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Calanus sinicus is a calanoid copepod widely distributed in coastal waters of China and Japan, and oversummering strategies may have major impacts on their population dynamics which in turn affect local marine food web structure. The abundance, stage composition, and sex composition of the planktonic copepod C. sinicus were studied from August to October 2002 in the southern Yellow Sea to understand how its population recovers from the over-summering state. Results showed that C. sinicus had low reproduction in August due to high temperature, except in waters near the Cheju Island with rich food and moderate bottom temperature, but the reproduction rates here decreased in September–October as food availability declined. When temperature dropped in September–October, C. sinicus actively propagated in coastal shallow waters. However, reproduction rates of C. sinicus individuals inhabiting the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) remained low during the three months of the study. The percentage of C. sinicus females was high during the reproductive period, which suggests that the sex composition of adult C. sinicus may reflect whether or not the population is in the reproductive mode.Numerous fifth copepodite stage(CV) C. sinicus aggregated in the YSCWM in a suspended developmental stage during the three months of this study, and they potentially served as the parental individuals for population development when conditions became optimal for reproduction later in the year.  相似文献   

The studies were carried out on September 27–30, 2007, in the area of the Ob estuarine frontal zone and over the adjacent inner Kara Sea shelf. Based upon the latitudinal changes in the salinity, the 100 nautical mile wide estuarine frontal zone was marked out. The frontal zone was inhabited by a specific zooplankton community dominated by species that occurred outside the frontal zone in only minor amounts. The biomass of the mesozooplankton averaging 984 mg/m3 in the frontal zone exceeded by 1.5 and 6 times the corresponding values in the inner desalinated area of the estuary and the adjacent areas of the Kara Sea shelf. At the inner southern periphery of the frontal zone, at maximal latitudinal salinity gradients (>2 psu per mile), the maximal development of the mesoplankton with the mean biomass for the water column of 3.1 g/m3 (37 g/m2) and up to 5.8 g/m3 in the subpycnocline layer was observed. The latitudinal extension of the biomass in the maximum zone did not exceed 10 miles. More than 90% of the maximum was composed of herbivorous zooplankton with the strong domination of the copepod Limnocalanus macrurus. The daily consumption within the zooplankton maximum area was estimated at 820 mgC/m2 per day. This value exceeds by two orders of magnitude the local primary production. At that level of consumption, the available phytoplankton biomass was consumed by grazers in less than 8 hours (!). A zooplankton aggregation at the southern periphery of the estuarine front exists due to the advection of phytoplankton from the adjacent river zone. The aggregation forms a natural pelagic biofilter where new allochthonous organic matter delivered by the river flow is accumulated and high secondary production is formed on its basis. An anomalously high concentration of planktic predatory Parasagitta elegans with biomass of over 1 g/m3 (46% of the total zooplankton biomass) was associated with the outer northern periphery of the estuarine frontal zone.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the phenomena of wave refraction and diffraction in the slowly varying topography, as well as the current deflection due to wave actions. A numerical model is developed based on depth integrated mean continuity equation and momentum equations, and a 3rd-order wave equation which governs the wave diffraction, refraction and interaction with current. Examples to examine the above model are given comparing with the laboratory data or the numerical results of other researchers. An example simulating the inlet area shows the interesting velocity field which may be used as a pioneer to further study on the nearshore hydrodynamics and sedimentation.  相似文献   

By the data of cruise 54 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh (September 2007), the results of geochemical studies of the redox processes in the bottom sediments of the Ob River’s near-mouth area as applied to the redox indicator elements such as manganese, iron, and sulfur are presented. The characteristics of the bottom sediments and the distribution of these elements in them testify not only to the significant role of the mixing processes in the formation of the geochemical profile of the bottom sediments in the estuary but also to the role of the postsedimentation (diagenetic) processes.  相似文献   

Borisenko  G. V.  Makkaveev  E. P.  Stunzhas  P. A. 《Oceanology》2021,61(1):25-33
Oceanology - On cruise 76 in 2019, the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh completed the Gulf of Ob–Kara Sea slope transect. Samples of bottom water and two sediment layers 1 cm thick were obtained...  相似文献   

I\TRODLCTIO\In ootal enviroaments, the degradation of sedimentaIy organic matter was the main pro-cess of the biQgaxhemistry cyclc of nutrients, which controlled not only the bury efficiency oforganic carbon but a1so the nutrients flux to overlylng water (Aller, l980). The rnain mecha-nism of whneralization of sediment was organic rnatter degradation such a-s biolOgic and redOxprocesses, these reactions oould convert sedirnentary organic rnatter into nutrients, then releaseto the intersti…  相似文献   

1Introduction Besidestheprecipitationandriverdischarges,the watersinthePacificOceanandtheAtlanticOceanare thesourcesoftheArcticOceanwater.TheAtlantic waterenterstheArcticOceanviatheFramStraitand theBarentsSea.Foritsdenserfeatureduetohigh salinity,mostofitsinkstothenorthofSvaldbardand circulatesinallthedeepbasinsintheArcticOcean, formingthedeepandbottomwatersoftheArcticO- cean(Aagaardetal.,1985;Rudelsetal.,1999).The BeringStraitistheonlychannelforthePacificwater toflowintotheArcticOce…  相似文献   

