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We use proper motions and parallaxes from the new reduction of Hipparcos data and Geneva–Copenhagen radial velocities for a complete sample of  ∼15 000  main-sequence and subgiant stars, and new Padova isochrones to constrain the kinematics and star formation history of the solar neighbourhood. We rederive the solar motion and the structure of the local velocity ellipsoids. When the principal velocity dispersions are assumed to increase with time as   t β  , the index β is larger for  σ W W ≈ 0.45  ) than for  σ U U ≈ 0.31)  . For the three-dimensional velocity dispersion, we obtain  β= 0.35  . We exclude saturation of disc heating after  ∼3 Gyr  as proposed by Quillen & Garnett. Saturation after  ≳4 Gyr  combined with an abrupt increase in velocity dispersion for the oldest stars cannot be excluded. For all our models, the star formation rate (SFR) is declining, being a factor of 2–7 lower now than it was at the beginning. Models in which the SFR declines exponentially favour very high disc ages between 11.5 and 13 Gyr and exclude ages below  ∼10.5 Gyr  as they yield worse fits to the number density and velocity dispersion of red stars. Models in which the SFR is the sum of two declining exponentials representing the thin and thick discs favour ages between 10.5 and 12 Gyr with a lower limit of  ∼10.0 Gyr  . Although in our models the SFR peaked surprisingly early, the mean formation time of solar-neighbourhood stars is later than in ab initio models of galaxy formation, probably on account of weaknesses in such models.  相似文献   

We have calculated the orbital parameters for 90 stars in Chen et al. and updated the kinematic data for stars in Edvardsson et al. by using the accurate Hipparcos parallaxes and proper motions, and recalculated the \\\\\\\\\\\\-element abundances in Edvardsson et al. in a way consistent with Chen et al. The two sets of data are combined in a study of stellar populations and characteristics of F & G stars in the solar neighborhood. We confirm the result of Chen et al. that a distinguishable group of stars may belong to the thick disk rather than the thin disk. The ages for the stars are determined using the theoretical isochrones of VandenBerg et al. The age-metallicity relation is investigated for different subgroups according to distance from the sun and galactic orbital parameters. It is found that a mixing of stars with different orbital parameters significantly affect the age-metallicity relation for the disk. Stars with orbits confined to the solar circle all have metallicities [Fe/H] > -0.3 irresp  相似文献   

Stellar halos may hold some of the best preserved fossils of the formation history of galaxies. They are a natural product of the merging processes that probably take place during the assembly of a galaxy, and hence may well be the most ubiquitous component of galaxies, independently of their Hubble type. This review focuses on our current understanding of the spatial structure, the kinematics and chemistry of halo stars in the Milky Way. In recent years, we have experienced a change in paradigm thanks to the discovery of large amounts of substructure, especially in the outer halo. I discuss the implications of the currently available observational constraints and fold them into several possible formation scenarios. Unraveling the formation of the Galactic halo will be possible in the near future through a combination of large wide field photometric and spectroscopic surveys, and especially in the era of Gaia.  相似文献   

We study spherical and disc clusters in a near-Keplerian potential of galactic centres or massive black holes. In such a potential orbit precession is commonly retrograde, that is, the direction of the orbit precession is opposite to the orbital motion. It is assumed that stellar systems consist of nearly-radial orbits. We show that if there is a loss-cone at low angular momentum (e.g. due to consumption of stars by a black hole), an instability similar to loss-cone instability in plasma may occur. The gravitational loss-cone instability is expected to enhance black hole feeding rates. For spherical systems, the instability is possible for the number of spherical harmonics   l ≥ 3  . If there is some amount of counter-rotating stars in flattened systems, they generally exhibit the instability independent of azimuthal number m . The results are compared with those obtained recently by Tremaine for distribution functions monotonically increasing with angular momentum.
The analysis is based on simple characteristic equations describing small perturbations in a disc or a sphere of stellar orbits highly elongated in radius. These characteristic equations are derived from the linearized Vlasov equations (combining the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and the Poisson equation), using the action-angle variables. We use two techniques for analysing the characteristic equations: the first one is based on preliminary finding of neutral modes, and the second one employs a counterpart of the plasma Penrose–Nyquist criterion for disc and spherical gravitational systems.  相似文献   

