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The Balei epithermal vein gold-quartz deposit is located in the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary sequence. The detailed geological and hydrogeological study of the deposit allowed us to reconstruct the paleohydrogeological conditions of the ore formation. This was particularly promoted by the preservation of the initial geological and hydrogeological structure—a graben-like depression hosting a subsurface water basin. The ore field was formed due to the Early Cretaceous high-temperature hydrothermal activity. The ore-bearing solutions originated via the interaction of the deep fluids with rocks and local subsurface waters. The solutions boiled at the depth of ∼600 m and gold was deposited from the degassed liquid phase.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the most sensitive regions of Antarctica to climate change. Here, ecological and cryospheric systems respond rapidly to climate fluctuations. A 4.4 m thick laminated diatom ooze deposited during the last deglaciation is examined from a marine sediment core (ODP Site 1098) recovered from Basin I, Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula. This deglacial laminated interval was deposited directly over a glaciomarine diamict, hence during a globally recognised period of rapid climate change. The ultra‐high‐resolution deglacial record is analysed using SEM backscattered electron imagery and secondary electron imagery. Laminated to thinly bedded orange‐brown diatom ooze (near monogeneric Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores) alternates with blue‐grey terrigenous sediments (open water diatom species). These discrete laminae are interpreted as austral spring and summer signals respectively, with negligible winter deposition. Sub‐seasonal sub‐laminae are observed repeatedly through the summer laminae, suggesting variations in shelf waters throughout the summer. Tidal cycles, high storm intensities and/or intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf introduced conditions which enhanced specific species productivity through the season. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2009,35(4):597-609
The magma–ore deposit relationship of most low-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits is still unclear, partly because many stable isotopic studies of such deposits have indicated the predominance of meteoric waters within hydrothermal fluids. However, it is certainly true that hydrothermal systems are ultimately driven by magmatic intrusions, and epithermal gold deposits might therefore be produced by magmatic activity even in deposits having has no obvious links to a magma. We re-examine the genesis of two typical low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits, the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits, using structural simulations and isotope data.Many epithermal gold deposits including the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits have been discovered in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The Kushikino deposit comprises fissure-filling veins within Neogene andesitic volcanics that overlie unconformably Cretaceous sedimentary basement. The veins consist of gold- and silver-bearing quartz and calcite with minor amounts of adularia, sericite and sulfides. Although carbon and oxygen isotopic data for the veins indicate a meteoric origin of the ore fluid, finite element simulations suggest that the vein system might have formed in direct response to magma intrusion. In particular, geophysical data suggest that intruding magma has uplifted the basement rocks, thereby producing fractures and veins and a positive Bouguer anomaly, and providing the heat necessary to drive an ore-forming hydrothermal system.The second component of this study has been to investigate the nature and evolution of the Kushikino and Hishikari epithermal systems. Isotope data document the geochemical evolution of the hydrothermal fluids. We conclude that the existence of sedimentary basement rocks at depth might have affected the strontium and carbon isotopic ratios of the Kushikino and Hishikari ore fluids. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ13C–δ18O trend reveal that major ore veins in the Hishikari deposit can be distinguished from shallow barren veins. It was suggested isotopically that fluids responsible for the barren veins in nearby shallow and barren circulation systems were only controlled by the shallow host rocks. Such multi-isotope systematics provide a powerful tool with which to determine the center of hydrothermal activity and thereby document the evolution of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

The Haenam volcanic field was formed in the southern part of the Korean peninsula by the climactic igneous activity of the Late Cretaceous. The volcanic field hosts more than nine hydrothermal clay deposits and two epithermal Au–Ag deposits. This study focuses on the relationship between hydrothermal clay alteration and epithermal Au–Ag mineralization based on the geology, alteration mineralogy, geochronology, and mineralization characteristics.These clay and epithermal Au–Ag deposits are interpreted to have formed by the same hydrothermal event which produced two distinct types of mineral systems: 1) Au-dominant epithermal Au–Ag deposit and 2) clay-dominant hydrothermal clay deposit. The two types of mineral systems show a close genetic relationship as suggested by their temporal and spatial relationships. The Seongsan hydrothermal system progressively evolved from a low-intermediate sulfidation epithermal system with Au–Ag mineralization and phyllic alteration to an acid–sulfate high-sulfidation system with Au–Ag mineralization and/or barren advanced argillic/argillic alteration. The Seongsan system evolved during post volcanic hydrothermal activity for at least 10 Ma in the Campanian stage of the late Cretaceous.The Seongsan hydrothermal system shows the rare and unique occurrence of superimposed high to low (intermediate) sulfidation episodes, which persisted for about 10 Ma.  相似文献   

