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对南北地震带上的绝对重力数据和多期相对重力数据进行平差处理,获得了2018年9月8日云南墨江M5.9地震前的区域重力场变化图,分析了区域重力场变化及其与墨江M5.9地震的关系。结果表明:①2015年9月—2017年9月,震区周边区域重力场变化呈现明显的四象限分布特征;②2015年9月—2018年9月,在重力场变化的时空演化上,震区附近重力场变化显示出重力正变化→重力正变化扩展→重力零变化的平静期→重力变化呈四象限分布→重力场反向变化→临震前重力零变化的平静期的过程,反映出地震前震区附近的断层由单个独立活动向多个协同活动的演进过程,与处于亚失稳状态的断层活动具有一致性;③地震前重力场四象限变化形态与震源机制显示的压缩区和拉张区一致,表明地震前震中附近构造应力作用下的物质迁移可能是区域重力场变化的成因。  相似文献   

2018年9月8日10时31分29秒,云南省墨江县(23.28°N,101.53°E)发生M5.9地震。根据现场调查情况,详细阐述地震灾区房屋建筑结构特点、房屋建筑及生命线工程震害特征,给出房屋建筑震害矩阵,对其震害成因进行分析,并与省内近年相似震级的地震震害进行对比分析,结果表明:本次地震波及范围广、总体震害轻、无人员死亡、地质灾害轻。  相似文献   

分析了2004年3月24日内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗5.9级地震前东北地区地震活动背景、震中周围中小地震活动图像和地震学参数异常过程。在地震发生前,震中及邻区地震活动明显增强,地震活动从无序到有序,出现了孕震空区、地震条带。一些地震活动性参数出现了中、短期异常。  相似文献   


2018年9月8日,云南省墨江县发生MS5.9地震并伴随一系列余震,探究该地震周围的应力场对于理解该地震的发生机制和后续地震的发展趋势具有着重要的参考意义.本研究收集了震源及其邻区中前人研究和Global CMT所给出的震源机制资料,对该地区进行了构造应力场反演,并同时利用反演得到的应力张量模拟墨江地区的震源机制解表现.结果表明:①在应力轴整体分布上,自西向东σ1轴(压轴)从NNE-SSW向逐渐转向NNW-SSE向,σ3轴(张轴)从WWN-EES向逐渐转向WWS-EEN向,张轴呈弧形分布,压轴呈放射状分布.②在应力轴倾伏角上,研究区域内的压应力轴和张应力轴倾伏角都比较小,即两轴均接近水平.③R值分布大体是在东南部相较于西北部大,结合当地地质背景分析得到,物质逃逸自西北向东南呈逐渐变缓的趋势.④利用反演得到的应力张量和应力状态计算墨江地震震源区的相对剪应力和相对正应力大小.由此推测,墨江地震恰好发生在相对剪切应力值和相对正应力正值最大的节面上.从而可以确定墨江地震的发震节面的基本参数:走向216.32°,倾角86.91°,滑动角0.27°,相对剪应力值0.9,相对正应力值0.3.本研究为此次墨江地震的发震背景和地震动力学研究提供了基础性资料.


通过对甘肃省各种前兆资料的分析,发现玉门5.9级地震前地电、地磁、应力和应变、地下流体及水氡和气氡等多种测项都有异常显示。研究各个测项的异常时间、幅度和异常台项的分布后,得到此次地震的中期和短期异常特征,对中强震的短期预报有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了玉门5.9级地震后临时台网监测情况,利用台网资料进行了余震定位和误差分析研究。  相似文献   

利用玉门5.9级地震震区临时台网和甘肃数字台网监测资料,用两种方法对地震序列进行了定位,并对结果的误差进行了分析.结果表明,利用"双差法"可以大大提高定位精度特别是震源深度的定位精度.  相似文献   

2002年12月14日甘肃省玉门市5.9级地震概述   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
2002年12月14日,甘肃省玉门市发生5.9级地震,这是继2001年7月11日肃南5.3级地震后,在祁连山西段发生的又一次破坏性地震。极震区烈度为Ⅶ度,地震造成灾害损失达7000万人民币。文章对该震的基本参数、震源机制、地震序列、地震背景、震害损失评估及地震应急等作了概述。  相似文献   

