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本研究利用114个固定台站记录的121个远震事件,以钦杭结合带为中心,采用天然地震层析成像构建了华南东南部上地幔P波速度结构模型。研究结果表明:(1)钦杭结合带、武夷成矿带以及南岭成矿带的深部结构存在着差异,说明3个成矿带经历了不同的构造演化过程;(2)江绍断裂的上地幔中存在着低速异常,推测该低速异常为从地幔过渡带或者下地幔上涌的热物质,与钦杭结合带和武夷成矿带的成矿作用有着密切的关系;(3)下扬子地区上地幔底部的高速异常可能为拆沉的岩石圈,而华夏板块上地幔顶部的高速异常则有待进一步研究。本研究的结果为认识华南东南部的深部结构提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

周鹏哲  高锐  叶卓 《地学前缘》2022,29(4):265-277
青藏高原的隆升由印度-欧亚板块的碰撞而驱动,其生长演化,特别是从内到外的扩展机制仍尚存争议。祁连山地处青藏高原向东北扩展的前缘位置,其地壳结构与各向异性对于理解青藏高原向北扩展的生长机制具有重要意义。祁连山中部是青藏高原东北缘地壳遭受挤压强烈变形的区域,已有的研究已经揭示出地壳内部非耦合不均匀变形的几何行为,揭露其对应机制是亟待探索的前沿科学问题。此前该区域的各向异性研究大多基于面状台网数据,台站间距大,无法反映横跨祁连山地壳各向异性的精细变化。为此,本研究选用一条密集线性地震台阵,使用H-κ-c叠加方法,得到了横过祁连山中部的地壳厚度,泊松比以及地壳各向异性的横向变化。结果显示,在中祁连以及南祁连北部地壳厚度最大,平均泊松比最低,反映了地壳加厚过程中铁镁质下地壳的丢失以及长英质中上地壳的水平缩短。此外,偏长英质成分的泊松比值也不支持地壳流在该区域存在。在祁连山内部,地壳各向异性快波的偏振方向与地壳向外扩展方向一致,而与地幔各向异性快波方向近垂直,揭示了壳幔变形可能是解耦的。而在地壳较薄的南祁连和北祁连南部区域,快波方向与古缝合线的走向一致,说明早古生代的构造格局仍对现今的祁连山缩短隆升产生影响。  相似文献   

龙门山及其邻区的地壳厚度和泊松比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据龙门山及其周边地区(26°~35°N,98°~109°E)的132个台站的宽频带远震记录,使用H-k叠加方法计算地壳厚度和波速比.结果表明该区域的地壳厚度总体变化是:从东向西增加,东部的最小厚度为37.8km,西部的最大厚度是68.1 km,其中横跨龙门山断裂带的地壳厚度变化最大,从东南的41.5km增加到西北的52.5km.根据Airy均衡理论,用台站的高程和观测地壳厚度数据求得最小二乘意义下的壳幔密度差为0.649g/cm3,平均地壳厚度为37.9km.龙门山及其邻近地区基本上处于均衡状态.松潘-甘孜地体北部和西秦岭造山带具有低泊松比(v<0.26),扬子地台的西南部具有低一中泊松比(v<0.27),松潘-甘孜地体南部、三江褶皱带和四川盆地具有中一高泊松比(0.26≤P≤0.29).该地区的泊松比空间分布不支持青藏高原东部广泛分布的下地壳流的假说.龙门山断裂带南段及其附近地区的高泊松比(v≥0.30)可以看成是地壳具有较高的铁镁质组分和/或存在部分熔融.该地区下地壳可能是处于富含流体和温度较高的部分熔融状态.松潘-甘孜块体南部的上地壳物质向东运动,受刚性强度较大的扬子地台的阻挡,导致沿龙门山断裂带产生应变积累.当断层被地壳流体弱化,积累的应变能量快速释放,产生汶川Ms8.0地震.  相似文献   

