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Summary The integral aerosol optical depths (k ) at the hour of 08:20 Local Standard Time (LST), are compared with those calculated previously at 11:20 and 14:20 LST, for clear days during summer in Athens over the period 1962–1988. The mean values at 08:20 LST were consistently lower than the values at 11:20 and 14:20 LST. The influence of the vertical wind profile on the values ofk was also investigated. A comparison was made of the wind profiles at 02:00 and 14:00 LST, for days in which the 11:20 and 14:20 LST values ofk were 0.200 andk 0.350, respectively. The corresponding bulk wind shear s was also found for the period 1980–1988. The most significant results occurred with the first category of days. The resultant wind velocities from the surface to the 900 hPa level, in each hour were higher by 2–4 m·s–1 with respect to the corresponding values for the second category. At 02:00 LST the bulk wind shear showed a considerable difference (1.8) between the two categories of days in the surface to 700 hPa layer at 02:00 LST. Finally, the associated weather conditions that appear to initiate a period of low values ofk (k 0.200) at 11:20 and 14:20 LST were examined for the period 1980–1988. Fifteen such cases were identified and it was found that they all occurred after the passage of weak cold fronts.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

A liquid jet of 90 m diameter and variable length has been utilized to determine absorption rates and, hence, mass accommodation coefficients , of atmospheric trace gases. The compounds investigated are HCl (0.01), HNO3 (0.01), N2O5 (0.005), peroxyacetyl nitrate (>0.001), and HONO (0.005). It is concluded that the absorption of these trace gases by liquid atmospheric water is not significantly retarded by interfacial mass transport. The strengths and limitations of the liquid jet technique for measuring mass accommodation coefficients are explored.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden neue Klassifikationsprinzipien für Großwetterlagen entwickelt. Bisher wurde bei Wetterlagenklassifikationen das Druckfeld zugrunde gelegt, wobei quasistationären Druckzentren eine nicht berechtigte Vorrangstellung eingeräumt wurde. In der hier versuchten Klassifikation wird vom Strömungsfeld ausgegangen, das in elementare Formen zerlegt wird. Eine zu diesem Zweck durchgeführte statistische Untersuchung ergab, daß alle im Strömungsfeld auftretenden Zirkulationstypen auf drei Grundformen zurückgeführt werden können. Diese Grundformen sind:Driften, Wellen undWirbel.Die Untersuchung ergab im einzelnen, daß in mittleren Breiten der nördlichen Hemisphäre bei 49% aller untersuchten Fälle Driften, bei 23% Wellen und bei 28% Wirbel auftraten.In der hier durchgeführten Klassifikation wird das Druckfeld durch das Strömungsfeld und der Begriff Großwetterlage durch den umfassenderen Begriff des Zirkulationstyps ersetzt. Damit wird der unberechtigte Vorrang der Druckformen bei der Wetterlagenklassifikation aufgegeben. Die Klassifizierung der Zirkulationstypen ergibt sich schließlich durch Kombination der drei Zirkulationselemente: Drift, Welle und Wirbel.
Summary New principles of classification for large-scale weather situations are outlined in this paper. Hitherto the pressure-field has been taken as a basis for such classifications by conceding a precedence of an unjustified position to semi-permanent centres of pressure. The new classification starts from the field of large-scale motions, which is dissected in elementary models. A statistical test yielded the possibility to reduce all types of atmospheric circulations in the following three elementary models:drifts, waves andeddies.In detail it was found out, that drifts occur in 49%, waves in 23% and eddies in 28% of all cases investigated.In the new classification the term pressure-field is substituted by field of motion and the expression large-scale weather situation by the more comprehensive conception type of circulation. By that the unjustified priority of pressure-centers in classifying weather situations is abolished. At last the classification of the types of circulation follows from a combination of the three elementary models: drift, wave and eddy.

