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Recent theoretical calculations of stellar evolutionary tracks for rotating high-mass stars suggests that the chemical composition of the surface layers changes even whilst the star is evolving on the Main Sequence. The abundance analysis of binary components with precisely known fundamental stellar quantities allows a powerful comparison with theory. The observed spectra of close binary stars can be separated into the individual spectra of the component stars using the method of spectral disentangling on a time-series of spectra taken over the orbital cycle. Recently, Pavlovski and Hensberge (2005, A&A, 439, 309) have shown that, even with moderately high line-broadening, metal abundances can be derived from disentangled spectra with a precision of 0.1 dex. In a continuation of this project we have undertaken a detailed abundance analysis of the components of another two high-mass binaries, V453 Cyg, and V380 Cyg. Both binaries are well-studied systems with modern solutions. The components are close to the TAMS and therefore very suitable for an observational test of early mixing in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

We present the first study of the orbital period variations of five neglected Algol-type eclipsing binaries TT And, V342 Aql, RW Cap, BZ Cas and TW Lac, using their O–C diagrams gathered from all available times of eclipse minima. These O–C diagrams indicate that short term periodic variations superimposed on secular period increases as expected in mass transferring Algols. However, due to short time coverage of the data, the secular period increase is not clear in the case of BZ Cas and V342 Aql. The secular period increase is interpreted in terms of the combined effect of mass transfer between the components of the system and the mass loss by a stellar wind from the system. The mass transfer rates from the less massive secondary components to the more massive primaries for non-conservative cases would be about 10−7M/yr and 10−8M/yr for RW Cap and V342 Aql, respectively, and 10−9M/yr for TT And and TW Lac. Therefore, the Algol systems RW Cap and V342 Aql have the largest mass transfer rate, which could be in Case AB type, while those of the Algol systems TT And and TW Lac display the slow mass transfer rate and they could be in Case B type. The sinusoidal forms of the orbital period variations of all five Algol systems can be due to either by the light-time effects due to unseen components in these systems, or by the cyclic magnetic activity effects of the cool secondary components. The possible third bodies in all five Algol binaries would have masses larger than one solar mass. If these hypothetical large massive third bodies were normal stars, they should be detectable. Therefore, new photometric and spectroscopic observations of these systems and careful analyses of those data are required. Otherwise, the cyclic magnetic activity effects of the secondary components could be the basis of a working hypothesis in explaining the cyclic period variations of these systems.  相似文献   

The period changes of six eclipsing binaries have been studied with focus on the light-time effect. With the least squares method we also calculated parameters of such an effect and properties of the unresolved body in these systems. With these results we discussed the probability of presence of such bodies in the systems with respect to possible confirmation by another method. In two systems we also suggested the hypothesis of fourth body or magnetic activity for explanation of the "second-order variability" after subtraction of the light-time effect of the third body.  相似文献   

The secular stellar mass loss causes an amplification of the orbital separation in fragile, common proper motion, binary systems with separations of the order of 1000 A.U. In these systems, companions evolve as two independent coeval stars as they experience negligible mutual tidal interactions or mass transfer. We present models for how post-main sequence mass-loss statistically distorts the frequency distribution of separations in fragile binaries. These models demonstrate the expected increase in orbital separation resulting from stellar mass-loss, as well as a perturbation of associated orbital parameters. Comparisons between our models and observations resulting from the Luyten survey of wide visual binaries, specifically those containing MS and white-dwarf pairs, demonstrate a good agreement between the calculated and the observed angular separation distribution functions.  相似文献   

In this study complete BV light curves of the W Ursae Majoris binary V1073 Cygni obtained in 2005 are presented. We have used the spectroscopic data of V1073 Cyg obtained by Ahn et al. (1992) for analysis. The analysis of radial velocity and light curves was made with Wilson} program (1998) and the geometric and physical elements} of the system were derived. By searching the simultaneous} solutions of the system, we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.64M, 2.275R for the primary component and 0.55M, 1.397R for the secondary component respectively. The effective temperature of 6494 ± 53 K for the secondary component was also estimated.  相似文献   

The OC diagram for the eclipsing binary system TY Boo was constructed with the new minima times observed at the Ankara University Observatory along with the collected ones from the literature. The OC diagram shows a cyclic variation superimposed on a quadratic variation. The quadratic variation can be explained in terms of mass loss/exchange mechanism in the system while the cyclic variation is attributed to a possible light-time effect caused by a third body revolving around the close binary.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectroscopic results for the star HD 172189, member of the open cluster IC 4756 in the summer field of the space mission COROT, are presented. From photometric observations in the Strömgren system carried out at various epochs, its binary nature as well as the presence of a δ Scuti-type pulsating component have been discovered. The frequency analysis of the whole dataset confirms a dominant frequency of 19.5974 c d?1 with a maximum amplitude near 0.02 mag plus other frequencies in the range 18–20 c d?1. A preliminary orbital solution from the light curve and from four FEROS spectra reveals two similar components of around 1.5 M orbiting with a period of 5.702 d.  相似文献   

