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大青山山前断裂呼和浩特段晚第四纪古地震活动历史   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过沿大青山山前断裂呼和浩特段的奎素、乌兰不浪和青山牧场 3个地点地貌面和探槽组的精细研究 ,揭露出该断裂段距今约 1 9万年以来共发生 7次古地震事件。它们分别发生在距今约 1 875± 0 0 75、1 6 97± 0 0 96、1 4 6 5± 0 0 6 7、1 182± 0 0 6 9、0 94 5± 0 0 2 6、0 6 83±0 0 2 6和 0 4 5 0± 0 0 2 3万年 ,平均重复间隔 2 375± 4 32年。由断层位移量限定法和多探槽校验法判定 ,这一时期该断裂段的古地震活动历史是完整的  相似文献   

There are 18 gullies displaying sinistral contortions to different degrees along the western terminal segment about 10 km long of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault near the Donghe District, Baotou City. The contortion amount of gullies ranges from 20 m to 300 m. The contortion and length of the gullies are in direct proportion. The relation between piedmont terraces and gullies indicates that the gullies with upper reaches of about 1 ~ 5 km long and those smaller than one kilometer were formed at the end of Late Pleistocene and Holocene.Meanwhile, sandy gravel layer of alluvial-proluvial sediment on the upthrown wall is directly in contact with yellow clayey sand of the downthrown wall. During the Holocene, the sinistral strike-slip rate along the western terminal segment of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault reached 5 mm/a from age data of dislocated sediments. The evolutional mechanism of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault is also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

色尔腾山山前断裂晚第四纪活动与破裂分段模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对断裂的几何结构、晚第四纪活动构造特征、古地震活动性以及分段边界构造特征等方面的分析和研究,色尔腾山山前断裂的活动段落组成可以初步确定为:乌加河段(东乌盖沟-大后店)、乌句蒙口-东风村段(大后店-得令山)、大余太段(得令山-小余太沟口)和乌兰忽洞段(小余太沟口-台梁)等4段,其间的段落边界分别为大后店山咀、得令山山咀和小余太沟口阶区。这些段落为相互独立的地震活动单元,但不能排除乌加河段和乌句蒙口-东风村段之间、大余太段和乌兰忽洞段之间联合破裂的可能。  相似文献   

五台山北麓断裂位于山西地堑系北部。本文以五台山北麓断裂繁峙段的地质地貌为研究对象,分别在繁峙县的大峪村和岗里村两地断裂沿线进行了无人机测量。利用三维结构的运动重建技术(Structure from Motion,SfM)进行影像数据处理,得到高精度点云数据,并通过进一步处理获得了分辨率达0.5m的高清断错地貌正射影像(DOM)和数字高程模型(DEM)。通过对典型地区的详细野外调查和挖掘探槽等手段对该段晚第四纪的活动性进行研究,发现断层晚第四纪以来的活动主要是以正倾滑运动为主。同时在五台山北麓断裂沿线的大峪村、岗里村等地进行了断错地貌分析和晚第四纪滑动速率计算,得到约20ka以来的断层垂向滑动速率为0.4—0.6mm/a,近18ka以来该段发生过至少两次古地震事件。古地震事件和滑动速率分析表明,五台山北麓断裂晚第四纪,尤其是全新世以来活动强烈,且不同段落存在明显的活动性差异。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION TheTianqiaogou Huangyangchuanfault(alsocalledGulangfault)isanimportantpartofanactivefaultzoneontheeasternsectionofthenorthernQilianMountains.Therecentactivityofthefaulthasbeenstudiedtodifferentdegrees(WanFuling,1987;InstituteofGeology,StateS…  相似文献   

The northern piedmont fault of Wutai Mountain is located at the north of the Shanxi Graben system,which is the dominating fault of the south boundary of the Fanshi-Daixian depression. This paper discusses the fault activity and paleoearthquakes around the Nanyukou segment of the northern piedmont fault of Wutai Mountain during the late Quaternary through field investigation along the fault,measuring geomorphic deformation and excavating trenches at some important sites. From Nanyukou to the southwest of Shanhui,we find obviously dislocated alluvial fans,with strong neotectonic movement at these sites. Since nearly 20ka,the vertical average slip rate is 1. 55mm /a to 2. 0mm /a. However,since nearly 6ka,it has reached as high as 2. 3mm /a,which is twice that on other segments. 2 trenches were excavated around Nanyukou with 6 events discovered. The referenced ages of the events are before 7600a,6700a ~ 7600a,5321a ~ 5575a,4400a ~ 5400a,4200a ~ 4400a and after 1600a B. P. with approximate recurrence interval 1400a. The latest event is likely to be the earthquake occurring at 512 A. D. ,so it is necessary to do further work to verify this in the future.  相似文献   

