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The fracturing technology for shale gas reservoir is the key to the development of shale gas industrialization. It makes much sense to study the mechanical properties and deformation characteristics of shale, due to its close relationship with the fracability of shale gas reservoir. This paper took marine shale in the Changning area, southern Sichuan Basin of China as the research object. Based on field profile and hand specimen observation, we analyzed the development of natural fractures and collected samples from Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation. Combining with the indoor experiment, we investigated the macroscopic and microscopic structural features and the remarkable heterogeneity of shale samples. Then we illustrated the mechanics and deformation characteristics of shale, through uniaxial compression test and direct shear test. The shale has two types of fracture modes, which depend on the angular relation between loading direction and the bedding plane. Besides, the Wufeng shale has a higher value of brittleness index than the Longmaxi shale, which was calculated using two methods, mechanical parameters and mineral composition. Given the above results, we proposed a fracability evaluation model for shale gas reservoir using the analytic hierarchy process. Four influence factors, brittleness index, fracture toughness, natural fractures and cohesive force, are considered. Finally, under the control of normalized value and weight coefficient of each influence factor, the calculations results indicate that the fracability index of the Wufeng Formation is higher than that of the Longmaxi Formation in Changning area, southern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

研究区位于滇黔北坳陷威信凹陷的中西部区域——川南低陡褶皱带南缘带,本文利用钻井、野外露头、区域地质等资料,对研究区龙马溪组页岩气基本地质特征进行了分析,并采用体积法对页岩气资源量进行了评价。研究成果表明,区内龙马溪组下段暗色页岩有机质含量及成熟度较高,有机质类型偏腐泥型;岩石脆性矿物含量高,物性一般,总含气量中等,总体与长宁、威远等邻区同层位产气页岩较为相似,并与北美主要产气页岩具有一定可比性。初步估算研究区龙马溪组页岩气资源量24871.8×10~8m~3,展现出良好的勘探前景,但受储层发育、保存条件等影响,页岩气资源分布严重不均,纵向上质量较好的页岩气资源主要集中在龙马溪组底部第1小层,平面上主要分布于研究区北部的川南低陡褶皱带内,该区内保存条件好的宽缓复向斜带和箱状背斜构造带是下步勘探的有利区。  相似文献   

Comprehensive quantitative evaluation of shale gas content and the controlling factors in different occurrence states is of great significance for accurately assessing gas-bearing capacity and providing effective well-production strategies. A total of 122 core samples from well JY-A in the Fuling shale gas field were studied to reveal the characteristics of S_1 l shale,15 of which were selected to further predict the shale gas content in different occurrence states, which are dependent on geological factors in the thermal evolution process. Geological parameters were researched by a number of laboratory programs, and the factors influential in controlling shale gas content were extracted by both PCA and GRA methods and prediction models were confirmed by the BE method using SPSS software. Results reveal that the adsorbed gas content is mainly controlled by TOC, Ro, SSA, PD and pyrite content, and the free gas content is mainly controlled by S_2, quartz content, gas saturation and formation pressure for S_1 l in well JY-A. Three methods, including the on-site gas desorption method, the empirical formula method, and the multiple regression analysis method were used in combination to evaluate the shale gas capacity of well JY-A, all of which show that the overall shale gas content of well JY-A is in the range of 2.0–5.0 m~3/t and that the free gas ratio is about 50%, lower than that of well JY-1. Cause analysis further confirms the tectonics and preservation conditions of S_1 l in the geological processes, especially the influence of eastern boundary faults on well JY-A, as the fundamental reasons for the differences in shale gas enrichment in the Jiaoshiba area.  相似文献   

贵州页岩气地质资源量巨大,达到1.048×10~(13)m~3。其中寒武系牛蹄塘组与石炭系打屋坝组是重要储集层位。本文在研究牛蹄塘组页岩与打屋坝组页岩的地层结构、岩性和地球化学特征,以及储层特征的基础上,分析水力压裂方法对地下水含水层的破坏作用,建立了页岩气压裂开采导致地下水含水层、隔水层被破坏引起地下水污染模式,预测了压裂液返排地面可能造成地表环境污染的风险。同时,采取牛蹄塘组和打屋坝组页岩进行浸泡试验,试验结果表明,页岩在浸泡过程中,元素的浓度随着时间、温度的变化而变化,并呈现出一定的规律性,特别是As、Cd、Pb、Se、Co、Ba等元素呈显著浸出,据此分析了水力压裂法在开采页岩气的过程中可能会产生的环境污染问题。  相似文献   

