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A 100-ks XMM–Newton observation of the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy Mkn 3 offers a unique opportunity to explore the complexity of its X-ray spectrum. We find the  ∼3–8 keV  continuum to be dominated by reflection from cold matter, with fluorescent K-shell lines detected from Ni, Fe, Ca, Ar, S, Si and Mg. At higher energies an intrinsic power-law continuum, with canonical Seyfert 1 photon index, is seen through a near-Compton-thick cold absorber. A soft excess below ∼3 keV is found to be dominated by line emission from an outflow of 'warm' gas, photoionized and photoexcited by the intrinsically strong X-ray continuum. Measured blueshifts in the strong Fe Kα and O  vii and O  viii emission lines are discussed in terms of the properties of the putative molecular torus and ionized outflow.  相似文献   

We present an XMM–Newton observation of the bright, narrow-line, ultrasoft type 1 Seyfert galaxy Ton S180. The  0.3–10 keV  X-ray spectrum is steep and curved, showing a steep slope above 2.5 keV  (Γ∼ 2.3)  and a smooth, featureless excess of emission at lower energies. The spectrum can be adequately parametrized using a simple double power-law model. The source is strongly variable over the course of the observation but shows only weak spectral variability, with the fractional variability amplitude remaining approximately constant over more than a decade in energy. The curved continuum shape and weak spectral variability are discussed in terms of various physical models for the soft X-ray excess emission, including reflection off the surface of an ionized accretion disc, inverse Compton scattering of soft disc photons by thermal electrons, and Comptonization by electrons with a hybrid thermal/non-thermal distribution. We emphasize the possibility that the strong soft excess may be produced by dissipation of accretion energy in the hot, upper atmosphere of the putative accretion disc.  相似文献   

We report on partially overlapping XMM–Newton (∼260 ks) and Suzaku (∼100 ks) observations of the iron K band in the nearby, bright type 1 Seyfert galaxy Mrk 509. The source shows a resolved neutral Fe K line, most probably produced in the outer part of the accretion disc. Moreover, the source shows further emission bluewards of the 6.4 keV line due to ionized material. This emission is well reproduced by a broad line produced in the accretion disc, while it cannot be easily described by scattering or emission from photoionized gas at rest. The summed spectrum of all XMM–Newton observations shows the presence of a narrow absorption line at 7.3 keV produced by highly ionized outflowing material. A spectral variability study of the XMM–Newton data shows an indication for an excess of variability at 6.6–6.7 keV. These variations may be produced in the red wing of the broad ionized line or by variation of a further absorption structure. The Suzaku data indicate that the neutral Fe K α line intensity is consistent with being constant on long time-scales (of a few years), and they also confirm as most likely the interpretation of the excess blueshifted emission in terms of a broad ionized Fe line. The average Suzaku spectrum differs from the XMM–Newton one in the disappearance of the 7.3 keV absorption line and around 6.7 keV, where the XMM–Newton data alone suggested variability.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 active galactic nucleus (AGN)  H 0557 − 385  . We have conducted a study into the warm absorber present in this source, and using high-resolution Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) data we find that the absorption can be characterized by two phases: a phase with log ionization parameter ξ of 0.50 (where ξ is in units of erg cm s−1) and a column of  0.2 × 1021 cm−2  , and a phase with log ξ of 1.62 and a column of  1.3 × 1022 cm−2  . An iron Kα line is detected. Neutral absorption is also present in the source, and we discuss possible origins for this. On the assumption that the ionized absorbers originate as an outflow from the inner edge of the torus, we use a new method for finding the volume filling factor. Both phases of  H 0557 − 385  have small volume filling factors (≤1 per cent). We also derive the volume filling factors for a sample of 23 AGN using this assumption and for the absorbers with  log ξ > 0.7  , we find reasonable agreement with the filling factors obtained through the alternative method of equating the momentum flow of the absorbers to the momentum loss of the radiation field. By comparing the filling factors obtained by the two methods, we infer that some absorbers with  log ξ < 0.7  occur at significantly larger distances from the nucleus than the inner edge of the torus.  相似文献   

Note from the editor: This article is a re-print of the original, which appeared in Astron. Nachr. 319 (1/2), 7 (1998). In the original version the figure was ruined in the process of paper production and the scientific content of the paper considerably degraded. Instead of printing only the correct figure, thus loosing the scientific context, we decided to re-print the whole article. We describe how recent X-ray surveys have led to advances in the understanding of ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. The number of known ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1s has increased greatly in recent years due to X-ray surveys, and it is now possible to obtian high quality 0.1–10 keV spectral and variability measurements for a large number of these galaxies. We generalize some of the correlations between X-ray properties and optical emission line properties,focusing on how the ROSAT band spectral slope appears to be directly connected to the Boroson & Green (1992) primary eigenvector. We discuss how ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1s may well have extremal values of a primary physical parameter, and we describe new projects that should further improve our understanding of these extreme representatives of Seyfert activity.  相似文献   

We have studied the correlation among X-ray absorption, optical reddening and nuclear dust morphology in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Two main conclusions emerge: (i) the Balmer decrement and the amount of X-ray absorption are anticorrelated over a wide range of column density,     – the correlation no longer applies to Compton-thick objects     , although they span a comparable range in Balmer decrement; (ii) Compton-thin Seyfert 2s seem to prefer nuclear environments, which are rich in dust on scales of hundreds of parsecs. On the other hand, Compton-thick Seyferts indifferently exhibit 'dust-poor' and 'dust-rich' environments. These results support an extension of the Seyfert unification scenario (as recently proposed by Matt ), where Compton-thick Seyfert 2s are observed through compact 'torii', whereas Compton-thin ones are obscured by dust on much larger scales.  相似文献   

An analysis of the X-ray variability of the low-luminosity Seyfert nucleus NGC 4395, based on a long XMM–Newton observation, is presented. The power spectrum shows a clear break from a flat spectrum  (α≈ 1)  to a steeper spectrum  (α≈ 2)  at a frequency   f br= 0.5–3.0 × 10−3 Hz  , comparable to the highest characteristic frequency found previously in a Seyfert galaxy. This extends the measured   M BH− f br  values to lower M BH than previous studies of Seyfert galaxies, and is consistent with an inverse scaling of variability frequency with black hole mass. The variations observed are among the most violent seen in an active galactic nuclei to date, with the fractional rms amplitude  ( F var)  exceeding 100 per cent in the softest band. The amplitude of the variations seems intrinsically higher in NGC 4395 than most other Seyfert galaxies, even after accounting for the differences in characteristic frequencies. The origin of this difference is not clear, but it is unlikely to be a high accretion rate (   L / L Edd≲ 20  per cent for NGC 4395). The variations clearly follow the linear rms–flux relation, further supporting the idea that this is a ubiquitous characteristics of accreting black holes. The variations are highly coherent between different energy bands with any frequency-dependent time delay limited to ≲1 per cent.  相似文献   

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