The distribution of the intensity of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake in Yunnan Province is expounded, and the damage characteristics of buildings and the damage ratio and seismic damage index of various building structures in each intensity area are compared with those of The Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale. The main basis and method of seismic intensity assessment are discussed in this paper. It is concluded that: ① The seismic intensity should be based on the earthquake damage of the housing structure, which takes up a high ratio in the seismic intensity assessment. It is recommended that seismic intensity is estimated by calculating the average seismic damage index. ② The highest intensity of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake is Ⅷ degrees, with the long axis trending in the north-west direction. The area above Ⅶ degrees is 5,180 km~2. ③ The intensity distribution of the Mojiang M_S5.9 earthquake meets the national standard and the distribution law of seismic intensity in Yunnan.  相似文献   

As an achievement of the cooperation with Japan, TOA electromagnetic observation station was established with an 800 m borehole antenna and put into service in 1992 in Dali,Yunnan province,China. Li Wuxian et al. (2003) summarized main anomalous variation characters by analyzing 23 strong earthquakes with magnitudes more than 5. 0 recorded in the first ten years. This work mainly presents the electromagnetic changes prior to the last Mojiang M_S5. 9 earthquake on September 8,2018. First of all,the initial weak signals appeared in two ULF channels out of three observing channels (CH1 0. 01-0. 10 Hz,CH20. 1-1. 0 Hz and CH3 1-9 kHz) on May 30,2018 at Dali TOA electromagnetic station. The information recorded was characterized by wave-like changes with magnitudes of A_(CH1)≤0. 26 mV in CH1 and pulse-like impulses of A_(CH2)≤0. 6 mV in CH2,respectively.Then,abnormal information gradually enhanced either in magnitudes or in occurrence frequency. Pulse-like signals were full of lattices of recording paper for CH2 during June24-25 and slopped over the recording paper during June 28-29,with the magnitudes being greater than or equal to 10 mV. At the same time,the clear wave-like signals also appeared in CH1 with a maximum magnitude of ~ 0. 6 mV on June 28 and reached its climax. From then on,the information started to decrease from the end of July and only weak signals occasionally occurred till the end of August 2018,when obvious anomaly was recorded again in two ULF channels with maximum magnitudes of A_(CH1)~ 0. 2 mV and A_(CH2)~ 0. 3 mV respectively. Generally,these signals did not appear continuously but group by group and accumulated intensively only in ULF band instead of VLF band during the total period. 10 days later,the Mojiang M_S5. 9 earthquake occurred on September 8,2018,300 km away from Dali TOA station,and a coseismic response was also recorded at this time. Thus,these ULF electromagnetic abnormities could be probably attributed to the Mojiang event.  相似文献   

利用云南11个地磁台站的秒采样观测数据,计算和分析了地磁垂直强度极化值Yzh在2019年8月13日、14日通海MS5.0地震前及2019年9月8日墨江MS5.9地震前的时空变化特征。研究表明,地磁台站Yzh值的幅度在震前会出现同步增强现象。而与以往的极化震例研究相比,Yzh值的高值异常在震前出现时间要更早些,可能会在震前2~5个月出现,距发震时间越近,产生的异常幅值可能越大,异常持续时间也越长。同时,研究还发现2次地震主要发生在异常空间等值线的高值区内,尤其在零值阈值线附近,这可能对今后发震地点的预测有一定的指示意义。对比异常产生时段内的Dst指数,认为该高值异常并非由空间电流体系所引起。  相似文献   

2018年9月4日新疆伽师发生MS5.5地震,震中处于塔里木地块西北缘,位于1997~1998年伽师强震群震区内。此次伽师地震前发生了MS4.7前震,截至9月30日最大余震震级为MS4.6(ML5.0),初步判定为前-主-余型地震序列。序列精定位结果显示,余震沿近NE向展布,主震震源深度与1997~1998年伽师强震主震基本一致,发震断层陡立。本文从区域的构造环境、地震震源机制解和余震分布特征等方面分析认为,地震发生在伽师隐伏断裂东南端部,为1997~1998年伽师强震群震区的一次新的构造活动。序列参数、视应力等计算结果显示,伽师MS5.5地震的预测最大余震震级与最大余震震级MS4.6接近,表明序列最大余震已经发生。  相似文献   