华南白垩-第三纪地壳拉张与铀成矿的关系   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
华南是中国最重要的铀矿产区之一。按赋矿围岩的不同 ,该区主要产出花岗岩型、火山岩型和碳硅泥岩型 3类铀矿床。铀矿区都分布有比铀成矿超前形成的富铀岩石 ;铀矿床成矿热液中的水主要为大气成因地下水 ,成矿温度约为 1 2 0~ 2 5 0℃ ,成矿热液的δ1 3 C值主要为 - 4‰~ - 8‰ ,表明幔源CO2 参与了成矿作用 ;矿床的N(3 He) /N(4He)为 0 .1 0~ 2 .0 2Ra,显示成矿热液中大量幔源He的存在。这些铀矿床的成矿时代与赋矿围岩的岩性和时代无关 ,都集中在该区地壳受到强烈拉张因而断陷盆地广泛发育并伴有幔源基性岩浆活动 (基性脉岩、玄武岩 )的白垩—第三纪。研究表明 ,白垩—第三纪导致了地幔与地壳表层沟通的地壳拉张 ,把该区 3大类型的铀矿床串联成了一个有机的整体 :(1 )地壳拉张通过控制向大气成因的贫CO2 热液提供铀成矿必不可少的幔源CO2 ,而与铀成矿发生联系 ;(2 )同一机制形成的富CO2 热液浸取同一或不同铀源岩石中的铀并在不同围岩中成矿 ,形成了按赋矿围岩划分的各种矿床类型 (花岗岩型、火山岩型和碳硅泥岩型 )。  相似文献   

江南造山带位于华南大陆扬子块体和华夏块体之间,其深部地壳结构与变形特征记录了扬子块体与华夏块体拼合与相互作用的痕迹,且在其内部与邻区发育了丰富的多金属矿床,并形成了巨型Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag多金属成矿带,是深化认识华南大陆地壳演化、岩浆作用与成矿系统的关键地域。针对华南大陆地区的地壳结构与成矿过程,国家科技重点研发计划“华南陆内成矿系统的深部过程与物质响应”项目在该区实施了一条密集宽频带地震流动探测剖面,旨在探测其深部结构与物性变化特征和深部成矿背景。本文利用其中江西广昌-湖南浏阳段长320km的宽频带地震流动台站数据开展了远震P波接收函数研究,获得了剖面辖区深部地壳结构和Vp/Vs变化特征。研究结果表明:(1)剖面Moho界面深度在29~35km之间变化,呈近穹窿状分布,平均Moho界面深度为31km左右,低于全球大陆地壳平均值,且与地形高程在整体上呈镜像相关,均衡程度较好;(2)剖面沿线地壳Vp/Vs在1.64~1.83之间呈波浪状起伏变化,平均值为1.72左右,且华夏块体略高于江南造山带...  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate about the tectonic evolution of southeast Australia, particularly about the causes and nature of its accretion to a much older Precambrian core to the west. Seismic imaging of the crust can provide useful clues to address this issue. Seismic tomography imaging is a powerful tool often employed to map elastic properties of the Earth's lithosphere, but in most cases does not constrain well the depth of discontinuities such as the Mohorovi?i? (Moho). In this study, an alternative imaging technique known as receiver function (RF) has been employed for seismic stations near Canberra in the Lachlan Orogen to investigate: (i) the shear-wave-velocity profile in the crust and uppermost mantle, (ii) variations in the Moho depth beneath the Lachlan Orogen, and (iii) the nature of the transition between the crust and mantle. A number of styles of RF analyses were conducted: H-K stacking to obtain the best compressional–shear velocity (V P /V S) ratio and crustal thickness; nonlinear inversion for the shear-wave-velocity structure and inversion of the observed variations in RFs with back-azimuth to investigate potential dipping of the crustal layers and anisotropy. The thick crust (up to 48 km) and the mostly intermediate nature of the crust?mantle transition in the Lachlan Orogen could be due to the presence of underplating at the base of the crust, and possibly to the existing thick piles of Ordovician mafic rocks present in the mid and lower crust. Results from numerical modelling of RFs at three seismic stations (CAN, CNB and YNG) suggest that the observed variations with back-azimuth could be related to a complex structure beneath these stations with the likelihood of both a dipping Moho and crustal anisotropy. Our analysis reveals crustal thickening to the west beneath CAN station which could be due to slab convergence. The crustal thickening may also be related to the broad Macquarie volcanic arc, which is rooted to the Moho. The crustal anisotropy may arise from a strong N–S structural trend in the eastern Lachlan Orogen and to the preferred crystallographic orientation of seismically anisotropic minerals in the lower and middle crust related to the paleo-Pacific plate convergence.  相似文献   