A sample containing 1 026 stars of spectral types F, G, and K, mainly dwarfs, from the solar neighbourhood with available space velocities and metallicities is treated. The treatment comprises a statistical analysis of the metallicity and velocity data and calculation of galactocentric orbits. Sample stars identified as members of the galactic halo are detached from the rest of the sample based on the values of their metallicities, velocity components and galactocentric orbits. In identifying halo stars a new, kinematical, criterion is proposed. Except one, these halo stars are the metal‐poorest ones in the sample. Besides, they have very high velocities with respect to LSR. On the other hand, the separation between the thin disc and thick one is done statistically based on LSR space velocities, membership probability (Schwarzschild distribution with assumed parameters) and galactocentric orbits. In the metallicity these two groups are not much different. For each of the three subsamples the mean motion and velocity ellipsoid are calculated. The elements of the velocity ellipsoids agree well with the values found in the literature, especially for the thin disc. The fractions of the subsystems found for the present sample are: thin disc 93%, thick disc 6%, halo 1%. The sample stars established to be members of the thin disc are examined for existence of star streams. Traces of both, known and unknown, star streams are not found (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

To study the kinematics of O-B5 giant stars (luminosity class III), 290 non-Gould belt stars with proper motions taken from the Hipparcos catalogue are used, of which 107 have radial velocities taken from other sources. Semidefinite programming solves for the kinematical parameters and the coefficients of the velocity ellipsoid. The condition that both solutions must yield the same solar velocity is enforced. The results obtained are reasonable: solar velocity of 13.83 ± 0.17 km s−1; Oort's constants, in units of km s−1 kpc−1, A = 16.08 ± 0.72 and   B =−10.74 ± 0.65,  implying a rotational velocity of 228.0 ± 21.4 km s−1 if we take the distance to the Galactic Centre as 8.5 ± 1.1 kpc; velocity dispersions, in units of km s−1, of  σ x = 32.44 ± 5.04, σ y = 26.16 ± 2.75, σ z = 18.71 ± 2.39  with a vertex deviation of      相似文献   

Based on the Hipparcos proper motions and available radial velocity data of O-B stars, we have re-examined the local kinematical structure of the young disk population of-1500 O-B stars not including the Gould-belt stars. A systematic warping motion of the stars about the direction to the Galactic center has been reconfirmed. A negative K-term implying a systematic contraction of stars in the solar vicinity has been detected. Two different distance scales are used in order to find out their impact on the kinematical parameters, and we conclude that the adopted distance scale plays an important role in characterizing the kinematical parameters at the present level of the measurement uncertainty.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of H  i data to resolve the near/far ambiguity in kinematic distances of massive young stellar object (MYSO) candidates. Kinematic distances were obtained from 13CO 1-0 (and N2H+) spectral-line observations with the Mopra Telescope towards 94 candidates selected from the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey in the fourth Galactic quadrant  (282° < l < 350°)  . H  i data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey (SGPS) were used in conjunction with the H  i self-absorption (SA) technique to determine the near or far distance. We resolved the kinematic distance ambiguity to 70 per cent of the sources. We can also simultaneously solve for any multiple line-of-sight component sources. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this technique in comparison with other methods, and also perform confidence checks on the reliability of using the H  i SA technique.
We examined the projected location of these sources in both the Galactic plane and longitude–velocity ( l – v ) diagrams to ascertain any recognizable spiral arm pattern. Although no obvious spiral pattern was found when compared to that proposed by Cordes and Lazio, far distance sources tended to lie on or near spiral arm loci. Near distance sources, however, had peculiar velocity uncertainties consistent with the separation between the spiral arms themselves. The l – v plot shows a more consistent picture, with tangent points of the spiral arm loci easily seen.
We conclude that using the H  i SA technique to determine kinematic distance ambiguities is a quick and reliable method in most cases, with an 80 per cent success rate in determining the correct designation of whether an object is at the near or far distance.  相似文献   