The magma–ore deposit relationship of most low-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits is still unclear, partly because many stable isotopic studies of such deposits have indicated the predominance of meteoric waters within hydrothermal fluids. However, it is certainly true that hydrothermal systems are ultimately driven by magmatic intrusions, and epithermal gold deposits might therefore be produced by magmatic activity even in deposits having has no obvious links to a magma. We re-examine the genesis of two typical low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits, the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits, using structural simulations and isotope data.Many epithermal gold deposits including the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits have been discovered in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The Kushikino deposit comprises fissure-filling veins within Neogene andesitic volcanics that overlie unconformably Cretaceous sedimentary basement. The veins consist of gold- and silver-bearing quartz and calcite with minor amounts of adularia, sericite and sulfides. Although carbon and oxygen isotopic data for the veins indicate a meteoric origin of the ore fluid, finite element simulations suggest that the vein system might have formed in direct response to magma intrusion. In particular, geophysical data suggest that intruding magma has uplifted the basement rocks, thereby producing fractures and veins and a positive Bouguer anomaly, and providing the heat necessary to drive an ore-forming hydrothermal system.The second component of this study has been to investigate the nature and evolution of the Kushikino and Hishikari epithermal systems. Isotope data document the geochemical evolution of the hydrothermal fluids. We conclude that the existence of sedimentary basement rocks at depth might have affected the strontium and carbon isotopic ratios of the Kushikino and Hishikari ore fluids. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ13C–δ18O trend reveal that major ore veins in the Hishikari deposit can be distinguished from shallow barren veins. It was suggested isotopically that fluids responsible for the barren veins in nearby shallow and barren circulation systems were only controlled by the shallow host rocks. Such multi-isotope systematics provide a powerful tool with which to determine the center of hydrothermal activity and thereby document the evolution of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks.  相似文献   

Dating of recent varve-like sediments from the perialpine Lake of Walenstadt (=Walensee) indicates that the number of laminae deposited in the 165 years between 1811 and 1976 ranges from 300 to 360 depending on sample location. Direct evidence that up to five graded laminae may be deposited during one year was found in 1912 by an engineer of the Swiss Federal Hydrological Agency who was using sediment traps to determine the annual accumulation rate. These layers are considered to be deposits of continuous-fed turbidity currents generated by hyperpycnal inflow during river-flood stages. Current measurements revealed that these underflows can occur sporadically throughout the year, but are especially common during the snow-melting season and after heavy rainfalls. Currents with bottom-velocities up to 50 cm s?1 were detected during summertime when the lake is thermally stratified, indicating that such stratification is no obstacle to the generation of turbidity underflows. The laminated sediments of the Walensee do not represent deposition of annual cycles and these non-annual varve-like sediments seem to be less regularly rhythmic than the annual varves of Lake Zurich.  相似文献   

Large bulk-tonnage high-sulfidation gold deposits, such as Yanacocha, Peru, are the surface expression of structurally-controlled lode gold deposits, such as El Indio, Chile. Both formed in active andesite–dacite volcanic terranes. Fluid inclusion, stable isotope and geologic data show that lode deposits formed within 1500 m of the paleo-surface as a consequence of the expansion of low-salinity, low-density magmatic vapor with very limited, if any, groundwater mixing. They are characterized by an initial ‘Sulfate’ Stage of advanced argillic wallrock alteration ± alunite commonly with intense silicification followed by a ‘Sulfide’ Stage — a succession of discrete sulfide–sulfosalt veins that may be ore grade in gold and silver. Fluid inclusions in quartz formed during wallrock alteration have homogenization temperatures between 100 and over 500 °C and preserve a record of a vapor-rich environment.Recent data for El Indio and similar deposits show that at the commencement of the Sulfide Stage, ‘condensation’ of Cu–As–S sulfosalt melts with trace concentrations of Sb, Te, Bi, Ag and Au occurred at > 600 °C following pyrite deposition. Euhedral quartz crystals were simultaneously deposited from the vapor phase during crystallization of the vapor-saturated melt occurs to Fe-tennantite with progressive non-equilibrium fractionation of heavy metals between melt-vapor and solid. Vugs containing a range of sulfides, sulfosalts and gold record the changing composition of the vapor.Published fluid inclusion and mineralogical data are reviewed in the context of geological relationships to establish boundary conditions through which to trace the expansion of magmatic vapor from source to surface and consequent alteration and mineralization. Initially heat loss from the vapor is high resulting in the formation of acid condensate permeating through the wallrock. This Sulfate Stage alteration effectively isolates the expansion of magmatic vapor in subsurface fracture arrays from any external contemporary hydrothermal activity. Subsequent fracturing is localized by the embrittled wallrock to provide high-permeability fracture arrays that constrain vapor expansion with minimization of heat loss. The Sulfide Stage vein sequence is then a consequence of destabilization of metal-vapor species in response to depressurization and decrease in vapor density.The geology, mineralogy, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data and geothermometry for high-sulfidation, bulk-tonnage and lode deposits are quite different from those for epithermal gold–silver deposits such as McLaughlin, California that formed near-surface in groundwater-dominated hydrothermal systems where magmatic fluid has been diluted to less than about 30%. High sulfidation gold deposits are better termed ‘Solfataric Gold Deposits’ to emphasize this distinction. The magmatic-vapor expansion hypothesis also applies to the phenomenology of acidic geothermal systems in active volcanic systems and equivalent magmatic-vapor discharges on the flanks of submarine volcanoes.  相似文献   