- In this paper, the depth of the summer thermocline of the South Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea is calculated with two kinds of one-dimentional models, and the formation reasons are explained for the summer thermocline depth distribution characteristics in the study area. It is proved that in the shelf area of the East China Sea, tidal mixing has an important impact on the thermocline depth. And a new explanation for certain phenomena of the so-called coastal upwelling in the East China Sea is proposed.  相似文献   

A study of the mesoscale distribution of phytoplankton communities observed along the Portuguese upwelling coast in 1985–1986 made it possible to identify an assemblage composed by the coccolithophores Helicosphaera carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra and Coronosphaera mediterranea. The assemblage was consistently present in the coast in the following years (1991, 1992, 1994, 2003 and 2005) and from 1992 onwards, Rhabdosphaera clavigera was recognised as being part of it, although in low concentrations During late summer, this group of species showed higher affinities with upwelling waters of subtropical origin (ENACWst) on the SW coast. At the end of the upwelling season, in autumn, the assemblage was advected to the NW shelf due to the intensification of the poleward surface circulation or meridional seasonal changes of environmental conditions. The species maximum abundances were not coincident in space: H. carteri developed at the central part of the western coast while blooms of S. pulchra and C. mediterranea generally occurred further south, such as at the upwelling centre of cape S. Vicente. Syracosphaera pulchra blooms were characterised by lower concentrations of C. mediterranea and vice-versa. The above patterns were recurrent along the years but the relative abundance of each species appeared related to the interannual variability of physical conditions as the upwelling.  相似文献   

Oceanographical features on both sides of Balingtang Channel (17°55′-20°06′N, 122°55′-126°57′E) were comprehensively investigated on board of R/V "Experiment 3" in June. 1984. The pre-sent paper reports the chlorophyll data collected and primary productivity estimated there. Water sam-ples were taken with a glass bottle of Model HQM_(1-2)at the depth of 0, 10. 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150m, separately. Chlorophyll was determined according to the spectrophotometry proposed by UNESCO(1966) and calculated with the trichromatic equations of Jeffrey-Humphrey(1975). Estimations ofprimary productivity were carried out using a simplified equation (Q = 1.5) given by Cadee(1975).  相似文献   

Oceanographical features on both sides of Balingtang Channel (17°55'-20°06'N,122°55'-126°57'E) were comprehensively investigated on board of R/V "Experiment 3" in June.1984.The present paper reports the chlorophyll data collected and primary productivity estimated there.Water samples were taken with a glass bottle of Model HQM1-2 at the depth of 0,10.25,50,75,100 and 150 m,separately.Chlorophyll was determined according to the spectrophotometry proposed by UNESCO(1966) and calculated with the trichromatic equations of Jeffrey-Humphrey(1975).Estimations of primary productivity were carried out using a simplified equation (Q=1.5) given by Cadée(1975).  相似文献   

By using a method of boundary temperature index of seasons, a classification of hydrological climatic seasons in the China seas is made on the basis statistics of the sea surface air and water temperatures over the years. The results indicate that the assignment of hydrological seasons in the China seas differs with various sea areas. It may be divided into three climatic belts. In the temperate zone area, four seasons are clearly distinct with very long winter. While in the subtropical zone area, there is no winter throughout the year. The autumn is linked together with the spring, and the summer is unusually long. As for the tropical zone area, it is summer all the year round without any other seasons. In addition , the regular pattern of transformation of the four seasons and the regional characteristics of the length of each season are analyzed in greater detail. The results are in agreement with the continental seasonal classification and it is also shown that the results are reasonable and reliabl  相似文献   

Abstract-A survey was carried out in the central and north part of the Huanghai Sea (34.5°~37.0°N, 120.5°~124.0°E) during June 12~27, 2000. It was found that the abundance of marineflagellate ranged from 45 to 1278 cell/ml, 479 cell/ml in average. Flagellate was more abundant in thecentral part than in the north part of Huanghai Sea, and the abundance decreased with the increasingdistance from the coast, showing a similar distribution pattern with isotherm. Vertically, high densityof flagellate was always presented in the bottom of thermocline, and formed a dense accumulation in thecentral area of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass. The effects of physical and biological factors on thedistribution of marine flagellate in early summer were discussed. Water temperature (especially the ex-istence of thermocline) rather than salinity showed significant effect on the distribution pattern of marineflagellate in the Huanghai Sea in early summer. When comparing the abundance of marine flagellatewith that o  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   