résumé La présente étude développe de nouveaux principes de classification des situations météorologiques. Alors que jusqu'ici on s'est fondé sur le champ de pression ce qui conduisait à attribuer aux centres d'action quasi stationnaires un rôle trop important, l'auteur part ici du champ de mouvement décomposé en formes élémentaires. Un examen statistique lui a montré que tous les types de circulation peuvent se ramener à trois formes fondamentales:courants, ondulations ettourbillons.Aux latitudes moyennes de l'hémisphère Nord les courants représentent le 49%, les ondulations le 23% et les tourbillons le 28%.Au champ de pression se substitue donc le champ de courant, et les situations météorologiques se groupent en types de circulation ce qui supprime le rôle prépondérant des formes isobariques. Le classement final des types de circulation résulte de la combinaison des trois types mentionnés:courants, ondulations ettourbillons.

Mit 15 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Experimental evidence indicates that the diurnal behaviour of the fluxes of heat into the ground and into the atmosphere versus the net flux of radiation can be modelled by closed curves, the hourly values folowing one another in either a clockwise or counter clockfashion. A general formulation to express the different heat fluxes as a function of net radiation is proposed. This relationship between the different heat fluxes and can be expressed as a sum of three terms: the first indicates a direct proportionality to , the second gives the deviation from linearity and depends on /t, and the third gives the value of the flux when = 0. The formulae are then expressed as a function of time and the ratios between the heat fluxes and are evaluated. A comparison with the approximations generally used shows that the latter may be considered as particular cases of the more general equations proposed here.  相似文献   

Previous results of non-dimensional wind and temperature profiles as functions of ( = z/L) show systematic deviations between different experiments. These discrepancies are generally believed not to reflect real differences but rather instrumental shortcomings. In particular, it is clear that flow distortion has not been adequately treated in most previous experiments. In the present paper, results are presented from a surface-layer field experiment where great care was taken to remove any effects from this kind of error and also to minimize other measuring errors. Data from about 90 30-min runs with turbulence measurements at three levels (3, 6, and 14 m) and simultaneous profile data have been analysed to yield information on flux-gradient relationships for wind and temperature.The flux measurements themselves show that the fluxes of momentum and sensible heat are constant within ± 7% on average for the entire 14 m layer in daytime conditions and when the stratification is slightly stable. For more stable conditions, the flux starts to decrease systematically somewhere in the layer 6 to 14 m. From a large body of data for near-neutral conditions (¦¦ 0.1), values are derived for von Kármán's constant: 0.40 ± 0.01 and for h at neutrally, 0.95 ± 0.04. The range of uncertainty indicated here is meant to include statistical uncertainty as well as the effect of possible systematic errors.Data for m and h for an extended stability range (1 > > – 3) are presented. Several formulas for m and h appearing in the literature have been used in a comparative study. But first all the formulas have been modified in accordance with the following assumptions: = 0.40 and ( h ) = 0 = 0.95; deviations from this result in the various studies are due to incomplete correction for flow distortion. After new corrections are introduced, the various formulas were compared with the present measurements and with each other. It is found that after this modification, the most generally used formulas for m and h for unstable conditions, i.e., those of Businger et al. (1971) and Dyer (1974) agree with each other to within ± 10% and with the present data. For stable conditions, the various formulas still disagree to some extent. The conclusion in relation to the present data is not as clear as for the unstable runs, because of increased scatter. It is, however, found that the modified curve of Businger et al. (1971) for h fits the data well, whereas for m , Dyer's (1974) curve appears to give slightly better agreement.  相似文献   