The Fukusen No. 1 vein is located in the southeastern part of the Yamada deposit, Hishikari epithermal gold deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of adularia from the margin and the center of the Fukusen vein are determined to be 0.617 ± 0.024 Ma and 0.606 ± 0.009 Ma, respectively. The Fukusen No. 1 vein shows banding structure composed mainly of quartz, adularia and clay minerals. Colloform texture is displayed by cryptocrystalline to amorphous silica material that is associated with fine-grained electrum and sulfides near the center of the vein. Pyrite in the Fukusen No. 1 vein often shows acicular shape resulting from inversion from marcasite. Near the center of the vein, primary marcasite occurs associated with colloform texture of silica. The Fukusen No.1 vein preserves primary texture and materials which were deposited from the ore-forming hydrothermal solution. The Fukusen No. 1 vein was formed in a short period and is one of the youngest veins in the Hishikari deposits.  相似文献   

在概述脆-韧性变形时空转换的过程、成生机制、影响因素和时空结构基础上,着重论述了变形转换过程中岩石构造破裂的形成机理、水动力学条件,以及构造破裂与流体流动、矿质聚集间关系,总结了与变形转换有关的两类成因不同的剪切带型金矿床的产出特征和形成条件。  相似文献   

Abstract: Neogene magmatism in the Muka mine area in the Kitami metallogenic province was characterized on the basis of K-Ar age data by felsic–to–mafic terrestrial extrusive and intrusive volcanism from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene. The geology of the Muka mine area comprises the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Yubetsu Group, consisting primarily of sandstone and shale; Upper Miocene Ikutahara Formation, consisting of clastic and felsic volcaniclastic rocks and Kane-hana Lava (rhyolite) of 7. 5 Ma; Upper Miocene Yahagi Formation, consisting of clastics, felsic volcaniclastics and rhyolite lavas; Late Miocene andesite and rhyolite dikes (Chidanosawa Rhyolite of 7. 2 Ma and Hon-Mukagawa Andesite of 6. 6 Ma); Lower Pliocene Hakugindai Lava (basalt: 4. 0 Ma); and Quaternary System. The volcanism consists of earlier Late Miocene felsic extrusive activity during the sedimentation of the Ikutahara Formation, later Late Miocene felsic extrusive and intrusive activities during the sedimentation of the Yahagi Formation and intermediate intrusive activity after the sedimentation of the Yahagi Formation and Early Pliocene mafic extrusive activity. The Muka gold-silver ore deposit occurs primarily in the felsic volcaniclastic rocks and Kanehana Lava of the Ikutahara Formation and in Hon-Mukagawa Andesite. These wall–rocks, the clastic rocks of the Ikutahara Formation and the clastic and felsic volcaniclastic rocks of the Yahagi Formation were affected to various extents by hydrothermal alteration. The hydrother-mal alteration can be divided into two stages (early and late) based on the modes of occurrence and mineral assemblages. Early hydrothermal alteration is characterized by regional and vein-related alterations associated with epithermal gold-silver mineralization in a near-neutral hydrothermal system. Regional alteration can be subdivided into a zeolite zone (mordenite+adularia±heulandite–clinoptilolite series mineral±smectite±quartz°Cristobalite±opal–CT) and a smectite zone (smec–tite±quartz±opal–CT). Vein-related alteration can be subdivided into a K-feldspar zone (quartz+adularia±illite±interstratified illite/smectite±pyrite), an illite zone (quartz+illite°Chlorite±interstratified illite/smectite±smectite±pyrite) and an interstratified illite/smectite zone (quartz+interstratified illite/smectite±smectite±pyrite). The adularization age of 6. 8 Ma in the K-feldspar zone that developed in Kanehana Lava hosting ore veins coincides well with the epithermal gold-silver mineralization age of 6. 6 Ma. Late hydrothermal alteration is characterized by a kaolinite zone (kaolinite±dickite±alunite±quartz°Cristobalite± tridymite±pyrite) in an acid hydrothermal system, and cuts early alteration zones such as the K-feldspar zone. Other modes of occurrence of acid alteration are a 7Å halloysite-kaolinite vein in the hydrothermal explosion breccia dike and smectite–kaoli–nite veins along joint planes of Kanehana Lava. The style of the gold-silver deposit associated with early near-neutral hydrothermal alteration is a low-sulfidation epithermal type. The low-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver mineralization of 6. 6 Ma in the vicinity of the Muka ore deposit was essentially accompanied by felsic volcanic activity during the sedimentation of the Yahagi Formation, and was closely related both temporally and spatially to the felsic intrusive activity of Chidanosawa Rhyolite of 7. 2 Ma. The related hydrother-mal activity of the gold-silver mineralization took place at intervals of approximately 0. 4–0. 6 Ma after the volcanic activity related to the mineralization.  相似文献   