In December–January of 2010 the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton production characteristics was studied along transects in the vicinity of the Greenwich meridian (I) and in the Drake Passage (II). On transect I, the surface chlorophyll a concentration and primary production varied from 0.11 up to 3.57 mg/m3 and from 4.38 up to 37.47 mgC/m3 per day, respectively. The chlorophyll a in the photosynthetic layer and the integrated primary production varied from 10.7 up to 66.1 mg/m2 and from 83 to 646 mgC/m2 per day, respectively. On transect II in the surface layer, the chlorophyll a concentration changed within the range of 0.09–1.02 mg/m3 and the primary production ranged from 2.08 to 9.49 mgC/m3. The integrated values ranged from 6.32 to 38.29 mg/m2 and from 41 to 221 mgC/m2 per day, respectively. The moderate means of themaximum quantum yield (F v/F m) on transects I and II (0.41 and 0.35, respectively) testify to the low activity of the phytoplankton’s photosynthetic apparatus. The studied water areas in the Southern Ocean differed both in the phytoplankton biomass expressed in the chlorophyll a concentration values and in the conditions of the primary production formation.  相似文献   

1Introduction Thephytoplanktonistheprimaryproducerofor- ganicsubstancesintheoceanandplaysanimportant roleinthesubstancecycleandenergyconversionof marineecosystem.Chlorophyllaconcentration(Chla) isanimportantindexmanifestingthelightenergy-au- totrophicbiomassinthesea.Primaryproductivityre- flectstheabilitytoconvertinorganiccarbonintoor- ganiccarbonbythephytoplanktonintheocean.Both Chlaandprimaryproductivityaretheimportantcon-tentsbeingstudiedinthemarineecosystemaswellas theimportantfoundationa…  相似文献   

On the basis of data of drifting bottles' tracks and the current measured in anchored stations, as well as temperature and salinity observed in cruise investigations and coastal stations, ADCP current data and AVHRR surface sea temperature (SST) data on the western coast of Guangdong, synthetic results of analysis showed that the coastal currents in the west of the mouth of the Zhujiang River were mainly westward in summer, which constituted the north branch of cyclonic gyre in the east of the Qiongzhou Straits. Part of its water flowed westward into the Beibu Gulf through the Qiongzhou Straits. The coastal current pattern was not identical with the traditional current system which flowed westward in the Qiongzhou Straits in winter and eastward in summer. The summertime's coastal current was always westward, maybe temporarily turning northeast only when the southwest wind was strong. The important characteristics of coastal current on the western coast of Guangdong, in the Qiongzhou Straits and in the north of the Beibu Gulf were analyzed and their mechanisms also were explained.  相似文献   

-STD Data obtained from the Third Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition from January to February 1987 in the region near the South Shetland Islands are used to investigate an oceanic front, continental water boundary (CWB), north of the South Shetland Islands. The characteristics of the CWB in surface and subsurface layers as well as deep layer are discussed respectively. The estimations of the geostrophic currents and the baroclinic deformed radius Rbc in this area show that the flow along the front is in the geostrophic equilibrium approximately, and the formation of the front is mainly due to the strong boundary current north of the South Shetland Islands. Its length along the front is estimated to be about 360 km and its width across the front is about 30 km.  相似文献   

A series of numerical experiments have been conducted with a perpetual July, nine-level general circulation spectral model to determine the effect of variation of the Arctic sea ice cover extent and the joint effect of anomalies of both the Arctic sea ice cover and the Central-eastern Equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature on the summer general circulation. Results show that the two factors,anomalously large extent of the Arctic sea ice cover and anomalously warm sea surface temperature over the Central-eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean, play substantially the equal role in the effect on the summer general circulation, and either of them can notably induce the atmospheric anomalies. The main dynamical processes determining the effect of the Arctic sea ice and the equatorial SST anomalies are associated with two leading teleconnection patterns, i. e. the Asia North/American and Eurasian patterns observed in atmosphere. The results presented in this paper again prove that the general circulation is fun  相似文献   

We investigated the phytoplankton dynamics (determined by CHEMTAX analysis of HPLC pigment data) and its relationships with nutrients and water column structure, during two oceanographic cruises in May–June and September 2006 in the Gulf of Gabes (south-eastern Mediterranean). The May–June cruise coincided with the beginning of the summer stratification, while a strong stratification occurred in September with a more than 30 m deepening of the thermocline, and a reduction of the euphotic depth. This strong stratification resulted in a shift in nitrogen sources from nitrates to ammonium as well as phosphate depletion (0.2 μM) and a decrease in silicate concentrations (<2 μM). With the exception of chlorophyll a, pigment concentrations were higher in September than in May–June samplings. The pico- and nanophytoplankton were the major contributors to phytoplankton total biomass, accounting for 90% and 87% of total chlorophyll a in May–June and September, respectively. Picoplankton persisted throughout the entire survey, occupying different depth layers. Chlorophytes were present at substantial amounts (average 23% of total chlorophyll a) during May–June; however, they declined in September (average 5%). Diatoms were overall poorly represented in this study (2% of total chlorophyll a), due probably to silicate shortage. Apparently, the nutrient availability, but also the water column stability seemed to be among the major factors determining phytoplankton dynamics. Indeed, cyanobacteria were prominent in surface samples during the period of strong stratification, whereas the relative contribution of chlorophytes decreased, probably due to low phosphate availability.  相似文献   

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