A condition is derived for consistency of the standard-equation with Monin–Obukhov (MO) similarity theory of thestably-stratified surface layer. The condition is derivedby extending the procedure used to derive the analogous condition forneutral theory to stable stratification. It is shown that consistencywith MO theory requires a function of flux Richardson number, Rif, to be absorbed into either of two closure parameters, c 1 or c 2.Inconsistency, on the other hand, results if constant values of these are maintained for all Rif, as is done in standardapplication of the equation, and the large overpredictions ofturbulence found in such application to the one-dimensionalstable atmospheric boundary layer (1D-SBL) are traced to thisinconsistency. Guided by this, we formulate a MO-consistent-equation by absorbing the aforementioned function intoc 1, and combine this with a Level-2.5 second-orderclosure model for vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivities.Numerical predictions of the 1D-SBL by the modified model converge to a quasi-steady state, rectifying the predictive failure of the standard -equation for the case.Quasi-steady predictions of non-dimensional variables agree stronglywith Nieuwstadt's theory. Qualitative accuracy of predictionsis inferred from comparisons to field data, large-eddy simulationresults and Rossby-number similarity relationships.  相似文献   

On the determination of the height of the Ekman boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The heighth of the Ekman turbulent boundary layer determined by the momentum flux profile is estimated with the aid of considerations of similarity and an analysis of the dynamic equations. Asymptotic formulae have been obtained showing that, with increasing instability,h increases as ¦¦1/2 (where is the non-dimensional stratification parameter); with increasing stability, on the other hand,h decreases as –1/2. For comparison, a simple estimate of the boundary-layer heighth u determined by the velocity profile is given. As is shown, in unstable stratification,h u behaves asymptotically as ¦¦–1, i.e., in a manner entirely different from that ofh .  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the report of the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on atmospheric effects of a nuclear exchange leads to conclusions that differ from those of the NAS and of the earlier TTAPS and AMBIO studies. Any cooling of the earth's surface is likely to beshort-lived because of rapid removal of the smoke clouds originating from nuclear burst-initiated fires, andminor because of appreciable green-house effects due to several distinct physical causes. (One of these, neglected in prior analyses, is the infrared absorption from cirrus clouds produced directly by the nuclear bursts.) Taken together, these effects may even induce slight surface warming (nuclear summer) instead of cooling (nuclear winter). The consequences to atmospheric ozone are similarly ambiguous; depending on the detailed nuclear scenario, the net ozone content may increase-rather than decrease as argued by TTAPS. Experiments could settle some uncertainties.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

A Field Study of the Mean Pressure About a Windbreak   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To provide additional field data for assessingwindbreak flow models, mean ground-level pressurehas been measured upstream and downstream from along porous fence (height H = 1.25 m, resistancecoefficient k r = 2.4). Measurements were madeduring periods of near-neutral stability and near-normallyincident flow, with the fence standing on bare soil(roughness length, z 0 0.8 cm;H/z 0 160), or within a plant canopy. The mean pressure field,measured far from the ends of the fence, was foundto be quite insensitive to mean wind direction( , zero for perpendicular flow), for| | less than about 25°.In the absence of a canopy, during each measurementperiod the minimum pressure occurred at the closestsampling location to leeward of the windbreak, thepressure-gradient in most cases beingmaximally-adverse in the immediate lee, and decayingwith increasing downwind distance (x). On one day ofmeasurements, however, the pressure gradient over2 x/H 6 (H = windbreak height) resembled theleeward plateau identified by Wang and Taklein their numerical studies. Perhaps thisoccasional feature was only due to instrumenterror. Nevertheless a plateau of sorts wasindicated in similar measurements by Judd andPrendergast (with H = 1.92 m, z 0 1.2 cm;H/z 0 160, k r 3). Therefore,existence of a leeward pressure plateau behind athin fence cannot be definitely ruled out.When the windbreak was placed in a canopy, minimumsurface pressure was displaced downwind. Thisagrees with the wind-tunnel study of Judd, Raupach and Finnigan,and is consistent with a simple simulation reported here.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the Ekman layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PBL equation that governs the transition from the constant-stress surface layer to the geostrophic wind in a neutrally stratified atmosphere for which the eddy viscosityK(z) is assumed to vary smoothly from the surface-layer value U *z (0.4,U *=friction velocity,z=elevation) to the geostrophic asymptoteK GU *d forzd is solved through an expansion in fd/U *1 (f=Coriolis parameter). The resulting solution is separated into Ekman's constant-K solution an inner component that reduces to the classical logarithmic form forzd and isO() relative to the Ekman component forzd. The approximationKU *d is supported by the solution of Nee and Kovasznay's phenomenological transport equation forK(z), which yieldsKU *d exp(–z/d), where is an empirical constant for which observation implies, 1. The parametersA andB in Kazanskii and Monin's similarity relation forG/U * (G=geostrophic velocity) are determined as functions of . The predicted values ofG/U * and the turning angle are in agreement with the observed values for the Leipzig wind profile. The predicted value ofB based on the assumption of asymptotically constantK is 4.5, while that based on the Nee-Kovasznay model is 5.1; these compare with the observed value of 4.7 for the Leipzig profile. A thermal wind correction, an asymptotic solution for arbitraryK(z) and 1, and an exact (unrestricted ) solution forK(z)=U *d[1–exp(–z/d)] are developed in appendices.  相似文献   

