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The significance of late-stage fracturing in the European Alps in a large geodynamic context is reappraised by studying brittle deformations over the entire belt. In the internal Western Alps, paleostress datasets display a major occurrence of orogen-parallel extension resulting in normal faulting and associated strike-slip mode. There the direction of subhorizontal extension rotates with the bending of the Alpine belt. In the Central Alps, paleostress tensors also indicate orogen-parallel extensional regimes, both in the Bergell area and the Lepontine Dome, where the brittle structures are associated with ductile structures related to the formation of large-scale upright folds that accommodate most of the collisional shortening due to the north-directed component of the movement of the South-Alpine indenter. This brittle deformation phase is of Miocene age and is coeval with the propagation of the Alpine front toward the external Alpine domains. In the Eastern Alps, brittle deformation of the Tauern Window displays an overwhelming occurrence of orogen-parallel normal faulting and associated strike-slip regimes again, which is inferred to be driven by lateral extrusion of the orogenic wedge toward the Pannonian basin, partly due to indentation on the Dolomites indenter. The major orogen-parallel extensional signal of the brittle Cenozoic deformations appears remarkably stable all over the internal Alps. Extensional brittle structures are part of a late phase of collisional deformation, during which the propagation of the Alpine front of the Western Alps and the northward movement of the Southern Alpine and the Dolomites indenters in the Central and Eastern Alps were accommodated by orogen-parallel extension in the inner zones, at the scale of the entire chain.  相似文献   

The Tauern Window exposes a Paleogene nappe stack consisting of highly metamorphosed oceanic (Alpine Tethys) and continental (distal European margin) thrust sheets. In the eastern part of this window, this nappe stack (Eastern Tauern Subdome, ETD) is bounded by a Neogene system of shear (the Katschberg Shear Zone System, KSZS) that accommodated orogen-parallel stretching, orogen-normal shortening, and exhumation with respect to the structurally overlying Austroalpine units (Adriatic margin). The KSZS comprises a ≤5-km-thick belt of retrograde mylonite, the central segment of which is a southeast-dipping, low-angle extensional shear zone with a brittle overprint (Katschberg Normal Fault, KNF). At the northern and southern ends of this central segment, the KSZS loses its brittle overprint and swings around both corners of the ETD to become subvertical, dextral, and sinistral strike-slip faults. The latter represent stretching faults whose displacements decrease westward to near zero. The kinematic continuity of top-east to top-southeast ductile shearing along the central, low-angle extensional part of the KSZS with strike-slip shearing along its steep ends, combined with maximum tectonic omission of nappes of the ETD in the footwall of the KNF, indicates that north–south shortening, orogen-parallel stretching, and normal faulting were coeval. Stratigraphic and radiometric ages constrain exhumation of the folded nappe complex in the footwall of the KSZS to have begun at 23–21 Ma, leading to rapid cooling between 21 and 16 Ma. This exhumation involved a combination of tectonic unroofing by extensional shearing, upright folding, and erosional denudation. The contribution of tectonic unroofing is greatest along the central segment of the KSZS and decreases westward to the central part of the Tauern Window. The KSZS formed in response to the indentation of wedge-shaped blocks of semi-rigid Austroalpine basement located in front of the South-Alpine indenter that was part of the Adriatic microplate. Northward motion of this indenter along the sinistral Giudicarie Belt offsets the Periadriatic Fault and triggered rapid exhumation of orogenic crust within the entire Tauern Window. Exhumation involved strike-slip and normal faulting that accommodated about 100 km of orogen-parallel extension and was contemporaneous with about 30 km of orogen-perpendicular, north–south shortening of the ETD. Extension of the Pannonian Basin related to roll-back subduction in the Carpathians began at 20 Ma, but did not affect the Eastern Alps before about 17 Ma. The effect of this extension was to reduce the lateral resistance to eastward crustal flow away from the zone of greatest thickening in the Tauern Window area. Therefore, we propose that roll-back subduction temporarily enhanced rather than triggered exhumation and orogen-parallel motion in the Eastern Alps. Lateral extrusion and orogen-parallel extension in the Eastern Alps have continued from 12 to 10 Ma to the present and are driven by northward push of Adria.  相似文献   

