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介绍了云南天文台1.2米地平式望远镜用于天文观测和图像采集处理的方法,建立了新的、独特的全天指向模型,大大提高了该望远镜的指向精度,达到1″,并在多年的实际应用中得到验证。  相似文献   

介绍了1.2m地平式望远镜利用天文观测和图像采集处理的方法,通过建立测角编码器小周期模型,解决了数显部分的细分误差,提高了指向精度,对于空间目标高精度测轨、定轨及激光卫星的盲跟踪测距都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

Many different methods exist for reducing data obtained when an astronomical source is studied with a two-channel polarimeter, such as a Wollaston prism system. This paper presents a rigorous method of reducing the data from raw aperture photometry, and evaluates errors both by a statistical treatment, and by propagating the measured sky noise from each frame. The reduction process performs a hypothesis test for the presence of linear polarization. The probability of there being a non-zero polarization is obtained, and the best method of obtaining the normalized Stokes Parameters is discussed. Point and interval estimates are obtained for the degree of linear polarization, which is subject to positive bias; and the polarization axis is found.  相似文献   

The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is a 1-m solar telescope that aims to observe the fine structures in both the photosphere and the chromosphere of the Sun. The observational data acquired simultaneously from one channel for the chromosphere and two channels for the photosphere bring great challenges to the data storage of NVST. The multi-channel instruments of NVST, including scientific cameras and multi-band spectrometers, generate at least 3 terabytes data per day and require high access performance while storing massive short-exposure images. It is worth studying and implementing a storage system for NVST which would balance the data availability, access performance and the cost of development. In this paper, we build a distributed data storage system (DDSS) for NVST and then deeply evaluate the availability of real-time data storage on a distributed computing environment. The experimental results show that two factors, i.e., the number of concurrent read/write and the file size, are critically important for improving the performance of data access on a distributed environment. Referring to these two factors, three strategies for storing FITS files are presented and implemented to ensure the access performance of the DDSS under conditions of multi-host write and read simultaneously. The real applications of the DDSS proves that the system is capable of meeting the requirements of NVST real-time high performance observational data storage. Our study on the DDSS is the first attempt for modern astronomical telescope systems to store real-time observational data on a low-cost distributed system. The research results and corresponding techniques of the DDSS provide a new option for designing real-time massive astronomical data storage system and will be a reference for future astronomical data storage.  相似文献   

The cloudiness is one of the most important factors which affect the quality of an astronomical site, the monitoring and processing of the night- time cloudiness are especially important. The ground-based cloudiness camera is adopted to carry out the monitoring of the all-sky cloudiness, the images taken need to be processed by means of an effective method so as to quantize the cloudiness. The night-time cloudiness images are seriously affected by the moon- light, and therefore, the night-time cloudiness images are processed by dividing them into the moonlight and moonless two sorts. In the light of the condition of moonless night, the processing method of night-time cloudiness is given. The positioning and photometry of the bright stars in the image are conducted to determine their magnitude differences. By referring to the magnitude differences of the bright stars in the clear-night image, the probability of the bright stars of which the magnitude differences are lower than the threshold value are regarded as the probability standard of clear nights. Three sorts of images are selected to test the method. The cloudiness is determined, and the effect of the threshold condition on the result is analyzed. Finally, the applicable range and uncertainty of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

VOFilter is an XML based filter developed by the Chinese Virtual Observatory project to transform tabular data files from VOTable format into OpenDocument format. VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory (VO). It is the first Proposed Recommendation defined by International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and has obtained wide support from both the VO community and many Astronomy projects. OpenOffice.org is a mature, open source, and front office application suite with the advantage of native support of industrial standard OpenDocument XML file format. Using the VOFilter, VOTable files can be loaded in OpenOffice.org Calc, a spreadsheet application, and then displayed and analyzed as other spreadsheet files. Here, the VOFilter acts as a connector, bridging the coming VO with current industrial office applications. We introduce Virtual Observatory and technical background of the VOFilter. Its workflow, installation and usage are presented. Existing problems and limitations are also discussed together with the future development plans.  相似文献   

Through the continuing development of improved detectors and detector arrays, far-infrared/submillimeter astronomical space missions have had enormous successes in recent years. Despite these advances, the diffraction-limited angular resolving power has remained virtually constant. The advent of telescopes with apertures of several meters will improve this capability, but will still leave image resolution many orders of magnitude poorer than in most other spectral ranges. Here we point out that the only foreseeable way to improve image quality to rival that of modern optical telescopes will be with interferometers whose light collectors are connected by tethers. After making the scientific case for high spatial resolution far-infrared/submillimeter imaging and the use of interferometry as the most immediate way of producing results, we discuss recent advances in dynamic analysis and control of tethered formations, and argue that the further development and testing of tethers in space is a first step toward providing improved far-infrared/submillimeter angular resolution and astronomical image quality.  相似文献   

Observation data from radio telescopes is typically stored in three (or higher) dimensional data cubes, the resolution, coverage and size of which continues to grow as ever larger radio telescopes come online. The Square Kilometre Array, tabled to be the largest radio telescope in the world, will generate multi-terabyte data cubes – several orders of magnitude larger than the current norm. Despite this imminent data deluge, scalable approaches to file access in Astronomical visualisation software are rare: most current software packages cannot read astronomical data cubes that do not fit into computer system memory, or else provide access only at a serious performance cost. In addition, there is little support for interactive exploration of 3D data.We describe a scalable, hierarchical approach to 3D visualisation of very large spectral data cubes to enable rapid visualisation of large data files on standard desktop hardware. Our hierarchical approach, embodied in the AstroVis prototype, aims to provide a means of viewing large datasets that do not fit into system memory. The focus is on rapid initial response: our system initially rapidly presents a reduced, coarse-grained 3D view of the data cube selected, which is gradually refined. The user may select sub-regions of the cube to be explored in more detail, or extracted for use in applications that do not support large files. We thus shift the focus from data analysis informed by narrow slices of detailed information, to analysis informed by overview information, with details on demand. Our hierarchical solution to the rendering of large data cubes reduces the overall time to complete file reading, provides user feedback during file processing and is memory efficient. This solution does not require high performance computing hardware and can be implemented on any platform supporting the OpenGL rendering library.  相似文献   