Horizontal u and vertical w velocity fluctuations have been measured together with temperature fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer, at a small height above a wheat crop canopy. Marginal probability density functions are presented for both individual fluctuations u, w, and for the instantaneous Reynolds stress uw, and heat fluxes w and u. Probability density functions of the velocity fluctuations deviate less significantly from the Gaussian form than the probability density of temperature. There appears to be closer similarity between statistics of the instantaneous heat fluxes than between the momentum flux and either of the heat fluxes investigated. The mean momentum flux receives equal contributions from the events referred to as ejections and sweeps in laboratory boundary layers. Sweeps provide the largest contribution to the heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Summary Interannual modes are described in terms of three-month running mean anomaly winds (u,v), outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (T * ). Normal atmospheric monsoon circulations are defined by long-term average winds (u n,v n) computed every month from January to December. Daily winds are grouped into three frequency bands, i.e., 30–60 day filtered winds (u L,v L); 7–20 day filtered winds (u M,v M); and 2–6 day filtered winds (u S,v S). Three-month running mean anomaly kinetic energy (signified asK L , K M , andK S , respectively) is then introduced as a measure of interannual variation of equatorial disturbance activity. Interestingly, all of theseK L , K M , andK S perturbations propagate slowly eastward with same phase speed (0.3 ms–1) as ENSO modes. Associated with this eastward propagation is a positive (negative) correlation between interannual disturbance activity (K L , K M , K S ) and interannualu (OLR) modes. Namely, (K L , K M , K S ) becomes more pronounced than usual nearly simultaneously with the arrival of westerlyu and negativeOLR (above normal convection) perturbutions. In these disturbed areas with (K L , K M , K S >0), upper ocean mixing tends to increase, resulting in decreased sea surface temperature, i.e.T * 0. Thus, groups (not individual) of equatorial disturbances appear to play an important role in determiningT * variations on interannual time scales. HighestT * occurs about 3 months prior to the lowestOLR (convection) due primarily to radiational effects. This favors the eastward propagation of ENSO modes. The interannualT * variations are also controlled by the prevailing monsoonal zonal windsu n, as well as the zonal advection of sea surface temperature on interannual time scales. Over the central Pacific, all of the above mentioned physical processes contribute to the intensification of eastward propagating ENSO modes. Over the Indian Ocean, on the other hand, some of the physical processes become insignificant, or even compensated for by other processes. This results in less pronounced ENSO modes over the Indian Ocean.With 10 FiguresContribution No. 89-6, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