This study provides new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints on the age of the Alpine tectonics in the Aspromonte Massif (southern part of the Calabrian–Peloritan belt). This massif exposes the upper units of the Calabride Complex which originated from the European continental margin. The Calabride Complex was incorporated in the Alpine orogenic wedge and then integrated into the Apennines and Maghrebides fold-and-thrust belts. Throughout the Calabride Complex there is evidence for a two stage tectonic history, which remains however rather poorly dated: Alpine nappe stacking is followed by extensional reworking along the former thrust contacts or along new detachment surfaces. Our new ages suggest that exhumation of the uppermost units, which accompanied nappe stacking, probably started at 45 Ma and that the deepest units were almost completely exhumed at 33 Ma. This kinematics probably corresponds to syn-orogenic extension while the end of exhumation is clearly related to the extensional tectonics dated at 28.6 Ma along detachment structures.Our geochronological data reveal a very short lag time between accretional and extensional processes in this part of the Mediterranean Alpine orogenic belt. The direction of extension, when the units are restored to their initial position (i.e. before the opening of the Western Mediterranean basins and the bending of the arc) is NNE–SSW. Such a direction does not fit with the eastward slab-retreat model generally put forward to explain extension in the Western Mediterranean. In contrast, we provide evidence for roughly N–S middle Oligocene extension in the accretionary prism, not previously described in this part of the Mediterranean domain.  相似文献   

The Variscan crystalline basement of the Calabria–Peloritani terrane (CPT) in southern Italy was partly reworked by ductile and brittle shear zones throughout the Alpine tectonic evolution (from thickening to exhumation). Although evidence of extensional tectonics in the CPT has already been found and roughly constrained to the Oligocene onward, no attempt has ever been made to directly date brittle fault movements. Structural (meso- and micro-scale), kinematic and petrographic analyses and 40Ar–39Ar laser experiments reveal that the pseudotachylyte-bearing shear zones of the Palmi area in southern Calabria formed in response to extensional shearing ∼33.5 Ma ago and overprinted compressional tectonic structures. Results provide the first direct evidence of Middle Oligocene co-seismic faulting in the area and confirm the role of extensional tectonics in promoting the Oligocene exhumation of the Calabria basement.  相似文献   

The contrasted seismotectonic regime of the Western Alps is characterized by radial extension in the high chain, combined with local compressive areas at the foothill of the belt, and everywhere occurrence of transcurrent tectonics. Here, we compare this seismotectonic regime to a large-scale compilation of GPS measurements in the Western Alpine realm. Our analysis is based on the raw GPS database, which give the measured velocity field with respect to the so called “stable Europe”, and an interpolated velocity field, in order to smooth the database on a more regular mesh. Both strain rate and rotational components of the deformation are investigated. The strain rate field shows patch-like structure, with extensional areas located in the core and to the North of the belt and compressional areas located in its periphery. Although the GPS deformation fields (both raw and interpolated) are more spatially variable than the seismotectonic field, a good qualitative correlation is established with the seismotectonic regionalization of the deformation. The rotation rate fields (both raw and interpolated) present counterclockwise rotations in the innermost part of the belt and a surprising continuous zone of clockwise rotations following the arc-shape geometry of the Western Alps along their external border. We interpret this new result in term of a counterclockwise rotation of the Apulia plate with respect to the stable Europe. This tectonic scheme may induce clockwise rotations of crustal block along the large strike-slip fault system, which runs in the outer part of the belt, from the Rhône-Simplon fault to the Belledonne fault and Southeastward, to the High-Durance and Argentera fault.  相似文献   

A series of regional deformation phases is described for the metamorphic basement and the Permian cover in an area in the central Orobic Alps, northern Italy. In the basement deformation under low-grade amphibolite metamorphic conditions is followed by a second phase during retrograde greenschist conditions. These two phases predate the deposition of the Permian cover and are of probable Variscan age. An extensional basin formed on the eroded basement during the Late Carboniferous, filled with fan conglomerates and sandstones, and rhyolitic volcanic rocks. Well-preserved brittle extensional faults bound these basins. Further extension deformed basement and cover before the onset of Alpine compressional tectonics. Cover and basement were deformed together during two phases of compressional deformation of post-Triassic age, the first giving rise to tectonic inversion of the older extensional faults, the second to new thrust faults, both associated with south-directed nappe emplacement and regional folding. Foliations develop in the cover only during the first phase of deformation as part of the activity on “shortening faults”. Main activity on the Orobic thrust actually postdates the first phase of thrusting and foliation development in the cover.  相似文献   