瞿瑗汝  吕逸文  刘盛遨 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4097-4106
锌同位素体系是海洋地球化学研究的新示踪剂,应用于示踪海水中锌元素的来源及其运移过程.海洋沉积物作为锌元素重要的"源"与/或"汇",其锌同位素组成的研究有助于理解海洋锌元素的地球化学循环.海洋沉积物记录了海水组成的信息,可以反演古海水锌同位素组成的变化,前提是理解沉积物与海水之间的分馏.对海水及海洋不同储库锌同位素研究进行系统总结,包括河流输入、热液体系、不同类型海洋沉积物(如富碳酸盐的沉积物、陆源硅酸盐碎屑、硅质沉积物、铁锰结核、贫氧-缺氧沉积物)的锌同位素组成,阐述了海洋沉积物锌同位素组成变化在古气候、古环境重建以及古海洋学等领域的应用以及重要性.   相似文献   

东天山铜金多金属矿床成矿系统和成矿地球动力学模型   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
近年来,在东天山地区地质找矿不断取是突破,一系列大型,中型铜金矿床先后被发现。绝大多数铜金矿床在空间上密集分布于黄山-康古尔缝合-剪切带两侧的岛弧带内,时间上集中在石炭纪-二叠纪。金矿床包括造山型,石英脉型和浅成低温热液型,铜矿床包括斑岩型,夕卡岩型和热液脉型及铜镍硫化物型,金,铜和铜镍矿化各自成系统产出,为板块俯冲晚期和碰撞期大规模镁铁质-超镁铁质和中酸性-酸性花岗质岩浆侵位-喷发事件的产物。  相似文献   

The Pozalagua Quarry in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin of northern Spain exposes a unique set of fault‐associated dolomites that can be studied on a decametre scale. The dolomites developed along the Pozalagua Fault system in slope‐deposited limestones of Albian age. Following marine phreatic diagenesis, the limestones were subject to meteoric karst formation. The resulting cavities were filled either by angular limestone fragments in a black clay‐rich matrix, or by cave floor/pond (now dolomitized) sediments. The subsequent diagenetic history reflects repeated periods of fracturing, fluid expulsion, dissolution and cementation. Contrasting fluid pulses resulted in the formation of a network of hydrothermal karst and the subsequent development of coarse‐crystalline calcite cement, zebra dolomite, recrystallized coarse‐crystalline dolomite, elongated blue–grey coarse‐crystalline dolomite cement in the open fault and, finally, coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomite. Decimetre‐size reworked host‐rock fragments present in the latter two dolomite phases probably reflect roof collapse fragments of a cave system that developed along the Pozalagua Fault system. However, there are also metre‐scale host‐rock fragments that apparently ‘float’ in the coarse‐crystalline saddle dolomites, implying that either fragment assimilation was a widespread process or violent expulsion of fluids occurred along the Pozalagua Fault system. The presence of pre‐dolomite and post‐dolomite stylolites, parallel to bedding, supports a linkage between the diagenetic events and the Late Albian tectonism that affected the region.  相似文献   

