the York River estuary, Virginia, USA. The ADV-based measurements were found to agree with those of the settling column when the current speed at about 40 cm above the bed was greater than about 20 cm/s. This corresponded to periods when the estimated magnitude of the settling term in the suspended sediment continuity equation was four or more times larger than the time rate of change of concentration. For ADV observations restricted to these conditions, ADV-based estimates of w s (mean 0.48±0.04 mm/s) were highly consistent with those observed by the settling column (mean 0.45±0.02 mm/s). However, the ADV-based method for estimating w s was sensitive to the prescribed concentration of the non-settling washload, C wash. In an objective operational definition, C wash can be set equal to the lowest suspended solids concentration observed around slack water.  相似文献   

A practical, low order and potential-based surface panel method is presented to predict the flow around a three-dimensional rectangular foil section including the effect of boundary layer. The method is based on a boundary-integral formulation, known as the “Morino formulation” and the boundary layer effect is taken into account through a complementary thin boundary layer model. The numerical approach used in the method presents a strongly convergent solution based on the iterative wake roll-up and contraction model including the boundary layer effect. The method is applied to a three-dimensional foil section for which the velocity distribution around the foil was measured using a 2D Laser Doppler Velocimetry system in a large cavitation tunnel. Comparison of the predicted velocity distributions both inside and outside of the boundary layer of the foil as well as the boundary layer shapes obtained from the numerical model show fairly good correlation with the measurements, indicating the robustness and practical worthiness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Mapping ecologically relevant zones in the marine environment has become increasingly important. Biological data are however often scarce and alternatives are being sought in optimal classifications of abiotic variables. The concept of ‘marine landscapes’ is based on a hierarchical classification of geological, hydrographic and other physical data. This approach is however subject to many assumptions and subjective decisions.  相似文献   

A standard inverse problem in underwater acoustics is the reconstruction of the ocean subbottom structure (e.g., the density and sound speed profiles) from an aperture- and bandlimited knowledge of the reflection coefficient. In this paper we describe an inverse solution method due to Candel et al. [12] which is based on the scattering of acoustic plane waves by a one-dimensional inhomogeneous medium. As a consequence of applying the forward scattering approximation to a local wave representation of the acoustic field, they obtain an expression for the reflection coefficient in the form of a nonlinear Fourier transform of the logarithmic derivative of the local admittance. Inversion of this integral transform enables the recovery of the admittance profile via the numerical integration of two first-order differential equations which require as reflection data a single impulse response of the medium. Separate recovery of both the density and sound speed profiles requires two impulse responses for two different grazing angles. In this case, four differential equations need to be integrated instead of two. To illustrate the capability of the method, we present numerical reconstructions which are based on synthetic reflection data for a geoacoustic model that represents the acoustic properties of the surficial sediments for a site in the Hatteras Abyssal Plain.  相似文献   

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