Early Jurassic syn‐sedimentary extensional tectonics in the central Southern Alps controlled patterns of deposition within the Calcari Grigi carbonate platform. We used variogram maps to gather model‐independent information on the spatial distribution of thicknesses of selected platform units and investigated whether major syn‐sedimentary faults outlined subsiding domains during platform growth. Thicknesses display a spatial organization that suggests that large fault belts, often coincident with exposed Jurassic extensional structures, transected large parts of the platform. The network of four fault systems (trending NNW–SSE and NE–SW) displays orthorhombic symmetry, suggesting non‐Andersonian faulting and a true triaxial strain field with N100°E maximum extension or transfer shear zones connecting major NNW–SSE‐trending extensional faults. In both cases, inherited structures of Permian to Triassic age may have played a primary role in Jurassic faulting. If confirmed throughout the South‐Alpine domain, this arrangement could shed new light on Early Jurassic rifting mechanisms in the Southern Alps.  相似文献   

Neotectonics of the Western and Central Alps is characterized by ongoing widespread extension in the highest zones of the chain and transcurrent/compressive tectonics at the external limits of the belt. The overall geodetically measured deformations also indicate extension across the Western Alps. There is a good qualitative coherency between seismotectonic and geodetic approaches. Here we attempt to quantify the seismic part of the deformation. The seismic strain is compared to the deformation derived from geodesy. In sub‐areas of homogeneous seismic stress/strain, we computed the total seismic moment tensor and related strain tensor. This study provides new quantitative elements about the ongoing geodynamic processes in the alpine belt. The important discrepancies obtained between seismic strains and geodetically‐measured deformations raise the issue of aseismic deformation in the Alps, which could be related to elastic loading, creeping and/or a slower ductile‐style deformation.  相似文献   

Fault data collected from the Schistes Lustrés domain point to the existence of successive steps of deformation and indicate that extension is not multidirectional. This study underlines the continuity between the patterns of late brittle/ductile exhumation tectonics and brittle deformation, and strenghtens the view that extensional movements dominate in shallow levels of the inner Western Alps since at least 35–30 Ma. The progressive clockwise rotation of the earliest directions of extension with time is compatible with the amount of anticlockwise rotation from c. 35 Ma determined by recent palaeomagnetic studies, whereas the last documented N–S extension may reflect a short‐lived stage of orogen‐parallel extension.  相似文献   

In the central part of the internal Western Alps, widespread multidirectional normal faulting resulted in an orogen-scale radial extension during the Neogene. We revisit the frontal Piémont units, between Doire and Ubaye, where contrasting lithologies allow analysing the interference with the N–S trending Oligocene compressive structures. A major extensional structure is the orogen-perpendicular Chenaillet graben, whose development was guided by an E–W trending transfer fault zone between the Chaberton backfold to the north and the Rochebrune backthrust to the south. The Chaberton hinge zone was passively crosscut by planar normal faults, resulting in a E–W trending step-type structure. Within the Rochebrune nappe, E–W trending listric normal faults bound tilted blocks that slipped northward along the basal backthrust surface reactivated as an extensional detachment. Gravity-driven gliding is suggested by the general northward tilting of the structure in relation with the collapse of the Chenaillet graben. The stress tensors computed from brittle deformation analysis confirm the predominance of orogen-parallel extension in the entire frontal Piémont zone. This can be compared with the nearby Briançonnnais nappe stack where the extensional reactivation of thrust surfaces locally resulted in prominent orogen-perpendicular extension. Such a contrasting situation illustrates how the main direction of the late-Alpine extension may be regionally governed by the nature and orientation of the pre-existing structures inherited from the main collision stage.  相似文献   

The Novate intrusion is a Late Alpine leucogranite that intruded the structures related to dextral back‐thrusting along the Periadriatic Fault System in the Eastern Central Alps. The Novate granite was heterogeneously deformed from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions during cooling of the intrusion. The deformation inside the granite is characterized by strongly localized and anastomosed ductile shear zones surrounding lenses of weakly deformed granite and by late faults formed at the brittle–ductile transition. The fault kinematic analysis of conjugated shear zones suggests that the Novate leucogranite was emplaced at 25 Ma in an extensional regime along the southern tip of the Forcola Fault. A model of extensional jog opening by vertical shearing along the Forcola Fault provided the space for magma accommodation. The Novate granite is the first evidence for orogen‐parallel syn‐extensional leucogranite emplacement during the Oligocene collision in the Alps.  相似文献   