罗凡  严加永  付光明  王昊  陶鑫  罗磊 《中国地质》2019,46(4):759-774
华南地区是中国金属矿产资源的“大粮仓”,分布有多个多金属成矿带。多金属成矿带的形成常伴随着地下特殊的深部背景和过程,通过莫霍面深度的计算,对华南地区的地壳厚薄变化所反映的壳幔耦合关系进行研究,可为探索华南地区地下巨量金属资源的形成与演变过程提供参考。本文首先基于球坐标的重力解算方法对高阶卫星重力场模型EIGEN-6C4的数据进行校正,得到华南地区的卫星布格重力异常。然后采用改进的Parker-Oldenburg方法进行变密度界面反演,获得华南地区莫霍面起伏特征。最后结合区内不同成矿带的范围和前人发表的地质、地球化学等资料,探讨华南地区不同成矿带的成矿物质来源与莫霍面起伏的关系。认为长江中下游和钦杭东段处于莫霍面隆起区域的成矿带,幔源物质对其成矿作用起主导地位,形成以铜、铁为主的多金属矿床;南岭、武夷、钦杭西段及鄂西—湘西位于莫霍面隆-陷交替区域的成矿带,成矿与壳、幔源物质的相互作用密切相关,最终形成钨、锡、金、银、铅锌等多金属矿床。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSouthChina,whichincludesYangtzeparaplatformandSouthChinaCaledonianfoldbelt(orCathaysia),issituatedinthejunctureof...  相似文献   

The newly acquired long-cable multi-channel seismic (MCS) lines were used to study the crustal structure and extension in an NW-SE elongated 150 km by 260 Van strip from the slope to the deepsea basin in the northern South China Sea (SCS).These profdes are of good penetration that Moho is recognizable in ~70% length of the lines.Seismostrattgraphic interpretation and time-depth conversion were conducted.A power function D = atb+ c was used in the time-depth conversion,which avoided the under-or over-estimation of the depths of deep-seated interfaces by cubic or quadratic polynomial functions.Contour maps of basement depth,Moho depth,crustal thickness,and crustal stretching factor were obtained for the study area.In the dip direction,the Moho depth decreases stepwisely from 28 km in the outer shelf southwards to 19,15,and 12 km in the deepsea basin,with ramps at the shelf break,lower slope,and the continent ocean boundary (COB),respectively.Accordingly,the crustal thickness decreased southwards from 3,and 7 km spectively.Under the center of the Balynn (白云) sag,the crust thins significantly to < 7 kin.The crustal stretching factor βc was calculated by assuming the original crust thickness of 30 km.In the centers of the Baiyun sag,βc exceeds 5.Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic activities show a general trend of intensifying towards the COB.An important finding of this study is the along-strike variation of the crustal structure.A Moho rise extends from the COB NW-ward until the shelf break,about 170 km long and 50-100 km wide,with Moho depth < 20 kin.This is called the Balyun Moho Nose,which is bounded to the east,west,and north by belts of high Moho gradients indicative of crustal or even lithospheric faults.The doming of Moho in the nose area might he the cause of the W-E segmentation of the crustal and geological structures along the slope of the northern South China Sea,and the cause of the strong crustal stretching in the Baiyun and Liwan (荔湾) sags.  相似文献   

南海南部地壳结构的重力模拟及伸展模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对南海南部地壳结构研究有助于揭示南海完整的演化历史。本研究对南海南部获取的两条多道地震剖面进行了地震 解释,并对重力数据进行了壳幔密度反演。其中 NH973-1 测线始于南海西南次海盆,覆盖了南沙中部的北段;NH973-2 测 线始于南海东部次海盆,穿越礼乐滩东侧。反演结果显示,莫霍面埋深在海盆区 10~11 km,陆缘区 15~21 km 左右,洋壳向 陆壳莫霍面深度迅速增加。海盆区厚度在 6~7 km,为典型的洋壳;陆缘区地壳厚度在 15~19 km,为减薄型地壳。进一步研 究表明(1)在西南次海盆残余扩张脊之下,莫霍面比两侧略深;(2)在礼乐滩外侧海盆区有高值重力异常体,推测为洋壳与深 部岩浆混合的块体;(3)南沙区域上地壳存在高密度带,且横向上岩性可能变化。南海南部陆缘未发现有下地壳高速层,有 比较一致的构造属性和拉张样式,为非火山型陆缘。我们对两条测线陆缘的伸展因子进行了计算,发现上地壳脆性拉伸因 子与全地壳拉伸因子存在差异,其陆缘的拉张模式在纵向上是不均匀一的。  相似文献   