This paper describes how a new photometric V light curve solution of Algol type binary U Sge was obtained using Wilson–Devinney code. I also discuss how the physical and orbital parameters, along with absolute dimensions of the system, were determined. The Roche lobe configurations of the system indicate that the secondary component has filled its Roche lobe and therefore is losing mass at the rate of 6.15×10−7 M sun yr−1. The conservative mass flow is the most likely process in this system.  相似文献   

We show that our original suggestion that gamma-ray bursts (GRB) may be flares on Magnetically Active Stellar Systems (MASS) namely flare stars, RS CVn binaries and Cataclysmic variables agrees well with the new observations of CGRO. We make a multi component fit to the log(N) - log(S) distribution and the high degree of isotropy as observed by the previous generation of satellites as well as BATSE/CGRO using the second BATSE catalogue. We then discuss individual source association and optical transient observations and show that they favor the present suggestion. We discuss the physical mechanisms and gamma-ray production processes that can occur on such systems giving the GRB their characteristics. We predict increase of anisotropy in the BATSE/CGRO observations for bright GRB.  相似文献   

The exact origin of fast radio bursts (FRBs) remains a mystery. The repeating fast radio burst source, FRB20200120E, was discovered in a globular cluster containing old stellar populations. Yang (2021) suggested that this FRB might be in close binaries with low-mass main-sequence (MS) stars. They analytically investigated the observational consequences caused by the heating of FRB radio radiation onto the low-mass MS companion star in a close binary, suggesting that the radio radiation emitted by FRB could make the MS companion star more luminous and detectable in future multi-wavelength follow-up observations for a Galactic FRB. We revisited the study of Yang (2021) by numerically modeling the detailed process of FRB heating onto an MS companion with 1D stellar evolution code Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). Our results are consistent with the trends derived from the analytical model of Yang (2021), except that the typical re-emission luminosities of our main sequence (MS) models, caused by the heating from FRBs, are generally dimmer by about two orders of magnitude compared to his findings, and our models have a longer re-emission timescale. This may indicate that the searches of the optical transients caused by the radio radiation heating companion star are more likely to be successful within a distance of 0.3 Mpc.  相似文献   

In this article, a period analysis of the late-type eclipsing binary VV UMa is presented. This work is based on the periodic variation of eclipse timings of the VV UMa binary. We determined the orbital properties and mass of a third orbiting body in the system by analyzing the light-travel time effect. The O−C diagram constructed for all available minima times of VV UMa exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a linear variation. This variation includes three maxima and two minima within approximately 28,240 orbital periods of the system, which can be explained as the light-travel time effect (LITE) because of an unseen third body in a triple system that causes variations of the eclipse arrival times. New parameter values of the light-time travel effect because of the third body were computed with a period of 23.22 ± 0.17 years in the system. The cyclic-variation analysis produces a value of 0.0139 day as the semi-amplitude of the light-travel time effect and 0.35 as the orbital eccentricity of the third body. The mass of the third body that orbits the eclipsing binary stars is 0.787 ± 0.02 M, and the semi-major axis of its orbit is 10.75 AU.  相似文献   

Astronomical research with a small telescope (20 cm – 40 cm) has always been a challenging problem. The invention of CCD cameras and personal computers has now put this question to past as small telescopes can do good and practicle science. This paper describes the use of small telescope in the study of eclipsing binary stars. Binary stars play an important role as astrophysical laboratories in our quest to understand the evolution and structure of stars. The most useful aspects of research with a small telescope in binary star research is; 1) as a viable teaching laboratory for begining students 2) to teach and learn the fundamental observational techniques that are common to many types of astronomical research areas 3) as a starting point to initiate research programs in observational astronomy, optics, instrumentation, computational astrophysics and 4) as a foundation to develop an infrastructure and technical know how for larger telescope facility. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lorenzo Iorio   《New Astronomy》2008,13(7):473-475
In this paper we determine the tidal distortion parameter km of the secondary partner (mass loser) of the semi-detached eclipsing binary system V621 Cen by comparing the phenomenologically determined orbital period Pb=3.683549(11) d to the Keplerian one PKep computed with the values of the relevant system’s parameters determined independently of the third Kepler law itself. Our result is km=-1.5±0.6. Using the periastron precession, as traditionally done with other eclipsing binaries in eccentric orbits, would have not been possible because of the circularity of the V621 Cen path.  相似文献   

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