The relation between the turbulence Reynolds numberR and a Reynolds numberz* based on the friction velocity and height from the ground is established using direct measurements of the r.m.s. longitudinal velocity and turbulent energy dissipation in the atmospheric surface layer. Measurements of the relative magnitude of components of the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the stability range 0 >z/L 0.4 indicate that local balance between production and dissipation is maintained. Approximate expressions, in terms of readily measured micrometeorological quantities, are proposed for the Taylor microscale and the Kolmogorov length scale .  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow above changes in surface roughness and thermal conditions is extended to include cases with stable thermal stratification within the internal boundary-layer. The model uses a mixing-length approach with empirical forms for M and H.Results are presented for some basic cases and an attempt is then made to compare results given by the model with the experimental results of Rider, Philip and Bradley. Tolerable agreement is achieved. The importance of roughness change and thermal stability effects in the diffusion of heat and moisture near a leading edge is emphasised.Notation A Refers to Taylor (1970) - B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in forms for M and H - C Constant in form for in stable case - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - E Scaled absolute humidity - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0, H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x <0, x0 - H E Upward latent heat flux - k Von Kármán's constant (= 0.4) - K H K W Eddy transfer coefficients for heat and water vapour - L Monin-Obukhov length - L H Latent heat of evaporation for water - m Ratio of roughness lengths ( = z 1/z 0) - RPB Refers to Rider et al. (1964) - RL* Non-dimensional parameter (see Equations (9), (20a), (22a), (24a)) - R* Net radiation less ground heat flux (see Equations (15), (16)) - T Scaled temperature - T 1 Downstream scaled surface temperature - u 0 u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x <0, x0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - x, z Horizontal and vertical co-ordinates - Z i Local roughness length - z 0, z i Roughness lengths for x < 0, x 0 - Temperature - 0, 1 Surface temperatures for x<0, x0 - E Non-dimensional absolute humidity gradient - H Non-dimensional temperature gradient of heat flux - M Non-dimensional wind shear - = M = H = E an assumption used in stable conditions - Air density - Absolute humidity - w Density of water - Kinematic shear stress - Logarithmic height scale (= ln(z+z 1)/z 1)  相似文献   

Flux densities of carbon dioxide were measured over an arid, vegetation-free surface by eddy covariance techniques and by a heat budget-profile method, in which CO2 concentration gradients were specified in terms of mixing ratios. This method showed negligible fluxes of CO2, consistent with the bareness of the experimental site, whereas the eddy covariance measurements indicated large downward fluxes of CO2. These apparently conflicting observations are in quantitative agreement with the results of a recent theory which predicts that whenever there are vertical fluxes of sensible or latent heat, a mean vertical velocity is developed. This velocity causes a mean vertical convective mass flux (= cw for CO2, in standard notation). The eddy covariance technique neglects this mean convective flux and measures only the turbulent flux c w. Thus, when the net flux of CO2 is zero, the eddy covariance method indicates an apparent flux which is equal and opposite to the mean convective flux, i.e., c w = – c w. Corrections for the mean convective flux are particularly significant for CO2 because cw and c w are often of similar magnitude. The correct measurement of the net CO2 flux by eddy covariance techniques requires that the fluxes of sensible and latent heat be measured as well.  相似文献   

A numerical study of stably stratified flow over a three-dimensional hill is presented. Large-eddy simulation is used here to examine in detail the laboratory experimental flows described in the landmark work of Hunt and Snyder about stratified flow over a hill. The flow is linearly stratified and U/Nh is varied from 0.2 to 1.0. Here N and U are the buoyancy frequency and freestream velocity respectively, and h is the height of the hill. The Reynolds number based on the hill height is varied from 365 to 2968. The characteristic flow patterns at various values of U/Nh have been obtained and they are in good agreement with earlier theoretical and experimental results. It is shown that the flow field cannot be predicted by Drazin's theory when recirculation exists at the leeside of the hill even at UNh 1. The wake structure agrees well with a two-dimensional wake assumption when U/Nh 1 but lee waves start to influence the wake structure as U/Nh increases. The dividing-streamline heights obtained in the simulation are in accordance with experimental results and Sheppard's formula. The energy loss along the dividing streamline due to friction/turbulence approximately offsets the energy gained from pressure field. When lee waves are present, linear theory always underestimates the amplitude and overestimates the wavelength of three-dimensional lee waves. The simulated variations of drag coefficients with the parameterK (=ND/ U) are qualitatively consistent with experimental data and linear theory. Here D is the depth of the tank.  相似文献   