We have developed a simple semblance-weighted stacking technique to estimate crustal thickness and average VP/VS ratio using teleseismic receiver functions. We have applied our method to data from 32 broadband seismograph stations that cover a 700 × 400 km2 region of the Grenville orogen, a 1.2–0.98 Ga Himalayan-scale collisional belt in eastern North America. Our seismograph network partly overlaps with Lithoprobe and other crustal refraction surveys. In 8 out of 9 cases where a crustal-refraction profile passes within 30 km of a seismograph station, the two independent crustal thickness estimates agree to within 7%. Our regional crustal-thickness model, constructed using both teleseismic and refraction observations, ranges between 34.0 and 52.4 km. Crustal-thickness trends show a strong correlation with geological belts, but do not correlate with surface topography and are far in excess of relief required to maintain local isostatic equilibrium. The thickest crust (52.4 ± 1.7 km) was found at a station located within the 1.1 Ga mid-continent (failed) rift. The Central Gneiss Belt, which contains rocks exhumed from deep levels of the crust, is characterized by VP/VS ranging from 1.78 to 1.85. In other parts of the Grenville orogen, VP/VS is found to be generally less than 1.80. The thinnest crust (34.5–37.0 km) occurs northeast of the 0.7 Ga Ottawa–Bonnechere graben and correlates with areas of high intraplate seismicity.  相似文献   

利用长江中下游成矿带多学科深部探测剖面于2009年11月至2011年3月间采集的天然地震数据,通过天然地震接收函数成像等分析研究,得到了研究区地壳和上地幔结构的清晰图像。接收函数成像结果显示研究区内Moho面深度存在着明显的起伏变化,在长江中下游成矿带(指剖面穿过的长江中下游成矿带宁芜矿集区,下同)下方存在着"幔隆构造"。在剖面东南端(即扬子克拉通北缘),Moho面相对稳定,深度约为30km;在茅山和江南断裂附近,Moho面存在上下起伏现象;在剖面中部或宁芜矿集区下方,Moho面存在明显隆起,深度只有28km;在郯庐断裂带下方,Moho面明显加深,深度达到36km;进一步向北到华北地台南缘,Moho面深度逐渐恢复到了32km左右的平均深度水平。其次,我们在接收函数成像结果中发现,长江中下游成矿带与其周边下地壳结构存在着明显的差异,成矿带的下地壳具有显著的地震波方位各向异性。扬子克拉通北缘的下地壳呈高速的近水平状结构,地震波各向异性特征不明显;与此相比,长江中下游成矿带的下地壳虽然也呈近水平状结构特征,但是,对于沿成矿带走向方向传播的地震波,其下地壳具有高速特征,而对于垂直于成矿带走向方向上传播的地震波,其下地壳却又表现为低速特征,这意味着成矿带的下地壳存在着平行于成矿带走向(即近北东—南西)方向的地震波各向异性,我们解释其是下地壳熔融并沿成矿带走向水平流动导致矿物晶体定向排列的结果。最后,在郯庐断裂以西的华北地台南缘观测到一条从上地壳延伸到中下地壳的南南东向倾斜的转换震相,我们推测它可能是合肥盆地内地壳伸展构造的反映。此外,我们发现接收函数成像结果中观测到的"幔隆构造"与远震P波层析成像结果在成矿带下方150km深度上显示的上地幔低速异常(江国明等,另文发表)存在着良好的对应关系,我们解释它们是软流圈物质上涌的遗迹。综合天然地震接收函数成像、远震P波层析成像和前人关于岩浆岩等方面的研究成果,我们认为长江中下游成矿带现今的下地壳可能是中生代发生成矿作用的多级岩浆房系统的一部分,成矿带的形成可能是类似MASH过程的产物。首先,软流圈物质上涌导致了长江中下游成矿带及其周边拉张环境的形成,在其上部地壳中形成了一系列伸展构造;然后,软流圈物质通过底侵进入长江中下游成矿带的原下地壳并与原下地壳物质发生同化作用,形成类埃达克质岩浆;接着,类埃达克质岩浆沿着伸展、拆离构造上升到地壳浅部形成不同层次的岩浆房和侵入岩体,并与围岩作用形成矿床。  相似文献   

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