内蒙大青山山前活动断裂带西端左旋走滑现象   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
位于大青山山前断裂西端约10km的地段,18条冲沟不同程度地发生了左旋扭曲,扭曲量20~300m不等。冲工度与左旋扭曲量显示了较好的正比关系。从山前台地与冲沟的切割关系可以看到,这些上游长度1~5km及小于1km的冲沟形成在晚更新世末期及全新世以后,同时冲沟沟口河流冲洪积相砂砾石层直接与山边黄色亚砂土断层接触,断层下降盘地层年龄早于断层上升盘的地层年龄,显示了断层的走滑活动,由断错的地层年代估算,大青山山前活动断裂西端全新世左旋走滑速率达到5mm/a。此外,本文还讨论了了大青山山前活动断裂的演化机制。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheDatongbasinislocatedinthenorthernpartofShanxiProvinceandisoneoftheimportantpartsoftheCenozoicfaultedbasinintheShanxifaulteddepressionsystem .IntheresearchofactivefaultsinChina ,theShanxifaulteddepressionsystemhasattractedgreatattentionwithitsspecifictectonicpatternandfrequencyofhistoricstrongearthquakes (DengQidongetal.,1 973;1 995;LiuGuangxunetal.,1 982 ;DingGuoyuetal.,1 983;XuXiwei,1 989) .AnearthquakewithM6 1occurredintheDatongbasinin 1 989.Sincethenseveraldiscus…  相似文献   

岗德尔山西麓断裂是乌海断陷的一条控盆边界断裂。通过野外地质调查、构造剖面解析结合浅层物探、地球化学探测,综合对断裂的第四纪活动特征进行分析和研究。结果显示,岗德尔山西麓断裂整体走向NNE,倾角60°~80°,具有成束成带发育特点,是一条全新世活动断裂,表现出以拉张为主的活动特征。  相似文献   

太行山山前断裂带中北段晚第四纪活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文通过浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测,对太行山山前断裂中北段内相关断裂的空间位置和晚第四纪活动性进行了探测和研究。综合认为,保定-石家庄断裂和徐水断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世早期,而徐水南断裂晚更新世以来没有活动。上述断裂的最大潜在地震震级为6.5级。  相似文献   

The location and late Quaternary activity of the Central-North Segment of the Taihang Mountains Piedmont fault zone have been studied by shallow seismic survey and combined drill exploration.Our results show that the Baoding-Shijiazhuang fault and the Xushui fault were active in the late Pleistocene,but the south Xushui fault has been inactive since the late Pleistocene.The maximum magnitude of potential earthquake of the faults is 6.0.  相似文献   

The Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone has great influence in eastern China. Studies have shown obvious signs of neotectonic activities on the Xinyi-Wuhe segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone. In this study, on the basis of the previous work, many seismological surveys are made along the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and trenches are excavated in key sites. Combined with the analysis of the seismic activities along the fault, the fault movement features and future seismic risk are discussed. Much first-hand information obtained in the paper can provide an important reference value for the study of large earthquake recurrence rules and the mid and long-term earthquake prediction on the Xinyi-Wuhe segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone.  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘断裂带西端晚第四纪活动特征及其西延问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张波  何文贵  袁道阳  刘白云  刘兴旺 《地震》2012,32(1):136-143
西秦岭北缘断裂是青藏高原东北缘的一条以左旋走滑运动为主的大型活动断裂。 通过卫片解译和野外地质调查, 认为断裂西端活动性仍很强烈, 并发现切龙沟一带全新世活动特征明显。 结果表明, 全新世以来西秦岭北缘断裂西端至少有2次古地震事件, 说明断裂经过土房村以后活动并没有停止, 而是继续向西延伸, 最后终止于甘加盆地。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带东地堑边界断层在断裂带演化过程和现今构造格局中都是重要断层,对该边界断层的第四纪活动性研究有助于了解郯庐断裂带的演化历史和地震活动性,而有关该边界断层第四纪活动性研究较少且至今尚无定论。本文通过浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面相结合的方法,针对郯庐断裂带江苏段东地堑两边界断层开展系统的断层第四纪活动性研究,结果显示,昌邑-大店断裂(F_1)第四纪以来未见构造运动证据,白芬子-浮来山断裂(F_2)在第四纪早期曾发生有关活动,晚更新世以来未见活动迹象。  相似文献   