昭通国家级页岩气示范区黄金坝气田是继礁石坝和长宁—威远之后中国又一个在页岩气勘探、开发领域实现重大突破的地区,为了系统地展示黄金坝气田页岩气资源富集的储层条件,为未来的勘探工作提供参考,以五峰—龙马溪组页岩气储层为研究对象,从区域地质条件、储层岩石学、物性和地球化学4个方面对该页岩气储层进行了综合研究。结果表明稳定的区域构造和良好的顶底板条件是黄金坝地区页岩气资源富集的关键,良好的保存条件使储层维持了较高的压力(压力系数1);较高的孔隙度(平均4%)和TOC含量(目的层2%)提供了良好的储集空间,使储层具有较高的含气量(1.35~3.48 cm3/g,平均2.50 cm3/g);天然气地球化学数据表明,区内天然气主要成分为CH4(97%),其次还含有少量的C2H6、C3H8和CO2;天然气同位素数据表明烃类C同位素组成发生了倒转,表明储层具有良好的封闭性。但储层孔隙系统较为复杂,且非均质性极强,从而导致渗透率较低,在储层改造施工过程中应予以充分考虑。总体上,黄金坝气田具有较好的开发前景,生产测试表明,区内直井压裂产量为0.5×104~3.5×104m3/d/井,水平井压裂产量可达12×104~40×104m3/d/井。  相似文献   

由于采用常规测井曲线评价页岩储层总有机碳含量的精度不高,泛化能力不强,需要大量样本。针对这些问题,改 进了神经网络算法,以增加模型的预测能力。利用模糊系统优化细胞神经网络结构,以增强其逻辑推理能力,提高其对模 糊数据的敏感性;选择能有效避免“虚拟碰撞”的雨林算法,并针对其存在的缺陷进行改进;利用改进雨林优化算法对网 络的初始权值阈值进行优化,避免网络陷入局部极小。分析测井特征曲线的物理意义,选择密度测井曲线与自然伽马能谱 测井曲线作为网络的输入,以总有机碳含量作为输出,通过70块岩心样本网络学习与26块岩心样本预测,证明了新网络模 型的优越性。结果表明,新模型回判将相对误差从23.189%减小到17.185%,预测相对误差由52.421%减小到15.158%,具 有更强的学习能力与泛化能力,更适用于页岩储层总有机质含量的测井评价。  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale is widely distributed in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, which is the key stratum for marine shale gas exploration and development(ED) in China. Based on sedimentary environment, material basis, storage space, fracability and reservoir evolution data, the reservoir characteristics of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale and their significance for shale gas ED are systematically compared and analyzed in this paper. The results show that(1) the depocenter of the Wufeng(WF)-Longmaxi(LM) shale gradually migrates from east to west. The high-quality shale reservoirs in the eastern Sichuan Basin are mainly siliceous shales, which are primarily distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM5. The high-quality reservoirs in the southern Sichuan Basin are mainly calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales, which are distributed in the graptolite shale interval of WF2-LM7.(2) Deep shale gas(the burial depth 3500 m) in the Sichuan Basin has high-ultrahigh pressure and superior physical properties. The organic-rich siliceous, calcareous-siliceous and organic-rich argillaceous shales have suitable reservoir properties. The marginal area of the Sichuan Basin has a higher degree of pressure relief, which leads to the argillaceous and silty shales evolving into direct cap rocks with poor reservoir/good sealing capacity.(3) Combining shale gas exploration practices and impacts of lithofacies, depth, pressure coefficient and brittle-ductile transition on the reservoir properties, it is concluded that the favorable depth interval of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas is 2200~4000 m under current technical conditions.(4) Aiming at the differential reservoir properties of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin and its periphery, several suggestions for future research directions and ED of shale gas are formulated.  相似文献   

储层非均质性是影响煤系页岩气勘探开发的主要瓶颈之一。以宁武盆地太原组和山西组泥页岩为研究对象,通过钻孔资料、TOC、XRD、扫描电镜、压汞及低温液氮测试,划分泥页岩发育层段,分析煤系页岩TOC、矿物成分、孔隙度、孔容、比表面积参数宏观非均质性及孔隙结构非均质性,探讨宏观—微观非均质性影响因素。研究表明:太原组和山西组泥页岩平均厚度分别为32.77m和67.68m,可划分为5个层段和4种暗色泥页岩类型,黑色页岩具有TOC、孔隙度、水敏性中等,脆性高特点,是最利于开发的优质储层段;微孔主要受黏土矿物含量影响,呈现出正相关关系,在黏土矿物含量较低时,微孔与TOC呈现正相关;煤系泥页岩宏观非均质性主要受沉积和构造影响,微观非均质性受成岩演化影响。研究成果可为优选煤系页岩气优质储层段和压裂工艺提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