Gaia is the most ambitious space astrometry mission currently envisaged and it will be a technological challenge in all its aspects. Here we describe a proposal for the data compression system of Gaia, specifically designed for this mission but based on concepts that can be applied to other missions and systems as well. Realistic simulations have been performed with our Telemetry CODEC software, which performs a stream partitioning and pre-compression to the science data. In this way, standard compressors such as bzip2 or szip boost their performance and decrease their processing requirements when applied to such pre-processed data. These simulations have shown that a lossless compression factor of 3 can be achieved, whereas standard compression systems were unable to reach a factor of 2.   相似文献   

For the time-domain astronomical research, the optical telescopes with a small and medium aperture can get a huge amount of data through automatic sky surveying. A certain proportion of automatically acquired data are interfered by clouds, which makes it very difficult to automatically extract the dim objects and make photometry. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and extract clouds from these images as the index figures for a reference in the subsequent information extraction. In this paper, an astronomical image selection system based on the support vector machine is proposed, which sets the gray value inconsistency and texture difference as the reference to select the images interfered by clouds. Based on the classification results, by through the histogram transformation and feature selection, the index figures of clouds can be further extracted. The experimental results show that our method can achieve the real-time selection of astronomical images with a classification accuracy better than 98%. By the histogram transformation and feature selection the index figure of clouds can be preliminarily extracted as the references for the photometry and dim object extraction.  相似文献   

Wide-field radio interferometric images often contain a large population of faint compact sources. Due to their low intensity/noise ratio, these objects can be easily missed by automated detection methods, which have been classically based on thresholding techniques after local noise estimation. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the performance of several alternative or complementary techniques to thresholding. We compare three different algorithms to increase the detection rate of faint objects. The first technique consists of combining wavelet decomposition with local thresholding. The second technique is based on the structural behaviour of the neighbourhood of each pixel. Finally, the third algorithm uses local features extracted from a bank of filters and a boosting classifier to perform the detections. The methods’ performances are evaluated using simulations and radio mosaics from the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We show that the new methods perform better than well-known state of the art methods such as SExtractor, SAD and DUCHAMP at detecting faint sources of radio interferometric images.  相似文献   

We discuss the technique of Wide-field imaging as it applies to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). In the past VLBI data sets were usually averaged so severely that the field-of-view was typically restricted to regions extending a few hundred milliarcseconds from the phase centre of the field. Recent advances in data analysis techniques, together with increasing data storage capabilities, and enhanced computer processing power, now permit VLBI images to be made whose angular size represents a significant fraction of an individual antenna's primary beam. This technique has recently been successfully applied to several large separation gravitational lens systems, compact Supernova Remnants in the starburst galaxy M82, and two faint radio sources located within the same VLA FIRST field. It seems likely that other VLBI observing programmes might benefit from this wide-field approach to VLBI data analysis. With the raw sensitivity of global VLBI set to improve by a factor 4–5 over the coming few years, the number of sources that can be detected in a given field will rise considerably. In addition, a continued progression in VLBI's ability to image relatively faint and extended low brightness temperature features (such as hot-spots in large-scale astrophysical jets) is also to be expected. As VLBI sensitivity approaches the μJy level, a wide-field approach to data analysis becomes inevitable.  相似文献   

电磁波信号在地球大气中的传播受到折射的影响,传播的方向发生了改变,传播的路径变为曲线,长度大于直线距离,相应的传播时间也被延长了,采用一个简化的球对称大气模型计算了光线在不同天顶距下由于路径弯曲而引起的延迟改正.  相似文献   

We present a brief overview of facilities for Integral Field Spectroscopy at the Gemini Observatory. These include four optical and near-infrared IFUs suitable for high spatial resolution work and a suite of tasks for handling IFU data in the Gemini IRAF package. We describe the tools for data reduction that are available now or planned in the near future, helping investigators make productive use of these ground-breaking instruments. Further details on the individual IFUs, specific science applications and reduction examples are given in associated presentations by Beck et al., Carrasco et al., Trancho et al. and Winge et al.  相似文献   

阐述了虚拟天文台的科学目标和一些基于虚拟天文台的成功范例及其优越性,以此显示创建虚拟天文台和构想新的研究范例的必要性,同时也说明虚拟天文台是由需求带动发展,并逐步由虚拟变为现实的研究途径。作为21世纪新的研究平台,虚拟天文台将在知识和技术等方面对天文学家提出新的挑战,提供新的机遇。  相似文献   

It is assumed that   O − C   ('observed minus calculated') values of periodic variable stars are determined by three processes, namely measurement errors, random cycle-to-cycle jitter in the period, and possibly long-term changes in the mean period. By modelling the latter as a random walk, the covariances of all   O − C   values can be calculated. The covariances can then be used to estimate unknown model parameters, and to choose between alternative models. Pseudo-residuals which could be used in model fit assessment are also defined. The theory is illustrated by four applications to spotted stars in eclipsing binaries.  相似文献   

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