口泉断裂中段晚第四纪最新活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Systematic research of the characteristics of late Quaternary activity of the middle part of Kouquan fault has been done through conducting 1∶50000 geologic mapping combining with remote sensing interpretation of spot imaging, field validating and chronology research of the research area. Studies suggest that the middle part of Kouquan fault has had strong activity since the late Quaternary which controls the tectonic evolvement of the nearby mountains and Datong basin. The recent activity of this fault has faulted the sandy gravel layers of T1 terrace and the lower part of dark loessial soils over the terrace on the north of Chanfang village. The maximum vertical displacement is over 3m in the area between Xiaoyukou village and Louzikou village, and to the south of Dayukou village and the north of Emaokou village, the displacement decreases to 0.5m and 0.25m respectively. Based on the recent faulted landforms and combined with dating, we determined the age of recent activity of the fault in the research area to be between 7.71ka B.P. to 3.00 ka B.P. Discussions are made on this in combination with previous research.  相似文献   

地质雷达是利用电磁波对地下不同电性介质进行探测的地球物理仪器,其探测速率快、分辨率高,可弥补探槽和其他地球物理方法存在探测盲区的缺陷,正在越来越多地应用于活动断层探测领域。本文以乌拉山山前断裂为例开展地质雷达探测工作,使用无人机正射影像技术对测线进行地形校正,获得断层浅部地质雷达图像。研究结果表明,本文研究方法能有效反映探槽揭露的地层单元和断层分布。本次探测中,雷达波形图像特征为:浅地表的土壤层反射波总体较弱;粗粒沉积为主的砾石层反射波总体较强,同相轴连续性好;细粒沉积为主的砂层反射波弱于砾石层,波形以中、高频为主,同相轴具有弱连续性;对于洪冲积地区,地质雷达能分辨具有一定特征的地层单元,这为剖面图像的断层识别提供了标志;通过无人机正射影像技术对地质雷达测线进行地形校正,有利于获得更为准确的探测结果。  相似文献   

因缺少详细的地质调查,关于龙日坝断裂带南段是否具有强烈的晚第四纪活动及其在青藏高原东缘应变分配中承担的作用目前尚不清楚。卫星影像解译和野外调查结果表明龙日坝断裂带南段仅东南支存在晚第四纪活动,全长约50km,总体以右旋走滑为主,兼有逆断分量,全新世以来右旋平均走滑速率约为0.6mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率约为0.4mm/a。龙日坝断裂带南段活动强度较中段明显偏弱,但具备发生M_W7级左右地震的能力,在距今约800年以来曾发生过地表破裂型事件。结合重定位地震结果来看,龙日坝断裂带西侧和龙门山断裂带地震活跃,之间的丹巴地区可能主要表现为褶皱变形而地震活动微弱。青藏高原东缘之下的滑脱面自川西高原到四川盆地从约15km逐渐变深至20km左右,而又变浅,约为10km,这种滑脱面的深度变化可能是龙门山隆升和孕震的驱动机制。这项研究有助于川西地区的地震危险性评价和深入理解青藏高原东缘的应变分配和隆升机制。  相似文献   

蔚广盆地南缘断裂带唐山口段山前断层活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔚广盆地是山西地堑系北端京西北盆岭构造区内的一个半地堑盆地,蔚广盆地南缘断裂带为控制该盆地形成的边界断裂。该断裂带位于唐山口段的山前断裂在冲洪积扇体上形成了线性特征显著的断层陡坎。横跨断层陡坎开挖的探槽表明该条山前断裂属于全新世活动断裂,探槽揭示了2条活动断层以及相应的3次古地震事件。在距今约9ka时其中一条断层首次活动,之后在距今约7.3ka时该条断层再次活动并引发了另一条断层的形成与同步活动。最后它们又发生了第三次活动,而最新一次活动的时间由于相应地表沉积的缺失而无法获得。这3次古地震事件的累积垂直位错约为8.1m。估算出整条山前断裂的平均复发周期约为1.7ka、平均滑动速率约为1.6mm/a。此外还依据经验公式估算出了各次古地震的参考震级。  相似文献   

Analysis and study of the geometrical structure of the fault, tectonic features of late-Quaternary movement, paleoseismic activity, and structural characteristics of boundaries between segments of the Sertengshan piedmont fault permitted us to preliminarily determine the following 4 active segments of the fault: the Wujiahe segment (from Dongwugai Gully to Dahoudian Village),Wujumengkou-Dongfeng Village segment (from Dahoudian to Delingshan), Dashetai segment (from Delingshan to Xiaoshetai Gully mouth), and the Ulan Hudong segment (from Xiaoshetai Gully mouth to Tailiang). The boundaries between them are the Dagoudian mountain spur,the Delingshan Mountain spur and the step zone at Xiaoshetai Gully mouth, respectively. The segments are independent for seismic activity. However, it is possible that joint ruptures between Wujiahe and Wujumengkou-Dongfeng Village segments and between Dashetai and Ulan Hudong segments may occur.  相似文献   

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