This study assesses the significance, geometry, and kinematics of greenschist-facies deformation along the Dent Blanche Basal Thrust (DBBT), a major tectonic contact in the Internal Western Alps of Switzerland and Italy. The DBBT separates continental units of the Dent Blanche nappe, the structurally highest unit in the Western Alps, from underlying Piemont-Ligurian ophiolites. Mylonites and deformation structures along the contact provide a record of its retrograde greenschist-facies evolution after earlier high-pressure metamorphism. A first phase of foreland-directed, reverse-sense, top-(N)W shearing (D1) occurred between ca. 43 and 39 Ma, related to exhumation of the Dent Blanche nappe from high-pressure conditions. It led to the formation of mylonitic fabrics under high- to medium-grade greenschist-facies conditions along the entire DBBT. A phase of ductile normal-sense top-SE shearing (D2) at ca. 38–37 Ma was mainly localized within underlying ophiolitic units and only partly affected the DBBT. Another phase of ductile deformation (D3) under medium- to low-grade greenschist-facies conditions at ca. 36–35 Ma occurred in response to underthrusting of European continental margin units and resulted in the updoming of the nappe stack. Especially the southeastern DBBT was characterized by bulk top-NW shearing, partly conjugate top-NW/top-SE shearing, and resulting orogen-perpendicular crustal extension. Subsequently, the DBBT was affected by a phase of orogen-perpendicular shortening (D4) and formation of folds and crenulations at ca. 34–33 Ma due to increasing compressional tectonics. Finally, a phase of semi-ductile to brittle normal-sense top-NW and conjugate shearing (D5) from ca. 32 Ma onwards particularly affected the southeastern segment and indicates exhumation of the DBBT through the ductile–brittle transition. This was followed by brittle NW–SE extensional deformation. This study suggests that the DBBT experienced a polyphase deformation and reactivation history under decreasing greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions during which different segments of this major shear zone were variably affected.  相似文献   

The Zagros fold‐and‐thrust belt of SW Iran represents deformation of the former Arabian passive margin since Permian–Triassic opening of the Neo‐Tethys ocean. The Zagros belt is characterized by a present‐day structural salient‐recess setting inherited from past marginal embayment‐promontory geometry, which was involved in discontinuous ophiolite obduction and diachronous continental collision. We examine outcrop‐scale Mesozoic extensional brittle tectonics, preserved as syn‐depositional normal faults within the folded strata, in terms of stress tensor inversion. The result is then integrated with belt‐scale isopach, seismic and topographical data to delineate the geometry of a major irregularity along the passive margin originating from oblique oceanic opening. The implication of this configuration within the tectonic framework of oceanic closure is discussed.  相似文献   

张丁丁  张衡 《地学前缘》2022,29(1):303-315
大陆岩石圈深俯冲作用是地球科学领域的前沿热点,榴辉岩的折返机制是板块构造及动力学的关键科学问题。全球著名的大陆造山带中榴辉岩的p-T轨迹呈现差异性折返特征,为了揭示榴辉岩的折返机制,本文结合变质岩石学和地球物理学研究,选取3个典型大陆造山带——中生代—新生代的阿尔卑斯造山带、中生代的苏鲁—大别造山带和新生代的喜马拉雅造山带中的榴辉岩进行阐述。在阿尔卑斯造山带地区,地球物理研究结果发现,欧洲板块的俯冲造成了Adria地区下方的岩石圈存在明显厚度差异。同时,阿尔卑斯造山带Doria Maria和Pohorje地区以及Pohorje地区内部,榴辉岩折返历史也不尽相同,原因可能是亚德里亚大洋岩石圈断离后不同期次的逆冲推覆作用使其差异性斜向挤出。苏鲁—大别造山带中榴辉岩的快速折返,原因可能是华南板块与华北板块碰撞后岩石圈的拆沉或断离作用。在喜马拉雅造山带,西构造结和中喜马拉雅榴辉岩的折返存在差异性。在西构造结,那让和卡甘榴辉岩呈现不同的p-T轨迹和折返速率,变质岩石学和地球物理研究结果都表明它们的差异性折返很可能与印度-欧亚大陆碰撞过程中的构造挤压作用以及印度大陆岩石圈的断离作用有关。喜马拉雅造山带是年轻的正在进行造山活动的造山带,相较于古老的苏鲁-大别造山带,它更适合变质岩石学和地球物理学的综合研究。因此西构造结高压/超高压榴辉岩的折返机制——构造挤压和俯冲板块断离可应用于全球造山带。  相似文献   