The Rodalquilar caldera complex is located in the western part of the Cabo de Gata volcanic field in southeastern Spain and is the first documented example of epithermal gold-alunite mineralization within a caldera in Europe. The Rodalquilar caldera is an oval collapse structure having a maximum diameter of 8 km and formed at 11 Ma from eruption of the Cinto ash-flow tuff. The oval Lomilla caldera, with a diameter of 2 km, is nested within the central resurgent dome of the older Rodalquilar caldera. The Lomilla caldera resulted from the eruption of the Lazaras ash-flow tuff which was ponded within the moat of the Rodalquilar caldera. The last phase of volcanic activity in the caldera complex was the emplacement of hornblende andesite flows and intrusions. This magmatic event resulted in structural doming of the caldera, opening of fractures and faults, and provided the heat source for the large hydrothermal systems which deposited quartz-alunite type gold deposits and base metal vein systems. The gold-alunite deposits are enclosed in areas of intense acid sulfate alteration and localized in ring and radial faults and fractures present in the east wall of the Lomilla caldera. Like other acid-sulfate type deposits, the Rodalquilar gold-alunite deposits are closely related in time and space to porphyritic, intermediate composition magma emplaced along caldera structures but unrelated to the caldera forming magmatic system.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Francis Creek area located at the Sybil graben in North Queensland, Australia, has some features of epithermal gold mineralization such as gold-bearing quartz vein and silica body hosted in rhyodacitic rocks of the Late Carboniferous Hells Gate Formation. In order to understand the nature of the paleo-hydrothermal activity in this area and to aid exploration for an economic gold deposit in this area, we carried out hydrothermal alteration mapping surrounding the veins and silica body, over an area of about 7 times 5 km2.
We defined two alteration zones and inferred the center of hydrothermal activity. Fluid inclusion shows the boiling feature, and the microthermometry analysis resulted in the trapping temperature of 240°C and low salinity. This temperature is consistent with the formation temperature of clay mineral in the host rocks. On the basis of whole-rock composition, the silica body was identified as silicified rocks. Precious metal minerals such as electrum and acanthite coexist with sulfide minerals. Iodagylite was identified as a product of weathering. The sulfide minerals imply that the low-sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization occurred in the Francis Creek area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(11):1381-1399
Geochemical and isotopic studies of pore fluids and solid phases recovered from the Dead Dog and Bent Hill hydrothermal sites in Middle Valley (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169) have been compared with similar data obtained previously from these sites during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139. Although generally the hydrothermal systems reflect non-steady state conditions, the data allow an assessment of the history of the hydrothermal processes. Sediment K/Al ratios as well as the distribution of anhydrite in the sediments suggest that the Dead Dog hydrothermal field has been, and still is, active. In contrast, similar data in the Bent Hill hydrothermal field indicate a waning of hydrothermal activity. Pore fluid and hydrothermal vent data in the Dead Dog hydrothermal field are similar in nature to the data collected during ODP Leg 139. In the area of the Bent Hill sulfide deposit, however, the pore water data indicate that recent wholesale flushing of the sediment column with relatively unaltered seawater has obliterated a previous record of hydrothermal activity in the pore fluids. Data from the deepest part of Hole 1035A in the Bent Hill locality show the presence of hydrothermal fluids at greater depths in this area. This suggests the origin of the hydrothermal fluids found to be emanating from Hole 1035F, which constitutes one of the first man made hydrothermal vents in the Middle Valley hydrothermal system. Similarly, CORKed Hole 858G, because of seal failures, has acted as a hydrothermal vent, with sulfide deposits forming inside the CORK.  相似文献   

