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1994 年9 月1 日~11 日采集珠江口表层海水水样。利用模拟水样和现场水样稀释比与化学要素浓度关系的数学模式,对珠江口表层水Alk ,K+ ,Na+ ,Ca2 + 在运移过程的稀释规律进行了研究,并利用上述模式计算了珠江口表层水样的Alk ,K+ ,Na+ ,Ca2 + 在河海水整个混合过程和相应于各稀释比条件下的转移量。  相似文献   

本航次将在离夏威夷 - 2观测 (H2 0 )站集管箱 2 km范围内钻探一个回钻孔 ,这个点大致在加利福尼亚和夏威夷之间的中点 ,其位置在东太平洋的 2 7°52 .91 6′ N、1 41°59.50 4′ W,水深 4979m。此钻孔钻探的总深度约 3 2 5m,这其中包括 75m的沉积物和 2 50 m的基岩 ,套管一直下到孔底。该孔将安放一台优质宽带 3分向地震计(0 .0 0 1~ 5.0 Hz,2 4位数字 ) ,它是由夏威夷 - 2电缆连结而获得电力支持并连续实时测量的。 H2 0站位的地壳钻探有 3个科学目标 :(1 )对于大洋地震网该孔位于一个地震的高灵敏地区 ;(2 )它邻近夏威夷 - 2电缆和 H…  相似文献   

A survey within the French National Programme of Ecotoxicology was carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2004 to study the response of Nereis diversicolor populations (Polychaeta, Nereididae) to the impact of pollution in the Authie estuary (non-contaminated site) and in the Seine estuary (contaminated site). In the period studied, the density varied from 672 ind. m−2 to 3584 ind. m−2 in the Authie estuary and from 80 ind. m−2 to 920 ind. m−2 in the Seine estuary. Biomass varied from 3.94 g m−2 (dry weight) in February 2004 to 38.0 g m−2 in August 2003 in the Authie estuary and from 3.4 g m−2 in February 2002 to 0.6 g m−2 in February 2004 in the Seine estuary. Density and biomass of the populations of N. diversicolor were consistently lower in the Seine estuary than in the Authie estuary. Size frequency histograms permit the analysis of the cohorts as well as the elaboration of the growth curves. For the individuals from the Authie estuary, the relation between dry weight (DW) and length L3 (prostomium, peristomium and chaetiger 1) was DW = 4.2205 L32.9832. For those from the Seine estuary, the relation between dry weight and L3 was DW = 0.4697e1.7209L3. The individuals of N. diversicolor should belong to eight cohorts in Authie estuary (two cohorts each year) instead of six cohorts for those from the Seine estuary. These differences can be attributed to the effect of pollution on the population of N. diversicolor.  相似文献   


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been developed during the last decade. Their land‐based applications range from land information management, urban planning, and environmental research to engineering design and management in the utility and oil industries, geological subsurface analysis, and others. However, applications of GIS in the marine environment are still in the initial stages. This may be due to, among other things, the large marine data sets, the demands of 3D data processing, and the difficulty of ocean data acquisition.

This article presents the result of the development of an integrated Marine Geographic Information System (MGIS) for the exploration and development of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the U.S. Pacific Islands region by the Pacific Mapping Center, University of Hawaii. Features such as spatial marine data processing, integration of GIS and mapping systems, 3D data structures, and simulation and animation of marine operations are developed and applied in this system. Since MGIS applications in EEZ are related to many disciplines in marine sciences and engineering, an operational MGIS should be an integrated system in which both basic GIS and marine application systems are combined into a single geo‐referenced system, In addition to other applications, this MGIS has been used: (1) to select a potential deep‐water research site off the island of Hawaii for the State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic, and Development (DBED); (2) to generate a three‐dimensional database and use it for the navigation and simulation of underwater operations of an underwater research vehicle; and (3) to produce two 2° × 2° mosaic sheets of sonar images, which meet the USGS standard for a sonar image atlas.  相似文献   

Oceanology - The species composition and biomass of phytoplankton, as well as hydrological characteristics, were estimated during four spatial surveys in the Subarctic tidal Kem’ River...  相似文献   