This study presents an updated set of earthquake focal mechanisms in the Helvetic and Penninic/Austroalpine domains of the eastern Swiss Alps. In eight cases, based on high-precision relative hypocentre locations of events within individual earthquake sequences, it was possible to identify the active fault plane. Whereas the focal mechanisms in the Helvetic domain are mostly strike-slip, the Penninic/Austroalpine domain is dominated by normal-faulting mechanisms. Given this systematic difference in faulting style, an inversion for the stress field was performed separately for the two regions. The stress field in the Penninic/Austroalpine domain is characterized by extension oriented obliquely to the E–W strike of the orogen. Hence, the Penninic nappes, which were emplaced as large-scale compressional structures during the Alpine orogenesis, are now deforming in an extensional mode. This contrasts with the more compressional strike-slip regime in the Helvetic domain towards the northern Alpine front. Relative to the regional stress field seen in the northern Alpine foreland with a NNW–SSE compression and an ENE–WSW extension, the orientation of the least compressive stress in the Penninic/Austroalpine domain is rotated counter-clockwise by about 40°. Following earlier studies, the observed rotation of the orientation of the least compressive stress in the Penninic/Austroalpine region can be explained as the superposition of the regional stress field of the northern foreland and a uniaxial extensional stress perpendicular to the local trend of the Alpine mountain belt.  相似文献   

Three successive Mesozoic neptunian dyke generations and related unconformities suggest recurrent extensional fracturing and periods of relative sea-level rise along the NW Trento Plateau margin in the Southern Alps, Italy. The first neptunian dyke generation was induced by NNW–SSE directed extension of Early Jurassic skeletal oolitic periplatform deposits generating micritic early Middle Liassic neptunian dykes with orthogonal orientation. The second generation of neptunian dykes was possibly caused by marginal extension at the drowned platform edge penetrating Late Jurassic, red pelagic limestones with a pelagic matrix of Albian/Cenomanian age and nearly orthogonal fracture orientation. The third generation of neptunian dykes occurred after a prolonged period of submarine exposure and erosion (Aptian/Albian to Late Maastrichtian) during the rapid burial of the submarine Trento Plateau margin relief. The Late Maastrichtian neptunian dykes were caused by extension of Early to Middle Jurassic oolitic periplatform limestones along steep (inclination > 10°) submarine slopes. Generally successive neptunian dyke generations along drowned carbonate platform margins could be caused by repeated extensional brittle fracturing of lithified periplatform deposits and the filling of micritic matrix derived from overlying pelagic sediment sequences under substantial hydrostatic pressure. This would suggest that recurrent extensional fracturing is continuously recorded by neptunian dyke formation which could be used to indicate extensional tectonic activity at a foundering deep-marine carbonate platform edge.  相似文献   

林伟  王军  刘飞  冀文斌  王清晨 《岩石学报》2013,29(5):1791-1810
欧亚大陆东部晚中生代伸展构造十分显著,表现为大量发育的变质核杂岩、同构造岩浆岩、韧性拆离断层带等伸展成因的穹隆和地堑-半地堑盆地.通过对这些伸展构造进行系统分析、归纳和总结,将欧亚大陆东部晚中生代伸展构造发育区划分为:泛贝加尔-鄂霍次克带、华北西部带、华北东部带、华北南缘及秦岭-大别带和华南内陆带.这些伸展构造记录了大区域上的NW-SE方向伸展,构成了全球最大的陆壳伸展地区.这些伸展构造使地壳深部的岩石沿拆离断层折返至地表,从而使中下地壳结构发生了强烈的改造.除华北东部带给出了一个较为宽泛的伸展时段外,各个研究区所涉及的伸展穹隆及其相关的拆离断层所表现的伸展峰期时间均十分相近:位于130 ~ 126Ma之间.岩石圈根部的拆沉可能是这个巨型伸展构造带形成的动力学机制.这个模型为探讨华北克拉通破坏和减薄的时限、机制、模式及深部动力学背景提供直接的构造证据.  相似文献   