Izu Peninsula in central Japan, the northern tip of the Izu‐Bonin arc, hosts numerous epithermal Au–Ag vein deposits of low‐sulfidation style. All have similar vein textures, mineralogy, and alteration. Geochemical data from fluid inclusions in vein quartz, the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of alteration, and stable isotope data indicate that auriferous hydrothermal activity occurred under subaerial conditions. The K–Ar ages of auriferous vein minerals are <1.5 Ma, indicating that the mineralization took place after extensive submarine volcanism for the host rocks. These observations suggest that Au–Ag mineralization was synchronous with the development of an extensional regime of the Izu block after its collision with the Honshu arc after 1.5 Ma. This collision resulted in the shifting of the Izu block far from the trench to the rear position, and the subduction of the Izu block along the Suruga trough to the west and along the Sagami trough to the east. The reararc position of the Izu block and double subduction resulted in crustal extension, upwelling of asthenospheric mantle, and tholeiitic magmatism reflected by mafic dyke swarms and subsequent monogenetic volcanic activity in the Izu peninsula. The timing of the Au mineralization in the Izu Peninsula during the beginning of lithospheric extension is similar to that of the Sado Au–Ag deposit on Sado island in the Japan Sea. Two mineralization events coincide with extensive tholeiitic mafic volcanism and injections of dyke swarms related to the back‐arc opening of the Japan Sea. The geological setting of the Au–Ag mineralization in Izu and Sado is also similar to that of the epithermal Au–Ag deposits in northern Nevada, where mineralization was contemporaneous with crustal extension and tholeiitic mafic magmatism derived from the asthenospheric mantle. This study suggests that epithermal Au mineralization at shallow crustal depths is a product of large‐scale lithospheric evolution.  相似文献   

The sediments recovered during DSDP Leg 92 (Site 598) include a complete 16 m.y. record of hydrothermal sedimentation along the western flank of the East Pacific Rise at 19°S. Fifty samples from this sediment column were analyzed to test the hypothesis that the REE composition of the hydrothermal component is primarily acquired via scavenging from seawater. Site 598 provides an ideal sample suite for this purpose: the sediments are lithologically “simple,” primarily consisting of a mixture of hydrothermal materials and biogenous carbonates; the composition of the hydrothermal component is essentially constant through space and time; and the sediments have undergone minimal diagenetic alteration.The following observations suggest the above-stated hypothesis is true. The Ce anomaly as well as key indices of light and heavy REE behavior all show that the REE pattern of hydrothermal sediments approaches that of seawater with increasing paleodistance from the rise crest. Moreover, shale-normalized REE patterns are similar to that of seawater, varying only in absolute REE content: the REE content increases with distance from the paleo-rise crest and exhibits a pronounced increase in sediments deposited below the paleolysocline. Based on significant correlative relationships between paleodistance from the rise crest and both the concentration and mass accumulation rates (MARs) of REEs and Fe, we conclude the REEs in the hydrothermal component are derived from the interaction of seawater and Fe in the hydrothermal plume.  相似文献   

Several high‐sulfidation epithermal gold orebodies in the Mankayan Mineral District were formed in an environment that has been already affected by earlier porphyry‐type mineralization. This study reports the geologic and geochemical characteristics of the Carmen and Florence epithermal orebodies, which are located in the south of the Lepanto main enargite–gold orebody. The gold‐bearing epithermal quartz veins in the Carmen and Florence areas are of two types: (i) the enargite‐rich veins and (ii) the quartz–pyrite–gold (QPG) veins. The two types of veins are mainly hosted by the Cretaceous Lepanto Metavolcanics basement rocks, with minor veins cutting the Pleistocene Imbanguila Dacite Pyroclastics. The mineral assemblages and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions indicate that the Carmen and Florence orebodies were deposited by fluids varying from high to very high sulfidation state. The enargite and QPG epithermal veins of Carmen and Florence cut porphyry‐type quartz veinlet stockworks and veins that host polyphase hypersaline fluid inclusions that did not homogenize at or below 400°C. These high‐temperature quartz exhibits distinctly different mineral chemistry from the quartz of the QPG and enargite‐rich epithermal veins. In particular, the Ti content of quartz of the porphyry‐type veinlet stockwork is elevated (>100 ppm), whereas the Ti concentration of the epithermal vein quartz crystals are below detection limits. The Fe concentration of quartz is high in epithermal vein quartz (>300 ppm), whereas nearly undetected in the porphyry‐type stockwork veinlet quartz. Multiple generations of quartz with different mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions morphology, temperature, salinity and bulk gas compositions, and stable isotopic ratios indicate the variable hydrothermal conditions throughout the mineralization history of the Mankayan District. The temperature, pH, sulfidation state, oxidation state, and fluid composition vary among the orebodies in Carmen and Florence areas. Furthermore, the characteristics of earlier alteration affected the apparent characteristics of subsequent mineralization.  相似文献   

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