贵州页岩气资源潜力评价与开发思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
页岩气是指赋存于富有机质泥页岩及其夹层中,主要以吸附或游离状态残留于盆地内的泥页岩内部,成分以甲烷为主,是一种清洁、高效的能源资源。根据页岩气聚集的机理和地质条件的相似性对比结果认为:中国存在大量富含有机质页岩地层,具有广阔的页岩气藏勘探开发前景;贵州页岩气储层地质条件优越,黔北、黔东一带的牛蹄塘组黑色页岩沉积环境有利,沉积厚度大,页岩中碎屑矿物含量高,平均63.1%,成分主要为石英和长石;页岩中有机碳总量w(TOC)≥2%,成熟度Ro≥2%,孔隙度分布范围1.3%~25.6%,平均8.24%;渗透率2.2×10-3~17.2×10-3μm2,平均8.3×10-3μm2;页岩沉积厚度24~170 m,相关指标显示资源潜力大。作为历史上缺油少气的内陆地区,页岩气资源可持续的勘探开发,对调整贵州及全国的能源供应结构,促进区域经济社会发展,意义重大。  相似文献   

纹层结构研究对页岩系统储层有效性评价具有重要意义.以四川盆地海相志留系龙马溪组页岩为例,综合利用成像测井、光学显微镜、场发射扫描电镜、孔隙度测定、氮气吸附及含气量测试等方法,明确了龙马溪组不同尺度纹层结构特征,评价了不同纹层结构储集性能的差异.龙马溪组发育水平等厚纹层结构—中粗纹层组合、水平—小型波状纹层结构—中粗纹层...  相似文献   

With the aid of geophysical measurements, including seventeen two-dimensional(2 D) seismic lines and the well logging curves of well FGY1, the structure and reservoir characteristics of the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian strata in the Fenggang block, northern Guizhou Province, were analyzed thoroughly to identify desert areas and favorable intervals. The results show that Longmaxi-Wufeng is the most prospect-rich formation, consisting of a thick succession of overmature black shale, this formation remaining partially in the Suiyang, Fenggang and Jianchaxi synclines. The Longmaxi-Wufeng shale, especially the lower member, was deposited in a reducing low-energy environment with relatively high U content and a low Th/U value. In this shale, the organic matter type(sapropelic and humic-sapropelic), total organic carbon(TOC) content, gas content, gas adsorption capacity, vitrinite reflectance and brittle mineral content are profitable for shale gas preservation and development. The fractures of this shale were closed because of its high overburden pressure. The gas adsorption capacity of this shale increases with increasing TOC content and Ro. In the Longmaxi-Wufeng Formation at well FGY1, the most favorable intervals are in the depth ranges of 2312.4–2325.1 m and 2325.8–2331.1 m.  相似文献   

二叠系龙潭组是四川盆地最主要的海陆过渡相页岩气勘探层位。通过钻井岩芯和薄片观察、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、有机地球化学分析、孔渗测试、现场解吸和等温吸附等手段, 以SD1井为例, 对川东南石宝矿区龙潭组烃源岩特征和页岩气潜力进行研究。结果表明: 1)研究区SD1井龙潭组泥页岩累计厚度约47.74 m, 与煤层及粉-细砂岩交互出现, 主要为分流间湾和沼泽微相沉积; 2)泥页岩总体黏土矿物含量高(平均值为49.7%), 富菱铁矿、黄铁矿和锐钛矿, 缺乏长石和其他碳酸盐矿物; 3)有机质主要由镜质组构成, 干酪根δ13C集中分布在–22.8‰ ~ –24.2‰之间, 以Ⅲ型干酪根为主, 有机质丰度高(TOC平均值为7.37%), 处于过成熟生干气阶段, 生烃潜力大; 4)储集空间主要包括微裂缝、有机质孔、溶蚀孔和晶间孔, 孔隙度变化在3.05%~4.35%之间, 平均值为3.79%; 渗透率约为0.486 μD, 远小于0.1 mD, 具超低孔超低渗特征; 5)现场解吸泥页岩含气量为0.61~4.70 m3/t, 平均值为2.16 m3/t, 含气性相对较好, 饱和吸附气含量均大于2.00 m3/t, 显示出良好的吸附性能。综合研究认为, 川东南石宝矿区龙潭组页岩气开发潜力较大, 龙潭组上段中部C14–C17碳质泥岩夹煤层组合和龙潭组中段上部C20–C24碳质泥岩夹煤层组合为主力勘查层段。  相似文献   