利用2022年9月5—12日震相报告中的P波和S波到时资料,采用双差定位方法对四川泸定MS6.8地震序列的主震和余震进行重定位。重新定位后地震序列较重新定位之前震中分布更加集中,线性趋势更加明显。余震主要分布在鲜水河断裂以西地区,总体沿着鲜水河断裂呈NW向展布,余震区长轴约为65km。根据重定位结果,发震断层为鲜水河断裂磨西—石棉段,该断裂走向为331°~340°,倾角较陡。受SW向海螺沟段断裂影响,余震区具有明显的分段特征,总体上呈现北浅南深的特征。随时间的演化,余震区中南段震源深度逐渐变浅,且地震频次逐渐衰减,而北段震源深度变化不大,频次也未明显减弱。不同时段的余震活动表明,本次地震的初始破裂方向为SE向,该破裂随后触发了与主断裂共轭的SW向分支断裂,余震沿这两个方向逐步扩展,最后达到稳定状态。  相似文献   

Based on the field investigation of 182 seismic hazard survey sites,combined with analysis of the aftershock sequence, focal mechanism, and seismo-tectonic background, we produced the seismic intensity map of the Hutubi M_S6.2 earthquake. The seismic intensity of the magistoseismic area is degree Ⅷ,with the orientation of long axis of isoseismic contour lines east-west. The Qingshuihezi fault is considered as the seismogenic fault of Hutubi M_S6.2 earthquake  相似文献   

This paper introduces the basic parameters, focal mechanism solutions and earthquake sequence characteristics of the Kalpin MS5.3 earthquake sequence of December 1, 2013, and analyzed seismic activity before the earthquake, the adjacent tectonic features and the precursory anomaly at fixed points within a range of 200km. Research indicates:(1) The earthquake occurred on Kalpin fault, the source rupture type is thrust faulting with sinistral strike-slip component. (2) The earthquake sequence is mainshock-aftershock type, with the aftershock distribution attenuating quickly and trending NE. (3) Abnormal seismic activity before the earthquake was characterized by seismically nesting quiescence of MS2.0-4.0 earthquakes, seismic quiescence of MS4.0 earthquakes and seismic belts of MS3.0 earthquakes in the Kalpin block, abnormal enhancement zone of moderate earthquakes on Puchang fault and seismological parameters. (4) Anomalies of precursory observation data at fixed stations are mainly characterized by mutation. Apart from the borehole tiltmeter in Halajun, the spatial distribution of other abnormal precursors showed a phenomenon of migration from the near field to far field and from the epicenter to the peripheries.  相似文献   

王伶俐  洪敏  高涵  徐良叶  王岩  牛甜 《中国地震》2023,39(1):116-127
基于云南省内及邻区2009—2020年GNSS观测数据解算结果,在各个测点时间序列和速度场的基础上,采用克里金插值方法估计区域应变率场;以连续基准站时间序列为约束,获取漾濞MS6.4地震近场区域的块体应变时间序列。分析发现:漾濞地震发生在前期最大剪应变高值区以及面应变高梯度带的张压转换区,发震的时间处于区域应变积累速率逐渐降低的过程之后。震中近场区域均以NW向断层的右旋走滑应变积累为主,且大多呈现持续增强趋势,与漾濞地震的发震断层走向及其破裂特征一致。震前震区东部块体出现了短期应变趋势转折及反向加速的异常现象,反映了应力-应变积累在接近临界破裂状态时的非线性调整。  相似文献   

2022年6月1日四川芦山6.1级地震发生在龙门山断裂带南段,位于2013年芦山7.0级地震余震区北侧,引发了比较严重的次生地质灾害。基于现场调查与遥感解译,本文分析了地震地质灾害的空间分布及其与地形坡度、岩性、断裂的关系,结合主余震空间分布及震源机制解结果,初步讨论了其发震构造与次生地质灾害的关系。结果表明:①基于现场调查资料,地震地质灾害主要发育于东河河谷一带,类型多为中小型的岩质滑坡,坡度主要在30°~50°范围,岩性主要为闪长岩和花岗岩;②此次地震的发震构造与2013年芦山7.0级地震不同,且并非双石—大川断裂;③此次地震的发震构造为倾向SE的盲逆反冲断层,地质灾害主要发育于发震断裂的上盘,且主要分布于沿东河河谷发育的五龙—盐井断裂分支断裂和双石—大川断裂之间的区域。  相似文献   

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