By means of physicochemical modeling with the Selector software package, a model for the mixing of riverine water (pH = 7.02) and seawater was compiled and calculated. The Razdol’naya River-Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) system was assessed as an example. By means of the MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2 software package, the role of the sorption processes in riverine and marine waters, as well as in the zone of their mixing, was ascertained. The physicochemical migration forms of microelements (arsenic, vanadium, chromium, cobalt, and mercury) in the waters of the geochemical system considered and their behavior in passing through the geochemical barrier were established.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2004,203(1-2):161-176
The method for the sequential extraction of P proposed by Jensen et al. [Mcglathery, K.J., Marino, R., Howarth, R.W. (1998) Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 799–810] was used to study the spatial distribution of sedimentary P in superficial sediments of a mesohaline coastal lagoon located in a watershed formed by carboniferous sandstone in the Western Mediterranean (Minorca Island, Spain). Dissolved inorganic phosphate (IP), dissolved organic phosphate (OP), Fe, Ca, Al, and F were analyzed in the extractions to assess adequacy of this method to clay sediments. The elemental composition of the solid phase (Al, Fe, K, Ti, Si, Mg and Ca) was also analyzed to relate concentrations of P pools to the mineral composition. Samples from marine carbonated sediments, rock and some materials of biological origin (tubes of polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus, bivalve shell debris) were analyzed for comparative purposes. The sequential procedure allowed to extract almost all sedimentary P from carbonate sediments and biogenic debris, but only 70% of total phosphorus (TP) from clay sediments and rock. Main IP pools in the lagoon were Fe-bound P (16.6% of TP), CaCO3-bound P mainly from Ficopomatus tubes (12.0% of TP), and detrital carbonate fluorapatite (7.8% of TP). The most abundant P pool was refractory P (20.3% of TP), which appeared associated to the (Fe,K)Al-silicate fraction and to humic P. This indicated that clay–humic–organic P complexes were the main P reservoir in the lagoon. Spatial distribution of P pools reflected differential sedimentation of allochthonous materials, authigenic precipitation of Fe-oxides, and Fe-bound P as well as the differential distribution of organisms such as Ficopomatus.  相似文献   

There is a demand for a management mechanism that can reduce the discarding problems of EU fisheries. Catch quota management (CQM) seems to be a promising candidate for such a mechanism. Drawing on a principal–agent model, the objective of this study is to develop and test a method for investigating if the CQM mechanism is efficient in providing fishers with incentives for participating in CQM and complying with the rules. The study uses the 2011 Danish CQM trial project as its empirical basis. The results indicate that CQM fishers have a higher average gross income compared to fishers harvesting according to the conventional rules. Hence, there is an incentive for fishers to participate in the trial. However, with the possibility to cheat, CQM fishers may achieve even higher gross income. It is not obvious that the CQM mechanism׳s payoff structure (incentives) is attractive enough to ensure that the fishers comply with the rules. The empirical data illustrate that without discarding the CQM fishers achieve a lower average price for their catches. Therefore, to make the CQM mechanism sufficiently attractive to fishers, the participating fishers must be compensated.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(3-4):139-147
The annelid fauna inhabiting soft bottoms was analysed during February and April, 1997 in the Urías estuary which is mostly surrounded by mangrove swamps, but is also subjected to the effect of several anthropogenic activities. Classification and ordination techniques were used to perform the characterisation of the system based on the annelid assemblages according to environmental variables (mainly organic matter content and percentage of mud). Three zones were found: (1) ‘very polluted zone’, in front of a slaughterhouse and a fish processing factory with a total lack of macrofauna due to the strong enrichment of the sediment in organic matter; (2) ‘polluted zones’, characterised by the sporadic presence of oligochaetes in front of a domestic sewage effluent, by the dominance of Capitella capitata close to a thermoelectric plant, and by the dominance of Streblospio benedicti and oligochaetes in the surroundings of an upstream shrimp farm; (3) ‘unpolluted zones’, in the mouth of the estuary and an area surrounded by mangrove trees, with low organic matter content in sediment, high diversity and no dominant species.  相似文献   