At the end of the Cenozoic, western Turkey was fragmented by intense intra-continental tectonic deformation resulting in the formation of two extensional areas: a transtensional pull-apart basin systems in the northwest, and graben systems in the central and southwest areas. The question of the connection of this Late Cenozoic extensional tectonics to plate kinematics has long been an issue of discussion. This study presents the results of the fault slip data collected in Bak?rçay Basin in the west of Turkey and addresses changes in the direction of extensional stresses over the Plio-Quaternary. Field observations and quantitative analysis show that Bak?rçay Basin is not a simple graben basin that has evolved during a single phase. It started as a graben basin with extensional regime in the Pliocene and was transformed into a pull-apart basin under the influence of transtensional forces during the Quaternary. A chronology of two successive extensional episodes has been established and provides reasoning to constrain the timing and location of subduction-related back-arc tectonics along the Aegean region and collision-related extrusion tectonics in Turkey. The first NW–SE trending extension occurred during the Pliocene extensional phase, characterized by slab rollback and progressive steepening of the northward subduction of the African plate under the Anatolian Plate. Western Turkey has been affected, during the Middle Quaternary, by regional subsidence, and the direction of extension changed to N–S, probably in relation with the propagation of the North Anatolian Fault System. Since the Late Quaternary, NE–SW extension dominates northwest Turkey and results in the formation and development of elongated transtensional basin systems. Counterclockwise rotation of Anatolian block which is bounded to the north by the right-lateral strike-slip North Anatolian Fault System, accompanies to this extensional phase.  相似文献   

This review considers the magmatic processes in the Carpathian–Pannonian Region (CPR) from Early Miocene to Recent times, as well as the contemporaneous magmatism at its southern boundary in the Dinaride and Balkans regions. This geodynamic system was controlled by the Cretaceous to Neogene subduction and collision of Africa with Eurasia, especially by Adria that generated the Alps to the north, the Dinaride–Hellenide belt to the east and caused extrusion, collision and inversion tectonics in the CPR. This long-lived subduction system supplied the mantle lithosphere with various subduction components. The CPR contains magmatic rocks of highly diverse compositions (calc-alkaline, K-alkalic, ultrapotassic and Na-alkalic), all generated in response to complex post-collisional tectonic processes. These processes formed extensional basins in response to an interplay of compression and extension within two microplates: ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia. Competition between the different tectonic processes at both local and regional scales caused variations in the associated magmatism, mainly as a result of extension and differences in the rheological properties and composition of the lithosphere. Extension led to disintegration of the microplates that finally developed into two basin systems: the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins. The southern border of the CPR is edged by the Adria microplate via Sava and Vardar zones that acted as regional transcurrent tectonic areas during Miocene–Recent times.Major, trace element and isotopic data of post-Early Miocene magmatic rocks from the CPR suggest that subduction components were preserved in the lithospheric mantle after the Cretaceous–Miocene subduction and were reactivated especially by extensional tectonic processes that allowed uprise of the asthenosphere. Changes in the composition of the mantle through time support geodynamic scenarios of post-collision and extension processes linked to the evolution of the main blocks and their boundary relations. Weak lithospheric blocks (i.e. ALCAPA and western Tisza) generated the Pannonian basin and the adjacent Styrian, Transdanubian and Z?rand basins which show high rates of vertical movement accompanied by a range of magmatic compositions. Strong lithospheric blocks (i.e. Dacia) were only marginally deformed, where strike–slip faulting was associated with magmatism and extension. At the boundary of Adria and Tisza–Dacia strike–slip tectonics and core complex extension were associated with small volume Miocene magmatism in narrow extensional sedimentary basins or granitoids in core-complex detachment systems along older suture zones (Sava and Vardar) accommodating the extension in the Pannonian basin and afterward Pliocene–Quaternary inversion. Magmas of various compositions appear to have acted as lubricants in a range of tectonic processes.  相似文献   

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