We construct a new sample of ∼1700 solar neighbourhood halo subdwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), selected using a reduced proper-motion diagram. Radial velocities come from the SDSS spectra and proper motions from the light-motion curve catalogue of Bramich et al. Using a photometric parallax relation to estimate distances gives us the full phase-space coordinates. Typical velocity errors are in the range  30–50 km s−1  . This halo sample is one of the largest constructed to date and the disc contamination is at a level of ≲1 per cent. This enables us to calculate the halo velocity dispersion to excellent accuracy. We find that the velocity dispersion tensor is aligned in spherical polar coordinates and that  (σ r , σφ, σθ) = (143 ± 2, 82 ± 2, 77 ± 2) km s−1  . The stellar halo exhibits no net rotation, although the distribution of   v φ  shows tentative evidence for asymmetry. The kinematics are consistent with a mildly flattened stellar density falling with distance like   r −3.75  .
Using the full phase-space coordinates, we look for signs of kinematic substructure in the stellar halo. We find evidence for four discrete overdensities localized in angular momentum and suggest that they may be possible accretion remnants. The most prominent is the solar neighbourhood stream previously identified by Helmi et al., but the remaining three are new. One of these overdensities is potentially associated with a group of four globular clusters (NGC 5466, NGC 6934, M2 and M13) and raises the possibility that these could have been accreted as part of a much larger progenitor.  相似文献   

We study the small perturbations in spherical and thin disc stellar clusters surrounding a massive black hole. Because of the black hole, stars with sufficiently low angular momentum escape from the system through the loss cone. We show that the stability properties of spherical clusters crucially depend on whether the distribution of stars is monotonic or non-monotonic in angular momentum. It turns out that only non-monotonic distributions can be unstable. At the same time, instability in disc clusters is possible for both types of distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper we present numerical results on the decay of small stellar systems under different initial conditions (multiplicity 3 ≤  N  ≤ 10, and various mass spectra, initial velocities and initial configurations). The numerical treatment uses the CHAIN1 code (Mikkola &38; Aarseth). Particular attention is paid to the distribution of high-velocity escapers: we define these as stars with velocity above 30 km s−1. These numerical experiments confirm that small N -body systems are dynamically unstable and produce cascades of escapers in the process of their decay. It is shown that the fraction of stars that escape from small dense stellar systems with an escape velocity greater than 30 km s−1 is ∼1 per cent for all systems treated here. This relatively small fraction must be considered in relation to the rate of star formation in the Galaxy in small groups: this could explain some moderately high-velocity stars observed in the Galactic disc and possibly some young stars with relatively high metallicity in the thick disc.  相似文献   

Absolute proper motions and radial velocities of 202 open clusters in the solar neighborhood, which can be used as tracers of the Galactic disk, are used to investigate the kinematics of the Galaxy in the solar vicinity, including the mean heliocentric velocity components (u_1,u_2,u_3) of the open cluster system, the characteristic velocity dispersions (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3), Oort constants (A, B) and the large-scale radial motion parameters (C,D) of the Galaxy. The results derived from the observational data of proper motions and radial velocities of a subgroup of 117 thin disk young open clusters by means of a maximum likelihood algorithm are: (u_1,u2,u3) = (-16.1±1.0, -7.9±1.4,-10.4±1.5) kms~(-1), (σ_1,σ_2,σ_3) = (17.0 ±0.7,12.2±0.9,8.0±1.3) kms~(-1),(A,B) = (14.8±1.0,-13.0±2.7) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) ,and(C,D) = (1.5±0.7,-1.2±1.5) kms~(-1) kpc~(-1) . A discussion on the results and comparisons with what was obtained by other authors is given.  相似文献   

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