Observations from a five-mooring array deployed in the vicinity of Sedlo Seamount over a 4-month period, together with supporting hydrographic and underway ADCP measurements, are described. Sedlo Seamount is an elongated, intermediate depth seamount with three separate peaks, rising from 2200 m water depth to summit peaks between 950 and 780 m depth, located at 40°20′N, 26°40W. Currents measured in depth range 750 and 820 m – the layer close to the summit depth of the shallowest southeast peak – showed a mean anti-cyclonic flow around the seamount, with residual current velocities of 2–5 cm s−1. Significant mesoscale variability was present at this level, and this is attributed to the weak and variable background impinging flow. Stronger, more persistent currents were found at the summit mooring as a result of tidal rectification and some weak amplification. Below 1300 m, currents were extremely weak, even close to the seabed. Time series of relative vorticity for the depth layer 750–820 m showed persistent anti-cyclonic vorticity except for two periods of cyclonic vorticity. A mean relative vorticity of −0.06f (f=the local Coriolis frequency) was calculated from a triangle of current meters located at the flanks of the seamount. Modelling results confirmed that anti-cyclonic flow above the seamount was likely due to Taylor Cone generation driven by a combination of steady impinging and tidally rectified flow. The closed circulation pattern over the seamount was found to extend to ∼150 m above the summit level, consistent with simple idealised theory and the supporting hydrographic observations. At shallower depths (<500 m) model simulations predicted a predominantly cyclonic recirculation most likely controlled by topographic steering along the zonal axis of the seamount. There was some indication of flow reversal at these depths from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements carried out at one hydrographic survey. The model results were in good agreement with observations at the seamount summit, but were unable to reproduce the mesoscale variability patterns recorded in shallower layers. Kinetic energy patterns derived from the model revealed high variability in the oceanic far field downstream of the seamount summit probably as a result of complex flow interaction along the chain of seamount peaks. Possible impacts of the flow dynamics on the biological functioning at Sedlo Seamount and its surroundings are discussed.  相似文献   

采自广东湛江湾海域软水母亚纲(Leptomedusae Claus,1877)、锥螅水母目(Conica Broch,1916)、和平水母科(Eirenidae Haeckel, 1879)、和平水母属(Eirene Eschscholtz,1829) 2新种,即大腺和平水母新种(E. macrogonia Huang, Sun et Liu,sp. nov.)和湛江和平水母新种(E. zhanjiangensis Huang, Zhang et Zao, sp. nov.)。其鉴别特征如下:(1)大腺和平水母,新种;伞扁于半球形,胶质中等厚;胃柄基部塔状,胃柄较长,伸出伞腔口外;垂管长度短于口唇,4个发达口唇边缘呈齿状皱褶;生殖腺发达波状弯曲,着生于辐管下伞部,从胃柄基部延伸到伞缘外;19~24条缘触手,5~8个缘疣,触手基部呈球状,无排泄乳突;每2条触手间或触手和缘疣间有1个平衡囊,每个平衡囊有1~2个平衡石;4条辐管,1条环管。(2)湛江和平水母,新种;伞半球形,胶质厚;胃柄基部呈塔形,末端变窄;垂管较长,约等于口唇长度,口唇边缘有齿状皱褶;生殖腺带状,从胃柄基部延伸至近伞缘;缘触手多,70~125条,触手基球有排泄乳突;平衡囊数目约为触手数的1/2;4条辐管,1条环管。  相似文献   

Information on the reproductive development of species of box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) is poor globally, despite their significance as potent stingers and worrying projections about range expansions. While most species are confined to tropical and subtropical waters, the South African box jellyfish Carybdea branchi is commonly found in the cold-water (especially southern) Benguela ecosystem. Its biology is unknown. Here, we examine reproductive development and describe gametogenesis in this dioecious species. Four and five maturity classes were determined for males and females, respectively, as well as five oocyte developmental stages. Oocyte sizes differed significantly between developmental stages. Mature and immature medusae differed significantly in size, but males and females did not. Individuals matured at approximately 30 mm average bell dimensions. Carybdea branchi displayed gonadal development characteristic of a semelparous organism.  相似文献   

Abstract-The effects on hepatic EROD (7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase) in Mugil so-iuy exposedto benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), pyrene and their mixtures of equal concentration were investigated, at con-centrations of 0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0 μg/dm~3, in experimental condition. Time-effects and dose-response of the biochemical indexs were observed. The results showed that the hepatic EROD activitieswere induced by the exposure of BaP, pyrene and their mixtures at high concentration. Dose-responseconnections were that the hepatic EROD activities were elevated with increasing concentration of the pol-lutants. The combined effect of BaP and pyrene at 1:1 concentration ratio on hepatic EROD activity wasantagonism.  相似文献   