The main geological factors controlling the accumulation and yield of marine-facies shale gas reservoirs are the focus of the current shale gas exploration and development research. In this study, the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Dingshan area of southeast Sichuan was investigated. Shale cores underwent laboratory testing, which included the evaluation of total organic carbon(TOC), vitrinite reflectance(Ro), whole-rock X-ray diffraction(XRD), pore permeability,and imaging through field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM). Based on the results of natural gamma ray spectrum logging, conventional logging, imaging logging, and seismic coherence properties, the exploration and development potential of shale gas in the Dingshan area have been discussed comprehensively. The results showed that(1)layer No. 4(WF2-LM4) of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation has a Th/U ratio 2 and a Th/K ratio of 3.5–12. Graptolites and pyrite are relatively abundant in the shale core, indicating sub-high-energy and low-energy marine-facies anoxic reducing environments.(2) The organic matter is mainly I-type kerogen with a small amount of II1-type kerogen. There is a good correlation among TOC, Ro, gas content, and brittle minerals; the fracturing property(brittleness) is 57.3%. Organic and inorganic pores are moderately developed. A higher pressure coefficient is correlated with the increase in porosity and the decrease in permeability.(3) The DY1 well of the shale gas reservoir was affected by natural defects and important latestage double destructive effects, and it is poorly preserved. The DY2 well is located far from the Qiyueshan Fault. Large faults are absent, and upward fractures in the Longmaxi Formation are poorly developed. The well is affected by low tectonic deformation intensity, and it is well preserved.(4) The Dingshan area is located at the junction of the two sedimentary centers of Jiaoshiba and Changning. The thickness of the high-quality shale interval(WF2-LM4) is relatively small, which may be an important reason for the unstable production of shale gas thus far. Based on the systematic analysis of the geological factors controlling high-yield shale gas enrichment in the Dingshan area, and the comparative analysis with the surrounding typical exploration areas, the geological understanding of marine shale gas enrichment in southern China has been improved. Therefore, this study can provide a useful reference for shale gas exploration and further development.  相似文献   

中国南方海相页岩气选区关键参数探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国南方海相页岩具有热演化程度高和经历过多期构造运动等特征,基于多个页岩气区块的勘探开发实践,提出了以保存条件为核心、地质评价为重点,兼顾经济评价的页岩气有利区选区思路,筛选出了有机质含量、有机质成熟度和压力系数3项中国南方海相页岩气选区的关键评价指标。有机质含量是页岩气富集成藏的物质基础,在选区时应本着"高中找厚"的原则,即在TOC含量平均较高的页岩层段(系)寻找富有机质页岩连续厚度大的页岩层段;成熟度过高对页岩气的富集成藏有消极的影响,在选区时应本着"高中找低"的原则;压力系数可以直观反映页岩气的保存程度,压力系数越高,表明页岩气的保存程度越好,在选区时应本着"强中找高"的原则,即在强构造的地质背景下寻找压力系数高的区块。以湘西北牛蹄塘组页岩气的实际勘探情况为例,认为湘西北地区牛蹄塘组页岩气具有较好的勘探开发前景,但是成熟度过高和保存条件差(压力系数低)是影响湘西北地区页岩气富集与高产的主要潜在风险。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长组是目前最具页岩气潜力的研究层段之一。本文以该盆地东部长7段为研究对象,运用氮气吸附法及氩离子剖光扫描电镜分析对页岩气储层孔隙结构及孔隙类型进行分析和测定,并结合岩石矿物组分、有机质成熟度以及总有机碳(TOC)质量分数,讨论了孔隙结构和影响因素。结果表明,长7段页岩气储层孔隙结构复杂,根据吸附回线形态可分为2类:Ⅰ类回线主要对应孔径为2.6~4.2 nm的狭缝结构或楔形结构的平行板状孔或微裂缝,具体可分为黏土矿物矿片间孔隙、有机质内狭缝状孔隙及基质微裂隙等类型;Ⅱ类回线主要为分布于2.3~3.1、3.5~3.8、4.3~5.2 nm等多个孔径段的开放型圆筒状孔,包括有机质孔和残余粒间孔。中孔和微孔是总孔体积和比表面积的主要贡献者。w(TOC)是延长组页岩总孔体积及比表面积的主要控制因素,与总孔体积及比表面积均呈正相关关系;镜质体反射率及矿物含量对孔隙发育的控制作用不明显,但黏土矿物对微孔孔容贡献较大,其中伊利石质量分数与BET比表面积及孔容有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