A previously published technique for using tethered spherical balloons as anemometers for measuring light low-level winds has been further developed. Earlier data on the relationship between the aerodynamic drag coefficient and the Reynolds number of spherical rubber balloons were combined with a large number of new data and re-analysed; and the errors in the relationship were estimated. The results allowed a more accurate calculation of wind speed from the deflection of a tethered balloon from the vertical. When combined with a new technique for calculating the effects of the tether, this enabled light to moderate low-level winds at fixed heights up to 600 m or more to be measured with simple, cheap, and readily mobile equipment; and a slight modification of the technique allowed measurement of winds in and above fog. Wind speeds measured by the ballon technique showed reasonably good agreement with measurements by an anemometer carried beneath the balloon.Glossary of Symbols a, b, c Coefficients in the relationship between lnC d and lnR - A Quantity under square root in solution for lnV whena0 - C d Wind drag coefficient for balloon - C dc Value ofC d given by calibration curve of Table I - D Dynamic wind pressure force on balloon - F Buoyant free lift of balloon with load - Re Reynold's number of balloon (sphere) - R = Re/105 - r Radius of sphere - T Tension in tether - V Wind speed - 83() =(lnC dc -lnC d ) when 83° , or 0 for other - Error in lnC d - Elevation of tether where attached to balloon - Elevation of balloon from ground tether point - Molecular viscosity of air - Ratio of circumference to diameter of circle - Density of air  相似文献   

This article presents nine statements which are generally accepted as true. However, when they are applied to a particular situation, in this case the recent prolonged drought in the Sahelian zone in West Africa, they are as often untrue as they are true. For example, such generalizations as people learn from their mistakes or when the rains come, everything will return to normal or technology is the answer, when applied uncritically to a specific situation often prove to become part of the problem as well as a hindrance to the attainment of a solution to that problem.It is strongly suggested that these nine generalizations, here called fallacies, be carefully assessed when applied, thereby removing one more obstacle in dealing with environmental problems in general and natural hazards in particular.Published in Michael H. Glantz (ed.), The Politics of Natural Disasters: The Case of the Sahel Drought (NY: Praeger Publ., 1976) reprinted by permission.Michael H. Glantz is a scientist in the Advanced Study Program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This is one of a series of papers on the Askervein Hill Project. It presents results on the variations in mean wind speed at fixed heights (z) above the ground from linear arrays of anemometer posts and towers. Most of the data are for z = 10 m but some are for z = 3 m. Selected and directionally grouped data from the 55 Mean Flow runs are presented together with mean flow data from Askervein '83 Turbulence runs. Comparisons are made between the data and guideline estimates of fractional speed-up ratio at hilltop locations and between the data and MS3DJH/3 model predictions along the tower lines. There is good agreement in most cases.  相似文献   

Summary During an expedition to the high Andes of Southern Peru in June–July 1977, measurements of direct solar radiation in four spectral bands (0.270–0.530–0.630–0.695–2.900 ) were conducted at six sites in elevations ranging from sea level to 5645 m. These measurements were evaluated in Langley plots to determine total optical depths () and irradiances at the top of the atmosphere. In addition, water vapor optical depths (wv) were calculated from the mean radiosounding over Lima during the expedition, and Rayleigh (ray) and ozone (oz) optical depths were obtained from published tabulations. Subtracting ray, oz, and wv from yielded estimates of aerosol optical depth aer. The components ray and oz decrease from the shorter towards the longer wavelength bands and from the lower towards the higher elevation sites; aer also decreases towards the higher elevations. Particularly pronounced is the decrease of aer and from the lowlands of the Pacific coast to the highlands of the interior, reflecting the effect of a persistent lower-tropospheric inversion and the contrast from the marine boundary layer to the clear atmosphere of the high Andes.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

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