Partial pressure of CO2 in surface sea water (pCO2) was measured continuously off Sanriku in May, 1997 by a new pCO2 measurement system. We have examined the relation of pCO2 to physical factors such as temperature, salinity and density, chemical and biological factors such as nutrients and carbonate system and chlorophylla. In the Kuroshio region pCO2 was not correlated to physical, chemical and biological factors in the range of 260 to 290 μatom. In transition water (Tr1) between Kuroshio and the Oyashio second branch, pCO2 was weakly correlated to physical factors and strongly correlated to nutrients. In transition water (Tr2) between the Oyashio first and second branches, pCO2 was highly correlated to temperature (SD: 10.9 μatom) and salinity (SD: 8.6 μatom) and also to nutrients. In transition water (Tr1+Tr2), pCO2 was highly multivariately correlated to temperature (T), salinity (S), chlorophylla (CH) (or nitrate+nitrite (N)) as follows, pCO2(μatom)= 10.8×T(°C)+27.7×S+2.57CH(μg/1) −769, R2= 0.86, SD = 20.9, or pCO2(μatom)= 3.9×T(°C)+25.5×S+16.0NO3(μM) −686, R2= 0.99, SD = 6.4. Moreover, pCO2 was predicted by only two factors, one physical (S) and the other chemical/biological (N) as follows: pCO2 (μatom)=32.8×S+19.4N−908, R2=0.97, SD=8.4. The pH measured at 25°C was well correlated with normalized pCO2 at a fixed temperature. In the Oyashio region pCO2 was decreased to 160 μatom, probably because of spring bloom, but was not correlated linearly to chlorophylla. The results obtained showed the possibility of estimating pCO2 of the Oyashio and transition regions in May by satellite remote sensing of SST, but the problem of estimation of pCO2 in Kuroshio water remains to be solved.  相似文献   

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) exploration at the distal margins of a debris avalanche deposit from Kick’em Jenny submarine volcano in Grenada has revealed areas of cold seeps with chemosynthetic-based ecosystems. The seeps occur on steep slopes of deformed, unconsolidated hemipelagic sediments in water depths between 1952 and 2042 m. Two main areas consist of anastomosing systems of fluid flow that have incised local sediments by several tens of centimeters. No temperature anomalies were observed in the vent areas and no active flow was visually observed, suggesting that the venting may be waning. An Eh sensor deployed on a miniature autonomous plume recorder (MAPR) recorded a positive signal and the presence of live organisms indicates at least some venting is still occurring. The chemosynthetic-based ecosystem included giant mussels (Bathymodiolus sp.) with commensal polychaetes (Branchipolynoe sp.) and cocculinid epibionts, other bivalves, Siboglinida (vestimentiferan) tubeworms, other polychaetes, and shrimp, as well as associated heterotrophs, including gastropods, anemones, crabs, fish, octopods, brittle stars, and holothurians. The origin of the seeps may be related to fluid overpressure generated during the collapse of an ancestral Kick’em Jenny volcano. We suggest that deformation and burial of hemipelagic sediment at the front and base of the advancing debris avalanche led to fluid venting at the distal margin. Such deformation may be a common feature of marine avalanches in a variety of geological environments especially along continental margins, raising the possibility of creating large numbers of ephemeral seep-based ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the North Cape area (34°26'S, 173°07'E) there appears to be a concentration of late juvenile packhorse rock lobsters, Jasus verreauxi (H. Milne Edwards'), which subsequently contributes significantly to the nearby fishery for adult J. verreauxi off Cape Reinga. Evidence for this is based on the overall smaller size and fewer mature rock lobsters at North Cape compared to areas nearby, and on the results of tagging experiments carried out during 1976–77. Rock lobsters tagged at North Cape moved 21–514 km, mainly west and south, before recapture at minimum rates of 0.03–2.00 krn.d‐1. For females at least, the movement away from North Cape usually occurs at about the time that sexual maturity is attained. Rock lobsters tagged near Cape Reinga moved 3–34 km west at minimum rates of 0.04–0.35 km.d‐1.

Although the closure of the North Cape grounds to rock lobster fishing restricts the taking of the small number of legal‐sized fish available in the area, the restriction ensures less mortality and damage to the undersized fish due to handling.  相似文献   

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