Li  Ze  Li  Gao  Yu  Hao  He  Long  Jiang  Zujun  Li  Hongzhi  Gong  Hanbo 《Mathematical Geosciences》2022,54(6):1069-1096
Mathematical Geosciences - Quantitative evaluation of fracability is essential for hydraulic fracturing design, with the distribution of in situ stress being a key parameter. This study focused on...  相似文献   

As a milestone of the entire energy industry, unconventional resources have inevitably swept the world in the last decade, and will certainly dominate the global oil and gas industry in the near future. Eventually, the “unconventional” will become “conventional”. Along with the rapid development, however, some issues have emerged, which are closely related to the viability of unconventional resources development. Under the current circumstances of low crude oil and gas price, coupled with the prominent environmental concerns, the arguments about the development and production of unconventional resources have been recently heated up. This work introduced the full-blown aspects of unconventional resources especially shale reservoirs, by discussing their concepts and definitions, reviewing the shale gas and shale oil development history and necessity, analyzing the shale plays’ geology and petroleum systems with respects to key hydrocarbon accumulation elements and mechanisms, and summarizing the technology resolution. This study also discussed the relevant key issues, including significant estimation uncertainty of technically recoverable resources, the equivocal understanding of complex geology preventing the production and technologies implementation optimization, the difficulties of experiences and technologies global expanding, and the corresponding risks and uncertainties. In addition, based on the latest production and exploration data, the future perspective of the unconventional resources was depicted from global unconventional resources assessments, technology development, and limitations constraining the development.  相似文献   

前人对笔石的研究主要用于地层划分和沉积环境分析,对笔石与页岩气之间的关系研究甚少。充分利用取心井岩心分析资料、钻井地质资料、实验分析资料和测录井资料,结合不同沉积环境的笔石类型,将JYDA-E井奥陶系五峰组分成4个笔石带(WF1-WF4)、志留系龙马溪组划成6个笔石带(LM1-LM7,LM2缺失),其中WF2-LM4的TOC含量高、有机孔隙发育,属于页岩气有利开发层段。研究发现:笔石的演化和有机质的富集具有相同的沉积环境;笔石的丰度和TOC、有机孔隙度以及气测全烃含量具有正相关关系,笔石的演化对页岩有机质丰度、有机孔的形成具有一定贡献,并在一定程度上影响其含气性,属于页岩气储层评价的一项重要指标。四川盆地五峰组-龙马溪组页岩气形成和笔石的形成演化存在成因上的关联,这对页岩气储层研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李娟  于炳松  刘策  孙梦迪 《现代地质》2012,26(4):732-740
为探索渝东南地区下志留统龙马溪组黑色页岩中粘土矿物特征及其与储层物性的关系,在综合前人对含油气盆地粘土矿物分析的基础上,以重庆市彭水县鹿角剖面为例,深入分析了鹿角剖面黑色页岩粘土矿物组合与分布特征、粘土矿物的形成机理及其控制因素以及粘土矿物对孔隙度和渗透率的影响。结果表明,一方面根据古盐度的计算,龙马溪组上部古水介质含盐度较低,下部较高,具有上淡下咸的特点;另一方面该套黑色页岩属于晚成岩阶段B期。储层中粘土矿物的类型、数量及其分布特征等对储层孔渗条件具有一定的控制作用。伊利石(含伊/蒙有序混层矿物)含量与孔隙度有弱正相关关系,与渗透率呈负相关关系,原因可能是成岩伊利石不断生长,一方面由于其体积减小使得显微孔隙体积有所增加,但另一方面,由于自生伊利石晶体细小,使得页岩粒间孔隙遭到不同程度的破坏,致使平均孔隙半径变小,渗透率变差。绿泥石含量与孔隙度呈现微弱的正相关关系,而与渗透率呈现较好的正相关关系。这是由于成岩绿泥石主要来源于长石溶解或蚀变形成的高岭石的转化,因此,绿泥石与孔隙度和渗透率的关系可能反映其与页岩中长石矿物的含量有关。  相似文献   

为客观评价湘中地区石炭系测水组含煤岩系的页岩气勘探开发潜力,从黑色泥页岩厚度、有机碳含量、有机质类型及其热演化程度等方面系统研究了页岩气的生气物质基础.研究结果表明:湘中石炭系测水组黑色泥页岩厚度较大,平均在40m以上,明显受构造和沉积环境控制;泥页岩有机碳含量相对较低,基本上在1%左右,涟源凹陷相对最高,其次是邵阳凹陷,最低的是零陵凹陷,主要受沉积环境、水体深度等因素控制;黑色泥页岩干酪根类型属Ⅱ型,镜质组反射率为1.33%~2.55%,平均2.18%,有机质热演化程度适中,均有利于页岩气的生成.  相似文献   

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